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Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer

Operation Manual
[Software Section]

(SALD-301V-WEA1: V1.3)
(Measuring range: 0.1-350µm)

Read this instruction manual thoroughly before you use the instrument.
Keep this instruction manual for future reference.
Product Warranty

Our company provides a warranty on this product, as stated below.

1. Warranty Period : Please consult your Shimadzu representative for information about the extent
of the warranty.
2. Warranty Description: If failure occurs for reasons attributable to our company during the warranty
period, our company will provide repairs or the replacement of parts without
charge. However, we may not be able to provide identical products in the case of
products such as PCs, and their peripherals and parts, which have a short lifespan
in the market.
3. Warranty Exceptions: The failures caused by the following events are excluded from the warranty,
even if they occur during the warranty period.
1) The product is handled in an improper way.
2) Repairs or modifications are performed by companies or people other than our company and
our designated companies.
3) This product was used in combination with hardware or software other than those designated
by our company.
4) Device failures and damage to data and software, including the basic software, that are caused
by computer viruses.
5) Device failures and damage to data and software, including the basic software, that are caused
by power failures, including power outages and sudden drops of voltage.
6) Device failures and damage to data and software, including the basic software, that are caused
by powering off the device without the proper shutdown procedure.
7) Failures are caused by reasons other than the device itself.
8) Failures are caused by the use in harsh environments, such as in high temperature or humidity,
corrosive gas, or vibration.
9) Failures are caused by fires and earthquakes or any other act of providence, contamination by
radio active substances and hazardous substances, or any other force majeure event including
wars, riots, and crimes.
10) Problems occur because the device is transferred or transported after installation.
11) Expendable items and parts
Note: Recording media such as floppy disks and CD-ROMs are considered expendables.

*) If there is a document such as a warranty attached to the product, or there is a separate contract agreed upon
that includes warranty conditions, the rules stated in those documents shall be followed.
Warranty periods for products with special specifications and systems are provided separately.

Copyright (C) 2006 Shimadzu Corporation. All rights reserved. This publication may not be
reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from Shimadzu Corporation.
Since Shimadzu products are frequently upgraded and improved, information in this publication is
subject to change without notice. We appreciate notification of any errors or omissions.
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Specifications ..................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Hardware Configuration ................................................................................................................ 4

2.2 Software Configuration ................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Software Processing ...................................................................................................................... 5

3. System Set-up..................................................................................................................................... 6

3.1 Hardware Settings ......................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Software Installation (from CD-ROM) ......................................................................................... 6
3.3 Software Installation (from floppy disks)...................................................................................... 7
3.4 Delete Software (uninstall)............................................................................................................ 9

4. Outline of Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing] ............................................................................ 10

4.1 Start-up ........................................................................................................................................ 10

4.2 Exit .............................................................................................................................................. 11

5. Measurement (Wing-1) ................................................................................................................... 12

5.1 Outline ......................................................................................................................................... 12

5.2 Manual Measurement .................................................................................................................. 15
5.3 Re-Calculation of Particle Size Distribution ............................................................................... 18
5.4 Set Measuring Conditions ........................................................................................................... 18
5.5 Change Refractive Index Parameter ............................................................................................ 20

6. Set Sample ID, # and Comment (Wing-1) ..................................................................................... 21

7. Particle Size Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)......................................................................... 22

7.1 Outline ......................................................................................................................................... 22

7.2 Particle Size Distribution Data .................................................................................................... 23
7.3 Output Options ............................................................................................................................ 24
7.4 Graph Options ............................................................................................................................. 26
7.5 Particle Distribution Table (Format 1) ........................................................................................ 27
7.6 Table of Particle Size (Format 2) ................................................................................................ 28


8. Light Intensity Distribution Data Display (Wing-1) .................................................................... 29

9. Data Management (Wing-1) ........................................................................................................... 30

9.1 Outline ......................................................................................................................................... 30

9.2 Save Data..................................................................................................................................... 30
9.3 Open Data.................................................................................................................................... 31

10. Set Environment (Wing-1)............................................................................................................ 32

10.1 Set Environment ........................................................................................................................ 32

10.2 Set Communications Options .................................................................................................... 35

11. Set Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative % (Wing-1).......................................................... 36

12. Diagnosis and Adjustment (Wing-1)............................................................................................ 38

13. Transfer to Clipboard (Wing-1)................................................................................................... 39

14. Outline of Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing] ........................................................................... 40

15. Open Data (Wing-2) ...................................................................................................................... 44

16. Particle Size Distribution Data (Wing-2) .................................................................................... 46

17. Light Intensity Distribution Data (Wing-2) ................................................................................ 49

18. Sort Data (Wing-2) ........................................................................................................................ 51

19. Outline of Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing] .......................................................................... 52

20. Open Data (Wing-3) ...................................................................................................................... 55

21. List Data File Titles (Wing-3)....................................................................................................... 56

22. Statistical Data Processing (Wing-3) ........................................................................................... 57

23. Time Series Analysis (Wing-3) ..................................................................................................... 60

24. Three-dimensional Graph (Wing-3) ............................................................................................ 62

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

The "Software Section" of this manual describes the WingSALD (WingSALD-301V) software for the
Shimadzu SALD-301V Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer and the methods and sequences for
measuring particle size distribution and processing particle size distribution data.
Please read the "Hardware Section" of the manual for SALD-301V main unit set-up and operation.
SALD-301V software is 32-bit program fully designed for Windows1 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP. It is
capable of diverse and high-speed processing, display, and output of a large volume of particle size
distribution data and diffracted/scattered light intensity distribution data.

This software consists of the following three Wing subprograms.

• Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing]

This controls the SALD-301V main unit (measuring and sampler units) and measures particle
size distribution. The processing objects are single particle size distribution data and light
intensity distribution data.

• Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing]

This overlays particle size distribution data and light intensity distribution data. A maximum of
12 particle size distribution data and light intensity distribution data objects can be processed. It
is also capable of re-calculating 12 data objects.

• Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing]

This carries out Statistical Data Processing and Time Series Analysis, and Three-dimensional
Graph display. A maximum of 200 particle size distribution data can be processed.

In all of the above subprograms, a clipboard can be used to transfer image or text data to other
applications, allowing creation of more graphics in documents and users individual data processing.

Folders (Directories) for storing data

When the program is started up and [Open] or [Save As] is selected, a folder titled "Data" is created in
the program folder (normally "WingSALD-301V"). Unless changed, all data are saved in this folder.
When [Open] is selected, the contents of this folder are displayed. If the target folder is changed in
either [Open] or [Save As] dialog box, the program asks if you wish to use the folder as a folder for
saving future data. If you select [Yes], the selected folder will be accessed in [Open] or [Save As]
dialog box.

