Mrs Betty - Good-WPS Office

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Mrs Betty: Good morning,sit down,please

( Selamat pagi, Silakan duduk)

Ridit : Good morning, thank you,ma'am

( Selamat pagi, Terima kasih, Bu)

Mrs Betty: What is your name?

( Siapa namamu ? )

Ridit : My name is Ridit Sensly

( Nama saya Ridit sensly)

Mrs Betty: What is the nickname

( Siapa nama panggilanmu)

Ridit : You can cell me Ridit

( Ibu bisa memanggil saya Ridit)

Mrs Betty: Are you ready for a college interview today

( Apakah anda siap untuk wawancara kuliah hari ini)

Ridit : Yes,I'am ready ma'am

( ya, saya siap bu)

Mrs Betty: Where do you come from?

( Dari mana asalmu)

Ridit : I'am from in Madi

( Saya dari Madi)

Mrs Betty: where and when was you born?

( dari mana dan kapan kamu lahir)

Ridit : I was born in Bengkayang, 15 Januari 2005, I am 18 your old

( Saya lahir di Bengkayang, 15 Januari 2005 Umur saya 19 tahun)

Mrs Betty: How many sibling do you have?

( berapa saudaramu)

Ridit : I have 1 brother and 2 sister

( Saya memiliki satu saudara laki-laki dan 2 saudara perempuan)

Mrs Betty: oke. Semuanya kah atau How do you find out information about scholarshivanancies

at host University ?

( oke. Bagaimana anda mengetahui informasi tentang lowongan beasiswa di

Universitas ini )

Ridit : I found this on social media

( saya menemukan informasi ini di sosial media)

Mrs Betty: What is the purpose of you applaying to study at this University?

( Apa tujuan Anda mendaftar untuk belajar di Universitas in)

Ridit :my go as is to get a scholarship at this university with the major this I want, majoring

military academy

( cita-cita saya adalah mendapatkan beasiswa di universitas ini dengan jurusan yang

Saya inginkan yaitu Jurusan Akademi Militer)

Mrs Betty: okay, it was amazing to meet and talk to you about so many things

(Oke, sungguh luar biasa bertemu dan berbicara dengan mu tentang banyak hal)

Ridit :thank you, ma'am

(Terima kasih, ibu)

March 13,2024

Lumar, 72

Jelatok, streat

Boy, kal-bar


NIP. 1980 0925 20 09032003

Tanjung Pura jasmani Militer Pontianak

Dear Mrs. SRI

I am writing to apply to calling majoling in Military academy is promotion on social media. I attach my
curriculum vitae and intelity card.

Name : Radit sensly

Age : 19 year, January 2005

Anddress :Madi


Phone number :0856 5412 1638

The majors presented in this list are very interesting, and I believe that my solid knowledge willmake ke
a very competitive student for this Tanjungpura jasmani militer pontianak university the knowledge that
I have in this position includes: I know programming and their formulas lawyers, I strive for sustainable
excellence, and I make an outstanding contribution to all student. I also have experience in learning and
exsel in the organizations that I follow.

Thank you for your time and considaration i look forward to talking to you about this college


Ridit sensly

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