DLP Transverse Waves

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School BUKIG NATIONAL Grade Level 7


Pre-Service JAMAIKA B. VILORIA Learning Area SCIENCE

Teaching Dates Quarter Third
and Time

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the waves as a carriers of
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster
risk reduction.
C. Learning  Define what is vibration and wave.
Competencies/Objective  Demonstrate the transverse waves.
s  Explain transverse waves.
II. CONTENT Transverse Waves
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 190 and 191
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Teacher-made Instructional Materials
Resources PowerPoint Presentation
You-tube video about Transverse Waves
Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Preliminary Activities

Greetings Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am.

Did you eat your snacks? Yes ma’am

Alright! That’s good.

Today we will be having a fun-filled and

Prayer awesome morning. But first we must need to (Students will pray)
seek the guidance of the Almighty Father.

Classroom Management Before that, arrange your chairs and kindly (Arrange their chairs and pick
pick up those pieces of papers and plastics up pieces of paper and plastics
under your chairs. under their chair.)

You may now take your seats. Thank you ma’am.

Checking of Attendance Secretary in each group, who are absent? (Secretary in each group will
report who are absent in their
Class Rules As we go on with our lesson for today, please
be reminded with our classroom rules.
1. Raise your hands if you want to speak.
2. Be respectful.
3. Don’t talk if someone is talking.
4. Listen attentively and participate
5. Always do your best.

Learning Objectives Before we formally start our discussion, may

I present to you our learning objectives.

 Define what is vibration and wave.

 Demonstrate the transverse waves.
 Explain transverse waves.

We have learned in your previous lesson

Review Motion is the change in
about motion.What is motion class?
position ma’am.
Very good class. We also learned about the
Distance-Time Graph wherein y-axis
represent distance. What does the x-axis
Time ma’am.

Very good. In terms of Velocity-Time Graph,

the x-axis represent time. What about the y-
Velocity ma’am.
axis, what does it represent?
ENGAGE Let’s have an activity.
“Fact or Bluff”

1. Go to your group and form a circle.
2. Secretary of the group will write the name of
his/her group mates in a 1/4 sheet of paper.
3. On the white board, write FACT if the statement (Students answer the
is True and BLUFF if the statement is False. questions)
4. After 10 seconds, the leader of the group will
raise their white board with or without answer.
5. Every correct answer is equivalent to 2 points.

1. Waves are perpendicular disturbance that moves

away from a source and carries energy with it.
2. Waves travel through a medium.
3. A vibration is a travelling disturbance.
4. Vibration causes wave motion.
5. Transverse wave is one of the nature of waves.

Answer key:
1. Fact
2. Fact
3. Bluff
4. Fact
5. Bluff

EXPLORE Let’s have an activity.

“Arrange me”

1. Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, proceed to
your group area.
2. Leader will pick a number.
3. Arrange the jumbled letter.
4. Presenter of the group will present their output.
(Student perform the
1. Vibration activity)
2. Spring
3. Waves
4. Transverse waves

Give yourself a MAGALING CLAP

Follow me. (Clap your hands 1,2,3) (Stamp your
feet 1,2,3) (Clap to the right and say ANG
GALING, clap to the left and say ANG GALING
then shout ANG GALING GALING.)
EXPLAIN Based on the activity, what do you think is our topic Waves ma’am.
for toady?

Very good. Waves are perpendicular disturbance

that moves away from a source and carries energy
with it.

When we say perpendicular, if each diagonal bisect

each other, they form 90o or right angle.

Try to wave at your seatmate and observe the

motion of your hand. Do you make a side-to-side
motion with the palm of your hand? Yes ma’am.

Very good. The repetitive motion that you do with

your hand while waving is called VIBRATION. A
vibration causes wave motion. Always remember
that the source of wave is always a vibration.

Now, let’s have an activity.

Let’s Make Waves!

Guide questions:
1. What is the source of the wave pulse?
2. Describe the motion of you hand as you create
the pulse.

1. Proceed to your group and form a circle.
2. The leader of the group will do the activity. The (Students will perform the
members will observe and take down notes. activity and answer the
3. After the activity, answer the following and draw questions then present their
the motion of the rope. output)
4. Paste your output on the board.
5. Presenter of the group will present the output.
6. The activity is equivalent to 10 points

Drawing- 4points
Answered guide questions- 2points each correct
Presentation- 2points

*The teacher will announce their scores.

Give yourself a MAGALING CLAP.

One of the categories of wave is TRANSVERSE

WAVE. The wave you’ve created in the activity is
called transverse wave.
Transverse wave is a wave whose oscillations are
perpendicular to the direction of the wave’s

When we say oscillate, it move or swing back and

forth at a regular speed.

What do you call the wave you’ve created class? Transverse wave ma’am.

Very good. Take a look at the anatomy and nature

of transverse wave.

The nature of transverse waves can be described

through its terms, quantities and anatomy. The crest
refers to the highest point of a wave pattern and the
trough refers to the lowest point of the wave
pattern. The amplitude of a wave is the maximum
displacement of a particle. It is the difference in
height between crest and the resting position. Take
note that the higher the crests are, the greater the
amplitude of a wave. Wavelength is the distance
between adjacent crests or troughs. Wavelength is
measured in meter.

To sum it up, vibration is the repetitive motion that

you do with your hand while waving.

How about waves? Waves are perpendicular

disturbance that moves
away from a source and
carries energy with it.
Correct. Transverse wave is a wave whose
oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of the
wave’s advance.

On the anatomy of transverse waves, crest is the

highest point of wave pattern. How about the lowest
point of wave pattern? Trough ma’am.

Very good. How about the difference in height

between crest and the resting position? Amplitude ma’am.

Correct. What do we call the distance between

adjacent crests or trough? Wavelength ma’am.

Very good.
ELABORATE Group Activity

1. Proceed to your group and form a circle.
2. In a given activity sheet, identify the parts of a
transverse waves.
3. Paste your output on the board.
4. Presenter or leader in each group will present (Students perform the
their output. activity)

2 points each correct answer (Crest, Trough,
Amplitude and Wavelength)
2 points for presentation
Total:10 points

Give yourself a DORA CLAP.

(Students give themselves a


Directions: Fill in the blanks.

Crest Trough Amplitude

Wavelength Waves Vibration

1. The __________ refers to the highest

point of a wave pattern.
2. _________ is the distance between
adjacent crests or troughs.
3. ________ refers to the lowest point of the
wave pattern.
4. _________ wave is a wave whose
oscillations are perpendicular to the
direction of the wave’s advance.
5. _________ is the difference in height
between crest and the resting position
6. The repetitive motion that you do with
your hand while waving is called _______.
7. _________ are perpendicular disturbance
that moves away from a source and carries
energy with it.

8-10. Draw the anatomy of transverse


Make an advance reading about longitudinal waves

and surface waves.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Pre-service Teacher Cooperating Teacher/Master Teacher II

Checked by: Noted by:


Master Teacher II Master Teacher II

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