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The Concept of Derivative - Rules of


Hong Jengei, Handong University

October 10, 2018

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation

Rules of Differentiation for a Function of One Variable

Constant Function Rule : The derivative of a constant function is

identically zero.

dy df (x)
If y = f (x) = k, = = f 0 (x) = 0.
dx dx

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation

Rules of Differentiation for a Function of One Variable

Power Function Rule : The derivative of a power function y = x n is

nx n−1 .

dy df (x)
If y = f (x) = x n , = = f 0 (x) = nx n−1 .
dx dx

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation

Rules of Differentiation for a Function of One Variable

Generalized Power Function Rule : When a multiplicative constant c

appears in the power function, so that y = f (x) = cx n , its
derivative is

= cnx n−1 .

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation


Solve for the derivatives of the followings

y = 5x 0

y = 2x 3

y = −2x −3


y= x

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation

Rules of Differentiation Involving Two or More Functions
of The Same Variable

Sum-Difference Rule : The derivative of a sum(difference) of two

function is the sum(difference) of the derivative of the two functions:

d(f (x) ± g (x)) df (x) dg (x)

= ±
dx dx dx

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation


Solve for the derivatives of the followings

y = 2x 3 + 13x 2 − x

y = 7x 4 + 2x 3 − 3x + 37

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation

Rules of Differentiation Involving Two or More Functions
of The Same Variable

Product Rule : The derivative of a product of two function is equal

to the first function times the derivative of the second function plus
the second function times the derivative of the first function.

d(f (x)g (x))

= f (x)g 0 (x) + f 0 (x)g (x)

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation


Solve for the derivatives of the followings

y = (2x + 3)3x 2

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation

Rules of Differentiation Involving Two or More Functions
of The Same Variable

f (x)
Quotient Rule : The derivative of the quotient of two function g (x) is

d( gf (x)
(x) ) f 0 (x)g (x) − f (x)g 0 (x)
dx g 2 (x)

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation


Solve for the derivatives of the followings

2x − 3
x +1

x2 + 1

ax 2 + b

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation

Rules of Differentiation Involving Functions of Different

Chain Rule : If we have a function z = f (y ), where y is in turn a

function of another variable x, say, y = g (x), then the derivative of
z with respect to x is equal to the derivative of z with respect to y
times the derivative of y with respect to x.

dz dz dy
= = f 0 (y )g 0 (x)
dx dy dx

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation


Solve for dx

z = 3y 2

y = 2x + 5
Solve for dx

z =y −3

y = x3

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation

Rules of Differentiation for a Function of One Variable

Inverse function Rule : If the function y = f (x) represents a

one-to-one mapping, the function f will have an inverse function
x = f −1 (y ). Then,

dx 1
= dy
dy dx

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation


Solve for dy

y = 5x 4 + 1

Hong Jengei, Handong University The Concept of Derivative - Rules of Differentiation

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