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606103 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Rite Publishing Presents

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by Mark Seifter

5112899 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112899
606104 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Rite Publishing Presents:

The Secrets of the

Masquerade Reveler
Oberon (Author): Mark Seifter
Titania (Editor): Savannah Broadway
Puck (Cover Artist ): Sai Kayden
Peaseblossoms (Interior Artists ): Sai Kayden, 606104

James “Devin Night” Hazelett, Ryan Barger,

Arthur Rackham, Khairul Hisham, Michael Richards
Moth (Assistant Editor, Layout, and Publisher):
Steven D. Russell
Dedication: To Linda, for stealing me away into the realm of Faerie.

Special Thanks:
Will McCardell, Steven D. Russell, and Savannah Broadway

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more
information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

The Secrets of the Masquerade Reveler Copyright © 2014 Steven D. Russell, Open Gaming License Copyright © 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathfinder is a
registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo
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5112900 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112900
606105 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

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5112901 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112901
606106 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Who am I? That is a question with different exceptions. The deeper we swim into the masquerade,
answers depending on when you ask, on how you ask. the more our very bring fluctuates depending on the
Most often, I am called Melusine, or Autumn's masks we wear, so we could be gentle and protective
Whisper. And I dance and weave the forms of the one moment and feral and hungry the next. Still, we
masquerade, changing masks and partners wherever usually have conscious control over which masks we
my journeys take me. Whatever the obstacle, I have a choose, so the mask is not entirely an excuse for the
guise that is up to the task...well, hopefully. actions of the person wearing it.
The realm of Faerie is not a kind place, not some
kind of glittery paradise where little girls have their
tea parties. It is a place fraught with danger, intrigue,
and change. Almost nothing is for certain, and the The ever-changing passion of the masquerade
only way something will stay the same is if it is bound pulses through us, as our very self-dances and hides
that way. It's why oaths are so powerful for the fey. behind our masks. Be they noble or vile, nearly all
You want to become a reveler and dance the among us are incarnations of chaos. Even the most
masquerade? In that case, you are either deluded or fastidious task revelers live at a balance. To cleave to a
insane. This isn't something any ordinary person regimen of law is to lose the masquerade. And much
would want. Attuning yourself to the alien reality of as we might dream of becoming who we were before,
Faerie will fracture your mind. Is the power worth we can never be that person again.
more to you than who you are? Because your very
identity is at stake. It's a daily struggle to keep
yourself as something you recognize, and that is
without any "help" from the fey themselves. As with most things involving the fey, when it
comes to belief, there are three main subgroups
among revelers.
Adventures Some are loners, who have come to believe they
We revelers are drawn to change, both internal cannot rely on anyone but themselves. These revelers
and external. It's not like we have a secret society or are often bitter about what they have become, but
anything, but I tend to hear about others like me, and sometimes they are simply in tune with the world of 606106

we get to talking. The majority of us are a bit Faerie itself. Loners are more likely than most to
unnerved by those few "task revelers" who can keep become Beast Revelers and sometimes lose
up a sedentary lifestyle. I'm not a task reveler myself, themselves to the beast within.
but I tend to think that those who hold that opinion Others, like me, have become caught up in fey
are simply jealous or insecure, complaining that the politics, having fallen in with a fey lord or court. I
shimmerberries they cannot reach must be sour. serve at the whims of the Court of Autumn. Fey lords
Nonetheless, adventure fulfills multiple basic needs run the gamut in power, but the minor fey lords are
for a reveler like me. It provides a changing backdrop, usually demigods in their own right, and the major
enhanced with the strongest human emotions, so we players are essentially gods and goddesses unto the
can remember who we are even as we change. But, fey. For those who owe fealty to a fey lord, there is
more importantly. it also gives us an underlying goal rarely room for another religion, though as with
that can remain a constant, even as everything else everything, there are exceptions to this as well.
changes. It's a lifeline in the stormy seas of ourselves, The last group is the most stubborn, and they
and those who last long as revelers without losing cling to a mortal faith as if it were a badge of
themselves completely and devolving into base humanity. For them, their faith is an essential lifeline
creatures of Faerie have learned that any lifeline is to the life they once lived, even if it isn't the same
worth its weight in mithral. mortal faith they followed before they became one
with the masquerade. Most revelers who follow a
mortal faith tend to worship deities of indulgence,
Characteristics madness, passion, transformation, or trickery.
It would be a mistake to assume that you could
pin down revelers of the masquerade with any kind of
unifying characteristics or commonalities that lie
within the limits of a sane mortal mind's capacity for Revelers come from every background in our
reasoning. However, the fluidity of self and the mortal lives once upon a time. But these are distant
exuberance of all the senses are both nearly universal days not all of us can even remember. At some point
traits. For every rule, however, there are three in our lives, we gave in to the fey masquerade. Most of

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The Masked Reveler

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us, like me, found ourselves in the realm of Faerie or liquors. Still, halfbreed races are common among
in a fey ball in our home realm. We partook of the revelers, as are elves, gnomes, and of course humans,
food, the drink, and the festivities. But others have by virtue of being more populous in general.
found the masquerade in a variety of unusual ways.
Do not assume you are safe if you keep your hands off
the fey amenities.
Once we become revelers, most of us are lost to Many revelers have spent time alone in a
our friends, our family, and even our lovers, and we dangerous and alien world. We've learned to take
may even return to our homeland to find that more whatever help we can get, to accept alliance quickly
time has passed than we expected. A few revelers, but trust all-too-slowly. Those who finally earn our
those who were already social chameleons before they trust will find us fiercely loyal to those few upon
even met the fey, have been able to blend back into whom we feel we can depend.
their previous lives without more than the occasional Lawful allies like paladins and priests of law are
disturbance, but these oddities are by far the sometimes wary of the masquerade within us, worried
exceptions. In some ways, I can't help but be jealous if they can trust our sanity to retain its grip. Laughing
of them, but usually not. Too often they find their kith man monks, however, understand us, as they follow
and kin murdered or used as leverage in the insane the twisting order that the fey lords use to hold their
games of the fair folk, as they bring the attentions of realms together in the chaos of Faerie. Despite being
Faerie upon the innocents around them. opposites, we make a natural team, like night and day.
Depending on how we feel about the fey lords, we
can be either firm allies or bitter enemies of faerie
Races knight cavaliers, and the same holds true to a lesser
Masquerade revelers are beings of change. In extent with other cavaliers who serve mortal lords and
many ways, all revelers are closer to other revelers, ideals.
regardless of race, than we are to normal folk of our We get along extremely well with barbarians,
own race. Revelers come from every race, as even the with whom we share many similarities and a driving
most disciplined dwarf can be tempted by rare passion, as well as bards, who bring music, song, and

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606108 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

revelry wherever they go. third sort manages to embrace this alien land, and in
Arcane spellcasters often want to experiment on doing so becomes a part of it.
us, which rubs many of us, myself included, the wrong
way. With summoners in particular, revelers and Skills
summoners usually sniff each other out with a wary
eye for each others' tricks. I've seen how these so- A masquerade reveler gains Perform as a class skill.
called summoners manifest the masquerade into a
living creature, and I've heard them spout nonsense Masks (Ex)
that we are "borrowing evolutions from eidolons". At 1st level, the masquerade reveler chooses a set of 4
evolution points worth of eidolon evolutions, which
Role represents one of the infinite possibilities of the realm
of Faerie. At each barbarian level, she chooses another
Within adventuring parties, we revelers can mask. For this purpose, she is considered to be a
perform a variety of roles, depending mainly on our biped form eidolon with the arms and legs evolution.
dispositions and our masks. It is easiest for us to fulfill If she selects any evolutions that grant a natural
the role of a versatile melee defender or striker, but I attack, she is limited in the number of natural attacks
have seen successful revelers who focused on mobility she can possess to the same number as the eidolon of
and positioning, abilities that weaken their foes, or a summoner of her barbarian level, even if she
even on utility, including those with masks like the receives some of the natural attacks from a different
Sage's Mask or the Scoundrel's Mask that allow them source. For the purpose of determining how many
to excel at a variety of skills. Personally, I prefer a natural attacks she can possess, any weapon attacks
hybrid approach, ready for anything, but that's made with extra hands from the Limbs (Arms)
because I'm a loner, so I don't have room to fall back evolution count as natural attacks. A masquerade
on allies when my own abilities fail. reveler must meet all prerequisites for the evolutions
Revelers like me are always different and selected. She uses her barbarian level as her effective
somewhat apart from everyone else, but we're rarely summoner level to determine which evolutions she
outcasts, as our talents are simply too useful to those can choose, but she can never select the channel
who understand our power, not the least of which are resistance, large, undead appearance, or unnatural

the very fey lords who may have played a part in aura evolutions. If the masquerade reveler is naturally
making us. Though we're exceedingly rare, you can not a humanoid creature, she still may not select any
find revelers working in all sorts of unusual and evolutions that cannot be selected by a bipedal
prestigious positions, sometimes where you least eidolon. A masquerade reveler does not have access to
expect them. the abilities granted by her masks except while using
her masquerade or become the mask abilities.
Masquerade Reveler Because of this, she is not considered to meet the
prerequisites of any feat that requires an ability she
gains from one of her masks (for instance, she could
(Barbarian Archetype) not select Improved Natural Attack unless she
possesses a natural weapon from a different source).

I warned you not to come back here, but you

Masquerade (Ex)
never listen. You were curious, tempted by the
power. Have we met before? You seem to know me. When a masquerade reveler rages, instead of gaining
But which me do you know? I dance upon a river of a bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Will saves, she
my selves, flowing seamlessly from one to another. instead chooses any of her masks and applies all of its
We are that river. We are never who we were before. evolutions to herself. She still takes a –2 penalty to
Each instant changes us. Sometimes we flit and dart AC, but she can use Intelligence-, Dexterity-, and
between ourselves, free as a zephyr. But from some Charisma-based skills as well as abilities that require
changes, we can never recover… concentration. Even though this ability is
extraordinary, the evolutions gained retain their type:
—Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper
extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like. This ability
otherwise follows the normal rules for rage and counts
The world of Faerie is a place of masks, disguises,
as rage for all other purposes, including rage powers,
transformations, and constant evolution. Lucky
fatigue, and exhaustion. This ability replaces rage.
visitors cannot grasp the reality of Faerie and remain
ignorant, while the unlucky are driven mad. A rare

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606109 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Become the Mask (Ex)

At 7th level, a masquerade reveler retains a fragment
of the potential of Faerie even when she is not using
her masquerade ability. She may select up to 1
evolution point worth of evolutions from the last mask
she chose when she used her masquerade ability. The
selected evolutions persist until the next time she uses

At 15th level, she may instead select up to 2 evolution

points worth of evolutions to retain.

This ability replaces trap sense and damage reduction.

Elaborate Masks (Ex)

At 11th level, a masquerade reveler gains a deeper
connection to her masks. All of her masks increase
from 4 to 6 evolution points of evolutions, and she
may switch out one of her old masks for a new mask. Ankou Mask
This ability replaces greater rage.
danger suffusing her dulcet voice, “Come now. Come
Avatar of a Thousand Masks (Ex) to me and you shall understand.”
At 20th level, a masquerade reveler has fully The weight of magic was heavy upon her beckoning
embraced her connection to the world of Faerie. All of call, but I reminded myself of what she would do and
her masks increase to 8 evolution points of evolutions, broke her spell, changing my mask and striking out
and she may switch out one of her masks for a new with thorny vines, ablaze with the flame of my
mask 1/day as a standard action. Additionally, her resolve. Did you know that rusalkas, despite being 606109

type changes to fey and she gains DR 10/cold iron, water creatures, are immune to fire? I discovered
even when she is not using her masquerade ability. that right then. Still, the vines struck home, and she
This ability replaces mighty rage. snarled, her face a glorious mask of beauty and
hatred. She called out for her charmed minions to
attend her as her impossibly intricate couture undid
itself, her tresses lashing out at me. I blocked one of
Masks the attacks with my vines, then ducked the second as
another slammed into my side. As I rolled to avoid
the last, she was there, her fingers lying softly
The following sections include a variety of predefined
against my exposed skin, filling me with desire and
masks for use by masquerade revelers. Each mask
shame. “Give up my dear,” she cooed, “You’re
includes a 4 point version, a 6 point version, and an 8
point version, so it is ready to use for Masquerade
Revelers of any level. Sometimes, a mask’s 4 point
I knew I only had one chance. I changed my mask
version cannot be used at level 1 because of a level
again, calling upon the power of the ankou, assassins
requirement for one or more of the evolutions, so the
of the fey lords, as I formed four duplicates of myself
minimum level appears after the name of each mask
out of the shadows. I sent three of them to deal with
in parentheses. Many of these masks possess new
the three charmed allies, while the last one flanked
evolutions from later in this book.
Lorelei with me. “Now who’s outnumbered, bitch?”

—Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper

Fey Masks
Apluachra Mask (Fey, Level 1)
A rusalka is never someone you want as an enemy, 4 points: Gills, Numbing Slime, Swim, Tiny
but sometimes it can’t be avoided. 6 points: Bite, Gills, Numbing Slime, Skilled (Stealth),
Swim, Tiny
“The lily is mine,” Lorelei intoned, more than a hint of 8 points: Bite, Gills, Low-Light Vision, Numbing

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606110 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Slime, Skilled (Stealth), Swim, Tail, Tiny Lesser Spell Resistance

Ankou Mask (Fey, Level 6) Cold Rider Mask (Level 7)

4 points: Bleed, Flight 4 points: Icewalking, Immunity (cold), Skilled (Ride)
6 points: Flight, Shadow Doubles 6 points: Energy Weapons (Cold), Icewalking,
8 points: Bleed, Flight, Shadow Doubles Immunity (cold), Skilled (Ride)
8 points: Energy Weapons (Cold), Icewalking,
Atomie Mask (Fey, Level 5) Immunity (cold), Lesser Spell Resistance, Skilled
4 points: Flight, Speak With Animals, Tiny (Ride)
6 points: Fey Cantrip (dancing lights), Flight (3 points
for extra speed), Speak With Animals, Tiny Dryad Mask (Fey, Level 6)
8 points: Fey Cantrip (dancing lights), Fey Magic 4 points: Fey Magic (tree shape), Speak With Plants
(invisibility (self only)), Flight (3 points for extra 6 points: Fey Magic (tree shape), Speak With Plants,
speed), Speak With Animals, Tiny Tree Meld
8 points: Fey Magic (tree shape), Low-Light Vision,
Baobhan Sith Mask (Fey, Level 3) Skilled (Craft (woodworking)), Speak With Plants,
4 points: Bite, Blood Drain, Skilled (Perform (dance)) Tree Meld
6 points: Bite, Blood Drain, Dying Words, Skilled
(Perform (dance)) Erlking Mask (Level 1)
8 points: Bite, Blood Drain, Dying Words, Fey Magic 4 points: Resistance (Acid, Cold, Electricity), Skilled
(detect thoughts), Skilled (Perform (dance)) (Acrobatics)
6 points: Bleed, Resistance (Acid, Cold, Electricity),
Biloko Mask (Fey, Level 6) Skilled (Acrobatics)
4 points: Fey Magic (charm person), Persuasion, 8 points: Bleed, Blur, Haste
6 points: Bite, Fey Magic (charm person), Low-Light Faun Mask (Fey, Level 6)
Vision, Persuasion, Scent 4 points: Fey Magic (hideous laughter), Fey Cantrip 606110

8 points: Bite, Fey Magic (charm person), Low-Light (ghost sound), Panpipes
Vision, Improved Natural Armor, Persuasion, Scent, 6 points: Fey Magic (hideous laughter), Fey Cantrip
Skilled (Diplomacy) (ghost sound), Hooves, Low-Light Vision, Panpipes
8 points: Fey Magic (hideous laughter), Fey Cantrip
Blodeuwedd Mask (Fey, Level 6) (ghost sound), Hooves, Improved Natural Armor,
4 points: Nature’s Infusion, Speak With Plants Low-Light Vision, Panpipes, Skilled (Perform (wind))
6 points: Allergen Aura, Nature’s Infusion, Speak
With Plants Forlarren Mask (Fey, Level 6)
8 points: Allergen Aura, Nature’s Infusion, Speak 4 points: Claws, Fey Magic (heat metal), Skilled
With Plants, Verdant Step (Perception)
6 points: Claws, Fey Magic (heat metal), Improved
Bogeyman Mask (Fey, Level 6) Natural Armor, Low-Light Vision, Skilled (Perception)
4 points: Fey Magic (detect thoughts), Skilled 8 points: Claws, Fey Magic (heat metal), Improved
(Intimidate), Skilled (Stealth) Damage (claws), Improved Natural Armorx2, Low-
6 points: Deepest Fear, Fey Magic (detect thoughts), Light Vision, Skilled (Perception)
Skilled (Intimidate), Skilled (Stealth)
8 points: Claws, Deepest Fear, Skilled (Intimidate), Fossegrim Mask (Level 1)
Sneak Attack, Striking Fear 4 points: Gills, Slam, Swimx2
6 points: Gills, Slam, Swimx2, Transparency
Brownie Mask (Fey, Level 6) 8 points: Enchanting Music, Gills, Slam, Swimx2,
4 points: Fey Cantrip (dancing lights), Fey Magic Transparency
(mirror image), Skilled (Stealth)
6 points: Fey Cantrip (dancing lights), Fey Magic Gancanagh Mask (Level 1)
(mirror image), Lesser Spell Resistance, Skilled 4 points: Resistance (Fire), Skilled (Bluff, Diplomacy,
(Stealth) Intimidate)
8 points: dimension door, Fey Magic (mirror image), 6 points: Ability Increase (Charisma), Resistance

5112906 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112906
606111 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

(Fire), Skilled (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate)

8 points: Ability Increase (Charisma), Fey Magic
(obscuring mist), Resistance (Fire), Skilled (Bluff,
Diplomacy, Intimidate)

Gathlain Mask (Fey, Level 6)

4 points: Fey Magic (entangle), Flight
6 points: Fey Magic (entangle), Flight, Low-Light
Vision, Improved Natural Armor
8 points: Fey Magic (entangle, feather step), Flight,
Low-Light Vision, Improved Natural Armor

Gremlin Masks

Fuath Mask (Fey, Level 1)

4 points: Congeal Water, Gills, Tiny
6 points: Congeal Water, Darkvision, Gills, Swim,
Monaciello Mask
8 points: Claws, Congeal Water, Darkvision, Fey Nuglub Mask (Level 1)
Cantrip (prestidigitation), Gills, Swim, Tiny 4 points: Claws, Climb, Kneecapper, Trip
6 points: Bite, Claws, Climb, Darkvision, Kneecapper,
Grimple Mask (Fey, Level 6) Trip
4 points: Climb, Putrid Vomit, Tiny 8 points: Bite, Claws, Climb, Darkvision, Grab (Bite),
6 points: Climb, Flight, Putrid Vomit, Tiny Kneecapper, Skilled (Intimidate), Trip
8 points: Climb, Fey Magic (grease), Flight, Putrid

Vomit, Tiny Pugwampi Mask (Fey, Level 1) 606111

4 points: Darkvision, Fey Cantrip (prestidigitation),

Haniver Mask (Fey, Level 1) Skilled (Stealth), Tiny
4 points: Gills, Misplacement, Swim, Tiny 6 points: Darkvision, Tiny, Unluck Aura
6 points: Flight, Gills, Misplacement, Swim, Tiny 8 points: Darkvision, Tiny, Unluck Aura (6 points)
8 points: Bite, Darkvision, Flight, Gills, Misplacement,
Swim, Tiny Vexgit Mask (Fey, Level 4)
4 points: Skilled (Disable Device), Speedy Sabotage,
Jinkin Mask (Fey, Level 1) Tiny
4 points: Darkvision, Fey Cantrip (prestidigitation), 6 points: Climb, Darkvision, Skilled (Disable Device),
Skilled (Disable Device), Tiny Speedy Sabotage, Tiny
6 points: Bite, Darkvision, Fey Cantrip 8 points: Climb, Darkvision, Lesser Spell Resistance,
(prestidigitation), Skilled (Craft (traps), Skilled Skilled (Disable Device), Speedy Sabotage, Tiny
(Disable Device), Tiny
8 points: Darkvision, Dimension Door, Fey Cantrip Grig Mask (Fey, Level 5)
(prestidigitation), Skilled (Disable Device), Tiny 4 points: Flight, Skilled (Acrobatics), Tiny
6 points: Fiddle, Flight, Skilled (Acrobatics), Tiny
Monaciello Mask (Fey, Level 1) 8 points: Fiddle, Flight, Fey Magic (invisibility (self
4 points: Blasphemous Resistance, Compression, only), Tiny
Tiny, Skilled (Stealth)
6 points: Blasphemous Resistance, Compression, Fey Grimstalker Mask (Level 7)
Magic (glitterdust), Tiny, Skilled (Stealth) 4 points: Claws, Poison, Skilled (Stealth)
8 points: Blasphemous Resistance, Compression, 6 points: Claws, Poison, Sneak Attack, Skilled
Tiny, Skilled (Stealth), Stymie Channeling (Stealth)
8 points: Claws, Fey Magic(tree shape), Poison, Sneak
Attack, Skilled (Stealth)

5112907 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112907
606112 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Huldra Mask (Fey, Level 1)

4 points: Resistance (Cold), Slam, Tail, Tail Slap
6 points: Darkvision, Resistance (Cold), Scent, Slam,
Fey and Masquerade Revelers
Tail, Tail Slap
8 points: Darkvision, Fey Magic (charm person), Fey vary wildly in the way they treat masquerade
Resistance (Cold), Scent, Slam, Tail, Tail Slap revelers, and it also depends greatly on the reveler’s
situation. Revelers, one and all, bear a permanent
Ijiraq Mask (Fey, Level 5) mark from their time amongst the fey. It is fairly
4 points: Bite, Gore, Hide in Plain Sight (Icy) common to find a reveler who ate the faerie food and
6 points: Bite, Claws, Gore, Improved Natural Armor, drank the wine and simply became lost in the revelry
Hide in Plain Sight (Icy) for a time, only to return home much later than she
8 points: Bite, Dimension Door, Gore, Hide in Plain expected and somewhat distant from those with
Sight (Icy) whom she was once close. Others voluntarily lose
themselves in the dance and ever-changing forms of
Faerie. A few, like Melusine, retain active status in a
Kelpie Mask (Fey, Level 1)
fey court. The most dangerous of them all are the
4 points: Gills, Resistance (Fire), Slam, Swim
revelers of the fair folk themselves, embodiments of
6 points: Gills, Grab, Resistance (Fire), Skilled
the masquerade whose form and beauty are aching
(Disguise), Slam, Swim
8 points: Gills, Grab, Resistance (Fire), Improved
Natural Armor, Skilled (Disguise), Slam, Swimx2
In a game of faerie politics, perceived weakness is
weakness, but unpredictability is a hidden strength, as
Korred Mask (Fey, Level 7) those who are plotting against you cannot calculate
4 points: Animated Hair, Stone Stride countermeasures against something they cannot
6 points: Animated Hair, Lesser Spell Resistance, predict. As such, fey nobles consider masquerade
Stone Stride revelers to be useful pawns, and they seek to exploit
8 points: Animated Hair, Spell Resistance, Stone the reveler’s sense of solitude and disconnection from
Stride other mortals to establish a dominant relationship, 606112

sweet words flowing from the noble’s lips about how

Lampad Mask (Fey, Level 6) only among the fey is the reveler truly home.
4 points: Darkvision, Fey Magic (meld into stone), Ultimately, this is a tactic intended to isolate the
Weep target from other influences in order to begin bending
6 points: Ability Increase (Dexterity), Darkvision, Fey her to the noble’s will. In this case, the noble leverages
Magic (meld into stone), Weep the otherness of the reveler and makes it into a
8 points: Ability Increase (Charisma, Dexterity), weakness.
Darkvision, Fey Magic (meld into stone), Weep
Many rank and file fey, however, generally treat
Larabay Mask (Fey, Level 6) revelers slightly better than ordinary mortals, though
4 points: Fey Magic (gust of wind), Flight not as highly as faerie knights unless the reveler has a
6 points: Fey Magic (gust of wind), Flight, Resistance powerful patron. These fey can feel an alien empathy
(electricity, fire) for the mortal who has embraced a part of their own
8 points: Fey Magic (gust of wind), Flight, Resistance mercurial nature, allowing them to feel more
(cold, electricity, fire), Skilled (Disguise) comfortable around the reveler.

Leprechaun Mask (Fey, Level 1) Revelers usually feel a strong bond of camaraderie for
4 points: Low-Light Vision, shillelagh, Skilled other revelers, the only other people in the world who
(Perception, Sleight of Hand) can truly understand what their experience is like.
6 points: Fey Magic (invisibility (self only)), Low- Nonetheless, they tend to be quickly judgmental of
Light Vision, Shillelagh, Skilled (Perception, Sleight of masks they find distasteful, and many revelers
Hand) consider “task revelers” (those who make regular use
8 points: Fey Magic (invisibility (self only)), Lesser of the Task Reveler feat) to be lesser than the “real”
Spell Resistance, Low-Light Vision, Shillelagh, Skilled revelers, as they find singlemindedness to be
(Perception, Sleight of Hand) anathema and somewhat frightening.

5112908 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112908
606113 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Lurker in Light Mask (Fey, Level 5)

4 points: Blend With Light, Fey Cantrip (dancing
6 points: Blend With Light, Fey Cantrip (dancing
lights), Flight
8 points: Blend With Light, Fey Cantrip (dancing
lights), Fey Magic (blindness/deafness), Flight

Mite Mask (Fey, Level 5)

4 points: Darkvision, Skilled (Stealth), Vermin
6 points: Darkvision, Fey Cantrip (prestidigitation),
Skilled (Sleight of Hand, Stealth), Vermin Empathy
8 points: Climb, Darkvisionx2, Fey Cantrip
(prestidigitation), Skilled (Sleight of Hand, Stealth),
Vermin Empathy

Nereid Mask (Fey, Level 4)

4 points: Gills, Swim, Transparency
6 points: Gills, Immunity (Cold), Swim, Transparency
8 points: Gills, Swim, Transparency, Unearthly Grace

Nixie Mask (Fey, Level 6)

4 points: Fey Magic (charm person), Gills, Swim
6 points: Fey Magic (charm person), Gills, Swim, Oceanid Mask
Wild Empathy
8 points: Fey Magic (charm person), Gills, Lesser 6 points: Darkvision, Earth Mastery, Petrify Proof, 606113

Spell Resistance, Swim, Wild Empathy Skilled (Craft (stonemasonry), Profession (miner),
Stone Knowledge
Norn Mask (Fey, Level 9) 8 points: Darkvision, Earth Mastery, Lesser Spell
4 points: Immunity (Cold), Prescient Resistance, Petrify Proof, Skilled (Craft
6 points: Blindsense, Prescient, Resistance (Cold) (stonemasonry), Profession (miner), Stone Knowledge
8 points: Fated, Prescient, Shift Fate, Snip Thread
Pixie Mask (Fey, Level 6)
Nuckelavee Mask (Fey, Level 1) 4 points: Fey Magic (invisibility (self only)), Flight
4 points: Gills, Hooves, Swimx2 6 points: Fey Magic (invisibility (self only)), Flight,
6 points: Disease, Gills, Hooves, Swimx2 Lesser Spell Resistance
8 points: Disease, Gills, Hooves, Swimx2, Trample 8 points: Fey Magic (invisibility (self only)), Flight,
Spell Resistance
Nymph Mask (Fey, Level 1)
4 points: Ability Increase (Charisma), Wild Empathy
Polevik Mask (Fey, Level 7)
6 points: Unearthly Grace, Wild Empathy 4 points: Puffballs, Putrefying Aura, Skilled (Craft
8 points: Ability Increase (Charismax2), Unearthly (alchemy))
Grace, Wild Empathy 6 points: Puffballs, Putrefying Aura, Skilled (Craft
(alchemy), Stealth, Survival)
8 points: Puffballs, Putrefying Aura, Skilled (Craft
Oceanid Mask (Fey, Level 6)
(alchemy), Stealth, Survival), Speak With Plants
4 points: Gills, Swim, Waveglide
6 points: Gills, Swim, Water Telekinesis, Waveglide
8 points: Gills, Swimx3, Water Telekinesis, Waveglide
Pooka Mask (Fey, Level 7)
4 points: Fey Magic (invisibility (self only)), Poison
Dust, Tiny
Pech Mask (Fey, Level 1)
6 points: Fey Magic (invisibility (self only)), Flight,
4 points: Darkvision, Earth Mastery, Petrify Proof,
Poison Dust, Tiny
Stone Knowledge

5112909 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112909
606114 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

8 points: Darkvision, Fey Cantrip (detect magic), Fey

Magic (invisibility (self only)), Flight, Poison Dust,
Revelers without the Fey
Quickling Mask (Fey, Level 3) By default, the masquerade reveler archetype is
4 points: Increased Speed, Supernatural Speed strongly tied to the ever-changing world of the fey. It
6 points: Increased Speedx3, Supernatural Speed is easy to run a reveler in a game where fey themes are
8 points: Increased Speedx5, Supernatural Speed less common, but what if your world doesn’t have a
fey realm at all? The masquerade reveler archetype is
Redcap Mask (Fey, Level 9) extremely flexible, so while you would need to
4 points: Boot Stomp, Red Cap abandon the fey-themed masks below, consider the
6 points: Boot Stomp, Increased Speedx2, Red Cap following as alternative power sources (and names)
8 points: Boot Stomp, Increased Speedx3, Red Cap (4 for masquerade revelers in your game:
Alienist--The alienist’s mind and body have been
touched by elder horrors from beyond our dimension.
Rusalka Mask (Fey, Level 9)
Instead of a masquerade, the alienist has daily rounds
4 points: Tresses
of madness, during which she embraces the aspects of
6 points: Staggering Touch, Tresses
aberrations. The mask of the void is a fitting mask for
8 points: Grab (Tresses), Staggering Touch, Tresses
an alienist, and the tentacles and no breath evolutions
are particularly appropriate.
Satyr Mask (Fey, Level 6)
4 points: Fey Magic (charm person), Gore, Skilled Phantasmagorist--The phantasmagorist taps not into
(Perform (wind instruments)) the primal revelry of the fey but into the fears and
6 points: Fey Magic (charm person), Gore, Skilled nightmares that lurk in the darkness of mortal hearts.
(Perception, Perform (wind instruments), Stealth) Anything can become real during a nightmare, and
8 points: Fey Cantrip (dancing lights), Fey Magic the phantasmagorist collects nightmares, spending
(charm person), Gore, Improved Natural Armor, rounds of her nightmare ability (instead of 606114

