10th English Notes (NHG)

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1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 1

Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc

Student’s Name:_____________________________________
Father’s Name:______________________________________
Roll Number:__________ School:________________________
1-Choose the correct form of verb. (5 Marks MCQs)

1) The sun _____ in the West. Sets

2) The baby _____ for milk now. Is crying
3) She ____ her cat very much. Loves
4) The book ____ on the table for weeks. Has been lying
5) I ______ him next Monday. Shall see
6) She _____ to school an hour ago. Went
7) The Earth _____ around the Sun. Revolves
8) He ____ twenty minutes ago. Left
9) They _____ for London tomorrow. Will leave
10) I ____ you since Monday. Have not seen
11) All students ______ for prize. Compete
12) I was going to airport when I _____ her. Saw
13) Rameen _____ English now. Speaks
14) This watch ___________ very much. Will not cost
15) I ____ the letter. Have already posted
16) You have been ____ since morning. Resting
17) She ____ the Piano since 2 O’clock. Has been playing
18) They ____ tea every day. Drink
19) She ____ her work before the guest arrived. Had finished
20) They ____ at night. Travel
21) I ____ the house before it started raining. Had left
22) He ___ to school every day. Go
23) It ____ to rain an hour ago. Began
24) You have _____ since morning. Been resting
25) She has ____ him back. Sent
26) They _____ their meals before the guest arrived. Had taken
27) We had not _____ him before. Seen
28) He will ____ to see me. Come
29) Rameen always _____ the truth. Speaks
30) The Quaid-e-Azam ____ very hard. Worked
31) Good Students always ____ hard. Work
32) They had been ____ to here since 1970. Coming
33) It ____ at present. Is raining
34) I ____ this motorbike only a month ago. Bought
35) She ____ before the party began. Had left
36) The girls are ____ net ball. Playing
37) She ____ since morning. Had been working
38) I was making tea when the door bell _____ . Rang
39) I was going to airport when I _____ her. Saw
40) She ____ English quite well. Speaks

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 2
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
41) She _____ French at present. Is learning
42) Rizwan ____ for three hours. Has been swimming
43) It _____ in Winter. Rains
44) They ____ cards for six hours. Had been playing
45) Last summer, we _____ many places. Visited
46) I ____ her in the plane. Met
47) They took their breakfast after they _____ their hands. Had washed
48) They ____ to sleep at ten. Go
49) Rameen _____ a sad song today. Is singing
50) I already _____ three cups of coffee. Have taken

2-Choose the word with correct spellings. (4 Marks)

Production Exchange Might Prisoner Separate Address Certain

Excellent Noise Perfection Loath Dynamic Decline Academy
Available Relevant Contest Priority Excel Motivation Privilege
Laboratory Envelope Eroded Achieve Revelation Revenge Surety
Fossil Luxury Demise Association Entertainment Intercede Actually
Transcends Technique Leisure Column Adhesive Fascinating Magazines
Equitable Dispute Destitute Ancestor Antibiotic Continuous Convenient
Auditory Competition Innovative Significance Opportunity Prevail Concentration
Adequate Aquifers Execution Applause Unconscious Reputation Frustration
Arable Escalate Fertile Tweezer Prosperity Debris Literature
Irrigation Comprehend Recipient Fantasise Editorials Circumstances Innovative
Incessant Chivalry Proficient Ointment Judgement Guidance Beneath
3-Synonyms & Antonyms (5 Marks)

Words Synonyms Words Synonyms Words Synonyms Words Synonym

Distinct Clear Hurt Injure Creative Imaginative Tough Hard
Proclaimed Announced Broadcasts Transmits Omit Leave out Reputation Distinctio
Equitable Fair Victim Sufferer Prior Preceding Excel To do
Traits Characteristics Irrespective Regardless Innovative Newly Eroded Destroye
Opportunity a good chance Grandeur Splendour Enhance Increase Recounted Narrated
Highlights Draws Aspirations Wanting Defy Disobey Declining going
attention down
Deliciously Delightfully Escalate to increase Evidence Indication Eroded Destroye
Ample Plentiful Demise Fail Adequate Sufficient Optimum Favourab
Sturdy Strong Endure Last Hurled Threw Food Diet
Sustenance Nourishment Solace Comfort Innovative New Culprit Offender
Essential Crucial Foe Enemy Equitable Reasonable Ancestor Forefathe
Words Antonyms Words Antonyms Words Antonyms Words Antonym
Bright Dark Perfect Imperfect Mighty Weak Rich Poor
Fail Succeed Win Lose Suffering Pleasure Consume Save
Abandon Support

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 3
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
4-Answers the following Questions. (10 Marks)
Unit 1: Hazrat Mohammad an Embodiment of Justice
1-How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life ?
People can achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life by seeking light
and guidance from the life of the Holy Prophet.
2-How did the Holy Prophet S.AW set high and noble ideals for all mankind ?
The Holy Prophet set high and noble ideals for all mankind through his practical examples.
3-How were people of Makkah convinced of the Holy Prophet’s justice even before his
Prophethood ?
The Holy Prophet did justice in every case. His dealings with people were always fair.
Therefore, the people of Makkah were convinced of his justice even before his Prophethood.
4-What standards of justice did the Holy Prophet practice as head of the state of Madinah
As head of the state of Madinah, the Holy Prophet practiced high standard of justice. He
decided every matter on merit. He did justice without regarding race, colour or creed.
5-What made non-Muslims bring their suits to the Holy Prophet S.A.W ?
The Holy Prophet was very strict in doing justice. Therefore, the non-Muslim brought their
cases to him for decision.
6-How does the Quran describe the personality of the Holy Prophet S.A.W ?
The Holy Quran describes the personality of the Holy Prophet as follows: “We have, indeed,
in the Messenger of Allah, a good example (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and
the Final Day.”
7-How did the Holy Prophet S.A.W resolve the issue regarding the Black Stone ?
The Holy Prophet resolved the issue by suggesting a very suitable plan.
8-Why did Quraish think that the Holy Prophet S.A.W would favour them ?
As the Holy Prophet himself belonged to the tribe of Quraish, they thought that he would favour
9-Why did non-Muslims trust the Holy Prophet S.A.W ?
The non-Muslims trusted the Holy Prophet as he was well-known for his justice.
10-What advice did the Holy Prophet S.A.W give to Hazrat Ali A.S ?
The Holy Prophet advised Hazrat Ali not to decide any matter without hearing both the parties
and without knowing the truth
11-What does the word “proclaimed” mean ?
It means declare something in a formal manner or in an open way.
Unit 2: Chinese New Year
1-When does Chinese New Year start ?
Chinese New Year starts on some day between January 21 and February 20.
2-Why do Chinese families do thorough cleaning of their houses before New Year’s Day
Such a cleaning removes the bad luck of the previous year and makes the house ready to accept
the good luck of the New Year.
3-Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New Year ?
Why ?

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 4
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
Black colour is not allowed as it is a symbol of death. Red colour is encouraged as it turns away
bad spirits.
4-What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize ?
Decorations on doors and windows symbolize good luck and happiness.
5-What is the significance of New Year’s Eve Dinner ?
The significance of the New Year’s Eve Dinner is that it helps Chinese families to sit together.
6-What do the little red envelops filled with money symbolize ?
The little red envelops filled with money symbolize wealth and prosperity.
7-What is the importance of Chinese New Year for Chinese families ?
Chinese New Year is very important for Chinese families as it brings them close together. They
express their thanks for the previous year and refresh themselves for the New Year.
8-Why is Chinese New Year never on the same day each year ?
The Chinese follow lunar calendar which differs from Gregorian calendar. Therefore, Chinese
New Year never starts on the same date each year.
9-What is Chinese belief about cleaning houses before new year day ?
To clean the houses before the start of New Year is like to wipe away the bad luck of the
previous year.
10-Why does New Year’s Eve dinner consist of eight or nine dishes ?
The diner consists of eight or nine dishes because in Chinese language “eight” means
“prosperity” and “nine” means “long-lasting”.
11-Is Chinese belief about people having character traits of animals a fact or an opinion
There may be some reality in the belief but I think it is just an idea.
Unit 3: Try Again
1-What is the lesson taught in the first stanza ?
The first stanza teaches the lesson of perseverance. It teaches that our first failure should not
make us sad. Rather it should urge us to make daring and steady steps.
2-What can we learn from failure ?
Failure teaches us the lesson of courage. It urges us to take more daring and steady steps to
reach our goal.
3-How is failure not a disgrace ?
To leave working after failure is surely a disgrace. But if failure urges to take more daring and
steady steps, it is no disgrace then.
4-How many times should we try and why ?
We should keep on trying until we succeed. If we leave trying after failure, it would be
disgraceful. That is why we should keep on trying.
5-What should we do if we find our task hard ?
If we find our task hard, we should not be discouraged. We must see that if other people can
do it, we can do it also. Then we would do it successfully.
6-Give an example of struggle from your life ?
Moon is my friend. He wrote a novel which proved to be a total failure. But he kept on trying.
Finally he has written a best-selling romantic novel.
7-What does the word “Preserve” mean ?

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 5
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
It means “to continue trying to do something in spite of difficulties”.
8-“If we strive, it is no disgrace”, explain this sentence ?
It means that we should be persistent in striving. It is not a matter of shame to work and work.
9-Why is the poet repeating the sentence “try again” ?
To highlight the importance of constant working, the poet repeats the phrase “try again”.
Unit 4: First Aid
1-You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped? Why ?
You should not check if the blood has stopped because it may damage the clot that has formed
and blocked the blood flow.
2-Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound ?
It is necessary to keep away soap from the wound because it can cause irritation in the wound.
3-How is an antibiotic cream or ointment good in healing the wound ?
The use of antibiotic cream is good as it fastens the body’s natural healing process.
4-What should you do if you are allergic to adhesive material used in most bandages ?
If you are allergic to adhesive material used in bandages, you should use adhesive-free
5-When do you need to see a doctor ?
You should see the doctor if the recovery is slow or if the wound is infected.
6-What should your first aid kit consist of ?
The first aid kit should contain a first aid book, plasters, elastics bandages, gauze, adhesive
tape, antiseptic wipes, cotton wool, safety pin, tweezers, scissors, latex gloves, calamine lotion,
thermometer and analgesic tablets.
7-What is the importance of knowledge of “First Aid” in crisis management ?
The knowledge of “First Aid” is very important as it helps us to manage crisis.
Unit 5: The Rain
1-What does the poet hear ?
The poet hears the sound of rain drops falling on the top thick leaves.
2-What according to the poet is a sweet noise ?
The sound of rain drops falling on the leaves seems to be musical. Thus the poet calls it a sweet
3-What will happen after the rain stops ?
After the rain, the sun will break through the clouds. It will shine bright. It will be a lovely
4-How does the sun come out after the rain ?
After the rain, the sun breaks through the clouds. It shines bright.
5-How does the light fill the drops ?
After the rain, the sun shines bright. The sunshine fills every drop with light. Every drop begins
to shine in the rays of the sun.
6-What makes the scene lovely ?
After the rain, the atmosphere is washed. The sun shines bright. Everything begins to shine in
the rays of the sun. Thus the whole scene becomes very lovely.
7-What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for ?

