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John Ellis, Steam Plant Design Engineer
(Edited By: Jon Christian Ryter)

Faraday’s Prologue
Michael Faraday, one of the most brilliant, although
unschooled scientists as time rolled slowly into the 19th century,
was born on Sept. 22. 1791 on Newington Butts (now part of the
London borough of Southwark which was then part of Surrey). In
the opening chapter of Faraday’s life—where he struggled to learn
even a smattering of the elementary school knowledge possessed
by his mother—who was also home taught.
Faraday’s father, James, joined the Glasite Church (a small
Scottish Christian sect), where he found work as a blacksmith.
Because of the contentious rift between the Church of England
and smaller Christian sects like the Glasites, the Baptists and other
Protestants, and the Catholics in Ireland who kept the theological
rift boiling, religion impacted the economic welfare of the
commoners in England.
When James Faraday left Outhill and moved his wife and two
children to London in the winter of 1790, he did so because he
believed job opportunities and incomes in London would be
better. Or, at least, no worse than they were in Outhill. James
suffered from a lung disorder likely caused from years of working
over the smithy’s hot forge where he constantly inhaled the heat
which his physician believed scorched his lungs.
Faraday’s personal income shortfalls weren’t due entirely to
his medical problems, but from the shortfall in the British
government’s coffers due to the drain on the British treasury from
the Jacobite War between England and Scotland in 1745, the Seven
Year War in 1756-1763, followed by the dawn of the 19th century

and the Napoleonic Wars—where the five mightiest nations in
Europe launched regional and then global wars not only against
each other, but against their neighbors to drain their treasuries in
order to replenish the wealth England needed to refill their own
India, referred to by England as “the crown jewel of conquest”
was by far the wealthiest conquest made by England in the second
and third decades of the 18th century—largely from tea, but in
part from the material spoils of war when they drove the French
from the underbelly of Eurasia. It was not only the most
populated nation in the known world, it had every spice known to
Europe, cheap labor, teak forests, the best wood from which to
build the world’ best navy. Before the Spanish and English
governments fought over possession of the Mediterranean Sea
they tried to avoid fighting the pirates off the Barbary Coast.
Legitimate merchant freighters with limited cannons and no
stomach for sea battles would have to sail around the toe of Africa
and return north in the Pacific.
Once the British navy conquered India they quickly gained
access to as much of the land routes in Asia that filled their war
chests with goods of all sorts that the British knew would appeal
to the Brits. These included things like spices, tea, textiles, cotton,
gold, silver, diamonds and other precious stones--and opium--that
the Chinese would trade to English merchant mariners. Because
China had so many people and so much wealth—like illegal
opium that was worth ten times or more in a US port. Opium was
dubbed the “crown jewel of the known world.” Not only was
China profitable from its bounty of a variety of teas—¬but silk,
teak wood, painted china, cheap labor, but more important—
access to Asia. For centuries, other than the Spanish, Portuguese,
Italian and French navies which controlled the bulk of the
navigation from the Ivory Coast across and down the African
coast and around the Cape of Good Hope to the Indian Ocean.
England, captured not only most of the sea routes to China, they
traveled the land routes from Europe to Asia—and captured or
bought large caches of gunpowder and with it, walnut for gun
stocks and iron for firearms, swords, knives and cannons for their
The profits earned by the East India Company from taxation
and tea would have easily filled the British treasury had the
Commander-in-chief of the British military expedition, Major-
General Robert Clive, not been awarded the rights of royalty as a
part owner of the East India Company. Clive, who received the
title of Right Honorable Lord Clive from King George II of
England, used much of the tax revenue collected from India,
Pakistan and Bangladesh to drive the French out of the Islamic
Mughal Empire. Clive sent a bounty of tea to George II (much
more than silver and gold) which, of course, did not fill England’s
empty treasury. Much of the gold and silver was used to fuel
Clive’s army, and much was used to fill his own personal
When George II died in 1760 his son and successor, King
George III (the monarch who started the American Revolution)
recalled Clive—now one of the richest men in the British Empire--
from Bengal. George III also recalled, and fired, Roger Drake, the
civilian governor of Fort William in Bengal, who shared the
monetary riches of India on par with Clive. He also found himself
under arrest with Clive who, in addition to being charged with
self-aggrandizement, forfeited all of his titles and military rank.
Clive was tried by the Tory Parliament for amassing a personal
fortune which actually belonged to the Crown. The Parliament
stripped both Clive and Drake of titles and wealth, imprisoned
them, and both were vilified by the Crown until the Mughal
(Islamic) Empire, once again regained power and retaliated
against the Christians and Jews through the Holy Wars.
Once again, Clive was released from the Tower of London and
reinstated to the rank of General to attack the Turks. He did not
prevail until March 28, 1757. Although the Crusaders ultimately
won, Clive still got the lion’s share of the blame for the declining
economic conditions in England because of his original attempt to
create an English Empire in Asia Minor. Empire building in Asia
continued since not only did England and France best Italy, Spain
and Portugal in the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean, they
stripped the nations they battled. The battles between the Mongols
and the Christians ended with the capture of Delhi on March 28,
1757. That phase of the war of the Maghals lasted 30 years with
Chinese leader Chin Qilich Khan coming to the aid of Amir Khan
Bahadur, a Turk.
The lumber needed for England’s fine furniture craftsmen and
the builders of not only the finest homes, but the most ornate fire
places in every room. The shipbuilders needed wood for merchant
ships and ships of war--but also wood for the stocks of muskets,
flintlock pistols and long bows and arrows. Poor men like James
Faraday, the blacksmith, needed wood chips for the fire that
kindled the smith’s fire in the mews as well as the pot-bellied
wood stove which heated their living quarters in the cold of night
where they cooked what food they had to eat.
James Faraday and his family lived in the mew—the slums of
London—where the poorest laborers slaved for barely enough
money to feed one stout man let alone a pregnant wife and two
children. (The mew was street-long rows of small connected
barns, stables and cages where, in the 16th and 17th century,
falconries for kings and their royal relatives caged the royal
sporting birds of prey. In the hovels above or below the mew was
where the caretakers lived to protect the fighting hawks or carrier
pigeons which carried the mail of the royals and the rich.
Faraday and his family lived in such a hovel—a single four-
sided room over the blacksmith shop where James worked, and
where his family struggled day by day for their meager existence.
On Sept. 22, 1791 Michael Faraday was born in the mew in
Newington Butts, the third of four children. In my research on
Faraday, more than one writer noted that he was a boy genius
who attended elementary school and had a rudimentary
education in which he learned math and science. He didn’t. What
education he received came from his mother who was taught by
her mother. The conclusion suggesting he was “school-educated”
is flawed since in the early 1800s England did not have any public
schools (like those we attended in the 20th century), or that those
who attended those public schools received free educations. There
were some private elementary schools for the wealthy who paid
the tuition for their enrolled children.
Before England enacted the Public School Act of 1868, the
wealthy class, most of whom had at least a drop of royal--or at
least wealthy--blood coursing through their veins, either attended
private academies like the Trum Grammer Boarding School, or
their parents hired live-in tutors to educate their children in math,
science, history, reading, writing, and the social arts to prepare
them for the universities of their fathers who, of course, chose the
correct curriculum for their sons since they were expected to
follow in the footsteps of their forebearers.
If Michael Faraday, who loved books, had not found a local
book binder, George Riebau on Blandford Street in the mew, and
convinced the book binder to take him on as an apprentice
bookbinder (which meant his wage was room and board), the
odds were pretty good that Faraday, like his father, would have
spent his life shoeing horses.
One of Riebau’s frequent customers, Thomas Brand, the 20th
Baron Dacre of the Royal Institute watched Faraday whenever he
was in the store and finally engaged him in scientific conversation
(since he noticed the apprentice was always reading books dealing
with science. Whenever he got the chance, Brand engaged Faraday
in conversation and was shocked by the grasp of scientific
knowledge Faraday, a boy in his late teens, possessed. Brand had
his own apprentice at the Royal Institute who lacked the
knowledge possessed by Faraday, who possessed no formal
education at all.
Brand asked Riebau if he could take Faraday to four lectures
by one of England’s foremost scientists, Sir Humphrey Davy (the
nation’s most prominent chemical research scientist), telling
Riebau it was rare to find such intelligence in such a young
apprentice—particularly one whose father shod horses for a
“Davy,” Brand told Riebau, “is England’s most prominent
research scientist. He’s giving four very rare lectures at the Royal
Institute for the nation’s best scientific minds. I want Michael to
hear them. Then, I want him to write an overview of the lectures
so I can gauge his intellect. I think he has a future in science.”
Riebau was pleased with Brand’s assessment because the
thought of have an apprentice with the scientific knowledge to
speak intelligently with his customers would be a boon in the
book store. Prior to Brand’s comments, the only thing Riebau
thought the blacksmith’s son was any good for was stacking
books, sweeping the floor and making deliveries. If Brand was
even remotely right, Faraday could be worth his weight in gold in
answering customer questions and to sell books to educated
Attending the four lectures as they were scheduled at the
Royal Institute, Faraday was exuberant beyond imagination. He
was being allowed to listen to not just one, but four lectures by the
most noted scientist in England. When you’re poor, the most
important gift you can receive isn’t money—it’s knowledge.
And, although the university students whose wealthy parents
provided them with tickets felt privileged, those who donned
their Sunday best and attended the lectures did do only because
their parents provided them with tickets and insisted they attend.
After all, attending four Sir Davy lectures was like gold-plating
their resumes. Many of the offspring of the privileged didn’t
attend with expectations of learning anything since most of what
Sir Davy spoke about was too far over the heads of students who
never paid enough attention in class to fully understand half of
what their instructors tried to teach them let alone what Sir Davy
said. And, besides, most of those who received tickets from the
parents were going to go to work for Daddy when they
graduated. A few of them, whose fathers had money, expected to
get a one or two year apprenticeship with Sir Davy (paid for by
Daddy) and then move into junior executive slots in their father’s
company. Michael Faraday, with “mew blood” flowing through
his veins desperately wanted an apprenticeship with Davy—not
for a few pence more per month, but because he wanted to be as
good a scientist as the scientists in the books he’d read that were
published by Riebau.
Further, because Faraday never went to school he never
realized that educators in the early 19th century believed that the
interrogate transmission of any family’s intelligence quotient is
always transferred from father to son, with the father always
having a higher IQ than his son since he was the family
provider—until his mind began experiencing the initial phases of
dementia. Thus, although Faraday had an extremely high IQ, he
was compared by his peers to his father’s IQ which was not based
on his intelligence quotient. Rather, his IQ was based on his
educational skills, his successful job proficiency and life skills—
and how well he provided for his family.
Thomas Brand was so convinced that Michael Faraday had the
IQ of a genius, he invited and simultaneously paid the attendance
fees to all four lectures from one of Europe’s foremost scientist—
Humphry Davy. The topics of the lectures dealt with “radiant
matter,” chlorine,” “metals,” and “simple inflammables.”
The poorest of the poverty class of people in the mew suffered
the most and died the youngest. Keep in mind that, in the mew,
animals and outhouses provided the poor with very
unsatisfactory toilet facilities and bacteria infected their drinking
The American population has been polluting their drinking
water and well water with chlorine since the 1800s. It became the
standard health treatment by the health departments all across the
country since 1904.
Had it not been for Brand, the Baron of Dacre, who was
convinced that Faraday had an IQ in the genius range, he likely
would have arranged for only one ticket and not all four. One of
the conditions levied by Brand on Faraday was that he bring
composition books to each lecture and take carefully transcribed
notes, complete with any illustrations Davy committed to
blackboard. He was then obligated to add his opinions and
conclusions about Davy’s comments. Once his homework on all
four of the lectures was completed with Faraday’s conclusions and
the reasons he felt his view was correct—the notebooks were to be
delivered to Sir Humphry.
An important addendum to Brand’s instructions was a letter
to Davy explaining how poverty affected his childhood where he
lived completely on his own as a near penniless apprentice for the
book-binder (where he taught himself to read).
Faraday waited until he attended the fourth lecture before
writing the letter to Sir Davy in which he added that Riebau was a
hard taskmaster who worked him twelve or more hours per day,
including an addendum that his employment with Riebau had
just ended, and that because he had been studying science in the
books Riebau and others had published, and was both excited and
intrigued by science thanks to the graciousness of Thomas Brand,
he was hoping that if he could not convince Sir Humphry Davy to
find a place for him as an apprentice in his laboratory then
perhaps Davy could help him secure a position in the Royal
Institute. “The book trade,” Faraday told Davy, “lacked the
excitement I discovered exploring the mysteries of science which
are eternal.”
Faraday concluded his letter, which he simply signed it:
“Michael Faraday” to both Thomas Brand and Humphry Davy.
Brand, who had known Davy from childhood knew Michael
Faraday’s letter would have an emotional appeal to Davy because
Brand had read a similar letter written by Davy to his own
mother. In that letter, Davy said to his mother: “Learning
naturally is a true pleasure. How unfortunate it that most private
schools, learning is made to be such a pain. I consider it fortunate I
was left to myself as a child, and put upon no particular plan of
study…What I am I made of myself.”
Both the letter and the notebook had a major impact on Sir
Humphry Davy, who as a young man saw, in himself, Michael
Faraday. What, in Faraday’s letter, was not lost on Davy was that
as a youth he loved poetry and enjoyed both writing and reading
it. Self-taught Faraday, who was 13 years his junior, was still
struggling with many of the technical terms in the books in
Riebau’s book store. What Davy saw in Faraday’s letter was a
determination to learn and completely understand everything it
was possible to learn about science in a young man who was
deprived of the time to enjoy the whimsical things in life.
Learning came easy for Davy. Determination to succeed was an
obsession with Faraday.
None of the words in Faraday’s notebook and letter were lost
on Davy. He read and reread both the content of the notebook and
the comments in the letter. Davy, like Faraday, needed a sponsor
to kick-start his career. Davy wondered where he would be on
that day in his life reading Faraday’s letter, without his father’s
best friend, Dr.Tonkin, who became his guardian when Davy’s
father died. And who paid for his schooling, and arranged his
apprenticeship with Dr. John Bingham Borlase as the dental
surgeon’s apothecarist?
Davy, as he reviewed Faraday’s letter over and over again,
realized that he could have just as easily have ended in the mew,
walking in Faraday’s shoes. Had Dr. Tonkin not been his father’s
best friend who pledged to take care of his son if he passed on
prematurely, Humphry could easily have become Faraday—worn
shoes and all. Davy knew it because, although he never suffered
living in the mew like Faraday, or living Faraday’s life working
for George Riebau—the fear Davy worried about before he met
Dr. Tonkin was thinking about the likelihood of his father’s
premature death since he had been in poor health for some time.
Davy realized that not too many things needed to have
happened differently to reverse their roles in life. Without
assistance from a mentor, both likely would barely have become a
footnote in history.
Davy replied to Faraday’s letter and set up an interview with
the younger man, cautioning him that it would be wise to accept
the position of journeyman bookbinder since it paid a per diem
which was more than the remuneration than a scientist’s helper
received. Science, he told Faraday “…is a harsh mistress which
offers a poor reward for those who devote their lives to her
service, but lacked neither title nor the generational wealth
required to achieve success.”
Before answering Faraday, Davy called his closest friend,
William Hazeltine Pepys. Pepys was something of an enigma in
the scientific world. Although he was a well-to-do scientist and
professor of chemistry and physical science, he was ostracized
from the landed gentry in England because he became a follower
of George Fox who broke away from the Church of England and
formed the Quakers (more commonly known today as the Society
of Friends). Only, in the early 18th century the Quakers had no
“public friends.” Pepys had a few. But other than Quakers, all of
Pepys’ friends were either scientists or close friends of scientists.
Because Davy was torn between the immense talent he saw in
Faraday’s notes combined with the similarities between his
experiences and Davy’s memories of his own experiences as a
youth, he wanted to help the young man although he knew he
couldn’t employ such an inexperienced apprentice as he might an
educated one. He wanted to help Faraday because of the immense
talent he saw in Faraday’s notes written during Davy’s lectures;
sensing there was a greatness in this young man. Davy just
needed someone else to see what he saw, not the sympathy he felt
for the young man, but his potential, to assure him that he was
right about Faraday.
He took Faraday’s letter and the four notebooks to his friend’s
home. Handing the letter and notebooks to Pepys, he said: “Here’s
a letter from a young man named Faraday. He’s been attending
my lectures and wants me to employ him at the Royal Institution.
What should I do?”
Pepys dryly replied, “Let him wash test tubes. If he’s any good
doing menial tasks he’ll be good at just about any task you ask
him to do.”
Davy shook his head, saying: “No. He has the IQ of a scientist.
He’s someone who will be someone, but not if he spends his life
washing test tubes. Let’s challenge him with something worthy of
his mind.” Sir Humphry sent Faraday a courteous, brief letter
inviting the applicant to meet jointly with both himself and Pepys.
The interview began with Davy politely telling Faraday that
science was a career choice which left most of those who chose it
eventually destitute—much like his working for the book binder
Riebau. Pepys added that Faraday had every appearance of being
intelligent enough to recognize that fact, adding,” you don’t
become a famous scientist by happenstance.” Pepys was both
right and wrong.
And Davy knew it because, in some aspects, he experienced
much of Faraday’s early years during his own early years. But
Davy didn’t live in the mew like Faraday did. Mentally he
experienced some of what Faraday experienced without living in
a rat-infested, garbage strewn alley. Davy watched his own world
change as his father prepared for death.
Faraday lived a life worse than death when his parents sold
him into bondage to a mew’s merchant on Blandford Street. To
Faraday, the third sibling, he felt as though his parents couldn’t
afford him and gave him away because he was the youngest and,
perhaps, his parents were least attached to him. He made sure he
always ate less than his siblings because, in case his fears became
reality, his brother would have more meat on his bones and,
looking more healthy, might be the brother sold into bondage.
Michael had no way of knowing that a fourth sibling was already
inside his mother awaiting a spring arrival.
Because Faraday would not be deterred from his desire to
become Davy’s assistant, at length, Davy engaged him in the
laboratory of the Royal Institution. Taking his tip from Pepsys, he
assigned Faraday to menial tasks, assisting lecturers and keeping
all of the scientific apparatus and test tubes cleaned and the sealed
bottles dusted. And, as Pepsys insisted, by doing the menial
chores, soon he would be assigned tasks of a more significant
nature, such as actually becoming Davy’s pharmaceutical
What made Michael Faraday a godsend to Davy is that
Faraday, like Nikola Tesla, could ponder multiple ideas and
formulas simultaneously. As a 19 year old electrical engineering
student at Polytechnic Institution in Graz, Austria Tesla was
trying to convert a faulty direct current electric motor into an
alternating current motor (something Tesla had been struggling
with, in vain). Watching the professor, Tesla thought the
professor’s design was rift with errors. Students were not allowed
to question instructors, so Tesla had to use trigonometry to prove
the instructor was wrong. Unfortunately, he couldn’t prove why
the instructor was wrong because he wasn’t allowed to question
the instructor—who didn’t believe it was possible to convert
direct energy into alternating energy. Tesla dropped out of the
Polytechnic Institute, and with his wealthy friend, moved to
Six years after the incident at Polytechnic Institute in Austria,
Tesla and his friend were walking down a path in a Budapest park
when Tesla stopped and shouted: “That’s it!” For almost seven
years Tesla worked the formula in his mind. On this day, he
grabbed a broken branch from the ground, and in the path,
scrawled the mathematic formula in the dirt, followed by a crude
drawing of an alternating current generator—something he’d
never seen before because no one had ever successfully
constructed one.
Faraday, like Tesla, had a 20th century mind in the 19th
century. According to some of his most brilliant associates, schools
in the 1850s did not teach students to think or look beyond the
horizon. And many 20th century writers agree with them. In the
book, “Education for Creativity in the Science of Speech” at New
York University” [1963] author Joel Hildebrand observed: “How
fortunate for civilizations that Beethoven, Michelangelo, Galileo,
and Faraday were not required by law to attend schools where
their total personalities would have been taught to learn the
acceptable educational norms as members of the group, and never
to debate their teachers.”
Hildebrand recognized that there was something uniquely
different about Faraday like most of the world’s most prolific
minds whose early education was home-taught, but rudimentary
trigonometry was picked up from professors other than their own
instructors, or from borrowed textbooks That was Tesla’s problem
with his professor who disputed Tesla’s view that alternating
current was an impossible pipedream.
Michael Faraday was completely home-schooled by his
mother. She taught him to read and “do his numbers.” Thomas
Edison, had a school master who refused to answer any question
Edison asked, because the instructor conjectured, Edison talked
incessantly because his head was too large. Which suggested to
the instructor--who convinced the school nurse--that Edison had
autism. In reality, Edison had an IQ of 185. His problem was that
he spoke too fast and his teachers weren’t smart enough to keep
up with his thoughts and answer his questions. He was expelled
for asking too many questions which the instructors could not
After spending only 12 weeks in a public school, Alva’s
mother decided to home school him to read, write and do
elementary math. Since the Edison’s were middle class people and
could afford to pay tuition in a private school, why did Nancy
Edison opt to home school her son? Her son’s problem was his
They weren’t intelligent enough to understand his logical
thought processes nor could they teach her son because, in her
mind, his teachers weren’t as intelligent as her son. Which is why
he would lose patience attempting to explicate both the theories
and the answers with his instructors. Her frustrations were pretty
much the same as the parents or caretakers of Davy, Nikola Telsa,
and Alexander Graham Bell, as well as all other gifted students
throughout the world of letters and numbers who could perform
trigonometry in their heads and solve complex problems without
pencil and paper. Sadly, far too many of the sons of the
intellectuals like Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and others were
held back, spending a full 12 years in preliminary education and
graduating with an average IQ because, as Hildebrand noted in
“Education for Creativity in the Science of Speech” at New York
University ”they were required by law to attend schools where
their total personalities would have been taught to learn
acceptable educational norms as members of the whole group…”
and not to use the intellect they possessed to debate their
instructor since the scholastic leaders were educated and
theoretically knew far more than the students. Stifling the intellect
of high IQ students stumps the growth of their intellect by
teaching them that the instructors always know more about the
subjects they teach than the students who are taking up space in
their classrooms to learn, not question or debate the instructors.
Thomas Edison led what one of his biographers called a
Huckleberry Finn existence. At age 12 he got a job with a local
newspaper concession at the commuter train station, selling
newspapers to the commuters who took a daily train from Milan,
Ohio to their offices in Cleveland. He was generally late for
Alexander Graham Bell, born and raised in Scotland, attended
classes in a Scottish high school and passed entrance exams
qualifying him to attend University College in London without
completing mandatory secondary school like some of the 18th and
19th century super intellects like Davy, Faraday, Tesla, Edison,
Bell and others.
Students in the 19th century were stringently admonished
never to question their teachers since, theoretically, the teachers
were smarter and more professionally educated, and pretty much
knew everything. In other words, the views of the teachers could
not be challenged by their pupils since the sole purpose of the
student in the classroom was to learn the curriculum as it was
taught by the teacher, with every teacher instructing their students
from the same “sky is falling” mold—which, sadly, is what school
teachers increasingly do today. For example, if the educational
hounds of the Baskerville are right, and man is the sole cause of
global warming, then the educational hounds should possess the
right to take remedial actions caused by humans.
For example, although the sun is the sole cause of global
warming and cooling, today’s droughts are caused by a six decade
old invisible white elephant initially created by the scientific brain
trust in the Truman Administration through the National Oceanic
& Atmospheric Administration [NOAA], beginning with drought
research in 1946. In 1951, a year before President Dwight D.
Eisenhower was elected, the National Aeronautical Space Agency
[NASA], which was not franchised to investigate climate research
on Earth, was supposed to analyze the inner planets in our solar
system’s temperature departures and quickly discovered that
climate change—both warming and cooling—was not caused by
carbon dioxide emissions at all, but solar flares and coronal mass
ejections from our sun.
The observation was made by an amateur astronomer named
Richard Karrington at London’s Kew Observatory—a solar
superstorm (an enormous electronic outburst) that sent billions of
tons of charged particles to Earth—as far south as Hawaii. The
spectacle was also witnessed by another amateur astronomer,
Englishman Richard Hodgson who saw it as it hurled to Earth.
When the magnetic field collided with Earth’s magnetic field it
caused an electronic current sufficient to knock out telephone
Even though NASA discovered the truth, they still preferred
blaming global warming on man. The debate was theoretically
over only because it is always easier to blame man for acts of
nature, instead of its scientists—or the sun, which is the culprit.
But the left can’t profit from telling the truth.
While the methodology used by educators in the 18th and 19th
centuries pretty much stifled the “one size fits all” poppycock by
blaming man for things nature did. Which, again, is why
Hildebrand’s book, “Education for Creativity in the Science of
Speech” is so important today, and has been quoted as the basis of
truth by so many of the greatest minds of the 18th, 19th and early
20th centuries.
Particularly men like Tesla who never caved in to what he
knew was wrong simply because the scholastic bureaucrats said it
was right. As a 28 year old student, Tesla began working on an
alternating current electrical generator. His professor was still
trying, but was unable to perfect, a workable direct current
generator. The instructor’s math was rift with errors. Tesla
worked on his formula for six years before he was able to prove
all of the errors were errors and correct the Poly Tech professor’s
trigonometry. The reason for the rule forbidding students from
challenging an instructor’s formula was because, if it contained
fatal flaws that were fixed by the student, the student could then
challenge the instruction for a monetary share in the invention.
The instructor belittled Tesla who simply walked out of class
one day, and without resigning from the Poly Tech Institute, along
with his well-to-do friend with enough money to keep them from
starving anytime soon, the pair went to Budapest where Tesla
could work on his formula for alternating electric current . Tesla,
who had just recovered from what he referred to as a nervous
breakdown, at 25 years of age, and his friend were walking
through a park in Budapest reciting poetry. Tesla stopped
abruptly and jumped in the air, shouting “That’s it!”
His startled friend retorted: “What’s it?” Tesla bent over,
picked up a broken tree branch from the ground near the tree and
began scribbling a mathematical formula on the dirt path,
followed by a crude drawing of an equally crude alternating
current generator which he envisioned in his mind only because,
at that moment, he had never seen one since they did not exist.
Being the first to create something no one had ever seen before
is quite a feat. Nikola Tesla was experiencing something akin to
what Humphry Davy had done, what Michael Faraday and a
multitude of other scientists were working on variations of
something new, as well. Invent something to benefit mankind that
never existed before the seed of the creation was planted in the
mind of the creator, another scientist was dreaming up a variation
which required two or three seeds instead of one.
Had Tesla’s professor at the Poly Tech Institute in Graz,
Austria worked with Tesla while the 28 year old genius corrected
the errors in his formula, he likely would have shared the fame of
inventing the alternating current generator—or, more likely, the
university would have used their power to protect their professor.
The university may have been able to deny any part of Tesla’s
claims believing a 28 year old student was incapable of
developing an alternating current generator when no one at Poly
Tech Institute had yet managed to develop a mathematically
correct formulate for such a generator.
On June 6, 1884, four days before Nikola Tesla’s 28th birthday,
with passage on a freighter to New York as a birthday gift from
his Uncles Petar and Paja in his pocket, Tesla boarded a freighter
to America. Had Tesla not had such a fetish for gambling, he
likely would have arrived in New York a few weeks later with
more than four cents in his pocket, no luggage, and only a letter
from a former key Edison Electric employee, Charles Batchelor
which was addressed to Edison. The letter was brief: “My Dear
Edison,” the letter began, “I know two great men. You are one of
them. The other is this young man.”
Nikola Tesla somehow managed to secure a meeting with a
very skeptical Thomas Edison. The “key” to a chair in the waiting
room outside Edison’s office was two words: “alternating
current.” At the moment Edison was using direct current to feed
his electric light bulb with electricity. After listening to Tesla for a
half hour in deep contemplation on how to construct an
alternating current generator, Edison realized this young man
knew what he had been trying to figure out for years, but
couldn’t. All of his power plants used direct current energy.
Edison pledged, verbally, to pay the 29 year old genius $50,000 to
successfully upgrade his DC plants to alternating current. Within
a few months Tesla returned to Edison’s office to let him know he
had converted all of the DC generators to AC—and that all of the
AC generators were working fine. Clearly, Edison’s people had
been watching Tesla closely so they could maintain them once
they went on line.
“Edison,” Tesla told his lawyer (when he tried to sue Edison
for the promised payment which was not forthcoming), “refused
to pay me,” adding, “He had the nerve to tell me that when I
became a full-fledged American, I’d appreciate the American
Tesla’s lawyer provided the punchline: “I don’t know if
businessmen in Pravda, Hungary sign contracts, but I don’t think
Hungarians and Russians trust a handshake.
“Here,” the lawyer said, “you don’t ever conduct business
without securing a signed contract spelling out all the terms,
conditions, amount of money to be paid and the conditions under
which those funds are earned. And, you always have the deal
signed by all parties to the agreement. Thomas Alva Edison,
Nikola Tesla, his lawyer or lawyers, and your lawyer or lawyers,
any others who witnessed the signatures.
“Remember this,” Tesla’s lawyer said, “if you don’t have a
written, signed and witnessed contract, all you have is the con
man’s welcome to America greeting. Why do you think rich
people have money and working men don’t? Any time you’re
planning to do business with a rich man in this country—even
your best friend—call me first before you walk into his office. You
need to have a contract that stipulates what you’re willing to
accept for your labor, in hand—containing his signed and
witnessed signature—and his agreement to pay said amount.”
It’s almost impossible to believe that three men—one born at
the end of the 17th century, one in the middle of the 18th, and the
other at the beginning of the 20th, were all chasing one of three
uses of the same elusive element--water.”
A book, written by James Clark Maxwell, a scholar, a
mathematician and a physicist, Experimental Research Into
Electricity captured not only Faraday, but Davy, Alexander
Graham Bell, and Tesla as well.
Strangely, each scientist had a different vision of how to use
Faraday’s ideas. Faraday believed he could change the bond angle
of water in order to produce electricity (something John Ellis
would ultimately do). Tesla wanted to change electricity from
direct current to alternating current. Ellis was convinced he could
permanently change the healthy attributes of water by
permanently changing its hydrogen bond angle sufficiently to
make the water we drink as healthy as the water which Adam and
Eve sipped in the Garden of Eden.
As noted above, it’s almost impossible to believe that four
men—one born at the end of the 17th century, one born close to
the middle of the 18th, one towards the end of the 19th and the
other at the beginning of the 20th, were all chasing three
completely difference applications of the use of water. And,
because they did, all four became famous during their lifetimes.

