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Tumakay, Art D 04/11/2024

11-HUMSS MENCIUS Statistics and Probability


In this quarter I’ve learned that Statistics and probability sampling are
fundamental concepts that play a crucial role in research, decision-making,
and understanding the world around me.
Statistics is the science of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and
presenting data. It provides us with tools to make sense of the vast amounts
of information available to us. By using statistical methods, we can uncover
patterns, trends, and relationships within data, which helps us make
informed decisions and predictions. Probability sampling, on the other
hand, is a method used to select a sample from a larger population in such a
way that every individual or item in the population has a known and non-
zero chance of being selected. This ensures that the sample is representative
of the population, allowing us to make generalizations and draw
conclusions with a certain level of confidence. Reflection on these concepts
prompts us to appreciate the importance of objectivity and rigor in data
analysis. By understanding the principles of statistics and probability
sampling, we can avoid biases and errors that may lead to incorrect
conclusions. Moreover, these concepts empower us to make informed
decisions in various fields, from business and economics to healthcare and
social sciences.
To conclude statistics and probability sampling serve as our guiding lights,
helping us navigate through uncertainty and complexity. They provide us
with the tools to extract meaningful insights, make predictions, and
ultimately, enhance our understanding of the world we live in.
Tumakay, Art D 04/11/2024
11-HUMSS MENCIUS Statistics and Probability


This quarter I’ve learned, the relationship between dependent and

independent variables is fundamental to understanding causality and
making meaningful conclusions. The independent variable is the factor that
is manipulated or controlled by the researcher to observe its effect on the
dependent variable. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the
outcome that is measured and affected by changes in the independent
The relationship between these variables is crucial in establishing cause
and effect. By manipulating the independent variable and observing the
changes in the dependent variable, researchers can determine whether there
is a causal relationship between the two. This process is essential for testing
hypotheses and theories in various fields of study, from psychology to
physics. Understanding the distinction between dependent and independent
variables is essential for designing experiments, analyzing data, and
drawing valid conclusions. Researchers must carefully define and measure
these variables to ensure the reliability and validity of their findings.
Additionally, considering other factors that may influence the relationship
between the variables, known as confounding variables, is crucial for
accurate interpretation of results.
In conclusion, the relationship between dependent and independent
variables is central to the scientific method and critical for advancing
knowledge in various disciplines. By understanding and manipulating these
variables effectively, researchers can uncover patterns, relationships, and
causal mechanisms that contribute to our understanding of the world around
us. Before I end this reflection I would like to thank ma’am joy for teaching
us Math and helping to reach our goals. I am honored to be your student

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