Chapter 3

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This chapter introduce the methods and procedures will be used in the

present study to find out the Classroom management practices and

academic performance of grade IV student in English in Naga collage

foundation inc.

Method Used

This study will be employ descriptive -associational- correlational

method. Descriptive method will be used to examine the classroom

management. Likewise descriptive method will also be used to determine

the level of involvement of the classroom management and academic

performance of the pupils

The correlational method was used also in the study to determine the

significant influence of the teacher’s classroom management practices on

pupils learning interest. The study also looks into the significant influence

between teacher’s classroom management practices and pupils learning

Associational method will be used to determine what a classroom

management is significantly associated to the academic performance of

the pupils.

Respondents of the study

This study will be used 150 grade 4 pupils from Naga college Foundation

inc. No sampling technique will be used because all the Grade 4 of the six

schools will be used as respondents

Table 1.

Respondents of the Study

Naga College Foundation Number of Grade 4

Inc. pupils

Classroom A 50

Classroom B 50

Classroom C 50

Data gathering tools

The questionnaire will be used to collect data. The researchers will create

a two-part questionnaire for the students. The first section of the

questionnaire will ask about the students' names and ages, and the

second section will ask about the teachers' level of involvement in the
academic performance of their students, including things like school

meetings where homework and projects are prepared. Validation will be

done on the questionnaire that the researcher will create.

Procedure of the investigation

For more authentic, reliable, and valid results, this research will conduct

and follow the different steps.

conceptualization of the research problem, the study will emphasize on the

existing issue related on the parental involvement and academic

performance in English of grade 4 pupils in Naga College Foundation.

Classroom management and their level of involvement in the education of

their pupils will be consider in the conceptualization of the research


Approval of the Research Title, The study will be presented to the

research panel for approval when the research topic has been identified

and conceptualized, particular problems have been articulated clearly,

variables have been defined, and other research components have been

Baquest for Permission. The researchers will pursue permission from the

school head and/or OIC of Naga college Foundation Inc. to conduct this

study after the approval of the research proposal by the research panel.

Forming of the Questionnaire. For the purpose of gathering the required

data, the researchers will create questionnaires. The advisor will be shown

the questionnaires for approval and verification. The researcher will take

some advice into account and use it.

Validation. Students who won't be participating in the target responders

will be given the questionnaire forms for validation purposes.

Administration of Questionnaire, This will be administered to the target

student, respondents of Naga College Foundation Inc for the School year


Statistical Computation, for each specific question, statistical tools will be

applied for statistical computation. Results will be place in tabular forms to

facilitate discussion.

Writing of Report and Results. This will comprise the study's subject

matter. The researcher will write a research report that will be submitted

to a series of improvements and changes after managing the data

statistically, analysis, and interpretation of the data. The research panel

will be given the findings of this investigation.

Statistical tool

The following statistical tools will be used in treating the gathered data.

Frequency Count. This will be used to determine the number of sections in

schools during the school year 2023-2024.

Percentage Technique. This statistical tool will be used for analyzing the

data on the student’s profile.

Weighted Mean. When choosing between these goods, this will be used.

Points were assigned to certain questions, such as obtaining parental

involvement. This will be used to manage the data for the questions that

will be graded on a five-point scale.

Standard Deviation. This will be used to determine the academic

Classroom management practices and academic performance of grade IV

student in English.

Pearson Product - Moment Correlation Coefficient. This tool will be used in

determining the relationship between the parents' level of involvement in

the academic performance in Classroom management practices and

academic performance of grade IV student in English in Naga collage

foundation inc. s/y 2023-2024.

Coefficient of Determination. This will be used to determine the influence

of Teacher involvement to the academic performance of the pupils.

Chi - square. This statistical technique will be utilized to ascertain the

relationship between the student's academic achievement and the

teacher's management style in the classroom.

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