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ANTH 220 Final Exam Study Guide

● Material from required readings and lecture content from March 4 to April 10.

1. Weir and William 2023. “Chp 8: The Title Case: From the Trial to the Appeal
2. Lha Yudit’ih We Always Find a Way Talon Press: Vancouver. 185-222.
3. McIlwraith and Cormier 2016 “Making Place for Space: Land Use and
Occupancy Studies, Counter-Mapping, and the Supreme Court of Canada’s
Tsilhqot'in Decision.” BC Studies. 188:35-53.
4. Duffek et alia, eds 2021 “qats’ay basket Tsilhqot’in” In Where the Power Is:
Indigenous Perspectives on Northwest Coast Art. Museum of Anthropology &
Figure 1: Vancouver & Berkeley. pp104-106.
5. Johnson. 2021. Realistic Solutions to Creating Grassroots Fluency: N’syilxcn.
Cultural Survival Quarterly 45 (4):24-25.
6. Saanich Indian School Board et alia 2008. Álenenec: Learning from Place,
Spirit and Traditional Language. The Canadian Journal of Native Studies 28(2):
7. Robinson, Dylan 2017 “Public Writing, Sovereign Reading, Indigenous
Language Art in Public Space” Art Journal 76(2):85-99.
8. Crosby 2016 “New Cultural Practices 1900-1926 a photo essay” In Lawrence
Paul Yuxweluptun: Unceded Territories. (Karen Duffek and Tania Willard,
eds). Museum of
9. Anthropology Press. Pp108-129.
10.Ames 1999 “How to Decorate a House: The Re-negotiation of Cultural
Representations at the University of British Columbia Museum of
Anthropology” Museum Anthropology 22(3):41-51.
11. Kramer 2018 “Broadcasting Sovereignty: Exhibiting Nuxalk Radio at the
University of British Columbia” Special issue: Indigeneities and Museums:
Ongoing Conversations eds Caitlin Gordon Walker and Martha Black BC
Studies 199:151-170.
12.Wilson and Duffek 2021 “Into the Present” In Where the Power Is: Indigenous
Perspectives on Northwest Coast Art (Karen Duffek, Bill McLennan, and
Jordan Wilson, eds) Museum of Anthropology and Figure 1: Vancouver.
13.Fortney 2022 “Displaced Histories: Invoking Memory and Identity in the
Museum of Vancouver Collections” In Knowledge Within: Treasures of the
Northwest Coast ed Caitlin Gordon-Walker. MOA and Figure 1: Vancouver.
14.Neel 2022 “Repatriation is Reconciliation in Action” In Knowledge Within:
Treasures of the Northwest Coast (Caitlin Gordon-Walker, ed). Museum of
Anthropology and Figure 1: Vancouver. pp. 78-87.
15.Coble 2018 “Repatriation: Empowerment Through (Re)connection” Special
issue: Indigeneities and Museums: Ongoing Conversations (Caitlin Gordon
Walker and Martha Black, eds) BC Studies 199:23-26.
16.Schaepe et alia 2018 “It’s a Family Affair: Sto:lo Experiences in Repatriation”
Special issue: Indigeneities and Museums: Ongoing Conversations (Caitlin
Gordon Walker and Martha Black, eds) BC Studies 199: 27-32.
17.Gray, Robin 2022 “Rematriation: Ts'msyen Law, Rights of Relationality, and
Protocols of Return” Native American and Indigenous Studies 9(1):1-27.
18.Duffek et alia 2021 “Gwishalaayt-Chilkat Weaving” In Where the Power Is:
Indigenous Perspectives on Northwest Coast Art. Museum of Anthropology &
Figure 1: Vancouver & Berkeley. pp250-255
19.Gordon 2023 “Stl’mstaliwa-The Whole Human Experience” In This Place Is
Who We Are Harbour Publishing: Vancouver. pp25-43.
20.Gordon 2023 “The Children Are Our Reason for Breathing” In This Place Is
Who We Are Harbour Publishing: Vancouver:173-191.

Film/Video Clips:
● Tsilhqot'in Journey for Justice (clip 0-2:50)
● Notable Cases in Aboriginal Law: Tsilhqot’in v. British Columbia (3:44), 2021
● Our Vision for Nexwagwezʔan - Dasiqox Tribal Park (1:29)
● Dane Wajich: Dane-zaa Stories & Songs: Dreamers & The Land. Tommy
Attachie video
● Cry Rock, Banchi Hanuse, 2010
● Nuxalk Radio, Banchi Hanuse 2020
● Gwishalaayt: the spirit wraps around you, Barb Cranmer (clips 21:00-28:00 &
41:00-45:00) 2001
● The Nawalakw Vision, (5:35)
Case Studies:
● Sto:lo Research & Resource Management Centre, Chilliwack BC
● Sncəwips Heritage Museum, West Kelowna, BC
● Museum of Anthropology at UBC & MOA’s Renewal Project
● Royal British Columbia Museum (RBCM)

Digital Resources:
● UNDRIP Declaration
● Map of Indigenous Languages of British Columbia
● UBC Kaska Language website videos
● CMA Report: Moved to Action

