Current Events Final Review (2023) - Quizizz

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5/17/24, 6:50 AM Current Events Final Review (2023) | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Current Events Final Review (2023)

Total questions: 36
Worksheet time: 36mins
Instructor name: Mr. Jef Malazarte

1. The Moral Machine provides scenarios for a self-driving car whose brakes have failed and has visitors to
the site choose which group of people (or even pets) the car would kill. By having people choose in
these scenarios, what abstract concept is the experiment trying to determine?

a) Cynicism b) Justice

c) Idealism d) Morality

2. What is the name for the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to
borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military
salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments?

a) Treasury limit b) National debt

c) Debt limit or debt ceiling d) Maximum spending

3. Candidates running for the State Supreme Court position cannot run as members of a political party.

a) False b) True

4. Which country invaded Ukraine and is currently at war with them?

a) Finland b) China

c) Russia d) The United States

5. The US intends to send military equipment, including M-1 Abrams tanks, to support which country in the
conflict happening in their country?

a) Russia b) Syria

c) Ukraine d) Myanmar 1/8
5/17/24, 6:50 AM Current Events Final Review (2023) | Quizizz

6. MacKenzie Scott has announced that she has donated $14 billion dollars to around 1,600 non-profit
organizations since 2019. Donating money to charitable causes like this is referred to as?

a) Sweepstakes b) Philanthropy

c) Give-a-ways d) Capitalism

7. Wisconsin has the nation's largest achievement gap between white and Black students.

a) True b) False

8. A college student at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville is saving $1,500 a month in costs by living

a) In his van b) In the dorms

c) With his parents d) On the streets

9. The advisory question that will be on the April 4th ballot in Wisconsin will be asking voters whether or not
they think which group of people should be required to look for work in order to receive taxpayer-funded
welfare benefits?

a) Single parents b) Able-bodied, childless adults

c) Able-bodied, childless teenagers d) Retired citizens

10. Where does the AstroForge company plan on mining in the future?

a) Antarctica b) The Moon

c) Asteroids in Space d) The Deep Ocean

11. Which type of natural disaster occurred recently in Turkiye and Syria, leading to the death of over
53,000 people?

a) Volcanic Eruption b) Tsunami

c) Earthquake d) Flooding

12. There was an uproar recently in the United States over a surveillance balloon flying over the United
States. Which country sent this balloon over the US?

a) Cuba b) North Korea

c) Russia d) China 2/8
5/17/24, 6:50 AM Current Events Final Review (2023) | Quizizz

13. Which country has been accused of using TikTok as a surveillance tool to collect data on the app's

a) China b) Russia

c) North Korea d) Cuba

14. Where is the Thwaites Glacier, nicknamed the "Doomsday Glacier", located in the world?

a) The North Pole b) The Caribbean

c) The Mediterranean Sea d) Antarctica

15. The Biden Administration is arguing at the Supreme Court on the legality of their plan to relieve up to
$20,000 of federal student loans for many borrowers saying that the HEROES Act allows them to due
to what emergency?

a) COVID-19 Pandemic b) Hurricane Katrina

c) Housing Market Crisis d) Russia-Ukraine Conflict

16. Google is being sued by the family of a victim of the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks because they allege
that the algorithm used by which social media platform recommended ISIS recruitment videos that
radicalized one of the culprits in that attack?

a) Parler b) YouTube

c) Twitter d) Facebook

17. The snow snake "Olympic Games" that returned to Madeline Island after 150 years had once been
banned. Who participates in these games?

a) Native American Tribes b) Polish-Americans

c) Scandinavian-Americans d) French-Canadiennes

18. Which gene editing tool is turning a decade old and is being refined to treat more and more rare
diseases and cancers?


c) tRNA d) CRISPR 3/8
5/17/24, 6:50 AM Current Events Final Review (2023) | Quizizz

19. In the week before the Wisconsin State Supreme Court primary, candidate Judge Janet Protasiewicz
brought in more than $235,000 in donations. Where did most of this money come from?

a) Government funding b) Out-of-State donations

c) International donations d) In-State donations

20. A historic treaty to protect biodiversity was announced recently at the United Nations that could
potentially protect up to 30% of what type of environment?