Windows is a registered trademark of US Microsoft Corporation.

1. Introduction

If you select [No], a data folder will not be changed.

If a data folder in a floppy disk has been selected, it may happen that the relevant floppy disk has not
been inserted in the drive. When the selected folder cannot be accessed the program will revert to the
original "Data" folder after displaying a warning message.

Transfer, Copy, Delete of Data

This software handles four types of data as shown below.
1) Particle size distribution data
2) Light intensity distribution data
3) Measuring conditions
4) Text files for comments

It actually reads and writes five types of data files with the extensions [DAT], [LDT], [CND], [CMP],
and [TXT] following the same file name.
The user does not have to be aware of the difference in the data files when using them in this system.
However, if you wish to access these files using Explorer, commercial file management software, or
an MS-DOS command, you must be aware that five data files with the same name but different
extensions exist.
When moving or copying data files to another folder, you must move or copy all five files with the
same name and different extensions and not just the file with the extension [DAT].
If you move or copy only the file with the extension [DAT], the file names will be displayed in the
dialog box of this software, but data cannot be stored.
When deleting files, in the same way, all five files must be deleted.
If you delete only the file with [DAT] extension, while the file name will be deleted from the file list
displayed in the dialog box of the software, actually four files will remain.

Save Data Warnings

In Wing-1 (Standard Data Processing), a warning message is displayed urging you to save data in the
following cases.
• If you attempt to carry out further measurements without saving the results of a measurement.
• If you attempt to Exit without saving the measurement results.
• If you attempt to carry out further measurements without saving the results of the re-calculations.
• If you attempt to Exit without saving the re-calculation results.

In the following cases, there is no warning message.

• If you attempt the next re-calculation without saving the measurement results or re-calculation

1. Introduction

In Wing-2 (Multiple Data Processing), since data is stored from the saved file for processing, the
measurement results will not be lost. For this reason, there is no warning message such as that
mentioned above.
After re-calculation, the particle size distribution will be changed but the diffracted/scattered light
intensity distribution data will be not.
As long as there is light intensity distribution data, particle size distribution data can be obtained
immediately by re-calculation using any required refractive index. Also, there may be cases of
frequent re-calculations of the 12 data for numerous refractive index changes. Should a warning
message be generated each time this happens, this would slow down operation.
For this reason, no warning message is displayed in Wing-2.

As there is no need to save data in files in the Wing-3 (Extended Data Processing), none of the above
warning messages are displayed.

2. Specifications

2. Specifications

2.1 Hardware Configuration



Measuring unit Sampler unit

Fig. 2.1 Hardware System Configuration

(1) SALD-301V main unit

• Measuring unit
• Sampler unit (Sampler unit belongs to Model-2 only)
(2) Personal Computer
• O S : Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP (English Version)
• CPU : Pentium2 100 MHz or more (The one to meet demand of OS)
• Memory : 32MB or more (The one to meet demand of OS)
• Hard Disk : Available disk space of 30MB or more
• CD-ROM Drive: Necessary for installing software
• Serial Port : 1Ports (RS-232C compatible)
(3) Color display
• SVGA (800 × 600) or more (The one to meet demand of OS)
(4) Printer
• Compatible with Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP
(5) RS-232C cable (One come with the SALD-301V main unit)

2.2 Software Configuration

(1) Wing-1 : Standard Data Processing Program
(2) Wing-2 : Multiple Data Processing Program
(3) Wing-3 : Extended Data Processing Program

Pentium is a trademarks of Intel Corporation.

2. Specifications

2.3 Software Processing

(1) Wing-1 (Standard Data Processing)
Particle size distribution measurement Single data
Particle size distribution re-calculation Single data
Light intensity distribution data real-
Single data
time display
Particle size distribution data real-time
Single data
Particle size distribution data display Single data
Light intensity distribution data display Single data
Diagnosis and Adjustment
Particle size distribution data: Single data
Data transfer, using clipboard
Light intensity distribution data: Single data
Multi-screen display Not available

(2) Wing-2 (Multiple Data Processing Function)

Batch calculation of maximum 12 data
Particle size distribution re-calculation
and single data individual calculation
Particle size distribution data display Overlaying of maximum 12 data and single data
Light intensity distribution data display Overlaying of maximum 12 data and single data
Particle size distribution data maximum 12 data
Data transfer, using clipboard
Light intensity distribution data maximum 12 data
Sorting data by file name, sample ID, sample #
Sorting data
or refractive index
Multi-screen display Available

(3) Wing-3 (Extended Data Processing)

Maximum 200 data
Statistical Data Processing
Overlaying of maximum 200 data
Time Series Analysis Maximum 200 data
Three-dimensional Graph Maximum 200 data
Data transfer, using clipboard Particle size distribution data maximum 200 data
Sorting data by file name, sample ID, sample #
Sorting data
or refractive index
Multi-screen processing Available

(4) Output options

Particle diameter (µm) Fixed 51 divisions / 101 divisions
number of divisions Optional (can be set by user) 51 divisions 10 tables
Particle amount (%) Fixed 51 divisions
number of divisions Optional (can be set by user) 51 divisions 10 tables
Distribution standard
Number, length, area, volume
Cumulative distribution expression Oversize, Undersize
Differential distribution expression q, q/∆x, q/∆log x
Smoothing levels 10 levels
Rosin-Rammler distribution,
Distribution function fitting
Logarithmic Gaussian distribution
Data shift ±10 levels

3. System Set-up

3. System Set-up

This manual describes system settings under the following headings.

• Hardware Settings
• Software Installation (from CD-ROM)
• Software Installation (from floppy disk)

We will also discuss the following topic.

• Delete Software (uninstall)

The software can be installed from a CD-ROM or floppy disks. You do not have to do both.

General precautions for system set-up are given at the end of this chapter. Make sure you refer to

3.1 Hardware Settings

It is not necessary to set the baud rate of the PC main unit RS-232C port. Other settings related to the
RS-232C will be carried out using this software.
See “Fig. 2.1 Hardware System Configuration” for cable connections.

3.2 Software Installation (from CD-ROM)

Your PC must be connected to a CD-ROM drive in order to use this installation method.

1) Start up Windows and insert the CD-ROM of this software into the CD-ROM drive. After a pause,
Windows automatic executive function will start the set-up program.

