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OFFICIAL NOMMINATION FORM A The Executive Director Junior Chamber International Cameroon Floor 1, Regional Delegation of Commerce Akwa Douala Tel:77772645-95927605-33196782 Email: Date: 15/09/11

RE: NOMMINATION FOR THE OFFICE OF (Please insert appropriate title: National President, Executive Vice President, and Vice President) 1.The_ EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (Full name of Chapter submitting Nomination) At: JCI CAMEROUN Which is an affiliate Local Organization Member in good Standing of Junior Chamber International Cameroon presents the name of? MINOUE LUDOVIC JEAN RICHARD (Full name of candidate in BLOCK LETTERS) Who is an individual member of JCI Cameroon in the OLM EDEA LUMIERE (Name of Chapter) This is a Chapter in good standing with the National Organization as a candidate for the office Junior Chamber International Cameroon 2012 2. Hereby that the name herein has the following qualification for office, as prescribe in the JCI Cameroon constitution. A. will not have reached his/her fortieth (40th birthday prior to assuming office, if elected. B. is an individual member of Junior Chamber International Cameroon and shall been so for a minimum of two (2) years as the time of election C. Will be registered and in attendance at the National Convention at which he/she is a nominee D. Fulfill the specific qualifications for the particular office for which this Nomination is filed as prescribe in the JCI Cameroon Constitution E. The nominee is fully aware of the provision of continued membership as provided F. The nominee has not previously been elected to or served a full term (i.e. By Appointment) in the same office as that for which this nomination is being submitted G. The candidate will not hold LOM office while an officer of Junior Chamber International Cameroon H. In addition, please note that the LOM to which the candidate belongs, must be, at the of current in the payment of dues to the organization, as stipulate in. 3. I AM ABLE TO STATE THAT THE NOMINEES HAS THE SUPPORT OF HER/HIS LOM AND THAT THE LOM EXECUTIVE UNDERSTANDS THAT HIS PERFORMANCE AS AN OFFICER IF ELECTED WILL BE A REFLECTION OF THE LEADERSHIP OF OUR LOM. The contents if this nomination form and the various papers attached which we understands must accompany the nomination form to make it valid, are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Certified: Being the signature of: Serge Cyrille SAME (Please print) President Of Vice Prsident of EDEA LUMIERE (LOM making the nomination) NOTE: Where a nominee in the President of the nominating LOM, the form must be sing by a senior elected officer other than nominee. NOMMINATION FORM Form A Page 1 sur 1

(To be completed by nominee for the elective office) To be completed in triplicate and attached to the Nomination form A, to be submitted to the Executive Secretary. The nominee should study the constitution and policy manual of the Junior Chamber International Cameroon before completing this form, as comprehension of the articles, bylaws and policies is essential if the questions are have full significance. Date RE: NOMINATION FOR THE OF JCI Cameroon EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (President, Deputy President, Executive Vice President, National Vice President) NOMINEES NAME IN FULL MINOUE LUDOVIC JEAN RICHARD (PLEASE UNDERLINED FAMILY NAME) DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 05/09/72 HOME ADDRESS BP 4048 DOUALA (IF PO BOX PLEASE ALSO STATE FULL STREET ADDRESS) MAILLING ADDRESS (TO RECEIVE YOUR CORRESPONDENCE) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PRESENT EMPLOYER: TOTAL CAMEROUN SA 589 Bld de la libert Akwa-Douala (PLEASE STATE FULL STREET ADDRESS) HOME PHONE 96 29 04 92 BUSINESS PHONE 33 42 02 05 FAX 33 42 84 58 N_____________________________________________EMAIL___________________________________________________ NAME OF SPOUSE YAYE NDEO DIOP NAMES AND AGES OF CHHILDREN FULL NAMES OF CHILDREN JAMAL AYDAN MINOUE LEYLA ADYA DIOP MINOUE LATIFAH ALYA DIOP MINOUE DATE OF BIRTH 08/12/2004 16/12/2006 15/10/2008




YEAR 2010



YEAR 2010 2010 2011 2011

HIGGEST NATIONAL HELD NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT YEAR 2011 HIGGHEST LOM OFFICE HELD LOCAL PRESIDENT YEAR 2010 JCI SENATORSHIP NUMBER NONE YEAR NONE 1. CREED OR DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND OATH: Q: Are you familiar with the JCI creed for declaration of principles and official oath of an individual member as set out on JCI Cameroon Constitution? A Que la foi en Dieu donne la vie son vritable sens ; Que la fraternit humaine transcende la souverainet des Nations ; Que la libert des individus et de lentreprise assure mieux la justice conomique ; Que lautorit doit sappuyer sur la loi et non sur larbitraire ; Que la personne humaine est la plus prcieuse des richesses ; Et que servir lhumanit constitue luvre la plus noble dune vie ; 2. PURPOSES: Q: Are you familiar with the purposes of Junior Chamber International Cameroon as set out in JCI Cameroon Constitution? A Les buts de la Jeune Chambre Internationale se retrouve dans la vision et la mission Mission : Offrir des opportunits de dveloppement aux jeunes en leur donnant la capacit de crer des changements positifs Vision: Etre le premier rseau mondial des jeunes citoyens actifs

