Newsletter 11-18-11

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South Canton Scholars Charter Academy

6th Grade

Weekly Newsletter for November 18, 2011

Calendar Counts
November 2011
23rd Wacky Wednesday 23rd Turkey Trot 23rd Thanksgiving LunchBring a lunch or buy the special for $2.10

No School for Students November 24th, 25th, and 28th

Please let your childs teacher know in advance if you will be missing days for doctors appointments, vacations, etc.

December 2, 2011 Tickets on sale now!!!!!

Who: All middle schoolers Cost: $5 includes pizza and a drink When: 12/2/11 Time: 4:30-6:30 Where: SCS Gym What: A social gathering for dancing, talking, hanging out, winter themed games, and a good time.

Moral Focus Monthly Objectives A key principle in life is to be thAnkful Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others Virtues We are learning to . . .

Basketball November 29th HOME vs. Canton

Express appreciation and gratitude for the good things in life and in other people

December 2011
2nd Student of the Month Assembly 2nd Snow Ball Mixer

Willingly give to support and encourage others, regardless of self-interest or personal gain

The Lunch Bunch

Turkey Trivia
Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?

Spirit Shirt Orders

Please let Mrs. Lee know if you are interested in buying a shirt. Extras have been ordered in case someone still wants one. The is $8.00

Winter is here!

Students need to make sure that they are dressed

Students in middle school will be invited to stay in their classrooms for lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays to complete work missed in class. This will be a time to catch up or get ahead on assignments from any of their classes. The Lunch Bunch will also be a time for silent reading for those students who just wish to work on their reading logs.
If a student is invited to attend, they must come or a NEC will be issued.

appropriately for winter weather. They have outdoor recess and car loop at the end of the day. Jackets that zip, gloves, hats, and scarves will help to keep your Shark warm and cozy!

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Non Fiction--Author Study

Students have been working to complete their persuasive essays for the NHA writing contest. We have a lot of great competition and look forward to posting our middle school winners next week. This week students have received a taste of nonfiction from their textbooks with articles on wildfires as well as a story based on actual information. They were able to make the connection that many works of literature are based on real life locations and events. Starting next week, students will investigate many of the literary works of Gary Paulsen and use him as inspiration as they compose biographies for their upcoming research projects.


Students discovered the ancient Spartans and Athenian people this past week becoming one themselves! This upcoming week students will be spending their time in social studies learning about Greek Mythology and the Greek gods in ancient times. Also look out for a study guide on the first two sections that were covered in ancient Greece. I can... describe the different Greek gods and the jobs they all possessed.

Rotation 1 will be working on converting between fractions and decimals and find equivalent and simplest form fractions. We will also be doing a set of assessments to check for proficiency on basic skills and vocabulary comprehension. Rotation 2 will be working on changing fractions to decimals, comparing and ordering rational numbers, and we will begin our decimals unit. Rotation 3 will be working on decimals including estimating, adding and subtracting and multiplying decimals. Remember to check the website at assroom/

Have you checked you childs planner today?

Notebooks Across America

Mrs. Lees homeroom class will be particpating in a nationwide project to bring schools across america togther. The goal of the project is to connect kids using more than 200 traveling journals that focus on the state, community, school and of course the life of American kids. The project has originated at Paul R. Smith Middle School in Holiday, FL. This is where Mrs. Lee taught Language Arts before coming to South Canton. She is very excited to share her past students and state with her new students and state. The notebook for Mrs. Lees class was shipped yesterday and is slated to arrive very soon! Once we fill out our portion we will ship it to the next school of the project and track it on Check out the project online!


As the metric unit begins to wind down, students took to using Play Doh to mold, measure, and configure the volume and deisity.
I can find the density of an object using the mass and volume. I can configure volume of a three dimensional figure.!/NotebookAmerica

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