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Jawaban :
1. In a bustling city, Sarah, an enthusiastic artist, starts her day with a cup of coffee, thinking about
the canvases that await her touch, the brushes and cat tubes that will cover her studio. She had to
start painting. She sketches landscapes, and then she adds vibrant colors.While the city buzzes
outside, her focus remains on capturing the quiet beauty within her art. Sarah frequently visits the
nearby art supply store for countable items like canvases. she is often found mixing colors,
experimenting with new techniques. Sarah creates intricate patterns on her canvas.The canvases
are adorned with strokes that reveal a hidden narrative. Sarah enjoys experimenting with blending

2. 1) Contoh Kalimat Countable Nouns :

I Put "The Book" On The Bed.
(Saya Meletakkan Buku Itu Di Atas Kasur.)

2) Contoh Kalimat Uncountable Nouns

My "Furniture" Was Replaced This Morning
( Furnitur Saya Telah Diganti Pagi Ini.)

3) Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

I go to school by bus.
(Saya pergi ke sekolah naik bus)

4) contoh kalimat simple present continuous tense

I am taking English course this year.
(Saya sedang mengambil kursus bahasa Inggris tahun ini.)
5) contoh kalimat active voice
Michael forgot to bring his report
(Michael lupa membawa laporannya).
6) contoh kalimat passive voice
The book is being read by Anita.
(Buku tersebut sedang dibaca oleh Anita.)
7) contoh kalimat gerund
Falling in love with someone’s wrong is so hurt.
(Jatuh cinta kepada orang yang salah sangatlah sakit)
8) contoh kalimat imfinitive
She can dance.
(Dia bisa menari.)

3.) 1. Agree, because taking a short break during study hours at school can improve your ability to
concentrate when studying again in class.
2. Disagree, The first reason students should not volunteer is because it defeats the purpose of
volunteering. If students are forced to do something, they will not put in as much effort as they would if
they decided to volunteer. Volunteering is about helping others and if students do not choose to volunteer,
they are not doing it because they want to help their community, they are doing it because they need to
get a diploma. This is one reason why volunteering is not required to graduate.
3. agree, karew This makes young children sexual and often parents are rude and pushy, as if the children
have to fulfill their parents' dreams.
4. disagree, although violent video games can make a child anxious, that agitation does not turn into
violent behavior towards other people.
5. disagree, sex education does not need to be part of the school curriculum because sex can grow and
emerge naturally without having to be taught.
6. As Muslims, this is not permitted because it can lead to slander and sin. but outside of the Islamic
religion, especially western citizens, it is normal to live together before getting married.
7. disagree, Often teachers don't really check the homework they give or don't discuss it because they also
have other activities and the lesson must continue. This makes the homework given useless because
students don't know whether their answers are right or wrong and if they are wrong how to correct them.
8. Disagree, because carrying a cellphone in this era is sometimes useful for learning, apart from that, if
something happens to a student, it's easy to contact their family, it's just a matter of how the teacher
supervises the students in using cellphones during learning.

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