Laboratory Activity No 5

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Laboratory Activity No 5: Different Technologies for Animal Breeding

Name: Ronald Riofrir Date: May 2, 2024

Year and Section: BSA AN SCI 3-A

As an animal science student, learning about different ways to breed animals is interesting
and important for our studies. These methods help us make animal reproduction better, improve
their genetics, and make farming more sustainable. Understanding and using these methods can
help us make animal populations better and tackle food production problems around the world.
There are lots of different breeding methods we can use. Some involve putting semen into female
animals, others move embryos from one animal to another, and some focus on studying genes and
selecting animals with the best ones. Each method has its own good points and things to think
about. Exploring these methods helps us improve breeding programs, make animal gene pools
wider, and fix genetic problems. By using these advanced methods, we can choose animals with
the traits we want, like being healthier or growing faster, which helps improve animal populations
faster. These methods also help us avoid problems like inbreeding and make animals healthier and
more productive. We always need to think about what's right for the animals and make sure we're
being fair and ethical. By learning all the time, staying updated with new ideas, and being open to
new ways of doing things, we can get better at breeding animals. Checking and thinking about
what we're doing helps us make smart decisions, get the best results, and keep improving in our

1. To investigate and understand various technologies utilized in animal breeding, specifically the
Artificial Insemination (AI) to enhance the productivity of livestock animals;

2. To evaluate the practical applications and benefits of different technologies in animal

breeding considering factors such as efficiency, cost-effectiveness and ability to meet specific
breeding goals and challenges; and

3. To assess ethical implications and animal welfare considerations associated with different
breeding technologies, ensuring responsible and sustainable practices in the field of animal


Artificial Insemination of Carabao (Bulgarian Murrah Buffalo)

Last May 1, 2024, at 3 p.m., our class visited Barangay Biri Norte to witness Mr.
Kenneth E. Echeche perform artificial insemination on a farmer's Carabao.

Mr. Echeche conducted the procedure, which we documented.

1. Preparation of Carabao

The owner of the Carabao cleaned the udder and anus of the Carabao to avoid
contamination while it was tied to the breeding chute to prevent unnecessary movements.

2. Preparation of Materials

Mr. Echeche prepared the materials he needed and then he put on the clean AI gloves on
his hands.

3. Rectal Palpation or Pregnancy Diagnosis

Mr. Echeche cleaned the rectum and checked if the cow was ready for artificial
insemination by inserting his hand. Simultaneously, the cow showed signs of being in heat by
producing clear mucus discharge. According to Mr. Echche this process is done to help us identify
accurately if the Carabao is truly on her estrous cycle period or not.
4. Preparation of Semen (Semen Straw)

Mr. Echeche prepared the Bulgarian Murrah Buffalo semen from his filled tank and put it
in the small container filled with water for few minutes.

5. Preparing the Insemination Straw

Mr. Echeche carefully transferred the semen from the semen straw to the AI straw, which
is then attached to the AI Gun.

6. Insertion of AI Gun

Mr. Echeche inserted a sterile and lubricated AI gun into the Carabao's vagina, aiming
towards her cervix in a counterclockwise direction. He noted that there's no set length requirement
for insertion, as long as the target area for the semen is reached.

7. Semen Deposition

When the AI Gun is inserted and the semen is deposited into the Carabo's reproductive

8. 2nd Insertion and Deposition of Semen

Mr. Echeche, repeated the insertion and deposition of sperm into the female’s reproductive
tract to ensure the success of the insemination.

9. Removal of AI Gun from the Vagina of Carabao

After the deposition of semen into the Carabao’s reproductive tract the AI Gun was gently

10. Disposal of the used Materials

After performing Artificial Insemination to the Carabao, Mr. Echeche collected the used
AI Gloves, AI Straw and Semen Straw for proper disposal.
After completing the AI insemination, Mr. Echeche displayed the equipment used, such as
the semen straw, AI gun, tank, glove, and straw, and allowed us to take photos for further
documentation. He also shared insights and advice related to animal science, enriching our
understanding and offering practical guidance for our future endeavors in the field. It was a
valuable experience that broadened our knowledge and equipped us for future work.