John Ellis
The Choate Water Boy
Just as Michael Faraday was one decade short of being born in
the 17th century, and John C. Ellis was born 29 years short of
being born in the 19th instead of the 20th. Nikola Tesla was born
in the 19th. Unlike many of the brilliant scientific minds in the
18th and 19th centuries who were either self-taught, tutored at
home or in a boarding school (which Faraday missed completely),
John C. Ellis, who was born on May 29, 1929, went to an exclusive
prep school (much like those quality prep schools attended by
history’s famous luminaries like Humphry Davy, Thomas Brand,
the 20th Baron Dacre, and scores of the offspring of the rich and
famous 18th and 19th century Illuminati who attended some of
America’s early prep schools like the famous Choate School for
young men (founded in 1896 (which followed the creation of
Rosemary Hall—a private school for women and orphans in 1890
whose husbands and or fathers died serving the blue and the grey
during the American Civil War).
The Choate School for young men would become the alma
mater of some of the nation’s most brilliant minds of the next
generations of 19th and 20th century physicians, dentists,
apothecarists, businessmen, industrialists and the manor born
who would someday fill the seats of Congress; and become the
liberal scholars who felt it was their role to re-write the history of
the Civil War for the future’s readers, changing only what those
who funded the logic for the war felt that the honesty of the past
required revisionism to protect the legacy of equality in which all
men are equal—on paper. It has always been a myth that all men
are born equal since equality was created by the rich industrialists
of the North who used the majority of the tax revenue paid by the
South to empower the North.
While it’s true that many of the plantation owners in the deep
South did not want to free their slaves, and regardless of the
claims of the liberal cotton and tobacco planters and the landed
gentry whose families owned land grants given to them by the
federalist government at the end of the American Revolution, and
the Union government carpetbaggers who stole thousands of
acres of Southern farmland from the plantation owners who
financed the Confederate efforts at the end of the Civil War which
was actually fought over States rights, not slavery. (Tax dollars
collected by the federal government, according to the Taxing and
Spending clause and the Uniformity Clause were supposed to be
equally disbursed to all States based on population—not by which
States had the most political and financial power and enough
muscle to squeeze the small States so they could use the majority
of the tax revenues to build the highways, railroads and grandiose
buildings in the north because they controlled the majority of the
votes in Congress which usually assured they got what they
wanted.) Remember also, beginning in 1830 until 1860 when the
Union split, the North was an amalgamation of the Liberty Party,
the Free Soil Party, the Whig Party and in 1854, the Republican
Party. In the South, the Democratic Party split into four distinct
political factions, each with their own presidential candidates.
Had the South united under Stephen Douglas, the Democrat
candidate for president, the South would have won the election of
1860 and Stephen Douglas, not Abraham Lincoln, would have
become the 16th president of the United States—and the Civil War
would not have happened.
Wealth, you might say, or rather, the wealthy liberals who
possessed enough cash to make their views “fact” in a nation
where money becomes fact and fake news becomes the banner
headline in the daily paper because money, today, speaks louder
than truth.
Most of the important text books authored in the major
colleges and universities were (and still are today) written by the
department chairs and were used as text books by the student
bodies which were told to accept them as fact. The same is true
with most of the books written by politicians and left-wing
historians. Sadly, far too many of our lauded newspaper reporters
turned authors whose books become best sellers almost before
they’re off press, now lean either right or left depending on their
political penchant. Today’s political writers—right or left—justify
their political positions by reinterpreting what our political writers
mean by the verbiage they choose to replace the words used when
our Founding Fathers signed the Constitution of the United States
in 1787. Which is why Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and
John Jay—the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote
under the pseudonym “Publius”—authored an explanatory book
called “The Federalist: A Collection of Essays, Written in Favor of
the New Constitution, as Agreed upon by the Federal Convention,
on September 17, 1787 (a book of 94 articles and essays which
explain what the Constitution actually meant)—so that common
men who could read would understand the document since our
politicians can’t.
The subject matter in the text books which our college and
university professors treat as fact, since the late 1940s increasingly
became more left wing with each passing reprint. Our Ivy League
colleges and universities now produce liberal judges and
magistrates who once honored us with an honest view of the
heroes of America and the truth of Liberty. The laws enacted
today are based on the left-wing views of liberal scholars and
socialist politicians and judges who are now more like the villains
who stole the Constitution not by amending it, but by simply
ignoring what they didn’t want to enforce—beginning with
freedom of speech.
That’s why when the Choate School and Rosemary Hall were
created by Rosemary Atwater Choate and her husband, William
Gardner Choate (a former US District Court Judge for the
Southern Circuit of York), Rosemary Hall was a boarding school
for Civil War widows located in Wallingford, Connecticut on
property owned by the Choates. As Choate became a co-
educational private school, Rosemary Hall (the war widow and
girls’ school) moved to Greenwich, Connecticut. Rosemary Hall
continued to provide war widows the chance to learn a vocation
that would allow them to secure work that could provide a living
for themselves and their orphaned children who lost their fathers
in the Civil War.
It was not until then that Rosemary Hall no longer wanted to
distinguish between Union and Confederate widows and orphans.
We were, once again, all Americans. Their arms were open to
widows who needed the means to grow an income to provide
food, clothing and a roof over the head of their children. It didn’t
matter if that mother was from Charleston, South Carolina or
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and never needed a job before the war,
but now needed one to provide for her orphaned children in order
to keep them off the streets or out of an orphanage.
In 1896 a section of Rosemary House (for a time referred to as
the “Red House”) accepted its first male orphan students. It was
also at that time that Rosemary Hall was officially recognized as a
co-education orphans and widows facility.
When the school was renamed the Choate School, Rosemary
Hall was officially moved to Greenwich and the Choate School
became a school for Boys. The Choate School for Boys assumed
the Wallingford facility which was renamed the Squire Stanley
While you may never have heard of the Choate School [we
know it today as a co-educational prep school] which has been
around since two years before the Spanish-American War. You
should, however, be very familiar with many of the Choate
School’s alumni since they were among some of the most famous
people in the United States.
Among those who attended and graduated from the Choate
School (year of graduation included) are President Donald
Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, [2000], diplomat William Atwood
[1937], movie actresses Glenn Close [1965], Jamie Lee Curtis
[1976], Ali McGraw [1956], and Michael Douglas [1963]. Then
there were two-time Oscar winner Katherine Forrest [1982] and
Catherine Fake [1986], the founder of Flicka.
Then we have John F. Kennedy, the assassinated President of
the United States [1935], and Joseph Kennedy, brother of the
President, an Army-Air Corp pilot who died in a secret mission in
Europe during World War Two [1933].
Choate also had another presidential candidate who ran for
the highest office of the land: former Illinois Gov. Adlai Stevenson
who also served as UN Ambassador [1911]. Other notables who
went to the Choate prep school: Bruce Galb, president of Clairol
[1945], William Harback, an Emmy and Peabody winner of the
Johnny Carson Show and the Steve Allen Show [1940], Peer
Rodgers a famous movie, TV and live theatre actor [1976]. George
Mead, an aircraft engineer and co-founder of Pratt-Whitney
[1911], James Whitmore, a movie and TV star [1940] and
Alexander Morgan Young, president of production for 20th
Century Fox [1978]. The list, which is quite extensive, continues
since Choate is known as one of the best prep schools in the
United States.
Today, it doesn’t take much to see the difference between the
socialist thought that come out of left-wing colleges and
universities like Harvard, Yale, and the UC at Berkeley—
universities which, today, appear not to have a problem editing
the Bill of Rights, one word or clause at a time, because in the
view of the leftist overlords, the Constitution (especially the 1787
verbiage) was only as applicable as the patriotic rhetoric of the
men in power, and their words were construed not only by how
they interpreted the Constitution but also the science of men like
by James Clark Maxwell, a scholar, a mathematician and physicist
who wrote, Experimental Research Into Electricity, mesmerized
not only Faraday, it’s original author, but Humphry Davy,
Alexander Graham Bell, Nikola Tesla and contemporaneous
scientists like John Ellis.
Many of the thousands of pages of science proven by the most
brilliants minds in America and Europe are now construed to be
fabricated by the fake news DC Comic news liberals or, at least,
the exaggerated science of the left-wing college instructors
(blamed, by the left, on the right) who were expected to endorse
green science department chairs by endorsing green science as
real science because green science has always been worth scores of
greenbacks to those whose liberal industrial interests have
profited handsomely from green science. (Wonder if that’s why
it’s called “green” science?)
Green science seriously began with the rejection of the Kyoto
Protocol by 98 of the 100 members of the US Senate. Vice
President Al Gore, Jr., Secretary of State for Climate Affairs,
Timothy Wirth and Bill Clinton signed it. The problem is, even
before Wirth and Gore left for Japan, 98 members of the Senate
rejected the Kyoto Treaty.
When the document was returned to the Oval Office, it was
soundly rejected by the United States—which means, in every
shape and form, it was null and void. And, although the Kyoto
Green Science agenda was never legally ratified, the US Supreme
Court decided that since Gore, Wirth and Clinton signed the
Protocol on Dec. 11, 1997 it was construed by the high court as
valid although it was never passed by Congress. (That’s what
happens when you have an ideologically lopsided Supreme Court
and a White House that also leans to the left, ignoring the tenets of
the US Constitution.) It became green science in Europe, because
Europe has leaned to the left since 1909--as did those nations of
Europe who simply repudiated America’s leadership role in the
world and could always be counted on to champion the opposite
political view of America—until Germany launched two world
wars against its neighbors and Neville Chamberlain discovered
there would not be peace in “our time” more than twenty years at
a time.
Two men, Michael Faraday and his 20th century twin scientist,
John C. Ellis, began lifetime quests to permanently change the
bond angle of the hydrogen in water—but with two distinct and
entirely different core objectives in mind. Faraday succeeded with
what he was attempting to achieve: create an electromagnetic field
by changing the bond angle of hydrogen in water. His research on
electrolysis led to the creation of electro-magnetism.
Using a primitive electro-magnetic rotary devise, Faraday
created the foundation of electric motor technology. Changing the
bond angle of the hydrogen in the water was what fueled
Faraday’s electric power.
John Ellis pretty much began where Faraday left off when he
died. Ellis got his degree in steam plant design and environmental
engineering at the University of Indiana. When you examine the
history of these two men—Faraday and Ellis—it’s almost as
though they shared the same brain in an expanded window of
time. Faraday was the first scientist to discover nanoparticles of
metal pollution in water. By distilling and re-distilling water over
100 times as he purified and re-purified the same water as many
times, John Ellis changed the nature of water and brought it as
close to the water in the Garden of Eden as any mortal man could.
(I don’t think, by any stretch of the imagination, that John Ellis’
Electron water distiller will ever compare with God’s water—but
it’s still the healthiest water to come from the hand of man until
the day arrives when, once again, all water comes from the hand
of God.
John Ellis was the first person to figure out how to get rid of
contagions, chemical diseases and other pathogens from water
which can cause serious or fatal diseases. Ellis owns the 13
international patents which exist that makes nanoparticle free
pure water—(bacteria free)—not just from simple, common
bacteria, but according to two-time Nobel Prize winner oncologist
Otto Warburg, MD in one of his medical reports observed that “…
not even cancer cells can survive in high blood oxygen.”
In medical school, Dr. Warburg instructed his students that “...we
discovered how to get more oxygen into the blood stream by
increasing the solubility of water, where the results can be
measured non-invasively on the surface of the skin.” That’s
specifically why the FDA resists the use of “alternative cancer
cures.” None require the high blood oxygen levels that actually
cure cancer.
An oncologist that taught at UCLA Medical School used the
John Ellis E-5 system to perform an non-invasive test on the skin
of students to determine whether or not they could measure
results on the skin using a Doppler Ultrasound to determine
which water sample (if any) would produce the best blood flow to
the extremities, remembering that blood is 94% water. Again, it
was Dr. Warburg’s comment, “Nothing is even close to water in
getting blood to the extremities of your skin.”
John Ellis’ end game was creating the world’s purest and
healthiest drinking water. Both men used distillation. Faraday
distilled and re distilled the cleanest water he could create with
which the medical community could convert into energy to
preserve life. John Ellis experimented by boiling, then letting the
steam release for about 20 seconds and boiling it over and over to
permanently alter the bond angle of the water by boiling the
water, snap-cooling it, re-boiling it and cooling it about 20 times
an hour.
Ellis used the shared-brain of Faraday (found in volumes one,
two and three of his work) whose logic, and intent, were almost as
different as they were the same. Faraday actually began re-
distilling and re-purifying water as a conduit to create electricity.
A half-lifetime later, electrical engineer John Ellis was still
studying Faraday’s three volumes of heating and cooling .
The electrochemistry relationship which Davy ultimately
enjoyed with his assistant, Faraday–even with some of the medical
maladies suffered by John Ellis following Faraday’s instructions
he, or anyone, will likely ask themselves this simple question; how
many miracles do you need to see to become a believer—when
you are told by your teachers that they are scientifically
Miracles are always a “work in progress” that begins with a
first step even when, many times, you aren’t sure where step two
leads. In the 19th century, as pointed out a few minutes ago, I
noted that one of the most brilliant scientists in Pravda had done
the trigonometry on a formula to prove how to create alternating
current—the formula which, at that moment, Thomas Edison
needed to place the electric light in every building and hovel in
New York—and would have paid its developer $100,000 or more
for the design. Edison had created a rudimentary somewhat
prehistoric system to transfer direct current, but not 20th century
Tesla was convinced his trigonometry was correct but needed
his professor to check his math. The instructor, who was still
trying to perfect his own direct current generator scoffed at the
notion that one of his students could be a step ahead of him. What
Tesla was trying to clarify in the instructor’s math on the
blackboard was his belief that there were multiple errors in the
instructor’s math. The instructor screamed at him and ordered
him to leave the class because he was being disruptive and, in
doing so, confused the other students. Nikolas left. His best friend
followed him out the door at the Polytechnic Institute in Austria
and the pair trotted off to Budapest.
John Ellis was raised in the world of the well-to-do. Among
the Ellis’ friends and acquaintances were some of America’s
best-known political and industrial families. John Ellis, a giant of a
man, celebrated his 89th birthday in May, 2018. If you met him
today you would find a strapping, fit 6’7”tall businessman who,
when he was still a student at Choate, began to create his own
“Huckleberry Finn” existence as an entrepreneur determined to
succeed in a unique world of his own making, fashioned from the
dreams of a scrawny, sickly little kid who never ate well, never
drank enough milk or juice even though, each week, a local dairy
delivered at least eight quarts of milk, whole butter, cream, eggs
and anything else dairies and bakeries home delivered in those
John Ellis’ grandfather, C. Leslie Lowes, owned the largest
bakery chain in the Northeast--Bond Bread. Lowes had 50 bakeries
and baked over 1.5 million loaves of bread daily throughout the
northeastern United States. The odds were better than even if you
walked into a grocery store and picked up a loaf of bread from
1915 until Leslie Lowes passed from this world to bake Bond’s
bread in God’s kitchen, most working class families in the
northeast packed their metal lunch buckets with sandwiches made
with Bond Bread. And, quite likely, a platter of Bond Bread sat in
the middle of the dinner table when the Ellis family sat down for
None of the Ellis men are, or ever were, small men. John’s
brother, Richard, is a behemoth 6’9” man and weighs a healthy
225 lbs. or so. When John was breaking his teen years, he was
beginning to spring up, but not with the girth of a hefty oak--
more like a sapling growing tall but not strong.
In a family of giants, John’s mother worried about her one son’s
scrawniness. As a youth, it was said that John Ellis was so skinny
his parents wouldn’t let him use a jumbo plastic straw to drink
lemonade during the summer because they were afraid he might
not hang on to the straw tight enough and get sucked into the
glass. So, family legend had it that they tied him to the lawn chair
so he couldn’t get sucked into the straw. Family rumor had it that
when John attended Choate, he appeared never to eat enough to
feed his body the nutrients he needed to grow the muscle mass
the male members of the Ellis family had.
John also seemed to always have a variety of undefined
illnesses before and during his tenure at Choate. He ate sparingly;
didn’t seem to care for milk or anything else with the healthy
amount of protein he needed to build the muscle mass he
Whatever illness or illnesses John Ellis developed appears to
have been ill-defined or undefined. Ellis recalls seeing a lot of
doctors, and at times felt like a human pin cushion. On top of that,
he began receiving radium treatments. He is not sure why, or
remembered for how long. After much soul-searching and
researching the nation’s best prep schools, John’s mother loaded
him into the family car along with a manila folder of introductions
and recommendations from some of America’s most famous or
wealthiest business leaders, most of whom personally knew
Senator Choate, his wife or his administrator, and headed to
Wallingham, Connecticut.
As they sat in the reception room waiting to see the
administrator, there was one other father, with his daughter,
ahead of them. Their visit was brief. The administrator was sorry,
but the school was completely full. When the receptionist politely
nodded to John’s mother, she gritted her teeth and prepared for
the battle she intended not to lose. She didn’t come to be turned
down. As the administrator, a man named Wardall, began his
apologetic excuse, she cut him off and began talking about her
son’s medical problems and the views of scores of the friends of
Sen. Choate, and a multitude of several of America’s best known
politicians and socialites who advised her to bring her son to
Choate. You know, the names who John’s mother referred too—
when a school sends out their annual donors’ requests—were
always the names on the top of any A-List .
As John’s mother was driving away from Wallingham, young
John Ellis was being introduced to his new prep school roomies.
John Ellis had just taken his first steps to a new adventure that
was going to change the rest of his life and bond him, though that
journey, to one of the world’s most brilliant scientists—Michael
Faraday. Why? Because, although he didn’t know it at the time, he
was going to complete Faraday’s first dream—how to make water
power a car’s engine. And, his second dream—how to change the
hydrogen bond angle of plain, ordinary water by taking
advantage of the 8th element protocol to grow fruits and
vegetables in your backyard that would be two to three times the
size of the professional farmer—or, to heal your own body
because blood, like the engine of a train being pushed through
your veins by oxygen kills diseases and grows healthy bodies and
even healthy fruits and vegetables when the hydrogen bond angle
changes to 114° instead of 104°.
Throughout this book, where appropriate, I will list scores of
testimonials from scores of people whose lives were saved,
changed or prolonged by drinking water whose hydrogen bond
angle was changed by a stainless steel distiller which purified and
re-purified water hundreds of times as it constantly distilled and
re-distilled (with droplets of cooler water being added to the
distiller every 20 seconds) until the normal 104 ° hydrogen bond
angle permanent changed from 104 ° to 114 °s.
While at Choate, John Ellis’ met his aide de camp in “The
Faraday Twins! The Impossible Miracle that took 118 years.” Ellis
first encountered Faraday in the pages of scores of books in the
library at Choate Boys’ School. Faraday and Ellis had a common
interest: converting water from something you drank only because
you were thirsty to what it really was--a medicinal element: the
8th protocol. It cured much more than thirst. To the wealthiest
people in the world, it was an effective cancer cure. (Pay attention
when you read Chapter Five.)
Faraday, as mentioned previously, was determined to use the
hydrogen in water to create an energy source—electricity. While
Faraday created an electric cell from water, Ellis’ distillers, which
push oxygen to the extremities of its organs such as fingers and
toes created not only something that would kill cancer, but many
other diseases including prostate disease, AIDS, Ebola, some
autoimmune diseases, mold—Hansen’s Disease (a form of mold
the Bible calls leprosy, diabetes, diabetic vein and artery
blockages, heart disease without diabetes), Alzheimer’s, lung
disease, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, throat cancer, skin
carcinomas, metastatic cancer.
The first physician who theorized the cure for cancer with
oxygen was Otto Heinrich Warburg, the son of a German
physiologist, medical doctor and Nobel Prize laureate. Otto, the
son, served in World War I as an officer in an elite Uhlan (calvary).
He was awarded the Iron Cross for bravery. At the end of the war,
he joined his father’s practice and, in 1931 received the Nobel
Prize for Physiology in Medicine. At that time Oxford University
awarded him a doctorate on a paper he wrote proving (at least to
Oxford) that the blood coursing through our veins, pushed by
oxygen, kills the pathogens and diseases in our bodies. Before his
death, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize 47 times. He rejected
all but the first one which awarded him a medical doctorate, and
lifetime residence in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Otto Warburg’s
thesis proved that blood kills diseases in the human body. The
European medical community concluded that Warburg was
Ground-breaking studies conducted by Oxford University
scientists in 2009 conclusively concluded that injecting cancerous
tumors with oxygen “significantly boosts the chance of recovery.”
By restoring oxygen levels to that of a normal cell, the tumors
become three times more sensitive to treatment. The study used
oxygen to cure multiple forms of cancer—including pancreatic
cancer. Gillian McKenna, the lead researcher at Oxford reported
that radiation and chemotherapy damage the oxygen cells and
makes the cancer cells resistant to treatment by radiation or
chemotherapy. McKenna’s study concluded “...we have
discovered that using oxygen is a new way to overcome cancer
from becoming resistant to treatment with radiation and
chemotherapy.” Ryter was curious why the Brits don’t copy what
the Germans do. When you reach chapter five, you will know
what I mean. Could it be because the cancer industry is the most
lucrative medical specialty in America where all of the patients
ultimately die either from the disease or the treatment is just too
Particularly since researchers at the University of Washington
reached an even more surprising conclusion than McKenna in the
Journal of Anticancer Research. “Oxygen reduces cancer cell
growth by 38% in two days. Over a longer period we expect the
effects to be even more dramatic.”
Scientists in at the University of South Florida who publish the
Journal “Public Library of Science,” conducted a study using
oxygen therapy to treat mice with late stage cancer. The study
found that mice treated with oxygen lived 78% longer than mice
treated with anything else. Why? Because lead researcher Dominic
D’Agostino, Ph.D. told Science Daily that their study “...
demonstrated the potential of these cost-effective, nontoxic
therapies to contribute to current cancer treatment and
significantly improve the outcome to patients with advanced
metastatic cancer. Oxygen therapies protect healthy tissue while
simultaneously degrading cancerous or other diseased cells...”
Dr. Parris Kidd, an internationally recognized cell biologist
has argued that “...we can look at any oxygen deficiency as the
single greatest cause of all disease.” Followed by biologist Stephen
Levin, Ph.D. from the University of California who noted that “...
the lack of oxygen in tissue is the fundamental cause of all
degenerative disease.” Agreeing with Levin was Dr. Arthur
Guyton, author of The Textbook on Medical Physiology, when he
wrote: “All chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused by a
lack of oxygen at a cellular level.”
One afternoon, about ten years ago, a man called John Ells,
shocking him when he said: “Your machines cure cancer!”
When Ellis asked him how he knew that, the caller said: “I’ve
been an oncologist for 30 years. I just retired from Sloan Kettering
and I don’t have access to your machines anymore!” He identified
himself as Dalton Kinsella M.D. Although Crystal Clear has had
countless conversations with the doctors at Sloan Kettering and
other cancer centers, John was not aware that Sloan Kettering had
his distiller for some time because the FDA has never approved
anyone’s oxygen distiller as a medical device. (If you look at the
Ammeter Energy Demonstration Video on the John Ellis website,
you will see how easy it is for his machine to alter the bond angle
of water from 104° to 108° and split bonded hydrogen/oxygen
molecule in two molecules, and our body temperature burns up
the hydrogen, leaving the oxygen. Since our blood is 94% water,
the hydrogen molecule burns off the markers for anything you
can name in your blood stream. Sloan Kettering oncologists told
him that after two or three days the urine starts to smell (light
brown and light green!).
Dr. Guy Abraham M.D. mentioned Ellis’ 114° hydrogen bond
angle years ago when he independently tested Crystal Clear’s
water while he taught at UCLA: “No other water is even close!
You can’t argue with something you can measure!!”When the
steam plant design engineer invented his distiller and water
purifier about 50 years ago the FDA would not approve it for
treating cancer because, many believe, the cancer industry is the
most profitable medical specialty because it’s one of the few areas
of medicine that, when you get a cancer patient, you have him or
her for life since there’s no cure. Which is why the cancer industry
has pressured the FDA not to sanction either the John Ellis
distillation system or the European cancer treatment—oxygen—
which has been legal in Europe for decades. With respect to Dr.
Dalton Kinsella M.D., when he visited John Ellis in early
November, 2012 he already had terminal cancer. It’s likely he
knew he had cancer, but didn’t realize the end was just around the
corner. He told Ellis that he had just retired from Sloan Kettering
and wanted his own Electron 5 or 6 for any patients who might
need it. John Ellis sold him the machine within a week or so of his
death on Nov. 22, 2012 . Since all Crystal Clear distillers are made
to order, they learned of Dr. Kinsella’s death before his Electron 5
distiller was ready to be shipped.
Since Crystal Clear (John’s company) had been advertising
with the Washington Times, since around 1997, Jon knew John
Ellis very well but he didn’t know the scientists who noticed
John’s ad one Tuesday morning a couple of years later in the
Washington Times National Weekly Edition.
The voice on the other end of the line identified himself as the
head of the government’s laboratory at Los Alamos—proudly
detailing a list of Ph.D.s that sounded like the caller had the only
fold-out business card since the days of scientists like Humphry
Davy, Michael Faraday, Nicolas Tesla and scores of other world
famous scientists from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries whose
inventions were the keys which unlocked the secrets to the
technology we use today. He had a slightly intimidating voice
when he said: “I don’t know if you know this, but you have a
scam-artist advertising in your newspaper,” followed by a flood of
technical words that not only could I not spell, half of them I
couldn’t pronounce.
Spokes stopped him by saying: “Other than understanding the
scam artist statement, you’re talking at a level well beyond my
understanding because you’re a scientist and speak in a language
I don’t fully comprehend. Which means I didn’t understand half
of what you said. So, if it’s okay with you, I’m going to give you
the phone number for the head of Crystal Clear--the man who
owns the 13 patents on this distiller which, my understanding is
that it does precisely what the ad says it does. Call him. If, after
speaking with him, you remain convinced that he’s a scam artist
and what he’s selling won’t work, call me back. I promise you, I
will pull his ads from next week’s paper and we will never run
them again.”
The folks who subscribed to the National Weekly Edition buy
those distillers for one reason—they have experienced health-
enhancing results with them, or in some cases, have friends or
acquaintances who have experienced extraordinary results from
using them, and know what they’ve read in the paper about the
Electron 5 and Electron 6 distillers are true.
Simply stated, if a reader can’t trust the integrity of the ads in
the newspaper, then they can’t trust the integrity of the people
behind the news in the headlines. “The advertiser, John Ellis, just
like the Washington Times, are both good at what they do because
they’re honest.” Spokes told the lead scientist for Los Alamos that,
immediately after you talk to John Ellis one-on-one, and you
become convinced that he’s telling the truth, let me know and we
will run his ad. If you remain convinced that he’s a scam artist, or
even just misinformed, call me and not only will I pull his ad from
our paper, it will never run in the Washington Times again. Is that
an agreeable solution?”
He agreed, assuring me he would call me back in 15 minutes
or so. Fifteen minutes passed. An hour passed. Five o’clock passed
so I knew John’s chauffeur was driving him home. I called Crystal
Clear first thing in the morning. As usual, John was his cheerful
self. I asked him if he received a call back from the Los Alamos
executive, and if so, what he said (meaning, of course: did he say:
“You’re a fraud!”)
I was surprised when he told me what the scientist said: “He
told me he wished he owned my patent rights.”
“What happened to the ‘this guy’s a fraud?’” I asked.
“Well,” John laughed, “when two scientists who talk the same
language get together, they pretty much understand what each is
saying—or when, or if, one of them is jerking the other one’s leg.”
Half-joking, I asked him: “So, did he buy an Electron-5?”
John replied: “When you’re testing something brand new,
logic suggests you always try the cheapest one—just to see how
good it is.”
John and I talked a little longer. I suggested calling the Los
Alamos scientist (since he hadn’t called me back) to find out if he
purchased one or the other of the distillers. Or neither. John
suggested I wait for three or four days because it would take that
long he would get his order.
I told John I thought I should call Los Alamos just to find out
how receptive the scientists at Los Alamos really were since that
was what I promised him, even though he had promised me he
would call me back after he spoke to you since the scientist’s
initial claim was that it was pretty much impossible to
permanently change the hydrogen bond angle of the water from
104 ° to 114 ° when just about any housewife knows when you
boil sink water, the hydrogen bond angle of the water drops from
104 ° to 101°. Since I promised him I would talk to him after he
spoke to you,” Jon said, “although he was supposed to call me, I
feel obligated to do that.”
“Wait a few minutes, then,” John said, “the only way you can
get past their switchboard is with his cell phone. If you call in on
their switchboard and ask for him, it could take you an hour or, as
much as a day, before he calls you back. He’s a pretty busy guy.
Let me give you his private cell number since it rings on the phone
in his pocket.” It was then that John shocked me. “If you wait an
hour or so until the girls in the other office processes his order,”
he suggested, “I’ll fax you a copy of the order he placed for ten
Electron 5s. Not only does that insertion order contain his
corporate data,” John concluded, “it also contains his comment
that he wouldn’t mind owning my patent rights.”
Because John added my name and private cell number on his
cover sheet, his new client was laughing as he picked up the
phone when I called. We chatted about John Ellis for about 15
minutes. He admired John for what he had accomplished—
permanently expanding the bond angle of hydrogen--and
wondering not only how he knew it could be done, but more
important, how to do it.
Over the last three or four months I’ve been studying Michael
Faraday’s life and, while I could never do it myself, I understand
how Faraday tried and succeeded, and how much of what he did
was pretty much impossible—creating a scientific mystery by
permanently expanding the hydrogen bond angle of water to
produce pure nanoparticle free water to create a power source
that would create an electricity cell. Keep in mind, what Faraday
did was completely different from what John Ellis did.
There are hundreds of thousands of American people in the
United States who have John Ellis’ Electron distillers. If you are
using an inexpensive a five and dime aluminum or plastic distiller
with a fine mesh screen filter, it is more likely going to add as
many nanoparticles of pollutants as you remove. On June 30, 1999
Jon Christian Ryter began writing an article on AOL (which led to
the creation of his popular website, http:/www.jonchristianryter.
com/Root/main.html). The article he was working on that day
was based on two articles. The first was in a trade publication,
discussing on the percentage of growth in the use of aluminum in
the manufacture of cookware by decade in the 20th century. I read
the second article in my family doctor’s office while waiting to see
the doctor. The magazine dealt with senior’s health issues. The
article dealt with Alzheimer’s disease and not only how the
disease progresses, but the approximate number of new cases
which are reported monthly, summed up per year. What shocked
me about those articles is that the percentage of increase in the use
of aluminum in cookware was almost identical to the annual
increase in the number of newly diagnosed cases of Alzheimer’s.
That evening Jon called an acquaintance—a high-ranking
member of the federal Department of Health and Human Services
to see if that friend had any peer reviewed articles linking
Alzheimer’s to aluminum, explaining what he had read earlier
that day. If he could get one or two DHHS documents to lend
credence to his article would not “ring” of guesswork.
The official admitted such comparisons existed but no
definitive conclusion had yet been reached by the CDC, the FDA,
or the politically-powerful aluminum industry; and what autism
articles existed were in a locked, password only access file. This
official told me that the debate about aluminum and Alzheimer’s
had just begun and the infighting would likely continue for a
decade or more, but the debate over mercury and autism was
settled—mercury suspension in thimerosal (and most liquid
medications not only for babies, children and adults, was
designed to add to the shelf life of the product) was responsible
for autism. Ryter received from an officer of the DHHS, from
DHHS files, over 200 pages of redacted documents [all names
removed], case histories, legal medical arguments and opinions
from medical doctors (and even dentists), arguing that the
mercury suspension in thimerosal was the primary cause of
Two days later Spokes posted the autism article on his
website. The article was read by a ranking member of the CDC,
who scheduled a meeting for all key CDC, FDA and DHHS
managers to be held in Washington on July 4. The 4th of July
fireworks in DC began around noon. About 10 pm that night he
received a fax of a news article that was hypothetically written by
a Washington Post reporter and supposedly would appear in the
July 5 edition of the Post. Ryter transcribed the faxed article and
posted it on his website around 3 or 4 a.m. The Washington Post
“reporter” worked a little slower. His or her article (which Ryter
received via fax on the 4th) didn’t appear until July 6th. The social
media site,, which was following Ryter’s article,
posted the two articles side-by-side, with the byline of the Post
“writer,” and the dates each article actually appeared in print.
About 2 a.m. that night Ryter’s phone rang. It was a journalist
from the London Sunday Times in England expressing an interest
to run his article if he would fax them the DHHS files in my
possession so they could verify the data. Ryter finally got to bed
about 4:30 a.m.
The London Times, allied by the World Health Organization,
jumped into the fray. David Kirby, a New York Times reporter
picked up the story from the London Sunday Times, and went on
to write a best selling book on the thimerosal war which ensued:
Evidence of Harm published by St. Martin’s Press. Speaking of
Ryter, Kirby noted: “He was right. It never ceases to amaze me
how one small voice can be heard around the world. If we have a
website, all of us have that long-reaching voice. Maybe it only
reaches a handful of people at a time, but ultimately, it’s a voice
that reaches around the world.”
One small voice without a megaphone remains a small voice
unless that voice attracts that megaphone. Kirby’s book contained
15 pages of references, some referring to documents I sent to the
London Times, some from sources Kirby chased down after the
World Health Organization banned mercury in thimerosal. Many
of the references concerned case histories, etc. David Kirby was
absolutely correct about one small voice being heard around the
This material was offered to show you what one other small
voice was able to do. That small voice in this case was steam plant
designer and inventor John Ellis. According to several wannabe
science critics, left-wing bureaucrats and even healthcare pundits
who didn’t want, or couldn’t afford, him to be correct, John Ellis
did the impossible. The skeptics who couldn’t change the bond
angle of hydrogen using the oxygen to kill disease didn’t want
Ellis’ Electron distiller-water purifier on the market because it
would interfere with their methods of treating their patients.
Think of the H2 in H2O as the match which ignites the cancer cell
or other disease, and O1 as the flame that burns up the diseased
cell that is attacking the human body.
The reason Ryter’s “one small voice” was heard was because
his information source was documented by files from the
Department of Health and Human Services relayed by www. and amplified by the London Sunday Times
followed by the New York Times and acted on by the World
Health Organization which had believed since 1990 that
thimerosal could cause moderate to severe brain damage in
children—but because they were convinced by the medical
industry that pulling thimerosal off the market would jeopardize
children’s vaccinations around the world would be worse, the
WHO confined their efforts to Europe.
The FDA and the WHO had initially decided it might be best
to gradually reduce the amount of mercury in the vaccines as they
replaced the mercury with a less risky suspension drug which
would prolong the shelf life of the vaccines they used both on
children and adults. So, that even the accusations of the voices
loud enough to be heard around the world would be silenced.
When the London Times printed the report issued by the
European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, and
David Kirby chimed in as well, the WHO decided it was time to
pull mercury from thimerosal and ban it worldwide. Ryter ignited
the fuse when he convinced the DHHS to provide scores of
reports, facts and arguments between Big Pharma and physicians.
The megaphone was provided by the mainstream media,
primarily the London Sunday Times. Mercury was banned from
use as a suspension drug almost immediately in Europe, but the
United States was determined to phase it out slowly as they found
a safer suspension drug.
Ryter was initially more fortunate than John Ellis with liberals
because members of the mainstream media championed Ryter’s
position on thimerosal.
Ellis, who studied the lives and writings of the greatest
scientists in the 17 th, 18th and 19th centuries, and learned much
of the insight to put together the “puzzle of health” which
produced the answers to the impossible dream which Faraday
chased early in his studies at the Choate School for Boys, and
which Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg was awarded a doctorate in
medical science.
Oxford University awarded him the doctorate because of a paper
he wrote proving that the blood coursing through our veins is
pushed by oxygen, (O1), killing the pathogens and diseases in our
bodies. But remember this: proving something on paper is not the
same as devising a machine that will actually accomplish what
you know is possible—when no one had ever successfully
previously done it.
It’s important for everyone reading this to understand that
when Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy and every other scientist
who created a distillation devise in the 17th and 18th century
made them out of copper. No one made them out of plastic for
two reasons. First, plastic didn’t exist because what crude oil
existed prior to the early 20th century pooled to the surface in
sludge ponds and was used primarily for lighting and heat and to
lubricate the wheels on carriages and wagons. It was not refined
until the 1858. Second, plastic is a 20th century oil waste
byproduct. Under intense heat, oil waste melts into a plastic
substance. Plastic distillers shed virtually invisibly minute
nanofragments of plastic that end up in the distilled water. Which
is why doctors advise new mothers with bottle fed babies to use
glass feeding bottles rather than plastic.
Evidenced by the US Patent Office and the 13 patents which
John Ellis owns on his steel distillers worldwide shows that less
than 20 to 30 drops of cold water every 20 seconds into the boiling
water takes only seconds to open the hydrogen bond angle from
104° to 114°. (Always drink water with a hydrogen bond angle
above 108° because water with a bond angle above 108° kills the
toxins in our food supply by eliminating the effect of pathogens
from our food supply because oxygen mixes with the superior
blood flow to the extremities of our body because, above 108°
oxygen kills the side effects of toxins by providing our food
supply with a superior blood flow to the extremities of our bodies.
In other words, oxygen saves lives.
Sloan Kettering used the Ellis water to reconstruct dried blood
for the military because of its unique qualities. Also, it easily goes
through the membranes of your skin where ordinary blood won’t.
Again, that’s why you should always drink water with a
hydrogen bond angle of 108°. It saves lives because it lower the
pressure and cause more energy to penetrate the membranes of
the skin into the cells of the extremities. (This analysis was proven
by Sloan Kettering oncologists who used dried blood re-liquefied
with oxygenated water confirming this combination killed all
pathogen spores from the wounds they suffered on the
Now deceased Applied Research Lab scientist Dr. G. Abraham
MD, an independent research expert from the University of Texas,
after buying several of the Ellis 12 gallon 114 HNA units for a
variety of tests on a variety of diseases, and how fast they kill the
host toxins, and noting the potency achieved by the distillers
against Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, prostate disease and (in the
Congo and the Muslim Mideast), Ebola.
Every year thousands of wells, cisterns and other sources of
ground water (much of it fed by the ground water tables in rural,
suburban and even metropolitan areas), go bad for a variety of
reasons without warning. Many of them are condemned because
farms inadvertently contaminate them with toxic weed killers or
by hunters who wound game that runs off and dies and rots in
streams or creeks, because in many cases, traditional water
treatment systems can’t restore the purity of the water. Sometimes
the “accidents” aren’t accidents. The Animas River was just one of
The orange-sludge colored polluted Animas River in Colorado
which contained the long-closed Gold King Mine at near-by
Durango theoretically accidentally breached an underground dam
on Aug. 5, 2015 and what looked like orange juice sludge flooded
the Animas. On July 30, a retired geologist , David Taylor wrote
an editorial in the Silverton Standard warning those living along
the Colorado of the following:
“Based on my 47 years as a professional geologist, it appears
to me that the EPA is setting this town and this area up for a
‘super-fund blitzkrieg.’ EPA bureaucrats are so desperate to get
‘super-fund funding’ for four or five States in this area that they
might mess the Animas River with toxic sludge to help justify
their existence—and force taxpayers to feed the beast.” And, five
days later the Animas became the toxic yellow sludge river, and
Taylor’s prediction came true.
Dr. Guy Abraham did what was an independent blood flow
study at the UCLA Medical School since blood is 94% water. In
the report Dr. Abraham empathically noted: “You can’t argue
with something you can measure. Nothing is as close to getting
your blood into the extremities of your body. If it does what you
claim, the HBA penetrates the cell membrane and actually reaches
the cell extremities. Now, if you can do that, you would have
something worth a patent I’d want to own.” That, as you have
been reading, is precisely what steam plant engineer John Ellis
Several religious charlatans who may have purchased one of
his distillers, or filled jugs from the Jordan River where Jesus was
baptized by John the Baptist, and pretended that the water they
were hawking for a premium price was blessed by the physical
touch of the Son of God when He walked among men. Or when
the Hebrews thirsted and God instructed Moses to strike a large
rock at Meribah one time (signifying that He—Jesus—was the
Rock of Living Water). But Moses struck the rock twice. His
penalty was not being allowed to enter the Promised Land. If a
well still exists in what was Eden, any water in that well would be
ordinary H2O. Clearly, I wasn’t there at the time, nor has God
given me any special insight about the water of life found in the
Garden of Eden or from the rock at Meribah. But my mind still
works sufficiently, and the logic which controls my thinking gives
me a certainty of thought that the bond angle of the water in Eden
and Meribah likely had a hydrogen-oxygen bond angle much
higher than what comes out of the faucet in our kitchens, or
bottled on the shelves of the supermarket. The pristine world of
Eden before the flood would likely have had oxygen levels of 25%
to 30% instead of the 21% we breath today because there were no
man-made pollutants.
All of the giant reptiles from the Palaeozoia and Mesozoic Eras
lived in atmospheres with oxygen levels were 30% to 35%.
Throughout the Devonian Period, CO2 levels continued to drop
and oxygen levels rose as the fauna crept from the sea to land.
As plant life spread across the land, oxygen levels continued
to grow throughout the Carboniferous Period. This gave rise to
giant prehistoric trees and giant fauna of all types. Oxygen levels
reached 35% or more as giant reptiles walked the Earth. Conifers
and cycads appeared on an Earth that was now growing colder
and dry as the affect the world’s third catastrophic ice age
impacted much of the globe.
Even with the massive Siberian volcanic eruptions at the end
of the Devonian Period that wiped out over 90% of land and sea
life in the primeval world, oxygen levels at the end of the
Cretaceous Period were still comparatively high—30% to 35%.
Oxygen levels that high on Earth today would be catastrophic.
During the early to mid-Cretaceous Period, carbon dioxide
levels reached 550 to 590 ppm, fostering the growth of
angiosperms (flowering plants). Since carbon dioxide is the food
plant life eats to produce oxygen, during the mid-Cretaceous
oxygen levels on Earth was still around 30%. But the giant
dinosaurs of the Jurassic Period died off when the first asteroid
struck Earth and smaller reptiles replaced the Jurassic giants and
we experienced the birth of the ancestors of feathered birds in the
form of Pterodactyl antiquus, the first pterosaur was a flying
reptile, which was not classified as a reptile since if founded the
bird genus, Aves.
Large was still the “size of the day.” Large ferns, large
flowering plants, large trees, large insects and, of course, large
reptiles still existed. But what is good for lifeforms in moderate
levels can quickly became toxic in extreme levels. Scientists
estimate that at the end of the Cretaceous Period when the
dinosaurs abruptly became extinct oxygen levels were still within
the 30 to 60 Pa range. This data was first published by G.D.
Farquhar, a biochemist, in 1980, followed by the Royal Society of
London (Series B346, 421-432) in 1984, and again by the Journal of
Experimental Botany in 1999.)