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 6
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
The rich leaves mean the top thickly growing leaves. The lower thin leaves grow less in
number. Therefore, they are poor.
8-Do you also like the sun coming out after rain ? Why ?
Yes, I like the sun coming out after rain. After rain, it shines bright. The washed atmosphere
looks lovely in the bright sunshine.
Unit 6: Television vs. Newspapers
1-How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news ?
You can read a newspaper at any time and at any place. You can carry it with you. You can
select or reject any news. Thus it is convenient.
2-How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news ?
On TV, you cannot choose or reject any part of news. And you can watch a TV program at
certain time and place only. Thus the viewers get restricted.
3-In what way viewing news on TV is easier than reading newspaper ?
Watching TV requires little effort and a little skill of language. Thus viewing news on TV is
easier than reading newspaper.
4-How do newspapers give us more in-depth coverage ?
Newspapers give news in detail. They publish editorials and articles. Thus they give an in-
depth coverage.
5-Why do some people read more than one newspapers ?
Some people read many newspapers to study news from all angles. This helps them to
determine the validity of news.
6-How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles ?
The readers can give feedback to the newspaper articles by getting their writings published in
the public forum.
7-Which medium do you prefer for news ? Why ?
I prefer newspapers because they are convenient. They can be read at any time and at any place.
8-What is one good thing about newspapers ?
You can read the news of your own choice at any time of the day. This is good thing about
9-How does television make us lazy ?
We can view the news at TV without any effort. Thus it makes us lazy.
10-Have you ever given your views on any article ?
Yes, once I gave my views on “Co-education” in response to a feature published in “The
11-Which simile has the author used and why ?
The writer says that TV news is just like fast food and the news published in Newspapers is
just like a dinner with many dishes. The writer has used this simile to tell us that news published
in a newspaper give us full details.
Unit 7: Little by Little One Walks Far !
1-What are some distinctions of the writer ?
He won Quaid-e-Azam batch in scouting. He won the quiz contest on the topic “Who is Who”.
He won Academic Excellence Awards in speech competition and essay writing competition.
He won prizes for Computer Applications, Geography and Advanced Algebra.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 7
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
2-How has the writer spent his summer vacation ?
During the summer vacations, he did many jobs to develop a sense of responsibility.
3-What has he gained from his summer jobs experiences ?
The summer jobs experiences have polished his faculties of brain and body. They have made
him mature and responsible.
4-How are these experiences helpful to him in future ?
The summer jobs experiences have made the writer mature and responsible. Thus, these
experiences would be helpful to him in future.
5-What kind of student is the writer? Which of his qualities impress you ?
The writer is a well-rounded student. He takes deep interest in his studies. He is also a leading
sportsman. He does various jobs during vacations. All these qualities of him really impress me.
6-What kind of person is the author ?
The author is a young man who has just handled many tough tasks of teenage.
7-What does the author want to imply by mentioning his co-curricular activities ?
By mentioning his co-curricular activities, the writer wants to imply that he is a well-rounded
8-How have these job experiences made the author more mature ?
By doing these jobs, the author has a sense of responsibility. Thus he has become more mature.
9-What has motivated the author to participate so actively ?
The author has developed a positive outlook. This outlook has motivated him to participate in
co-curricular activities actively.
Unit 8: Peace
1-How is wind described in the first stanza ?
Wind has been described as a demon destroying everything all around.
2-With what wind is compared in the first stanza ?
Wind is compared to a demon in the first stanza. Because as a demon destroying everything all
3-What is wind doing to all man’s work ?
The wind is destroying man’s wonderful works.
4-How does the scene look like when wind is still ?
It looks like eternal peace when wind is still. The sky looks bright and blue.
5-What comparison is made in the second stanza ?
Wind is compared to a light breeze that glows gently in the second stanza.
6-With what the wind is compared ?
Wind has been described as a demon destroying everything all around.
7-Explain “its center is in truth”?
It means that peace is, in fact, its reality.
Unit 9: Selecting the Right Career
1-What were some famous careers for the young people in the past ?
The famous careers for the young people in the past were to be a doctor, a pilot or an engineer.
2-Nowadays non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds ? Why ?
Nowadays non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds because life has become
more innovative and revolutionary.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 8
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
3-What is meant by the “right profession” ?
The right profession is one that suits your aptitude and gives you money, honour and peace of
4-Why is it important to consider the scope of any field ?
It is important to consider the scope of any field because it helps you to select a right profession.
5-Is there any need of proper career counseling department ? Why ?
Yes, career counseling department is very necessary even at school level because it would help
the students to select right profession.
6-How can career counsellors help the young people ?
They can help the young people by suggesting them the right professions.
7-Which career do you want to opt for ? Give reasons.
I want to be a teacher as it is according to my aptitude. I want to produce doctors, engineers,
scientists and other experts in various fields of life.
8-In past, why did people want to become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot ?
They wanted to become doctors, engineers or pilots because these professions were thought to
be more respectable and paying in the past.
9-Explain the phrase “profitable livelihood” ?
It means a paying profession.
10-How do career counsellors help you choose the right profession ?
They help us choose a right profession because they know the market trends.
11-Which of these professions have interested you the most ? Why ?
I want to be a computer engineer because we are living in the field of computer science.
Computer literacy is vital to success in today’s life because it has been involved in every
Unit 10: A World Without Books ?
1-How does a book connect the reader and the writer ?
The reader enters into the world created by the writer by reading a book. Thus the book
connects the reader and the writer.
2-In what way books are better than radio, TV and Internet ?
Books are a source of comfort for us. Besides, we can keep a book with us forever and can read
it whenever and wherever we like. Radio, TV and Internet do not possess these qualities. Thus
Books are better than radio, TV and Internet.
3-“It’s a slow food in a world given over to fast food” Explain.
The present world is very swift. People do not have time even to eat peacefully. Thus they
prefer fast food. On the other hand, the world of books is slow. You relax with a book in your
hand and read it. Thus the peaceful world of books is slow one contrasted with the actual fast
World of fast food.
4-Why should people be given more opportunity to read books ?
People should be given more opportunities to read books because they are safe shelters,
sustenance and roads forward.
5-Which book has inspired you the most ? Why ?
The Holy Quran has inspired me the most as It keeps us on the right path.
6-Have you ever experienced the same feelings while reading a book ?

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 9
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
Yes, I have often experienced such feelings. Rather, whenever I read, I get involved in the text.
7-Can modern technology take the place of books ?
No, modern technology cannot take the place of books. On screen text is no equal to a printed
8-Why does the author use the terms “fast food” and “slow food” ?
The author creates textual beauty by using these terms. Moreover, he contrasts the fast World
of technology with the slow world of books.
9-What role does a library play to promote the habit of book readings ?
The libraries promote the habit of reading by offering a variety of books on all topics.
Unit 11: Great Expectations
1-Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents ?
His sister and her husband looked after Pip after the death of his parents.
2-Who was Joe ? How did he treat Pip ?
Joe was Pip’s sister’s husband. He loved Pip and treated him kindly.
3-Why did Pip give food and drink to the prisoner ?
He gave food and drink to the prisoner as an act of kindness.
4-What happened to the prisoner ?
The prisoner was re-arrested.
5-Why did the prisoner support Pip ?
As Pip had fed the prisoner in his misery, he supported Pip.
6-What happened to the prisoner’s wealth after his death ?
After the prisoner’s death, all his wealth was occupied by the government.
7-Do you know a person who achieved success in life through his hard work ?
Yes, I myself have achieved success through hard work. And also I know other such persons.
8-Have you read any novel by Charles Dickens ?
Yes, I have read a novel “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens.
9-What kind of boy was Pip ?
Pip was a kind boy. He was a lonely orphan. He had to suffer the cruel treatment of his sister.
10-What changed Pip’s life ?
A man whom Pip fed in his misery helped Pip later with money. Thus Pip got education in
London due to that man’s help. This changed his life.
11-How did Pip become a successful businessman ?
First, Pip worked as a clerk. Then by hard work he became one of the owners of an insurance
firm. Thus he became a successful businessman.
Unit 12: Population Growth and World Food Supplies
1-Which areas are most affected by incessant growth in population ?
The developing countries are the most affected areas by incessant growth in population.
2-Why are developing countries going to suffer more due to over population ?
The developing countries are going to suffer more because there the ratio of population increase
is greater than other areas.
3-What is the major cause of food shortages and malnutrition ?
The shortage of fertile land and its increasing productivity are the major causes of food
shortages and malnutrition.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 10
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
4-How are water resources under great stress ?
Due to over population, water resources are under great stress because more people consume
more water.
5-What is the effect of depletion of fossil energy ?
The effect of depletion of fossil energy is that the fuel prices are rising everywhere.
6-What is the limitation of improved technology ?
The limitation of improved technology is that it cannot make any addition to the existing natural
7-How can sufficient food supply be made possible for the future generation ?
Sufficient food supply can be made possible for the future generation by doing two things.
First, we manage and protect natural resources. Second, we should control the fast growing
8-What strategies should be adopted for safe future ?
First, we should protect natural resources. Second, we should control the fast growing
population. These strategies will make our future safe.
9-What does the word “depleted” mean ?
It means consumed or exhausted.
10-Do you also face shortage of water in your locality ? Why ?
Yes, we face shortage of water in our locality because we need better water management.
11-How is fossil energy a finite source ?
As we cannot increase fossil fuel energy so it is finite source.
12-What other word you can use to replace “optimum” ?
It can be replaced by the words like “best” or “most favourable” or “optimal” or “prime”.
Unit 13: Faithfulness
1-What case did the young men bring to Hazrat Umar Farooq ?
They brought the case of their father’s murder. They also brought the murderer with them.
They demanded justice.
2-Why did the old man hurl a stone at the camel ?
The old man hurled a stone at the camel because it had eaten a few leaves from one of his trees.
3-Why did the villager ask Hazrat Umar Farooq to delay the execution ?
The villager had hid a piece of gold in earth. It belonged to his younger brother. He wanted to
hand over that piece of gold to a trustee. Thus, he asked Hazrat Umar Farooq to delay the
4-On what condition was the criminal allowed to leave ?
He was asked to give his guarantor who could suffer death in case he did not return.
5-Why were Shaba’s worried ?
Hazrat Abuzar Ghafari was to be killed in case the murderer did not return. Thus, the Shaba’s
were worried about his life.
6-Why did the accusers forgive the villager ?
The accusers forgave the villager as they were impressed by his honesty and faithfulness.
5-Translate the following paragraph into Urdu. (8 Marks)
1-Hazrat Muhammad’s SAW life is a perfect model and example for the people who want to
attain goodness, piety and success in their individual as well as socialite. People can seek light

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 11
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
from the message and guidance from his life to achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and
social areas of life.
2-Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W practically proved that no one could be more just and equitable
than the messenger of Allah Almighty. As a young trader, he earned the good reputation of
being an honest and just business man. He always had fair and just dealings with all people
3-As head of the state of Madinah, he decided all cases on merit with justice and equity,
irrespective of color, creed, or Race. Once a Quraish woman was found guilty of stealing. Some
people wanted to save her from punishment in order to protect the honour of the family of the
4-During the Sermon, an Ansari-seeing some men from the tribe of Banu Tha’lba sitting there
stood up and pointed toward them and said, “Oh Messenger of Allah! Their ancestors killed a
member of our family. We appeal to you to get one of them hanged in exchange for that.” The
Holy Prophet replied, “The revenge of the father cannot be taken on his son.”
5-While Hazrat Muhammad was on his death bed, he proclaimed, “If owed something to
anyone; or if wronged any person, or damaged anyone’s property or honor, my person, my
honor and my property are here; he may take revenge form me in this world. There was
complete silence. Only one person demanded a few dirham’s which were paid to him.
6-Allah’s Messenger proved by his own example that no one could be more firm for justice
than him, even if it was against his own interest or the interest of those who were near and dear
to him. He decided every case brought to him, by friend or foe with justice, without fear of
7-Prior to the first day of the new year it is customary for families to thoroughly clean their
houses. Doing this is said to clear out any bad luck from the previous year and to make the
houses ready to accept good luck for the coming year. All cleaning must be finished before
new year’s day so there is no chance of accidentally throwing out the good fortune of the new
year. Wearing black is not allowed due to its association with death, however, wearing red is
encouraged as the colour is associated with warding off bad spirits.
8-Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with the
chines word written on them, which means luck and happiness. Buying flowers for the home
is also commonplace since they symbolize the coming of Spring and a new beginning.
9-It is a traditional practice for adults to give children little red envelopes filled with money
in order to symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming year. It is also common for elders
to present red packets to unmanned members of the Family. Envelopes are not to be opened
until the recipient has left the home of the giver.
10-We all need help at times in our lives. Sometimes we may have accidents and we may get
hurt When we are injured or suddenly become unwell, we need someone to help us – someone
who knows what to do it is the temporary and immediate help. This timely assistance,
comprising simple medical techniques, is most critical to the victims and is, often, life saving.
11-Handling minor accidents at home or on the road develops a sense of crisis management
This may prepare people to tackle with unexpected emergencies with great confidence. Minor
cuts and straps usually do not need to go to the Emergency room. Yet proper care is essential
to avoid infection or other complications Following guidelines can help You to handle crisis
and take care of all.

