G10 E Science

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Grade 10


Grade 10

This includes the subject content to be covered by the Grade 9 syllabus for Grade 10 students
and the syllabus to be covered by the Grade 10 syllabus. The relevant content of the first term
of Grade 10 has not been changed.
Grade 10

The syllabus for Grade 10 students of 2021 that should be covered in second and third terms of Grade 9 (the full content of the first term
has already covered at school)
Competency Competency Contents Outcomes Time Remarks
level (Periods)
1.0 Explores 1.3 Discloses the • Blood circulatory Student should be able to; 02 • Number of periods have been
life and life structure- system • briefly explain about the blood reduced from 8 to 2.
processes in function • Blood circulatory system. • Some learning content and
order to relationships • Components • state the components of blood and outcomes have been removed.
improve related to the • Function their functions. • Explaining about structure of
productivity human blood. • Blood groups • state transport and protection as the the human heart, its veins,
of biological • Blood main functions of blood. arteries, and capillaries, with
systems. transfusion and • state that there are four blood groups respect to their functions are
agglutination· A, B, AB and O depending on the not required.
• Clotting of blood protein components contained in blood • Classifying the main blood
• Structure of the cells. groups further as positive and
heart • state that blood transfusion is the negative based on the Rhesus
• Chambers of the transference of blood of one individual factor is not required.
heart, valves, (the donor) to the body of another (the • Use “Guru Gedara” lessons to
walls, main acceptor/recipient). teach lessons effectively.
arteries and veins, • state that if incompatible blood types
coronary artery. are mixed during transfusion,
• Structure of agglutination occurs.
arteries, veins and • illustrate the compatibility of blood
capillaries groups in transfusion, by using a table.
• state the qualification of a blood
• state that clotting of blood is an
important protective event during
• differentiate the blood clotting from
the coagulation.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Contents Outcomes Time Remarks

level (Periods)
1.4 Reviews the • Plant growth Student should be able to; 02 • Number of periods have been
plant growth substances • state that plants contain chemical reduced from 6 to 2.
substances. • Auxins substances which control their • Some learning outcomes have
• Cytokinins physiological functions. been removed.
• Gibberellins • describe the effect of growth factors • Explaining about growth
on plant growth. factors is adequate.
• explain the effects caused by various Conducting simple activities
growth-promoting substances in are not required.
plants. • Use “Guru Gedara” lessons to
• accept that artificial growth- teach lessons effectively.
substances can induce physiological
• Competency level 1.5:
Reviews the mechanical
support and movements in
organisms; is not required to
be discussed. It will be
discussed in Grade 10 and 11.

1.6 Explores the • Evolution of living Student should be able to 03 • Number of periods have been
importance of organisms • state simply the notion about the reduced from 6 to 3.
the • Origin of the origin of the planet Earth. • Some learning content and
evolutionary Earth and life • state that life originated as a result of a outcomes have been removed.
process in • Evolution biochemical process. • Stating that bio-diversity is a
biodiversity. • Evidence in • state that evolution is the emergence result of evolution and
support of of living beings at present from the accepting that the future of
evolution simple organisms lived at the bio-diversity depends on the
• Importance of beginning. process of evolution are not
evolution in • describe the importance of fossils required to discussed.
bio-diversity among other evidence which support • Conduct teacher
evolution. demonstrations for practical
• demonstrate how a fossil is created sessions and use “Guru
using a simple activity.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Contents Outcomes Time Remarks

level (Periods)
Gedara”, textbooks to teach
lessons effectively.

• Competency 2: Explores
properties and interactions of
matter with the aim of
promoting quality of life; is
not required to discussed.
Those parts will be discussed
in Grade 10 and 11.