The water the Washington Post
called the “Miracle Well,” “Light Water”
“God’s Water”and “God’s Miracle.”
Skip about three centuries from Faraday. On Jan. 27, 1992
Washington Post foreign correspondent Edward Coty went to
Tlacote, Mexico to witness the “miracles” he had written about a
year before. Tlacote is about two and a half hours from Mexico
City. Tlacote’s not exactly a thriving metropolis. It’s a small village
along a dusty road that offers one thing: cheap labor for home
builders, or farmers for what crops will grow, or wealthy farmers
like Jesus Chahin who, in 1991, purchased the farm at Tlacote.
Rumor had it that Chahin wasn’t planning to be an agri-king, but
had plans to build a private golf club. He reportedly was an avid
As Chahin and his workers were moving his belongings into
his new hacienda as the rain lifted, a vehicle coming down the
road accidentally struck his favorite tag-a-long dog, which limped
to the well and began to lick up water from a hole in the side of
the cistern where some bricks had broken off. Chahin’s workers
insist that almost as soon as the dog was struck by the vehicle, he
licked up water from the well and walked off without a limp.
Chahin cleaned the wound with clean well water. Chahin’s
workers—or anyone else on a hot day--could stop at the well
under the shade of a tree on the side of the road and have a ladle
of water to quench their thirst.
Because Chahin favored the dog which was reported in one
news story as a stray), he picked him up and carried him to the
ranch house and called his veterinarian. When the vet arrived, he
assured Chahin that the dog was okay. No broken bones. No other
injuries. Others who were present when the accident happened
spread the story that Chahin’s dog should have been killed that
day, but was okay. The following day, he was running around the
property, playing. Neighbors who never “go for a walk,” started
walking past Chahin’s well with small mugs and jugs which they
filled with his well water.
The only thing wrong with Chahin’s dog was that he was
thirsty. It had rained earlier that day, but now it was hot and

