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Entity name: Bicol Medical Center

Nature of Business: A large public hospital that can provide a wide range of specialized medical services. In the Philippines, a tertiary hospital is the highest level
of medical care available.

Effect in Management
No Risk Identified Assessment
objectives Risk
Control Activity
Likelihood Impact

Preventive Control:
-Regular Equipment Maintenance and
Replacement Schedule
Insufficient Medical -Inventory Management and Forecasting
equipment and resources Detective Control:
that can compromise patient -Real-Time Monitoring and Alert Systems
care quality, leading to -Patient Outcome Monitoring
Operational and High -
1 delays in treatment, 4 3 12 Corrective Control:
Strategic Objectives Reduce
misdiagnoses, or inadequate -Establish protocols and procedures for
response to emergencies, immediate access to backup or redundant
increasing the risk of equipment in case of failures or shortages.
adverse health outcomes. -Conduct thorough root cause analyses to
identify the underlying reasons for equipment
shortages or failures that compromise patient
care quality.
Detective Control:
-Conduct regular audits of documentation
practices and records to identify any
instances of non-compliance with regulations
or guidelines.
-Implement a whistleblower hotline or
Lack of transparency and
reporting mechanism where staff can
inadequate documentation
anonymously report any concerns or
during the COVID-19
instances of non-compliance with
pandemic that may result in Compliance and Moderate -
2 1 4 4 documentation requirements.
non-compliance with Reporting Objectives Reduce
Corrective Control:
regulations or guidelines,
-Develop and implement a documentation
leading to legal or regulatory
remediation plan to address any identified
deficiencies or gaps in documentation.
-In cases where non-compliance with
regulations or guidelines has occurred, work
closely with legal counsel and regulatory
authorities to assess the extent of the issue
and develop a remediation plan.
Preventive Control:
-Develop a comprehensive strategic
investment plan that allocates resources
specifically for research and development
(R&D) initiatives aimed at anticipating future
healthcare trends and technologies.
-Foster collaboration between R&D teams,
clinicians, administrators, and other
stakeholders to identify emerging healthcare
trends and technology needs.
Detective Control:
-Conduct regular trend analysis and
benchmarking exercises to assess the
Failure to invest in research organization's performance and position
and development initiatives relative to competitors and industry peers in
High -
3 to anticipate future Strategic Objective 2 4 8 terms of R&D investment and innovation.
healthcare trends and -Monitor industry publications, scientific
technologies. journals, market reports, and other sources of
information to stay abreast of emerging
healthcare trends, technological
advancements, and competitive
Corrective Control:
-Foster an organizational culture that values
innovation and continuous improvement in
R&D processes. Implement initiatives such as
innovation challenges, idea incubators, and
cross-functional R&D teams to encourage
creativity, collaboration, and agility in
responding to changing healthcare
Preventive Control:
-Workforce Planning and Recruitment
Hindering efficiency in labor -Staff Retention Programs
workforce due to some Detective Control:
shortage in medical -Regularly monitor staffing levels relative to
employees, for the reason patient census and workload to identify any
that, having so many instances of understaffing or overburdening.
patients which is not - Establish channels for employees to provide
proportionate on how many feedback on workload, staffing adequacy,
Operational and Extreme -
4 health workers are there in 5 5 25 and operational challenges.
Strategic Objectives Avoid
BMC could affect it's Corrective Control:
operation. Having a negative -In response to workforce shortages,
impact towards the hospital implement temporary staffing solutions such
in the long-run which could as hiring locum tenens, utilizing per diem
lose patients because of the staff, or outsourcing certain services to
lack of manpower to external providers.
accommodate them. -Invest in training programs to enhance the
skills and competencies of existing staff and
facilitate cross-training across different
departments or roles.
Preventive Control:
-Infection Control Protocols
-Medication Safety Practices
-Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Programs
Exposure to infections, Detective Control:
medication errors, injuries -Incident Reporting and Monitoring Systems
during procedures, and Extreme - -Conduct surveillance and monitoring
5 Operational Objective 4 4 16
accidents due to slips, falls, Reduce activities to detect signs of infections,
or improper handling of medication errors, or safety hazards.
equipment. Corrective Control:
-Conduct thorough root cause analyses
following incidents or near misses to identify
underlying factors contributing to infections,
medication errors, injuries, or accidents.


Betic, Ira Bea

Carpila, Erica Mae
Castro, Bridgete
Corsega, Krista Anne Pamela
Cortez, Fatima
Regondola, Angela

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