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Oral Test and The Answers

A. Explanation Text

1. What is explanation text?

A text to tell abaut process.
2. Mention language features of explanation text !
Use passive sentence, use simple present, use chronological connection and use action
3. Mentionn is stucrure of explanation text!
General statement, processing, closing.
4. What is sequenced of explanation?
Is a part of teks to tell abaout process
5. What is general statement
The statement to show universal
6. Explain abaut general statment water cycle and photosynthesis!
• Whater cycle is the process where sea wather evaporited tobe clude and then
happen rain.
• Photosynthesis is a process plane where clorifil take the sunlight to become

B. Passive Sentence

7. What differences between active and passive sentences?

• Active subject do action.
• Passive object do action.
8. The pattern of passive is…
Subject + To be + Verb 3 + by + Object
9. Give example passive form in 9 tenses!
a. The book is written by me
b. The book was written by me
c. The book will be written by me
d. The book is being written by me
e. The book was being written by me
f. The book will be being written by me
g. The book has been written by me
h. The book had been written by me
i. The book will have been written by me
10. What is causative sentence?
The sentence where cause someone do action
11. How the petterent pf active and passive causative?
a. The pattern of active (Have) : S + havem + someone + do something
b. The pattern of active (Get) : S + Get + to + someone + do something
c. The pattern of passive (Have): S + Have + O + done something
d. The pattern of passive (Get) : S + Get + O + done something
12. Mention verbs are group of causative!
Have, get, ask, let, make
C. Direct and Indirect Speech
13. Mention 6 form of Indirect speech! (Give example)
a. Steatment, example: I said that he went to Bali
b. Question Word, example: I ask Nayla if she went to
c. Question Yes/Word, Example: I ask Nayla if she went to Bali
d. Comment, example: I said to go
e. Prohibition, example: I said not to go
f. Exclamatory, example: I said to Nayla what smart she was

14. Mention the features of Indirect Speech

a. Statement use That
b. Question Words use Who, Why, When, Where
c. Question Yes/No use If/Whether
d. Command use To
e. Prohibition use Not to
f. Exclamatory use How/What + Adjective

15. How the rules of changing from Direct into Indirect Speech?
a. If the direct present tense, the indirect become past tense
b. If the direct past tense, the indirect become past perfect tense

D. Song Lyric
16. What is song?
Song is a piece of music with words
17. Mention the six purpose of song!
a. To inspire the listener
b. To express feeling of the song writer
c. To share feeling with others
d. To teach a lesson to the listeners
e. To entertain the listeners
f. To criticize environment or a condition
18. What is intro?
Opening of song
19. What is vers?
Vers is a part of song to tell abaut the story
20. Give example rhime

E. Elliptical Construction
21. What is Elliptical construction?
The sentence where the same predicat is lost by using conaction and.
22. Mention two types of Elliptical Construction!

(+) so + to

( - ) use Ethir/ Neither

23. Give example for positive and negative form
A. Use To be
Positive: Jane is student and Bella is too
Negative: Jane isn’t student and Bella isn’t either
B. Use Modal
Positive: Jane will swim latter and Mike will too
Negative: Jane won’t swim latter and Mike won’t either
C. Use Verbal
Positive: Jane swim today and Mike does too
Negative: Jane doesn’t swim today and Mike doesn’t either

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