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RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION course of implementation of tasks and in

Recruitment: the achievement of goals and objectives.

 Screening - Resources are considered as the most
 Sourcing important asset of any organization.
 Shortlisting - The significance of recruitment is
 Selecting the right candidates for the vacant recognized by the fact that organization gets
positions satisfied with more productive employees.
Recruitment - is the process of identifying, It not only enhances productivity and
screening, shortlisting and hiring of the potential profitability, but also encourages good
human resources for the purpose of filling up the relationships among the employers and the
positions within the organizations. employees. It contributes towards growth
- the process of selecting the right person, and development of the organization. It
for the right position at the right time. determines the current and future job
- The educational qualifications, experience, requirements. It helps in increasing the
abilities and skills of the individuals need to success rate of selecting the right
be taken into consideration when candidates, who are able to make efficient
recruitment takes place. use of their skills and abilities in leading to
- Internal factors: the size of the organization, growth and development. It helps in
recruiting policy, image of organization and evaluating the effectiveness of various
image of job. recruitment methods. It determines the
- External factors: demographic factors, labor present future requirements of the
market, unemployment rate, labor laws, organizations and formulate plans
legal considerations and competitors. accordingly.
- is called a positive process with its - The significance of selection is recognized,
approach of attracting as many candidates because it helps in choosing the most
as possible for the vacant positions. suitable and qualified candidates, who can
Selection - is the process of picking or choosing the meet the requirements of the jobs within an
right candidate, who is most suitable for the job. organization. The organization is required to
- It is the process of interviewing the follow appropriate selection processes, the
candidates and evaluating their qualities, reason being, if the selection is not carried
which are necessary for a specific job and out in an appropriate manner, then it
then selection of the candidates is made for would impose unfavorable effects upon the
the right positions. organization and loss would be incurred to
- When selection of the employees takes the employer in terms of money, time, and
place, it is vital to ensure that they possess efforts.
the desired qualifications, skills and Principles of Recruitment and Selection
abilities that are required. - The first point to identify about recruitment
- is called a negative process with the is that it is a process with a number of key
elimination of many candidates as possible. stages, all of which work in co-operation to
Significance of Recruitment and Selection improve one’s chances of finding the best
- Legislation and good practice and the range candidates available for any advertised
of recruitment sources and selection position.
methods as well as possessing the skills and - when seeking to fill any job vacancy, one
abilities in interviewing and evaluating should always consider the internal
potential employees highlight the candidates that could be encouraged to the
significance of recruitment and selection. available post and then recruit externally for
- Vacant positions within the organizations the junior position.
signify the lack of human resources and
these are regarded as barriers within the
- Interviews can be conducted by anybody, occupation, economic status, and place of
but it is important that individuals can do it location.
well, if they are appropriately trained and  Labour market – Labor market exercises
possess effective communication skills. control on the demand and supply of labor.
- There are many legal issues that are For example, if the supply of people having
associated with the recruitment process and specific skills and abilities is less than the
it is necessary for all the individuals to demand, then the hiring will require more
familiarize oneself with the relevant efforts.
legislation. Be familiar with the policies  Unemployment rate – If the
and procedures that are required in the unemployment rate is high in a specific
recruitment and selection processes. area, hiring of human resources will be
Internal Factors simple and manageable, as there will be an
 Size of the Organization - The size of the increase in the number of applicants. For
organization is one of the most important various job positions in all types of
factors affecting the recruitment process. organizations, large number of applications
To develop business, recruitment planning is are received. In contrast, if the
mandatory for hiring more resources. unemployment rate is low, then recruiting
 Recruitment Policy - Recruitment policy of tends to be difficult due to lesser number
an organization, includes hiring from the of resources.
internal or external sources of organization.  Labour laws – Labour laws reflect the social
It is an important factor, which affects the and political environment of the market,
recruitment process. It identifies the which are created by the central and the
objectives of recruitment and provides a state governments. These laws dictate the
framework for the implementation of compensation, working environment,
recruitment programs. safety and health regulations, and the job
 Image of the Organizations - Organizations duties of the workforce, for different types
having a good positive image in the market of employments.
can easily attract competent and proficient  Legal considerations – Job reservations for
resources. Maintaining good public different castes such as Scheduled Tribes,
relations, providing public services, and Scheduled Castes, and Other Backward
leading to goodwill of the organizations, Classes. These considerations, passed by
definitely helps an organization in improving government, will have a positive or
its reputation in the market, and thereby negative impact on the recruitment policies
draw the best possible human resources. of the organizations.
