English Homework 1

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AYZAH PUSPITA SYAM [23044014005]

ILMA WIRAYATNA [23404014011]
SABRIANTI [23044014014]


Reading Comprehension

Tax (English: tax, from Latin taxo; "rate"; Dutch: belasting) is a mandatory
contribution to the state owed by an individual or entity that is coercive based on law,
without causing direct imbalance and is used for state needs for the greatest prosperity
of the people. According to Charles E.McLure, tax is a financial obligation or levy
imposed on taxpayers (individuals or entities) by the state or institutions whose function
is equivalent to the state which is used to finance various kinds of public expenditure.
Taxes are levied based on legal norms to cover the costs of producing collective
goods and services to achieve general welfare. Refusal to pay, evasion, or rejection of
taxes is generally a violation of the law. Taxes consist of direct taxes or indirect taxes
and can flow with money or work of equal value. Some countries do not impose taxes at
all, for example the United Arab Emirates. The government agency that manages state
taxation in Indonesia is the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) which is one of the
directorates general under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
Taxes in Indonesia are a collection of funds needed by the government for public
purposes. Taxes can cover various aspects, such as motor vehicle tax, tax object tax,
and corporate taxes. Tax collection is the center of service and the role of Taxpayers to
directly and jointly carry out tax obligations. Taxes can cover various aspects, such as
motor vehicle tax, tax object tax, and corporate taxes. Understanding taxes is a complex
process that includes linguistic and cognitive factors, as well as emotions.
The earliest and most widespread forms of taxation were corvees and tithes.
Corvée was forced labor provided to the state by peasants who were too poor to afford
other forms of taxation ("labor" in ancient Egyptian was a synonym for tax).
Pajak (Inggris: tax, dari bahasa Latin taxo; “rate”; Belanda: bestanding) adalah
iuran wajib kepada negara yang terutang oleh orang pribadi atau badan yang bersifat
memaksa berdasarkan undang-undang, tanpa menimbulkan ketimpangan secara
langsung dan digunakan untuk keperluan negara untuk keperluan negara. kemakmuran
terbesar bagi rakyat. Menurut Charles E.McLure, pajak adalah suatu kewajiban
keuangan atau pungutan yang dikenakan kepada wajib pajak (perseorangan atau
badan) oleh negara atau lembaga yang fungsinya setara dengan negara yang
digunakan untuk membiayai berbagai macam pengeluaran publik.
Pajak dipungut berdasarkan norma hukum untuk menutup biaya produksi barang
dan jasa kolektif untuk mencapai kesejahteraan umum. Penolakan membayar,
penghindaran, atau penolakan pajak pada umumnya merupakan pelanggaran hukum.
Pajak terdiri dari pajak langsung atau pajak tidak langsung dan dapat mengalir dengan
uang atau pekerjaan yang nilainya sama. Beberapa negara tidak mengenakan pajak
sama sekali, misalnya Uni Emirat Arab. Instansi pemerintah yang membidangi
perpajakan negara di Indonesia adalah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) yang
merupakan salah satu direktorat jenderal yang berada di bawah naungan Kementerian
Keuangan Republik Indonesia.
Pajak di Indonesia merupakan kumpulan dana yang dibutuhkan pemerintah
untuk kepentingan umum. Pajak dapat mencakup berbagai aspek, seperti pajak
kendaraan bermotor, pajak objek pajak, dan pajak perusahaan. Penagihan pajak
merupakan pusat pelayanan dan peranan Wajib Pajak untuk secara langsung dan
bersama-sama melaksanakan kewajiban perpajakan. Pajak dapat mencakup berbagai
aspek, seperti pajak kendaraan bermotor, pajak objek pajak, dan pajak perusahaan.
Memahami pajak adalah proses kompleks yang mencakup faktor linguistik dan kognitif,
serta emosi.
Bentuk perpajakan yang paling awal dan paling luas adalah corvee dan
persepuluhan. Corvée adalah kerja paksa yang diberikan kepada negara oleh para
petani yang terlalu miskin untuk mampu membayar bentuk perpajakan lainnya ("tenaga
kerja" dalam bahasa Mesir kuno adalah sinonim dari pajak).
Dialogue on the importance of paying taxes and the obligation to pay taxes.

Ilma : Hey, have you filed your taxes this year?

Sabe : Not yet, what about you?
Ilma : I just finished reporting my taxes, we have to prepare a lot of documents.
Ayzah : You know, isn't the obligation to pay taxes important? We must obediently pay
Sabe : Yes, but I'm still confused about where to pay?
Ilma : You can come directly to the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) or if you want
it to be easy, you can just pay via the DJP Online account.
Sabe : It turns out there are many ways if we want to pay taxes, okay, I'll try it later.
Ayzah : Yes, that's right. There fore, the obligation to pay taxes is important, because
the taxes paid by the community are used by the government to build public
facilities, such as schools, hospitals and many more.
Ilma : That's right. Taxes are the obligation of every citizen to help develop the
Ayzah : ut apart from paying taxes, we need to report them too.
Sabe : Shouldn't we just pay the tax?
Ilma : You still have to report it, bro
Ayzah : So as taxpayers we have 3 obligations, namely calculating, paying and
reporting our taxes.
Ilma : All three are obligations, don't let us overstep or even intentionally not carry out
our obligations as taxpayers.
Sabe: Okay ready, I have to pay taxes immediately. Thank you friends for the

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