muggy. The dog wanted water from the well. A passing car,
perhaps driving too fast on the still rain-soaked road, swerved to
miss the dog. Some of Chahin’s workers, lagging along behind
them heard the crash and the yelp but failed to realize that the
brick and stone siding of the well suffered the brunt of the
collision. Had the collision occurred before the truck skidded on
the muddy road and hit the dog instead of the well, its likely
Chahin’s dog would have been seriously injured or killed. Since
the car was moving fast enough to kill or seriously maim the
animal who had stopped to lick up some water, the workers
assumed what they thought could or, perhaps did, happen, didn’t.
They attributed the dog still being alive the following day as a
miracle due to his drinking water from Chahin’s well. Word
spread quickly that Chahin’s dog suffered a fatal accident but the
water from his well restored him to life.
As the rumor festered, a few of Chalin’s workers found an
excuse to go to the well and drink a double handful of water.
When Chahlin told them to stop drinking the water because it
didn’t look clean, they assured him that most of the animals drank
from the well all the time, they assured him, and it never hurt
them. Chahin told his workers he would call the Health Inspector
to check the water in the well to make sure it was okay to drink.
The Tlacote Health Director came out, checked the well and
assured Chahin there was absolutely nothing wrong with the
water the men drank—nor the dog. He assured Chahin that a year
earlier he had checked all five of the distillers which kept the well
clean and the water safe to drink. Chahin asked the Inspector “...if
the water coming out of the faucet in his kitchen sink looked like
the water in the cistern after it collided with the truck—would he
drink it?” The inspector—of course, assured him he wouldn’t,
adding that if he sent samples of the water to the manufacturer in
Westbury, New York they would check it and, if it needed parts,
they would supply them—for a price, of course. Chahin insisted
the inspector do his job, inspect the well and fix it.
When the water inspector tested the water, he made the
discovery which confirmed the origin of the five distillers that
produced, distilled and purified the water and what Chalin’s Well
would soon be called: “The Miracle Water of Tlacote,” or the
inspector’s favorite: “Light Water,” or “God’s Pure Water.” (Keep
in mind, Chahin’s well had not been cleaned since the former
owner had cleaned the distillers—probably once or twice since
they were originally installed some years before. Remember if you
wisely invest in distiller of any type for your home, it needs to be
cleaned periodically regardless if it’s a five and dime distiller or an
Electron 5, 6 or 7. It will trap all of the debris and particles of
earthen pollutants and all of the pathogens and dispel them. In
other words, the distiller must be cleaned and sanitized between
use. The debris and pathogens don’t leave on their own.
The John Ellis distillers are the most unique distillers in the
world. That’s why Crystal Clear owns 13 patents and has written
332 FDA approved scientific tests. The water which makes it way
over 100 times through the John Ellis Electron distillers purify,
distill and re-purify and re-distill the water with 20 drops of
boiling water every 30 seconds—an instruction found in an earlier
section of this book. They produce the purest, most punishingly
distilled water in the world. More important, the curative power
of John Ellis’ water requires constant, specific movement of the
water from one metal tank to another so carefully regimented that
it becomes what Sister Maria Guadalupe Agular, a Dominican nun
who drove 175 miles from Pueblo to Tlacote along with a fellow
nun and a priest, Father Juan Crespo, who suffered from prostate
cancer, referred to as “miracle water.”
In being interviewed by the Post’s foreign correspondent
Edward Coty, who walked up that road that day with the priest
and the Dominican nun, Sister Mary who told the reporter that
Chahin, a wealthy rancher made his well water available free to
the public since May, 1991 when he discovered the claims of its
healthy properties from hundreds if not thousands of people who
insisted they were healed of a host of diseases and maladies from
drinking the water in Chahin’s well. Coty saw himself winning a
Pulitzer Prize for his article (which never happened), with
thoughts of both the Miracle of Lourdes at the Grotto of
Massabielle in France on Feb. 25, 1858, and what became known
as the “Miracle of the Sun” at Fatima, Portugal on Oct. 13, 1917
dancing like sugar plums in his head.
Over 70,000 people witnessed the Miracle of Fatima when it
poured rain for the third appointed day until 3 p.m. (the time
when the Lady of Fatima told the three children Lucia Santos, the
oldest girl, about 15 or 16 [who became a nun] her younger sister
Jacinta and a young boy, Francisco Marto to meet her at the
grotto.) The Lady, who appeared on a bush in the grotto as a
vision seen only by them, told them she would meet with them
three times: on July 13, Aug. 13 and Sept. 13, swearing them to
secrecy. And, on the third meeting she would have a message for
the world. (In September, the Fascist Italian police arrested the
three children and threatened to burn then in oil if they refused to
admit they made up the story about the Lady in the grotto.) At the
end of the day, the police took the children to the Catholic Bishop
and threatened to kill the Bishop of they did not recant.
On October 13, they were released. Lucia snuck off to the
grotto to see if the “Lady” would appear. The skies opened and
rain poured like a river. The Fascist police were convinced the
“nonsense” was over and because of the torrential downpour that
it was unlikely that the people would go to the grotto. Lucia went
by herself. Thousands of people followed. Reporters who covered
the events of Oct.13, 1917 estimated that between 60,000 to 70,000
people came, kneeling in the mud, praying to Lucia’s “Lady” as
rain poured like a river from Heaven.
When Coty sensed a Pulitzer Prize winning supernatural
story, he envisioned the headlines appearing all over the world.
However, Chahin quickly dismissed the reporter’s continued
reference to “miracles” and “miracle water.” Coty, convinced
there was a miracle in his pencil and paper, was going to write the
story—insisting that only a miracle could bring the thousands of
people to the grotto.
Chahin, who actually knew that the water in his well was
being purified by five special distillers which the former owner
bought from a company in Westbrookville, New York called
Crystal Clear some time before because there was too much iron
and other minerals in the water in the well which rendered it
undrinkable. What Coty dubbed as “light water” was a patented
distiller that protects the mechanism of the stainless steel distillers
that altered the bond angle of the water which kills any pathogen
that oxygen kills.
But even though Chahin explained to Coty how the distiller
worked, constantly re-purifying and re-distilling the water a
hundred or more times. If any water in the world was as pure and
clean as that in Fatima, Portugal or Lourdes, France, it was the
water which came from the man-made stainless steel and heavily
patented distillers in Chahin’s five distillers in his well in Tlacote,
Mexico. It would likely be the guess of anyone who came to
Chahin’s well that the water in their jerrycan which made their
bodies, illnesses or diseases feel better would probably taste the
same as the water in the Garden of Eden long before man began
telling time and lies.
In May 1991 when the pilgrims theoretically first heard of the
miracle well and the first thousand people trekked some two
miles up the gravel, dusty road seeking for a miracle . By July,
1992 over 5,000 people came. By this time, Chahin was logging the
visitors by name and address in a log book. When Coty returned
the following year Chahin brought him into his office.
A month after the Washington Post story broke about Jesus
Chahin’s well (fed by Crystal Clear distillers), an average of 10,000
people a day were showing up at the well. They slept on the
ground or in their cars or vans, sometimes for as long as two days,
waiting to fill their jerrycans at faucets installed by Chahin behind
the hacienda walls. As the number of pilgrims grew, Chahin was
forced to limit the amount of water each pilgrim could take to 2
1/2 gallons. While the Washington Post insisted on calling
Chahin’s water a miracle, Chahin knew it was the distillers and
not God that was creating the “miracle,” and tried to convince
Coty of that fact. But Coty came to Mexico to write about a
miracle, and 10 thousand people a day was miracle enough for
him. But here’s the reality of the miracle well.
The John Ellis distillers process the water several times until
the bond angle of the water expands from 104° to 114°. High
solubility changes the bond angle enough that the oxygenated
water is more than the oxygenated water referred to in a Sloan
Kettering disclaimer. John Ellis noted during one conversation,
you can oxygenate water with a blender. And while your stomach
may enjoy the brief liquid repast, the water, as Sloan Kettering
noted, will have no curative power since for oxygen to have any
curative impact on any disease in the body of the person drinking
it, the oxygen must enter the blood stream not the digestive
system. The Crystal Clear™ patented process creates the wider
bond angle needed to oxygenate the lungs, thereby creating the
ability for the lungs to actually absorb more oxygen.
Thus, the reality is that when blood becomes oxygenated,
what happens on a short term basis when oxygen levels of 35% to
90% are administered to patients by EMTs or hospital personal to
stroke, heart attack or trauma victims), they have increased
oxygen levels in the patient’s lungs. When that happens, your
blood has the ability to absorb more oxygen and the oxygen-
enriched blood fights disease and infections. Science learned long
ago that pure oxygen kills almost all diseases.
Their only problem was how to introduce that disease-fighting
oxygen to the disease you need to kill. According to tens of
thousands of pilgrims carrying their jerrycans to Jesus Chahin’s
well in Tlacote, Mexico, someone found the answer. If they are
right--as they were--and there are curative powers using oxygen
to kill cancer, as President Ronald Reagan believed when he went
to Germany for oxygen treatments to kill the cancer in his body
and returned home shortly thereafter cancer-free we know there a
lot of truth to the claim.
But, for every honest practitioner, there are two or more
shysters. When Washington Post foreign correspondent Edward
Coty was invited to visit Chahin’s office in 1992, he found two
long walls filled with manila folders describing testimonies of
scores of those who brought a jerry can to fill with free water.
Among the gifts given to Chahin was a fresco of the resurrected
Christ (who looked like the Tibetan monk Maitreya, who has
claimed to the resurrected Christ). It was given to the rancher by
cult writer Benjamin Crème who, one imagines, saw an
opportunity to enrich himself selling Chahin’s well water. No
evidence exists that Chahin, a Christian rancher, fell for his
schemes, although Coty was taken aback that Chahin had the
fresco in his office.
In reality, the Fresco of the real crucified Messiah came from
the burial cloth which covered Jesus’ body. The first public
viewing of Christ’s face occurred in 1204 before Byzantine pirates
stole it in Constantinople .
The burial cloth was repatriated by the Knights Templars, a
religious order of Catholic Knights who stole the burial cloth and
took it to Italy. The link is in one of the articles Jon Christian Ryter
wrote on the Shroud of Turin; http://www.jonchristianryter.
com/2016/160321.html. What is shown on that page are actual
paintings done by a Vatican artist directly from a negative
photographic image of Christ (taken by Secondo Pio with a
Voightlander camera on Oct. 18, 1898).
A negative image of a crucified man was imprinted by body
heat into the shroud when Christ rose from the dead through the
burial cloth as He ascended to Heaven. (The Vatican allowed
American scientists to use the latest scientific testing equipment to
verify that the image on the Shroud is Jesus. The testing began on
Oct. 8, 1978 at the Renaissance Palace of the Savoys in Turin.)
Robert W. Mottern of Sandia Laboratories and Ronald London
conducted the radiograph study of the Shroud. Vernon Miller of
the Brooks Institute did the spectrographic analysis of the Shroud,
and Samuel Pellicon, a scientist from the Santa Barbara Research
Institute did the microscopic examination of Christ’s face. Their
work was the most shocking since the spectrograph proved that
the 1898 Secondo Pio photograph of the Shroud depicted a three
dimensional image of Christ.
We also need to look at the second examination of the Shroud
which was financed by a British millionaire, Edward T. Hall, who
determined the Shroud was a fake. He wasn’t a scientist. What
made him such had nothing to with a superior knowledge of
radiocarbon dating, but the fact that he was an extremely
influential multi-millionaire in England, as well as an atheist. Hall
brought two radiocarbon dating experts to help him educate “the
flat Earth fools.” The historic announcement debunking the
Shroud of Turin as the burial cloth of Jesus Christ was decided in
a tiny room in the basement of London’s British Museum on Oct.
13, 1986.
One of the trio of radio-carbon dating “experts” announced to
the world that the Shroud of Turin was not a 1st century holy
relic, since the fabric samples the Vatican let them carbon date
appeared to have been woven between 1260 and 1540 AD.
The expert who knew nothing about radio carbon dating was
Hall. The two real experts, while acknowledging the half inch by
three inch fabric sample which was actually a patch from a corner
of the Shroud which covered an old burn mark from a chapel fire
in Chambery where the folded Shroud was hidden by monks in
Drs. Michael Tite and Robert Hedges discovered that
microscopic pollen embedded in the fabric of the Shroud existed
only in Israel in the 1 st century AD. That pollen did not exist in
the patches which covered burns that happened when the Knights
Templar attacked Constantinople in 1204 and found the Shroud
which had been hidden in the catacombs under Jerusalem to
protect it from being destroyed by the Roman .
Since Hall funded the project and wielded considerable
influence, in England, he could determine whether or not, and to
what extent, Hedges and Tite worked in their chosen field, they
did not contest Hall’s remarks that the Shroud was not a first
century relic. About the only thing they argued was that the
Vatican should have given them a swatch which, at minimum,
should had to be at least six square inches in size—and should
have been from the actual burial cloth and not a patch applied
some 1,200 years later.
Before going any farther, it’s important to understand that
organic life, which required an oxygen-free atmosphere to form,
requires an oxygen-rich atmosphere to survive.
Had oxygen existed on primeval Earth, life as we know it
would not exist. The atmosphere on primeval Earth was 75%
nitrogen and 15% carbon dioxide [CO2] with smaller amounts of
methane and water vapor, and other trace elements.
While oxygen existed in the Panthalassic Ocean, there was no
free oxygen in the atmosphere. Shocking as it may seem, oxygen-
breathing organic life required an oxygen-free atmosphere to
form. Once organic life was formed, it required free oxygen to
survive. This happened around 2,300 million years ago with the
creation of a terrestrial atmosphere around Earth. Prebiotic single
and multi-celled organisms were synthesized from nitrogen
proteins and nucleic acids and thrived in an oxygen-free
atmosphere, or an atmosphere with only trace amounts of oxygen.
Among those prebiotic organisms were cyanobacteria.
Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes, also known as
blue-green algae. They became the miracle of life. Exposed to
sunlight (minus the sun’s harmful UV rays), cyanobacteria
converted CO2 into food. The waste product it excreted?--Oxygen.
Although the Earth was still millions of years from having
sufficient levels of oxygen to support life forms we are familiar
with, the process of life-building had begun.
Oxygen was, and is, the miracle of life. With it, all organic
organisms can live. Without sufficient oxygen, life on Earth as we
know it will die.
Oxygen was the catalyst in the evolution of all complex
organisms. As the oxygenation of Earth occurred, more complex
life forms appeared in a direct parallel to the availability of
The only thing that has changed according to Professor Blair
Hedges of Pennsylvania State University led a research team that
used molecular dating techniques to measure eukaryotic
evolution. In an article published in BMC Evolutionary Biology,
he said: “To build a complex multicellular organism with all the
communication and signaling between cells it entails, you need
energy. With no oxygen or mitochondria, complex organisms
couldn’t get enough of this energy to develop...The results [of the
study] support a deep history for complex multicellular
eukaryotes, and implicates oxygen as a possible trigger for the rise
of complex life...This type of information,” Hedges concluded, “is
very difficult to obtain from the fossil record of early life.
However, the genomes of organisms are packed with millions of
bits of data that biologists are now beginning to decipher, and
some of those data can be used to tell time.”
Professor Hedges led a research team that used molecular
dating techniques to measure eukaryotic evolution. In an article
published in BMC Evolutionary Biology, he said: “To build a
complex multicellular organism with all the communication and
signaling between cells it entails, you need energy. With no
oxygen or mitochondria, complex organisms couldn’t get enough
of this energy to develop...The results [of the study] support a
deep history for complex multicellular eukaryotes, and implicate
oxygen as a possible trigger for the rise of complex life...This type
of information,” Hedges concluded, “is very difficult to obtain
from the fossil record of early life. However, the genomes of
organisms are packed with millions of bits of data that biologists
are now beginning to decipher, and some of that data can be used
to tell time.” Hedges led the research team that used molecular
dating to measure eukaryotic evolution.