2) If the set-up program fails to appear, this indicates that Windows automatic executive function is
turned off. Select [Add/Remove Programs] from the Control Panel and select [Install...] from the
[Add/Remove Programs Properties] dialog box. This enables manual start of the set-up program.

3) Continue operations following the instructions displayed on-screen.

4) During set-up, the [Choose Installation Location] dialog box (Fig.3.1) will appear. Initially,
"\Program Files\WingSALD-301V"
folder in the start up drive is set as a default target folder. To install in this location, click on
[Next>]. To change the installation location, click on [Browse..] and select the desired location.

3. System Set-up

Fig. 3.1 Selecting an installation location

5) Copying of files into the designated location will be initiated.

6) When installation is successfully completed, the program folder for this WingSALD software will
appear on-screen. Double click on the icon of the program you have just installed and this will
start up. The program folder for this WingSALD software is registered in Windows desktop
program menu. This allows you to re-open the WingSALD program folder after you have closed it.

7) You have to complete [Set Communications Options] before communicating with the SALD-
301V main unit. See “10.2 Set Communications Options” for set-up.

3.3 Software Installation (from floppy disks)

This system does not provide installation floppy disks.
Therefore, in order to use a floppy disk for installation, you must first duplicate the installation
software from the CD-ROM onto several floppy disks.

1) Use a PC that has both a CD-ROM drive and a 2HD floppy disk drive connected or built-in.

2) The "\Program" folder in the CD-ROM contains several folders (subfolders) that, in turn, contain
installation files divided to allow disk-by-disk duplication. The contents of each folder must be
copied onto several floppy disks.

3) Start Explorer from Windows program menu.

3. System Set-up

4) Double click on the folder in the CD-ROM named.

"\Program\Disk 1"
in Explorer to open "Disk 1".

5) Copy all the files in the "Disk 1" folder into the root directory of a floppy disk. There is no need to
create a folder in the floppy disk. Label the floppy disk "Disk 1".

6) In the same manner, copy all the contents of the "Disk 2" folder in the CD-ROM onto a floppy
disk and continue folder-to-disk copying with the remaining disk folders.

7) Insert Disk1 into the floppy disk drive of the PC where the WingSALD-301V software is to be
Then select [Add/Remove Programs] from Windows Control Panel.

8) Click on [Install...] of [Add/Remove Programs Properties] dialog box. Continue the operation
following the on-screen instructions. Apart from exchanging the floppy disks, the remaining
procedures are as for CD-ROM installation.

Execute the [Set Communications Options] in the following order.
1) Start up Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing].
2) Select the [Set Communications Options] command from the [Options] menu to open the [Set
Communications Options] dialog box.

Fig. 3.2 Set Communications Options

Always connect the SALD-301V measuring unit to CH-1 (channel 1).

3. System Set-up

3.4 Delete Software (uninstall)

This software can be deleted (uninstall), using standard Windows procedures. The uninstall procedure
deletes software written into the hard disk. If the software is uninstalled and then re-installed, all
settings return to their default values. Therefore, avoid doing this unless for a good reason. The
procedures to uninstall are as follows.

1) Select [Add/Remove Programs] from the Windows Control Panel.

2) Select [WingSALD-301V] from the [Add/Remove Programs Properties] dialog box and click on
[Install/Uninstall]. Continue operations following the on-screen instructions to uninstall the
software. Unless or until it is re-installed the software can no longer be used.

4. Outline of Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing]

4. Outline of Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing]

4.1 Start-up
First check that the SALD-301V measuring unit is connected to the PC via RS-232C cable. Then turn
on all power switches.

When Wing-1 the [Standard Data Processing] program is started, the [Display Data] screen appears
as shown in Fig. 4.1. Since there is no actual data saved at that time, only the cells of the graphs and
tables are displayed.

Fig. 4.1 Data display mode screen

Wing-1 has three modes as shown below.

• Data Display mode
• Manual Measurement mode
• Diagnosis and Adjustment mode

Switch between these modes when required during operation.

4. Outline of Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing]

After the mode is selected one of three dialogue bars as shown in Fig. 4.2 is displayed in the right side
of the screen. Items in the dialogue bars are identical to those in the normal menu and the pull-down
menu. These dialogue bars enable easy display and selection of frequently used processes and the
basic measuring tasks can be carried out using the items in these.

(a)Data Display (b)Manual Measurement (c)Diagnosis, Adjustment

Fig. 4.2 Dialogue bars for the three modes

These dialogue bars are not used in Wing-2 or Wing-3.

If during SALD-301V and program (Wing-1) operation the measuring unit of the SALD-301V should
be disconnected from the PC for some reason (e.g. communication cable is pulled out from
connectors), press the reset button on the SALD-301V main unit and select [File] - [System Restart].
During system restart, all data is backed up in memory and the Blank Intensity is also maintained.

4.2 Exit
To Exit the program, select the [Exit] command from the [File] menu.
However, before exiting the program, do not turn off the power supply to the SALD-301V main

Should you mistakenly do so, the CRT screen display will remain frozen at [End measuring unit
control] or [End Sampler control]. If this happens, press the <ESC> key to exit the program.

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

5.1 Outline
Fig. 5.1 is a flow chart of the Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing] program operation.

SALD Measuring Unit Data File

Light Intensity Distribution Data Light Intensity Distribution Data

Particle Size Particle Size

Distribution Distribution
Calculation Calculation

Particle Size Distribution Data Particle Size Distribution Data

Output Options Output Options

Graph Graph Graph Graph

Options Options Options Options


SHIMADZU SALD-301V (SALD-301V-WEA1:V1.21) (File Name) FILE10
SHIMADZU SALD-301V (SALD-301V-WEA1:V1.21) (File Name) FILE10
(File Name) FILE10 (Sample ID) DATA10 (Sample #) 300V (File Name) FILE10 (Sample ID) DATA10 (Sample #) 300V
(Sample ID) DATA10 (Sample #) 300V ( Date ) 99/10/06 ( Time ) 14:16:25 (Sample ID) DATA10 (Sample #) 300V ( Date ) 99/10/06 ( Time ) 14:16:25
( Date ) 99/10/06 ( Time ) 14:16:25 ( Date ) 99/10/06 ( Time ) 14:16:25
R Index=2.00-0.20i Median D : 13.390 Mean V : 13.381 25.0%D : 11.806 S Level : 0 R Index=2.00-0.20i Median D : 13.390 Mean V : 13.381 25.0%D : 11.806 S Level : 0
(%) 100% = 2000 Ab so rba nc e = 0 .1 89 Modal D : 12.331 Std Dev : 0.082 50.0%D : 13.390 D Func :None (%) 100% = 2000 Ab so rba nc e = 0 .1 89 Modal D : 12.331 Std Dev : 0.082 50.0%D : 13.390 D Func :None
75.0%D : 15.234 D Shift : 0 75.0%D : 15.234 D Shift : 0
100 100