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
12-Stop the bleeding: Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding on their own. If they don’t,
apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth or bandage. Hold the pressure continuously for 20 to
30 seconds and if possible elevate the wound. Don’t keep checking to see if the bleeding has
stopped because this may damage or dislodge the clot that is forming and cause bleeding to
13-Clean the wound: Rinse out the wound with clean water. To clean the area around the
wound, use soap and a washcloth. But soap can irritate the wound, so try to keep it out of the
actual wound. If dirt or debris remains in the wound after washing, use seizers cleaned with
alcohol to remove the particles. If debris still remains, see your doctor.
14-Newspapers do not require us to sit at a place and read the news Busy people may read the
papers anytime of the day. They may read the news that is important to them early in the
morning, and carry the paper with them to read in the bus or van. They may also choose to omit
certain aspects of the news that they are not interested in.
15-Television, on the other hand, requires its viewers to be at a certain place, at a certain time
in order to watch and listen to the news. If they are busy people, they will miss the news. They
cannot choose to read it on the move or throughout the day. They cannot even choose which
piece of news they wish to skip. One way could be to record it and watch it later.
16-Television brings laziness in us. We can view the news with a little or no effort since it is
practically a form of entertainment. If we have the leisure time, we can view the television
news anytime of the day and night. It broadcasts the news as it is happening. Much mastery of
language is not necessary for the person who prefers to view the news on television because
everything is visual and auditory.
17-Today, life has become more dynamic and innovative. Gone are the days when the medical
and engineering fields were the only available choices. Now a whole world of non-traditional
careers, from IT, electronic media and web Networking to online business portals and fashion
designing, are available for young people.
18-The scope of any field in terms of market demand should also be considered very seriously.
We cannot practically deny the significance of hiring trends, for example, a decade ago when
computer science professionals were in demand, masses of MCS (Master of Computer Science)
students flooded the market with extremely disappointing results.
19-Literature is the story of humans, it is the record of who we are, where we come from and
where we are going. Books make us travel at large. During our journey, we are connected with
humanity. We identify ourselves with the characters we meet and learn whether we love, loathe,
fear, or flatter. They help us comprehend our faults and aspirations. They tell us who could we
become if we are not careful. Reading provides the deepest connection to the morals that make
us human, and part of a larger society.
20-Books are a source of comfort for us. They are a safe shelter. Throughout human history
man has found peace in the written works. Books are bridges through there pages we make our
contact with society. Those who read more are better prepared to face the world than those who
don’t read.
21-It is important we work to give every person the opportunity to enjoy books as shelters,
sustenance, and roads forward. To imagine a world without books is to imagine a world without
through, feeling, compassion, history, or voice.

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
22-In London, Pip studied hard. He received money regularly but he did not know where or
who it came from. He lived in a flat with a young man who had little money but who worked
for an insurance agent. They became friends. After some years, Pip was visited by the prisoner
whom he had helped as a child.
23-The man had been sent with other convicts to Australia and had become a very wealthy
farmer there. In fact, he was the one that Pip’s allowance came from. He wanted Pip to have
the advantages of education and money although he was not a gentleman himself. Actually, he
was still wanted by the police in England.
24-Pip and his friend decided that London was too dangerous for the wanted man. They
thought that Pip should take him abroad. As they attempted to board a ship, he was caught by
the police. At his trial in court, he was sentenced to death by the judge. Before he could be
hanged, he died in prison.
25-By law, all his money belonged to the government. So Pip had to find a job to support
himself. He became a clerk in His friend’s office. Years later, he became part owner of the
insurance firm. So, he had a successful career as a result of his own efforts and not because of
the fortune that he had been promised.
26-Water is another critical item for all crops. Massive amount of water is required during
the growing season for cultivation. In fact, agricultural production consumes more fresh water
than any other human activity. In many countries, people are facing shortage of fresh water.
Competition for water resources among individuals, regions, and countries and associated
human activities is already occurring with the current world population.
27-Water resources, critical for irrigation, are under great stress as populous cities, states, and
countries require and withdraw more water from rivers, lakes, and aquifers every year. A major
threat to maintaining flute water supplies is the continuing over-use of surface and ground
water resources.
28-Fossil energy is another prime resource used for food production. Nearly 80 per cent of
the world’s fossil energy is being used by the developed countries. The intensive farming
technologies of the developed countries use massive amounts of fossil energy for fertilizers,
pesticides, irrigation, and for machines as a substitute for human labour.
29-Strategies for the future must be based on the conservation and careful management of
land, water, energy, and Biological resources needed for food production. Yet none of these
measures will be sufficient to ensure adequate food supplies for future generations unless the
growth in the human population is simultaneously curtailed
30-Once Hazrat Umar, sitting in the Mosque of the Holy Prophet, was busy in the affairs of
the state. Two young men, holding a strong and sturdy countryman, appeared before him. They
complained to Hazrat Umar that the person had murdered their old father They demanded
justice by punishing the murderer for his crime.
31-The old man, on seeing this, hurled a stone at the camel with all his might. The stone caught
the camel on the camel on the side of the head. It reeled and fell down dead. The camel was
very dear to me. Could not control my anger, so took the same stone that had killed my dear
camel and hurled it at the old man with all my strength.
32-The third day dawned. The accusers and the surety were present at the Mosque of the
Holy Prophet. They were waiting for the criminal. As time passed, Sahabah felt anxious for the

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
fate of Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari. When only an hour remained, both the accusers came forward
and demanded Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari their man.
33-When the whole court was in a worried state of mind, the villager reached there perspiring
from head to foot. As he entered, he saluted the Caliph and said, Allah be praised for his mercy
was able to make my uncle trustee of the gold. As you see am right in time, do not delay the
34-On hearing these words, the Court gave cries of joy and applause and the face of the Caliph
beamed with pleasure as he said, “ Young men, the blood money will be paid to you form the
Peoples Treasury, and Allah will reward you for this goodness on the Day of Judgment.”
6-Summaries (5 Marks)
1-Try Again (Easy)
This poem is written by W.E. Hickson. He says that we should not give up efforts at a failure.
We should try again and again. If we fail to learn the lesson, we should try again. If we fail for
one or two times, we shall certainly succeed next. Struggling again and again is not a disgraced.
If we do not win the race, we should try again. If we find our work difficult, we should not lose
heart. We should look to the successful people and keep working patiently.

Try Again (Standard)

“Try Again” is written by W.E. Hickson. The poem teaches us a lesson of trying again and
again. The poet says that we should not give up to try again and again. It is the only key to
success. The message of the poem is universal. If we fail to get our goal, we should not lose
heart. We shall succeed if we continue trying again and again. A person fails only when he
admits that he has failed. It takes time to learn. We should not be worried in failure. Failure is
a good teacher. Failure is not a disgrace because we learn from our mistakes. In this way, we
try again and succeed. We should keep on trying until we succeed. The language of the poem
is simple but the message of the poem is unique. In Short, ‘try again’ is the golden rule to
2-The Rain (Easy)
This poem is written by W.H Davies. He presents the scene of rain. It seems that the poet is
sitting under a tree. Raindrops fall on the top leaves. He hears the leaves drinking the raindrops.
The upper leaves are saturated. Then they give the lower leaves drop after drop. The rain will
stop soon. The sun will come out. It will spread light everywhere. It will fill every dark round
drop with light. It will be a lovely sight.
The Rain (Standard)
“The Rain” is written by W.H. Davies. In this poem, the poet presents the natural scene of rain.
He skillfully creates the sight of rain. The rain falls on the upper leaves of trees. They drip the
rain and pass on the drops to the lower leaves. The rich leaves stand for the rich people and the
poor leaves stand for the poor people. The poet feels sad for the poor people. The poet hopes
that after the rain sun will come out. It will fill each drop with light. The sun will shine equally
upon all. The poet is happy with this sight. The sunshine is for both the dark round drops of
rain and rich green leaves. It means that sunshine is equal for the rich and for the poor people.
The language of the poem is simple but the message of the poem is unique. In short, it is a
poem of hope.