 Image of Jobs - Just like the image of the  Competitors – When organizations in the
organization, the image of jobs contributes same industry are competing for the best
a critical role in the recruitment and qualified resources, there is a need to
selection processes. Jobs having a positive analyze the competition and make
image in terms of better remuneration, provision of the resources packages that
promotions, recognition, and amiable are finest in terms of the industry standards.
working environment with career  Equal Opportunity – it is vital to take into
development opportunities are considered consideration, equal employment
as the characteristics to arouse interest and opportunities for the individuals. Equal
enthusiasm within qualified candidates. opportunity results when all the applicants
External Factors are treated on an equal basis and
 Demographic Factors - Demographic factors consistently at every stage of recruitment.
are related to the characteristics of There should not be any discrimination
potential employees such as, their age, against anybody. Fairness and justness are
religion, educational qualifications, gender,
of principal significance in the recruitment certain expectations from their
and the selection processes. employees regarding performance
Posting Vacancies of job duties, and they expect them
Job posting - refers to the practice of publicizing to inculcate the traits of regularity,
and displaying advertisements of an open job to diligence, resourcefulness,
the employees. conscientiousness and creativity.
- In most cases, internet, newspapers, notices  Characteristics of the job - These
and bulletin boards are the areas where job include, training, work experience,
postings are found. skills and knowledge, physical
- The purpose of posting vacancies is to bring attributes, personality traits,
to the attention of the interested persons, communication skills and personal
they may be internal or external to the circumstances.
organization and the jobs that are to be  Attracting Candidates – In attracting
filled. candidates for the jobs, there are two
important sources that need to be taken
Before posting vacancies: into consideration.
 Whether the retention of the job is done  Internal recruitment - the following
in the present form with the title, advantages are, it reduces
remuneration or status or whether any recruitment costs, internal
changes are required to be brought employees are already familiar with
about. all the aspects of the organization,
 Each hiring unit is responsible for its goals, objectives etc.
determining its hiring needs,  External recruitment - includes,
requirements and the scope and websites, advertisements in
responsibilities of the proposed newspapers, journals, magazines,
individuals. recruitment agencies, consultants,
 Whether the organization considers employment fairs, and seminars.
external sources as the most effectual  Screening Candidates – The purpose of the
means of recruitment. Whether external screening process is to narrow down the
sources are regarded as more beneficial field, so that one is able to spend more
to the organizations in the long term, time with the candidates for formal
when they are recruiting individuals interviews. It is vital for the employers to
from external sources. screen the candidates to select the most
Elements in the recruitment and selection suitable ones for the interviews.
 Job Vacancy – The first step is when vacancy  Interviewing Candidates – The important
arises within the organization. One should aspects that need to be taken into account
be aware of the vacant positions and by for interviewing candidates include,
when they should get filled with capable ensuring that proper notice is given
employees. Job vacancy enables the regarding the date and time of the
individuals to determine the factors, such interview, ensuring that the candidates are
as, redesigning, or initiating part time aware that they should reach the premises
employment opportunities for the on time, ensuring that they are clear where
individuals. to go and whom they should contact on
 Job Analysis – Two main factors need to be arrival and ensuring that they are aware of
taken into consideration regarding job the documents that need to be brought
analysis. along in the interview.
 Expectation of the employers from  Selecting and Appointing Candidates – The
their employees - within the procedures generally include the steps, such
organization, the employers have as, the selection of the candidate, verbal
communication of his or her appointment,  Promotions - Promotion refers to
medical completed if appropriate, sending advancement of the employees by
of appointment letters and signing the evaluating their job performance. It is the
contract. When job vacancies are to be process of shifting an employee from a
urgently filled, then selecting and lower position to a higher position with
appointing of candidates may take place more responsibilities, remuneration,
immediately after the interviews. facilities, and status.
 Induction and Training – Induction is the  Transfers – Transfer refers to the process of
process of receiving and welcoming of the interchanging from one job to another
employees, after they have been selected without any change in the designation and
and providing them the required training responsibilities. It can also be the shifting of
needed to settle down adequately. the employees from one department to
Induction has three aims, to smooth the another department or from one location to
early stages, when everything is likely to be another.
extraordinary and unfamiliar to the new  Recruitment of Former Employees –
employees. To establish a positive attitude Recruitment of former employees is a
of the organization within the mind-sets of process of internal sources of recruitment,
the employees, so that they are likely to wherein the ex-employees are called back,
stay for a long term and to obtain effective depending upon the requirement of the
output from new employees in short positions. This process is cost effective and
period of time. Training is referred to saves plenty of time and money. The other
making use of methods and strategies to major benefit of recruiting former
enhance the awareness, knowledge and employees is that they are well aware of
information among the employees. Various the organization, the roles and
training methods include, role plays, responsibilities of the job and personnel.
vestibule training, field visits, and lectures.  Internal Advertisements or Job Postings -
The main purpose of training is to balance Internal advertisements are referred to as
the needs and requirements of the the processes of posting and advertising
organizations and human resources. jobs within the organization. These job
 Employee Evaluation – Monitoring the postings are an open invitation to all the
performance of the employees is an employees within the organization, where
essential aspect within the organization. It is they can apply for the vacant positions.
