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Danna Torres
Neftalí Torres
Michelle Vázquez
Zuleika Garza
Guillermo Herrera
What Is It?
A migrant caravan is a group of individuals traveling together in
search of refuge or improved living conditions. Throughout their
journey, they receive humanitarian assistance and seek
collective security and support. While these caravans garner
media attention and raise awareness about migrant issues, they
also pose challenges for receiving countries in terms of border
management and asylum. ¿Qué es?
Una caravana migrante es un grupo de personas que viaja en conjunto en
busca de refugio o mejores condiciones de vida. Durante su desplazamiento,
reciben asistencia humanitaria y buscan seguridad y apoyo colectivo. Aunque
generan atención mediática y conciencia sobre los problemas de los
migrantes, también presentan desafíos para los países receptores en
términos de gestión fronteriza y asilo.
The history of migrants in Latin
America La historia de los migrantes en Latam

The migrant caravans in Latin America, originating from

countries like Honduras and El Salvador, emerged due
to violence and poverty. Since the mid-2010s, they
have become a strategy for migrants by providing
safety in numbers. International attention has sparked
debates on migration policies and human rights, while
governments have responded in various ways, ranging
from humanitarian support to restrictive measures. Las caravanas migrantes en Latinoamérica, originadas en
países como Honduras y El Salvador, surgieron debido a la
violencia y la pobreza. Desde mediados de la década de
2010, se convirtieron en una estrategia para migrantes al
ofrecer seguridad en números. La atención internacional
ha generado debates sobre políticas migratorias y
derechos humanos, mientras que los gobiernos han
respondido de diversas maneras, desde apoyo
humanitario hasta medidas restrictivas.
The impact of migrant caravans on the
a ra v a n a s
citizenry in La Laguna can vary. Some express d e las c
im p a c to a danía
El la c iu d
s e n
solidarity and provide humanitarian support, migrante
e v a r iar. A lg u n o s
r a pue d e n
la g u n e y o f r e c
while others may have concerns about security e s a n sol id a r i d a d
q ue
ex p r m ie n t ra s
an ita r io ,
and local resources. Individual perception, ap o y o h u m tener
pueden d y
otros r i d a
community capacity, and local policies are a cion e s s o b r e se g u
p re o c u p e rc e p c ió
s . L a p
key factors that determine how the arrival of re c u rs o s loc a le
c a p a c id a d
, la
migrants affects the local population. individual p olític a s lo c a les
ria y l a s
c o m u n it a e t e rm i n a n
c la v e q ue d
n fa c to r es g r a n tes
so a d e m i
l a lle g a d
c ó m o lo cal
p ob l a c ió n
ta a la
How people show...
Empaty Respect
People show empathy towards migrants People show respect towards
through donations, volunteering, migrants by treating them
with dignity, promoting
awareness campaigns, legal support, inclusion, listening to their
activism, psychological assistance, and experiences, challenging
stereotypes, and providing
promoting integration. These actions legal and humanitarian
reflect the desire to positively contribute support. These actions reflect
the recognition of the rights
to migrants' lives and advocate for fair
and valuable contributions of
treatment. migrants.
Thank you for your attention!

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