Q 3 (%) q 3(%) Q 3 (%) q 3(%)

Normalized Particle Amount

Normalized Particle Amount

80 100 50
80 100 50
Light Intensity

Light Intensity

90 90
60 60
80 40 80 40

70 70
40 40
60 30 60 30

50 50
20 20
40 20 40 20

30 30
0 0
20 10 20 10

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 10
Sensor Element Number 0 0 Sensor Element Number 0 0
0 .1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 500 0 .1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 500
Particle Diameter ( µ m) Particle Diameter (µ m)
< Ring Elements > < Ring Elements >
Diam Cum Diff Diam Cum Diff Diam Cum Diff Diam Cum Diff Diam Cum Diff Diam Cum Diff
1 64.00 19 859.00 37 438.00 x( µ m) Q 3(%) q 3(%) x( µ m) Q 3(%) q 3(%) x( µ m) Q 3(%) q3 (%) 1 64.00 19 859.00 37 438.00 x( µ m) Q 3(%) q 3(%) x( µ m) Q 3(%) q 3(%) x( µ m) Q 3(%) q 3 (%)
2 96.00 20 903.00 38 450.00 2 96.00 20 903.00 38 450.00
3 110.00 21 929.00 39 472.00 1 350.000 100.000 0.000 18 21.832 100.000 3.229 35 1.362 0.000 0.000 3 110.00 21 929.00 39 472.00 1 350.000 100.000 0.000 18 21.832 100.000 3.229 35 1.362 0.000 0.000
4 127.00 22 957.00 40 496.00 2 297.294 100.000 0.000 19 18.544 96.771 15.285 36 1.157 0.000 0.000 4 127.00 22 957.00 40 496.00 2 297.294 100.000 0.000 19 18.544 96.771 15.285 36 1.157 0.000 0.000
5 139.00 23 930.00 41 521.00 3 252.526 100.000 0.000 20 15.752 81.486 31.628 37 0.983 0.000 0.000 5 139.00 23 930.00 41 521.00 3 252.526 100.000 0.000 20 15.752 81.486 31.628 37 0.983 0.000 0.000
6 149.00 24 910.00 42 560.00 4 214.498 100.000 0.000 21 13.380 49.857 32.411 38 0.835 0.000 0.000 6 149.00 24 910.00 42 560.00 4 214.498 100.000 0.000 21 13.380 49.857 32.411 38 0.835 0.000 0.000
7 173.00 25 864.00 43 611.00 5 182.198 100.000 0.000 22 11.365 17.447 14.158 39 0.709 0.000 0.000 7 173.00 25 864.00 43 611.00 5 182.198 100.000 0.000 22 11.365 17.447 14.158 39 0.709 0.000 0.000
8 213.00 26 789.00 44 658.00 6 154.761 100.000 0.000 23 9.653 3.289 3.289 40 0.602 0.000 0.000 8 213.00 26 789.00 44 658.00 6 154.761 100.000 0.000 23 9.653 3.289 3.289 40 0.602 0.000 0.000
9 251.00 27 715.00 45 714.00 7 131.456 100.000 0.000 24 8.200 0.000 0.000 41 0.511 0.000 0.000 9 251.00 27 715.00 45 714.00 7 131.456 100.000 0.000 24 8.200 0.000 0.000 41 0.511 0.000 0.000
10 280.00 28 635.00 46 766.00 8 111.660 100.000 0.000 25 6.965 0.000 0.000 42 0.434 0.000 0.000 10 280.00 28 635.00 46 766.00 8 111.660 100.000 0.000 25 6.965 0.000 0.000 42 0.434 0.000 0.000
11 333.00 29 557.00 47 837.00 9 94.846 100.000 0.000 26 5.916 0.000 0.000 43 0.369 0.000 0.000 11 333.00 29 557.00 47 837.00 9 94.846 100.000 0.000 26 5.916 0.000 0.000 43 0.369 0.000 0.000
12 385.00 30 507.00 48 895.00 10 80.563 100.000 0.000 27 5.025 0.000 0.000 44 0.313 0.000 0.000 12 385.00 30 507.00 48 895.00 10 80.563 100.000 0.000 27 5.025 0.000 0.000 44 0.313 0.000 0.000
13 442.00 31 476.00 49 971.00 11 68.431 100.000 0.000 28 4.268 0.000 0.000 45 0.266 0.000 0.000 13 442.00 31 476.00 49 971.00 11 68.431 100.000 0.000 28 4.268 0.000 0.000 45 0.266 0.000 0.000
14 506.00 32 451.00 50 1023.00 12 58.126 100.000 0.000 29 3.626 0.000 0.000 46 0.226 0.000 0.000 14 506.00 32 451.00 50 1023.00 12 58.126 100.000 0.000 29 3.626 0.000 0.000 46 0.226 0.000 0.000
15 573.00 33 439.00 51 1088.00 13 49.373 100.000 0.000 30 3.080 0.000 0.000 47 0.192 0.000 0.000 15 573.00 33 439.00 51 1088.00 13 49.373 100.000 0.000 30 3.080 0.000 0.000 47 0.192 0.000 0.000
16 643.00 34 427.00 52 1127.00 14 41.938 100.000 0.000 31 2.616 0.000 0.000 48 0.163 0.000 0.000 16 643.00 34 427.00 52 1127.00 14 41.938 100.000 0.000 31 2.616 0.000 0.000 48 0.163 0.000 0.000
17 724.00 35 428.00 53 1168.00 15 35.623 100.000 0.000 32 2.222 0.000 0.000 49 0.139 0.000 0.000 17 724.00 35 428.00 53 1168.00 15 35.623 100.000 0.000 32 2.222 0.000 0.000 49 0.139 0.000 0.000
18 790.00 36 431.00 54 1180.00 16 30.259 100.000 0.000 33 1.887 0.000 0.000 50 0.118 0.000 0.000 18 790.00 36 431.00 54 1180.00 16 30.259 100.000 0.000 33 1.887 0.000 0.000 50 0.118 0.000 0.000
17 25.702 100.000 0.000 34 1.603 0.000 0.000 51 0.100 0.000 0.000 17 25.702 100.000 0.000 34 1.603 0.000 0.000 51 0.100 0.000 0.000