necessary to evaluate the employees from  Employee Referrals - Employee referrals are
time to time in order to monitor an operative way of sourcing the right
enhancement of productivity and their candidates at a low cost. It is the process of
performance. The methods of employee hiring new capitals through the references
evaluation help in identifying the of the employees, who are currently
limitations and the measures that are employed within the organization. In this
required to get implemented to improve process, the present employees can refer
them. The evaluation process can tell their friends and relatives for filling up the
whether the recruitment process is vacant position.
working efficiently or are there any  Previous Applicants – In this case, the
changes and transformations that need to hiring team examines the profiles of
be brought about. The main purpose is to previous applicants from the organizational
ensure that the quality of the employees recruitment database. These applicants are
get enhanced that are recruited within the those, who have applied for jobs in the
organizations. past. These individuals can be easily
Types of Recruitment contacted and the response will be positive
1. Internal Sources in most cases.
2. External Sources information to the students regarding
 Direct Recruitment - Direct recruitment employment opportunities. It is when
refers to the external source of opportunities are made available for
recruitment, where the recruitment of hiring students.
qualified candidates is carried out by  Word of Mouth Advertising - Word of
putting a notice regarding job vacancy mouth is an imperceptible way of
on the notice board of the organization. sourcing the candidates for filling up the
This method of sourcing is also called as vacant positions. There are many
factory gate recruitment. reputed organizations with good image
 Employment Exchanges - Employment in the market. Such organizations only
exchange is a government entity, where need a word-of-mouth advertising
the details of the job seekers are regarding a job vacancy to arouse
deposited and given to the employers interest and enthusiasm among large
for filling the vacant positions. This number of candidates.
source of external recruitment is Interview
accommodating in hiring of the - interview is a determined exchange of
unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled notions, the answering of questions and
workers. communication between two or more
 Employment agencies - are external persons. Normally, an interview is a process
sources of recruitment. They are of private conversation between people,
functioned by various sectors, such as where questions are asked and answers are
private, public and government. It obtained.
provides, unskilled, semi-skilled and - The main purpose of the interviews is to
skilled resources in accordance to the acquire information about qualities,
needs and requirements of the attitudes, prospectus and so forth. Transfer
organizations. The job seekers usually information from interviewee to
register themselves with employment interviewer.
agencies. Types of Interviews
 Advertisements - Advertisements are  Structured Interview - In this type, the
the most prevalent and common interview is planned, designed and detailed
external sources of recruitment. The in advance. A structured interview is pre-
job vacancy is displayed through planned, precise, and reliable in hiring the
various print and electronic media with candidates.
a specific job description and  Unstructured Interview - This type of
specifications of the requirements. interview is an unexpected one, where the
Advertisements regarding jobs are interview questionnaire is not prepared.
displayed in newspapers, magazines The interviewers are not well prepared
and on the websites. regarding the questions that are to be
 Professional Associations - Professional asked and in obtaining accurate answers.
associations can help the organizations  Group Interview - In this type of interview,
in hiring professional, technical, and all the candidates or a group of candidates
managerial personnel, however, they are interviewed together. Group interviews
focus on sourcing mid-level and top- are conducted to save time, when there are
level resources. large number of applications received for
 Campus Recruitment - Campus limited job vacancies.
recruitment is an external source of  Depth Interview - Depth interview is a
recruitment, where the educational semi-structured interview, where the
institutions such as, colleges and candidates have to give detailed
universities make provision of information about their educational
qualifications, work experience, special
interests, skills, aptitude and so forth. In this
case, all the information about the
candidate is known first and then the
interviewer takes a depth interview and
begins analyzing the expertise and
proficiency of the candidate.
 Stress Interview - Stress interviews are
conducted to ascertain how a candidate
would react during the time of stress and
cope up with problems. In this type of
interview, the interviewer will come to
know whether the candidate can deal in an
effective manner with the demands and
needs of a complicated job.
 Individual Interview - In an individual
interview, the interview takes place on a
one-to-one basis. In this case, there will be
a verbal and a visual interaction between
two people, an interviewer and a candidate.
This is a two-way communication
interview, which helps in finding the right
candidate for a vacant job position.
 Informal Interview - Such interviews are
conducted in an informal way, i.e., the
interview will be stable without any
written communication and can be
arranged at any place. There are not any
proper procedures of asking questions in
this type of interview and it is not
adequately structured.
 Formal Interview - A formal interview is
organized in a formal manner, i.e., the
candidate will be aware about the dates
and timings of the interview well in
advance and the interviewer plans and
prepares the questions for the interview.
This is also called as a planned interview.
 Panel Interview - Panel interview, as the
name indicates, is being conducted by a
group of people. In this type of interview,
three to five members of the selection
committee will be asking questions to the
candidates on various concepts.
 Exit Interview - Exit interviews are
conducted for those employees, who want
to leave the organization. The significance
of the exit interview is to ascertain the
reasons behind leaving the job.

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