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
3-Peace (Easy)
This poem is written by Dr. Hartmann. It is about wind. When wind is in rage, it destroys,
everything. It disturbs man’s work in the valleys and vales. It rotates everything and sends it in
space flying. When wind is in peace, it is very soothing. Its origin is in truth. Its origin is in
permanent stillness. It is as beautiful as the beautiful sky. Then its voice is like a murmur. This
murmur seems uttered at long distance. Ideas in the poem are harmless. But their effects are
Peace (Standard)
“Peace” is written by Dr. Hartmann. The poem is about wind. The message of the poem is
universal. Nature teaches us lesson through wind, water, mountains and light. In first stanza,
wind is presented as a thing of destruction. In the form of storm, wind destroys everything. It
destroys trees, fields and buildings. In the second stanza, Wind is presented as gentle and cool.
It shows the grace of nature. It gives lives to buds, birds and humans. The bright sky looks blue
and beautiful. The language of the poem is simple but the message of the poem is unique. The
poem describes different aspects of wind. In short, the poem gives us a message that we have
to face storms to enjoy peace.
7-Essays (15 Marks)
1-My Best Teacher / My Best Friend / My Best Neighbour
I have many ______ but Ali is my best ______ . He is my neighbour. He is twenty-five
years old. He gets up early in the morning. He says his prayer five times a day. He recites The
Holy Quran daily. He helps poor and needy families. has firm faith in Allah and His Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad. He believes in the other Prophets of Allah, His angels, the Holy Books,
the Day of Judgement and the Hereafter. He believes that Allah is the Creator of everything.
He wears neat and clean clothes. He is very wise. His father is a good doctor. His mother is
a teacher in a village school. He teaches English and Biology very well. He is a very active
person in our city. He is a good player in cricket. He follows the rules of Islam. He spends
money in the way of Allah. He offers prayers regularly. He observes fasts. He pays Zakat. He
helps the needy. He seeks Islamic knowledge. He is very pure and pious. He does not hurt
anyone's feelings.
He does not tell a lie. He avoids backbiting. He treats his neighbours well. He meets others
with a smiling face. He also follows the rules of our country. He is a good citizen. He loves
Pakistan. I like him very much. He is found of cricket. He is very hardworking in his field. He
is my role model.
2-My School / My House
My _____ stands on the bank of a big canal. The scenery around it is superb. It stand away
from the noise of city. Shady trees are surrounding the red building of my ____ . Its
environment is quiet and calm. Its building is clean and large. We took special care of it.
The covered area of my _____ is 900 yards. It is airy and sunny. It has ten rooms. The walls
of my _____ are painted red. It is very beautiful. The beautiful marble is fitted on the floors.
The doors and windows are made of beautiful wood. Some pictures hanging on the walls.
My _____ has a library. Libraries are a store-house of knowledge. They are a collection of
books on various topics. They create love for knowledge. They polish man’s faculties. Libraries
provide knowledge on current affairs.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
The front lawn of my _____ is very beautiful. The grass of the lawn looks like a green floor.
Flowers of many colours also bloom there. I like it very much.
3-A Match
Hockey, Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Basketball
A few days back, I viewed a one-day …... match. It was played in Lahore between the
Pakistan and India. I with some of my friends, reached the stadium in time. There was a great
rush of people. We got seats with great difficulty.
Policemen were there to control the people. Many hawkers were selling eatables. Their
things were selling like hot cakes. The match started at the fixed time. There was a great hustle
and bustle among the spectators. The players of the both teams played with great zing.
The supporters encouraged the players of both the teams. It was a great show of
entertainment. The match ended in the victory of the Pakistan. It was really an entertaining
match. A large number of people were here. We enjoyed that match very much.
4-My Last Day At School
It was the 15 April. We had completed 10 years of schooling. Now, we were to leave the
school. The 9th class had arranged a farewell party in our honour. I felt very happy. There was
no class work that day. There was no fear of learning grammar. I was sad also.
Life-long band of association was going to break. We all sat in the hall along the 9th class.
Mr. Hussain recited the verses from the Noble Quran. A student from the 9 th class made a
farewell speech. Our monitor thanked the 9th class. Then the headmaster addressed us. He gave
us many pieces of advice. He prayed for our success.
With a variety show, We were entertained After this, a cultural programme was arranged.
Then we were served with sweets, cookies, fruitchat and tea. The fruitchat was very tasty.
Everyone was demanding more and more. Now, the 9th class bade us farewell formally. I was
very sad and returned home. I was thinking of my friends, teachers and the kind headmaster.
5-My Favourite Book (Holy Quran)
My favourite (book is the Holy Quran. It is revealed upon the last Prophet of Allah, Hazrat
Muhammad. It is the most read and easily memorized the book. It is in Arabic language. It is
written neither in poetry nor in prose.
Its language is very forceful. It provides guidance on all the topics to all the people of all
the ages. It is a complete code of life. It covers all the aspects of human life. It tells the stories
of the past nations and gives us good lessons. The Muslims recite it daily.
Allah is pleased with its recitation. Both the Muslims and Non Muslims study it for
guidance. It provides not only religious knowledge but also the knowledge of science and
physical world. We should study it and get guidance from it.
6-My Ambition / My Aim In Life
Life is not a bed of roses. It is bed of thorns. It is full of difficulties. We must make efforts
to face these difficulties. We must make efforts to face these difficulties. For this purpose, we
must have a clear aim in view. Aim is very important in life. Without aim, life is useless ().
There are many careers. But my ambition is to become a teacher.
A teacher is the maker of a nation. He makes the minds of young men. He builds their
character. He prepares them for practical life. He makes them responsible citizens. He is the

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
maker of a judge, a minister, a doctor or an engineer etc. All the great men of the world are
what their teachers have made them.
Great aims demand hard struggle. I work day and night to achieve my aim. Physics is my
favourite subject. It is a branch of science. I shall pass my M.Sc in Physics. Then I shall become
a teacher. I shall be satisfied() to think that I am serving my nation. I shall train the young men
of the nation. May Allah help me!
7-My Hobby
A hobby is a work which we do in our spare time. We do it for pleasure not for wealth. For
this purpose, all the wise people adopt some hobby. Hobbies have many kinds. My hobby is
stamp collecting. I collect new as well as old stamps. I always spend my free time in collecting
stamps. I was 13 years old.
My uncle presented me an album of stamps on my birthday. Now I have added three times
more. My father works in an embassy. He often sends me stamps of different countries of the
world. So, my hobby costs me nothing. I have friendly relations with the postman. He often
provides me the latest stamps. My hobby has improved my knowledge greatly.
I have pen friends all over the world. I ask them questions about their countries. I have come
to know about different nations of the world. My stamps tell me about the history, currency,
language, economy and manners of the other people. It is a royal and cheap hobby. I feel very
happy to see my stamps.
8-Allama Muhammad Iqbal / Our National Hero / My Favourite Poet
Allama Iqbal is my favourite poet. He was born in Sialkot in 1877. He got his early
education from Mir Hasan. He passed his F.A. from Murray College, Sialkot. Then he got
admission to Government College, Lahore. There, he was impressed by Professor Arnold.
After doing his M.A., he went to England. There he studied law. He did his Ph.D. from
He started practice as a lawyer. But soon he left it. He started taking interest in writing
poetry. His poems please both the young and the old. They give us message of hope and
success. Seeing the Muslims in misery, he was very pained. He has expressed the same sorrow
in his couplets. He incited the Muslims with his verses. He gave them the idea of a separate
At that time, people called it the dream of a mad person. But Quaid-e-Azam changed it into
a reality. The philosophy of self-realization is the gist of his poetry. He awoke the sleeping
nation. He reminded them of their glorious past. He died on April 21, 1938. But his poetry has
made him immortal. He is buried near the Badshahi Masjid in Lahore. His poetry is fresh even
today. He is our national poet and hero. I’m proud of him.
9-Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah / Builder Of Pakistan
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of Pakistan. He was born in Karachi
in 1876. The name of his father was Poonja Jinnah. He was a famous trader. He got early
education from Karachi. Then he went to England. There, he read law and came back home.
He started practice as a lawyer in Bombay. Soon, he became a very famous lawyer. In 1906,
he joined the Indian National Congress. He was supporter of the Hindu-Muslim unity.
Soon he saw that by freedom, the Hindus meant "Hindu Raj". He left the Congress. He
joined the All India Muslim League in 1913. He became its president in 1934. Annual session

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1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 18
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
of the Muslim League was held in Lahore in 1940. The Pakistan Resolutions was passed in it.
Then he made efforts for a separate homeland for the Muslims. He organised the party.
He united all the Muslims. He fanned the flame of freedom in their hearts. His efforts bore
fruit. Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947. It was the day of his triumph. He became
its first Governor General. He died on September 11, 1948. His tomb is in Karachi. Everyone
who goes there, offers 'Fateha'.
10-Sports And Games
Health is wealth. A sound mind in sound body. Loss of health is loss of wealth. Sports and
games are necessary to maintain good health. They are as important as food grains and fresh
water. They keep us active, alert and smart. They enable us to perform the duties of life. The
developed countries attach great importance to sports and games.
They consider it an essential part of education. The lesson in the classroom does not have
as deep effect on the character as that is learnt in the playground. The lesson in the classroom
is theoretical. The lesson learnt in the playground is practical. Sports and games build up the
character of the young students. They make them active, helpful and trustworthy.
The students learn endurance, courage, loyalty and sacrifice. General sports include hunting,
fishing, riding, cycling, boating, football, hockey, cricket, tennis and badminton. Therefore, a
number of schools hold athletic contests. They also hold games like football, hockey, cricket,
tennis, badminton and volleyball.
11-An Accident / A Road Accident
Last year, I was to go to Murree. I reached the bus stop early in the morning. The bus came
soon. I boarded it and started for Murree. The bus was running speedily. Suddenly a truck came
from opposite side. Its driver tried to save a dog running on the road.
He lost control over the steering. The truck collided against the bus. The truck fell down on
the road side. The bus fell into a ditch. I fell on the ground outside the bus. I was senseless.
When I came to my senses. I saw a horrible scene. Both the drivers had died on the spot. Ten
passengers were seriously injured. All the others were also injured.
But they were out of danger. There was great weeping and crying. It was a horrible scene.
Everyone had tears in his eyes. Soon, the police reached. They shifted the injured to the
hospital. Then, they began to record the statements of other passengers. I changed my
programme and returned home. It was an unpleasant day of my life.
12-A House On Fire
Last month, I happened to witness a house on fire. It was a very tragic scene. I shall never
forget it. I was coming back from school. When I was only a few yards from my house, I heard
some people crying “Fire! Fire!” I rushed to the place from where the noise was coming. The
upper storey of a house was on fire.
A large number of people had gathered there. They were throwing water to put out the fire.
Some were bringing out the valuables. The inmates were weeping and crying for help. I also
began to throw water on the fire. In the meantime, the fire brigade reached there. The fire
fighters began to throw water on fire by means of their hoses.
It was put out after an hour. There was no loss of life. The curtains, furniture, carpets,
wooden doors and windows were burnt to ashes. We shifted those people to tents set by the
Government. I returned home very sad.

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
13-A Visit To A Historical Place / A Visit To A Hill Station
Last Sunday, we decided to visit the hill near Lahore. Both sides of the road were covered
with beautiful scenery. There were tall pine trees on the hills. The air was refreshing. The
turnings were very risky. The roads were very narrow. We feared as well as enjoyed. Our
friend Ali was already there to receive us.
Then we visited the Badshahi Masjid. We hired a bus and reached the Lahore. It is to the
other side of the River Ravi. It is 6 km from Lahore. The beautiful gate with arches is seen
from a distance. We crossed the gate. We entered the courtyard.
The tomb is built on an elevated terrace. A fountain is built in front of it. There are groves
of mango trees there. They spread cool shade. The inner scene is very charming. It is built of
coloured marble. There are coloured designs on the walls. There are four minarets of the
Masjid. We climbed up a minaret. We had a bird’s eye view of the city of Lahore.
Then evening fell. We had got dead tired. So we returned home. We were very happy. We
had enjoyed much. It was the happiest day of my life.
14-Morning Walk
Morning walk is very good for health. It is cure of many diseases. It keeps us healthy and
strong. We can work better than others. We can achieve success in life. I am also very fond of
morning walk. I get up early in the morning. I to go the Masjid and offer prayers. My friend
Rizwan also joins me. Then we go out for a walk. We usually go to the Shalamar Gardens. We
go there on foot.
Many other people also come there. We enjoy cool breeze. The calm atmosphere affects us.
People run in groups and take exercise. We also form a group and run about. We breathe fresh
Then we walk on the grassy plots and around the flowers-beds. We pass by the branches of
the tree. The fresh air and chirping of the birds cast a spell over us. The flower-laiden branches
add more to our enjoyment. In the meantime, people begin to return. So we also come back
home to go to university.
15-Life In A Big Cities
There is a great difference between rural and urban life. We know that a picture has a bright
as well as dark side. Life in a big city also has merits and demerits. Life in a big city is very
fast. It is full of the amenities of the modern age.
It is very comfortable and attractive. All the facilities of life are available to the people.
People living in a big city are active and smart. They enjoy, medical facilities. There are
schools, colleges and universities.
There are public libraries. There are big parks, cinema houses, theatres, coffee-houses,
clubs, hotels, gardens and restaurants. In the evening, people go there and enjoy life fully. There
is no problem of communication and transportation. Fruits, vegetables and meat are available
all the time. The shops and hotels remain open till late at night.
So there is no problem of buying edibles. People have access to everything. In the morning,
there is hustle and bustle of life. Everyone is dressed in neat and clean clothes. Everyone looks
happy and gay. That is everyone is attracted to the big cities.
16-Village Life

