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Amplification for Grammatical gaps

No. Source Language Text Target language text

1 I see many birds Tôi đang thấy rất nhiều chim bay trên trời
2 We like ice cream Chúng tôi thường ăn kem vào ngày hè nóng
3 You start not sure Anh đang nghi ngờ, phải không?

Usually this technique is commonly used from the language teaching for the improvement of redact or
indite a writing work, maybe in communication. This table describes the technique of the translation
having the background in the middle of the source language and target language text. These examples in
the target language text add more depth, imaginary and emotional than the original text, make it clearer
and more understandable.
For example, if a sentence is missing a verb, an object or background context like ex (1)(2), translators
would add the missing elements to make the sentence fulfil and more informative. If a sentence lacks
context or specific information, amplification can provide additional details to provide information in that
text and understanding.
Overall, Amplification for Grammatical gaps focus on improve a sentences that lack of the context text,
subject to make it more balance, effective in communicating and more structure, coherence in writing.

Amplification for

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