Skilled (Perception, Perform (wind instruments), masquerade). The bogeyman mask is a fitting mask
Stealth) for a phantasmagorist, and the deepest fear and
striking fear evolutions are particularly appropriate.
Skin Stealer Mask (Fey, Level 4)
4 points: Skilled (Disguise, Heal), Steal Skin Skinwalker--The skinwalker is a trickster, a master
6 points: Improved Natural Armor, Skilled (Disguise, shapeshifter who can leverage the powers of many
Heal, Stealth), Steal Skin forms in order to defeat her foes. Instead of
8 points: Improved Natural Armor, Skilled (Disguise, masquerade, she has daily rounds of shapeshifting.
Heal, Stealth), Sneak Attack, Steal Skin The skin stealer mask is a fitting mask for a nefarious
skinwalker, and the steal skin evolution is particularly
Spring-Heeled Jack Mask (Fey, Level appropriate, especially with Become the Mask.
4 points: Feather Fall, Sneak Attack, Vault
6 points: Ability Increase (Dexterity), Feather Fall, Svartalfar Mask (Fey, Level 6)
Sneak Attack, Vault 4 points: Darkvision, Skilled (Stealth), Sneak Attack
8 points: Ability Increase (Dexterity), Feather Fall, 6 points: Darkvision, Fey Magic (vanish), Skilled
Increased Speed, Skilled (Acrobatics), Sneak Attack, (Stealth), Sneak Attack
Vault 8 points: Darkvision, Fey Magic (vanish), Skilled
(Stealth), Sneak Attackx2
Sprite Mask (Fey, Level 5)
4 points: Flight, Luminous, Tiny Swan Maiden Mask (Fey, Level 1)
6 points: Fey Cantrip (dancing lights), Flight, 4 points: Animal Form (trumpeter swan), Skilled
Luminous, Skilled (Escape Artist), Tiny (Perception, Stealth)
8 points: Fey Cantrip (dancing lights), Flight (4 6 points: Animal Form (trumpeter swan), Fey Magic
points for perfect maneuverability, but still has wings (glitterdust), Skilled (Perception, Stealth)
and Ex), Luminous, Skilled (Escape Artist), Tiny 8 points: Animal Form (trumpeter swan), Fey Magic

5112910 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112910
606115 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

(glitterdust), Resistance (cold, electricity), Skilled

(Perception, Stealth)

Thin Man Mask (Fey, Level 9)

4 points: Burrow, Compression,
6 points: Burrow, Claws, Compression, Skilled
8 points: Bleed, Burrow, Claws, Compression, Skilled

Tooth Fairy Mask (Fey, Level 1)

4 points: Tiny, Tricky Thief
6 points: Flight, Tiny, Tricky Thief
8 points: Bite, Darkvision, Flight, Tiny, Tricky Thief

Twigjack Mask (Fey, Level 5)

4 points: Bramble Jump, Tiny, Woodland Stride
6 points: Bramble Jump, Sneak Attack, Tiny,
Woodland Stride Dweomercat Mask
8 points: Bramble Jump, Darkvision, Improved
Natural Armor, Sneak Attack, Tiny, Woodland Stride nettles. The creatures are generally harmless
scavengers when they are not provoked, though that
is an observation best not tested. However, , I had
Beast Masks something else in mind this time. I began to poke the
skrik nettle with a stick. The creature ceased singing
and hissed, striking at me with one of its little beaks.
The enormous praying mantis claw sliced through “Much obliged, Tiny” I thanked it, and I relaxed my
the tree trunk as though it were a blade of grass, and
5112911 606115

body, allowing the poison to spread.

the head, half-orchid, half-spider, released a
terrifying hunting howl. I thought these things were Of course, Tiny didn’t feel particularly grateful to
supposed to protect the jungle? receive my thanks, and he continued to bite at me,
filling me up with more venom. And as the poison
As long as I continued to wear my mask, I outpaced spread, I began to float up into the air. As I rose,
the creature, but I couldn’t keep this up for long. In uncontrollably, my eyes upon a passing jungle island
retrospect, things went sour the moment I entered above, my pursuer burst out of the undergrowth
the Whistling Jungles. The jungles here float on below me and let loose one last indignant howl,
islands in the sky, and you could sometimes see the furious to be denied its prey.
other islands above. The air isn’t right, either. You
can still breathe it, but it’s thin. You can fall faster From above, I could see a strange green mold oozing
here without the air resistance, and wings simply from cracks in the beast’s head. The creature looked
don’t work at all. Otherwise, I could fly away from enough like undergrowth already that it was
the creature chasing me. As I continued to run at full impossible to spot from below. That explained it! The
speed, my luck ran out. mindslavers were expanding their territory…

I heard them before I saw them, the complex —Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper
harmonies even more salient than the numerous
jellyfish-like creatures floating in the air, each
Dweomercat Mask
tentacle ending in a bird-like beak. I had stumbled
into a colony of skrik nettles. This was the end of the (Beast[Quadruped], Level 4)
line. Unless… 4 points: Pounce, Rake, Skilled (Climb)
6 points: Pounce, Rake, Skilled (Climb), Spell Link
Laughing at the insanity of the situation, I made sure 8 points: Lesser Spell Resistance, Pounce, Rake,
of my supply of restorative potions before I Skilled (Climb), Spell Link
approached the smallest and lowest of the skrik


5112911 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112911
606116 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Grodair Mask Magically. The entire sea.

(Beast[Aquatic], Level 1)
Immediately, I leapt into the air and changed masks,
4 points: Swim, Tentacle, Tentacle, Water Blast
gossamer wings stretching out behind me as I
6 points: Muddy Field, Swim, Tentacle, Tentacle,
became the Lost Butterfly.
Water Blast
8 points: Darkvision, Improved Natural Armor,
But immediately wasn’t fast enough. The sea rushed
Muddy Field, Swim, Tentacle, Tentacle, Water Blast
out at me from all directions, a ravenous monster of
salt and steam that buffeted me on all sides, forming
Skrik Nettle Mask (Beast, Level 9) into serpentine maws that nipped at my flesh and
4 points: Flight (4 points for perfect maneuverability), turned the sea foam crimson.
Tentacle Beakx3, Levitation Poison (Tentacle Beak)
6 points: Flight (4 points for perfect maneuverability), Perhaps he could have killed me if he went for a clean
Spill Poison, Tentacle Beakx3, Levitation Poison blow instead. Regardless, I slipped out of the tendrils
(Tentacle Beak) of water, ascending just past their reach. This was
8 points: Flight (4 points for perfect maneuverability), my advantage—I had no intention of defeating a fey
Reach (Tentacle Beak)x2, Spill Poison, Tentacle lord, even a minor one. If I wanted to fight him, I
Beakx3 Levitation Poison (Tentacle Beak) would have to pursue him into the water, and that
would be the end. But right now, if he stayed in his
Tunche Mask place of power, I could simply fly away. I had
(Beast[Quadruped], Fey, Level 6) wounded his pride, though. He couldn’t allow that.
4 points: Climb, Rend, Swim
6 points: Climb, Enormous, Limbs (Legs), Rend Sure enough, he emerged, rising on a waterspout, a
8 points: Claws, Climb, Enormous, Limbs (Legs), funnel ascending from the sea into the growing
Rend, Swim storm and tearing through all in its path, as he stood,
almost placidly, atop the devouring vortex. I threw a
Zomok Mask javelin at him, and as he dismissively waved his
hand, causing a massive wave to rise from the sea
(Beast[Quadruped], Level 5)
5112912 606116

and block my attack, I used that momentary opening

4 points: Flight, Lesser Plant Traits
to dart away, with Nereus close on my heels.
6 points: Enormous, Flight, Lesser Plant Traits, Wing
—Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper
8 points: Enormous, Flight, Lesser Plant Traits, Tail,
Tail Slap, Wing Buffet
All-Seeing Mask (Level 9)
4 points: Blindsense, Darkvision
6 points: Blindsense, See in Darkness
Theme Masks 8 points: Blindsight, Blindsense, Low-Light Vision

Nereus spat out blood and grinned widely. The Court Berserker’s Mask (Level 1)
of Waves is nearly as mercurial as autumn, and 4 points: Ability Increase (Constitution, Strength)
every bit as merciless. 6 points: Ability Increase (Constitution, Strengthx2)
8 points: Ability Increase (Constitutionx2,
“I’m impressed that you could land a blow on me at Strengthx2)
all, my dear,” the fey lordling praised mockingly,
trying to hide his obvious surprise that his contempt Energy Mask (Level 1)
had put him at a disadvantage against a mortal.
4 points: Resistance (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire)
“You have earned yourself a place of honor when we
6 points: Immunity (Cold, Fire), Resistance (Acid,
tell the tale of your death.”
8 points: Immunity (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire)
I felt something stirring in the water around
me...Lady’s mercy! I knew Nereus controlled the Sea
Impregnable Mask (Level 5)
of Steam and Stars, but when I heard it at the time I
thought it was political. I was wrong. Nereus 4 points: Ability Increase (Dexterity), Improved
literally controls the Sea of Steam and Stars. Natural Armorx2
6 points: Ability Increase (Dexterity), Ferocity,


5112912 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112912
606117 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Improved Natural Armorx3

8 points: Ability Increase (Dexterity), Ferocity,
Improved Natural Armorx5

Invulnerable Mask (Level 9)

4 points: Damage Reduction (Lawful), Ferocity
6 points: Damage Reduction (Lawful, 5 points for DR
10; requires level 12), Ferocity
8 points: Ability Increase (Constitution), Damage
Reduction (Lawful, 5 points for DR 10), Ferocity

Mask of Alluring Beauty (Level 6)

4 points: Ability Increase (Charismax2)
6 points: Ability Increase (Charismax3; requires level
8 points: Ability Increase (Charismax4)

Mask of Arms (Level 1)

4 points: Limbs (Arms)x2
6 points: Limbs (Arms)x3
8 points: Limbs (Arms)x4

Mask of Dazzling Intellect (Level 6) Mask of Roots

4 points: Ability Increase (Intelligencex2)
6 points: Ability Increase (Intelligencex3; requires
Mask of Frost (Level 7)
level 12)
4 points: Energy Weapons (Cold), Immunity (Cold)
8 points: Ability Increase (Intelligencex4)
6 points: Chill, Energy Weapons (Cold), Immunity
5112913 606117

Mask of Deadly Tresses (Level 9) 8 points: Chill, Energy Weapons (Cold), Icewalking,
4 points: Tresses Immunity (Cold), Slam
6 points: Grab (Tresses), Tresses
8 points: Grab (Tresses), Improved Damage (Tresses), Mask of Linnorm’s Wings (Level 5)
Reach (Tresses), Tresses 4 points: Flight (4 points for extra speed twice)
6 points: Flight (6 points for extra speed four times)
Mask of Eternal Endurance (Level 6) 8 points: Flight (8 points for extra speed six times)
4 points: Ability Increase (Constitutionx2)
6 points: Ability Increase (Constitutionx3; requires Mask of Mist (Level 5)
level 12) 4 points: Flight, Shadow Form
8 points: Ability Increase (Constitutionx4) 6 points: Compression, Flight, Shadow Form, Skilled
8 points: Flight, Incorporeal Form, Shadow Form
Mask of Fjord’s Breath (Level 9)
4 points: Breath Weapon (Cold) Mask of Peerless Might (Level 6)
6 points: Breath Weapon (Cold, 6 points for 3/day) 4 points: Ability Increase (Strengthx2)
4 points: Breath Weapon (Cold, 8 points for 5/day) 6 points: Ability Increase (Strengthx3; requires level
Mask of Flames (Level 7) 8 points: Ability Increase (Strengthx4)
4 points: Energy Weapons (Fire), Immunity (Fire)
6 points: Burn, Energy Weapons (Fire), Immunity Mask of Roots (Level 7)
(Fire) 4 points: Nature’s Infusion, Stability, Tremorsense
8 points: Energy Weapons (Fire), Immunity (Fire), 6 points: Nature’s Infusion, Stability, Tentaclex2,
Reach (Slam), Slam Tremorsense
8 points: Nature’s Infusion, Stability, Reach
(Tentacle)x2, Tentaclex2, Tremorsense


5112913 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112913
606118 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Mask of Storms (Level 7) 6 points: Ability Increase (Dexterityx3; requires level

4 points: Energy Weapons (Electricity), Immunity 12)
(Electricity) 8 points: Ability Increase (Dexterityx4)
6 points: Energy Weapons (Electricity), Immunity
(Electricity), Shock Mask of Vitriol (Level 7)
8 points: Energy Weapons (Electricity), Immunity 4 points: Energy Weapons (Acid), Immunity (Acid)
(Electricity), Reach (Slam), Shock, Slam 6 points: Corrode, Energy Weapons (Acid), Immunity
Mask of Stone (Level 9) 8 points: Corrode, Energy Weapons (Acid), Immunity
4 points: Burrow, Earth Mastery, (Acid) Reach (Slam), Shock, Slam
6 points: Burrow, Earth Mastery, Tremorsense
8 points: Burrow, Earth Mastery, Fey Magic (meld Mask of Waves (Level 1)
into stone), Tremorsense 4 points: Gills, Swim, Water Blast, Water Mastery
6 points: Compression, Gills, Swimx2, Water Blast,
Mask of Taiga’s Breath (Level 9) Water Mastery
4 points: Breath Weapon (Electricity) 8 points: Compression, Gills, Slam, Swimx2, Water
6 points: Breath Weapon (Electricity, 6 points for Mastery, Water Telekinesis
4 points: Breath Weapon (Electricity, 8 points for Mask of the Wild (Level 6)
5/day) 4 points: Nature’s Infusion, Skilled (Knowledge
(nature), Survival)
Mask of the Tapestry (Level 11) 6 points: Nature’s Infusion, Resistance (Cold), Scent,
4 points: — Skilled (Knowledge (nature), Survival)
6 points: Flight, No Breath 8 points: Nature’s Infusion, Resistance (Cold, Fire),
8 points: Flight (4 points for Perfect maneuverability), Scent, Skilled (Knowledge (nature), Perception,
No Breath Survival)
5112914 606118