3.0 Utilizes 3.3 Applies • Reflection of Student should be able to 02 • Number of periods have been
various forms effectively the sound • engage in simple activities to show reduced from 12 to 2.
of energy, their principles of • Echo that sound can be reflected. • Some learning content and
interaction with reflection and • Reverberation • state that echo and reverberation are outcomes have been removed.
matter and refraction of results of the reflection of sound. • Principles of reflection and
energy rays for day- • state applications of the reflection of refraction of light will be
transforms at to-day tasks. sound. discussed in Grade 10 and 11.
by maintain in • suggest methods to remove barriers • Conduct teacher
efficiency and for reflection of sound. demonstrations for practical
at an optimum sessions and use “Guru
level. Gedara” lessons to teach
lessons effectively.

3.4 Uses simple • Machines Student should be able to 04 • Number of periods have been
machines • Simple machines • explain a machine. reduced from 12 to 4.
effectively to • Effort • present examples to indicate how • Some learning content and
facilitate day • Load work is facilitated by machines. outcomes have been removed.
to day • Fulcrum • state that lever, inclined plane, wheel • Calculations regarding the
activities. • Levers and axle and pulleys are used as simple machines are not
• Classes of simple machines. required.
levers • name the force applied on the lever as • Conduct teacher
the effort, the force that is overcome demonstrations for practical
Grade 10

Competency Competency Contents Outcomes Time Remarks

level (Periods)
• Inclined plane by the effort as the load and the sessions and use “Guru
• Wheel and axel point/axis around which the effort and Gedara” lessons to teach
• Stationary pulleys the load tend to rotate as the fulcrum. lessons effectively.
• demonstrate through simple activities • Describing about the pulley
the instances where levers are used in system is not required.
relation to the placement of the
fulcrum the effort and the load.
• indicate advantages in using levers
belonging to different classes and
examples met in day-to-day life for
• describe how levers can be used more
• state that the inclined plane is a simple
• state the occasions where inclined
planes are used in day-to-day life.
• state that wheel and axle is a simple
• give examples for the instances of
using wheel and axle more profitably.
• state that the immovable pulley is a
simple machine.
• state that complex machine is made by
the combination of a number of simple
machines using an appropriate
• appreciate the contribution of
machines for the technological
development entailing a comfortable
Grade 10

Competency Competency Contents Outcomes Time Remarks

level (Periods)
3.5 Uses the • Density Student should be able to 02 • Number of periods have been
concept of Density • explain the relationship between the reduced from 5 to 2.
density in day- =mass/volume mass and volume of a liquid through • Some learning content and
to-day tasks • Hydrometer an activity. outcomes have been removed.
effectively. • introduce density as the mass per unit • Plan activities to measure the
volume. densities of various
• state that the unit of density is kg m-3. substances is not required.
• solve simple problems relating to • Creating a simple hydrometer
density. is not necessary.
• indicate examples for the instances • Conduct teacher
where the concept of density is used in demonstrations for practical
the events of everyday life. sessions and use “Guru
• create a simple hydrometer and uses it Gedara” lessons to teach
to compare the densities of various lessons effectively.
• appreciate the use of the concept of
density in determining the quality of
various liquids and solutions.
4.0 Explores 4.1Inquries into • Nanotechnology Student should be able to; 02 • Number of periods have been
nature, nanotechnolog • Introduction of • state that the size 10-9m is a reduced from 10 to 2.
properties and y and its nanotechnology nanometer. • Some learning content and
processes of applications. • Nanometer • accept that the nanometer is a very outcomes have been removed.
the Earth and • Application of small • Explaining the adsorption
space by nanotechnology unit of measurement. process of activated carbon
understanding • Future of • state that nanotechnology is a process and predicting possible
natural nanotechnology conditions in nanotechnology
carried out using materials in the range
phenomena for in the future; are not required.
of 1-100 nm. present examples for
intelligent and • Using “Guru Gedara” lessons
nano scale natural phenomena/
sustainable to teach lessons effectively.
• describe how lotus effect is brought
Grade 10

Competency Competency Contents Outcomes Time Remarks

level (Periods)
• describe the process happening in non

wettable clothes using the lotus effect.
• give examples for other applications
of nanotechnology.
• Competency level 4.2:
Investigates into the
prevention of accidents due to
lightening; the basics are
discussed in Grade 8 and
explaining about it at this
grade is not expected.

