RC II-9 Math Lesson Plan Form

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CDA Lesson Plan Form

Lesson Plan Title: “ Together We Count” Date of Lesson:05/15/2024

Concept/Topic to Teach: The Concept of This Topic is For the Children to Progress in Cognitive
Development by Getting Familiar with Numbers , and Counting.

Small Group
Full Group
Individual Activity

Early Learning Standards addressed: The Early Learning Expectations are Being Met, By Letting
the Children Discover and Create. They're Using Number Concepts and Developing Confidence
in Their Ability to Recognize Numbers.

Specific learning outcomes/objectives/learning domains: The Outcome of this Activity is To Help

the Children Learn Sequence, Number Recognition , Sorting , Concentration , Use Fine Motor
Skills and Controlled Coordination.

Required materials and preparation needed: Big Color Construction Paper with Different
Numbers Traced On Each One , Crayons , Scissors , Glue , Cut-up Pieces of Paper , Edible Glitter

How I will introduce the activity: After Going Over Shapes at Circle Time , I Will Ask Each Child If
They Know How to Count to 10. After Going Around , I Tell Them that Today we’ll Be Focusing on
Our Big 10. I’ll Have Each Child Come up To The Board and Ask If They Can Find Whichever
Number I Say. After That Small Activity I’ll Ask Them To Go To Their Tables For A Game Called
“Big Creative Number Blast” As They Sit In Their Seat, I’ll Start to Pass Out The Materials and
Introduce the Instructions that's Given for The Activity.

Step-by-Step procedures: Each Child will Get a Number and Decorate Their Number in any Way
They Would Like , After the Art Activity is Over , I Will Ask The Children to Stand in Line with The
Correct Number that Goes Next from What They Have. Afterwards We Will Sing a Number Song
and Have Them Hold Up Their Number that They Created.
Follow-up (for example, related materials I may put in a learning center after this lesson):
Number Foam Blocks , Number Flashcards , Number Songs , Number Mats, Number Sponges for

How I will evaluate the activity: I Will Make Sure That My Assessment Reflects the Mathematics
Concept of the Lesson and Curriculum. I Will Make Sure That The Notation I Do , Supports the
Instruction Given and Relates to the Activities and Make Sure to Give Positive feedback.

Accommodations for children with disabilities, if needed: Children with Disabilities will Have
Close Supervision and More On Hand Assistance if Needed. Materials will already Be Set Out for
Them , With the Freedom of Letting them Decorate Their Number the Way That They Like.

Adaptations for children who are dual language learners, if needed: Having the Number Songs ,
Played Through a Radio and Exercising Sign Language to Gasp More of their Attention and to
Find out Their Interest or Dislike with the Art Activity.

Possible connections to other topics: Other Topics / Activities that Are Possible Connections are
Number Walks , Hopscotch, Games with Dice , and/or Counting Bingo Cards/Boards.

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