Mask of Tarn’s Breath (Level 9) Mask of Winds (Level 5)

4 points: Breath Weapon (Acid) 4 points: Air Mastery, Flight (3 points for extra speed)
6 points: Breath Weapon (Acid, 6 points for 3/day) 6 points: Air Mastery, Flight (5 points for extra speed
4 points: Breath Weapon (Acid, 6 points for 3/day), and perfect maneuverability)
Head 8 points: Air Mastery, Compression, Flight (6 points
for extra speed twice and perfect maneuverability)
Mask of Timeless Wisdom (Level 6)
4 points: Ability Increase (Wisdomx2) Mask of Wizardry (Level 4)
6 points: Ability Increase (Wisdomx3; requires level 4 points: Basic Magicx2, Minor Magic
12) 6 points: Basic Magic, Minor Magic, Major Magic
8 points: Ability Increase (Wisdomx4) 8 points: Basic Magic, Minor Magicx2, Major Magic

Mask of Tor’s Breath (Level 9) Mediator’s Mask (Level 1)

4 points: Breath Weapon (Fire) 4 points: Skilled(Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense
6 points: Breath Weapon (Fire, 6 points for 3/day) Motive)
4 points: Breath Weapon (Fire, 8 points for 5/day) 6 points: Ability Increase (Charisma), Skilled(Bluff,
Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive)
Mask of Truespeech (Level 6) 8 points: Ability Increase (Charismax2), Skilled(Bluff,
Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive)
4 points: Speak With Animals, Speak With Plants
6 points: Fey Magic (tongues), Speak With Animals,
Speak With Plants Penumbral Mask (Level 1)
8 points: Fey Magic (tongues), Speak With Animals, 4 points: Shadow Blend, Shadow Form
Speak With Plants, Vermin Empathy 6 points: Compression, Darkvision, Shadow Blend,
Shadow Form
Mask of Uncanny Agility (Level 6) 8 points: Compression, See in Darkness, Shadow
Blend, Shadow Form
4 points: Ability Increase (Dexterityx2)


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Sage’s Mask (Level 1) Of course, Nicholas the Wolf didn’t use any wolf-
4 points: Skilled (Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge based powers at all. Nicholas the Non-Wolf, if
(dungeoneering), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge Nicholas is even really his name, drew a dangerous
(planes)) symbol with his finger, leaving a black throbbing
6 points: Skilled (Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge afterimage in the air behind it. It was something
(dungeoneering), Knowledge (history), Knowledge horrible in Aklo, pulsing with dark magic. With that,
(nature), Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion)) I felt a dark aura pounding down upon us like a
8 points: Skilled (Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge breaking storm. I immediately dashed back into a
(dungeoneering), Knowledge (history), Knowledge defensive stance as the darkness crashed down. But it
(local), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility), wasn’t aiming for me. As the darkness engulfed
Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion)) Nicholas, a twilight mask engulfed his face and then
his entire head, devouring them until nothing was
Scoundrel’s Mask (Level 1) left. It was when I heard the whinnying sound that I
realized that Nicholas had done the unthinkable. He
4 points: Skilled (Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise,
had bound his soul to darkness and made a pact to
Sleight of Hand)
harness the power of the Forbidden Masks.
6 points: Skilled (Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise,
Intimidate, Sleight of Hand, Stealth)
“Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper”, he intoned, and I felt
8 points: Skilled (Acrobatics, Bluff, Disable Device,
the power of my name throbbing in the air between
Disguise, Intimidate, Perception, Sleight of Hand,
us as he grasped my name with his magic and began
to choke it, “The bells ring thrice for your death
knell.” I heard an ethereal bell somewhere in the
Spider’s Mask (Level 7) distance, growing louder and louder. “For today, you
4 points: Climb, Web die!”
6 points: Climb, Limbs (Legs), Web
6 points: Climb, Limbs (Legs)x2, Web —Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper

5112915 Troll’s Mask (Level 11) 606119

4 points: — Banshee Mask (Undead, Level 11)

6 points: Fast Healing (6 points for Fast Healing 2) 4 points: —
8 points: Fast Healing (8 points for Fast Healing 3) 6 points: Flight, Lifesense
8 points: Incorporeal Form, Lifesense

Forbidden Masks Dullahan Mask (Undead, Level 5)

4 points: Energy Weapons (Cold), Dullahan’s Mount
Honestly, I should have realized that Winter’s 6 points: Death’s Calling, Dullahan’s Mount
champion would have some kind of trick up his 8 points: Energy Weapons (Cold), Death’s Calling,
sleeve, but at the time I didn’t see it coming. I Dullahan’s Mount
expected another one of those stuffy Faerie Knights
the fey lords usually send, so my first surprise was to
be dealing with another masquerade reveler. Mythic Masks
“Nicholas the Wolf,” he introduced himself in
mocking tones. Going up against another reveler, I It’s not often that you’ll see emissaries of two courts
needed to use everything I knew to my advantage. working together. Usually, they simply can’t trust
He certainly would. I wracked my brain for the each other enough to make it worthwhile. But things
weaknesses of any masks involving lupine powers. A being what they are, Liriope of the Court of Spring
wolf made sense as a champion of the Court of was about the best I was going to get. She probably
Winter. Unlike the ever-changing Court of Autumn, wouldn’t betray me for her own inscrutable motives.
the Court of Winter was harsh and powerful. Probably,given Dolos’s crimes against her court, and
Spartan in the bleak pursuit of destruction, a reveler the promises she made. The latter weren’t worth
of winter wouldn’t have any frills, only fangs and much more than the literal letter of the agreement,
cold, hard steel. though. The blodeuwedd queen and I had trailed
Dolos for three weeks. Other than the fact that he


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606120 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

didn’t own a demesne of his own, the trickster fey form around his face. He was also a masquerade
was likely strong enough to be a minor fey lord in his reveler!
own right, and that added up to a quarry that was
nearly impossible to corner. “I heard an interesting fight. Guess this guy’s pretty
strong?” Amairgen said, tilting his arm, palm up as if
In the end, it was his own pride that was his undoing, expecting an answer. Meanwhile, he reached into his
as he couldn’t help but set up traps and pranks to belt and pulled out a pixie skull, throwing it at Dolos.
taunt his pursuers. When you picture a trickster fey, With a flash of light, something tugged out of Dolos’s
what do you see? Probably some little wiry guy body and into the skull, which Amairgen scooped up.
sticking out his tongue while tying your shoelaces “Surrender to these lovely ladies,” he commanded.
together, right? Well Dolos stood a mean twelve feet
tall with bulging muscles, and he didn’t sacrifice any Blank-eyed, Dolos obeyed, and Liriope quickly
of the traditional deviousness you would expect. One enspelled him with a binding magic.
could have hoped that he had spent so many hours
training getting into that kind of shape that he had to “What in the Lady’s name are you—” I began, but he
blow off his trickster lessons. started sprinting at full speed as we called at his
back, finally launching himself into the air.
We had been fighting Dolos for three hours. He kept
using illusions, conjurations, and misdirections, so I “Sorry, no time, ladies. So little time, so many trials
had to ration my use of masks until we were of my mighty power. See you later!” his voice became
absolutely sure we faced the real Dolos. Liriope and I unnaturally low as he leaped away thousands of feet
were covered in blood, dirt, and sweat—did you into the air, probably miles away before he finished
know blodeuwedds sweat? It actually smells kind of his sentence.
like morning dew—when finally, the trap we had laid
twenty minutes earlier paid off. As we fought against Liriope and I turned to each other, and we each
Dolos’s third layer of misdirection, we focused on spoke at the same time, “I hate that guy!”
attacks that made entire area dangerous, seemingly

falling for his most recent trick. In reality, it was a —Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper 606120

ploy to draw the real Dolos into the patch of bushes

where Liriope had “missed” an attack with some Chaneque Mask
seeds earlier, in actuality planting quick-growing (Fey, Mythic, Level 9)
tetori vines in that area.
4 points: Steal Soul
6 points: Flight, Steal Soul
And the plan worked. The vines grabbed the unseen
8 points: Flight, Mythic Fey Magic (fear), Steal Soul
Dolos, rendering him unable to escape, even with
freedom magic or via dimensional routes. As Liriope
outlined him in faerie fire, I began my own fight.
Leanan Sidhe Mask
Even though he couldn’t move away or use another (Fey, Mythic, Level 3)
trick, Dolos was no pushover, and although I was 4 points: Ability Increase (Charisma), Deadly Blessing
inflicting significant damage on him, I was also 6 points: Deadly Blessing, Unearthly Grace
beginning to tire. It was time for me to use my last 8 points: Deadly Blessing (4 points), Unearthly Grace
trick. I readied myself to switch masks...

But before I could do anything, I heard a strangely Tane Masks

high-pitched yell, as if someone was moving towards
us at unfathomable speed. Another of Dolos’s tricks?
You don’t know how awful it feels to be eaten alive.
Really, honestly, it’s one of the worst possible
Just then, a shirtless, well-muscled man landed
sensations. The steady, pulsing throb of crushing
nearby from incredibly high velocity, moving nearly
agony as you feel yourself forcibly pushed down the
as fast as sound itself. He left a small crater in the
creature’s gullet, slathered in mucus and bodily
ground beneath. He was a mortal, but...there was
fluids, and the sudden splash of painful, burning
something else about him, an aura surrounding him.
agony as you land in its digestive juices. From inside,
you can hear the beating of its heart —if you can
“Yo, I’m Amairgen,” he said, brushing himself off, as
clear yourself of the pounding of your own.
a strange mask unlike any I had ever seen began to


5112916 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112916
606121 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

In hindsight, I should have probably listened to the

leprechaun’s strange poems and limericks. There had
been something in there about a vorpal sword, biting
jaws), and advice to shun several dangerous
creatures. But you have to understand, the wee
fellow was rhyming and singing incessantly,
following along beside me as I was trying to think.
He literally would not stop talking. He was lewd and
crude and made me feel like I needed to take a bath
in the lake, even when I was taking a bath in the lake
and his little head popped out nearby. It’s honestly no
wonder I told him to stick his shillelagh where the
sun doesn’t shine. There is nothing in the world
worse than having to put up with a rhyming
leprechaun...well, except being eaten alive.

As I drew my decidedly non-vorpal sword, I tried to

imagine that the giant bird’s gizzard was the leering
chortling leprechaun. Somehow, that made the whole
thing easier.

—Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper

Bandersnatch Mask
(Beast[Quadruped], Tane)
Lesser: Bandersnatch Rake, Bounding Charge, Climb,
5112917 606121

Enormousx2, Limbs (Legs), Pain, Planar Acclimation,

Pounce, Quill Defense, Quills, Skilled (Survival), Tail
Greater: Bandersnatch Rake, Bounding Charge,
Climb, Enormousx2, Lash Out, Limbs (Legs), Pain,
Planar Acclimation, Pounce, Quick Recovery, Quill
Defense, Quills, Skilled (Survival), Tail, Tail Slap Jabberwock Mask
Jabberwock Mask Grab (Bite), Planar Acclimation, Shriek, Swallow
(Beast[Quadruped], Tane) Whole, Talons, Tane Fast Healingx2,
Lesser: Enormousx2, Eye Rays, Fear of Vorpal
Weapons, Flight, Grab (Claws), Immunity (Fire), Sard Mask (Beast, Tane)
Jabberwock Damage Reduction, Planar Acclimation, Lesser: Climb, Electrical Jolt, Enormousx2, Immunity
Tail, Vulnerability (Cold), Wing Buffet (Electricity), Increased Speedx2, Limbs (Legs), Planar
Greater: Burble, Enormousx2, Eye Rays, Fear of Acclimation, Plant Traits, Sard Poison, Sard Slams,
Vorpal Weapons, Flight, Grab (Claws), Immunity Tane Fast Healing, Thorns, Vulnerability (Sonic)
(Fire), Jabberwock Burn, Jabberwock Damage Greater: Climb, Electrical Jolt, Enormousx2,
Reductionx2, Planar Acclimation, Tail, Tail Slap, Immunity (Electricity), Increased Speedx2, Limbs
Vulnerability (Cold), Whiffling, Wing Buffet (Legs), Planar Acclimation, Plant Traits, Sard Death
Throes, Sard Lightning, Sard Poison, Sard Slams,
Jubjub Bird Mask Tane Fast Healingx2, Thorns, Vulnerability (Sonic)
(Beast[Avian], Tane)
Lesser: Adaptive Defense, Deadly Bite, Enormousx2, Thrasfyr Mask
Grab (Bite), Planar Acclimation, Talons, Tane Fast (Beast[Quadruped], Tane)
Healing Lesser: Air Walk, Bite, Entangling Chains,
Greater: Adaptive Defense, Deadly Bite, Enormousx2, Enormousx2, Gore, Head, Immunity (Fire, Sonic),


5112917 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112917
606122 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

Limbs (Legs), Planar Acclimation, Powerful Charge,

Vulnerability (Cold)
Greater: Air Walk, Bite, Claws, Entangling Chains, New evolutions and the
Enormousx2, Gore, Head, Immunity (Fire, Sonic),
Limbs (Legs), Planar Acclimation, Powerful Charge, summoner’s eidolon
Tane Breath Weapon (80-foot cone of fire),
Vulnerability (Cold) The new evolutions in this book are balanced
particularly with the masquerade reveler, a class that
can access them for a limited number of rounds per
Evolutions day, in mind. As such, it is not a good idea to allow
these evolutions on eidolons, who possess them at all
times. Moreso even than usual, you should ask your
“This is your last chance, wench. There’s plenty of GM’s permission to take any of these evolutions with
worse things we could do to you, but we just want the an eidolon. GMs, looking to balance these evolutions
lily.” on an eidoloncan limit the number of rounds that the
eidolon can use them in a day (like the incorporeal
As a rule, sky pirates from the Court of Winds are evolution) or double the cost of evolutions that would
ruthless, cunning, and quick. But they’re also quick to become particularly powerful with unlimited use.
leap to action without all the information. And this
one didn’t know who he was dealing with. I did a
quick scan across the dandelionship to make sure
none of the leshies were in danger of falling after Blasphemous Resistance (Su)
being rammed by the pirates’s vessel, and, seeing The reveler becomes resilient to the energies of divine
none, I breathed a slight sigh of relief that the pirate spellcasters. She receives a +2 racial bonus to all
captain took as a sign of surrender. saving throws against divine spells.