Only a small cabal of Ronald Reagan’s most trusted friends
knew his deepest, darkest secret on July 12, 1985. The President of
the United States, Reagan—had just been diagnosed with not one,
but three, deadly forms for cancer. In a discussion with Vice
President George H.W. Bush, the president decided to resign the
presidency and surrender the Oval Office to his vice president.
Bush was convinced the Democrats would launch a blitzkrieg
battle for the White House in 1988—and would likely win.
While some of the nation’s best oncologists offered their
services to the 40th President, he chose a German physiologist, Dr.
Otto Heinrich Warburg who also had a decree in oncology. A half
century ago Warburg discovered that cancer generates an
adenosine glucose breakdown caused by fermentation respiration.
This is in direct contrast to healthy cells, which generate energy
from oxidative breakdown of pyruvate. Pyruvate is the end
product of glycolysis which is oxidized within the mitochondria.
Warburg discovered that one of the primary causes of cancer is
mitochondrial dysfunction.
Cancer, like many other diseases, has countless secondary
causes, but, only one primary cause—the fermentation of sugar.
Ninety-some years ago Dr. Warburg, experimenting with the
fermentation of sugar decided he might have found a cure for
cancer with the 8th Element on the Periodic Table—oxygen.
If you were diagnosed with cancer somewhere--anywhere--in
your body, and had been to one or more cancer centers, was
treated and still had cancer, and a family member or friend asked
if you’ve ever heard of John Ellis’ curing cancer with a steel
distiller that permanently changes the hydrogen bond angle of
water from 104° to 114°, killing most diseases with oxygen what
would you say? It’s likely some other friend or family member
would snort back a laugh and tell you if such a thing existed,
everyone with cancer would be doing it. To which you could, with
your hand on a Bible, reply that President Ronald Reagan
simultaneously developed three different forms of cancer in 1985
and the prognosis he received from the cancer specialists in the
United States would have a military drum roll after it. Had he
surrendered himself to their surgical skills, it’s likely the President
may have lived through his second term, but he would have been
dead within a year or so before or after Bush-41 was elected.
Reagan went to Germany for a unique treatment and returned
to Washington cancer-free. Think about that. Millions of people in
the United States who never found John Ellis’ Electron distiller-
purifiers and also never learned that oxygen not only kills cancer,
but AIDS, Ebola, Hansen’s Disease, diabetes and scores of deadly
and contagious blood borne viruses and bacteria for which people
who go to expensive cancer centers, or hospitals that treat the
patients exposed to new viral or bacterial infections using
yesterday’s antibiotics and pain killers, or stumbled across a new
virus strain or bacteria which was susceptible to oxygen.
The American Cancer Society and scores of major medical
centers which treat rare and deadly diseases, refrain from using
what they refer to as “homemade cancer cures” which kill cancer
and other diseases and viruses with non-CDC approved treatment
methods like that which saved President Reagan’s life in 1985 in a
German hospital in order to cure his cancer and save his life.
Patients consenting to traditional treatments which prolongs
life but don’t cure the disease, will likely die much more quickly
than the patient who consents to oxygen-based treatment.
Addressing a gathering of Nobel Laureates where Dr. Otto
Heinrich Warburg had expected, but was denied, a coveted Nobel
Peace Prize that year—first because he was Jewish and second,
because the FDA (created by FDR in 1933), pressured by the
cancer industry, outlawed all cancer treatments which used
Why? Because, during his pre-laureate speech Warburg said:
“Nobody today can say that one does not know what the prime
cause of cancer is. Ignorance is no longer an excuse for avoiding
measures for prevention. How long […a cancer cure]…will be
avoided depends on how long the profit prophets succeed in
inhibiting the application of cures based on scientific knowledge—
not just in the cancer field, in diabetes, and even using
serrapeptase to clear coronary arteries and imnute veins in the
eyes which will prevent blindness; and capillaries in the human
fingers and feet in diabetics who need such minute veins and
arteries opened to prevent the need to amputate fingers and toes.
In the meantime, millions of men and women have unnecessarily
died of cancer.”
Dr. Hans Neiper, a world renowned German cancer doctor
who created the phrase, “the 8th Element Protocol,” (the eighth
element is the position of oxygen in the elements table. It’s oxygen
which John Ellis uses in his distillers to kill not only all of the
pathogens people can catch, but every disease known to man that
is susceptible to pure oxygen.
Today, well over 15,000 thousand doctors in Europe have
treated upwards of a 12 million people from Europe to Australia,
using the unorthodox techniques they created not only to cure
cancer and Hep-C (as well as all of the flaviridae family of viruses
phylogenetically-bonded to Hepatitis-C) [you know—the disease
you used to refer to as AIDS and left-wing loser teachers in left-
wing schools, colleges and universities now lie to their students
by claiming that AIDS doesn’t exist anymore so that healthy
students in the same classrooms as those with the nine variations
of “embryonic” flaviviridae cousins. Discover the “why” and you
can solve just about any problem.
If you were a scientist in the days of Michael Faraday, or at
any time before him, those seekers of scientific truth in the 18th
and 19th century would qualify as “seekers of logic.” Because
before they wrote the books on their discoveries, there were no
books or encyclopedias on those topics to read and footnote for
verification. Thomas Edison was a “why seeker” when he was
inventing the light bulb. He tried to perfect the light bulb 1,000
times (he said) before he succeeded. Every time he failed, he asked
himself “why?” seeking a logical explanation and then moving on
to the next experiment.)
Remember AIDS? Bet you thought it was gone. After all,
everyone stopped talking about it. Sorry. It’s still with us. They
just call it Hepatitis today. What the medical community did was
find a way to keep it contained as long as those infected take
interferon, a protein released by animal cells that inhibit Hep-C
replication. In other words, it slows AIDS down, but doesn’t kill it
or prevent it from still being passed from person to person.
The pharmaceutical community developed what they claimed
was a miracle drug--Harvoni. If you take one Harvoni pill every
day—without missing a single day, the greatest majority of AIDS
patients will virtually show no outward trace of the deadly
disease. But he or she would have to visit their physician, without
fail, every three months. It’s important to understand that they
hadn’t gotten rid of Hep-C, they merely weakened the Hep-C
strain while adding a new strain in the AIDS family. What? Newly
create flaviviridae viruses phylogenetically bond to the cast-off
Hep-C cells during that person’s urinary function so whenever he
or she urinates, a new flaviviridae joined the family.
When Ryter first started writing warnings about this new
danger since the social progressives who didn’t want AIDS
victims to feel like victims, chose to reclassify them in a way that
we didn’t call that deadly disease “AIDS” anymore, making AIDS
appear to be something less threatening. In a way, there’s some
truth to their thinking since AIDS victims can live a somewhat
more normal life without the AIDS stigma tainting them in the
local community. Although AIDS has become a much more silent
killer because where it used to be exclusively a body fluid
transmitted disease it has morphed into something more
It became one or more of these: Hep-A,-B, -C, -E, -G, -GB,
GBV-C, gv or HPgV. (http://www.jonchristianryter.
com/2017/170118.html)--the AIDS you feared in the 1970s and
80s. You catch it today just like you used to: by saliva contact,
having unprotected sex or passing semen or saliva to your
partner; eating from the same dish with shared eating utensils or
drinking from the same glass of water, or from an exchange of
blood, by tongue kissing your partner (HTLV-III—saliva created).
The earliest determined common forms of AIDS were
Hepititis-B, C, A, E. There were two forms of infectious gV (which
was named for a physician and his nurse assistant daughter by
combining their initials: B, GB, GBV and gV from the first
physician, Dr. G. Baker and his assistant (his daughter) who
contracted AIDS in Africa in 1956 in the Congo before anyone
even knew such a disease existed.
By the time you first heard about AID, you likely heard of
Hep-C, in the late 1960s to the early 1970s. An early researcher
sent to take over Dr. Baker’s hospital found his diary in an
otherwise deserted hospital, in 1956. Dr. G. Baker preserved a
blood sample. That first sample was labeled only as Hepetitis-GB.
By microscope, the blood sample was verified as HIV-1. Dr. Baker
contracted the same mystery illness and died from it in 1966.
On June 28, 1959 Ardouin Antonio, a 49-year-old Jamaican
died from a yeast fungus called pneumocystis jirovecii. The
fungus is usually found in people with lung cancer caused by
AIDS. Revisionist journalists in the gay community found a
snippet in a medical article to support their view that Patient Zero
was not a gay man because in the pre-AIDS world the daughter of
a Norwegian sailor, Arvid Noe, contracted AIDS in 1974 and died
of kidney failure in January, 1975. She was followed in death, in
1976, by her father—who also died of AIDS.
Hep-C or perhaps Hep-A, -B, -C, -E, -G, -GB, GBV-C or HPgV
(with the last five, like Hep-C, are part of the flaviviridae family of
viruses came from a father and daughter working with a group of
African natives in the 1950s. The doctor, or rather the CDC, was
building a database on heterosexual flaviridae infections.
Shockingly, Hep-GBV-C is a fourth genus in the flaviridae
family. Water-transmitted GBV-C affects humans precisely in the
same way as Hep-C. It kills. More slowly, perhaps, but when you
have contracted a lethal disease that works more slowly, in the
end the pathogens are still deadly. There is one not quite
explained form of AIDS--human pegivirus—HPgV. It
phylogenetically bonds to Hepatitis-C. While a flaviviridae, if
someone’s infected with a pegivirus, GBV-C will move much
slower and the infected person will live longer. Pegiviruses, unlike
flaviviridae, use water to infect the host and not the host’s blood
or saliva so there are no behavioral warning signs.
The CDC is building a database on heterosexual flaviridae
infections. Shockingly, Hep-GBV-C is now the fourth genus in the
flaviridae family. Water-transmitted (not blood transmitted)
GBV-C, affects humans precisely the same way as Hep-C. It kills.
Today major hospitals and clinics in other nations of the world are
using a lot of the tools developed by famous European doctors
like Dr. Horst Kief and men like Michael Faraday, Humphry
Davy, Nikola Tesla and scores of other self-taught scientists going
back to the 17th century.
Dr. Hans Alfred Neiper was the oncologist President Ronald
Reagan went to see for treatment for the cancers he had. The
media never reported on the types of cancer he had (and likely
did not know). Reagan never exhibited any of the typical outward
signs of cancer such as weight loss, or losing one’s hair, or any
other visible side affects. Remember, again, the “Why.” Because
oxygen kills cancer.
If you’ve been reading about John Ellis and his Electron
distillers and re-purifiers you should be well aware of the medical
reality they possess. The term “distiller” is a word with a
generalized definition. In other words, if all you did with an
Electron distiller was distill water, then all you would be doing is
boiling water to steam and condensing it back to a liquid. (By the
way, that’s what many of the five-and-dime variety distillers do.)
In other words, the cheap distiller is more or less used to keep
your throat and nasal passages moist. Most people think of them
as moisturizers and not distillers.
Dr. Michael Carpendale, MD, the pioneer of an Eighth
Element project, and a professor of Orthopedic surgery at the
University of California School of Medicine said the following in a
speech to his medical students which verifies that graft exists in
some form or just about everywhere in order to downplay medical
distillers and sterilizers.
To his student body he said: “In the FDA, the drug companies
have pharmaceutical reps on almost every committee. If there’s
something which may be effective in treating some disease but
greatly undersells the average cancer drug sold by the average
behemoth drug company, the drug industry, is not going to be
pleased if that drug or treatment ends up on the market instead of
the much more expensive cancer regime than the multifaceted
mega thousands of dollars for a complete cancer regime which
generally includes surgery followed a year or two, or perhaps
even three or four years later—depending on the type of cancer
you have, or more important—the expertise of the doctor or the
success of the treatment you received.”
Oxygenizing your blood to kill disease is in the forefront of
thought in the minds of medical providers and caregivers, but
oxygenizing your blood is also a preventive measure that every
smoker in America should consider.
Just as smoking shortens the life of every smoker who inhales
the tars and nicotine of tobacco, increasing the amount of oxygen
in the blood of smokers has the potential to prolong the lives of
smokers and lessen the risk of sudden death heart attacks. Men
who smoke less, lessen the risk that their first heart attack will be a
“widow-maker”—a sudden-death heart attack than a wife who
smokes. When women smoke, the tar and nicotine (particularly if
they’re diabetic), plug the capillaries and thinner veins first; then
they attack thicker veins and arteries. In far too many instances, a
woman’s first heart attack is fatal. For that reason, non-diabetic
men generally survive their first heart attack while more women
die from their first heart attack.
A long term Crystal Clear customer wrote the following
undated letter to John Ellis a few years ago in which he said the
following (paraphrased to shorten the text):
“Let’s take a glance at an elderly, likely overweight, diabetic
man from Texas who smoked most of his adult life and was
awarded the smoker’s bonus--diabetes. He was hobbling down
the road to eternity through his doctor’s office when his physician
advised him that he had a decision to contemplate: (a) have one
foot—or (b) have both of them amputated. Not quite ready to lose
one or both feet, but not prepared to spend the rest of his greatly
shortened life and shortened body in a wheel chair, the Texan,
who had been reading much about the Crystal Clear Electron 6
ordered one, and stocked up on extra heavy garbage bags filled
with Crystal Clear water tightly tied, and then, gorilla-taped it to
his rotting leg to keep the water from sloshing out of the garbage
bag. After two weeks when he changed the trash bag he
discovered his foot was rosy pink because it had normal blood
What does that mean? It means the Texan’s small veins and
capillaries in his feet which were blocked with plaque, tar and
nicotine from smoking, and from eating fatty foods were open,
and he was getting good blood flow through that leg.
Doctors and lab technicians can see any change in the red
blood cells of a patient (your blood is 94% water) using oxygen to
treat any disease under a microscope. Instead of your blood
clotting like what happens when you are about to have a heart
attack, the normal oval red blood cells turn round, providing the
movement your arteries need to clear space for blood flow as your
heart works harder to move oxygen to your lungs. A nurse,
impressed while looking at a patient’s red blood cells on a slide
under a microscope, wrote a letter to Crystal Clear after the
patient recovered from a heart attack, noting that “...the little
round red blood cells was part of the reason why my patient
brought that miraculous machine with her to the hospital. I see
now why she has that machine. We could see an immediate
change in the red blood cells. It was amazing!”
Crystal Clear responded to the nurse: “You saw that because
our system weakens the bonds of the blood cell. The hydrogen
bond angle is 114% which creates the ability of water to pass
through a membrane and penetrate the cell. That’s why when
people buy normal single pass distillers, the content in the distiller
will be 104° when the distiller is turned on, it will boil and the
bond angle of the water will expand anywhere from 108° to 110°.
When the water cools, it will always cool to 101°”.
The water, on the supermarket shelf, will be referred to as
“distilled water” simply because the water is boiled until it is
deionized (removal of minerals and grit from the water). Steam
iron manufacturers do not recommend using distilled water for
steam irons. If you read the instruction card from most American
made steam irons, it will likely suggest deionized water which is
50% tap water and 50% distilled water which prevents your steam
iron from spitting at you. Using our patented distillers, the bond
angle will expand to 113° to 114°--but when the water cools, the
bond angle will remain at 113.8° to 114°. In other words, the
expansion of the bond angle is permanent.
Thus far, in the United States, Big Pharma has kept most much
less expensive non-pharmaceutical treatments (which not only
work, but at times work more quickly) from being ever being
approved by the FDA. Which, of course, was why when Germany
developed its non-traditional treatments for three types of cancer,
President Reagan had to go to Germany to be treated. Betcha if the
President, with three types of cancer was William Jefferson
Clinton, any DC hospital would have performed that procedure
on that president.
Over 90 years ago, another German physician, Dr. Otto
Heinrich Warburg was the first physician to discover that oxygen,
the 8th element on the chemical periodic table, kills cancer. No
radiation or any form of chemo is needed.
(I wonder if, before his life ended, Dr. Warburg told the
medical industry that if you find a way to erase all of the
greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, most of those
people who don’t die of thirst, starvation or suffocation first, will
all die from cancer) Carbon dioxide is [a] the food which feeds
grass, food crops, etc., [b] carbon dioxide creates the air we
breathe and [c] oxygen, the byproduct of carbon dioxide , is also
H2O--the water we drink. Get rid of carbon dioxide and Earth will
quickly begin to look like any dead planet anywhere in the
universe. So not only does oxygen provide the food substance we
need to live—it also provides the medical sustenance we need to
remain healthy.
German physician Dr. Horst Kief once said: “If the Eighth
Element (protocol) was patentable, it would be used by every
oncologist in the world.” But as long as Big Pharma is Big Pharma
and remains as powerful as they are, no inexpensive cancer killer
will exist—except John Ellis’ Electron 5 or 6 distillers. The Ellis
distillers carry a patent. In addition to the patents, the Ellis
distillers have passed 332 FDA studies. I guess, using the Kief
mindset, everyone should be using it.
Let’s take a peek at several who have, and what they have to
say about the John Ellis Electron distillers. Let’s look at two 2013
letters from a chemical engineer from Maine with a ton of
knowledge of the chemical technology industry. His name is Joe
“…Being impressed with your ad, I bought one of your
distillation units and am pleased with the technology and logic it
represents…I’m retired and will be 80 next year; and I search for
different challenges to keep busy. I looked for a way to test the
water that would be simple for anyone to do, and would produce
the results any man would want. I think I have found an answer.
For the past 10 weeks I’ve used the following protocol to grow
hair on my bald head. It works. I have pictures of my shinny
dome taken last fall and in ID pictures on old passports and
driver’s licenses. Perhaps someone else has tried this before me,
but for the record, I just comb my bald head with a soft brush and
then sprinkle some of the Ellis water on my head every morning
and night and let it let it dry there. At first little could be seen.
After a week or two I began to see new hairs starting to grow at
the front and slowly more came up behind them. I don’t have a
full head of hair yet, but I see new hair coming in—and will
continue using the water”. ----Joe Neville. Winthrop, MA.
Why is it that the most important water purifier and distiller
system available is thought by many to be made by a small town
company in Westbrookville, NY where a handful of big city
people think small town people buy them each year because only
a handful of people live there and they weren’t smart enough to
go to a hospital.
When that thought tries to wrap its tentacles around your
mind because someone told you that if a machine like that--
affordable by the masses--really worked, only an idiot would go
to a hospital or cancer center, undergo surgery and radiation and
chemo and still die from cancer--it’s time to remind them that’s
what President Reagan did. And it worked.
Yet, under the 13 patents John Ellis owns, and 332 FDA tests
which verify the Electron 5 and 6 distillers work so well that
thousands of these patented distillers are sold in: Australia,
Canada, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Italy,
and, of course the United States. The reason? Not only do they
work, they work so well the cancer industry has done its best for a
half century to keep the FDA from approving their use against
cancer and other deadly diseases for which there are much less
treatments available—which actually work better without
radiation side effects—that had not been approved for use in the
United States based solely on the ayes or nays of wealthy
pharmaceutical giants who have no intention of letting State or
federal legislators or mega-medical giants give the public a choice
between non-traditional medications (most of which work but are
still rejected as having little, if any, prescriptive value although [a]
the European treatments (similar to the patented treatments used
by President Reagan in 1985) which, like the Crystal Clear
treatment which splits the bond angle of the H2O1 hydrogen-
oxygen , with the oxygen molecules as the host element which
actually degasifes and kills the cancer cell during the distillation
In all 13 approved patents (in every country where they have
been approved) because that’s the only ingredient in it), the
content is meticulously examined and reviewed by chemical
engineers and scientists before a patent is issued.
Keep in mind, through the degasification and distillation
process , while you may think of the product being distilled as
being just water, the element has become 400% more potent than
other manufacturer’s blends. The 8th Element has become a
custom blend of a more powerful and potent hybridized
cordyceps sinensis compound.
The “water” in the 8th Element has radically increased its ATP
production, stamina and endurance, and most of all, oxygen
absorption—which the Faraday Twins proved increased cellular
energy by up to 28%! This is the reason that scientists who have
studied the 8th Element learned that oxygen kills cancer. It kind of
makes me wonder why, if oxygen will kill cancer, why do
oncologists prefer to use radium, cutting what remains of the
patient’s life into itty-bitty slices where, many times, the patient
feels what’s left of their life ebbing from them?
I wonder if President Ronald Reagan ever asked his US
oncologists that question before he went to Germany where
oxygen killed the three types of cancer in his body? If he did, and
he asked his German oncologist the same question, would their
answers have been the same? No. I’d guess Reagan’s White House
physician explained to the President that a few doctors in Europe
were experimenting with a custom blend of a hybridized
cordyceps sinensis compound of oxygen and were successful in
curing cancer.
The “water” in the 8th Element, he may or may not have
explained --and may not have known it himself--radically
increased its ATP production (a way for a cell to break the bonds
of molecules in order to provide life-sustaining energy in the form
of adenosine triphosphate). The primary difference between
aerobic and anaerobic respiration in cells is whether molecular
oxygen is present and, most of all, does it fosters oxygen
The president’s surgeon likely would not have known that. He
may have known from medical journals that several doctors in
Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hong
Kong, Italy and other places around the world were
experimenting with the procedure while trying to make sure they
did not violate Ellis’ patent, although they had to tip-toe around
the successes they were experiencing.
But on top of that, they would have also known that the US
Food & Drug Administration had rejected those quasi-medical
procedures which were being used in Europe and in a few nations
in the Pacific Rim, excluding the United States. The FDA approved
the sale of Crystal Clear’s Electron distiller in 2012. The Electron
series of distiller-repurifiers hold Patent #200510003535.5. Twelve
other patents owned by Crystal Clear are used by medical
facilities in other countries. But, they don’t own the rights. They
lease them. Because what makes the John Ellis distiller-re-purifier
work when doctors study the processed water under a
microscope, the doctors—including those in the United States who
use political pundits to restrain Crystal Clear—know that by
permanently changing the bond angle of the distilled and purified
water with hot water interspersed with multiple droplets of cold
water every 20 to 30 second hundreds of times in the process—
permanently change the bond angle of hydrogen molecules from
104° degrees to 114°.
Fifty to 80 years ago, when scientists developed 20th century
medical measuring devises to determine the bond angle of water
(blood is 94%), the bond angle of hydrogen was 104°--the same as
the bond angle of oxygen which, if you sterilized it, had a bond
angle of 101°.
This is the reason that Michael Faraday, who was trying to
increase the bond angle of hydrogen in his experiments to create
fuel from water couldn’t. As we age, or our health begins to
deteriorate and the blood cells thicken. Today Crystal Clear has
weakened the bonds of both hydrogen and oxygen bond angles. A
nurse who uses the 8th Element water noted in a phone
conversation to Crystal Clear “…that’s why we use your machine.
It expands the length of human life, because under a microscope,
the doctors can see an immediate change in the red blood cells of a
cancer patient. Instead of being distorted or clumped together—
like you’re ready at that moment for a heart attack--the red blood
cells are nice and round including the movement needed to clear
our arteries.”

