LP4 Activity

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Plan for Sustaining and Conserving the Environment Where IPs Lived

Accomplish the planning matrix below by supplementing key information for sustaining
and conserving the environment where IPs lived using Indigenous knowledge, systems and
practices. Plan for Sustaining and Conserving the Environment Where IPs Lived

Activities /
Needed (Human, People Expected
Objectives Strategies Material, & Involved Outcome
Measures Financial)

Noted: You may add additional rows if needed

Excellent (20 Proficient (15 Basic (10 Below Basic (5pt.)
Criteria pts) pts) pts) Score

The ideas/concepts The ideas/concepts The ideas/concepts The ideas/concepts

presented are show less presented are presented are
very little to no
Content evidence-based evidence and less confusing
evidence and are
and well- well- understood. evidence-based and
difficult to very difficult to
understand. understand.

The The ideas/concepts The ideas/concepts

The ideas/concepts ideas/concepts are make general sense are vague,
are clear, concise, and well- organized but require some disjointed, and
Structure have a logical and have a sensible work to organize and show no sense,
and Flow structure and flow. flow and structure. structure them structure, or flow.
logically and sensibly.

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