4.3 Inquiries into • Natural disasters Student should be able to 02 • Number of periods have been
the scientific • Whirl wind and • state that the depressions in the reduced from 8 to 2.
background of storms atmosphere is the cause for • Discussing only the
natural • Earthquakes and depressions whirl winds and storms. fundamentals about each
disasters. earth tremors • explain simply the geological factors natural disaster is expected.
• Tsunami leading to earthquakes and earth • Using “Guru Gedara” lessons
• Wild fires tremors. to teach lessons effectively.
• explain simply the causes leading to a
tsunami state.
• explain simply the conditions leading
to wild fires.
• accepts that natural disasters cannot be
prevented but the loss can be
minimized by awareness and
Grade 10

Competency Competency Contents Outcomes Time Remarks

level (Periods)
4.4 Investigates on • Introduction to Student should be able to 01 • Number of periods have been
Biodiversity biodiversity • conduct a simple activity to reduced from 5 to 1.
• Importance of demonstrate the concept of • Some learning content and
biodiversity biodiversity. outcomes have been removed.
• Threats to • state what is Bio diversity. • Discussing about interactions
biodiversity • describe the importance of Bio in ecosystems is not expected.
• Natural eco diversity· It will be discussed in Grade
systems and built • explain threats to Bio diversity 11.
environment • give examples for natural and artificial • Explaining the importance
ecosystems. and major characteristics of
main eco- systems of Sri
Lanka is not required.
• Using “Guru Gedara” lessons
to teach lessons effectively.

• Competency level 4.5:

Investigates on artificial
environment and green
concept is not required. Green
concept will be discussed in
Grade 11.

4.6 Identification • Natural resources Student should be able to 02 • Number of periods have been
of natural • Water • explain characteristic features of reduced from 5 to 2.
resource • Minerals and gems. • Some learning content and
distribution rocks (gems) • present a report about adverse effects outcomes have been removed.
and • Plants caused to the environment and to the • Discussing only about the
sustainable • Wood human due to gem mining industry. given learning outcomes is
use of natural • Sustainable use of • explain scientific basis of wood expected.
resources. natural resources decomposition. • Discussing about unique
• Importance • list out the methods used to prevent characteristics of different
• Strategies wood decomposition. types of gems is not required.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Contents Outcomes Time Remarks

level (Periods)
• accept the importance of sustainable • Using “Guru Gedara” lessons
use of natural resources. to teach lessons effectively.
Grade 10

The syllabus for Grade 10 students of 2021 that should be covered in Grade 10 (full content of first term and chosen content from second and
third term from Grade 10)
Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks
1.0 Explores 1.1 Investigates • Chemical basis of life Student should be able to 10 • Conduct teacher
life and life the • Carbohydrates • state carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and demonstrations for
processes in importance of • proteins nucleic acids as major bio molecules of practical sessions
order to chemical • lipids living matter. and use “Guru
improve basis • Nucleic acids • state that carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and Gedara” lessons to
productivity of life. • Minerals nitrogen are most abundant elements in teach lessons
of biological living matter. effectively.
• Vitamins
• Water • state the composition and examples of
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic
• introduce enzymes as proteins which
catalyze chemical reactions in the cell or
• conduct simple activities to demonstrate
the action of enzyme.
• briefly explain unique characteristics of
water related to life (respiratory medium,
as a solvent, thermal regulation of body, as
a medium of transport, and living medium).
• describe the roles of carbohydrates,
proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, minerals,
vitamins and water.
• illustrate the importance of minerals and
vitamins to the biological systems.
• state the deficiencies of minerals and
• appreciate the nature of living matter.
• accept that water is essential for life forms
on the Earth.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

