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Họ và Tên: Nguyễn Thanh Bình

Lớp C6 – STT: 4

Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer.

1.What does AI bridge in global marketing?

A. Between users and products

B. Between businesses and customers

C. Between global reach and local relevance

D. Between different marketing strategies

Answer: C

L.8: Localization Bridges The Gap Between Global Reach And Local Relevance

2.How does AI help companies bridge the gap between global reach and local relevance?

A. By translating content into different languages

B. By analyzing user data to understand cultural trends

C. By targeting ads to specific locations

D. By using chatbots to provide customer support

Answer: B

L.10-11: AI bridges the gap by analyzing user data to understand cultural nuances, languages,
and dating trends

3.What type of data is crucial for AI tools to be successful in marketing?

A. Usernames and passwords

B. Demographics and cultural aspects

C. Credit card information and purchase history

D. Private messages and conversations between users

Answer: B
L.13-14: By analyzing demographics, preferences, and cultural aspects, AI tools can perform
sentiment analysis, social listening, and market research

4.What is one benefit of using AI-powered chatbots in marketing?

A. Replace the need for human customer service representatives.

B. Provide real-time customer support in multiple languages.

C. Personalize user interactions by anticipating user needs.

D. Collect user data for marketing purposes.

Answer: B

L.23-24: Companies can use AI chatbots to answer user questions and provide recommendations
in real-time, allowing them to anticipate user needs and tailor messaging accordingly.

5.How does AI use in creative endeavors help marketers?

A. It allows them to create more personalized marketing campaigns.

B. It automates the creation of visual content based on user preferences.

C. It helps them come up with new and original brand stories.

D. It provides them with access to a wider range of stock photos and videos

Answer: B

L.28-29: ,and even automate the creation of personalized visual content like videos and graphics.
Artificial Intelligence And Marketing—The Perfect Match


1 Marketing has continued to evolve over the years, and with the integration of artificial
2 intelligence, it has emerged as a transformative force. As marketers at one of the largest
3 social discovery companies in the world, we are constantly exploring innovative ways to
4 enhance user engagement, foster meaningful connections and drive business growth. AI
5 has entered the space and is changing how we think about marketing within the dating
6 industry—including localization, data-driven attribution, predictive conversations and its
7 impact on creative endeavors—but how can it help other marketing firms as well?

8 Localization Bridges The Gap Between Global Reach And Local Relevance

9 A big challenge for global companies is reaching a wide audience while offering local
11 experiences. AI bridges the gap by analyzing user data to understand cultural nuances,
12 languages, and dating trends. This allows for localized content, recommendations, and
targeted ads, personalizing the experience across regions.
14 Data is the key to AI success. By analyzing demographics, preferences, and cultural
15 aspects, AI tools can perform sentiment analysis, social listening, and market research.
This allows marketers to adapt materials accurately across languages and regions.
Data-Driven Attribution Unravels The Complexities Of User Behavior
18 Understanding user journeys and attributing conversions across various marketing
19 channels is crucial. AI helps analyze vast amounts of data to identify the most effective
20 channels and optimize strategies. Predictive modeling even forecasts future user
behavior, allowing for better resource allocation and maximized impact.
Predictive Conversations Anticipate User Needs and Preferences
23 AI-powered chatbots can analyzing user data user interactions. Companies can use AI
24 chatbots to answer user questions and provide recommendations in real-time, allowing
them to anticipate user needs and tailor messaging accordingly.
AI Use In Creative Elevates Brand Storytelling And Visual Communication
27 AI tools like generative design are changing how companies approach creative content
28 creation. These tools can analyze user-generated content to identify trends and
29 preferences, and even automate the creation of personalized visual content like videos
and graphics.
31 The way we engage with users, drive conversions, and build connections is changing
32 with AI. From localization and data analysis to personalized interactions and creative
33 content, AI empowers marketers to deliver experiences that resonate with users on a
deeper level.

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