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The process of learning is continuous which starts right
from the time of birth of an individual and continues till
the death.

According to E.A, Peel, Learning can be described as a

change in the individual which takes place as a result of
the environmental change.

A change in behavior as a result of experience or practice.

Knowledge gained through study.

To gain knowledge of, or skill, something through study,

teaching or experience.

A process by which behavior is changed.

Learning is the change in behavior.

Learning is a continuous life long process.

Learning is a universal process.

Learning is the product of activity & environment.

Learning is transferable from one situation to another.

Types of Learning:
Motor Learning:
Our day to day activities like walking, running, driving,
etc. must be learnt for ensuring a good life. These
activities to a great extent involve muscular coordination.

Verbal Learning:
It is related with the language which we use to
communicate and various other forms of verbal
communication such as symbols, words, languages,
sounds, figures and signs.

Concept Learning:
This form of learning is associated with higher order
cognitive processes like intelligence, thinking, reasoning,
etc., which we learn right from our childhood. Concept
learning involves the processes of abstraction and
generalization, which is very useful for identifying or
recognizing things.

Discrimination Learning:
Learning which distinguishes between various stimuli
with its appropriate and different responses is regarded
as discrimination stimuli.

Learning of Principles: Learning which is based on

principles helps in managing the work most effectively.
Principles based learning explains the relationship
between various concepts.
Attitude Learning:
Attitude shapes our behavior to a very great extent, as
our positive or negative behavior is based on our
attitudinal predisposition.

1) Readiness: It is the basic thing in the process of
learning. If a person is not ready for learning, he cannot
learn properly. In every individual readiness is different
because of individual difference. Physical, mental,
emotion & social development of an individual are
responsible for the individual differences in readiness.

2) Goal: the most important factor of learning is its goal.

If students does not know the aim of learning a thing,
he cannot learn it. Therefore, before teaching students
must be aware of the goal.

3) Motivation: It plays an important role in the process

of learning. The first thing is pointing out the objectives
and purpose. Then the students should be motivated by
Rewards and punishment plays an important role in
motivating any person.
4) Interest: If a student or learner is interesting in
learning new things, he learns very properly.
Lack of interest makes the learning useless. Therefore,
for effective and useful learning should be interest on
the part of learners.

5) Attention: It plays an important role in the process of

learning. No learning is possible without attention. Lack
of attention badly effects the process of learning.

6) Family Background: Family background has

also great effect on the learning process.
Mostly economically strong students take great
interest in learning and poor students does not do so
because they are sitting in the class and think for their

7) Environment:
It also plays an important role in the process of
learning. If the environment is favorable the learning
process is favorable, if it is not favorable it will destroy
the process of learning. Therefore, a pleasant and
friendly environment should be created.

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