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Nombre: Brenda Lizeth Márquez Quezada

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:

Módulo: 2 Actividad: Topic 6: Small Talk



a. Write a one-page story, on the topic of your choice, using the Present Perfect and
Past Simple tenses. Put a title to the story and make sure to include a conclusion.

To demonstrate your ability to differentiate between Present Perfect and Past

Simple, include all of the following at least once: already, yet, last (weekend,
Monday, year, etc.), in (year), ago, ever, yet just, yesterday, since (day, week or

Present the story to your instructor and share stories among peers.

Love has met Alex

Once upon a time a love story,
but not a story like all about
fairies and prince
charming. This is a real love story in
XXI century. They were in college
when they

met. With 22 years old Alex met

Kar of 23 years old. Alex was at the
hall talking
with her friends when they stared at
something or best say someone,
Alex turned
her back and saw her, that girl with
the most beautiful eyes she has ever
seen and
incredible style. Alex was bold so
she started walking towards her.
The girl stared at Alex with a
strange face. I guess she didn’t
understand what was
happening. Alex said hi to her
and tried to introduce herself
but something
surprising happened.

—Hi, I’m… —Alex was interrupted

—You’re Alex, I know. I’m Kar —
Alex’s eyes were wide opened, how
the new girl
knew her name?
—So, you already know my name
—I saw you yesterday when I came
for my inscription
Love has met Alex
Once upon a time a love story,
but not a story like all about
fairies and prince
charming. This is a real love story in
XXI century. They were in college
when they
met. With 22 years old Alex met
Kar of 23 years old. Alex was at the
hall talking

with her friends when they stared at

something or best say someone,
Alex turned
her back and saw her, that girl with
the most beautiful eyes she has ever
seen and
incredible style. Alex was bold so
she started walking towards her.
The girl stared at Alex with a
strange face. I guess she didn’t
understand what was
happening. Alex said hi to her
and tried to introduce herself
but something
surprising happened.
—Hi, I’m… —Alex was interrupted

—You’re Alex, I know. I’m Kar —

Alex’s eyes were wide opened, how
the new girl
knew her name?
—So, you already know my name
—I saw you yesterday when I came
for my inscription
“The Forgotten Key”

Once upon a time, in the quaint village of Willowbrook, there stood an ancient oak
tree. Its gnarled branches reached toward the sky, whispering secrets to the wind.
Beneath its roots lay a hidden treasure—a chest said to contain unimaginable
riches. But the key to unlock it had been lost for generations.

Last weekend, young Emma stumbled upon an old leather-bound journal in the
attic. Its yellowed pages revealed the tale of the forgotten key. According to the
journal, the key was hidden somewhere in the village, waiting for the right person
to find it. Emma’s heart raced as she read the words: “Seek the key where the river

Determined to unravel the mystery, Emma set out on her quest. She wandered
along the riverbank, her eyes scanning every nook and cranny. Yet, the key eluded
her. Days turned into weeks, and Emma grew weary. Had someone else already
found it? She wondered.

One misty Monday morning, Emma met an old fisherman named Elias. His eyes
twinkled with wisdom, and his hands bore the scars of a lifetime spent on the river.
Emma shared her quest with him, and Elias nodded knowingly.

“In my youth,” he said, “I glimpsed the key—a glimmer of gold beneath the water.
But fear held me back. I never dove deep enough.”

Emma’s heart raced. “Where, Elias? Where did you see it?”

“In the year of the great flood,” Elias replied, “when the river surged and reshaped
its course. The key lies buried beneath the ancient willow tree, where the river

Emma’s pulse quickened. She raced to the willow tree, her breath catching as she
plunged into the icy water. The current tugged at her, threatening to sweep her
away. But she persisted, diving deeper than ever before. Her fingers brushed
against something hard—a rusted key, encrusted with mud and time.

Back on the riverbank, Emma dried the key and held it aloft. The sun’s rays danced
upon its surface. She returned to the ancient oak tree, where the treasure chest
awaited. With trembling hands, she inserted the key into the lock. It turned
smoothly, as if eager to reveal its secrets.

The chest creaked open, revealing not gold or jewels, but a single parchment.
Emma unrolled it, her eyes widening. It was a map—a map to another world,
hidden beyond the veil of reality. The journal had been right all along—the key was
not for earthly riches but for unlocking the mysteries of existence.

Conclusion: I liked this homework because I love read and learn, so having a
chance to practice my English, combined with reading, also, I could practice
present perfect and simple past topics with short stories.

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