Cosas Que He Estado Haciendo en El Último Año

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I have been learning: I've been learning Spanish for the past year to

broaden my linguistic skills and connect with more people.

I have been working: I've been working as a software engineer at XYZ

Company, where I've been developing innovative solutions for various

I have been exploring: I've been exploring different hobbies like

painting and hiking to unwind and foster creativity in my spare time.

I have been traveling: I've been traveling to new destinations whenever

possible, experiencing different cultures and cuisines along the way.

I have been volunteering: I've been volunteering at a local animal

shelter, helping to care for and find homes for abandoned pets.

I have been improving: I've been improving my physical fitness by

regularly attending gym sessions and practicing yoga for overall well-

I have been reading: I've been reading a variety of books, from fiction
to self-help, to expand my knowledge and stimulate my mind.

I have been spending: I've been spending quality time with friends and
family, cherishing moments together and creating lasting memories.

I have been adapting: I've been adapting to remote work

arrangements, honing my time management and communication skills
to thrive in a virtual environment.

I have been reflecting: I've been reflecting on my personal and

professional growth over the past year, setting goals for the future and
striving for continuous improvement.

Overall, the past year has been filled with learning, growth, and
meaningful experiences that have shaped me into a better individual.

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