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ORC: Monster Erotica


By Layla Fae
Monster Ever After

© 2022 Layla Fae

All rights reserved.

Breeding Competition
“I think we’re all set up,” Delilah said, clapping her hands.
She was in the orcs’ base, which was big enough to become the premises of
her new skincare cosmetic company. She was determined to start the
business right away, even before all the paperwork had been filed.
The women of the world needed the miraculous skincare product that cured
acne, removed hyperpigmentation and blemishes, and made even very
mature skin glow.
That the miracle cure was orc sperm was just a minor detail.
“All that’s left is… the actual production.”
She turned to the group of twenty orcs, watching her with expressions
ranging from lecherous to suspicious.
“Which of you, gentlemen, would like to volunteer some of your sperm for
the advancement of our beauty industry?”
All but two orcs stepped forward.
“Oooh, you’re like a small army,” Delilah laughed, fanning herself.
She had to admit her niece, who had just got herself an orc boyfriend, was
on to something. Those green, towering, muscular beasts were beyond sexy.
They oozed confidence, and danger, and…
And she needed to get herself one, she decided. She was at the age where
normal men could hardly ever surprise her in bed. But those orcs…
One grunted now, stepping right in front of Delilah, his pistachio smell thick
in the air.
“Yes?” she asked, tilting her head back.
“How are you going to mate with all of us? Even orc females aren’t that
Delilah forced her blood flow, which had been redirected south by the orc’s
commanding presence, to turn back into her brain.
“You think I’m…” She laughed, realizing there must have been some cultural
misunderstanding. “No, gentlemen. I actually only need the sperm. For the
cosmetics we’re going to make, right? So you can just, I don’t know, get a
nice, clean bucket, watch some porn, and when you’re done, bring the
bucket to me.”
The orcs blinked at her. And then they laughed.
Delilah rolled her eyes, patiently waiting them out.
“Well, what’s so funny? Don’t you need to jerk off, anyway?”
“No,” the orc standing right in front of her said, grinning in a way that
revealed all of those white, sharp teeth of his. “Not when I have such a
delicious female right here who wants my cum.”
“Oh, cut out the alpha act!” Delilah said, fanning herself again. It was getting
hot, wasn’t it? Then she cocked her head to the side. “On second thought…
don’t. It’s sexy. Fine, I’ll jerk you off. But I get to keep the, uh, spoils of war.”
The orcs laughed again. Another one, with a large, puckered scar running
down the side of his face, stepped forward.
“Move, Balzag,” he said. “I claim the female. Her scent speaks to me. She’s
my mate.”
The one called Balzag growled, and a delicious shiver ran down Delilah’s
“No, Ruga. She’s mine. Her scent has called to me as soon as she entered
here. I claim her.”
Ruga drew his ax, and Balzag reached for his. Delilah finally understood what
was happening, and her eyes grew wide in alarm.
If those two killed one another, she’d be down two production units!
“Whoa, boys! Stop this madness. I can take you both.”
They turned to her, scowling. She could tell neither was happy with the
“Even if you take two mates, only one can be the alpha mate. How will you
Delilah shrugged, suddenly caring less and less about her new business.
Something was happening to her. The smell of the orcs, a heady, nutty
musk, was growing heavier, and she was getting much too hot now. She
fanned herself again.
And rubbed her thighs together.
“I don’t know,” she said, growing impatient. “We can flip a coin. Or… Oooh, I
know. Whoever makes me come first gets to be the alpha.”
Balzag turned to her and unceremoniously reached between her legs,
rubbing his thumb across her clit. Once, twice, in a circle, back and forth…
Delilah’s legs shook, and she was gulping air. She caught Balzag’s bicep to
keep herself from falling. She squeezed her eyes shut, thrusting her hips at
him, opening her legs wider… And he stopped.
“Too easy,” Balzag said, his voice smug and low. “Whoever touches you first
will make you come.”
“What… then?” Delilah asked, still holding on to his thick arm.
“Whoever breeds you first gets to be the alpha,” Ruga said, stepping closer.
He shoved Balzag out of the way, making Delilah lose her balance. But
before she could fall, he threw her over his shoulder, full-on barbarian style,
and slapped her ass. She squeaked in surprise.
“Let’s go. We’ll fuck you in turns until you grow big with a child. And when
it’s born, we’ll see whom it resembles.” Ruga kept carrying her, and now he
was caressing her ass cheeks, his fingers dropping into the seam between