Sampling Mode : Manual Refractive Index : 2.00-0.20i Sampling Mode : Manual Refractive Index : 2.00-0.20i
Signal Accumulation Count : 1 Interval (sec) : ___ Signal Averaging Count : 64 Signal Accumulation Count : 1 Interval (sec) : ___ Signal Averaging Count : 64
Max of Absorbance Range : 0.200 Min of Absorbance Range : 0.000 Max of Absorbance Range : 0.200 Min of Absorbance Range : 0.000
Ultrasonic Dispersion Time (sec) : ___ Waiting Time After Ultrasonic Dispersion(sec) : ___ Ultrasonic Dispersion Time (sec) : ___ Waiting Time After Ultrasonic Dispersion(sec) : ___
Particle Size Range for Analysis : OFF Starting Point of Sensor Elements : 1 Particle Size Range for Analysis : OFF Starting Point of Sensor Elements : 1

Light Intensity Particle Size Light Intensity Particle Size

Distribution Data Distribution Data Distribution Data Distribution Data

Real-Time Display Measurement Result Display

Wing-1 (Standard Data Processing)

Fig. 5.1 Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing] program operation sequence

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

The Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing] program features the manual measurement mode for
measuring particle size distribution.
The diagram Fig. 5.2 below shows the standard measurement sequence for the SALD-301V and the
following section gives a summary of its contents before describing the details of the operation.


(1) Rinsing

(2) Set Sample ID and #

(3) Blank Measurement

(4) Add Sample

(5) Dilution & Dispersion

(6) Detect Light Intensity

Distribution Data

(7) Calculating Particle

Size Distribution

(8) Particle Size Distribution

Data Display
Printer Output

(9) Save Data

Particle Size Distribution Data
Light Intensity Distribution Data
Measuring Conditions

(10) Rinsing


Fig 5.2 Standard measurement procedures of SALD-301V

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

(1) First, rinse the flow cell and sample bath and fill the sample bath with the clean (e.g. pure water)
for measurement. Circulate this through the flow cell.

(2) Create the sample ID (sample name) and number (#).

(3) Execute a blank measurement.

As the flow cell is filled with only dispersion medium, the diffracted/scattered light intensity
distribution is measured by each sensor elements and data are saved in the computer memory.
These data become the measurement baseline.

(4) Add the sample (particle material to be measured) in the sample bath.
In the case of samples that are not easily dispersed or samples that do not contain coarse particles
with fast sedimentation, rather than adding the powder directly to the sample bath, it is a good idea
to pour it into a beaker and create a concentrated raw solution (suspension solution) and then add
this to the bath.

(5) Dilute and disperse the suspension solution so that the optimum sample solution for measuring
conditions is obtained, and then circulate this through the flow cell. If the sample particles
coagulate, radiate the sample solution with ultrasonic waves when necessary.

(6) The particles in the suspension are shot with laser beams and the resulting laser
diffracted/scattered light intensity distribution data are detected and saved in memory.

(7) The particle size distribution data is calculated from the light intensity distribution data.

(8) The particle size distribution data is displayed on-screen.

(9) Save the particle size distribution data, along with light intensity distribution data and measuring
conditions on a floppy or hard disk and give the files a name.

(10) Rinse the bath and flow cell and fill them with clean dispersion medium for the next

The following section provides detailed descriptions of the Manual Measurement mode, Particle
Distribution Re-Calculation, and Measuring Conditions in that order.

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

5.2 Manual Measurement


Input Sample ID and


Add Sample
Check Cleanliness of Cell
Check Dilution/Dispersion
Light Intensity Distribution
Data Display

Operation of Blank
Sampler Unit Measurement

Pump On/Off Measurement

Dilute Detect Light Intensity

Distribution Data

Rinse Calculate Particle

Size Distribution

Drain Particle Size

Distribution Data

Save Data

Next Measurement

Fig. 5.3 Manual Measurement Sequence

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

Before the first measurement, it is important to check the SALD-301V (measuring unit) optical axis
(refer to “12-Diagnosis and Adjustment”).
Check or change the measuring conditions if necessary. (see “5.4 Set Measuring Conditions”)

(1) Input the sample ID and number.

(2) The CRT screen will display the light intensity distribution data in real time as shown in the figure

Fig. 5.4 Real-time display of light intensity distribution data

in manual measurement mode

The particle size distribution data can be displayed by selecting the [Particle Size Distribution
Data] command from the [View] menu.

(3) Check whether the flow cell needs rinsing by observing the pattern and light absorbance shown in
the light intensity distribution data displayed on-screen.
If the flow cell is soiled, it must be rinsed.
The example in the diagram above shows light intensity distribution data for a suspension solution.
This data shows that the flow cell is soiled. When filled only with the dispersion medium, the light
intensity is low at around 10%. Rinse the flow cell so that this value is attained.
When there is dispersion medium not circulating in the cell, or there are air bubbles inside the
flow cell, the light intensity distribution data may show an abnormal pattern.

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

(4) After checking the flow cell is clean, start a blank measurement.
When the blank measurement has ended, the light intensity distribution data minus the blank
measurement values is displayed on-screen.

Fig. 5.5 Warning of checking the flow cell before blank measurement

If a blank measurement is carried out when rinsing is incomplete, the above warning message is
displayed. Click on [No] and return to (3) and rinse again.

(5) Add the sample.

If the sample concentration is high, dilute while monitoring the diffracted/scattered light intensity
distribution data patterns and light absorbance values.
A guideline for suitable measurement is that the maximum value of light intensity distribution is
between 35% - 75% (between 700 - 1500 in absolute values).
In this case, the title [Measurement Area] at the bottom left side of the screen blinks. If the light
absorbance is outside the [Allowable Absorbance Range] set in the measuring conditions (see
“5.4 Set Measuring Conditions”), immediately after the [Measurement] command has been
executed, the warning message shown in Fig. 5.5 is displayed.

(6) Once the light intensity distribution pattern display is stabilized, select the [Measurement]
command. The light intensity distribution data detected in the measuring unit is received and
particle size distribution data calculation begins.

(7) When the particle size distribution data calculations are complete, the results (particle size
distribution data) are displayed on-screen.

(8) If necessary, data can be output to the printer.

(9) Save the particle size distribution data, along with light intensity distribution data, and measuring
conditions in data files (see “9. Data management”). This completes the single measuring cycle.

(10) This manual measurement sequence can be used for particle size distribution measurements of the
same suspension solution any number of times.

In other words, rinsing will not be activated unless the user selects the [Rinse] command at stage (2)
Light intensity distribution data display.
Therefore, in the manual measurement mode, monitoring light intensity distribution data display,
rinses the sample bath and flow cell, then check the results and select [Cancel] to exit.

