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 PAKIKIPAGKAPWA-TAO – Filipinos are people who really value the meaning of relationships, they are
open to others, feel one with others and sensitive to others feeling.

 FAMILY ORIENTATION (Pagpapahalaga sa pamilya) Filipinos are known foe a close family relationship,
they posses a genuine and deep love of their families which include not only their parents but also
their siblings, and other relatives.

 JOY AND HUMOR (Kagalakan at Pagpapatawa) Filipinos have a pleasant disposition, they can afford
to laugh at their own mistakes and make jokes about their good and bad fortune.

 FLEXIBILITY, ADAPTABILITY, AND CREATIVITY (Pakikibagay, Madaling sumunod at Pagiging Malikhain)

Filipinos have a great capacity to adjust and adapt to different circumstances and surrounding envi-
ronment, both physical and social. Unplanned or unanticipated events are never overly disturbing and
disorienting to their filipinos.

 HARD WORK AND INDUSTRY ( Puspusang Pagtatrabaho at Kasipagan) Filipinos have the capacity for
hard work given the proper conditions, the desire to raise one’s standard of living and posses the es-
sentials of a decent life for ones family, makes the Filipino work very hard.

 FAITH AND RELIGIOSITY ( Pananampalataya at Pagiging Maka-Diyos) Filipinos as Catholics have a

deep faith and respect to God. The results of Filipinos faith are courage, daring optimism, inner peace
as well as the capacity to accept tragedy and death.

 ABILITY TO SURVIVE – This strength is manifested in Filipinos capacity for endurance despite difficult
times and their ability to get by on so very little.


There is much good in the Filipino but there is much that needs to be changed. If
we have to success in the nation building we must start with people building by
taking a close look at ourselves. Then we can see that many of our strong
points are also source of our weakness.
As a people we are person oriented and relationship with others are very important
part of our lives. On the other hand, our person oriented when carried too far ,makes
us lose objective. We also learn to ignore time honored rules land procedures were
everyone regardless of our relationship with them are treated equally.
1. The family and home environment
The main components of the home environment:
Child rearing practices- Child rearing can be both difficult and rewarding at the same time. The goal of every parent is to have
your child grow up to be a respectable and resourceful adult in society.
Family Relations
-In large family where we are encourage to get along with our siblings and other relatives, we learn pakikipagkapwa –tao.
-In an authoritarian setting we learn respect for age and authority; at the same time we become passive and dependent on authority.
Family attitudes and orientation
Family orientation
-The Filipinos family orientation may be attributed to the colonial times when the hierarchical structure of family has been in preva-
lent place, where age and status demand high levels of respect, and the good of the family takes precedence over personal desires.
2. The social environment
The social environment of the Filipino is characterized by a feudal structure with great gaps between the rich minority and the
poor majority.
3. Culture and language
Language and culture cannot be separated. Language is vital to understanding our unique cultural perspective. Language is a
tool that is used to explore and experience our cultures and the perspective that are embedded in our cultures.
4. history
We are the product of our colonial history, which is regarded by many as the culprit behind our lack of nationalism and our
colonial mentality. Colonialism developed a mind-set in the Filipino which encourage us to think of the colonial power as
superior and more powerful.
5. The educational system
Aside from the problems inherent in the use of a foreign language in our educational system leads to other problems for us as
a people.
6. religion
Religion is the root of the Filipino optimism and its capacity to accept life’s hardships. However, religion also instils in the Fili-
pino attitudes of resignation and a pre-occupation with the afterlife. We become vulnerable also to being victimized by
opportunism, oppression, exploitation and superstition.
7. The economic environment
Many Filipino traits are rooted in the poverty and hard life that is the lot of most Filipinos. Our difficulties drive us to take risks,
us to work very hard, and develop in us the ability to survive.
Poverty, however , has also become an excuse for graft and corruption, particularly among the lower rungs of the bureaucracy.
8. The political environment
The Philippine political environment is characterized by a centralization of power. Political power and authority is concentrated
in the hands of the elite and the participation of most Filipinos often is limited to voting in elections.
9. Mass media
It means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience.
It is the primary means of communications used to reach the vast majority of the general public.
The most common flatforms for media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the latest is the internet.
10. Leadership and role model
Filipinos look up to their leaders as role models. Political leaders are the main models, but all other leaders serve as role mod-
els as well. Thus, when our leaders violate the law or shoe themselves to be self-serving and drive by personal interest—
when there is lack of public accountability there is a negative impact on the Filipino.

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