a) Grasslands b) Tundra

c) High Seas d) Coastal Regions

21. President Biden has approved a major oil and gas drilling project despite strong opposition from
environmental activists in which state?

a) Texas b) Alaska

c) North Dakota d) New York

22. Malawi has faced the lost of hundreds of its citizens and property destruction after being hit by what
type of natural disaster?

a) Tsunami b) Earthquake

c) Tornado d) Tropical Storm

23. The Silicon Valley Bank collapsed after people concerned about the security of their investments, a
panic caused mostly by posts on Twitter, started pulling their money out of the bank. What is it called
when large amounts of people start withdrawing their money from banks?

a) Crash b) Recession

c) Depression d) Bank Run

24. Doug La Follette resigned from which position in the Wisconsin government after serving for nearly 50
years and winning reelection 10 times?

a) Secretary of State b) Attorney General

c) State Treasurer d) Governor 4/8
5/17/24, 6:50 AM Current Events Final Review (2023) | Quizizz

25. China was recently able to help broker a deal between which two Middle Eastern countries, which
could bring more stability to the region and shows China's growing diplomatic influence in the world?

a) Saudi Arabia and Israel b) Syria and Turkey

c) Iran and Saudi Arabia d) Iran and Israel

26. Scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report on climate
change recently that states we need to stop using what form of energy as soon as possible?

a) Geothermal b) Solar

c) Wind d) Burning fossil fuels

27. One of the major issues that drove interest in the Supreme Court election in Wisconsin was related to
how Republican representatives in the state legislature drew district maps after the census to
disproportionately benefit their party in regards to obtaining seats in the state and federal legislature.
This practice of the political party with the most seats drawing district maps that benefit their party over
the other is called?

a) Fudging b) Map Rigging

c) Pandering d) Gerrymandering

28. Which clothing company stated that they intend on testing AI-generated models to allow people to see
how the clothing will fit their body proportions?

a) Wrangler's b) Old Navy

c) Carhartt d) Levi's

29. Who became the first former president to be indicted on felony charges in recent weeks?

a) George W. Bush b) Donald Trump

c) Jimmy Carter d) Bill Clinton

30. Which party recently achieved a 2/3 majority in the Wisconsin State Senate, which may mean they
have the power to initiate the impeachment process?

a) Green Party b) Democratic Party

c) Libertarian Party d) Republican Party 5/8
5/17/24, 6:50 AM Current Events Final Review (2023) | Quizizz

31. Which group of people is LEAST ACCURATELY identified by the major facial recognition technologies?

a) Darker skinned men b) Lighter skinned men

c) Darker skinned women d) Lighter skinned women

32. Under the Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which group of people is protected
from deportation?

a) Naturalized citizens b) Children born in the US

c) Permanent residents d) Children without documentation brought to the

US by their parents

33. Even though men and women are more often working similar hours, who is still statistically doing more
of the housework and caregiving?

a) Men b) Women

34. Thousands of acres of land were damaged in Wisconsin recently by what type of disaster?

a) Wildfires b) Earthquake

c) Tornado d) Flooding

35. A trove of classified US documents were recently discovered posted on which messaging app?

a) WhatsApp b) Discord

c) Facebook Messenger d) FaceTime

36. The United States is the world's largest oil producer.

a) True b) False 6/8
5/17/24, 6:50 AM Current Events Final Review (2023) | Quizizz

Answer Keys

1. d) Morality 2. c) Debt limit or debt ceiling 3. b) True

4. c) Russia 5. c) Ukraine 6. b) Philanthropy

7. a) True 8. a) In his van 9. b) Able-bodied, childless


10. c) Asteroids in Space 11. c) Earthquake 12. d) China

13. a) China 14. d) Antarctica 15. a) COVID-19 Pandemic

16. b) YouTube 17. a) Native American Tribes 18. d) CRISPR

19. b) Out-of-State donations 20. c) High Seas 21. b) Alaska

22. d) Tropical Storm 23. d) Bank Run 24. a) Secretary of State

25. c) Iran and Saudi Arabia 26. d) Burning fossil fuels 27. d) Gerrymandering

28. d) Levi's 29. b) Donald Trump 30. d) Republican Party

31. c) Darker skinned women 32. d) Children without 33. b) Women

documentation brought
to the US by their

34. a) Wildfires 35. b) Discord 36. a) True 7/8
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