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SUGBUsog sa Eskuylahan
Project Evaluation Sheet

City/Municipality : Name of Evaluator :

Name of School : Agency/Office :
Barangay : Date of Evaluation :
Legislative District :
1. Plant Health (20 points)
- 100% of Plants are healthy and vigorous 20
- 75% of Plants are healthy and vigorous 15
- 50% of Plants are healthy and vigorous 10
- 25% of Plants are healthy and vigorous 5
2. Application of Sustainable Farming Practices (10 points)
a. Natural Farming Practices (0.5 point per item, maximum of 5 points)
Biodegradable Mulching Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN)
Indigenous Microorganism (IMO) Fish Amino Acid (FAA)
Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) Calcium Phosphate (CalPhos)
Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS) Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ)
b. Organic Farming Practices (1 point per item, maximum of 5 points)
b.1 Production of Organic Fertilizer(any of the items below-1point)
Vermi compost / Compost pit
b.2 Botanical Pesticides used (any of the items below-1point)
Neem tree extract 'Tobacco extract
Tubli extract Hot pepper extract
Panyawan extract Others:
b.3 Insect Pest attractants used (1 point)
b.4 Biological Control Agents released (any of the items below-1point)
Trichogramma Earwig
Trichoderma Others:
b.5 Mechanical Control practiced
Pest Traps
3. Production (10 points) First 3 harvests

total accumulated yield of 5 sample plants: 15kg and above 10

from 5 kinds of
total accumulated yield of 5 sample plants: 10-14.99kg 8 plants with 10
plants per kind
total accumulated yield of 5 sample plants: 5-9.99kg 6 (to be supported
with photo
total accumulated yield of 5 sample plants: 1-4.99kg 4 documentation
in real time)
total accumulated yield of 5 sample plants: below 1kg 2

4. Showcasing within the garden (10 points)

a. Functional Aquaponics 5
b. Medicinal Plants - 5 kinds (Garlic vine, Asunting, Ashitaba, Turmeric, at least 5 plants per
kind with label and
Lagundi, Niyog-niyogan, Gabon, Alangitngit, Sinaw-sinaw and Yerba Buena) 2.5 uses (0.5 pt.-label
and uses

c. Leafy vegetables - 5 kinds (Kamunggay, Alugbati, Kamote, Kangkong and at least 5 plants per
2.5 kind with label (0.5
Saluyot (KAKKS) pt. each kind)
using products from
5. Product value adding (processing, packaging, labelling) Minimum of 3 products
5 the SUGBUsog
(5 points) Garden

6. Creativity and Effective design of the Garden (10 points)

Garden design considerations (5 points)
: Plants are properly arranged, grouped and area is maximized 5
: Plants are partially arranged, grouped and area is not maximized 3
: Plants are not properly arranged, grouped and area is underutilized 1
Use of indigenous and recyclable materials (3 points)
: All materials used are indigenous and recyclable 3
: 50% of materials used are either indigenous or recyclable 2
: below 50% of materials used are either indigenous or recyclable 1
7. Native Chicken Production (Free range)(5 points)
i. One (1) rooster and Five (5) pullets with nest for each pullet 5

8. Rain water catchment with at least 400 liters capacity (5 points) 5

9. Vegetable seeds production (5 points)

Five (5) kinds of vegetable seeds or more 5
Group A
Four (4) kinds 4 vegetables - 5g
Three (3) kinds 3 each kind; Group
B vegetables - 15g
Two (2) kinds 2
each kind
One (1) kind 1
10. Use of the garden for interdisciplinary learning (10 points)
a. Labelling (5 points)
Plants are completely labelled -(Scientific Name, English name, Common
name, Variety and Date planted); (Processes and 5
Uses for herbal and medicinal plants)
Plants are partially labelled (lacking one (1) data cited above) 3

Plants are incompletely labelled (lacking 2 or more data cited above) 1

b. Platforms used to facilitate garden learning (5 points) One (1) point

each, maximum of five (5) points
Online platforms (Internet)
Broadcast media (Radio)
Print media (Hand-outs, Brochures, Newspapers, Magazines, etc.)
House visit
Instructional videos
11. School support for the SUGBUsog sa Eskuylahan Gardening Program (6 points)
Brigada -'Five major activities (land preparation, planting, fertilization,
maintenance, harvesting)
Finances (Budget allocated for garden establishment) 2 none = 0
Resources (tools & equipments, supplies & materials etc.) 1 none = 0
Memorandum, Special Order, etc. 1 2 or more
12. Record Keeping (4 points)
Activity log (records of all activities and agricultural inputs used during
garden establishment)

Photo Documentation (from land preparation upto harvest) 1

Video Documentation 1

Harvest data 1
Evaluator's Signature over Printed Name
Judging Criteria and Rules for SUGBUsog sa Eskuylahan
The following judging rules are applicable:

1 A score system is applied.

2 The final score of each contestant is the average of the total score given by all evaluator members.
3 The final score of each contestant and the scores of evaluator members will not be published.
4 Each contestant will be ranked according to their final score.
5 Rank one (1) is equivalent to the highest final score and so on.
6 There shall be no contestant with the same final score.
7 If there are two contestant with the same final score, the evaluator's reserves the right to rescore them.
8 The evaluation is valid upon the signature of the evaluator members .
9 The chairman of the evaluator's reserves the right to resolve disputes concerning the judging.
10 Detailed judging criteria for the competition and the scoring are defined in ANNEX A

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