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Task 1 – Ethics

Name ___________________________ Course/Year Level


Answer the questions using ethical principles discussed in our Ethics

class (maximum of 4-5 lines each). Answer by hand using a yellow paper, write
legibly, take a screenshot, and submit it to our Google Classroom at or before 9:00
PM today (March 21, 2024).

1. Below is a summary of the story of Gyges in Plato’s book, Republic.

“Gyges is a shepherd who stumbles upon a ring that, at his command,

makes him invisible and while in that state, he can do anything
without getting caught. So he kills the king, seduces his wife, and
becomes king himself.”

Imagine you have the ring of Gyges, would you still do what is good and what is
right? Would you still act morally? Why should you, or not?


2. If not all human actions or experiences are subject to morality (to be judged
using universal standards of right and wrong), enumerate at least 2 and why
each is not subject to moral judgment.


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