“I’m glad you’ve seen reason—” he began, but he Boot Stomp (Ex)
stopped in his tracks as I began to change. The reveler’s footwear grows sharp spikes, allowing 606122

her to make a secondary kick attack for 1d6 damage (if

My clothing transformed into lichen and flowers and Medium). She can also make a kick attack as a
my hair into velvety moss and living grass. I smiled standard action partway through her movement.
as the mask took me. It had been a gift from an
unexpected friend. The pirates began to gasp and Compression (Ex)
wheeze as the allergens I was emitting took their The reveler can move through an area as small as one-
effect, and I felt a connection to the dandelionship quarter her space without squeezing, or one-eighth
itself, drawing in the ship’s energy to protect me as if her space when squeezing.
the living vessel itself sought to keep me safe.
Darkvision (Ex)
“Why don’t you hand over your weapons and gear,
The reveler gains 60-foot darkvision.
boys,” I asked them, my lips twitching into a wicked
half-smile, “After all, there are plenty of worse things
I could do to you.”
Earth Mastery (Ex)
The reveler draws her strength from the earth. She
—Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both
she and her foe are touching the ground. If an
opponent is airborne or waterborne, she takes a –4
penalty on attack and damage rolls. These modifiers
1-Point Evolutions apply to bull rush and overrun maneuvers, whether
she is initiating or resisting these kinds of attacks.
Air Mastery (Ex)
The reveler becomes adept at fighting in the air. Enormous [Beast] (Ex)
Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack and The reveler’s bestial form is particularly massive. A
damage rolls against her. reveler wearing a mask with this evolution increases
to Large size. She gains a +2 size bonus to Strength
and a –2 size penalty to Dexterity. The reveler must be


5112918 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112918
606123 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

at least 5th level to wear a mask with this evolution, Kneecapper (Ex)
and only masks with the Beast descriptor can contain The reveler is particularly clever at tripping larger
this evolution. Because the mask has the Beast opponents with her claws. The Trip evolution triggers
descriptor, the reveler never gains reach from this size on successful claw attacks instead of bite attacks.
increase. When she uses the Trip evolution to trip an opponent
at least one size category larger, she receives a +2
If she spends 2 additional evolution points on this racial bonus on the combat maneuver check. This
evolution, the reveler instead becomes size Huge. She bonus increases to +4 if the opponent is at least two
gains a +4 size bonus to Strength and a –4 size size categories larger.
penalty to Dexterity and a 10-foot base reach. These
bonuses and penalties replace, and do not stack with, Luminous (Su)
those for becoming Large. The reveler must be at least
The reveler naturally sheds light equal to that
13th level before selecting this option.
provided by a torch. She can control the color and
intensity of the light as a swift action, reducing it to
Feather Fall (Sp) the dimness of a candle or even extinguishing its
The reveler is protected from dangerous falls. She is luminosity entirely if she wishes. This light counts as
treated as though constantly under the effects of though shed by a 0 level spell for the purposes of
feather fall. If the reveler loses the effect, she can spells with the Darkness descriptor.
reactivate it on her turn as a free action.
Misplacement (Su)
Ferocity (Ex) Whenever the reveler succeeds at a Sleight of Hand
The reveler refuses to fall in battle. She remains check or Steal combat maneuver to steal an object
conscious and can continue fighting even if her hit from a creature, if she was in that creature’s square
point total is below 0. She is still staggered and loses 1 she can also reorganize the creature’s equipment. The
hit point each round. She still dies when her hit point next time the creature attempts to retrieve a stored
total reaches a negative amount equal to her item or draw a weapon, the attempt requires a
Constitution score. standard action instead of a move action unless it uses 606123

magic, such as a handy haversack. After spending the

Fey Cantrip (Sp) standard action, the creature takes mental inventory
The reveler has learned some of the fey’s magical and is no longer affected unless the reveler steals
tricks. She chooses dancing lights, detect magic, something again.
ghost sound, or prestidigitation and can cast the
chosen cantrip at will. She may only activate Fey Numbing Slime (Ex)
Cantrip while wearing a number of different masks Whenever the reveler comes in bodily contact with
equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) each another creature through natural attacks, grappling,
day. The caster level for the cantrips is equal to her touch attacks, or any other means, that creature must
barbarian level, and the save DC is 10 + her Charisma succeed at a saving throw of DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s
modifier. The reveler must have a Charisma of at least barbarian level + the reveler’s Constitution modifier
10 to select this evolution. or take a –4 penalty to all tactile Perception checks as
well as all other checks that require tactile senses
Icewalking (Ex) (such as Disable Device and Sleight of Hand) for 24
The reveler and any creature she rides can move hours. If a creature succeeds at the saving throw, she
across icy surfaces without penalty and do not need to is immune to the slime from this mask for 24 hours.
make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. They
may climb icy surfaces as though under the effects of Panpipes (Su)
the spider climb spell. Three times per day, the reveler can play a set of
masterwork panpipes as a swift action while using the
Increased Speed (Ex) Fey Cantrip or Fey Magic evolutions to increase any
The reveler is particularly fleet of foot. Her base DC of that casting by 2.
movement speed increases by 10 feet. She may select
this evolution more than once. Persuasion (Su)
The reveler can gradually insinuate her desires into
the minds of those affected by her Fey Magic charm


5112919 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112919
606124 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

person spell-like ability. For every 10 minutes a target Stone Knowledge (Ex)
is under the effects of her charm person, the reveler The reveler’s enhanced knowledge of earth and stone
suffers a cumulative –1 penalty to her opposed grants a +1 racial bonus on attack and damage rolls
Charisma checks (to a maximum of –5) when shetries and the benefits of the Improved Critical feat against
to convince her to do something she wouldn’t creatures and objects made of stone or earth or with
normally do. This penalty applies only to castings of the earth subtype. Additionally, Knowledge
charm person from the Fey Magic evolution, and the (dungeoneering), Knowledge (engineering) and
penalty accrues and persists even when the reveler Profession (miner) count as class skills for the reveler.
does not possess the Persuasion evolution, so long as
she possessed it when she cast charm person. Tentacle Beak (Ex)
The reveler grows long tentacles with beaks on the
Petrify Proof (Ex) end. These are secondary weapons that act
The reveler’s connection to stone makes her difficult equivalently to the Tentacle evolution, except that the
to petrify. She receives a +4 racial bonus to saving damage is bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing.
throws against petrification.
Tiny (Ex)
If she spends 2 additional evolution points, this
The reveler shrinks to picayune proportions. She
improves to immunity to petrification. The reveler
becomes Tiny, reducing her base reach to 0 feet. She
must be at least 7th level before selecting this
gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity and a –2 size
additional option.
penalty to Strength.

Poison Dust (Su) Vault (Su)

As a standard action, the reveler can blow across her
The reveler can leap up to 20 feet (vertically or
palm and create a 5-foot diameter cloud of
horizontally in any combination) as a move action
intoxicating dust. The reveler decides when she uses
without provoking attacks of opportunity.
this ability whether the dust acts as an inhaled poison
(with the same effects as a successful hit with the

Poison evolution) or a mild intoxicant (equivalent to

Water Blast (Ex) 606124

1–2 glasses of beer). The reveler must be at least 7th The reveler can release a pressurized blast of water up
level before selecting this evolution. to 60 feet as a standard action. In order to strike an
opponent with the water blast, she must succeed at a
ranged touch attack. A successful hit deals 1d8
Putrefying Aura (Su)
damage and allows the reveler to attempt a combat
All unattended non-magical food or liquid within 30
maneuver check as a free action to push the opponent
feet of the reveler instantly rots or spoils. Attended
back 5 feet.
non-magical food or liquid within the aura receives a
saving throw to resist this effect (DC 10 + 1/2 the
reveler’s barbarian level + her Constitution modifier).
Water Mastery (Ex)
The reveler must be at least 3rd level before selecting The reveler becomes skilled at fighting in the water.
this evolution. She gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if
both she and her opponent are touching water. If the
opponent or the reveler is touching the ground, the
Shillelagh (Sp)
reveler takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls.
Any non-magical club or quarterstaff is a dangerous
These modifiers apply to bull rush and overrun
weapon in the reveler’s hands. All such weapons gain
maneuvers, whether the reveler is initiating or
the effect of shillelagh, though only when the reveler
resisting these kinds of attacks.
wields them.

Weep (Su)
Stability (Ex)
The reveler’s sorrow manifests her despair and
While she is standing on the ground, the reveler
isolation. As a standard action, she can unsettle those
receives a +4 racial bonus to her CMD to avoid bull
near her when she cries. Any creature within 30 feet
rush and trip attempts. Unlike most racial bonuses, if
who can hear her weeping becomes shaken unless it
the reveler is a dwarf this ability does not stack with
succeeds at a Will saving throw, DC 10 + 1/2 her
her racial Stability.
barbarian level + her Charisma modifier. This ability
can't cause a creature to become frightened or


5112920 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112920
606125 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

panicked. This is a mind-affecting fear effect that

relies on audible components. The reveler must be at
least 6th level before selecting this evolution.

Woodland Stride (Ex)

The reveler may move through any sort of
undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars,
overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal
speed and without taking damage or suffering any
other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown
areas that have been magically manipulated to impede
motion, however, still affect her. The reveler must be
at least 5th level before selecting this evolution.

2-Point Evolutions

Allergen Aura (Ex)

The reveler exudes an aura of pollen and other
irritating allergens that forces living creatures within
30 feet to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 her
barbarian level + her Constitution modifier) or
become sickened, coughing and sneezing for 1d6
rounds. This counts as a disease effect. Creatures who
successfully save cannot be affected by the same
mask’s aura for 24 hours. A reveler can suppress this
aura at will as a free action. The reveler must be at

least 8th level before selecting this evolution. 606125

Animal Form (Deinonychus)

Animal Form (Su)
The reveler can transform into an animal, but she
Any creature hit by one of the reveler’s attacks suffers
retains most of her own physical qualities. Select one
1d6 bleed damage. The reveler must be at least 6th
Small or Medium animal. This ability functions as
level before selecting this evolution
beast shape I for that specific type of animal only, but
the reveler does not adjust her ability scores (although
she gains any other abilities of the creature she
Blur (Sp)
mimics). The reveler is blurry and difficult to see. She gains
concealment at all times as though under the effect of
a blur spell. The reveler must be at least 3rd level
Animated Hair (Su)
before selecting this evolution.
The reveler’s hair is constantly writhing and
twitching. As a free action, she can cause her long hair
to reach out and interfere with adjacent creatures—
Blood Drain (Ex)
tugging at clothes and weapons, tangling feet and The reveler is able to sup on the blood of mortals. She
arms, tickling, and generally making a nuisance of can suck blood from a grappled or helpless opponent;
itself. The reveler can select which adjacent targets are if she establishes or maintains a pin, she deals bite
affected by her animated hair. These targets must damage and drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 her barbarian level + Strength damage and 1d4 points of Constitution
her Dexterity modifier) each round to avoid becoming damage each round. The reveler must have the Bite
entangled for 1 round. The reveler must be at least 7th evolution and must be at least 3rd level before
level before selecting this evolution. selecting this evolution.

Bleed (Ex) Bramble Jump (Su)

The reveler’s attacks become jagged and sinister, The reveler can travel short distances between
capable of inflict deep wounds that bleed profusely. brambles, shrubs, or thickets as dimension door as


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part of a move action. She must begin and end this with multiple attacks. Additionally, that opponent
movement while in an area of at least light must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the
undergrowth. She can travel in this manner up to 60 reveler’s barbarian level + her Constitution modifier)
feet per day. This movement must be used in 10-foot or the opponent’s shield and armor each also suffer
increments and does not provoke attacks of 1d6 acid damage (ignoring hardness). The reveler
opportunity. The reveler must be at least 3rd level must be at least 7th level and possess the Energy
before selecting this evolution. Attacks (Acid) or Energy Weapons (Acid) evolution
before selecting this evolution.
Burn (Ex)
The reveler’s flames can set opponents ablaze. Deepest Fear (Su)
Whenever the reveler deals fire damage to an The reveler is cloaked in a 30-foot aura of fear. This
opponent using the Energy Attacks (Fire) or Energy aura manifests as a shifting haze of images that reflect
Weapons (Fire) evolution, and whenever an opponent the viewer's deepest fears. The first time it ends its
strikes the reveler with a natural weapon or unarmed turn within the aura, a creature must make a Will save
attack, the opponent must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian level + her
(DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian level + her Charisma modifier) or become shaken for as long as it
Constitution modifier) or catch on fire, taking 1d6 stays within the aura. If the creature succeeds at the
damage each round. A burning creature can attempt a saving throw, it cannot be affected again by the aura
new save as a full-round action. Dropping and rolling for another 24 hours. This is a fear effect. The reveler
on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. The must be at least 8th level before selecting this
reveler must be at least 7th level and possess the evolution.
Energy Attacks (Fire) or Energy Weapons (Fire)
evolution before selecting this evolution. Disease (Su)
The reveler is suffused with the disease Mortasheen,
Chill 2 (Ex) the essence of pollution and corruption. Any who
The reveler’s cold attacks can chill her foes to the come in contact with the reveler must succeed at a
bone. Whenever the reveler deals cold damage to an Fortitude save or contract the diseaseA creature need
opponent using the Energy Attacks (Cold) or Energy only save once per round, even if it comes in contact
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Weapons (Cold) evolution, the opponent becomes with the reveler multiple times.
entangled for 1 round. The reveler must be at least 7th
level and possess the Energy Attacks (Cold) or Energy
Weapons (Cold) evolution before selecting this Mortasheen
evolution. Type disease (contact); Save Fort negates;
Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d4 Con and target is
Congeal Water (Su) fatigued; Cure 2 consecutive saves. Animals take a –2
Once per day, the reveler can surround a creature in a penalty on their saves against this disease.
thin layer of magically viscous water as a standard
action at a range of 30 feet. A target that fails a Reflex The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s
save (DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian level + her barbarian level + her Constitution modifier. The
Charisma modifier) becomes entangled, and must reveler must be at least 7th level before selecting this
hold its breath or risk drowning. The target or an evolution.
adjacent creature can spend a full-round action on its
turn scraping off the clinging fluid, allowing a new Dullahan’s Mount (Su) [Undead]
Reflex save with a +2 bonus; otherwise, the effect lasts As a standard action, the reveler can summon a war-
for 1d4 minutes. The reveler can use this ability even if trained heavy horse with the fiendish creature simple
there is no source of water nearby. template. This horse remains until it is slain or the
reveler dismisses it. She can only have one such horse
Corrode 2 (Ex) in her service at a time, and if the horse is slain, she
The reveler’s acid attacks corrode her opponent’s body may not summon another for 24 hours. Only a reveler
and equipment. Whenever the reveler deals acid with access to the dullahan mask can ever gain this
damage to an opponent using the Energy Attacks evolution, and even then she must be at least 5th level.
(Acid) or Energy Weapons (Acid) evolution, the
opponent takes an additional 1d6 points of acid Dying Words (Sp)
damage one round later. This damage does not stack When the reveler is slain, she utters a curse as a free


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action (whether it is her turn or not) that affects her Fiddle (Su)
killer as though it were a bestow curse spell (caster The reveler becomes capable of rubbing her legs
level equal to her barbarian level). The target can together like a cricket to create a surprisingly pleasant
resist the curse with a successful Will save (DC 10 + sound not unlike that of a tiny fiddle. As a standard
1/2 the reveler’s barbarian level + her Charisma action, the reveler can create a catchy tune that
modifier). If the save fails, the target suffers a –6 compels any creature within a 20-foot spread to dance
decrease to its highest ability score. The reveler must and caper. A creature can resist this compulsion by
be at least 5th level before selecting this evolution. making a Will save DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian
level + her Charisma modifier. Creatures that fail are
Enchanting Music (Su) compelled to dance and shuffle their feet, and are
As a full-round action, the reveler can play a musical effectively staggered as long as the reveler continues
stringed instrument and target a single creature to fiddle as a standard action each round and as long
within 45 feet that can hear and see the reveler with as they remain within 20 feet of the reveler. A reveler
an effect identical to unnatural lust (caster level equal can maintain this effect for up to 10 rounds per day by
to her barbarian level,; Will DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s concentrating. Once a creature makes the save against
barbarian level + her Charisma modifier). This is a a reveler’s fiddle, it is immune to further fiddle effects
sonic mind-affecting compulsion effect. The reveler from that reveler for 24 hours. This is a sonic mind-
must be at least 9th level before selecting this affecting effect. The reveler must be at least 3rd level
evolution. before selecting this evolution.