1.2 Discovers the • Basic unit of life Student should be able to 07 • Use “Guru Gedara”
structure of • Concept of cell • classify a set of given cells as plant and lessons to teach
plant • Cell structure animal cells using specific features. lessons effectively.
and animal • Plant cell • state the concept of a typical cell.
cells. • Animal cell • compare and contrast the structure of the
• Organelles and structures animal and plant cells.
• Plasma membrane • state that the cell is structural and
• Nucleus functional unit of life, all organisms are
• Cell wall made up of one or more cells and all cells
• Mitochondria arise from pre-existing cells.
• Cytoplasm • outline briefly the structure and functional
• Vacuoles relationship of cell organelles.
• Golgi body • label organelles in a given diagram of cell.
• explain cell growth and cell division.
• Endoplasmic reticulum
• state that mitosis and meiosis are the types
• Ribosome
of cell division.
• Cell growth
• compare mitosis and meiosis.
• Cell division
• accept the microscopic nature of cell
• appreciate cell as a structural and
functional unit of life.

1.3 Uses • Characteristics of living Student should be able to 03 • Number of periods

characteristic things • explain cellular organization, nutrition, have been reduced
s of living • Cellular organization respiration, sensitivity, excretion, from 5 to 3.
matter to • Nutrition movement, reproduction, growth and • Use “Guru Gedara”
differentiate • Respiration development as characteristics of living lessons to teach
the living • Sensitivity matter. lessons effectively.
from • Excretion • evaluate evidences to classify living and
nonliving. non-living matter.
• Movement
• Reproduction • respect all living matter as life forms.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

• Growth and development • accept that some living forms are difficult
to differentiate as living or non-living.

1.4 Classifies • The world of life Student should be able to 05 • Number of periods
organisms • Classification • explain the importance of classification. have been reduced
using suitable • Natural classification • state that there are natural and artificial from 12 to 5.
methods • Domains (introduction methods of classification. • Classification can
only) • state the domains as Archaea, bacteria and be given in a simple
• Kingdoms Eukarya. diagram. Features
• Protista • classify the living organisms as major are not required.
• Fungi groups–bacteria, protista, fungi, plantae • Some learning
• Plantae and animalia based on their specific content and
features. outcomes are
• Animalia
• Nomenclature • write scientific names using binomial reduced.
• Bionomical nomenclature.

1.5 Investigates • Continuity of life- Student should be able to 07 • Number of periods

the Reproduction • differentiate sexual and asexual have been reduced
contribution • Reproduction reproduction using suitable examples. from 10 to 7.
of • Sexual reproduction and • state the natural and artificial methods of • Outcome 2 and 7
reproduction asexual reproduction plant reproduction. have been
in • Plant reproduction • explain sexual reproduction in plants. modified.
maintaining • Sexual reproduction in • identify the methods of dispersal of fruits • Not necessary to
the continuity plants and seeds, and their adaptations for it. name parts of a
of organisms • accept the concept of sustainable use of flower.
• Seed formation
• Use “Guru Gedara”
• Dispersal of fruits and plant resources.
• explain importance of menstrual cycle in lessons to teach
lessons effectively.
• Human reproduction human reproduction.
• Process • state sexually transmitted diseases.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

• Hormonal control • act as a responsible citizen with regard to • Number of periods
• Sexually transmitted sexual behavior. have been reduced
Diseases from 12 to 2.

1.6 Investigates • Continuity of life – Heredity Student should be able to 02 • Conduct teacher
the patterns • Hereditary variations among • collect and present some examples to show demonstrations for
of inheritance living world common heredity characteristics in living practical sessions.
of traits in world. • It is adequate to
organisms • conduct bead experiment to investigate give basic
patterns in heredity. knowledge about
• state genetic disorders such as Hemophilia, heredity in relation
Color blindness, Thalasemia and Albinism. to day today life.
• accept the importance of avoiding • Some learning
marriages among blood relatives. content and
outcomes are
• Use “Guru Gedara”
lessons to teach
lessons effectively.