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
Life in a village is very simple and peaceful. A village is made up of farm houses, mud-
house, uneven dirty lanes and ponds. There is no noise of buses, factories or mills. The villagers
live very close to nature. They enjoy fresh air. They are healthy in the true sense. They are
active and smart. They enjoy blooming flowers, fragrant air, rising and setting sun.
The villagers are very brave and hardworking. They get up early in the morning, offer
prayers and go to their fields. They work very hard to earn their living. They spend the whole
day in the fields. The harvest time is very busy. Men, women and children work together at
seed and harvest time. They eat their lunch in the fields. They return to their homes in the
The villagers eat pure food. They drink sugar-cane juice and curd-juice. They use fresh
vegetables and fruits, pure milk and butter. So, they enjoy good health. The streets of a village
are narrow. The houses are built of mud. There is no drainage system. Men and animals live in
the same room at night. There is no water system. Women carry water from wells. Still, its
merits are greater than its demerits.
“Health is wealth.” A healthy body has a healthy mind. We should take care of our health.
We must go to bed early and rise early. We should take meals at regular hours. We should take
exercise daily. We must keep our body clean. We should wear neat and clean clothes. We
should keep our nails clean. We should brush our teeth daily. We must be sure that it makes a
man healthy, wealthy and wise. It makes man active, alert and smart.
If we fall ill, we should consult the doctor at once. We should keep a balance in work, game
and rest. We should eat fresh air daily. We should avoid smoking and cold drinks. Less food
and more fruit is best for health. It is a fact:
“Health is not valued till sickness comes.”
Only the healthy people can work properly. They lead the nation to heights. They break new
grounds. They make new discoveries. If health breaks down, we can do nothing. A sick person
is a burden on himself and others. A healthy person spreads happiness everywhere. It is rightly
“A sound mind in sound body.”
Courtesy means to have good and polite manners. It works well in all walks of life. Doing
one’s duty in a consummate manner displays courtesy. It springs from kindness. A courteous
person has good wishes and polite manners for others. He has love, kindness and patience to
others. That is why; it is said: “Civility costs nothing.”
Courtesy is a sacred emotion. It demands us to be polite and kind in every field of life.
Courtesy pays a lot both worldly and spiritually. We should be kind to the poor, the helpless,
the eelderl people, the blind, the sick, the lame and the young. The Holy Prophet was very kind
to all. The Holy Quran asks us to be courteous.
When we meet others, we should convey the words of “Salaam” and good wishes. Courtesy
spreads love. It wins others’ hearts. It makes us true Muslims. Courtesy builds the character of
a nation. It makes people loving and kind-hearted. It creates patience. It spreads love. It brings
about happiness. So we should meet others with a smiling face. It makes every day life pleasant.
18-The Scene At The Railway Station

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
The other day, I went to the railway station to see off my friend. We bought tickets and went
to the platform. It was crowded with men, women and children. Some were staying close to
their luggage. Some others were walking about. The aged people were sitting. There was great
rush and noise.
There were different stalls at the platform. Meals, fruits, books and magazines were selling
like hot cakes. People were perspiring. Everyone wanted to stay closer to the fan. There was a
great rush of people near the water coolers and taps.
Soon the train steamed in. People rushed to it. Everyone wanted to board it first. Some
passengers were trying to get down. It was making a great noise. The vendors and fruit sellers
were crying to attract the people. The porters in red shirts were helping the passengers. Soon
the guard whistled. Then he waved the green flag. Then the train steamed off. People began to
go back.
Getting knowledge is compulsory to every Muslim. For we need books. Everybody cannot
buy all the books. The libraries provide books on every topic. Libraries are a store-house of
knowledge. They are a collection of books on various topics. They create love for knowledge.
They polish man’s faculties. They bring about progress of a nation. They are asset of man.
They make us real men. They are essential for every student.
Libraries play important role in creating and satisfying thirst for knowledge. Every lover of
books can go to the library and quench his thirst . Libraries provide knowledge on current
affairs. A politician can find books of his own choice.
A businessman can study the methods of running a business. A student can enlarge his
knowledge and pass the examination with good marks. The reading rooms create a sense of
discipline, research, inquiry and fellowship. They have a healthy, beneficial effect on the minds
of the students. Everyone should visit the library.
20-A Rainy Day / A Rain Storm / The Monsoon
It was the second week of July. The sun was shining brightly. It was very hot. It was close
since morning. Everybody was perspiring from head to foot. Everybody was praying for rain.
The newspapers carried the reports of deaths by heat-stroke. Even animals were dying of heat
and thirst.
Suddenly, black clouds appeared. They covered the whole sky. A cool breeze began to blow.
It flashed and thundered for sometime. Soon, it started drizzling. Then it began to rain heavily.
The streets were full of water. Young boys ran out of their houses to enjoy a bath. They floated
paper-boats and ate mangoes. They splashed at one another and enjoyed themselves of it much.
A new current of life ran everywhere. Leaves of the trees began to glitter. The crops were
washed. The birds began to sing and dance. Atmosphere became clean and pleasant. Freshness
spread everywhere. A pleasant wind began to blow. The roads and streets were washed. The
crops and the trees flourished. Everyone looked happy and thanked Allah Tala.
21-A True Muslim
The follower of Islam is called a Muslim. To be a Muslim is a great blessing of Allah. A
Muslim has firm faith in Allah and His Prophet Hazrat Muhammad. He believes in the other
Prophets of Allah, His angels, the Holy Books, the Day of Judgement and the Hereafter. He
believes that Allah is the Creator of everything.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
He knows the secrets of his heart. He spends money in the way of Allah. He offers prayers
regularly. He observes fasts. He pays Zakat. He helps the needy. He seeks Islamic knowledge.
He is very pure and pious. He does not hurt anyone's feelings. He does not tell a lie. He avoids
backbiting. He treats his neighbours well. He meets others with a smiling face.
He is eager to seek knowledge. He does good deeds. He is a true lover of the Holy Prophet.
He sacrifices his life for Islam. A true Muslim knows that he is answerable to Allah for his
deeds. He behaves well with his subjects and servants. If he is a true Muslim, he is better than
an angel. He is blessed by Allah.
8-Pair Of Words (5 Marks)
No Words Sentence
1✓ Affect ‫اثر کرنا‬ The fever affected him badly.
Effect ‫اثر‬ My advice had a good effect on him.
2✓ Advice ‫نصیحت‬ My advice had a good effect on him.
Advise ‫نصیحت کرنا‬ I advised him to reach in time.
3✓ Altar ‫قربان گاہ‬ I bought a goat from altar.
Alter ‫بدلنا‬ I never alter my program.
4 Altogether ‫بالکل‬ He is altogether ready to go with me.
All together ‫سب اکھٹے‬ They went there all together.
5 Angels ‫فرشتے‬ Angels are the creature of Allah.
Angles ‫زاویے‬ A triangle has three angles.
6✓ Bail ‫ضمانت‬ He released on bail.
Bale ‫گانٹھ‬ I bought a bale of cotton.
7 Bare ‫ننگا‬ Don’t go out bare-headed.
Bear ‫ریچھ‬ I saw a bear in the Zoo.
8✓ Birth ‫پیدائش‬ What is your date of birth ?
Berth ‫نشت‬ I sat on berth.
9✓ Beside ‫پہلو میں‬ The child was sitting beside his mother.
Besides ‫عالوہ‬ I can speak English besides Urdu.
10✓ Break ‫توڑنا‬ I broken the glass of window.
Brake ‫بریک‬ Brake of car is not working.
11 Cool ‫ٹھنڈا‬ It’s cool today.
Cold ‫یخ‬ Water was very cold.
12✓ Cloth ‫ان سال کپڑا‬ He bought a piece of cloth.
Clothe ‫سال ہوا کپڑا‬ I wear loose clothes.
13✓ Cell ‫کوٹھڑی‬ He lives in narrow cell.
Sell ‫بیچنا‬ He sells the books.
14 Compare ‫مقابلہ کرنا‬ Compare these two books.
Contrast ‫تضاد‬ His actions contrast his claims.
15✓ Device ‫آلہ‬ This device is good for reading.
Devise ‫تدبیر سوچنا‬ Devise and act.
16 Deny ‫حقیقت سے انکار‬ He denied the verses of the Holy Quran.
Refuse ‫کام سے انکار‬ He refused to help me.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc

17✓ Dairy ‫ڈیری‬ He runs a dairy.

Diary ‫ڈائری‬ I bought a new diary. / I wrote the diary.
18 Dew ‫شبنم‬ Dew drops fall at night.
Due ‫وجہ‬ Give me my due rights.
19✓ Die ‫مرنا‬ He died of cancer.
Dye ‫رنگنا‬ He dyed his hair black.
20✓ Dose ‫خوراک‬ He took a dose of medicine.
Doze ‫اونگھنا‬ He is dozing in his class.
21 Droop ‫جھک جانا‬ The crops drooped due to heat.
Drop ‫قطرہ‬ He dropped a stone into water.
22✓ Elder ‫بڑا‬ Hussain is my elder brother.
Older ‫پرانا‬ His pen is older than mine.
23 Eligible ‫اہل‬ You’re eligible for this post.
Illegible ‫جوپڑھانہ جا‬ Her handwriting is illegible.
24✓ Except ‫سوائے‬ All came, except Hussain.
Accept ‫قبول کرنا‬ He accepted my request.
25 Expect ‫توقع کرنا‬ I expect to get good marks in the examination.
Hope ‫امید کرنا‬ I hope to get first position in the examination.
26 Feet ‫پاؤں‬ I have two feet.
Feat ‫کرتب‬ The juggler is showing feats.
27✓ Floor ‫فرش‬ Don’t sit on floor.
Flour ‫آٹا‬ I bought a bag of flour.
28✓ Fair ‫میلہ‬ A fair is held in our village.
Fare ‫کرایہ‬ Arooba didn’t pay fare.
29 Foul ‫غلط‬ He always plays foul game.
Fowl ‫پرندہ‬ I keep many fowls.
30✓ Gate ‫دروازہ‬ Shut the gate.
Gait ‫چال‬ Her gait is charming.
31 Goal ‫منزل مقصود‬ He couldn’t get his goal.
Gaol ‫جیل‬ He was sent to gaol.
32✓ Heal ‫زخم بھرنا‬ His wound will heal very soon.
Heel ‫ایڑی‬ These shoes have high heels.
33 Healthy ‫تندرست‬ She looks healthy now.
Healthful ‫صحت بخش‬ Milk is healthful diet.
34✓ Idle ‫بیکار‬ Don’t sit idle.
Idol ‫بت‬ The Hindus worship idols.
35 Invent ‫ایجاد کرنا‬ Marconi invented radio.
Discover ‫دریافت کرنا‬ Columbus discovered America.
36✓ Ice ‫برف‬ Ice is used in summer.
Snow ‫برفباری‬ Snow fall on the mountain.
37 Lose ‫کھونا‬ We should not lose time.
Loose ‫ڈھیال‬ I wear loose clothes.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc

38✓ Lesson ‫سبق‬ This lesson is not easy.

