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SITHCCC007 - Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Assessment Task 2: Research Report

Information for students

In this task, you will research and report on stocks, sauces and soups.
You will need access to:

● your learning resources and other information for reference

● your Research Report Template.

Ensure that you:

● review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide

● comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

● adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

● answer all questions completely and correctly

● submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

● submit a completed cover sheet with your work

● avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information

● where this task should be completed

● how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO

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has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

In this task, you will research stocks, sauces and soups.

You will need to research all three and gather information on the following:

● uses for stocks, sauces and soups

● specific information about stocks, including basic ingredients and cooking


● specific information about sauces, including basic ingredients and cooking

methods, the mother sauces and their derivatives

● specific information about soups, including types of soups, national soups

● classical and contemporary variations of sauces and soups.

Next, choose one stock, one sauce and one soup (see note below) and report on
the following for each:

● appearance and presentation

● freshness indicators

● quality indicators

● nutritional value

● taste profile

● texture profile.

Locate the relevant recipe for each stock, sauce and soup you have reported on
and submit each recipe with your report.
Note: Your assessor may nominate what you need to research or, alternatively,
you will select stocks, sauces and soups that interest you or which are relevant to
your workplace.

2. Research and report

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Research each stock, sauce and soup and use the information you have found to
complete the Research report template.

SITHCCC007 - Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Research Report Template

Why do we use stocks, sauces and soups?

Discuss the use of stocks, sauces and soups in cookery. What dishes are stocks and sauces used
with? What dishes are soups matched with? What service styles serve soup?

- Soups and stocks are an interesting part of cooking, in some aspects like the
creation of soups and stocks it can be simple to make but take a while to
cook, unlike the other two sauces which have an increasingly wide range of
cooking methods.
- stocks and sauces are used in many different dishes, which range from, all
different kinds of soup, sauces (only for stocks), even sauces like a bechamel
are used to make foods like croque monsieur.
- soup is definitely a lunch and dinner food, though it can also be served as the
entree and main of a dish at a restaurant.

Identify different types of stock, including the main four stocks you have learned about during this unit.
Also identify some regional/traditional varieties. Describe the difference in preparation of white and
brown stocks, including basic ingredients and ingredient ratios. Briefly explain the cooking process,
including approximate cooking durations for brown, white, fish and vegetable stocks.

Identify and describe each of the five mother sauces, including:

● ingredients

● preparation technique/methods

● derivatives of each mother sauce

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Identify two classical sauces and two contemporary sauces. For each one, provide a brief background
on their origin.

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Identify and describe the three soup classifications. Identify the typical serving size of entrée and
main soups, and the types of garnishes that can be used.

- thick soup

soups of this category are most described by the thickening ingredients they use, like cornstarch or
gelatines, thick soups are by far the most well known as you most likely would picture a thick soup
when thinking of soup as a dish. soups of this category include chowder, puree soups and potage.

- cold soup

cold soups are pretty self explanatory, they are soups that were made to be cold, now while i couldn't
find much on them i do know one of the more famous cold soups is the gazpacho, a pureed kind of
cold soup

- Chunky soup

this one i've actually had the pleasure of eating myself, chunky soups are a stock based soup that we
put vegetables and meats into, a famous example of this would have to be a minestrone, though i
mostly know it for when i first had italian wedding soup

Identify two classical soups and two contemporary soups. For each one, provide a brief background
on their origin.

Leek and potato soup

- not much is known about potato and leek soup even its origin is debated, by the most
commonly believed origin is that it is from wales, as welsh people seem to love their leek,
william shakespeare himself calling the leek a symbol of welsh pride


- gazpacho originated in spain, dating back to the greek and roman era as both reference it in
their texts, though the modern version with tomato and green peppers didn't come until
spain's discovery of the new world

Chicken and Corn noodle soup

- The origin of this is rather simple really, this came from dutch people in Pennsylvania inside
the USA, for what reason, I have yet to find out.

Coconut soup with prawns

- i could barely find anything about this dish in regards to its origin other than it is from thailand,
other than that i don't know the reason it's made and when

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1. Identify and briefly describe three national soups, including:

Onion Soup

● country of origin: France

● brief history: reference to this soup goes all the way back to the romans, this soup was generally
served to the poorer people as it was easy to make seeing as onions were not uncommon in the

● ingredients: butter, olive oil, brown onions, brown sugar, plain flour, Massel beef style liquid
stock, baguette bread slices, garlic clove, Swiss cheese

● how the soup is served: onion soup is usually served in a small bowl like cup, allowing for great
presentation while also not having to use too much of it

● any garnishes and accompaniments: croutons

2. Identify and briefly describe three national soups: Scotch Broth

● country of origin: Scotland

● brief history: the scotch broth is centuries old, likely predating any written history we currently
have, surprisingly the addition of potatoes is more recent as they were introduced to europe in
the 16th century, still a long time ago but far more recent than the creation of this soup