2.0 Investigates 2.1 Investigates • Planetary model of an atom Student should be able to 12 • Some learning
matter, scientific • Electronic configuration • describe planetary model of atoms. content and
properties of findings about (atomic number 1-20 only) • accept that electrons exist in energy levels outcomes are
matter and structure of • Modern periodic table and there is a maximum number of reduced.
their matter. • Periods and groups electrons that each energy level can
interaction to • Isotopes occupy.
enhance the • describe electronic configuration as a way
• Patterns in the periodic table
quality of life. of expressing the arrangement of electrons
across a period and down a
group in energy levels.
• First ionization energy • write the electronic configuration of first 20
• Electronegativity elements in the periodic table.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

• Metals • construct periodic table of first 20 elements
• sodium, magnesium based on their electronic configuration.
• Metalloids • describe the terms group and period.
• silicon, boron • derive a relationship between the position
• Non -metals of an element in the periodic table and its
• carbon, sulphur, nitrogen electronic configuration.
• Acidic, basic, amphoteric • define the term ‘isotope’.
nature of oxides • denote isotopes of an element with the
• Chemical formulae standard notation.
• Valency • accept that classification of elements
facilitates learning about elements.
• describe the term first ionization energy.
• describe the term electronegativity.
• identify the variation pattern of first
ionization energy and electronegativity of
elements along the period and down the
• accepts that there is a pattern in the
variation of first ionization energy and
electronegativity along the period and
down the group.
• describe the properties of metals, non
metals and metalloids in relation to given
• state the acidic, basic and amphoteric
nature of oxides of third period of
• define valency of an element.
• deduce the valency of first twenty elements
based on their positions in the periodic
• formulate chemical formulae of
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

compounds using valency.

2.2 Uses mole to • Atomic mass unit Student should be able to 06 • Number of periods
quantify • Relative atomic mass • define the term atomic mass unit. have been reduced
elements and • Relative molecular mass • define the term relative atomic mass. from 12 to 6.
compounds. • Avogadro constant • calculate relative atomic mass of a given • Use n= m/M to
• Mole atom. solve simple
• Molar mass • define the term relative molecular mass. problems.
• calculate relative molecular mass of a • Calculations
compound using relative atomic mass of including number
constituent elements. of atoms and
• define Avogadro constant. number of
• describe mole as the unit of amount of molecules are not
substance. expected.
• state the definition of mole. • Conduct teacher
• carry out calculations based on the demonstrations for
relationship among mass, amount of practical sessions
substances and molar masses. and use “Guru
• accept that relative atomic mass and Gedara” lessons to
relative molecular mass has no units teach lessons
while molar mass has unit. effectively.
• Some learning
outcomes are

2.3 Relates • Chemical bonding Student should be able to 05 • Number of periods

properties of • Ionic bonds • express that electrons participate in the have been reduced
compounds • Covalent bonds formation of chemical bonding. from 10 to 5.
with the • describe that atoms form cations by losing • Illustrating the
existing electrons and anions by gaining electrons. formation of ionic
bonds. compounds
diagrammatically is
not required.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

• determine the charge of an ion formed by • Use “Guru Gedara”
an atom based on its electronic lessons to teach
configuration. lessons effectively.
• state that electron transfer takes place • Describing polarity
during the formation of ionic bonds. of bonds is not
• accept ionic bond as a strong electrostatic required.
attraction between cations and anions. • Some learning
• describe that covalent bond is formed by content and
sharing pairs of electrons between atoms. outcomes are
• draw Lewis structures for simple covalent reduced.
• accept that elements form chemical bond to
become stable.

2.4 Uses • Chemical reactions Student should be able to 05 • Number of periods

chemical • Types of chemical • state type of reactions with examples. have been reduced
changes reactions • classify given reactions under each type. from 13 to 5.
suitably to • Combinations • write balanced chemical equations using • Conduct teacher
fulfill • Disassociation inspection method. demonstrations for
necessities in • Single displacement • appreciate the importance of chemical practical sessions
• Double displacement symbols, formulae and equations as a way and use “Guru
Gedara” lessons to
• Chemical equation of communication.
• demonstrate reactions of metal with air, teach lessons
• Air, water and dilute acids
• Activity series water and dilute acids using simple
• Iron extraction activities.
• Gold extraction • compare reactivity of given metals with air,
• Physical properties of water and dilute acids and construct the
gases, applications and activity series for the given metals based on
laboratory preparations, their reactivity.
and test for gases • state that activity series is based on
• Hydrogen reactivity of metals.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