3. QUALIFICATIONS Q: Are you fully acquainted with general and specified qualifications called for in the offices for which you have nominated, and are you satisfied that you can fulfill these? If must qualify, you answer, please give details. A______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: Q: Have you study the duties the duties and responsibilities of the officers of Cameroon as set in the JCI Cameroon Constitution and Policy manual, and are you satisfied that you can fulfill those appropriate to the office for which you have been nominated? A Jai pris connaissance des devoirs et responsabilits lies au poste de Vice Prsident Excutif et je suis prt les remplir. 5. OATH OF OFFICES AND CEREMONY: Q: Are you aware of the terms of the oath or solemn Declaration of office as prescribe and the ceremony as set out Policy of the JCI Cameroon Constitution, and will you be prepared to take and uphold this Oath, if elected? A Je connais le serment ou la dclaration solennelle pralable loccupation de la fonction et je suis prt assumer les responsabilits lies cette fonction. 6. ATTENDENCE AT NEXT NEARS MEETING: Q: if elected, will you be able, with reasonable, certainly to attend nexts year National Convention and the accompanying Board Meeting (including executive meetings for candidate for executive office ? If you must attach conditions to your answer, please state them A Je vais participer aux reunions et regroupements annuels que sont les : - Assembles Gnrales et Convention nationale.


Page2 sur 4 7. AREA OPPORTUNITY Q: Can you confirm that you are fully familiar with JCI Areas of opportunity and Major emphasis and are you able to speak on these topics? A Je connais les domains dopportunits de la JCI, on peut citer : La formation (moyen pour les membres dapprendre et dcouvrir de nouvelles choses) les actions communautaires (cest loutil le plus important de la JCI, qui permet dtre vritablement utile sa communaut) les affaires (dvelopper la capacit avoir des projet rmunrateurs pour lOLM) et linternational (lopportunit de rencontrer les membres des OLM de dautres pays et partager des expriences) 8. SECRETARIAT FACILITIES: Q: Have you sufficient office and secretariat facilities to handle consideration amount of Correspondence involved in effectively performing your duties as a JCI Cameroon officer if elected? If so please describe these facilities A Je dispose dlments me permettant de faire face aux aspects bureautiques lis la fonction de Vice Prsident excutif. 9. EXPENSES: Q: While every attempt is made to cover officer expenses, inevitably most financial burden falls upon individual officers. Do you therefore, realize and accept that JCI Cameroon cannot loyally its decisions even if some occasion you might be one of the voting minorities? A Je suis conscient et suis prt supporter des frais imprvus dans le cadre de ma fonction et qui nont pu tre intgralement couvert par le Bureau National 10. MAJORITY RULE ON BOARD DIRECTORS: Q: Are you fully aware of the fact that the Board of Director of JCI Cameroon operates by majority rule and, if elected you will be expected as a member of that board to uphold loyally its decisions even if some occasion you might be one voting minority? A Je comprend parfaitement que les decisions sont prises lors de votes la majorit des votants et quil peut arriver qu eje fasse partie de la minorit 11. TRAVEL Q: if your nomination is for the position of the PRESIDENT, approximately how many days will you be able to devote to JCI Cameroon Travel during term of your office? A_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. NATIONAL PRESIDENT Q: if your nomination is for the position of the PRESIDENT please describe on a separate sheet how you intend to carry on your present employment or business during your term of office 13. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Q: if your nomination is for the position of VICE PRESIDENT, approximately how many days will you be able to devote to JCI Cameroon travel during term of your office A: Approximately number of days 14 jours 14. NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Q: if your nomination is for the position of VICE PRESIDENT, approximately how many days will you be able to devote to JCI Cameroon travel during term of your office? A: approximately number of days______________________________________________________________________ 15. VISITS Q: if your nomination is for the position of EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, will you be able to visit at least fifty percent of your assigned LOMs before the end of May during the term of your office? A Je serai capable deffectuer des visites dans au moins 5% des OLM de mon champs daction 16. ALLOCATION OF DUES: Q: if elected to the office, for which you are nominated, will you be fully prepared to accept whatever assignnement is given to you? A Je suis prepare cela. Q: if you are nomination is for the position of EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, in which Zone would it, be most convenient for you to travel? A ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

(NOTE: the assignnement of for Zone for visitation, extension and for requested travel would be made after the elections, in accordance with the JCI Cameroon Constitution (the information requested her is for guidance only). 17. PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONS Q: What is the nature of your profession or occupation? Please supply details. A Dlgu Commercial Grands Comptes : Prospection Suivi de portefeuille Gestion de la relation clientle

JCI Cameroon NNOMINATION FORM Page 3 sur 4 Q: List any degrees, diplomas, certified, etc you have achieve, as well as many educational courses you may have completed in addition to your professional studies (NOTE: Please provide as much details possible, as this information will appear in your biography in the event you are elected) A BAC G3 BTS ACTION COMMERCIALE BAC +5 EN GESTION DES ENTREPRISES

18. HEALTH Q: Will your health enable to fulfill all your JCI Cameroon duties, as well your domestic and business responsibilities? A Ma sant me permet de pouvoir faire face mes obligations de la JCI, familiale et professionnelles. 19. OTHER COMMITMENTS: Q: Can you give us an unqualified assurance at this time that your family and your business commitment will permit you to give sufficient time to the requirements of the office for which you have been nominated? A: Je pense raisonnablement que mes obligations familiales et professionnelles me laisseront suffisamment de temps pour la fonction laquelle je postule.

Signed: ___________________________________ Date_______________________________________

JCI Cameroon NOMINATION FORM Page 4 sur 4

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