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Bring Home Long Quiz 1 (Finals)

Prepared by: Honey Lyn Alisquio-Go, MSc.

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________

Year/Course/Section: __________________________ Score: __________________

Test 1. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Choose the best answer to each item and write it on the space provided
before the number.
_____1. Lymph is largely composed of water that has escaped from:
a. Cytosol
b. cerebrospinal fluid
c. saliva
d. tears
e. blood
_____2. Lymph in the right leg rejoins blood flow in the:
a. inferior vena cava
b. femoral veins
c. subclavian veins
d. axillary veins
e. common iliac veins
_____3. Lymph from the left arm returns to the heart through the:
a. inferior vena cava
b. thoracic duct
c. right lymphatic duct
d. left subclavian artery
e. aorta
_____4. Which one of the following is NOT a mechanism that aids lymph return?
a. milking action of skeletal muscles
b. pressure changes within the thorax
c. the pumping action of the heart
d. smooth muscle contractions within the lymphatic vessels
e. presence of valves within the larger lymph vessels
_____5. What structure carries lymph into a lymph node?
a. Trabeculae
b. afferent lymphatic vessel
c. follicles
d. efferent lymphatic vessel
e. germinal center
_____6. Which lymphatic organ's major job is to destroy worn-out red blood cells and return some of the
products to the liver?
a. tonsils
b. spleen
c. thymus gland
d. tonsils
e. Peyer's patches
_____7. Which lymphoid tissues trap and remove bacteria entering the throat?
a. axillary lymph nodes
b. cervical lymph nodes
c. tonsils
d. Peyer's patches
e. thymus gland
_____8. The thymus gland is most active during:
a. infancy
b. adolescence
c. middle age
d. old age
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PH BIOSCI 2 – Human Anatomy and Physiology with Pathophysiology
e. the entire lifetime
_____9. The lymph organ that programs T cells and functions at peak levels only during youth is the:
a. thymus
b. spleen
c. appendix
d. tonsils
e. Peyer's patches
_____10. The lymph tissues found within the walls of the small intestine are called:
a. Tonsils
b. Appendix
c. Peyer's patches
d. thymus tissues
e. intestinal nodes
_____11. Where are the tonsils located?
a. Throat
b. beneath sternum overlying heart
c. armpits, groin, and neck
d. small intestine
e. left side of abdominopelvic cavity
_____12. Mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue (MALT) includes:
a. spleen
b. thymus gland
c. tonsils only
d. tonsils, the appendix, and Peyer's patches
e. tonsils and spleen
_____13. The body's first line of defense against the invasion of disease-causing microorganisms is:
a. phagocytes
b. natural killer cells
c. skin and mucous membranes
d. inflammatory response
e. fever
_____14. The adaptive (specific) defense system:
a. is an innate defense
b. issues an attack specific to particular foreign substances
c. includes the skin and mucous membranes
d. is the body's first line of defense against invading pathogens
e. provides mechanical barriers to the body
_____15. Which one of the following is NOT one of the nonspecific body defenses?
a. intact skin
b. antibody production
c. the inflammatory response
d. fever
e. natural killer cells
_____16. The process by which neutrophils are squeezed through the capillary walls during the
inflammatory process is called:
a. agglutination
b. chemotaxis
c. diapedesis
d. coagulation
e. antibody production
_____17. Which one of the following is NOT one of the four most common indicators of the
inflammatory response?
a. Redness
b. Heat
c. Swelling
d. Fever
e. pain
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PH BIOSCI 2 – Human Anatomy and Physiology with Pathophysiology
_____18. The migration of phagocytes and white blood cells to an inflamed area along a chemical
gradient is called:
a. diapedesis
b. chemotaxis
c. immunity
d. perforins
e. complement fixation
_____19. The inflammatory process begins with release of chemicals, which do all of the following
a. dilate blood vessels
b. attract phagocytes to the area
c. stimulate release of lysozyme
d. cause capillaries to become leaky
e. activate pain receptors
_____20. Membrane attack complexes (MAC) form holes in attacked cells causing them to burst; this is a
result of:
a. interferon
b. complement fixation
c. natural killer cells
d. keratin
e. phagocytes

Test 2. MATSCHING TYPE. Match the following terms with the correct description.
_____21. Any substance capable of provoking an immune response a. mucus
_____22. Small proteins that bind with receptors on healthy cells to promote b. pyrogens
protein synthesis and prevent viruses from binding c. perforins
_____23. Chemicals secreted by white blood cells and macrophages to raise the d. pathogens
body's temperature e. antibodies
_____24. Chemical released by natural killer cells to cause cell lysis f. antigen
_____25. Harmful or disease-causing microorganisms g. interferon
_____26. Proteins secreted by activated B cells in response to an antigen h. IgE
_____27. Sticky substance in the respiratory and digestive passageways that trap i. IgA
microorganisms j. IgD
_____28. Believed to be cell surface receptor of immunocompetent B cell k. IgM
_____29. First immunoglobulin class released to plasma by plasma cells during l. IgG
primary response
_____30. Main antibody of primary and secondary responses
_____31. Bathes and protects mucosal surfaces from attachment of pathogens
_____32. Triggers the release of histamine
_____33. Potent agglutinating agent
_____37. Crosses placenta and provides passive immunity to fetus

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PH BIOSCI 2 – Human Anatomy and Physiology with Pathophysiology

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