On their insertion order Dole listed the Electron 5 they bought
from John Ellis. Dole is just one of several companies who have
actually offered to buy out Crystal Clear to use it exclusively as a
tool of their production facilities. The largest wannabe buyer was
the Republic of China, which offered to buy John Ellis out, but had
to settle for buying a lease in Asia.
John Ellis owns 13 global patents on his distillers (which is all
of them). It appears what may have interested China and the
Pacific Rim countries most about John Ellis distillation and
purification systems is that many of the contagious infections
(similar or medically related) from mild to serious diseases and
pathogens differ in Asia than they do in the rest of the developed
world. Which suggests many of the treatments which heal people
in the West don’t work quite as well in the Orient and visa versa.
Because there’s something unique about how the distillers
made by Crystal Clear work, from the day John Ellis successfully
produced his much in demand distillers, there’s been a complex
secret that Ellis has never revealed outside of his family. It’s the
secret which permanently changes the bond angle of the HH2
(110°or more) (hard) hydrogen water and (104 °) light oxygen
water. In the ground state, the bond angle (104.5°) is much closer
to the tetrahedral angle than that of the other Group VI hydrides,
H2S (92.1°), H2Se (91°) or H2Te (89°). The molecule H2O has 10
electrons associated, 8 from the oxygen atom and one each from
the two hydrogen atoms
What makes this piece interesting is not the fact that Dole
Foods bought several cases of Crystal Clear Purified-Distilled
Water to help solve a mold spore infestation problem they were
having with Florida grown banana plants being exported to
Hondoros through Gulfport. The order weighed approximately a
ton and a half.
There are several types of banana molds. The problem Dole
was experiencing in the eastern United States was anthracnose,
caused by a fungus in the genus collectotrochum, a common
group of plant pathogens that are responsible for diseases on
many plant species.
That was the reason Dole called Crystal Clear to see if John
Ellis’s water could solve their problem and kill the mold that was
destroying their banana trees. John Ellis supplied enough water to
get the job done, and Dole commenced the spraying. It worked so
well, Dole stopped spraying the banana grove, demanding to
know what type of insecticide was in the water. John assured
them it was only water. They didn’t believe him and said they
were going to stop dusting their banana trees until they could test
his water.
When they tested the water they found—water. They didn’t
have the equipment to gauge the hydrogen and oxygen bond
angles and suggested he had switched the solution. Since they had
just tested his water and knew it was water, John suggested they
use it to finish their job. Expecting nothing to happen since it was,
after all, just water, they began spraying, amazed that “just water”
would kill the anthracnose pathogen.
Within a few hours of accusing him of trying to con Dole by
substituting water for the pathogen killer that worked so well the
day before, Dole tried to buy his patent rights. Of course, they
weren’t for sale.
The banana trees in Florida were saplings which were going to
be transported and transplanted in Central America. Makes you
want to ask “why?” doesn’t it? Most of the Dole bananas coming
into the United States come from along the equator in Dominican
Republic, Ecuador and Peru. But those countries had their own
banana problem—red rust thrip which infects bananas and other
fruits if they grow there. The rust red color which taints the center
of the banana is caused by a small 1.5mm-long insect which nests
in the banana tree leaves until the larvae hatch, and then they
burrows into the banana skin, nesting in the fruit, feasting. (Not to
be confused with the smaller (1mm) banana flower thrip.)
The infected banana plants develop dark, water soaked lesions on
stems and leaves which turn blackish; or if it’s a fruit tree, it affects
the fruit itself. The centers of these lesions often become covered
with gelatinous spores during moist, warm weather. If you’re a
fruit farmer, anthracnose can destroy a profitable harvest by
rotting the fruit in a matter of days.
Cool wet weather protects the collectotrochum, allowing the
fungi to germinate. Moisture is required for development of the
fungus as well as the continued infection of the plants. The rust
red color is caused by the 1.5mm-long banana rust thrip, an insect
which nests in the banana tree leaves and deposit their eggs,
which are not visible to the naked eye, just below the green
bananas or pseudustem. The eggs hatch in about eight days. The
creamy white thrip larvae are smaller, but have the same shape as
the parents and can crawl through the fruit to feed. In the pupal
stage, the thrip drops from the tree and spends seven to ten days
burrowed in the soil at the base of the banana plant. While its
primary host are banana trees, you will find them in a variety of
fruit trees (primarily citrus) in the hot tropical or sub-tropical
areas. While thrips are classified as a mold, they are insects which
create the mold spores through the reproductive phase. Which is
why Dole Foods, in finding Crystal Clear, found the safest way to
destroy mold and provide their customers with the freshest, safest
fruit in the country.

By John Ellis
My name is John Ellis. I should begin by telling you how I
survived cancer at fourteen. In 1943, the word “cancer” was one of
the most frightening words in the English language. It still is. It
scared me not because I knew very much about it. I didn’t. I just
knew that when I heard my parents quietly discussing that
someone very close to them had cancer, you could hear the fear in
their voices—more so when I realized the person with cancer they
were talking about was me.
That’s when I began receiving nasal radium treatments. When
the treatments were over I was enrolled in the Choate School for
Boys in Wallingford, Connecticut where I found the direction I
would take in life in, of all places, the Choate School’s voluminous
library. It was there that I met Michael Faraday, who died on Aug.
25, 1867—80 years after the most important trail blazer of modern
chemistry died.
It was in the section of the book “The Fathers of Modern
Chemistry” where a Faraday quote appeared: “...Rapidly heating
and cooling water stops disease...” ultimately saved my life
because Faraday’s method of attempting to expand the bond angle
of water produces measurable energy needed to stop disease
unlike “single pass” filtered distillers that have caused untold
human suffering in addition to the fact that single pass distillers
required 30 times more energy to split the H2O molecule into
hydrogen and oxygen. (An ammeter video which proves that
statement can be found on What piqued my
interest in splitting H2O was because I knew that Faraday was
trying to isolate the hydrogen atom because he was convinced if
he could isolate the hydrogen atom it would provide him the
means to create a fuel that would light a home or heat it in cold
weather. Me? I wanted to isolate the oxygen atom because I knew
that pure oxygen would kill diseases. How did I know that?
Because in 1930 German physiologist and medical doctor Otto
Heinrich Warburg discovered that the primary cause of cancer is
sugar (you know: the three “c’s”: cake, cookies and candy). His
work came to be known as the “Warburg Effect” or the “Warburg
Hypothesis” which concluded that cancer cells live off sugar
(glycolysis) and that they also thrive in an anaerobic environment
(which means exercise that does not improve the efficiency of the
body’s cardiovascular system by absorbing and transporting
oxygen to the heart and lungs, and through the bloodstream to kill
the cancer. His research proved that oxygen kills cancer. In 1931
he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery. Warburg’s
hypothesis is what led to Germany’s work in curing cancer with
Note one of the words in the statement above: anaerobic.
Today, most millennials exercise enough to work up a sweat
breathing deeply as they exercise strenuously in a gym, or once or
twice a day, taking a tedious run of at least a mile going and a
mile coming back, out of breath when they return home. Those
who exercise by going to the mall and walking for a half hour or
so, are really doing nothing more than window shopping.
If you can drink about ten glasses of John Ellis’ oxygenated
water from an Electron distiller in your home, that oxygenated
water will penetrate the skin’s membranes and enter your blood
stream. In your blood stream, your heart will deliver oxygen
through every artery, vein and capillary in your body to all of the
organs . You know, just like a guard in a warehouse filled with
important things, walking through the warehouse 24 hours a day
to make sure no bad guys sneaked in while you were sleeping and
stole your health.
Years after Choate, armed with an Engineering Degree that
included Steam Plant Design, I developed and patented my home
water machine that incorporated Faraday’s methodology of
heating and cooling. Dr. Guy Abraham, MD (UCLA Medical
School) did the independent studies. Abraham used five Electron
5 distillers and continued running hundreds of blood tests at
UCLA. His conclusion was voiced in a letter to Crystal Clear:
“You can’t argue with something you can measure. The results
speak for themselves. We can measure the ability of blood (which
is 94% water) to go through a membrane and into the cells.
Nothing is even close to your water. Your hydrogen bond angle is
10 degrees greater than ordinary water. No wonder we’re getting
these results. You changed the properties of water! (There is an
energy video at It can’t be duplicated by any other
distillation system by any other water.
The Cancer Chart submitted by us to the FTC was approved
and returned to us. Water properties are changed using Faraday’s
“multi-pass” method of “rapidly heating and cooling water 3
times a minute hundreds of times per gallon—not just once. Our
machines have passed 332 FDA tests, and we possess 13
international patents. The top scientist at the Los Alamos Nuclear
Lab, who interviewed me said: “This is a major discovery. We
wish we owned your patents.”
I started Crystal Clear 50 years ago during the Vietnam War
when I owned Precision Switch Corporation in Port Chester, NY
when my Resident Military Inspectors asked me about “single
pass distillation” that poisoned our sailors on the USS Bucannon
by distilling water with highly diluted Agent Orange dioxin in
huge volumes of sea water. I replied that “...filtering and distilling
even smaller volumes of water using single pass home distillers
will concentrate chemicals like dioxin even more, and may cause making tincture and concentrating chemicals you
want to remove. The founder of a major single pass distiller
company died of cancer for that very reason—in his early 50s—
just as I predicted. (Read more about single pass distillers in
Chapter 12.)
After 9-11 Sloan Kettering treated thousands of victims with
accolades from the head oncologist who retired after 30 years.
After he cleaned out his desk at Sloan Kettering he drove directly
to Westbrookville to visit Crystal Clear. The first words out of his
mouth were: “Your machine cures cancer,” adding, “I just retired
and don’t have access to your machine anymore,” and placed an
order for an Electron 5.
If you’re checking the reference links to (above),
there’s one more to check. When I wrote the report about the
single pass distillers sold to the Navy which went to the USS
Bucannon, I would make an educated guess that the FTC received
a complaint from the single pass distillation company, there was
an attachment on an annual report Crystal Clear is required to
send to the FTC. When they returned it, approved, it contained a
note from the Chairman of the Armed Service Committee to the
head of the FTC which said: Leave the man alone...he’s the real

To: Mr. John Ellis:
My name is Daryl Cook. I live in Bavaria, NY. A little over a year
ago I ordered my first bottle of John Ellis water to see if the claims
about it were true. They were. I added about 10 drops of water to
each 16.9 oz bottle of store-bought water. I have to admit I
couldn’t believe what happened. I could actually feel the oxygen
going into my body. I should say this: In Oct. 2006 I was
diagnosed with asbestosis. I had constant pain in my whole chest
cavity. COPD was also diagnosed—both from working almost 20
years in Boiler Plants. My doctor had me on a compression
nebulizer, using Albuterol Sulfate inhalation solution to help my
breathing. But, unfortunately, it didn’t help with the inflammation
in my chest cavity.
I thought I’d try your water instead of the Albuterol Sulfate—
an inhaler to help me breathe. Figured it couldn’t hurt any worse
since I probably inhaled at least that much water, as steam, when I
showered each day. The results were immediate and miraculous.
As I inhaled the water through the nebulizer I could feel the
oxygen getting into my lungs. Six months later when I went to see
my pulmonary specialist I told him I had stopped using the
Albuterol Sulfate and was just using the John Ellis water as he
listened to my chest. He said my chest was completely clear, so to
continue doing what I was doing. He also said I only had to see
him once a year now.
Six months later my grandson was now 9-years old. He had
been born 2-months premature. My daughter-in-law brought him
and my granddaughter to my house, to take them to school a few
hours later that day. I noticed my Grandson had a croup cough. I
got the nebulizer out and had him breathe John Ellis water [3cc].
Before we left for school, the cough was gone completely. I can’t
say enough about Mr. Ellis’ water. As soon as I’m able to do so I
will be purchasing one of his Electron distillers. Both of my
grandkids call it “treated water.” We all call it magic water
because the only thing in the water is water. The Bond angle is
changed due to the distillation and re-distillation, and the process
of purification and re-purification. Magic Water. I like that name.
So do my grandchildren who have the wisdom of Solomon. So,
like them, I’ll just continue to call it Magic Water.”
Thank you very much, Mr. Ellis
Daryl Cook

A few words from

Baron Gilbert Colum de Daunant
Cousin of Prince Albert of Monaco

Baron Gilbert Colum de Daunant

International Consultant,
Montecarlo B.P. 18
Principaute, de Monaco
Dear John
(A note from a close friend of John Ellis’ and the first cousin of
Prince Rainer of Monoco; (a passage in a book by the president of
MIT for his heroics in World War II.)
As you know I’ve been buying your E5 water machines for
about four years and sending them as gifts to friends and relatives
all over the world…from Andora to Monaco. Of course, water
everywhere is getting worse and there are pollutants in water the
public doesn’t know about because the public doesn’t test the
water they drink in standard water tests. Fortunately, you have
the only product that re-boils and exposes the water to ultraviolet
disinfection 100s of times per gallon to make sure the water is safe.
No other product does that while also producing water that
will go through your skin and work on your body inside out. I
understand you are receiving humanitarian gifts for E5 machines
to be sent to Africa and other places in need where they are
getting good results. It’s amazing. There is no question that this is
the only water than can penetrate your skin and produce healthy
results unlike any other water. That’s why, to maintain my own
health, it’s the only water I will drink. By the way, I also wash my
hair with it and bathe in it. It’s wonderful. Now, in my 94th year,
all I can say is: “You have made a great contribution to mankind.
I was interested in the novel way an 80 year old retired
professor with two Chemical Engineering degrees from MIT
developed a method to prove this water will actually go through
your skin without using the scientific means available. This is my
good friend and a close friend of my Cousin Prince Albert,
Howard W. Johnson who I met in Europe during WW2. He
became the President of MIT. You found a book in his library
detailing our wartime experiences for which I won the The Cross
of Malta. Your comment about the Marquis de Lafayette was also
of interest because I have a relative that was a direct descendant of
the Marquis which is an interesting parallel because you have an
engineering degree from Lafayette College which, I understand,
included Steam Plant Design. Which explains why you were able
to accomplish what Faraday, Davy, Tesla and other renown
scientists couldn’t.”

Second letter from Randall Cook (email)

I first read about your water in Spotlight, and bought an
Electron 5 machine after they became the American Free Press.
Yes, it took me a long time to take the plunge. I’m glad I did. I
thought I needed to thank you for inventing this wonderful
And, as an aside, thanks for taking my phone call and
answering my questions. I worked for the City of San Diego as a
Grade II Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator at the
metropolitan biological center (MBC for short). We operated
centrifuges for de-watering and thickening. We also had three
large digesters and holding tanks. We treated raw sewage and
other digested sludge. The test I mentioned on the phone I did on
my own. The test is simple and easily done by any operator. I took
two containers of raw sewage, added tap water to one of them
and energized water from the Electron 5 machine in the other. I let
them set overnight. When I checked them in the morning, the one
with tap water turned into a swelled up mass. The sample with
energized water, all of the solids settled to the bottom leaving
clear liquid on the top. That says a lot about the energized water. I
didn’t use measured amounts for the test. I believe if this water
was introduced to the influent, it would enhance all of the
processes at any sewage plant, saving money in the process. It
may help with struvite in sewer lines. It may be worthwhile for
engineers to put this water to the test. That’s my opinion.