• determine the position of given metals in
the activity series based on displacement
• state uses of activity series.
• accept that there is a relationship between
reactivity of the metal and its position in • Describing about
the activity series. iron and gold
• explain how the method of extraction of the extraction process
metals is related to their positions in the and involving
activity series. chemical reactions
• suggest a suitable extraction method for a are not required.
given metal based on its position in the
activity series.
• name suitable chemicals that can be used to
prepare hydrogen gas in school laboratory.
• write relevant chemical reactions of the • No need to discuss
preparation of hydrogen gas in school on oxygen and
laboratory. carbon dioxide
• collect samples of hydrogen gas using gases.
suitable apparatus.
• state physical properties of hydrogen gas.
• conduct simple tests to identify hydrogen
• list the uses of hydrogen gas.

2.5 Takes • Rate of reaction Student should be able to 02 • Number of periods

necessary • Factors affecting the rate of • give examples from day-to-day life for have been reduced
measures to reaction relatively fast and slow reactions. from 5 to 2.
control the • Surface area/physical • define the term rate of reaction.
rate of nature • state the factors affecting the rate of
reaction as • Temperature reaction.
required in
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

day to-day • Concentration /pressure • conduct simple activities to demonstrate • Explanations about
life. (only for gaseous the factors affecting the rate of reaction. factors affecting the
system) • accept that the rate of reaction can be rate of reaction is
• Catalyst controlled as required. not required.
• Conduct teacher
demonstrations for
practical sessions
and use “Guru
Gedara” lessons to
teach lessons
• Conducting simple
activities are
adequate. Writing
balanced chemical
equations are not

3.0 Utilizes 3.1 Investigates • Rectilinear motion Student should be able to 09 • Some learning
various forms the quantities • Physical quantities related • describe physical quantities related to outcomes are
of energy, their related to to motion motion (distance, displacement, speed, reduced.
interaction with rectilinear • Average speed and velocity and acceleration).
matter and motion and average velocity • distinguish between average speed and • Use “Guru Gedara”
energy the use of • Speed and velocity speed, average velocity and velocity. lessons to teach
transformations graphs of • solve problems using
• Acceleration lessons effectively.
by maintaining motion to
• Acceleration due to average speed = distance travelled/time
efficiency and analyze the taken,
effectiveness at rectilinear
• Graphs of motion average velocity = displacement/time taken
an optimum motion. and
level. • Displacement- time
(s-t) graphs acceleration = change in velocity/time
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

• Velocity- time (v-t) • construct s-t graphs using given data and
graphs data obtained from a simple activity.
• describe velocity from s-t graphs.
• construct v-t graphs using given data.
• explain that gradient obtained from v-t
graph is the acceleration of motion.
• state that the area under the curve of a v-t
graph is the displacement of the object.
• obtain relevant information from s-t and v-t
• accept the importance of the information
obtained from s-t and v-t graphs in
describing the nature of rectilinear motion
of a body (In s-t graphs, variation of the
gradient is expected but no calculations are
expected. In straight line s-t graphs,
calculation of the gradient is expected.
v-t graphs are expected only for uniformly
accelerated motions. Calculation of
acceleration from the gradient of the curve
and calculation of displacement from the
area under the curve is expected.).

3.2 Uses • Force and its effects Student should be able to 09 • Use “Guru Gedara”
Newton’s • Newton’s laws of motion • conduct simple activities to show the effect lessons to teach
laws of • Newton’s first law of of a force. lessons effectively.
motion to motion • state Newton’s laws of motion.
describe the • Newton’s second law of • describe the concept of force using
effects of a motion Newton’s first law of motion.
force. • Newton’s third law of • show experimentally that
motion a  F (when m is constant)
• Momentum
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

a (when F is constant).
• express Newton’s second law of motion as
• define the SI unit of force.
• express Newton’s third law of motion.
• explain that action and reaction are two
mutual forces equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction which are acting
in the same straight-line on two bodies.
• use the relationship F = ma relevantly in
appropriate situations to solve problems.
• appreciate the importance of Newton's laws
of motion to explain the applications of
force in day-to-day life.
• state that the weight of an object is the
force attracting towards the Earth and its
magnitude is equal to the product of the
mass and acceleration due to gravity.
• explain the concept of momentum using
relevant examples from day-to-day life.
• conduct simple activities to show the
factors affecting momentum.
• represent momentum as the product of
mass and velocity.
• accept that the concept of momentum can
be used to explain the relevant day-to-day
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

