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Narrative Report in Gender and Development:

Interview about Republic Act 9262 Anti-Violence

Against Women and Children undertaken at Barangay
Hall of Barangay Tagpos, Binangonan, Rizal

Presented to the Faculty of

Binangonan Catholic College
M.L. Quezon St., Brgy. Libis, Binangonan, Rizal

In Partial of Fulfillment of Requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Presented by:
Balbarino, Drispy Mae C.
Biteranta, Ma. Antonette P.
Borlaza, Justine Mark B.
Ducut, Kathlene M.
Lobarbio, Princess Mae Q.
Riñon, Bernadette Imee R.

Submitted to:
Mrs. Maricel T. Malinao

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation to the person

who gave us invaluable assistance and who contributed to our successful

completion of the narrative report.

To God above, for giving strength and power of mind, protections and skills.

To our dearest parents, for giving material and moral supports to us.

To Normita Ducut-San Diego, for being our respondent.

To Mrs. Maricel T. Malinao, for giving us experience to make an interview

to have a detailed knowledge about the role of baranggay hall to addressed

anti-violence against women and children.

To our group, for being cooperative and supportive.


In order to gain insights into the legal system appropriately addressed by anti-violence against
women and children, To understand how the legal system effectively addresses anti-violence
against women and children, it is essential to examine the laws, enforcement mechanisms,
support services, and prevention strategies in place. By evaluating the adequacy of legal
protections, enforcement actions, victim support services, and preventive measures, we can gain
valuable insights into the system’s effectiveness in safeguarding the rights and well-being of
women and children against violence. Knowledge about the anti-violence against women and
children. For instance. If we experience violence, either personal or general, we know where we
need to go to voice our concerns and complain against the oppressor partner.

Respondent’s Background
The respondent to whom we conducted an interview,Mrs. Normita Ducut-San Diego was 48 years
old. She graduated from the University of Rizal Sytem Morong branch, where she completed a
degree related to business. She was a village councilor in two terms: her first term was from 2017
to 2019, and her second term started from 2023 to present, the same position as the committee
and budgets of the barangay.

Narrative of the Interview

For this interview, we ask interviewee through face-to-face conversations in the day of Friday, 03
May 2023. Undertaken in conference room of Barangay Hall of Tagpos, Binangonan, Rizal.

From the ten question, we make a two categories for two interviewer. For the first five group of
question asked by Ms. Kathlene M. Ducut, followed by Ms. Bernadette Imee R. Riñon for the
second batch of question. In jotdowns of the answer of the interviewee by Ms. Drispy Mae
Balbarino and Ms. Princess Mae Lobarbio. Mr. Justine M. Borlaza and Ms. Mam Antonette
Biteranta for taking some pictures for photography. This interview we have an interaction with
the respondent.

Interview Question:

1) Have you ever witnessed or experienced violence against women or children?

2) What role do you think men can play in preventing violence against women and children?
3) Do you believe that the legal system adequately addresses cases of violence against
women and children?
4) Are there enough support services available for victims of violence in your community?
5) How comfortable do you feel discussing the topic of violence against women and
children with friends or family?
6) What do you think are the main causes of violence against women and children?
7) Do you believe that gender inequality contributes to violence against women and
8) Have you ever encountered gender-based discrimination or stereotypes in your life?
9) Do you think the media accurately portrays the issue of violence against women and
10) What is the purpose of republic act 9262, known as VAWC in our communities?

Transcript of Interview Question:

1) Have you ever witnessed or experienced violence against women or children?

If it is based on personal experience, then no, but if we are talking about cases that I have
witnessed in our community, then yes. One example of this is partner violence, which includes
physical and verbal abuse. In such cases, we take immediate action by providing a response and
rescuing the victim. In these types of cases, the process typically involves reporting to the
Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) unit, and the perpetrator can potentially face
imprisonment. However, in many instances, these cases are often dissolved or resolved.

2) What role do you think men can play in preventing violence against women and

Men play a crucial role in preventing violence against women and children. When it comes to the
role of men, they are traditionally seen as the foundation of providing for the needs of a
household, hence they are the family providers. Due to the belief and accustomed tradition that
men hold a higher position in the household, it is common for men to be perceived as bossy. They
are the family men. Partners should engage in conversations about these issues that exist in our
society. We aim to start with men in fostering a broader mindset towards equal and rightful rights
for both women and men, regardless of age. We have implemented programs that aim to provide
solutions to reduce violence against women and children, which is prevalent not only in our
barangay but also in other areas. Through the implementation of seminars in our community, we
hope to broaden their understanding and awareness of the issues related to violence against
women and children (VAWC).