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

5.3 Re-Calculation of Particle Size Distribution

In particle size distribution measurement based on the laser diffraction/scattering method, the physical
quantity actually detected by sensor elements in the measuring unit is the diffracted/scattered light
intensity distribution data. Calculations are carried out on this light intensity distribution data to obtain
the particle size distribution data. When calculating the particle size distribution, a relevant sample
particle refractive index must be determined.
In addition, the re-calculated particle size distribution data depend on the conditions of [Particle Size
Range for Analysis] and [Starting Point of Sensor Element] which can be set in the dialog box of
[Set measuring conditions].
This means that multiple particle size distribution calculations can be carried out for the same light
intensity distribution data by determining different refractive indices and measuring conditions.
In this system, the diffracted/scattered light intensity distribution data as well as the particle size
distribution data and measuring conditions, are saved in computer memory until the next measurement
is started or separate saved data is stored from disk files. Therefore changes to refractive index and
measuring conditions, and re-calculation of particle size distribution following the changes are
possible any number of times. To execute this, select [Re-Calculate] from the [Edit] menu. See “5.5
Change Refractive Index Parameter” when changing the refractive index. In addition, see “5.4 Set
Measuring Conditions” when changing the measuring conditions.
When the particle size distribution calculation is completed, the results are displayed on-screen
(particle size distribution data). Save the data or print out as it may need. These procedures are
identical to those in the measurement sequence.

5.4 Set Measuring Conditions

Select [Set Measuring Conditions] from the dialogue bar or the [Measurement] menu. The [Set
Measuring Conditions] dialog box will open.

Fig. 5.6 Set Measuring Conditions

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

[Sampling Options of Detector Signal]

In the laser diffraction particle size analyzer, the particle size distribution is calculated based on the
light intensity distribution data of diffracted/scattered light detected by sensor elements.
The measuring unit of the SALD-301V uses a total of 54 sensor elements. It takes 0.145 seconds for
a Single Detection Cycle of light Intensity Signal from the all sensor elements.
A Single Measurement Cycle of light Intensity Signal is consists of more than one Single Detection
Cycle of light Intensity Signal.
A Total Measurement Cycle of light Intensity Signal is consists of more than one Single
Measurement Cycle and [Interval (sec)].
A Measured Data of Light Intensity Signal for Single Measurement Cycle is obtained by averaging
the Value of light Intensity Signal detected from each sensor element for a Single Detection Cycle
according to [Signal Averaging Count].
An Accumulated Measured Data is obtained by accumulating each signal value of Measured Data
of Light Intensity Signal according to [Signal Accumulation Count].
The particle size distribution is then calculated from the Accumulated Measured Data.
The data of light intensity signals during [Interval (sec)] are not used for calculation of particle size

[Allowable Absorbance Range]

If the light Absorbance of the sample solution is outside the [Allowable Absorbance Range] set in
the [Allowable Absorbance Range (Maximum)] and the [Allowable Absorbance Range
(Minimum)], a warning message will appear on-screen when measurement is attempted.

[Particle Size Range for Analysis]

When [Setting of Particle Size Range for Analysis] is checked, particle size analysis can be carried
out concerning the only limited particle size range between [Maximum] size and [Minimum] size.

[Starting Point of Sensor Element]

The particle size distribution data can be calculated using the light intensity distribution data detected
by the only sensor elements after from the [Starting Point of Sensor Element].

To return all the settings to default values, select [Default].

5. Measurement (Wing-1)

5.5 Change Refractive Index Parameter

Select the [Refractive Index] command in the dialogue bar or [Measurement] menu to open the
[Select Refractive Index] dialog box with the list of refractive indices.

Fig. 5.7 Change Refractive Index Parameter

Select the required refractive index by clicking on it.

When a refractive index outside 1 - 5 is required, select [6. Open Another Refractive Index File]. The
screen will change to the display shown below.

Fig. 5.8 Change Refractive Index Parameter

In general, the particle refractive index is expressed as a complex number like [1.60-0.10i]. To select
[1.60-0.10i] as the refractive index parameter, click on [160-010.par] and then click on [Open].

6. Set Sample ID, # and Comment (Wing-1)

6. Set Sample ID, # and Comment (Wing-1)

Select the [Set Sample ID, # & Comment] command from the [Edit] menu to open the [Set Sample
ID, # & Comment] dialog box shown in Fig. 6.1 below.

Fig. 6.1 Set Sample ID, # & Comment

[Sample ID] box

Enter the new sample ID.

[Sample # (Number)]
Enter the new sample number.

In this system, entering the Sample ID, Sample # (Number) along with the file name is required at
the start of Manual Measurement.
If you make an input error or want to change the data later, select the [Set Sample ID, # &
Comment] command from the [Edit] menu and make the required changes after the measurement.
If you want to exit the change during the procedure, click on [Cancel]. Each setting will return to the
state before change.

[Comment] box

A comment of up to 90 letters × 10 lines can be written and will be displayed at the bottom of the
particle size distribution data sheet.
If the particle diameter division is set to 101 divisions, fewer lines will be displayed.

7. Particle Size Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

7. Particle Size Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

7.1 Outline
Once particle size distribution calculation has finished in [Manual Measurement] or [Particle Size
Distribution Re-Calculation] processes, particle size distribution data (in a graph or table) are
displayed on-screen as the measurement results (calculation results).
You can also store the particle size distribution data measured and saved in the file.
Particle size distribution data in memory will be updated when data from the measurement, particle
size distribution re-calculation, or a disk file are stored. Fig. 7.1 shows the graph that is initially

Fig. 7.1 Particle size distribution data (graph)

7. Particle Size Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

7.2 Particle Size Distribution Data

In the particle size distribution data graph, the horizontal axis represents a logarithmic scale of particle
diameter (µm) while the vertical graph represents the scale of the relative particle amount (%).
The cumulative % is represented by a line graph. The differential % is represented by a bar graph or a
line graph.
The Mean values and standard deviations shown at the top of the graph are defined by the following

Mean value = 10 µ

Standard deviation = σ


1 n log10 x j + log10 x j +1
µ= ∑
100 j =1

⎧⎪ 1 n ⎛ log10 x j + log10 x j +1 ⎞ 2 ⎫⎪
σ = ⎨ ∑ q j ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎬ − µ 2
⎪⎩100 j =1 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎪⎭

xj : particle diameter (µm)

qj : differential % (differential distribution)

7. Particle Size Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

7.3 Output Options

Fig. 7.2 Output Options

[Particle Diameter Table & Cumulative % Table]

Refer to “11. Set Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative %” for set-up of 1 - 10 of the Particle
Diameter Table & Cumulative % Table.
When [0] is selected in the Diameter Table, the measurement values are displayed as they are. When
[0] is selected in the Cumulative % Table, it represents divisions from 98% to 2% in 2% decrements.
In both cases, the contents of table number 0 are fixed.
If [101] is selected in the Diameter Table, the fixed 101-division table is used.