Lessen ‫کم کرنا‬ Try to lessen your weight.
39✓ Later ‫بعد میں‬ I came later than him.
Latter ‫مؤخر الذکر‬ Ali & Hussain, the latter is my uncle.
Letter ‫خط‬ I wrote a letter.
40 Liar ‫جھوٹا‬ No one trusts in a liar.
Lawyer ‫وکیل‬ He is a lawyer.
41 Lovely ‫پیارا‬ It is lovely scene.
Lovable ‫قابل محبت‬ She is a lovable child.
42 Medal ‫تمغہ‬ He won the gold medal.
Meddle ‫مداخلت کرنا‬ Don’t meddle in my affairs.
43✓ Meet ‫ملنا‬ Who want to meet me ?
Meat ‫گوشت‬ He bought meat for his son.
44 Metal ‫دھات‬ Gold is precious metal.
Mettle ‫جرات‬ He acted with mettle.
45✓ Marry ‫شادی کرنا‬ He married Urwa.
Merry ‫خوش‬ Eat, drink and be merry.
46 Minor ‫معمولی‬ This is a minor mistake.
Miner ‫کارکن‬ His father is a miner.
47 Necessity ‫ضرورت‬ Necessity is the mother of invention.
Necessary ‫ضروری‬ Water is necessary for life.
48 Observation ‫مشاہدہ‬ She has quick observation.
Observance ‫پابندی‬ Observance of rules is necessary.
49✓ Profit ‫منافع‬ We are getting good profit.
Prophet ‫پیغمبر‬ The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was very kind.
50✓ Principal ‫پرنسپل‬ Mr. Iqbal is our school principal.
Principle ‫اصول‬ Follow the principles of school.
51 Populous ‫گنجان‬ Karachi is a populous city.
Popular ‫مشہور‬ He is a very popular teacher.
52✓ Piece ‫ٹکڑا‬ I bought a piece of cloth.
Peace ‫امن‬ Peace is better than war.
53 Pray ‫دعا کرنا‬ We should pray to Allah.
Prey ‫شکار‬ Lion is a animal of prey.
54✓ People ‫لوگ‬ Many people went to the fair.
Peoples ‫قومیتیں‬ Different peoples live in Sher Garh.
55 Pour ‫انڈیلنا‬ Pour some water into the glass.
Pore ‫مسام‬ There are many pores in our body.
56✓ Quite ‫بالکل‬ I am quite healthy.
Quiet ‫خاموش‬ Be quiet. / He was sitting quiet.
57 Respectable ‫معزز‬ Shazim belongs to a respectable family.
Respectful ‫مؤدب‬ He is respectful to his teacher.
58✓ Rain ‫بارش‬ It’s raining.
Rein ‫لگام‬ He pulled the rein of horse.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
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Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
59 Robbed ‫ڈاکہ مارا‬ The robber robbed the people.
Stolen ‫چوری ہوا‬ He has stolen my book.
60 Role ‫کردار‬ He played an important role in drama.
Roll ‫فہرست‬ The teacher took the roll call.
61 Root ‫جڑ‬ This tree has deep roots.
Route ‫راستہ‬ Follow the right route.
62✓ Story ‫کہانی‬ This is a false story.
Storey ‫منزل‬ Hussain lives in the upper storey.
63✓ Sale ‫فروخت‬ This book is not for sale.
Sail ‫بحری جہاز کا چلنا‬ The ship is sailing.
64 Sink ‫بے جان چیز کا ڈوبنا‬ The ship sank in the sea.
Drown ‫جاندار چیز کا‬ The child drowned in the sea.
65✓ Stationary ‫ساکن‬ The Sun is stationary.
Stationery ‫سامان تحریر‬ He sells stationery.
66✓ Sole ‫جوتے کا تلوا‬ Color of sole was red.
Soul ‫روح‬ We can’t see the Soul.
67 Scene ‫منظر‬ This scene is very beautiful.
Seen ‫دیکھا یوا‬ I have not seen him before.
68 Teach ‫پڑھانا‬ I teach him English.
Learn ‫سیکھنا‬ I have learnt my lesson.
69 Team ‫ٹیم‬ Our team will win the match.
Teem ‫بھرا ہونا‬ The river teems with fish.
70 Urbane ‫با اخالق‬ He has the urbane manners.
Urban ‫شہری‬ He lives in urban area.
71✓ Vain ‫بے سود‬ This lesson is vain to teach him.
Vein ‫رگ‬ The blood runs in veins.
72✓ Vale ‫وادی‬ Kashmir is beautiful vale.
Vail ‫نقاب‬ In village, women wear veil.
73 Wine ‫شراب‬ Don’t drink wine.
Vine ‫انگور کی بیل‬ Grapes were hanging with the vine.
74 Waste ‫ضائع کرنا‬ Don’t waste your time.
Waist ‫کمر‬ Her waist is very thin.
75✓ Write I wrote the diary.
Right Keep you right.
76 Wave ‫لہر‬ He swam over the waves.
Waive ‫ہٹا لینا‬ He waived me in this case.
77 Way ‫راستہ‬ This is the right way.
Weigh ‫وزن کرنا‬ Please weigh this packet.
78✓ Weak ‫کمزور‬ He is weak in Math.
Week ‫ہفتہ‬ There are seven days in a week.
79 Yoke ‫بیلوں کی جوڑی‬ He has a yoke of oxen.
Yolk ‫انڈے کی زردی‬ I like the yolk of egg.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 26
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
9- Direct & Indirect Narrations (5 Marks)

Direct Indirect
The judge said, “Have you anything more to The judge asked if I had anything more to
say?” say.
He said, “Do you have any share in this firm?” He asked if I had any share in that firm.
She said, “What a pity you missed that She exclaimed with sorrow that I had missed
function.” that function.
The teacher said, “Who is the next on list? The teacher asked who the next was on list.
He said to her, “I live in this building.” He told her that he lived in that building.
He said, “I am watering the plants in the He said that he was watering the plants in the
garden.” garden.
She said to me, “Do not waste time in idle talk.” She advised me not to waste time in idle talk.
He said, “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” He asked I was not ashamed of myself.
The pupil said, “Where have I eased?” The pupil asked where I had eased.
He said, “I completed my drawing half an hour He said that he had completed his drawing
ago.” half an hour ago.
The teacher said, “I have often told you not to The teacher said that he had often told us not
play with fire.” to play with fire.
Rehana said, “Will you stop interfering in my Rehana asked if I would stop interfering in
work?” her work.
The stranger said, “Which is the way to zoo?” The stranger asked which the way was to zoo.
He says, “She has written me a very encouraging He says that she has written him a very
letter.” encouraging letter.
He said, “Alas! We cannot defeat our enemies.’’ He exclaimed with sorrow that they could not
defeat their enemies.
She said, “I like clouds in the sky.” She said that she liked clouds in the sky.
My brother said to me, “you have missed the My brother told me that I had missed the
point point completely.
The mother said, “Didn’t I ask you not to go The mother asked if she had not asked me not
there?” to go there.
The master said to the servant, “Go and fetch me The master ordered the servant to go and
a glass of milk.” fetch him a glass of milk.
She said, “What a beautiful piece of art it is.’’ She exclaimed with wonder that it was a
beautiful piece of art.
Zahid (He) said to his friend, “Please lend me Zahid (He) requested his friend to lend him
your bike for a day.” his bike for a day.
The judge said, “Call the next witness.” The judge ordered to call the next witness.
He said to her, “Please fetch me a glass of He requested her to fetch him a glass of
water.” water.
The manager said, “How do you propose to The manager asked how I proposed to solve
solve this problem?” that problem.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 27
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
The father said to his son, “Get up early in the The father advised his son to get up early in
morning and go for a walk.” the morning and go for a walk.
They said, “Have you ever visited Murree They asked if I had ever visited Murree Hills.
Raza said, “Where are you going?” Raza asked where I was going.
The teacher said, “Whose is this book?” The teacher asked whose that book was.
She says, “We have shifted to another house.” She says that they have shifted to another
He said to me, “You are not running very fast.” He told me that I was not running very fast.
The doctor says, “The patient is still in a state of The doctor says that the patient is still in a
coma.” state of coma.
The teacher says, “She has always been a good The teacher says that she has always been a
student.” good student.
He said, “They are not doing their duty well.” He said that they were not doing their duty
She will say, “He did not come up to my She will say that he did not come up to her
expectation.” expectation.
The teacher will say, “You have done your work The teacher will say that I have done my
very well.” work very well.
She said, “I am helping my mother in the She said that she was helping her mother in
kitchen.” the kitchen.
They said, “We have done our duty.” They said that they had done their duty.
The teacher said to the pupil, “Read the The teacher ordered the pupil to read the
paragraph and explain it in simple English.” paragraph and explain it in simple English.
She said, “May you succeed.” She prayed that I might succeed.
He said to his son, “Work hard.” He advised his son to work hard.
Mother said, “Where is your friend.” Mother enquire of where my friend was.
He said, “I am not a thief.” He said that he was not a thief.
He said, “I have returned the pen.” He said that he had returned the pen.
She said, “I do not agree with you.” She said that she did not agree with him.
You will say, “I am cranky.” You will say that you are cranky.
Roshana said, “Let us finish our work first.” Roshana suggested that they should finish
their work first.
He said, “Hurrah! I have won the medal.” He exclaimed with joy that he had won the
The teacher said, “The Earth is round.” The teacher said that the Earth is round.
He said to me, “Open the door.” He ordered me to open the door.
The referee said, “Quiet, please.” The referee requested the spectators to be
10-Translate the following paragraph into English. (8 Marks)

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 28
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc

‫یہ سردیوں کی ایک رات تھی۔ ہم سورہے تھے۔ ایکا ایک کسی نے دروازہ کھٹکھٹایا۔ میں اور میرے والد اتھ بیٹ ھے ۔ ہم نے سوچا کوئی چور ہوگا۔ اس لیے ہم نے‬
‫بٹدوق لے لی اور دروازے پر آ گیے۔ میرے والد صاحب نے یوچھا " دورازے پر کون ہے؟ چواب مال میں ایک غربب آدمی ہوں اور تھوکا ہوں۔ ہم نے دروازہ‬
‫کھوال ۔ اس کو ایدر لے آنے اور کچھ کھانے کو دیا۔ اس نے ہما را شکر یہ ادا کٹا اور چال گٹا۔‬
It was a winter night. We were asleep. All of a sudden, someone knocked at the door. My father
and I woke up. We thought there might be a thief. Therefore, we took the gun and reached the
door. My father asked, “Who is at the door?” There came the reply, “I am a poor hungry man.”
We opened the door. We took him inside and gave him something to eat. He thanked us and
went away.
‫والدین کی غزت کریا ہمارا اچالقی فرض ہے۔ وہ ہمارا بہت خٹال رکھیے ہیں۔ وہ ہمیں چوراک د بیے ہیں۔ وہ ہمیں لٹاس د بیے ہیں۔ وہ ہمیں تمام حیزیں مہٹا‬
‫کرنے ہیں جن کی ہمیں ضرورت ہوئی ہےل۔ وہ ہمیں شکول ھ یجیے ہیں۔ یا کہ ہم یعلٹم چاصل کرنے کے یعد ان کی چدمت کریں۔ اس سے ہمیں راحت‬
‫ملے گی۔‬
It is our moral duty to respect our parents. They take much care of us. They give us food. They
give us clothes. They provide us with all the things that we need. They send us to school so
that we may serve them after getting education. It will bring us comfort.
‫چڑیا گ ھر میں ہم نے بہت سے چایور د یکھے۔ یہ چایور ہم نے بہلے کٹھی بہیں د یکھے تھے۔ ہم سب بہت چوش ہونے۔ میرا چھویا تھائی چاص طور پر چوش ہوا۔ حب‬
‫ " کٹا آپ مچھے ایک مورچرید کر دے شکیے ہیں؟ یہ بہت چویصورت چایور ہے۔ ایا‬،"‫اس نے مورد یکھا یو چوشی سے اچھلیے لگا۔ اس نے ایا چان سے کہا " ایا چان‬
‫چان نے بٹایا کہ یہ مور بیجیے کے لیے بہیں ہیں۔‬
We saw many animals in the zoo. We had never seen these animals before. We all were very
happy. My younger brother was particularly happy. He began to jump with joy when he saw a
peacock. He said to the father, “Father, can you buy me a peacock? It is a very beautiful
animal.” The father told that those peacocks were not for sale.
‫ایک یو چوان یاغ میں بیٹ ھا تھا۔ وہ کچھ فکر مٹد تھا۔ کچھ دپر یعد ایک یوڑھا آدمی یاغ میں داچل ہوا۔ اس نے یوچوان کو ایک خط دیا۔ یوچوان نے خط کھوال اور اسے‬
‫پڑھ ٹا۔ وہ خط پڑھ کر بہت چوش ہوا۔ اس کے فکر مٹدی کے آیار غابب ہو گیے۔ اس نے یوڑھے آدمی کا شکر یہ ادا کٹا۔‬
A young man was sitting in a garden. He was a bit worried. After sometime, an old man entered
the garden. He gave the young man a letter. The young man opened the letter and read it. He
was very happy to read the letter. The signs of his worry vanished. He thanked the old man.
‫دودھ ایک کمل غذا ہے۔ یہ میٹ ھا اور لذیذ ہویا ہے۔ اس کا ریگ سفٹد ہویا ہے۔ ہم زیادہ پر دودھ گانے اور تھینس سے چاص ل کرنے ہیں۔ دودھ ہمیں صحت‬
‫ کھن اور بنیر تھی بٹانے ہیں۔ بچوں اور مریصوں کے نے دودھ مٹل قٹمت غذا ہے۔ دودھ کو ہمنشہ ایال کر استعمال‬، ‫مٹد اور طاقتور بٹایا ہے۔ ہم اس سے دہی‬
‫کریا چا ہیے ۔‬
Milk is a perfect diet. It is sweet and delicious. Its colour is white. We get milk mostly from
cows and buffaloes. Milk makes us healthy and strong. We also make curd, butter and cheese
from it. Milk is a very useful diet for children and patients. Milk should always be used after
being boiled.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 29
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc

‫ چو میر ایو اڈھویڈ کر النے گا میں اسے دس رونے دوں گا۔‬،‫ایک کیچوس تھا۔ ایک دفعہ اس کا بتوا گم ہو گٹا۔ بتوے میں ایک سو رونے تھے۔ اس نے اغالن کٹا‬
‫ "میرے‬،‫ایک دن ایک کسان اس کا بتوا لے کر آیا۔ کیچوس نے بتوا دیکھا۔ اس میں یورے سورہ نے تھے۔ حب کہ شان نے ابٹا ایعام ما یگا یو کیچوس نے کہا‬
"‫بتوے میں ایک سو رونے تھے۔ اب ضرف سو ہیں ۔ تم بہلے ہی دس رونے لے چکے ہو۔‬
There was a miser. Once his purse was lost. There were one hundred rupees in the purse. He
announced, “I shall give ten rupees to the one who finds my purse and brings it to me.” One
day, a farmer came with his purse. The miser looked into the purse. It contained the same one
hundred rupees. When the farmer demanded his reward, the miser said, “There were one
hundred and ten rupees in my purse. Now there are only one hundred rupees in it. You have
already taken ten rupees.”
‫میری والدہ مچھ سے بہت مجبت کرئی ہے۔ وہ میری صحت کا ہمنشہ خٹال رکھتی ہے۔ ایسی چوراک یکائی ہیں چو میں یسٹد کریا ہوں۔ لٹکن مچھے زیادہ کھانے سے‬
‫روکتی ہیں۔ مچھے ا چ ھے ا چ ھے کیڑے د بتی ہیں۔ زیادہ قٹمتی کیڑوں کے چالف ہیں۔ مچھے یا فاغدہ کٹابیں پڑھائی ہیں۔ میں ایگرپزی میں ذرا کمزور ہوں۔ لہذا اتھوں‬
‫نے میرے لیے ایک اسٹا در کھا ہے۔ مچھے روزایہ پڑھیے کی یاکٹد کرئی ہیں۔‬
My mother loves me very much. She always takes care of my health. She cooks such food as I
like. But she stops me from overeating. She gives me fine clothes. She is against costly clothes.
She teaches me books regularly. I am a bit weak in English. Therefore, she has arranged a tutor
for me. She lays stress on me to study daily.
‫میں دسویں چماعت میں پڑھٹا ہوں۔ جس شکول میں میں پڑھٹا ہوں وہ شہر کا ایک مشہور شکول ہے۔ میری چماعت کو چار اسٹاد پڑھانے ہیں۔ وہ سب کے‬
‫سب بہت فایل ہیں۔ لٹکن مچھے سب سے زیادہ مسیر زید یسٹد ہیں۔ وہ ہمیں ایگرپزی اور جساب پڑھانے ہیں۔ ان کے پڑھانے کا طریقہ ابٹا اچھا ہے کہ چو کچھ‬
‫وہ پڑھانے ہیں فور آیا د ہو چایا ہے۔ اس لیے ان کی چماعت کا بییجہ سوق تصد ہویا ہے۔‬
I study in class 10. The school in which I study is a famous school of the city. Four teachers
teach my class. They all are able teachers. But I like Mr. Zaid the most. He teaches us English
and Mathematics. His method of teaching is so good that what he teaches we learn it then and
there. Therefore, his class shows hundred percent results.
‫شیر ایک طاقتور چایور ہے۔ یہ دیکھیے میں بہت چوقٹاک یظر آیا ہے۔ اس کی گردن پر لمیے لمیے یال ہونے ہیں۔ یہ افریقہ اور ایسٹا کے خ تگلوں میں یایا چایا ہے۔ یہ‬
‫غاروں میں رہٹا ہے۔ اسے خ تگل کا یادشاہ کہیے ہیں۔ یہ ایسان کا پڑا دشمن ہے۔ لٹکن سکاری اس کے بچوں کو چرا لییے ہیں۔ وہ ان کو شد چانے ہیں۔ اور‬
‫سرکس میں ان سے کام لییے ہیں۔‬
The lion is a powerful animal. It gives a dangerous look. It has long hair (mane) on its neck. It
is found in the jungles of Africa and Asia. It lives in caves. It is called the king of jungle. It is
a great enemy of man. But the hunters steal its cubs. They train them and make them perform
in circus.
‫ میری عمر ضرف یابچ شال تھی۔ دس پرس سے میں اس مکان میں رو رہا ہوں۔ ہمارا کببہ بہت پڑا ہے۔‬،‫یہ ہمارا مکان ہے۔ حب ایا چان نے یہ مکان چریدا‬
‫لٹکن یہ مکان بہت چھویا ہے۔ ایا چان کہیے ہیں کہ وہ اس مکان کو بیچ دی گے اور ایک پڑا مکان گیرگ میں چریدیں گے۔ مگر میں اس مکان کو چھوڑیا بہیں‬
‫چاہٹا۔ مچھے اس مکان سے مجبت ہو گتی ہے۔‬
It is our house. I was only five years old when the father bought this house. I have been living
in this house for ten years. Our family is very large but this house is very small. The father says

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 30
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
that he would sell this house and buy a big one in Gulberg. But I do not want to leave this
house. I love this house.
‫ایک دفعہ دو دوست سفر پر روایہ ہونے۔ ابہوں نے ایک دوسرے سے وغدہ کٹا کہ وہ ایک دوسرے کی مصی بت میں مدد کریں گے۔ وہ ایک خ تگل میں بہیچے۔‬
‫ابہوں نے ایک ربچھ کو ابتی طرف آنے دیکھا۔ ان میں سے ایک تھاگا اور درحت پر چڑھ گٹا۔ اس کا دوست درحت پر یہ چڑھ سکا۔ وہ لبٹ گٹا اور دم شادھ لٹا۔‬
Once two friends set out on a journey. They promised to help each other in trouble. They
reached a jungle. They saw a bear coming towards them. One of them ran and climbed up a
tree. His friend could not climb up the tree. He lay down and held his breath.
‫یع‬ ‫یع‬
ِ ‫اب مڈل یک لٹم مفت ہو گتی ہے۔ اب غربتوں کے بچے تھی لٹم چاص ل کر شکیں گے۔ چ‬
‫کومت یاکسٹان نے کالج اور شکول ا بیے کنیرول میں لے لیے‬
‫ٰ یع‬
‫ہیں۔ ملک میں ہر شخص کو پراپر کے خقوق ہوں گے۔ چکومت ذہین بچوں کی وطایف دے گی۔ وہ اغلی لٹمی اداروں میں یعلٹم چاصل کر شکیں گے۔ ہم بٹا‬
‫اور مصتوط یاکسٹان بٹا بیں گے۔ ہمیں ملک کی پرقی کے لیے کوشش کرئی چا ہیے۔‬
Education is free up to the middle classes now. Now the children of the poor will also be able
to get education. The government of Pakistan has taken the schools and colleges under its
control. Everyone in the country will enjoy equal rights. The government will give scholarships
to the intelligent children. They will be able to get education in high-ranking educational
institutions. We will build a new powerful Pakistan. We should struggle for the development
of the country.
‫ ت ھر سر شیز کھیتوں‬، ‫شہر آنے سے بہلے ہم گاؤں میں رہیے تھے۔ گاؤں میں ہم لوگ بہت چوش تھے۔ ہم صیح سوپرے اتھیے تھے۔ مبہ ہاتھ دھو کر تماز پڑھیے‬
‫میں شیر کے لیے چانے۔ دوبہر کو درختوں کی چھاؤں میں سونے تھے۔ گاؤں کے یاس ایک یدی بہتی تھی ۔ اس کا یائی صاف اور تھٹڈا تھا۔‬
Before coming to the city, we lived in a village. We were very happy in the village. We got up
early in the morning. After doing ablution, we offered the prayers and then went to the lush
green fields for a walk. In the afternoon, we slept in the shade of trees. A stream flowed near
the village. Its water was clean and cold.
‫خضرت مچمد صلی ہللا غلبہ وآلہ وشلم مکے میں بٹدا ہونے۔ آپ کے والد کا یام عٹد ہللا تھا۔ آپ کے دادا نے آپ کی پرورش کی۔ حب آپ بچنس پرس کے ہو‬
‫گیے یو آپ نے خضرت چدبجہ سے شادی کر لی۔ حب آپ چالنس پرس کے ہونے یو آپ نے کہا کہ میں یابٹمیر ہوں۔ میری یات غور سے ستو۔ چدا ایک ہے‬
‫اس کی عٹادت کرو۔‬
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was born in Makkah. His father’s name was Abdullah. His
grandfather brought him up. When he was twenty five years old, he married Hazrat Khadeeja
(RA). When he was forty years old, he said, “I am a prophet of Allah.” Listen to me. Allah is
one. Worship Him.
‫ایور میرا سب سے بہیرین دوست ہے۔ اس کے والد ایک اسٹاد ہیں۔ وہ بہت بٹک اور اتمایدار آدمی ہیں۔ ایور ہمارے گ ھر کے فربب ہی رہٹا ہے۔ اس کا مکان‬
‫بہت اچھا اور چویصورت ہے۔ ہم اکھیے شکول چانے ہیں۔ شام کو میں اس کے گ ھر چایا ہوں۔ ہم اکھیے پڑھیے ہیں۔ وہ امیحان میں ہمنشہ اول آیا ہے۔ وہ صاف‬
‫سٹ ھرے کیڑے بہیٹا ہے۔‬
Anwar is my best friend. His father is a teacher. He is a very pious and honest man. Anwar
lives near our house. His house is very good and beautiful. We go to school together. In the
evening, I go to his house. We study together. He always gets a first in the exams. He wears
neat and clean clothes.