3) Do you believe that the legal system adequately addresses cases of violence against
women and children?

I provide information and assistance in answering this question. To addressing cases of violence
against women and children is a broad and complex issue that requires careful study and analysis.
The adequacy of the legal system in responding to these cases may vary depending on various
factors such as laws, implementation, and victims’ access to justice. It is important to continue
studying and improving policies and mechanisms to ensure the protection and justice for victims
of violence. For example, in our barangay, we make announcements about the prevalent issue of
violence against women and children in our community. This is why we announce that there will
be broader laws for those who violate the law.

4) Are there enough support services available for victims of violence in your

Yes, our barangay provides everything they need, even for other areas under the law. We provide
facilities, such as a ready room in the barangay, which falls under the Gender and Development
(GAD) program to address practical needs. Additionally, we are always prepared for the Better
Regional Migration Management (BRMM).

5) How comfortable do you feel discussing the topic of violence against women and
children with friends or family?

According to my viewpoint the level of comfort in discussing the issue of violence against
women and children with friends or family may vary for each individual. I am open-minded when
it comes to discussing these kinds of matters. Some people are comfortable discussing it openly
and deeply, while others may find it more difficult or less comfortable to talk about this topic.
This can be due to various factors such as personal experiences, education, and beliefs. It is
important to have respect and understanding for individuals who are not as comfortable with the
topic and to provide space and support for those who wish to discuss it. Discussing sensitive
issues like violence against women and children can foster unity and bring about change if done
in a safe and respectful environment.

6) What do you think are the main causes of violence against women and children?

It is important to study and understand the causes of violence against women and children in
order to find solutions and implement measures to prevent it. The main causes of violence against
women and children can stem from various factors. However, in my opinion, one significant
cause is the cultural beliefs and traditions we have, as well as the lack of proper education and
awareness. Cultural beliefs and traditions that place women and children in lower positions or
promote harmful beliefs and practices can contribute to violence.

Additionally, the lack of proper education and awareness about the rights of women and children,
as well as the dangerous effects of violence, can lead to the continued perpetuation of violence.
Because of this, it has a significant impact on us.

7) Do you believe that gender inequality contributes to violence against women and

Yes, I believe that gender inequality contributes to violence against women and children. Gender
inequality perpetuates abusive beliefs and practices that lead to violence. This results in a lower
value and respect for women and children, which violates their rights and safety. Having equal
regard and treatment for all genders is important in combating violence and promoting a safe and
equitable society for everyone.

8) Have you ever encountered gender-based discrimination or stereotypes in your life?

Similar to my initial response to your first question, based on personal experience, I have not yet
encountered gender-based discrimination or stereotypes. However, I have witnessed cases from
others where they have experienced it. I am not directly affected by gender-based discrimination
or stereotypes. My goal is to serve and provide support to everyone without bias or

9) Do you think the media accurately portrays the issue of violence against women and

In general, the media’s opinion on the issue of violence against women and children may vary.
There are instances where the media provides accurate and comprehensive portrayal of the
problem, imparting knowledge and emphasizing the importance of addressing it. However, there
are also times when the media may have shortcomings in storytelling and conveying the issue,
leading to misinterpretation or undue alarm among the public. It is important to be critical and
seek different sources of information to assess an issue objectively.

10) What is the purpose of republic act 9262, known as VAWC in our communities?

As a barangay councilor, it is important for us to understand the purpose of Republic Act 9262,
also known as VAWC, in our communities. The objective of this law is to protect women from
any form of violence, such as abuse within the home, sexual assault, physical harm, and other
gender-related violence. It aims to provide support and protection to victims of violence and
ensure the necessary assistance and services are provided to them. Through VAWC, the
implementation of laws and policies that aim to combat and eliminate violence against women in
our communities is strengthened.


In order to address violence against women and children, the legal system is essential. Even
though laws and policies protecting vulnerable populations have been enacted, much work
remains. To guarantee that the legal system appropriately addresses this widespread social issue,
effective implementation and enforcement of these laws are crucial, as are extensive support
services for victims. For more reforms to be driven and a society where women and children can
live without fear of violence created, advocacy, education, and a dedication to gender equality are


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