Water Test Results (Feb. 23, 2006)

Dear John:
In our conversation of this date, I was more than pleased to
report that the distilled water from the Electron 4 Machine cleared
up a tank containing 255 gallons of my mineral drink product. I
purposely retained the material in order to do this test. One
percent of your distilled water agitated into the tank contents and
incubated for five days brought the mineral water back to well
within our quality control standards.
As an independent lab report shows, we started with a total
plate count of 6000 cfu’s/ml on 2/6/06. Our QA std. is <10. On
2/17/06 we received a 10 gallon shipment of the Electron 4
distilled water. I immediately inoculated the 225 gallons of
product with the water only. Nothing else was added. Five days
later, as the lab report shows, the test was completed and our
product is, once again, within our QA standard.
I have heard stories like this and have been only a half-hearted
believer but always with an open mind. Now that my own tests
conclusively prove the validity of the verbal reports, I have
decided that from this point forward, all of our liquid products
will be manufactured utilizing the water produced by your
Electron water processors. I am, of this date, preparing our budget
to include the purchase of 5 to 10 of the Electron machine units
within the next several months. My hat is off to you, John, for
your contribution to the health and welfare of mankind.
Yours truly,
Samuel F. Curtis, Jr., CEO

M is an upside down W –Correction (Sept. 9, 2013)

Dear John:
I saw your note on the web about a professor from MIT using
your water to grow his hair. I assume that was referring to me, but
you need to make one correction lest someone say we weren’t
exactly truthful. I went to MIT and earned a BA degree (1956) and
a MS degree (65)—both in chemical engineering. After earning my
masters at MIT I went across the river to the Wentworth Institute
of Technology (WIT) and taught there until 1995 when I retired
with the title of Professor Emeritus. So, all you need to do is turn
the “M” upside down and make it a “W” and it will be true as
stated in your posting.
By the way, my hair is still growing and filling in nicely. Right
now, after about 6 months of applying the water, I’ve been told it
looks like my hair is “thinning.” Nice feeling to know it’s actually
going the other way.
After graduating from MIT I had several jobs in industry but
wasn’t challenged enough because making a product for less
money was not very exciting. On the positive side, all of the
companies I worked for have gone belly-up and I would have lost
my pension had I stayed with any of them.
I had always liked teaching and had saved up enough money
to buy a new car, pay the tuition and support myself so I went
back to get the second degree at MIT. When a teaching job opened
at Wentworth I took it. The four best reasons for teaching at WIT
was May, June, July and August. With four months off each
summer I had a chance to travel and do things I had always
dreamed of doing. And the nice thing in qualifying for a Ph.D. at
Wentworth was there was no “publish or perish.”

Every year thousands of wells, cisterns and other water
sources suddenly go bad without warning and have to be
condemned because commercial water treatment efforts could not
restore them to purity! The situation is growing worse every
passing year as pollution increases at an exponential rate. People
are dismayed to find the water treatment specialists can’t help
them and their most valuable possessions—their homes and
properties become worthless. Instead, with this technology,
people are increasing the value of their property and buying up
destressed properties at fire sale prices that, in some cases, can bed
up being worth double or triple or more of the value they were
when the water tables that fed the property with potable water
lost their value. In some cases, whole communities may be
affected. Here is a typical example of how consumers ignore the
“science” because it had never been done before, and the
consumer who originally owned the property never protected its
water sources including wells and cisterns to purify the water
tables while saving the environment.
A young girl and her father restored the cisterns on over 200
wells on the property their family had just purchased in Ohio
(which had ranked from bad to putrid by the State Health
Inspectors) when commercial products wouldn’t work. They used
only ten gallons of 104° energized water at each well or cistern—
only one time each.
Each year Ohio state health inspectors are generally expected
to test the cisterns (not lab test the water) on occupied farmland,
and each year the majority of them pass with flying colors. This is
important because every year across the country—and in most
countries in world—thousands of wells, cisterns and other water
sources used by single families who own the farmland being
inspected, suddenly go bad without warning, causing frantic calls
to the State Health Departments when the wells or cisterns
suddenly begin emitting foul odors, or when the farm animals
drinking from them begin regurgitating putrid water back into the

well or cistern, or the water table catches factory spill-offs or leaks
from fracking operations from natural gas or oil can cause the
State to condemn the water which now lacks an acceptable state of
purity. Nothing—or very few things—will distress the property
owner more than learning the water treatment “specialists” can’t
solve their problem with a magic wand like Jesus Chahin did with
five Crystal Clear Electron 5 distiller-repurifiers which completely
cleaned the cisterns and other wells and ponds on the property he
bought in Tlocote, Mexico which led the former owner of the
hacienda to sell his home not as a farm, but only a house because
the water wasn’t potable.
Those who become conscious of the pollution malady do so
because their water starts to smell bad. They call waste treatment
to clean their septic systems and sometimes are advised by them
that their problem isn’t fixable with chemicals, and need to dig up
a leach field, moving it. When the farmer and his daughter began
the restoration of the farm they began with the State Health
Inspectors telling the owner who was treating 200 cisterns on the
property by pouring 10 gallons of distilled and re-purified tap
water (10 gallons in each cistern) (which the state inspector did
not know. The inspector watched the farmer’s daughter and
interjected, telling her that “…trying to fix polluted water with an
ordinary water ‘treatment’ brings with it, its own problems. (If
you read Ellis’ literature you would know that you’re spreading
an ecological disease or pollution faster. That’s why when a well
or cistern goes bad, particularly if you try to clean it with hot
water you had boiled in plastic distillers. What you get in the
boiled water are microscopic particles of plastic that boils off the
plastic distiller.”
“Instead of a cistern,” the inspector continued, “think of
phthalates not like a baby bottle distiller or the baby bottles
themselves, since most of those used today are also plastic. Let’s
think in terms of plastic things like transfusion bags which feed
the pharmaceuticals and/or fluids the nurses administer to you if
you’re hospitalized. Remember microscopic fragments of
phthalates--in the plastic wrapping around the best looking frozen
filet mignon steak you saw in the supermarket, that will end up as
the medium rare steak you enjoy for dinner. Which is just one
more reason to use a stainless steel distiller which prevents the
phthalates in the plastic wrap on the steak from ending up in your
digestion system.
When a state health inspector determines your septic system
needs to replaced and a new leach field well below the level of
your water table needs to be installed, it would make sense to be
sure that no neighbors’ leach field leaks into the water table your
wife boils her potatoes in.
If I was building a rural home with several neighbors in the
vicinity, the first thing I would do would be to have my well
driller make sure the well he was going to drill was going to
produce healthy, unpolluted water into my water treatment
system which would be protected by an Electron 5 distillation and
purification system. Which means my contractor would have
make sure “my” water table didn’t originate in someone else’s
leach field, or in an upstream river where some factory dumps its
chemical waste into what would ultimately end up in the water
table which fed my home.
If you recall, earlier in The Faraday Twins, in the segment
dealing with Jesus Chalin buying a lavish hacienda in Tlacote,
Mexico which became famous because of the wells which
theoretically produced miracle water. To make the estate habitable
since the water in the wells on the property were pretty much
polluted, the former owner purchased five John Ellis Electron 5
distiller-water purifiers which make the water not only potable
but, when Chalin bought the property, created the rumor that the
water was blessed by God like the water in Fatima or Lordes. It
was commonly called “The Miracle Water of Tlacote,” “God’s
Pure Water,” or simply “Light Water.”
If you don’t recall from the earlier segment, there was nothing
holy about the water even though Sister Mary Guadalupe Agular,
a Dominican nun and Father Juan Crespo, a priest who suffered
from prostate cancer for longer than most people live with it, told
the story to Edward Coty, a Washington Post reporter who likely
believed in his own mind, that a Pulitzer Prize awaited him. When
Coty spoke with Chalin about the miracle water or, as Coty called
it, “Light Water,” Chalin told him there was no miracle in the
water—only science. When Chalin called the District Water
Inspector, the bureaucrat told him that the heavily patented
stainless steel distiller-purifiers were manufactured in
Westbrookville, New York by Crystal Clear. It wasn’t God that
created the miracle water, the supervisor told Chalin, it was
science. There were five patented water distillers which
broadened the hydrogen bond angle of the water from 104° to 114
° [thus the light water, and the easy flow of oxygen into the blood]
answering the question why President Ronald Reagan survived
three different forms of cancer and was back in the Oval Office a
weeks or so later).
The John Ellis E-5 water isn’t magic, nor is it a miracle.
(Although I have to admit there’s a degree of a miracle in it since
every famous scientist in the world since the 18th century has
experimented with using water for a variety of scientific reasons.
When their experiments were complete, what they had was the
same water they began with. What changes the bond angle of the
hydrogen in the water used in the Crystal Clear Electron 5 is so
simple no scientist from 1740 succeeded in doing it until Steam
Boiler electrical engineer John Ellis, who owns all of the
international patents on the historic distillers, succeeded in
achieving the impossible that none of his peers in the scientific
world—before or after him—could. He was so successful that the
People’s Republic of China which has been trying to steal the
technology was forced purchase a lease and buy their water from
Crystal Clear.
Since your blood is 94% water, logic suggests that the wise
man and woman lives healthier when they drink disease-free
In researching Crystal Clear™, I’ve spoken to many people
who’ve heard the story of LaSalle, Colorado , a small town of
1,900 people. It’s one of those small crime-free places tucked away
north of Denver, about 5 miles south of Greeley, Colorado. It’s one
of those quiet, peaceful places that offers people a rustic quality of
life where good people escape the ugly side of life.
The only problem with LaSalle was (for a year or two), unless
you breathed mechanically, you always knew when you were
approaching the town because you had to roll up the car windows
and clothes-pin your nose when you passed through. You could
smell the waste lagoon when you got within five miles of LaSalle
from either direction, so holding your breathe long enough to
escape the bouquet was almost an impossible task. The stench
was so bad the State of Colorado ordered LaSalle to clean up its 5
acre waste lagoon or pay a massive fine—and a town-destroying
dredging assessment. It was one of those types of fines that
bankrupts small towns like LaSalle and makes people put their
homes up for sale.
Barry Schaffer, the Public Works Director of LaSalle contacted
Crystal Clear™ for suggestions. John Ellis suggested putting 1,000
gallons of 114° bond angle water into the 10.5 million gallons of
waste water in the LaSalle lagoon. Clearly Schaeffer didn’t think it
would work, but desperate men grab desperation straws. And
Schaeffer was desperate. He approved Crystal Clear’s suggestion
to pour 1,000 gallons of treated 114° bond angle water into the 10.5
million gallons of waste water in the LaSalle lagoon, although the
experts all told them that the lagoon was dead. Ellis added Bio
Water (H2O) to boost the oxygen (since everyone knows that
scientist are aware that oxygen kills all pathogens. BF888 was used
to jump start the aquatic oxygen bacteria which needed to be in
the lagoon to help it breathe (it’s like putting on a swimming mask
when you swim underwater). Ellis had Carl Schneider of Tech Ag
add a 6 gallon bucket of BF888 into the lagoon each week for six
weeks. The shock came when the health inspectors dredged the
sludge on the bottom of the lagoon to clean the human waste from
the lagoon. What little feces was left in the lagoon, the experts
who had expected nothing of consequence felt if they continued
the 5 gallon buckets of BF888 for a few more weeks and the lagoon
would clean. The following week, the sludge level was down over
30% and continuing adding the BF888 for another six weeks and
the town learned the human waste was about gone—without the
town of LaSalle being required to spent $150,000 to dredge the
For between six to eight weeks, the whole town crossed its
fingers—over their noses. Clearly Barry Schaeffer didn’t think it
would work, but desperate men do desperate things when they
know the first thing they will have to do when they get home is
burn the clothes they were wearing. And, LaSalle was desperate.
LaSalle put 1,000 gallons of Ellis treated water into their 5-acre
city waste lagoon filled with 10.5 million gallons of sewer waste.
The lagoon stunk and the Colorado Health Department
considered it to be dead. Most of those driving past LaSalle in
either direction would have agreed while holding their breathe.
Crystal Clear treated the lagoon with what amounted to a
thimble-full gallons of treated water compared to 10.5 million
gallons of sewage in the lagoon that destroyed the pathogens in
the sewage waste. In 24 hours the smell was virtually gone.
Schneider went on to say that had the John Ellis water not fixed
the problem, the township was facing a dredging bill of
$150,000—money they didn’t have and likely could not raise. “We
put 1,000 gallons of your treated water our 5-acre city waste
lagoon filled with 10.5 million gallons of sewer waste. The lagoon
stunk and was considered dead. In 24 hours the smell was
virtually gone. Now that’s amazing.”
The original order from the State of Colorado included a
demand that the waste company bring back-hoes in to clean the
feces waste out of the lagoon only to discover the human waste
had dissolved and there was nothing left to retrieve from the
lagoon.” On October 6, 2003 Schneider sent a near duplication of
the following letter to John Ellis: (This time, suggesting to John he
use the LaSalle event to drum up business for Crystal Clear.)
“The town of LaSalle is a small municipality with a population
of about 1,900. In the mid-1960s the town built its current
wastewater treatment facility. Nothing has changed except for
only a couple of modifications. In June of this year we noticed a
drop in the level of dissolved oxygen. Though the aeration time
was increased to meet the demand, the levels kept fluctuating
with a downward trend. The level in fact dropped below the
permitted range for discharge, which forced the town to shut
down. At this time, the aerators were being run 24 hours a day.
I was introduced to Carl Schneider with Tech Ag. Carl
indicated he could help with the town’s lagoon problem. He
recommended we add Bio Water (H2O Plus) to boost the oxygen
in the water and BF888 to jump start the aquatic life (bacteria) in
the lagoon. We went from a reading of 0 to a reading of 4 in 3
days, allowing us to start discharging. We believed the problem
stemmed from nearby insecticide application, but we can control
it with the help of the BF888. We are on a maintenance program of
one 5 gallon bucket of BR888 per week. The town has not done
anything as far as dredging or any other type of sludge removal to
its lagoon. After using the product for six weeks, we noticed a 30%
reduction in the sludge depth from the prior readings. After
checking into dredging the lagoon after 37 years in operation
made this an easy decision.
I would strongly recommend any municipality with a lagoon
system to take a look at this. It’s doing a good job for us. If you
have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call our office.
Barry Schaeffer;
Public Works Director.

Schaeffer had virtually done the impossible simply because
until LaSalle and Crystal Clear accomplished the feat, it was
impossible because before that event, no one had ever been able to
accomplish the task. Because the municipal management of
LaSalle was so relieved to escape $150,000 in dredging costs and a
$10,000 daily fine, Tim Ryans, the mayor of the town of LaSalle, a
day later had Evans send out a letter under his own signature that
The Town of LaSalle has a five and a half acre lagoon for
sewage treatment. In the spring of 2003 we had been battling
decreasing dissolved oxygen levels. This condition will emit foul
septic smells. Even with our aerators running 24 hours a day, by
June, the lagoon levels dropped to zero and we were receiving
complaints about the odor. We made contact with Carl Schneider
from Tech Ag, Inc and he was confident that the products from
Tech Ag could resolve our problems. Carl suggested we apply
H2O Plus (the treated water from Crystal Clear). The H2O Plus
(114°) will help oxygenate the lagoon and BF888 will help restore
the bacteria life back to the lagoon. The water was applied first
and the following day the BF888 was applied. Just one day after
these applications the septic smell was gone, and five days later
our DO level had reached a high of 18.
As of the current date, the septic smell has never come back
and there have been no complaints from the Town of LaSalle—nor
any other city or town. An added benefit was the substantial
reduction in the sludge depth. If you are experiencing lagoon
problems, I would highly recommend you contact Carl at Tech Ag
Inc. If you have any questions regarding our situation, please
don’t hesitate to contact me.
Tim Evans

Because I’ve Seen It…I know.

Now you know why at least two of America’s top nuclear
scientists said they wish they owned John Ellis’ patents—the
heads of Los Alamos Lab and the US Army’s military lab at Fort
Detrick, Maryland. And, if you think about it, you can guess why
the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission prohibit business
owners they view as “too good to be true” to use signed
testimonial letters in their advertising—even if they have the
evidence to back up the testimonials. Several years ago, an
oncologist who had just retired from Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center called Crystal Clear™ and told them he wanted to buy a
John Ellis distiller for his own use. He told Crystal Clear™ he
knew the machine cured cancer. John Ellis asked the physician
how he knew that. The doctor replied, “Because I’ve seen it.”
Within the last 18 to 20 years or so, nuclear physicians
(working at Los Alamos) and the others from Lawrence Livermore
Labs and Fort Detrick Maryland, read a Crystal Clear ad in the
Washington Times National Weekly describing how the John Ellis
distiller worked. I told each of them when I spoke to them on the
phone numbers that if, after speaking with John Ellis, they still felt
there was something flawed with the verbiage in the ad, that
based on their word alone, I would pull all of the John Ellis ads
from the Washington Times National Weekly Edition and the
Electron distillers ads would never run again.
Both disputed the mechanics and called the Washington Times
to suggest to the designer of the Crystal Clear distiller that what
they were selling was impossible because, each said, if you split a
hydrogen and oxygen molecule (H2O) what you would have left
would not be H2O. I (individually) told each of them that since I
wasn’t a scientist, a lot of their scientific phrase were lost of me,
and asked if they would like to speak to the inventor. A minute or
so each of them were talking to John Ellis. I told each of them
when I turned them over to John—who would understand the
scientific nomenclature—that, if when connected with John Ellis,
and they still felt there was something flawed with the data on the
13 John Ellis patents, that—based on their opinion alone, I would
pull all of the John Ellis ads from the Washington Times National
Weekly Edition and they would never run again. The only
meaningful comments I received from any of them after they
completed their conversation with John Ellis was: “I wish I owned
these patent rights.”
Oncologist medical students who attended classes in medical
school from two time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg, MD
all remember one of his favorite phrases: “Cancer cells can’t
survive in high blood oxygen!” That was, and still is, the magic
key that cures not only cancer but a myriad of deadly diseases like
AIDS, ALS, Ebola, virus food molds which has been consumed,
and a whole host of other viral infections. What John Ellis
discovered was how to get more oxygen into the blood stream by
increasing the solubility of water, where the penetration of oxygen
could be more easily and more non-invasively measured in the
skin. Which is pretty much why FTC regulators won’t allow
patients to select alternative cancer cures. (Remember in a
previous chapter when President Ronald Reagan—the 40th
President of the United States could not simply order his
presidential surgeon to treat the three cancers which were killing
him?) None of the traditional cancer treatments provide the
required high blood oxygen levels that would help the cancer go
into remission spontaneously. This is how oncologist instructing
the class discovered why precisely what happened when the
hydrogen and oxygen bond angles separated, and why oxygen
more easily kills disease.
The medical doctor instructor taught the class at UCLA, using
Crystal Clear water to perform a non-invasive test because the
results are measured on the skin using Doppler Ultrasound to see
which water produced the best Blood Flow to the extremities
(blood is 94% water). The doctor told his class that “…nothing
comes even close to the John Ellis water in getting blood to the
extremities. That’s because the water being used had much higher
solubility than any other water. He pointed out that when you
increase the solubility of water, blood flow increases and the
blood absorbs more oxygen entering your lungs than blood
containing less oxygen.
When you increase the solubility of water, the blood flow
increases and the blood absorbs much more oxygen coming into
your lungs (simply oxygenizing water doesn’t get oxygen into the
blood stream.) Regulators were told to put the oxygen in until it
hurts,” because, the results can be measured non-invasively in the
Nobel Prize winner Dr. Albert Szentgyorgy, MD noted that
“Hydrogen is the fuel of life…Rapid heating and cooling stops
disease; and yet, extra energy is required to split water into
hydrogen and oxygen because ordinary water has ZERO energy.”
Crystal Clear started a scientific controversy when the US
government approved 13 patents based on 332 FDA tests which
proved John Ellis’ re-purifying re-distillers some 20 drops of cool
water every 30 seconds into steaming hot water, and permanently
changing the hydrogen bond angle of the water and pushing
oxygen to get blood to the extremities of your fingers, toes and
organs. In one of the 332 FDA reports, Dr. Guy Abraham, MD,
[UCLA], who passed away in 2015, explained why the multiplied
re-purified and re-distilled water from John Ellis’ Electron 5 or 6
distiller which began the distillation with a bond angle of
104°ended with an hydrogen bond angle of 114° which, through
the proper application of the process, could power your car—
without any gasoline or ethanol, or dinner leftover garbage.
(Reflecting back, you will recall when steam plant designer John
Ellis split the hydrogen from the oxygen, he reached out to
American mechanics who were experimenting with the
conversion of gas engines with to hydrogen engines that “burned”
heavy water.
Water filters which act like a debris strainer are useless (since
water simply passes through non-microscopic debris the same
way that plastic distillers generally heat-cool minute phthalates)
microscopic plastic shavings from a plastic distiller or plastic baby
bottles) which only John Ellis distillers get rid of. During the boil
heating—enough shredded microscopic phthalates will
problematically remain in the water because plastic in the heat
boiled distilled water (even non-visible microscopic slivers of
phthalates are much more difficult to get rid of. That’s why the
Ellis distillers have an additional hydrogen disease barrier in their
system that kills the phthalates and delivers the purest water
available to those wishing a phthalate-free drink of water.
The strangest part of the Faraday Twins thinking is that while
Faraday believed he could separate the hydrogen and oxygen
molecules and create a fuel that would light a lamp and heat a
home. Using that same water, backed by different logic, John Ellis
believed if he could broaden the bond angle of that hydrogen and
oxygen molecule and create the purest and healthiest water on
Earth. Both of the scientific minds the twins share proved to be
On March 23, 1989 electro-chemist Bobby Stanley Pons and
Martin Fleishmann who was then the top electro-chemist in the
country, were fishing in the Faraday twins pool, reported that
their cold fusion reaction calorimeter had produced sustained
anomalous heat of a magnitude that defied any explanation except
in terms of nuclear processes. What they accomplished was a fluke
because they were never able to repeat it.
Following Fleishmann was Stanley Meyers who converted a
traditional gas-powered dune buggy into a hybrid with a hybrid
with a HHO fuel cell using tap water as his fuel. To raise the
money needed to bring his hydrogen dune buggy to market,
Meyers sold two franchises to a couple of prospective investors
who were mesmerized by the thought of filling their gas tanks
from the kitchen sink. In 1996, when tap water couldn’t generate
the hydrogen juice needed to jump start the HHO fuel cell, the
two investors sued. On the day England’s top electrical engineer
from Queen Mary University in London was scheduled to
examine Meyers hybrid dune buggy, he used what the plaintiffs’
lawyers called a “lame excuse” and postponed the examination of
his fuel cell. Because Meyers obfuscated every attempt to examine
Meyers’ invention, the court appointed three court-appointed
experts to examine the fuel cell.
The court-appointed experts examined the dune-buggy’s fuel
cell and testified that “...there was nothing revolutionary about the
fuel cell [since] it was using conventional electrolysis.” Meyers,
who was very protective of his invention chose not to produce the
evidence proving his fuel cell did work, lost the suit. The court
called his process bogus and ordered him to reimburse the two
Weighted down with debt due to the court judgment, Meyers
continued looking for investors. He had dinner with two Belgian
investors in a restaurant in Grove City, Ohio on March 21, 1997.
Halfway through the meal Meyers jumped to his feet, accused the
prospective investors of attempting to poison him and ran out of
the restaurant, dying in the street. The coroner ruled that Meyers,
who had extreme high blood pressure died from a cerebral
When Meyers’ patent rights expired, jackleg entrepreneurs
everywhere pounced on his protocols and patterns, and tried to
achieve not only what Meyers had proved, but what Fleishman
achieved as well. The two most successful HHO entrepreneurs
were David Davies and Dennis Klein. Klein attempted to resurrect
Fleishman’s cold fusion work, while Davies actually created a
workable HHO car. But, what made it work was John Ellis’
distilled water with the expanded hydrogen bond angle, not
David Davies’ tap water.