Energy Weapons (Su) Hide in Plain Sight (Su)

The reveler’s weapons become charged with energy. The reveler has learned how to hide herself in a
Pick one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. As particular environment. She selects a ranger favored
long as she attacks with at least one manufactured terrain category. Whenever she is in an environment
weapon attack, all of the reveler’s manufactured of that sort, she can use the Stealth skill even when
weapon attacks, unarmed strikes, and natural attacks being observed and without actually hiding behind
deal 1d6 points of energy damage of the chosen type anything. This ability cannot be used while flying. The
on a successful hit. The reveler must be at least 5th reveler must be at least 5th level before selecting this
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level before selecting this evolution. evolution.

Fated (Su) Levitation Poison (Su)

The reveler’s ties to fate allow her to react quickly. She The reveler produces an unusual fey poison that lifts
may add her Charisma modifier as an insight bonus its victims into the air. This evolution acts exactly the
on initiative checks. The reveler must be at least 12th same as the Poison evolution (including the once per
level before selecting this evolution. round limit) except for the following change:

Fey Magic (Sp) Levitation poison

The reveler has learned to emulate the spells of the Type poison, injury; Save Fort negates;
fey. She chooses either charm person, entangle, Frequency 1/round for 5 rounds;
feather step, grease, obscuring mist, or vanish Effect 1 Dexterity damage + levitate (victim rises 10
(3/day) or blindness/deafness, detect thoughts, heat feet as per the spell per failed save);Cure 2
metal, glitterdust, gust of wind, hideous laughter, consecutive saves.
invisibility (self only), meld into stone, mirror image,
or tongues (1/day). She may only activate Fey Magic This effect can either be healed as a poison or
while wearing a number of different masks equal to removed via dispel magic as though it was a spell
her Charisma modifier each day. The caster level for effect with a caster level equal to the reveler’s
the spell-like ability is equal to her barbarian level, barbarian level. The reveler must be at least 9th level
and the save DC is either 11 + her Charisma modifier before selecting this evolution.
(for the 3/day spell-like abilities) or 12 + her
Charisma modifier (for the 1/day spell-like abilities). Muddy Field (Su)
The reveler must have a Charisma of at least 12 and be As a standard action when on sand, soil, or other
at least 6th level to select this evolution. types of loose earth, the reveler can gush standing
water into the area surrounding her. Upon doing so,


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the land within 15 feet of the reveler is treated as a domed mounds that pulsate and throb, eating away at
shallow bog. This water remains as long as the reveler victims' connective tissue, severely impairing them.
is within 15 feet and wishes to maintain the water. The Additionally, once a creature takes 7 points of
bog instantly disperses as soon as the reveler is killed, Dexterity damage from the pulsing puffs, the domed
disperses the water, or moves out of the area. The mounds burst, releasing a 10-foot-radius burst of
reveler must be at least 7th level before selecting this diseased spores. This effect lasts for 1 round. Any
evolution. creature caught within the burst radius or that moves
through it is exposed to the pulsing puffs disease.
Nature’s Infusion (Su)
Once per day, while surrounded by any field or fertile The reveler must be at least 7th level before selecting
plain, the reveler may infuse herself with borrowed this evolution.
life energy from nearby plants and nutrients in the
ground. This ability functions exactly like false life Putrid Vomit (Ex)
(caster level equal to the reveler’s barbarian level) but Every 1d4 rounds, the reveler can spew a 30-foot
lasts only 1 hour. The reveler must be at least 6th level stream of vomit as a standard action. This is a ranged
before selecting this evolution. touch attack with no range increment. Any creature
struck must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2
Plant Traits, Lesser (Ex) the reveler’s barbarian level + her Constitution
The reveler takes a form that is vaguely plantlike, modifier) or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds. The reveler
though she does not completely transform into a must be at least 6th level before selecting this
plant. She gains a +2 racial bonus to all saving throws evolution.
against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison,
polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning. . Shift Fate (Su)
The reveler is able to twist fate in either direction. As
Prescient (Su) an immediate action, she may force any one target
The reveler is able to predict the future, so nothing within 120 feet to reroll a saving throw. This ability
catches her unawares. She is never surprised and can must be used immediately after the saving throw is
rolled, and the target must abide by the result of this
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always act on the surprise round. The reveler must be

at least 9th level before selecting this evolution. second roll. The reveler must be at least 15th level and
must possess the Fated and Prescient evolutions
Puffballs (Ex) before selecting this evolution.
The reveler has learned how to nurture deadly
puffballs upon her body. Each 6-inch- diameter Shock 2 (Ex)
spherical fungus has a thorny internal stalk covered The reveler’s electric attacks build up electric charge,
by a thin skin of spore-laden flesh. As a standard making her opponent more vulnerable to metal.
action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, Whenever the reveler deals electric damage to an
the reveler can pluck and throw a puffball with a opponent using the Energy Attacks (Electricity) or
range of 20 feet. On a successful hit, the thorns Energy Weapons (Electricity) evolution, attacks with
expand and pulsate on impact, bursting through the metal weapons gain a cumulative +1 bonus to hit the
flesh of the puffball. This inflicts 1d6 points of damage opponent for 1 round (maximum +4 bonus). The
and releases fungal spores that infect the victim with reveler must be at least 7th level and possess the
pulsing puffs. As soon as a puffball has been plucked, Energy Attacks (Electric) or Energy Weapons
another grows in its place. Once a puffball has been (Electric) evolution before selecting this evolution.
plucked, it decomposes after 1 round, becoming inert.
Sneak Attack (Ex)
Pulsing Puffs The reveler learns how to strike vital points for
Type: disease (injury); Save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the maximum damage, gaining +1d6 sneak attack
reveler’s barbarian level + her Constitution modifier; damage. This ability is identical to, and stacks with,
Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/day; the rogue ability of the same name. The reveler must
Effect 1d6 Dex damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves. be at least 6th level before selecting this evolution,
and she may select it a second time at level 12 or
Pulsing puffs is a disease characterized by small, blue- higher and a third time at level 18 or higher.
white spores sprouting within a creature's wounds.
These spores quickly grow into phosphorescent,


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Snip Thread (Su)

The reveler can call upon her connection with the
mighty norn in order to end a threat forever. As a
standard action up to three times per day but no more
often than once every 1d4 rounds, she may produce a
golden thread linked to a creature's fate and then
attempt to snip it short with her shears. The target
creature must be within 120 feet and in the reveler's
line of sight. The target immediately takes 20d6
points of damage (Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s
barbarian level + her Charisma modifier). If the target
dies from this damage, the reveler has cut through the
threadIn this case, the target may only be restored to
life via miracle, wish, or divine intervention. This is a
death effect. The reveler must be at least 18th level
and possess the Shift Fate evolution before selecting
this evolution.

Speak With Animals (Sp)

The reveler benefits from a constant speak with
animals. She can ask questions of and receive answers
from animals, but the evolution doesn't make them
any more friendly than normal. Wary and cunning
animals are likely to be terse and evasive, while the
more stupid ones make inane comments. If an animal
is friendly toward the reveler, it may do some favor or
service for her. 606129

Snip Thread
Speak With Plants (Sp)
The reveler benefits from a constant speak with speed. When using the Disable Device skill, she treats
plants. She can communicate with normal plants and all devices as being one category simpler for the
plant creatures, and can ask questions of and receive purposes of determining how long it takes to use the
answers from them. A normal plant's sense of its skill. Thus, difficult devices count as tricky, tricky
surroundings is limited, so it won't be able to give (or devices count as simple, and simple devices can be
recognize) detailed descriptions of creatures or dismantled as a free action. The reveler must be at
answer questions about events outside its immediate least 4th level before selecting this evolution.
vicinity. The spell doesn't make plant creatures any
more friendly or cooperative than normal. Spill Poison (Su)
Furthermore, wary and cunning plant creatures are The reveler weeps levitation poison. Anytime an
likely to be terse and evasive, while the more stupid opponent damages her with a slashing or piercing
ones may make inane comments. If a plant creature is melee weapon, the attack splashes her levitation
friendly toward the reveler, it may do some favor or poison on the opponent who damaged her a successful
service for her. The reveler must be at least 6th level Reflex save negates (DC 10 +1/2 her class level + her
before selecting this evolution. Con Modifier). That opponent must save or be
affected by the levitation poison. Weapons with reach
Spell Resistance, Lesser (Ex) allow their wielders to avoid this effect, and each
The reveler is protected against magic, gaining spell enemy must only save against Spill Poison once per
resistance. Her spell resistance is equal to 5 + her round, even if that enemy attacks the reveler multiple
barbarian level. The reveler must be at least 6th level times with slashing or piercing attacks. The reveler
before selecting this evolution. must be at least 11th level and possess the Levitation
Poison evolution before selecting this evolution. .
Speedy Sabotage (Su)
The reveler is adept at disassembling machinery, Staggering Touch (Su)
reducing even complex devices to trash with shocking Whenever the reveler touches a creature as a standard


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action, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the more severe (shaken creatures become frightened,
reveler’s barbarian level + her Charisma modifier) or frightened creatures become panicked, and panicked
be staggered for 1 round by overwhelming feelings of creatures cower in fear). A Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 her
desire and shame. This is a mind-affecting effect. The barbarian level + her Charisma modifier) negates this
reveler must be at least 3rd level before selecting this increase. In addition, a critical hit from the reveler's
evolution. claws forces any target that has successfully saved
against her fear aura to make another Will save
Steal Skin (Su) against its effects, even if 24 hours have not yet
As a full-round action, the reveler may steal the skin passed. This is a fear effect. The reveler must be at
of a creature of Small, Medium, or Large size with a least 13th level and must possess the Claws and
roughly humanoid shape. The target creature must be Deepest Fear evolutions before selecting this
dead, helpless, or willing. If the target creature is evolution.
alive, the reveler must make a successful coup de
grace attack to steal its skin. The reveler can don or Transparency (Su)
remove a stolen skin as a move action. When wearing When underwater, the reveler’s body becomes
a stolen skin, the reveler takes on the likeness of the transparent, effectively rendering her invisible. She
skin's original owner, including the victim's voice, can become visible or transparent at will as a free
build, and size, but gains none of the creature's action. The reveler must be at least 4th level before
abilities. The stolen skin grants the reveler a +10 selecting this evolution.
bonus on Disguise checks, with none of the usual
penalties for different gender, race, age, and size. Verdant Step (Su)
Stolen skins are preserved and remain as supple as Every stride taken by the reveler causes small plants,
living skin. grasses, and wildflowers to sprout from the ground,
though she can suppress this effect if she desires.
The reveler may only steal and use a number of skins While within a plain of tall grass, brush, or similar
equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum +1) She undergrowth, the reveler may also step through such
may choose to discard unwanted skins to make room plant-life and emerge at any other point within the
for new ones at any time; discarded skins rot and same field (potentially miles away). This ability
5112926 606130

decay normally. If the reveler ends her masquerade functions similar to transport via plants, but the
and loses this evolution while wearing a stolen skin, reveler can only transport herself and does not require
she retains the Disguise bonuses until she removes the a plant equal to her size. This ability is usable three
skin as a move action, at which point she cannot don times per day. The reveler must be at least 15th level
the skin without entering masquerade again to regain before selecting this evolution.
this evolution. While the reveler does not possess this
evolution, all stolen skin decays as normal, so she Vermin Empathy (Ex)
would need to keep this evolution active with Become
This ability functions as a druid's wild empathy,
the Mask in order to keep a large number of disguises
except the reveler can only use this ability on vermin.
The reveler gains a +4 racial bonus on this check.
Vermin are normally mindless, but this empathic
The reveler must be at least 4th level before selecting
communication imparts on them a modicum of
this evolution.
implanted intelligence, allowing the reveler to train
Medium vermin and potentially use them as mounts
Stone Stride (Su) so long as she retains this evolution. Vermin empathy
The reveler can enter and exit nearby stones. This treats swarms as if they were one creature possessing
ability works like tree stride, except it requires loose a single mind. The reveler must be at least 5th level
boulders of the same size category as the reveler, and before selecting this evolution.
only has a range of 30 feet. She can use this ability
once per round as a standard action. The reveler must Water Telekinesis (Su)
be at least 7th level before selecting this evolution.
When immersed in water, the reveler can manipulate
water to affect creatures and objects within 500 feet
Striking Fear (Su) that are in contact with the same body of water. This
If the reveler confirms a critical hit or a sneak attack functions as the combat maneuver form of the
with one of her claws on a target currently suffering a telekinesis spell (caster level equal to the reveler’s
fear effect, that effect automatically becomes one step barbarian level, combat maneuver bonus equal to her


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barbarian level + her Charisma modifier), including a good-aligned holy symbol as part of a standard
the need to maintain concentration. This ability also action, such as when channeling energy or casting a
allows her to create a small waterspout as a standard spell with a divine focus component, the reveler must
action once per round, striking an opponent within make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 the HD of the presenter
100 feet with a blast of water as a ranged attack that + its Cha modifier) or become frightened for a minute
deals 7d6 points of bludgeoning damage. The reveler and attempt to flee. Even if she succeeds at the saving
must be at least 11th level before selecting this throw, the reveler is shaken for 1 minute. These effects
evolution. are caused by disgust, rather than fear, and so they do
not have the fear descriptor, the effects do not stack,
Waveglide (Su) and are not affected by immunity to fear. The reveler
The reveler can create waves and currents to double must be at least 9th level before selecting this
or halve the speed of creatures or objects traveling on evolution.
the surface of the water, affecting up to 100
contiguous 5-foot squares in a shapeable area For 1 additional evolution point, the reveler can
(typically enough for one warship or two small sailing increase the fast healing to 3 and the bonus to damage
ships). This ability has a range of 1,000 feet, requires rolls to +4, but the DC of the Will save to avoid
line of effect to some part of the area, and lasts as long becoming frightened increases by +2. The reveler
as the reveler concentrates. An unwilling target can must be at least 12th level before selecting this
ignore the effect for 1 round by succeeding at a Will augmentation.
saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 her barbarian level + her
Charisma modifier). The reveler must be at least 6th Supernatural Speed (Su)
level before selecting this evolution. The reveler’s incredible speed makes her too fast to
see. When she stands completely immobile for at least
Wild Empathy (Su) a full round, she is effectively invisible. Otherwise, her
This works like the druid's wild empathy class feature, shape blurs and shimmers with speed, granting her
except the reveler has a +6 racial bonus on the check. concealment (20% miss chance). If she ever succumbs
The reveler's effective druid level is equal to her to a slow effect, she loses all benefits of this evolution
barbarian level for determining her total modifier to and is instead sickened for the duration of the slow
5112927 606131

the check. and for one round thereafter. The reveler must be at
least 3rd level before selecting this evolution.