Understanding the different ways, we breed animals is important for us students. These
methods help make animals stronger and healthier, which is good for farming. Firstly, using cool
tech like artificial insemination and embryo transfer helps us pick and mate animals with the best
traits. This makes their babies even better, pushing forward genetic progress. Secondly, these
technologies help us mix up the gene pool. By using s DNA markers, we can find animals with
awesome traits and mix them into our breeding programs. This reduces the chances of inbreeding
and gives us more good traits to work with. Also, these methods make breeding more efficient.
Timing is key with techniques like artificial insemination, which helps more animals have babies
with superior genes, making stronger offspring. We can also use technology to fight diseases.
Finding animals naturally resistant to sickness helps us breed healthier animals. But we've got to
be mindful of treating animals well and following ethical guidelines. Taking care of animals and
doing right by them is important. To make sure we're getting the best results, we need to keep an
eye on how well these methods are working. We should always be ready to learn about new ways
to help animals and stay up-to-date with the latest research. That way, we can keep on improving
and making a real difference in the field.


1. Some animal breeding technologies are expensive, making it hard for smaller breeders to afford

2. Questions about whether it's right to change animals' genes or make exact copies raise ethical
3. Relying on just a few top animals for breeding can reduce genetic variety, making animals more
vulnerable to problems.

4. Tough rules and limits can make it challenging to use certain breeding technologies.

5. People's opinions about these technologies can vary widely, leading to debates about their safety
and fairness.

F. Question and Answer

1. Enumerate the different technologies and describe each?

AI GUN- An artificial insemination gun is a specialized device used in the process of

artificial insemination (AI) in livestock breeding. It is designed to deliver semen into the
reproductive tract of cattle.

2. What kind of biotechnologies are usually performed in the farm with the aid of technician?

Artificial Insemination (AI): Farmer collect semen from male animals and artificially
inseminate female animals to facilitate breeding without direct mating.

3. How much you attain such biotechnologies and also performed well?

I have learned a lot from the farmer who guided us , I learned practical skills and techniques
which I can use in the future and in my studies.

4. Why there’s a need to learn those biotechnologies?

Learning about biotechnologies in animal breeding is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it
helps improve breeding efficiency by enabling precise genetic selection and controlled
reproduction through methods like artificial insemination and embryo transfer. Secondly,
understanding these biotechnologies allows breeders to increase genetic diversity within
populations, reducing the risks associated with inbreeding and expanding the pool of desirable
traits. Additionally, biotechnologies offer solutions to challenges such as disease resistance,
productivity enhancement, and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Moreover,
knowledge of biotechnologies ensures that breeding practices prioritize animal welfare, promoting
responsible stewardship and humane treatment. Ultimately, employing biotechnologies effectively
leads to healthier and more productive livestock, contributing to higher yields and improved
profitability in agricultural operations.

5. Lastly, perform and demonstrate (Artificial Insemination) AI. How much time you spent
to improve breeding of the previous Campus Administration.

The time required to see improvements in breeding through Artificial Insemination (AI)
can vary depending on several factors. Firstly, the specific breeding goals set by the Campus
Administration will influence the timeline for improvement. If the aim is to enhance certain genetic
traits or increase reproductive efficiency, it may take time to achieve measurable progress.
Secondly, the availability of resources, such as skilled personnel, suitable breeding stock, and
adequate facilities, will impact the pace of improvement. If there are limitations in any of these
areas, it may extend the time needed to implement AI effectively and realize its benefits.
Additionally, the level of expertise and experience of those involved in the AI process can affect
the speed of improvement. Training and gaining proficiency in AI techniques may take time,
particularly if individuals are new to the practice. Furthermore, factors such as the reproductive
physiology of the animals being bred and external environmental influences can also influence the
timeline for improvement. Overall, while AI has the potential to enhance breeding outcomes, the
timeframe for seeing significant improvements will depend on a combination of these factors.

As an animal science student, here are some recommendations for effectively utilizing
different biotechnologies in animal breeding:

1. Keep yourself updated with the latest advancements and research in biotechnologies for animal

2. Seek opportunities for practical training in biotechnologies for animal breeding.

3. Collaborative efforts can enhance your learning, provide opportunities for practical experience,
and lead to innovative solutions.

4. Strive for practices that prioritize animal welfare, genetic diversity, and sustainability.

5. Hands on experience to develop skills.


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