them, which was quickly growing damp. “All orcs in my family are born with
a mark on their thigh. Balzag has a mark on his neck.”
“Ah, so it’s… so easy… to tell who’s the father?” Delilah managed between
gasps of pleasure.
Ruga grunted. And slapped her ass again. Balzag was following them, giving
Ruga a hostile stare.
“Very easy,” he confirmed. “That’s why we can do breeding competitions.”
They entered a vast room with thick, soft carpets and an enormous bed. The
light was soft orange, muted and atmospheric. The air smelled intensely of
There was a row of ten buckets under one wall.
Ruga threw Delilah unceremoniously on the mattress, and she bounced.
When she regained her balance, the huge, muscular orcs were already half
undressed. She lied down on her side, propping her head on her elbow, and
“You know, boys,” she said, touching herself through the thin fabric of her
pants. “I’ve had my share of relationships, one-night stands, and so on… But
I’ve never had a stud as strong as you. And never two at once. I can’t wait.”
“Take off your clothes, then,” said Balzag, grinning. “Or we’ll rip them off
Delilah jumped up, agile from her regular pilates sessions, and unbuttoned
her black blouse. She was taking off her pants when a low growl made her
look up. She stilled like a deer caught in headlights.
What Karla had told her about orc cocks was absolutely true. Twice true.
So much bigger than human cocks, they ended in wide, tapered ends with
small puckered holes seeping copious amounts of light green, pistachio
smelling liquid. According to Karla, it was delicious. And necessary to eat if
she was to survive being fucked by such an enormous cock.
Eating the orc precum would make her body adjust to the monstrous size.
She would be able to take that gigantic cock in.
Well, two.
She had been staring for too long.
Balzag was striding to her, his huge fists swinging by his sides. With one
hand, he ripped off her panties and reached for her bra with the other.
“Stop! It’s my favorite one!” Delilah said, indignant. There were some things
she wouldn’t let slide, even in the heat of the moment.
“Fine,” Balzag snarled, and unclasped her softest, best-fitting bra with
utmost care. “Now, you’ll feed from us.”
He picked her up unceremoniously and laid her down on the bed, with her
head dangling down the side. Delilah smacked her lips.
Balzag pushed his very sticky, very slick cock past her lips, and she sucked
him, swallowing the precum that was flooding her mouth now. It really
tasted like pistachio cream, Delilah thought, taking hold of the orc’s shaft to
milk him for more. Creamy and salty, with a sweet aftertaste.
That she had been ready for. But when Ruga lied down between her legs
and started eating her out while she was occupied with Balzag’s nutty fluids,
it was a pleasant surprise. She was moaning between mouthfuls now, Ruga’s
dexterous tongue exploring her and finding all the right spots.
Balzag was now groaning over her, his powerful body hard with tension, his
hips thrusting as she sucked and sucked, eating her fill. And Ruga… Ruga was
opening her legs wider, licking her now from ass to clit, drawing from her
shuddering but muffled gasps.
Then, his finger thrust deep in her pussy, slick and coated in something, and
she clenched around it right when his tongue got back to flicking her clit
again, and Balzag was lowing like a bull and whipping his cock out of her
mouth just as the first spurt of his release exploded in her face.
And she was coming, Ruga’s mouth on her, his hooked finger inside her,
rubbing her G-spot.
It was Ruga’s voice, confident yet snarly, and she knew why: Balzag got to
come all over her, and Ruga’s cock was still hard with arousal, his balls heavy
with pistachio cream.
When he stood over her, his cock bulging and straining in his grip as he
fisted it, Delilah smiled up at him.
“I’ll make you fill a bucket for me. To the brim.”
The sound Ruga made when his weeping head finally landed in her open
mouth, half a growl, half a moan, made her shiver with pleasure. She sucked
him greedily, moving her hands up and down the painfully hard shaft.
Meanwhile, Balzag was coating her asshole in his cum.
Or, she suspected it was his cum. The stuff was warm and slippery, and he
was applying it generously between her legs, massaging her puckered hole
with gentle but insistent fingers. Delilah, who was no stranger to anal,
wished for him to finally thrust.
But then, Ruga was thrusting in her mouth, and producing more and more
precum, so she got busy swallowing. Just as she relaxed and stopped
mentally urging Balzag to finally bugger her, he did. She twitched when the
warm, lubricated finger slid easily inside her, and moaned with her throat
full of Ruga’s cock.