Tricky Thief (Su)

3-Point Evolutions The reveler is adept at fighting dirty with her pliers.
While using a set of pliers in tandem with a steal or
Blend With Light (Su) dirty trick combat maneuver, she receives a +4 racial
The reveler becomes one with the light, making bonus on the combat maneuver check. Against foes
herself harder to see. When in bright or normal light, with fingers or teeth, she can use a dirty trick combat
the reveler gains the effects of total concealment. If maneuver with her pliers to pinch an opponent's
she is flying using wings, this effect is reduced to fingers, or a steal combat maneuver to steal an
partial concealment. In areas of dim light or lower, opponent's tooth. A finger pinch deals 1 point of
this ability ceases to function, but she retains Dexterity damage. Stealing a tooth deals 1 point of
whatever concealment is appropriate for the light Charisma damage and 1 point of bleed damage. If the
level. The reveler must be 5th level or higher before stolen tooth is reattached within 10 minutes and the
selecting this evolution. character receives any amount of magical healing, the
tooth reattaches, the bleed damage ends, and the
Red Cap (Su) Charisma damage is cured.
The reveler can gain benefits from the blood of her
foes. If the reveler is wearing a cap dipped in the
blood of a foe whose CR is at least half of her 4-Point Evolutions
character level that she helped to kill, she gains fast
healing 1 and a +2 racial bonus to all damage rolls.
Death’s Calling (Su) [Undead]
Dipping the cap takes a standard action. As long as
Once per day as a standard action, the reveler may
she possesses this ability (even if she is not currently
place death’s calling on a target within 60 feet
gaining the benefits of it), whenever anyone presents


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(Fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2 her barbarian level + her Tresses (Su)

Charisma modifier negates). If the reveler knows and The reveler gains long, powerful hair capable of
speaks the target’s name, the target takes a –2 penalty making four secondary bludgeoning natural attacks
on the save. If the victim fails the save, he becomes per round. Each of these attacks deals 1d4 points of
staggered for 1d6 rounds. For the next 24 hours (or damage for a Medium reveler. The reveler can select
until the reveler is slain), all critical hits against the the tresses when taking the Grab evolution. If she
victim automatically confirm. Finally, the victim does so, she adds her Charisma modifier in addition
automatically fails all Constitution checks to stabilize to her Strength modifier when using Grab with her
while dying. This is a mind-affecting curse effect. Only tresses. The reveler must be at least 9th level before
a reveler with access to the dullahan mask can gain selecting this evolution.
this evolution, and she must be at least 11th level
before selecting it. Unearthly Grace (Su)
The reveler’s otherworldly beauty protects her from
Haste (Sp) harm. She gains her Charisma modifier as a racial
The reveler’s incredible speed offers her numerous bonus on all her saving throws and as a deflection
advantages in combat. She is constantly under the bonus to Armor Class. The reveler must be at least
effects of the haste spell. The reveler must be at least 11th level and possess at least 19 Charisma before
12th level before selecting this evolution. selecting this evolution.
Shadow Doubles (Su)
Once per day as a free action, the reveler can conjure Unluck Aura (Su)
up to four shadowy duplicates, which appear The reveler radiates an aura of unluck to a radius of
anywhere within 60 feet of the reveler and last a 20 feet. Any other creature in this area must roll two
number of rounds equal to the reveler's Charisma d20s whenever a situation calls for a d20 roll (such as
modifier. These shadow doubles are identical to the an attack roll, a skill check, or a saving throw) and
original in all respects except that when conjured they must use the lower of the two results generated. Each
have a number of hit points equal to 20% of the true time this causes the roll to fail, the victim receives a
reveler's total hit points. The doubles have all of the Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian level + 606132

true reveler's melee attacks and abilities, including her Charisma modifier) to negate this effect and
any other abilities granted by the reveler’s current become immune to the reveler’s unluck aura for 24
mask, except they can't create more shadow doubles hours. This special saving throw is unaffected by the
or use any other abilities limited per day. The copies aura of unluck. This is a mind-affecting effect that
possess non-magical versions of all the original’s does not work on animals, gremlins, or gnolls. Any
equipment. Any creature that interacts with a shadow character who gains any sort of luck bonus (such as
double can attempt a Will save to disbelieve the that granted by a luckstone or divine favor) is immune
duplicate (DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian level + to the reveler’s unluck aura. The reveler must be at
her Charisma modifier). Against a creature that least 11th level before selecting this evolution.
recognizes a shadow double for what it is, the double
functions as a shadow conjuration. Shadow doubles For 2 additional evolution points, the reveler can
take double damage from spells with the light strengthen the aura so that it does not offer any saving
descriptor. If the true reveler is slain, rendered throw to negate the effects for 24 hours. The reveler
unconscious, or ever more than 120 feet from a must be at least 15th level before selecting this
shadow double, all duplicates instantly vanish. The enhancement.
reveler must be at least 12th level before selecting this
Tane Evolutions
Stymie Channeling (Su)
The reveler is surrounded by a aura that disrupts These evolutions do not have an evolution point cost
attempts to channel energy. Any creatures channeling because they are only available on their own
energy within 20 feet of the reveler must succeed at a particular tane masks.
Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian level +
her Charisma modifier) or be unable to channel for Adaptive Defense (Su)
that round. The use is not lost, but the action is
When damaged by an attack that causes cold,
wasted. The reveler must possess the blasphemous
electricity, fire, or sonic damage, the reveler gains
resistance evolution to take this evolution.


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resistance 30 to that energy type until the end of her

next turn. If an attack causes more than one type of
energy damage, she gains resistance 30 to all the types
of energy damage dealt.

Air Walk (Sp)

The reveler is constantly under the effects of the air
walk spell.

Bandersnatch Rake (Ex)

This evolution acts as the Rake evolution, but the
reveler can make up to 4 rakes instead of 2.

Bounding Charge (Ex)

The reveler can charge through difficult terrain.

Burble (Su)
The reveler can burble once every 1d4 rounds as a
standard action. This blast of strange noises and
shouted nonsense in the various languages known to
the reveler (and invariably some languages she
doesn’t know) affects all other creatures within a 60-
foot-radius spread—these creatures must make a Will
save (DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian level + her
Charisma modifier) or become confused for 1d4
Entangling Chains
rounds. Alternatively, the reveler can focus her burble
attack to create a 60-foot line of sonic energy that 606133

+ her Dexterity modifier) halves the damage and

deals 20d6 points of sonic damage Reflex save for half
negates the entangled condition. An entangled
at the same DC. The confusion effect is mind-
creature can escape with a Reflex save at the same DC
affecting; both are sonic effects.
or a DC 30 Escape Artist check made as a full-round
action. The chains can only hold up to six creatures,
Deadly Bite (Ex)
one for each chain, and she must release all creatures
The reveler applies 1-1/2 times her Strength modifier from being entangled to use this ability again. The
to damage dealt by her bite attack. A successful chains can also be sundered (hardness 10, hp 20,
critical hit decapitates and instantly slays a Large or Break DC 28), and for each chain missing, the damage
smaller victim (Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s decreases by 1d6 and the DC decreases by 2. If all six
barbarian level + her Strength modifier negates chains are severed, the reveler cannot use this ability.
decapitation; creatures without a head are immune to The reveler creates these chains from her own body—
this effect) and deals triple normal damage regardless
destroyed chains take 24 hours to regrow, even if the
of the decapitation result. reveler removes this mask.

Electrical Jolt (Su) Eye Rays (Su)

Every time a creature strikes the reveler with a metal The reveler can project beams of fire from her eyes as
melee weapon, arcs of electricity deal 1d10 points of a ranged touch attack as a standard action, with a
damage to the attacker. range increment of 60 feet. She projects two beams,
and can target different creatures with these beams if
Entangling Chains (Su) she wishes as long as both targets are within 30 feet of
The reveler can control the six chains that hang from each other. A creature that takes damage from an eye
her body as if they were her own limbs. As a standard beam suffers Jabberwock Burn if the reveler possesses
action, she can cause these chains to snake outward to it.
a radius of 30 feet. All creatures in this area take 10d6
points of slashing damage and become entangled—a
Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian level


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Fear of Vorpal Weapons (Ex) Powerful Charge (Ex)

Though she gains the strength of the jabberwock, the When charging, the reveler can make a single gore
reveler also gains its primal fear of vorpal weapons. As attack with base damage dice as though she were two
soon as she takes damage from a vorpal weapon, she size categories larger, adding twice her Strength
becomes shaken for 1 round. If she is hit by a critical bonus.
threat from a vorpal weapon, whether or not the
critical hit is confirmed, she is staggered for 1 round. Quick Recovery (Su)
The staggering effect on a critical is not a fear effect. When debilitated, the reveler recovers with
frightening speed. If she starts her turn affected by
Jabberwock Burn (Ex) any or all of the following conditions, these conditions
This ability acts like the Burn evolution, but it applies end at the end of her turn: confused, dazed, dazzled,
to all the reveler’s natural attacks as well as her Eye exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, and
Rays, in addition to affecting enemies who make non- stunned. Furthermore, if she is affected by ability
reach melee attacks against the reveler. The damage damage, ability drain, or mind-affecting effects that
each round from Jabberwock Burn is 6d6. allow saves, then she receives a single additional save
against the effect from that list of her choice at the
Jabberwock Damage Reduction (Ex) original DC at the end of her turn in order to shake off
The reveler gains damage reduction 5/vorpal. Only the effect. If the additional save fails, she may not
weapons with the vorpal enhancement bypass this attempt any further saves against that particular
damage reduction. This evolution may be selected effect.
twice. The second time, the damage reduction
increases to 15/vorpal. Quill Defense (Ex)
Any creature that strikes the reveler with a non-reach
Lash Out (Ex) melee weapon, unarmed strike, or natural weapon
As a swift action, the reveler can make a single attack takes 1d10 points of piercing damage from the
with a bite, claw, or tail slap. She cannot lash out on reveler's quills and suffers from the reveler's pain
the same round she charges. attack. 606134

Pain (Ex) Quills (Ex)

Whenever a creature takes damage from the reveler's With a snap of her tail, the reveler can loose a volley of
tail slap attack, quills, or quill defense, that creature four quills as a standard action (make an attack roll
must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s for each spike). This attack has a range of 300 feet
barbarian level + her Dexterity modifier) or a quill with no range increment. All targets must be within
lodges in its flesh, causing the creature to become 30 feet of each other. The quills each deal 1d10
sickened until the quill is removed. Removing one damage + the reveler’s Strength modifier. Launched
quill requires a DC 20 Heal check made as a full- quills regrow in a single round, during which the
round action. For every 5 by which the check exceeds reveler’s defensive abilities are unaffected.
the DC, one additional quill can be removed. On a
failed check, a quill is still removed, but the process Sard Death Throes (Su)
deals 1d10+6 points of damage to the victim. If the reveler dies while wearing this mask, her
remains explode with a blast of lightning into razor-
Planar Acclimation (Ex) sharp splinters of wood. All creatures within 30 feet of
The reveler is always considered to be on her home her when she explodes in this manner take 12d6
plane, regardless of what plane she finds herself upon. points of electricity damage and 12d6 points of
She never gains the extraplanar subtype. piercing damage. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2
barbarian level + Constitution modifier) halves this
Plant Traits (Ex) damage.
The reveler transforms almost entirely into a plant.
She becomes immune to mind-affecting effects, Sard Lightning (Sp)
paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and The reveler gains lightning bolt at will as a spell-like
stunning. ability. The save DC is equal to 13 + the reveler’s
Charisma modifier.


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Sard Poison (Ex) significant amount of wind whenever she makes a full
Thorn attack action. These winds surround her to a radius of
Type poison, injury; Save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 30 feet, and are treated as severe winds—ranged
barbarian level + Constitution modifier; Frequency attacks take a –4 penalty when targeting her while she
1/round for 6 rounds; is whiffling, and medium creatures must make a DC
Effect 1d2 Dex and 4d6 electricity; Cure 2 10 Strength check to approach her. Small or smaller
consecutive saves. creatures in this area that fail a DC 15 Strength check
are blown away. See weather for further details on the
Sard Slams, (Ex) effects of severe winds.
The reveler gains two slam attacks as the Slam
evolution, despite having no arms. These slam attacks
deal 4d10 base damage and deal 4d6 extra electricity Mythic Evolutions
damage each.
The following evolutions can only appear in masks
Shriek (Ex) with the Mythic descriptor.
Once every 1d6 rounds as a standard action, the
reveler can voice a piercing screech. All creatures Deadly Blessing (Su)
(other than the reveler and any jubjub birds) within a The reveler can inspire others to burn bright but die
60-foot-radius spread must succeed at a DC 10 + 1/2 young. As a standard action, she can create a special
the reveler’s barbarian level + her Constitution token that takes the form of a masterwork artisan's
modifier Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. tool for one Craft or Perform skill. The token persists
This is a sonic effect. when the reveler no longer possesses this evolution,
but it has no power. Whenever the reveler possesses
Talons (Ex) the Deadly Blessing evolution, the intended recipient
As the Claws evolution, but this evolution may be of this tool gains a +4 bonus on skill checks made with
placed without limit on the reveler’s legs. the token, but each such use drains 1 Constitution
from the recipient and either heals the reveler 5 hit 606135

Tane Breath Weapon (Su) points or grants her 5 temporary hit points for one
As the Breath Weapon evolution, except that the hour. Temporary hit points from multiple uses of
shape can be either an 80-foot cone or a 160-foot line, Deadly Blessing stack with each other to a maximum
the damage is 1d8 per barbarian level, and the reveler of the reveler’s total normal hit points. If the recipient
can use the breath weapon every 1d4 rounds with no heals the Constitution drain while the reveler still has
daily limit. temporary hit points, then for each point of
Constitution drain healed, the reveler loses 5
Tane Fast Healing (Ex) temporary hit points. Like with a cursed item, the
recipient prefers to use the token, refuses to get rid of
The reveler gains fast healing 5. This evolution can be
it, and finds that it returns if stolen or discarded. The
taken multiple times. Each time, the reveler’s fast
reveler can destroy the token as a standard action at
healing increases by 5.
any range. She can have a number of tokens in
existence equal to her Mythic Rank. Only a reveler
Thorns (Ex)
with access to the leanan sidhe mask can gain this
The reveler can shoot 4 thorns as a full-round action evolution, and she must be at least 3rd level and
or 1 thorn as a standard action. Each thorn has a 180 Mythic Rank 1 before selecting it.
foot range with no range increments. If a thorn hits, it
deals 2d8 damage + the reveler’s Strength modifier For 2 additional evolution points, the reveler may
and exposes the target to the reveler’s Sard Poison. enhance the magic of a willing humanoid spellcaster
by touching him for 1 full round. The blessing allows
Vulnerability (Ex) the target to recall a number of spell levels each day
Choose an energy type. The reveler takes one-and-a- equal to twice the reveler’s Mythic Rank. This
half times as much damage from attacks that deal the recalling works like a pearl of power, except it works
chosen type of energy. for spellcasters of any class (spontaneous casters
recover spent spell slots). Just as with the other use of
Whiffling (Ex) Deadly Blessing, the spellcaster suffers 1 point of
The reveler’s wings and violent motions create a Constitution drain and the reveler either heals 5 hit


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points or gains 5 temporary hit points. If the

Constitution drain is removed before the end of the
day, the spellcaster loses the extra spell slots. The
reveler can end this blessing as a standard action at
any range. The number of blessed creatures she can
have at the same time is equal to her Mythic Rank.
Only a reveler with access to the leanan sidhe mask
can gain this enhancement, and she must be at least
Rank 3 before selecting it.