[Distribution of Particle Amount]

Select the Distribution of Particle Amount from the number, length, area, and volume.

[Cumulative Distribution]
Select Oversize display or undersize display.

[Differential Distribution]

Select the Differential Distribution from q, q/∆x, q/∆log x.

[Cumulative % (1) (2) (3)]

The three cumulative % (1), (2), and (3) are used to display three particle diameters at the selected
points of cumulative % on the graph. Enter the required numbers.

7. Particle Size Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

[Smoothing Level, Data Shift, Distribution Function]

The smoothing level function smoothes particle size distribution values and the higher the selected
level the smoother the distribution gradient. The default setting [0] means smoothing does not apply.
The distribution function applies the selected distribution function to the particle size distribution
data for curve fitting and outputs the results. The default [None] setting, means the distribution
function does not apply.
Data Shift shifts the particle size distribution along the particle diameter scale. A division that a
particle diameter range from 0.01 µm to 1000 µm divided into 100 is a single unit of shift. [- 4]
indicates that the particle size distribution data is shifted four units down while [+ 4] indicates that it
is shifted four units up. The default setting [0] indicates that there is no data shift.
By appropriately combining the Smoothing Level and Data Shift, the SALD-301V can, using its own
particle size distribution raw data, simulate particle size distribution data measured by other
principles or equipment models. However, these functions may not be applicable for some
distribution types. Moreover the Smoothing Level, Distribution Function, and Data Shift are
designed to process the raw data of particle size distribution measured by SALD-301V and for this
reason, care must be taken when selecting these options.

Click on the [Output of Above Three Parameters] check box to output the contents of the selected
[Smoothing Level], [Distribution Function], or [Data Shift] to the data sheet. The default setting is
selected to output these parameters to the data sheet.
Click on the [Output of Date and Time] check box to output the time, day, month and year of
measurement to the printer. The default setting is selected to output date & time to data sheet.
When [Output of Comment] check box is clicked, the content of the comment is outputted to the
data sheet of the particle size distribution data (single data). The default setting is selected to output
these comments to the data sheet.

To revert all to default settings, select [Default].

7. Particle Size Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

7.4 Graph Options

Fig. 7.3 Graph options

[Cumulative % Graph]
Select Display/None cumulative % graph.

[Differential % Graph]
Select Display/None differential % graph. You can choose whether to display a line graph or a bar

[Range of Particle Diameter Scale]

This designates the Range of Particle Diameter Scale. Select the minimum particle diameter and the
maximum particle diameter values.

[Maximum of Particle Amount]

When the maximum of particle amount of the cumulative % and differential % are different the
cumulative % scale is displayed on the left side of the particle size distribution graph and the
differential % scale is displayed on the right side.
When the maximum of particle amount of the cumulative % and differential % are the same, or when
display either the cumulative % scale or the differential % scale, a % scale is displayed on the left

7. Particle Size Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

[Table of Particle Size]

Particle diameter - cumulative % - differential %: with particle diameter (µm) as the standard, the
normalized particle amount % and differential % are displayed. This is called a Scale Table of
Diameter & Cumulative % display format.
A cumulative % - particle diameter: with a cumulative % as the standard, the particle diameter (µm)
is displayed. This is called a cumulative % particle diameter display format.

Clicking the [Marker] check box to uncheck it will cancel the line graph marker display.

To revert all to default values, select [Default].

7.5 Particle Distribution Table (Format 1)

Sets the Table of Particle Size at the bottom of the graph in [Set Graph Options] dialog box. Select
[Particle diameter-Cumulative %-Differential %] from the list in [Table of Particle Size].
The displayed particle size distribution table here shows the cumulative % and differential % of the
relative particle quantity with particle diameter (µm) as the standard. This display format is called a
cumulative particle diameter & %.

Fig. 7.4 Table of Particle Size (Format 1)

7. Particle Size Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

7.6 Table of Particle Size (Format 2)

Sets the Table of Particle Size at the bottom of the graph in [Set Graph Options] dialog box. Select
[Cumulative %-Particle diameter] from the list in [Table of Particle Size].
The displayed particle size distribution table here shows the particle size distribution data in the form
of particle diameters (µm) with cumulative % as the standard. This display format is called a
cumulative % particle diameter display.

Fig. 7.5 Particle Size Distribution Table (Format 2)

8. Light Intensity Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

8. Light Intensity Distribution Data Display (Wing-1)

Fig. 8.1 Light intensity distribution data (graph)

Select [Light Intensity Distribution Data] in [View] menu and the Light intensity distribution data in
memory will be displayed as shown above.

9. Data Management (Wing-1)

9. Data Management (Wing-1)

9.1 Outline
The three types of data handled in this system are as follows.
1) Particle size distribution data
2) Light intensity distribution data
3) Measuring conditions

The system actually reads and writes four types of data files with the extensions [DAT], [LDT],
[CND], and [CMP] following the same file name. When a comment is entered, a file with the
extension [TXT] following the same file name will be created.
The user does not have to be aware of subdirectory or individual data file when using them in this
system. However, if you wish to access these files using Explorer or an MS-DOS command, you must
be aware that five data files with the same name but different extensions exist.

When copying data files to another folder, you must copy all five files with the same name and
different extensions.
When you delete the files delete all of five files together.

9.2 Save Data

Fig. 9.1 Save Data

The Save Data is accessed in the [Particle Size Distribution Data Display] immediately after
measurement (Particle size distribution calculation).
Or, you can directly select [Save As] command in [File] menu. In either case, the data in memory will
be saved in a file on a disk. A warning message appears if a file with the same name already exists and
you can overwrite the file.

9. Data Management (Wing-1)

9.3 Open Data

Fig. 9.2 Open Data

Select the files to be opened using the mouse and click on [Open]. You can type in the file name
directly into the [File name] box.
After opening the data, the Particle size distribution data will be displayed as shown in Fig. 7.1.