Balzag was now fucking her ass with his finger, and Ruga was groaning and
thrusting, working his shaft with his hand because her arms had given out.
Soon, he was training his cock right inside the bucket and filling it.
To the brim.
And Balzag was trying to fit two fingers up her ass. She stretched
uncomfortably around them, trying to move her hips to somehow ease the
discomfort and make the intrusion easier. But the orc put his large hand
over her hips, pinning them to the mattress, and kept pushing his two
fingers in.
And slowly, agonizingly, she opened for him.
“Good girl,” Balzag murmured, dropping his head between her legs, where
he lapped at her clit.
She writhed under his touch, moaning and gasping, and he sped up, flicking
his tongue in just the right way, thrusting those two thick orc fingers in her
ass, and she came even harder than before, her hips bucking despite the
weight of Balzag’s hand, her back arching in bliss.
Ruga was in the bathroom, chugging water. Delilah noticed through her haze
that there were now more empty buckets by the bed.
And Balzag had recovered from coming on her face. His cock was hard again,
prominent veins snaking under the smooth, green skin.
“I want to see it,” he said, and thrust deep inside her.
Delilah cried out. It felt like being torn apart, but in the best, most ecstatic
way she could imagine. Balzag’s cock was at her cervix and then past it,
tearing through her natural barriers, and all she could feel was bliss.
Apparently, she had eaten enough orc spunk for her body to adjust.
And now, it became clear what Balzag wanted to see. The bulge. Delilah
touched her stomach when the orc stilled, buried balls deep inside her,
staring transfixed at her stomach. Yes, it was there. The outline of his cock.
She could feel it bulging under her skin.
She stroked it once, and Balzag twitched inside her and above her, a low
rumble escaping him.
“I’ll put a baby inside you,” he said, looking at her face now.
And then he was fucking her. Long, deep thrusts were making her move up
on the bed, and the bulge under her fingers kept disappearing and
reappearing with every stroke. And her body was swathed in sharp, glittery
pleasure, the length moving inside her easily in the slippery fluids alighting
every nerve ending with bliss.
Delilah was crying from how good it felt.
Ruga knelt by her side and wiped her face with a wet cloth while Balzag was
still pounding into her. And then he leaned over her and kissed her, angling
his face not to hit her with his tusks. She kissed him back greedily, tongue
dancing across tongue, and she came like this, with one orc fucking her
without mercy and the other kissing her deep.
When she came to, her body light and aflutter, and tingly all over from the
unearthly orgasm, Balzag was out of her, filling another bucket, and the bed
underneath her was wet. It was all one sticky, warm mess, Delilah thought,
reaching for Ruga to kiss him again.
It was perfect.
Ruga gave her no time to recuperate. With a snarl, he picked her up with
both hands as if she was a rag doll… and impaled her on his cock. Her back
was to him. He was standing, holding her waist, and moving her up and
down, fucking himself with her body.
At first, she had been limp in his hold, still reeling from her orgasm, but a
new wave of pleasure was building. Her muscles and tendons strained and
tensed, and she gave him a snarl of her own, frustration building.
She wanted to push her hips against him, to deepen his thrusts, to have
even just a semblance of control. Instead, she was a tool for his pleasure.
“Yes,” Ruga said.
His cock sitting deep inside her, bulging out through her abdomen, Ruga
bent low and put her on her hands and knees. Before she could catch her
balance, he was fucking her again, his cock plunging deep.
Delilah looked down her torso and watched the bulge grow and recede with
every thrust. Her hands were shaking, her entire body strung up too high,
the buildup to orgasm so tense it verged on painful.
Ruga stilled deep inside her, and the pressure only increased as he exploded
within her, flooding her with his hot release, and she came too, inflated like
a balloon with his fertile cum and full of his fat cock.
She arched so high her entire body was lifted off the bed, and the ecstasy
slammed into her like an earthquake, everything shattering.
~ ~ ~
The next morning, she was so sore every movement sent prickles of pain
through her body. But Delilah grinned anyway. All ten buckets were full of
cum, and her two orcs were snoring, limbs thrown over her and each other,
as exhausted as she was.
Whatever had started between the three of them, she would let it grow.
And in the meantime… Her production line was all set up.

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