The Patient with Cancer of the Colon (Virginia)
The following notes and/or letters or the medical reports
written by the patients whose lives, according to the patients
themselves—or by the doctors who saved them by using the
continually distilled, re-distilled, purified and re-purified to
greatly promulgate an over-abundance of oxygen because oxygen
kills cancer and the other diseases that were taking the lives of
those being treated in some of America’s best medical centers or,
in many cases, after assembling their own distillers and distilling
and re-distilling the ordinary water from their own kitchen sinks.
The decision was made to protect the identities of those who
made wise decisions and purchased (depending on how long ago
they bought them), an Electron 4, an Electron 5 or an Electron 6
distillers. (Remember the segment on President Reagan. Because
using oxygenated water to cure cancer (because the cancer
industry’s lobby convinced Congress to bank it), the President had
to go to German to be treated, and return home cancer free.
Reagan lived the last 16 years of his life cancer free.)
The wife of a husband who had diverticulitis wrote her first
letter in April 16, 2002. Her husband’s first visit to his Internist
took place on June 27, 2001. That visit showed that her husband
microscopically tested positive for cancer. The doctor did a
colonostomy and put him on a regime of a natural chemotherapy
drug for 75 days. His doctor thought he was doing well and
scheduled her husband to have his colostomy reversed on Oct.8,
2001. When he proceeded with the first incision on Oct. 6, he
discovered his patient’s insides were full of cancer. He
rescheduled the resection.
On 10/25/01 when the doctor was going to try the resection
again, he discovered a 2.1 cm mass on his colon, and a mass with
two lesions in his liver. One of the lesions on his liver was 3x1.3
mm and the other by 8cm X 10 mm. The serious end of life
problems were beginning to start even before the chemo began.
On Jan. 8. 2002, Virginia, the wife, wrote to Crystal Clear and
ordered a $45 cleaner for her Ekectro machine. “My husband,” she
told John Ellis, “will be getting another CAT scan next week and a
CEA (blood test) and I will let you know the results. He is doing
well, considering his diagnosis(inoperable colon cancer) has
metastasized to the liver and lungs. He feels well and is pain free.
Thank you for your invention. I was concerned over the last five
weeks that he was. Let us hope he can overcome any setback that
may have occurred.”
On Feb. 26, 2002, Virgina’s doctor, a cardiologist and Internist,
wrote to Crystal Clear and bought an impressive supply of Crystal
Clear water with this note attached: “I am very impressed by the
quality of your water. It healed a wound on my hand so quickly, I
would like to know if I can store the water in medal containers or
glass bottles. The best way for me is glass bottles. Will it hold its
value if I store it in glass bottles for a long time?
The healing power of the distilled and purified water the doctor
bought was extremely expensive. I expect Virginia’s husband
survived only because the good doctor began using it, I expect,
not only to treat his hand but those with internal medical
problems as well.
Disease spreads in your blood stream. Not even the purest
water can kill deadly bacteria…according to CBS 60 Minutes.
Sometimes even the top TV shows get it wrong.

Organa International Corporation

Mapleton, Oregon
Date: Feb.23. 2006
Re: Water Test Results
Dear John:
One percent of your distilled water agitated into the tank
contents and then incubated for five days and brought our
product back to well within our quality control standards. As the
independent well lab report shows, we started with a total plate
count of 6,000 cfu’s/mL on 2/6/06/ Our QA std is 10. On 2/7/06
we received 1- gallon shipment of the Electron 4 distilled water. I
immediately inoculated the 225 gallons of product with the water
only, nothing else was added. Five days later as the lab report
shows, the test was completed and our product is, again, within
our QA std.
I have heard stories like this and have been only a half-hearted
believer, but always with an open mind. Now that my own test
proves conclusively the validity of the verbal reports, I have
decided that from this point forward, all of our liquid products
will be manufactured utilizing the marvelous water produced by
your electron water processors. I am, as of this date, preparing our
budget to include the purchase of 5-10 of the electron 5 units
within the next several months.
My hat is off to you John. Thanks for your contribution to the
health and welfare of mankind.
After 78 years, an elderly person sitting in front of her dressing
room mirror discovers her stone white hair is turning brown
An April 18, 2001, I had a couple of experiences that compelled
me to sit down and write you a “double thank-you.” First I want
to thank you for our wonderful water machine. At my age, it was
absolutely the best think I could buy. (This is the perfect gift any
elderly husband could buy his wife for Christmas…and the
perfect gift any aging wife could buy her aging husband). I assure
you that in 30 to 45 days, it won’t take 10 years off your life…but
it might well add 10 healthier years to it. The writer of this letter
from Valley Center, California, who was 78 in 2001 thought an
Electron 4 would be the best gift she could buy herself. So she did.
She indicated she had been drinking the water for about two
months; and, just recently, noticed that her body now feel stronger
every day. It’s a wonderful feeling. I sleep longer, more soundly,
and even look better.
Yesterday, sitting at the mirror with a strong light, I noticed a
sprinkling of brown roots in my stone-white hair. Wow!
Yours in great health.
(Signature illegible)
Valley Center, CA

What you get for your own health when the pills you need
(cost $35,000?) (Famvir and Valtrex). Divide the cost per month,
and the two prescriptions cost slightly over $2,900 per month. This
letter is from a mother and son—neither of whom could afford
more than the average Social Security recipient earns each month.
May 2, 2001
Within the past month our family purchased your living water
machine. We had read some of the possible benefits of increasing
electrons in our systems. We bought one. It works better than we
could ever have imagined.
My 85-year old mother is thinking much clearer now, and is
able to get around as her aches and pains have eased so much. My
wife was 54, has blocked arteries (and was anticipating surgery).
The blockages have improved, and she has a lot more energy.
My improvements are tremendous. I had my eyes burned and
part of the central nervous system destroyed years ago. I was a
federal probation officer working in the South Bend, IN Federal
Courthouse. For two months I also worked on a construction job
working with carbon monoxide, propane exhaust, waterproofing
solutions and a few other nasty things in several of the offices we
were working on. Add to that, I had a social disease (herpes) I
picked up several years earlier. Once my nervous system was
shot, I got herpes outbreaks continuously, and it spread
throughout my body—and particularly into my brain through my
ear drums. I’ve been taking Valtrex and Famvir daily to try to
slow the progression of the disease. The herpes stopped and the
infection in my brain affecting me stopped because of the water as
well. I actually feel much better now…and family members tell
me that I’m actually more pleasant to be around.
Life without herpes outbreaks is great. Today I called the
Herpes Research Center in Triangle Park, NC and told them what
your water is the only thing curing me…more than all of their
other meds and treatments.
There are over 40 million people suffering from genital herpes
along with people suffering from mono, shingles and childhood
diseases which late teen and adults end up getting as adults are
harder on them than the kids. I believe your machine is the
greatest invention ever. My prostate gland has improved as well.
Furthermore, and most surprising is that my gray hear is now
turning color. It is a godsend to get healthy when you expected to
die, but having your original hair color restored is like frosting on
the cake.
Gary Heller

Crystal Clear’s Distillation system does everything its

literature says it does…and the information (below this letter
comes from Crystal Clear’s patent attorney). That particular
patent is the 13th patent granted Crystal Clear is
ZL10051PPP35445.5 (Application No. 20051000353,55) (Title:
Method and apparatus for water degasification and distillation.
This handwritten note was faxed to John Ellis on Oct. 28, 2013
from fax number 913-754-7866). The note fads out before the 2013
felt tip message ends. But the essence of the message is contained

Hello Crystal Clear Folks:

Your water machine does everything the literature says it
does. But it isn’t well known around here in the Midwest. My
west recently passed away from cancer. I only got to try the water
on her for four days because the doctor would not remove their
blood thinners because they didn’t know anything about the
Electron machine. Their medical protocol said this was the
treatment which should be used, believing that using both your
machine and the blood thinners they commonly use was too
much. What they really meant was that if the machines were not
graced by God and the FTC (not patented) the medical community
should ignore them even if they appear to do a better job than the
one graced by the FTC.
They told me that they didn’t think water, by itself, a benign
liquid that does nothing more than satisfy thirst, would do any
good. But, they were wrong because the patient’s husband said
“… she had a visible melanoma on her left breast. It was jet black,
but she drank the water full strength for only four days and that
changed the size of the cancer—turning it to a light tan; and then
it detached and began shrinking with only four days of John
Ellis water.
“Then I had to stop using the Crystal Clear Water as the
doctors wouldn’t stop using their cancer medicine thinners. “The
doctors told the husband they could not stop using the chemo
therapy medication in favor of distilled water. It just didn’t make
medical sense. Some of her bleeding, they told him, was due to too
much iron in the medication. (They didn’t think the bleeding came
from the water since the water was ….well, water. The doctors
canceled his Electron medication, assuring him he didn’t cause the
The husband began ordering new parts for his Electron 5
whose parts were wearing out. He ordered new parts, writing in a
letter to John Ellis that “…I’m ordering these new parts because I
accidentally plugged in the heater without putting any water in
the boiler. It still worked. I corrected my mistake), but it made a
much weaker bond angle in the water. Also, before I ordered new
water, the machine used to collect bubbles over the condenser in
the tubing—now it doesn’t. I’ve got a friend laying in a hospice.
She now had terminal cancer.
Because she forgot to refill the water tank in the distiller
caused the problem. She didn’t get to try the water after buying a
new heater for the machine and a heater module. The letter was
never completed. He mailed what he had written. What he forgot
to include was his plan to have the test done over again at the
Centerville Mercy Hospital. He wrote another letter to send to
Crystal Clear; or rather, because he didn’t know what to say to
complete the letter, he let the ink dry and sent it the letter as it
was, partially complete. His wife died from the cancer and never
got the chance to find out if John Ellis’ Electron distillers really

When you read a headline like the one which appears above it
makes you wonder what water should you drink? “What if I buy
my water in the local supermarket? How do I know how much
energy it contains?” you might ask—or ponder it without asking.
The answer to that question is easy. None. The bond angle of the
bottled water you get in the supermarket will be between 101° to
104°. The water you find in the laundry aisle will likely be 101°. It
is distilled water processed for your steam iron. Increasingly, the
instructions in the box of any new steam iron you buy will have
instructions from the manufacturer suggesting you either not to
use 101° bond angle water or you use 50% distilled water and 50%
drinking water to keep your steam iron from spitting at you. The
bottled water on the shelf somewhere near the soft drinks is
primarily purified spring water, which will have a bond angle of
104°. Both of them are “zero energy” water .
Nobel Prize winner Albert Szentgyorgy’s answer to that
question was: “The one that produces the most hydrogen energy
is the fuel of life.” Use any water you wish and discover the truth
(i.e., use ordinary distilled, filtered, or tap water). Actually, you
shouldn’t drink distilled water. I included it because they all
require 30 times more energy before it splits into hydrogen and
oxygen. Making it even more clear was Antoine Lavoisier, the
founder of modern chemistry who said, “the body burns
hydrogen to stop disease.” In other words, hydrogen is the match
which ignites the disease, and oxygen destroys it. Think of the
disease, like cancer, as charcoal on a grill and the oxygen as the
fuel that destroys it.
Think also of water whose hydrogen and oxygen molecules
have split as the bond angle of the hydrogen spreads from 104° to
114° (accomplished by the water molecule expanding in a distiller
filled with hot water where every 30 seconds a drop of cold water
is introduced hundreds of times per cycle). And think of that
occurring hundreds of time as the distillation process permanently
changes the bond angle of the water from 104° to 113.8° or 114°.
When the hydrogen and oxygen molecule splits, you get this
effect: hydrogen heat and oxygen which kills not only blood
stream borne diseases but in this biological pollutant age we live
in, John Ellis water also removes anabolic steroids, mercury,
formaldehyde and aluminum (which causes both autism and
Alzheimer’s Disease).
Szentgorgy and Lavoisier were on the same page arguing that
the hydrogen atoms generate enough heat to kill some disease
spores. When you’re sick and your temperature rises from 98.6° to
101° or 104° or more because that’s the only mechanism your body
has to fight off fevers (which are caused by chemicals in your
bloodstream called pyrogens which try to use the fever it created
to kill the infection. Pyrogens are a low-molecular-weight proteins
that are produced by phagocytic leukocytes which they release
into your circulation.
It induces fever by acting on the preoptic area of the
hypothalamus to raise the set-point of the hypothalamic
thermostat. The pyrogen produced by monocytes and
macrophages, you might say, are the match which ignites
hydrogen. Hydrogen and the rising temperature caused by fever,
is the “body electric” that splits the 113.8° or 114° Ellis distilled
water bolnd angles into separate H2 and O1 ions. As your body
temperature increases to produce body manufactured phagocytic
leukocytes when you are fighting off a cold or the flu, the John
Ellis distillers splits the H2O using very little energy, thereby
avoiding the high fever side effects.
Everyone knows a water molecule is formed from two
elements. Two positive hydrogen ions and one negative oxygen
ion. When these ions come into contact with each other, they
either gain or lose electrons. Hydrogen gains electrons and oxygen
loses them. When that happens, the ions balance their charges and
become electrically balanced atoms (or, in the case of the
hydrogen, a molecule).
Some years ago, a grade school teacher brought her John Ellis
distiller to school to show her students how to change the
properties of water by constantly heating and cooling water. The
teacher also showed them how simple changes in environmental
pressure and warm water (the same way hurricanes gain energy)
can produce cheap electricity. When the teacher finished her
demonstration, one young girl said: “Look at how much hydrogen
this water produces.”
When John Ellis was working on his degree in Electrical
Engineering with a minor in Steam Plant Design, his Steam Plant
Design professor said: “High steam velocity is a major problem
with “single pass” distillers that produce water with a hydrogen
bond angle of only 101° degrees. Tap water,” he noted, “is
104.5°--that’s why ordinary distilled water de-mineralizes your
bones to reach equilibrium.” That is the reason why people should
not drink ordinary distilled water. There’s another as well.
Because if you’re drinking well water in a community subdivision
occupied by scores of other private homes where all of the homes
are using a septic system, the odds are pretty good, if all of the
homes in the subdivision get their drinking water from the same
water table, that you are drinking someone else’s diseases,
discarded prescriptions or what-nots.
Any doubts? If you are using a “single pass” distiller, put it in
your hot tub without treating the water and set the temperature at
98.6°F. Shocking as it may seem, you will discover your hot tub
has a memory. The odds are that memory will causes any fresh
water to immediately develop of horrible smell (at body
temperature) from the past use of that hot tub.
The nice thing about our Electron distillers—Crystal Clear shows
you how to remove that memory of things you may not want to
know about. Even if it’s been scrubbed, and remnants of past use
have been removed, small amounts can remain in hot tubs for
Those “bad memories” can be completely removed only one
way: by expanding and contracting the molecules to an even
greater extent than what would normally be found in the
environment. That is something which can’t be accomplished with
a single pass distiller because they do not change the properties of
The Ellis distillers expand and contract the molecules at an
even greater extent than what is found in the environment. In the
environment, changes in temperature at a particular instant is an
unnoticeable fraction of a decree or, at most, a few degrees—but
never enough to remove that “memory.”
Instead, the Ellis distillers repeatedly expand and contract the
molecules with a differential temperature of up to 80 degrees or
more per minute! This, along with our proprietary secrets of
putting electrons into water, is what we need to survive. That’s all
it takes.
About 20 years or so ago, archaeologists discovered a large
piece of fossilized amber some several million years old. Scientists
realized that the interior of the piece of amber appeared to be
hollow. They managed to insert a hypodermic needle into the
amber and extracted a small sample of prehistoric oxygen from
within the amber. It was 35% oxygen. The archaeologists dated
the fossil from the Cretaceous Period, which followed the Jurassic
Period—the age when the giant reptiles walking the Earth, and
the single continent, Pangaea, was covered with giant vegetation.
Oxygen was the fuel of life.
The oxygen levels during the Jurassic Period (towards the end
of the Paleozoic Age), which lasted from 245 million BC to 145
million BC was upwards of 35%. (The Paleozoic Age lasted 358.9
million years.) It is believed that during this time that Earth was
struck by the first of two large asteroids, killing a large number of
smaller reptiles and fracturing the Earth’s mantle and causing the
plates to begin moving. About 10,000 years later the second
asteroid struck with enough force to tilt the Earth’s orbit, bringing
about the first Ice Age and wiping out the dinosaurs. During that
period, surface temperatures on Earth began to drop due to an
increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to the destruction
caused by the asteroid. A portion of the right side of Pangaea
broke off from the forming what scientists named Laurasia and
Gondwana. Seas quickly filled in the fractures. About 10,000 years
later the second asteroid struck what is now North America,
shifting the axis of Earth even more, and breaking the land bridge
that existed between Laurasia and Gondwana, bringing about the
first Ice Age due to the force of nature which caused magma to
rise through the fractured mantle and, where the faults occurred,
volcanoes rose from the core of planet along the fault lines,
bringing perpetual winter to much of the planet, where for
thousands of years, Earth’s catastrophes caused oxygen levels to
drop to about 8%, subverted by carbon dioxide, dramatically
lowering the temperatures of the whole planet and bringing about
the extinction of the giant reptiles, destroying much of the fauna,
and ushering in the Carboniferous Age when most of the giant
fauna died and over millions of years, dead trees and giant plants
became coal.
Dr. Otto Warburg, who received the Nobel Prize in 1930 for
discovering that oxygen kills cancer commented that, ironically,
most people who get cancer get it because low levels of oxygen
cause cancer.
City water, well water or single pass distilled water lacks
sufficient energy because there is very little expansion-contraction,
which is one of the reasons why many of the vitamin and nutrient
supplements you take produce minimal results because keeping
water at the boiling point when you distill it kills the electrons
needed to kill the free radicals that are one of the causes of cancer,
or aging, or just about any health problem you can have.
Ellis has a letter from a medical doctor who uses his Electron 5 to
help men with urinary problems which he said were caused by
low oxygen levels in their blood. The problem goes away
immediately, he wrote, with your water. How does he know that?
he queried. He bought the machine, he added, because he had a
urinary problem himself. That’s how he learned that.
Forty-seven years ago a 42 year old man introduced his
business to the public by selling little bottles of a special water at a
health show, telling the customers to put a few drops in a glass of
water. The results were so overwhelming it started an industry.
The man? John Ellis. The company? Crystal Clear. The product
which produced the water? The Electron and Water Machine. No
other product in the world has been able to duplicate the results
we have achieved. Crystal Clear has the only patented distiller.
No other distiller can do what we do.
We live on electrons from oxygen in the air we breathe—
which is becoming more scarce as man pollutes his oxygen life
support system and says nothing when politicians attempt to
enact legislation to outlaw carbon dioxide by claiming it’s
responsible for greenhouse gases that are poisoning mankind.
Which, of course, it isn’t.
The political advocates of banning carbon dioxide are involved
in that cause only because the left-wing of humanity created the
greenhouse gas myth because it’s a moneymaking ploy that lets
carbon traders buy and sell carbon credits (on any pollutant which
is regulated by government.) Since the carbon traders (politicians
gone rogue) profit from regulating any pollutant which they can
claim causes greenhouse gases even if they don’t. But the
moneymaker is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide drives global
warming fears, and because it does, it’s the main targets of carbon
In carbon dioxide’s case, the heat-trapping greenhouse gas
mixes into the upper atmosphere and has a global effect. Reducing
emissions locally theoretically lowers levels around the world.
(Otherwise, only an idiot would believe the myth and realize that
carbon traders are thieves who are aiding in the depletion of
oxygen levels in the United States and other industrial countries
who allow themselves to be robbed by carbon whores. Let me
explain why if you haven’t figured it out yourself,
The reason Planet Earth has oceans, rivers and streams is
because of carbon dioxide. It was the rise of plants that turned
carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis over a period
of hundreds of thousands of years called The Great Oxygenation
Event. It is likely that the first plant buds on Earth were created by
ultraviolet rays through gestation. Oxygen and hydrogen
molecules fused to create water.
The rest, they say, is killing free radicals by absorbing as much
oxygen as you can because oxygen provides the electrons that kill
the free radicals—which aids the growth of cancer and other
diseases in your body. Just remember, you can’t get there from
here if you are drinking tap water, well water or using a single
pass distiller thinking it’s going to do what you just read. Have a
robust future. You deserve it—if you use this road map to good



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