● ingredients: carrots, onion, leek, neep, barley, dried pea, Salt, pepper, lamb, butter, parsley,
white cabbage,

● how the soup is served: the soup is simple with how it's served, a small white bowl

● any garnishes and accompaniments: Parsley

3. Identify and briefly describe three national soups: Leberknoedel

● country of origin: Germany

● brief history: i couldn't find anything to do with the history of this food, all i do know is that it dates
back to the 1800’s, as ludwig van beethoven seemed to be rather fond of this food

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● ingredients:liver, onion, butter, rolls, warm milk, egg, bread crumbs, parsley, marjoram, salt, pepper

● how the soup is served: the soup is served with sauerkraut and meatballs, on occasion being
served with mashed potatoes

● any garnishes and accompaniments: sauerkraut

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Appearance and presentation
Choose at least one stock, one sauce and one soup (unless your assessor has provided you with
specific ones to research). Describe how each should appear. How should they be presented to
maximise customer appeal?

● Stock: Chicken Stock

● Sauce: Hollandaise

● Soup: Wedding soup

Freshness indicators
Describe the freshness indicators for the ingredients used when preparing these stocks, sauces and

- Stock: The best freshness indicators will come from the use by date of the powder, though if
you were to make it from scratch, a freshness indicator would be the smell of the chicken
bones and if there is any distinct signs of mold

- Sauce: Hollandaise is rather easy to check for freshness, one sees how long ago it was
refrigerated as it uses eggs. Another way is more visual, look at its texture and see if it has
curdled or not

- The only two ways i could think about wedding soup is the smell and if the meatballs or
vegetables have any sort of mold

Quality indicators
Describe three quality indicators for each stock sauce and soup:

● Stock: rich flavour, Color and Smell

● Sauce: Color, Flavour and Texture

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● Soup: Taste, Freshness and Texture

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Nutritional value
Describe the nutritional value of each stock sauce and soup.

● Stock:Chicken stock has almost as much protein as it does carbs, as well as not having much fat,
making it a very healthy stock option.

● Sauce: 1 serving of hollandaise is around 7 grams, in that 7 grams, at least 1.5g of it is protein,
making this sauce a great source of protein.

● Soup:1 cup of italian wedding soup only comes out to 14g carbs, 8g of protein and 120 calories,
for a dinner food it is very good for your body

Taste profile
Describe the taste profile of each stock, sauce and soup.

● Stock: depending on is it is homemade or power, the stock can be flavourful, savoury, rich

● Sauce: it has a rich almost buttery taste

● Soup: Savoury with a meaty taste, accompanied beautifully by the vegetables

Texture profile
Describe the texture profile of each stock, sauce and soup.

● Stock: Thin texture that just glides through the mouth

● Sauce: Smooth texture like that of mayo

● Soup: thin with the soup itself but the meatballs and vegetables were soft

Don’t forget to attach your recipes!

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Assessment Task 2: Checklist
Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Accurately describe use of stocks,

sauces and soups in cookery?

Accurately describe dishes matched with


Accurately describe service styles

common to soup?

Accurately describe the four main


Accurately identify regional/traditional

varieties of stock?

Accurately describe different preparation

methods for stocks?

Accurately identify basic ingredients and

ratios for stocks?

Accurately describe cooking processes

for stocks?

Accurately describe cooking durations

for stocks?

Accurately describe the five mother


Accurately describe ingredients of the

mother sauces?

Accurately describe preparation

methods/techniques for mother sauces?

Accurately describe derivatives of each

mother sauce?

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Accurately identify and describe two
classical and two contemporary sauces?

Accurately identify and describe the

three soup classifications?

Accurately identify typical portion sizes

of soups?

Accurately identify garnishes that can be

used with soups?

Accurately identify and describe two

classical and two contemporary soups?

Accurately identify and describe three

national soups?

Accurately describe the appearance and

presentation of one stock?

Accurately describe the appearance and

presentation of one sauce?

Accurately describe the appearance and

presentation of one soup?

Accurately describe the freshness

indicators for one stock?

Accurately describe the freshness

indicators for one sauce?

Accurately describe the freshness

indicators for one soup?

Accurately describe the quality indicators

for one stock?

Accurately describe the quality indicators

for one sauce?

Accurately describe the quality indicators

for one soup?

Accurately describe the nutritional value

for one stock?

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Accurately describe the nutritional value
for one sauce?

Accurately describe the nutritional value

for one soup?

Accurately describe the taste profile for

one stock?

Accurately describe the taste profile for

one sauce?

Accurately describe the taste profile for

one soup?

Accurately describe the texture profile

for one stock?

Accurately describe the texture profile

for one sauce?

Accurately describe the texture profile

for one soup?

◻ ◻
Task outcome:
Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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