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512
‫)‪1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24‬‬ ‫‪31‬‬
‫‪Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc‬‬

‫ڈر ہے کہ خٹد شال یعد دبٹا کا بٹل خٹم ہو چانے گا۔ ہر ملک یہ کوشش کر رہا ہے کہ بٹل کے مزید ذحیرے دریاقت کرے۔ معلوم بہیں کہ یہ کوشش کس‬
‫چد یک کامٹاب ہوگی۔ ضرورت اس یات کی ہے کہ ہم ابتی بٹل کی ضروریات کو کم کریں ۔ صتعت و زراعت میں بٹل کی کھبت کو کم بہیں کٹا چاشکٹا۔ الببہ‬
‫بجی ضروریوں کو کم کٹا چاشکٹا ہے۔ ہمیں چا ہیے کہ یاہر سے کاروں کی چگہ بہیں درآمد کریں۔ یا کہ طالب غلموں کے لیے یسوں کی شہولت کو بہیر بٹایا چا شکے۔‬
‫‪It is feared that the world will run out of oil in a few years. Every country is trying to discover‬‬
‫‪more reserves of oil. It is not yet known how much fruit this effort will bring. The need is that‬‬
‫‪we should reduce our needs of oil. The consumption of oil for industry and agriculture cannot‬‬
‫‪be reduced. However, the private needs can be cut down. We should import buses instead of‬‬
‫‪cars so that the facility of buses for the students can be improved.‬‬
‫الہ دین چین کے شہر بیجٹگ میں رہٹا تھا۔ اس کا والد درزی کا کام کریا تھا۔ وہ بہت مچیتی شخص تھا۔ الہ دین اتھی چھویا ہی تھا کہ اس کے والد کا اب تقال ہو‬
‫گٹا۔ الہ دین اور اس کی والدہ نے بہت افالس کی زیدگی گزاری۔ الہ دین بہت کا مل تھا۔ وہ تمام دن گلتوں میں کھٹلٹا اور کوئی کام بہیں کریا تھا۔ الببہ وہ‬
‫جسمائی طور ر مصتوط اور طاقتور تھا۔‬
‫‪Allahdin lived in Beijing, a city in China. His father worked as a tailor. He was a very‬‬
‫‪hardworking man. Allahdin was still a young child when his father died. Allahdin and his‬‬
‫‪mother lived a very poor life. Allahdin was very lazy. He played the whole day in streets and‬‬
‫‪did nothing. However, he was strong and powerful physically.‬‬
‫چوہری یوایائی کو ایسان کے فایدے کے لیے استعمال کٹا چاشکٹا ہے۔ اسے دبٹا کو بٹاہ کرنے کے لیے تھی استعمال کٹا چاشکٹا ہے۔ چوہری یوایائی ہمارے سے‬
‫تھی بٹدا کر شکتی ہے۔ کراچی میں ایک بحلی گ ھر ہے۔ آج کل چوہری یوایائی سے بٹدا کی چانے والی بٹکی مستی ہونے کے امکان موچود ہیں۔ ہمیں چا ہیے کہ‬
‫چوہری یوایائی کو ضرف پر امن مقاصد کے لیے استعمال کریں۔‬
‫‪Atomic energy can be used for the benefit of man. It can also be used to destroy the world.‬‬
‫‪Atomic energy can produce electricity for us. There is a power station in Karachi. Now-a-days,‬‬
‫‪there are chances that the electricity produced by atomic energy would be cheap. We should‬‬
‫‪use atomic energy only for peaceful purposes.‬‬
‫آدمی ابتی قسمت چود بٹایا ہے۔ اس کو چا ہیے کہ مجبت کرے اور لگن سے کام کرے یا کہ ابتی زیدگی میں کامٹاب ہو شکے۔ مجبت اس دبٹا کی سب سے پڑی‬
‫خف تفت ہے جس کو چھٹالیا بہیں چاشکٹا۔ اگر ہم ماضی میں یظر دوڑابیں یو معلوم ہوگا کہ چییے تھی عظٹم آدمی گزرے ہیں سب نے مجبت اور ہمت سے کام لٹا‬
‫اور ابتی قسمت ستواری۔ اپراہم یسان امریکہ کا صدر گزرا ہے۔ اگر یام اس کی زیدگی کا مطالعہ کریں یو معلوم ہوگا کہ وہ لکڑ ہارے کا بیٹا تھا لٹکن اس کو پڑھیے کا‬
‫سوق تھا۔‬
‫‪Man shapes his destiny himself. He should work hard and do his duties with devotion so that‬‬
‫‪he may succeed in his life. Hard work is the greatest reality of the world which cannot be‬‬
‫‪denied. If we look into the past, we will come to know that all the great men of the past did‬‬
‫‪their work with hardihood and courage and bettered their lot. Abraham Lincoln was a president‬‬
‫‪of America. If we study his life, we will come to know that he was the son of a woodcutter.‬‬
‫‪But he was fond of getting education.‬‬
‫میرے گ ھر کے شا میے ایک یاغ ہے۔ اس میں بہت سے یودے اور درحت ہیں۔ بہار کے موشم میں کتی ریگ کے تھول کھلیے ہیں۔ ان کو چوستو اردگرد تھٹل‬
‫چائی ہے۔ شام کو یاغ آدمتوں غوریوں اور بچوں سے ت ھر چایا ہے۔ لوگ ادھر ادھر ت ھرنے ہیں اور لطف اتھانے ہیں۔ بچے یاغ میں دوڑنے ہیں۔ اب وہ بہاں‬
‫ہیں اور دوسرے لمچے وہ یاغ کے دوسرے کونے میں ہیں۔ ہر شام میں تھی یاغ میں شیر کے لیے چایا ہوں۔ بہت سے مالی یاغ کی دیکھ تھال کرنے ہیں۔‬

‫)‪Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar‬‬

‫‪Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512‬‬
1st Edition English Class 10th (2023-24) 32
Written By : Nigah_e_Hussain M.Sc
There is a garden in front of my house. There are many plants and trees in it. There bloom
flowers of many colours in spring. Their fragrance spreads all around. In the evening, the
garden is filled with men, women and children. People promenade here and there and enjoy
themselves. Children run around in the garden. Now they are here and at the next moment, they
are in the other corner of the garden. I also go to the garden for a walk on every evening. Many
gardeners look after the garden.
‫ال ہور ایک پرایا اور یاربجی شہر ہے۔ یہ دریانے راوی کے کٹارے پر وافع ہے۔ یہ صویہ بیحاب کادار الحکومت ہے۔ اس شہر میں بہت شی یاربجی عماربیں ہیں۔‬
‫یادشاہی مسحد دبٹا کی سب سے پڑی مسحدوں میں سے ایک ہے۔ شاہی مسحد کے یاس ہی غالمہ اقٹال کا مزار ہے۔ اقٹال نے ہم کو یاکسٹان کا یصور دیا۔ فرار‬
‫داد یاکسٹان الہور میں ہی م تظور کی گتی تھی۔ میٹار یاکسٹان اشی فرارداد کی یاد میں یعمیر کٹا گٹا۔ یہ اقٹال یارک میں یعمیر کٹا گٹا۔‬
Lahore is an old and historical city. It stands on the bank of the River Ravi. It is the capital of
the province, the Punjab. There are many historical buildings in this city. Badshahi Masjid is
one of the greatest mosques of the world. The tomb of Allama Iqbal is also situated near Shahi
Masjid. Iqbal gave us the idea of Pakistan. The Resolution of Pakistan was passed in Lahore.
Minar-e-Pakistan was built as a memorial to this Resolution. It was built in Iqbal Park.
‫یہ یصوپر ہمارے گاؤں کی ہے۔ گاؤں کے یاہر ہرے ت ھرے کھبت ہیں۔ اب گرمی کا موشم ہے۔ سورج چوب چمک رہا ہے۔ وہ شا میے گٹدم کے کھبت‬
‫ مرد اور غوربیں مل کر کام کر رہے ہیں۔ فصل کجی ہوئی ہے۔ دبہائی اب کٹائی کریں گے اور‬،‫ یوڑھے‬،‫ہیں۔ گٹدم کے کھیتوں میں پڑی چہل بہل ہے۔ چوان‬
‫ابتی فصل کو شہر میں لے چابیں گے۔ ہمارے گاؤں میں بہت شی فایل دید حیز میں تھی ہیں۔ ہم گاؤں میں چوش ہیں۔ ہم ا بیے گاؤں کو چویصورت بٹابیں‬
It is a picture of our village. There are lush green fields outside the village. Now it is summer.
The sun is shining brightly. There lie wheat fields just in front of the village. There is a great
hustle and bustle in the wheat fields. The young, the old, men and women are working there
together. The crop is ripe. The villagers will harvest and take their crop to the city. There are
many things worth-seeing in our village. We are happy in the village. We will make our village
‫مدببہ غرب کا ایک مقدس شہر ہے۔ یہ مکہ سے ف ربٹا بین سو مٹل کے فاصلہ پر ہے۔ کاریں یہ فاصلہ چار یابچ گھییے میں طے کر لیتی ہیں۔ مدببہ ب تعمیر اشالم‬
‫صلی ہللا غلبہ وشلم کا شہر ہے۔ بہاں کتی مساچد ہیں لٹکن سب سے زیادہ مشہور مسحد بتوی ہے۔ اس مسحد میں رسول اکرم صلی ہللا غلبہ وشلم کا روضہ مٹارک‬
‫ہے۔ بہاں ایک الکھ مسلمان تماز پڑھ شکیے ہیں۔ مدببہ میں کتی ہویل ہیں۔ بہاں پرائی عماربیں تھی ہیں۔‬
Madina is a holy city of Arabia. It is about three hundred miles away from Makkah. Cars cover
this distance in four to five hours. Madina is the city of the Holy Prophet (SAW). There are
many mosques here; but Masjid-e-Nabwi is the most famous of all. The shrine of the Holy
Prophet (SAW) lies in this mosque. One lakh Muslims can offer their prayers here. There are
many hotels in Madina. Old buildings also stand there.
Written By : Nigah-e-Hussain M.Sc
Mobile No : 0349-7987024 / 0303-7919512

Al-Hussain Academy Sher Garh (Bhakkar)

Contact No : 0349-7987024/0303-7919512

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