Mythic Fey Magic (Sp)

The reveler’s mythic power allows her to emulate
powerful fey magic. She chooses either fear or steal
soul 3/day. She may only activate Mythic Fey Magic
while wearing a number of different masks equal to
her Charisma modifier each day. The caster level for
the spell-like ability is equal to her barbarian level,
and the save DC is either 14 + her Charisma modifier
(for the 3/day spell-like abilities) or 15 + her Charisma
modifier (for the 1/day spell-like abilities). The reveler
must have a Charisma of at least 15 and be at least
12th level and Mythic Rank 1 to select this evolution.
Normally, only a reveler with access to the chaneque
mask may select this evolution, but new mythic fey
could open up other 4th level spell-like abilities 3/day
or 5th level spell-like abilities 1/day.
Mythic Fey Magic
Steal Soul (Su)
5112932 606136

As a ranged attack, the reveler can pelt an opponent

with a ritually prepared, soul-stealing fey skull. If the Feats
skull strikes its target, he must succeed at a Will
saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the reveler’s barbarian Honestly, the lion-hilted blade looked pretty silly,
level + her Wisdom modifier) to prevent it from andhy would you cool a forged blade in alcohol
ripping his soul from his body. If the victim fails the anyway? I was in the midst of once again
saving throw, the skull temporarily devours his soul, questioning the wisdom of relying upon Astrid’s
leaving him vulnerable to the commands of whoever hunch when I felt the gorge rising in the back of my
holds the skull. Thereafter, the skull's possessor (even throat as my worst fears began to play out in front of
if the possessor is not the reveler) can use it to my eyes.
command the victim, as the dominate person spell by
spending 1 point of mythic power. An initial or It might creep you out to hear that the bogeyman
secondary Will saving throw can negate the dominate slunk out of the darkness, whispering in a menacing
effect, which necessitates spending additional mythic voice, but the truth was actually more like the human
power to renew it. The soul remains stolen until the condition. Nasty, brutish, and short. The creature
possessor chooses to release the victim or the skull is made no sound, but simply emerged from the
destroyed. While the reveler can carry multiple skulls darkness and struck me with a claw. The lion on the
on her belt, she can only have one soul stolen at any blade roared. Okay, I know that’s about the most
given time, even if she gains this evolution on multiple cliched thing that could have happened, but it did.
masks. Only a reveler with access to the chaneque Somehow, perhaps because of the absurdity of it all, I
mask can gain this evolution, and she must be at least began to laugh, and the fear melted away. Lady, but
9th level and Mythic Rank 1 before selecting it. this sword was ridiculous!

The bogeyman’s mouth might have been hanging

open in shock if he had one. As it was, I managed a
series of quick, graceful strikes that ended the


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creature’s reign of terror. I felt a bit drunk on the

rush. And then I realized, somehow the blade had
freed me from the creature’s power. Task revelers
like Astrid, as a rule, are considered second-class to
other masquerade revelers at best. Anyone who could
hold the same mask and perform a single-minded
action over and over again didn’t understand the
ever-changing nature of the masquerade. I myself
have often thought the same. But I realized that
Astrid’s forge was also a place of change and
transformation. And that day, I learned a little more
about the masquerade, something that the short-
sighted revelers will always miss. Oh, and I also
killed a bogeyman. With a lion sword forged in

—Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper

Beast Reveler
You feel a wild beast within you that you can release
in the throes of revelry.
Prerequisites: Nine or more masks
Benefit: You may wear masks corresponding to
forms other than bipeds. You may choose any of the
listed masks with the Beast descriptor when selecting
new masks. Since the realm of Faerie is a place of
constant evolution and change, you can also create
your own faerie beast mask with the Beast descriptor
5112933 606137

using one of the base forms listed in the table below.

While wearing a mask with the Beast descriptor, you Deep Masquerade
may never gain the Hands (Arms) evolution or wield
weapons through any means. Additionally, you may However, each round of masquerade you must spend
not wear armor or gain an armor bonus through any a number of masquerade rounds equal to the number
means. However, you gain a base natural armor bonus of masks you chose.
equal to that of an eidolon belonging to a summoner
of your masquerade reveler level. Deep Masquerade
Normal: A masquerade reveler is considered to be a When you enter a masquerade, you gain more of the
biped form eidolon with the arms and legs evolution. mask’s power but keep less of yourself.
Prerequisites: Masquerade class feature
Form Benefit Benefit: When you enter a masquerade, you can
Aquatic Bite, Improved Natural designate it as a deep masquerade. If you do, you lose
Armor, Gills, Swimx2 access to all of your rage powers, but you gain
Avian Bite, Flight, Limbs (Legs) additional power from your mask. If the mask is listed
Quadruped Bite, Claws, Limbs here, use the next highest version if you are high
Serpentine Bite, Climb, Reach (Tail), enough level to qualify. For all other masks, select an
Tail, Tail Slap additional 2 evolution points worth of evolutions
when you select this feat to use during a deep
Chimerical Masquerade masquerade. Once selected, these additional
evolutions cannot be changed unless you switch out
You have worn so many masks that you can, with
the mask entirely.
great effort, wear multiple guises at the same time.
Prerequisites: 3 or more masks
Benefit: When entering a masquerade, you may Extra Mask
choose to divide your evolution points evenly You have mastered more masks than others who
(rounded down) among any number of your masks. dance the masquerade.


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Prerequisites: Masquerade class feature

Benefit: You gain one additional mask. You still
must meet the mask’s prerequisites.

Fell Reveler
You have heard the whispers of fey beyond death, and
they pervade your dreams and your revelry.
Prerequisites: Three or more masks
Benefit: You may wear masks corresponding to
undead strongly connected with the fey. You may
choose any of the listed masks with the undead
descriptor when selecting new masks. While using
your masquerade ability and wearing those masks,
you gain the 2 evolution point version of the Undead
Appearance evolution. If you have Elaborate Masks,
you gain the 4 evolution point version of Undead
Appearance. If you have Avatar of a Thousand Masks,
you gain the 6 evolution point version.
Normal: A masquerade reveler can never select the
channel resistance, undead appearance, or unnatural
aura evolutions

Fey Spirit
Your connection to the fey during the masquerade is
unusually strong
Benefit: When wearing a listed mask with the Fey
descriptor during a masquerade, you gain Low-Light
Vision and count as both Fey type and your original
5112934 606138

type. If the mask you are wearing already has Low-

Light Vision, you gain Improved Natural Armor
Tane Reveler
evolutions from deep masquerade. If you possess the
Avatar of a Thousand Masks ability, you can instead
Mythic Reveler
wear the greater version of the Tane mask you
Your mythic power strengthens your masquerade,
selected. Since all Tane masks also have the Beast
allowing you to emulate the powers of mythic fey.
descriptor, follow all rules from Beast Reveler. Also,
Prerequisites: Three or more masks, Mythic Rank 2
since Tane evolutions have no cost, the reveler can
Benefit: You may choose any of the listed masks with
never gain them with Become the Mask.
the mythic descriptor when selecting new masks.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times.
Donning any of these masks costs one point of mythic
Each time you select this feat, you may choose an
additional Tane mask to be your next new mask.

Tane Reveler Task Reveler

During your revelry, you feel the deepest power of the When you set your mind on a particular task, your
fey lords pulsing within your veins, waiting to be masquerade carries you through.
unleashed Prerequisites: Masquerade class feature
Prerequisites: Intricate Masks class feature, Twelve Benefit: While in a masquerade, if you begin a skill
or more masks, Beast Reveler, Deep Masquerade check, Wild Empathy check, Vermin Empathy check,
or any other single check that requires more than a
Benefit: Choose one of the listed masks with the single round to complete, you may choose to spend
Tane descriptor to be your next new mask. When two rounds of masquerade as a swift action. If you do
using your deep masquerade ability, you can wear the so, so long as you consecutively work on that single
lesser version of the selected Tane mask, but it costs 3 check without interruption, the remaining rounds of
rounds of masquerade for every round you spend masquerade you spend do not count against your
wearing that mask and you do not gain any extra daily limit.


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gains 1 additional evolution point worth of abilities

Magic Items when using the Become the Mask ability.

Sometimes, they ask me why I don’t wear a mask of

lost identity. Many revelers consider it to be the
single most powerful item they could possibly find.
But they have never run into the gancanagh fey lord
Peitho the Dollmaster.

I had the misfortune to come across the Dollmaster

and the fortune to escape the encounter as a version
of myself that was still recognizable. His masked
Dolls attend him, but they aren’t constructs. Each one
was once a powerful mortal adventurer or immortal
in their own right. Sporting specially tailored masks
of lost identity that mockingly recall who they once
were, these piteous creatures were once paladins,
bards, succubi, nymphs, and all manner of heroes,
villains, and immortals, but now they have lost all of
that. All that is left of them is to serve him, and
whatever else he invents to feed his own twisted
sense of humor. He might decide that a paladin and
an antipaladin are best friends now, and dress them
up in matching outfits, one white and one black.

That vile creature sickens me. I may never be

powerful enough to stand against him, but if ever I
am, he will be the first to fall before my blade. I hope 606139

you can see now why I would never consider putting

one of those things on my face.

—Melusine, Autumn’s Whisper

Mask of Lost Identity

Mask of Lost Identity While wearing the mask of lost identity, the wearer
Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th suffers a –2 penalty to saves against figments and
Slot head; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. abilities that affect her memory, confuse her, or inflict
Description insanity. Additionally, her trouble determining her
This vibrantly colored masquerade skull mask seems own identity is exacerbated by magical influences.
to change its shape, pattern, and colors based on the While under a charm or compulsion effect, she never
wearer’s mood, although on closer examination, the receives an additional saving throw for being
mask might be shifting before the wearer. commanded to perform an act against her nature,
though she can still recognize harmful or dangerous
The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on all acts.
Disguise checks, and ignores all circumstance
penalties to Disguise that would be directly generated Construction
by wearing a mask. She may alter her appearance at Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, alter self,
will to any Small or Medium form of humanoid shape modify memory; Cost 12,500 gp.
as though using alter self, but she neither gains nor
loses any abilities or ability scores. However, she can
never disguise the fact that she is wearing a mask, Masked Shawl
through magical or mundane means. Even if she puts Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
a bag or other object over her head, a mask appears on Slot chest; Price 10,000 gp; Weight —
the outside of the new head covering. If the wearer of Description
the mask of lost identity is a masquerade reveler, she


5112935 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112935
606140 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

This delicate shawl is woven of intricate patterns with If the wearer is a masquerade reveler, she may choose
shifting poems in Sylvan script. to dance her way through a gradual transformation
whenever she enters a masquerade. On the first round
If the wearer is a masquerade reveler, she can spend of her masquerade, she only gains one evolution point
an hour dancing a faerie minuet and attempt a DC 20 worth of abilities from her mask, gaining one
Perform (dance) check. If she is successful, she can additional evolution point of abilities each round. If
choose one of her masks and store its power within she doesn’t have enough points to gain another ability
the shawl, appearing as a brooch in the shape of a tiny from that mask, the remaining evolution points have
mask. She may not store a mask with the Beast or no effect until later rounds when she gains more
Undead descriptor, even if she has the appropriate evolution points. If the wearer possesses the Intricate
feats to use them. When entering a masquerade, she Masks ability, she gains two evolution points worth of
can no longer choose to wear the mask stored within abilities each round instead of one. In exchange for
the shawl. However, as a swift action, she can switch the delayed evolutions, she receives several benefits.
back and forth between the mask she selects when First, any rounds of masquerade in which she does
entering her masquerade and the mask stored within not possess her full complement of evolution points
the shawl. Changing or removing the stored mask cost only half a round of masquerade (rounded up).
each require another hour of dancing and a DC 20 Second, when she ceases spending rounds of
Perform (dance) check. Only the masquerade reveler masquerade, the dance dies down more gradually as
who stored her mask in the shawl can switch to that well; she loses one evolution point of abilities (or two
mask, and she can dance to remove the stored mask if she possesses Intricate Masks) each round until all
even if the shawl is no longer in her possession. are gone (except those that she chooses to keep using
with Become the Mask), and then she becomes
If the wearer stores the Nereid Mask within the fatigued. The length of the fatigue is twice the number
masked shawl, she gains the Gills and Swim of total masquerade rounds she spends. She cannot
evolutions even when not in masquerade. use this ability with masks of the Beast or Undead
Additionally, she uses the 6 point version of the descriptor, even if she possesses the appropriate feats
Nereid Mask during her masquerade. If she possesses to use them.

the Elaborate Masks ability, she instead gains the 8 606140

point version of the Nereid Mask, and if she possesses Construction

the Avatar of a Thousand Masks ability, she keeps the Requirements Craft Wondrous Item,
8 point version and gains the Nereid special ability transformation; Cost 5,000 gp
Beguiling Aura. However, she also gains the Nereid
weakness Shawl, tied to the masked shawl, even when
not in her masquerade. This effect persists even after
the masked shawl is destroyed. This includes the
ability to recraft the shawl from water in 1d4 hours by
making a DC 25 Will Save. If successful, the new
shawl is permanent and has all the powers of the
masked shawl, including the fact that the wearer has
stored the Nereid Mask’s powers within the shawl.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item,
touch of the sea; Cost 5,000 gp

Stilettos of Dancing Forms

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot feet; Price 10,000 gp; Weight —
These sequined stilettos trace faintly-glowing patterns
of colorful, twinkling dust just behind each of the
wearer’s steps. Whenever the wearer moves, all
squares she enters glow as the light spell for one


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606141 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015

5112937 606141

5112937 #3667372, Colette Brunel <>, Aug 2, 2015 5112937
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