Events & Dates:

● Royal Proclamation of 1763
● Canadian confederation 1867
● British Columbia joins Canadian confederacy 1871
● Canadian Indian Act began in 1876 - ongoing
● Anti-potlatch law added to Indian Act 1884-1951
● Indigenous people in BC confined to reserves by 1882 (No treaties signed in
● Except for 14 ‘Treaties’ on Vancouver Island made by First Governor James
Douglas 1850-1854
● Indian Residential Schooling in BC 1861-1985
● Indigenous displays of bands/canoe racing occurring in BC 1880s
● Chiefs gave addresses (more like petitions to seek justice) to TRH: 1901
● Squamish Chief Joe Capilano, Cowichan chief Charley Isipaymilt & Secwepmc
Chief Basil David of Bonaparte with translator Sto:lo chief Simon Pierre go to
London to present grievances to King & Queen successfully1906
● sent 25 leader delegation (including Joe Capilano and Joseph Bradley) to
Ottawa to present petition to PM Wilfred Laurier to send on to King Edward
VII 1908
● 40 Interior chiefs tried to settle land question with BC gov’t, then with federal
gov’t in 1911
● Indian Act makes it illegal to raise money, hire a lawyer or pursue Indian Land
claims 1927-1951
● Indians get right to vote in BC 1949
● Indians get right to vote federally 1960
● Calder Supreme Court of Canada Decision 1973
● Canadian Constitution of 1982
● BC Modern Treaty Process 1992 – ongoing (4 Treaties Ratified & Signed)
● Delgamuukw Supreme Court of Canada Decision 1997
● Tlingit Chilkat weavers rematriate Chilkat weaving to Ts’msyen 1999
● First Modern Treaty with the Nisga’a 2000
● Haida Nation & Taku River Tlingit Supreme Court of Canada Decisions 2004
● The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
(UNDRIP) 2007
● Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) on Indian Residential
Schools 2008-2015
● Nisga’a Nation opens its own Museum in Lax̱g̱altsʼap in 2011
● Idle No More Movement 2012
● Tŝilhqot’in Supreme Court of Canada Decision 2014
● TRC’s Final Report – Calls to Action 2015
● Canada fully endorses UNDRIP in 2016
● RBCM opens Indigenous Collections & Repatriation Department (ICAR) 2017
● ICAR hosts Repatriation Symposium in Kelowna with First Peoples Cultural
Council 2017
● ICAR begins repatriation program funded by BC Government 2018
● ICAR Indigenous Repatriation Handbook published 2019
● BC legislates DRIPA: Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
● Canada signs UNDRIP Act into federal law on June 21, 2021
● Canadian Museums Association (CMA) Report: Moved to Action: Activating
UNDRIP in Canadian Museums, 2022

● Aboriginal Rights & Title -The Tŝilhqot’in court case
● Traditional Land Use Studies Maps & Unmapping
● Connect Linda Smith and Don Bain’s responses to Tŝilhqot’in baskets in Where
The Power Is
● Language Teaching & Resurgence
● Indigenous Language & Public Art
● Indigenous Protest & Activism
● Representation & Self-Representation - Assertions of Sovereignty
● Indigenous museums/repositories :
○ Case study: Sto:lo Research & Resource Management Centre in
Chilliwack BC
○ Case study: Sncəwips Heritage Museum in West Kelowna, BC
● Decolonizing Museums & the impact of UNDRIP
● From Displacement to Re-Connection - Making Museums More Accessible
● Indigenous (Re)connections to Ancestors & Belongings
○ Case study: changes at Museum of Anthropology at UBC & MOA’s
Renewal Project
○ Case study: changes at Royal British Columbia Museum (RBCM)
● Bring belongings home for community visits for ceremony
● Physical and digital repatriation
● Repatriation and rematriation
● Future focused - For those not yet born
● Stl’mstaliwa – The Full Human Experience

● Written in the Earth: Coast Salish Art, 1996-1997
● From Under the Delta: Wet-Site Archaeology in British Columbia’s Lower
Mainland, 1996-1999
● Nisga’a: People of the Naas River exhibition at RBCM 2002
● Mnukvs wuwaxdi: One Mind/One Heart Heiltsuk protest pipeline MOA 2012
● c̓əsnaʔəm, the city before the city at MOA (2015-2016), Musqueam Cultural
Education Resource Centre, Museum of Vancouver (2015-ongoing)
● Nuxalk Radio: One Nation, Many Voices 2018
● Dane Wajich: Dane-zaa Stories & Songs: Dreamers & The Land. Digital
Exhibit. Doig River First Nation Virtual Museum of Canada 2005.
● Digital Sqewlets, The Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre /
Stó:lō Nation. Virtual Museum of Canada 2016

Exam Format:
● Fill in the Blank: 4 sentences with 8 blanks total, 1 point each
● True/False: 5 sentences, 1 point each
● Short Answer: 2 questions, 4.5 points each
● Essay: 1 essay from a choice of 2, worth 8 points

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