3.3 Investigates • Friction Student should be able to 03 • Use “Guru Gedara”
the nature • Nature of friction • conduct simple activities to show the nature lessons to teach
and uses of • Static friction of friction. lessons effectively.
friction • Limiting friction • explain the variation of static frictional
• The factors affecting the force between two surfaces with the
limiting frictional force external force.
• Dynamic friction • conduct experiments to identify the factors
affecting the limiting frictional force (It
depends on the nature of the surfaces and
the normal reaction. It does not depend on
the area of the surfaces).
• distinguish ‘static friction’, 'limiting
friction' and ‘dynamic friction’.
• state that the dynamic frictional force acts
on a moving object and it is constant, also
it is slightly lower than the limiting
frictional force.
• accept that friction always opposes relative
motion between two surfaces; however, it
is also utilized to produce motion.
• appreciate the uses of friction in human

3.4 Makes jobs Resultant of forces Student should be able to 03 • Number of periods
easy using • Resultant of two • describe the concept of the resultant of have been reduced
resultant of collinear forces forces. from 5 to 3.
forces. • Resultant of two • conduct simple activities to show the effect • Conduct teacher
parallel forces of resultant of forces. demonstrations for
• conduct simple activities to find resultant practical sessions
of two collinear forces acting in the same and use “Guru
direction and also in opposite directions. Gedara” lessons to
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

• conduct simple activities to find the teach lessons
resultant of two parallel forces acting in the effectively.
same direction.
• solve simple numerical problems to find
the resultant of two collinear forces and of
two parallel forces (the line of action of
resultant force is not necessary).
• accept that a large force can be obtained by
a collection of small forces.
• accept that there are ways of varying the
magnitude and direction of a force
according to the situation.

• Turning effect of force Student should be able to 03 • Number of periods

3.5 Estimates and
calculates the • Moment of force • demonstrate simple activities to describe have been reduced
from 5 to 3.
turning effect • Moment of couple of turning effect of a force.
of a force. forces • describe the factors affecting the moment • Conduct teacher
of force. demonstrations for
• express the moment of a force about a practical sessions
point as the product of the force and the and use “Guru
perpendicular distance from the point to Gedara” lessons to
the line of action of the force. teach lessons
• express the unit of the moment of a force as effectively.
N m.
• state that the turning effect of the moment
of a force can be clockwise or anti-
• describe the moment of a couple of forces.
• make a list of instances where moment of a
couple of forces apply in day-to-day life.
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

• make calculations involving the moment of
• accept the importance of turning effect of a
force in day-to-day activities.
• accept that moments appear in couples in
many practical situations.

3.6 Investigates • Equilibrium of forces Student should be able to 02 • Number of periods

the • Equilibrium under two • explain the equilibrium of forces on a body. have been reduced
conditions of forces • describe equilibrium of forces using the from 4 to 2.
equilibrium • Equilibrium under three examples. • Conduct teacher
of forces. forces • explain the conditions necessary for two demonstrations for
practical sessions
• Parallel forces forces to be in equilibrium.
• explain the conditions necessary for three and use “Guru
• Non-parallel forces
parallel forces to be in equilibrium. Gedara” lessons to
• describe practical applications of teach lessons
equilibrium of forces. effectively.
• state the conditions necessary for three
nonparallel forces to be in equilibrium
• accept that the equilibrium can exist under
more than three forces too.

3.7 Uses the • Pressure and its effects Student should be able to 04 • Number of periods
principles • Hydrostatic pressure • express hydrostatic pressure (p) in terms of have been reduced
and laws of • Factors affecting the height of liquid column (h), density of from 8 to 4.
hydrostatics • hydrostatic pressure liquid (ρ) and gravitational acceleration (g). • Conduct teacher
to realize • Expression for • calculate the pressure exerted by a liquid demonstrations for
activities hydrostatic pressure, using the expression, p = hρg. practical sessions
related to and use “Guru
p = hρg • state instances where pressure exerted by
sinking, • Atmospheric pressure Gedara” lessons to
liquids is productively used.
floating and
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

pressure • Measuring atmospheric • discuss the concept of transmission of teach lessons
transmission. pressure pressure. effectively.
• Sinking and floating • accept the importance of pressure to make • Calculations related
• Up-thrust work easier. to pressure
• Archimedes' principle • accept that the transmission of pressure is transmission are not
very useful in modern technology. required.
• state that atmospheric pressure can be
measured by using the mercury barometer
and the aneroid barometer.
• state that atmospheric pressure varies with
• discuss the factors affecting up-thrust
acting on a body due to a liquid by
demonstrating a simple activity.
• demonstrate Archimedes’ principle using a
simple activity.
• use simple set-ups to show the conditions
necessary for sinking and floating. • Calculations are not
• explain the concepts of sinking and expected.
floating according to the weight of the
object and the up-thrust.
• accept that sinking and floating of objects
• Some lesson
in liquids is determined by the up-thrust
exerted by the liquid and the weight of the content and
object. outcomes have
been removed.

3.8 Quantifies the • Work, Energy and Power Student should be able to 02 • Number of periods
mechanical • Mechanical energy • state that the work done by a force is the
have been reduced
energy and • Kinetic energy, product of the magnitude of the force and from 5 to 2.
power in 1
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

mechanical • Potential energy the displacement in the direction of the • Use “Guru Gedara”
processes. • Gravitational force. lessons to teach
potential energy, • explain the two forms of mechanical lessons effectively.
EP=mgh energy as kinetic energy and potential • Calculations related
• Elastic potential energy. to equation
energy • provide the expression for kinetic energy as 1
EK= mv2 and
1 2
• Power EK=2mv2 EP=mgh are not
• provide the expression for gravitational required.
potential energy as EP=mgh with reference • Calculations of
to a zero potential level. power are not
• accept that kinetic energy, gravitational required.
potential energy and elastic potential
energy can be used for human energy
• accept that energy is used to do work.
• state power as the rate of doing work (work
done /time taken).

3.9 Uses • Current electricity Student should be able to 03 • Number of periods

fundamental • Electric current • state the direction of conventional current have been reduced
principles • Electron flow and in relation to the direction of electron flow. from 10 to 3.
and laws of conventional current • accept that a flow of current occurs due to a • Conduct teacher
current • Unit of current potential difference. demonstrations for
electricity to • Use of ammeter to • describe that an electric source is used to practical sessions
understand measure the current supply a potential difference to a circuit. and use “Guru
• state that the e.m.f of a source is the Gedara” lessons to
and control • Potential difference
the action of teach lessons
• Unit of potential potential difference between its terminals
simple when no current flows from the source. effectively.
circuits. • Use of voltmeter to • explain the resistance as a factor which
measure the potential opposes the flow of electric current.
difference • conduct a simple activity to show the
factors affecting the resistance of a
Grade 10

Competency Competency Content Learning outcomes Time Remarks

• Electric source and conductor (length, cross-sectional area and • Discussing about
electromotive force resistivity). resister colour
(e.m.f) • conduct a simple experiment to show the codes are not
• Resistance and resistors relationship between V across a conductor required.
• Units of resistance and I. • Discussing about
• Factors affecting • show graphically the variation of potential combination of
resistance difference with current. resistors is not
• Length of the • use the relationship between V and I to required.
conductor • express Ohm’s law as V = IR; state R as • Some learning
• Cross sectional area resistance of the conductor. content and
of the conductor outcomes have
• Resistivity of the been removed.
• Ohm’s law

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