10. Set Environment (Wing-1)

10. Set Environment (Wing-1)

10.1 Set Environment

Select the [Set Environment] command in the [Options] menu in the [Standard Data Processing]
program to open the [Set Environment] dialog box shown in Fig. 10.1. Most of the settings in this
dialog box will not need to be changed for general use of this system. Before change these settings,
you must understand the function of each setting.
The details of each setting will be discussed in the following sections.

Fig. 10.1 Set Environment (Wing-1)

[Averaging Count for Monitoring]

In the laser diffraction particle size analyzer, the particle size distribution is calculated based on the
light intensity distribution data of diffracted/scattered light detected by sensor elements.
The measuring unit of the SALD-301V uses a total of 54 sensor elements. It takes 0.145 seconds for
a Single Detection Cycle of light Intensity Signal from the all sensor elements.
In the [Manual Measurement] mode, a Measured Data of Light Intensity Signal for Real-time
Monitoring is obtained by averaging the Value of light Intensity Signal detected from each sensor
element for a Single Detection Cycle according to [Averaging Count for Monitoring].
Reducing the Averaging Count for Monitoring enables faster response of monitoring but this causes
greater fluctuations in the light intensity data.
However, since this setting is only for the Real-time Monitoring, actual particle size distribution
measurement results will not be affected.

10. Set Environment (Wing-1)

[Averaging Count for Background Intensity]

Background Intensity is measured from 54 sensor elements when the laser is turned off (in absolute
darkness). The definition of [Averaging Count for Background Intensity] is the same as that of the
[Averaging Count for Monitoring].
System start-up automatically invokes this measurement of Background Intensity.
The Background Intensity is used as a baseline for calculating Absorbance and adjusting the optical
In the particle size distribution measurement, since the Blank Intensity data is used as a baseline for
diffracted/scattered light intensity distribution data, Background Intensity data has no direct effect
on this measurement.
The Blank Measurement (measurement of Blank Intensity) is carried out when there is only
dispersion medium in the flow cell - and the laser is on at this measurement.
As the external disturbance in the measurement of Background Intensity is less than in the
measurement of diffracted/scattered intensity, a substantial increase of the Averaging Count is not

[Maximum of Allowable Blank Intensity]

A warning message shown in Fig. 5.5 is displayed if the maximum light intensity distribution data
value during Blank Measurement exceeds the value set here. Note, that the light intensity
distribution baseline used here as a standard is not Blank Intensity but Background Intensity value.

[Allowable Range for Blank Intensity]

In Real-time Monitoring of the diffracted/scattered light intensity distribution data in Manual or
Semi-Auto Measurement modes, if the maximum value of diffracted/scattered light intensity
distribution data with the Blank Intensity values as a baseline is lower than that set here, the words
"Blank Area" blink on the bottom left side of the screen.

[Max of Light Intensity Suitable for Measurement, Min of Light Intensity Suitable for
In Real-time Monitoring of the diffracted/scattered light intensity distribution data in Manual or
Semi-Auto Measurement modes, if the maximum diffracted/scattered light intensity distribution
value with the blank measurement values as a baseline is between the maximum value and the
minimum value set here, the words "Measurement Area" appear on the bottom left side of the screen.

[Storage of Last Blank Intensity]

By clicking on this check box to check mark the box, the blank values from the last blank intensity
measurement are stored to memory at system start-up.

10. Set Environment (Wing-1)

[Timeout of Monitoring (minute)]

Specifies how much time will elapse before Real-time Monitoring timeout. The [Measurement]
value is effective in the Manual Measurement mode. The [Diag & Adjust] value is effective in the
Diagnosis and Adjustment mode. The Real-time Monitoring is returned automatically to Data
Display mode, if it is idle for the number of minutes specified in the value.

To revert all to default values, select [Default].

10. Set Environment (Wing-1)

10.2 Set Communications Options

Fig. 10.2 Set Communications Options

[Measuring unit]
The standard RS-232C CH-1 communication port of a PC is used for data communications between
the PC and the SALD-301V measuring unit.
The baud rate of RS-232C port of the SALD-301V measuring unit is automatically set at 1200 bps
when the power is turned on. At system start-up, on a command from the PC, the baud rate is
changed to the value specified in [Communication Baud Rate] combination box (9,600 bps in the
figure 10.2) and the data is transferred at this rate thence.
Specify Windows port number to which CH-1 will be allocated using the [Communication port]
combination box. Normally this is COM-1.

If this setting is incorrect, System initialization will freeze at the [Establishing Communications Link]
dialog box. Press the [Cancel] or [ESC] key to abort the process and re-set the correct allocation.

11. Set Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative % (Wing-1)

11. Set Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative % (Wing-1)

Select [Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative %] in the [View] menu to open the [Set Scale Tables
of Diameter & Cumulative %] dialog box.
Click on the table to set.

Fig. 11.1 Set Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative %

For example, after selecting Table #1, select [Particle Diameter] in the [Input Data] setting and [Edit]
in the [Method] setting and then click on the [OK] button, and the [Edit Table of Particle Diameter
Scale - Table #1] dialog box will open as shown in Fig. 11.2. Enter the required numeric values. Since
the entered values will be automatically sorted there is no need to sort when entering values.

Fig. 11.2 Edit Table of Particle Diameter Scale - Table #1

11. Set Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative % (Wing-1)

Select [Set Range & Divisions] in [Method] in the [Set Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative %]
shown in Fig. 11.1, and the dialog box [Set Range & Divisions - Particle Diameter Scale Table #1]
will open as shown in Fig. 11.3. Enter the required numeric values.

Fig. 11.3 Set Range & Divisions - Particle Diameter Scale Table #1

The input range is shown below.

Type of Table Maximum Minimum

Cumulative Particle Diameter Scale Table 10000 0.01

Cumulative % Table 99.999 0.001

12. Diagnosis and Adjustment (Wing-1)

12. Diagnosis and Adjustment (Wing-1)

Fig. 12.1 Diagnosis and Adjustment

Select the [Diag and Adjust] command in the [File] menu to open the [Diag and Adjust] dialog box as
shown in Fig. 12.1.
The [Diag and Adjust] command has several functions. The following section describes the optical
axis checks required before measurement.
For the purpose of this manual, the optical axis refers to the optical axis of the photometric system of
the SALD-301V unit (measuring unit).
Before the optical axis check, make sure that the flow cell is filled with the dispersion medium (e.g..
pure water) to be used for measurement.
Look at the [Position Scale (diff)] in the lower right of the screen shown in Fig. 12.1. The intersection
of solid lines is within the smaller broken line rectangle. This indicates that the optical axis has been
adjusted correctly. In terms of numeric values, the values of the Y-axis (D1 - D3) and the X-axis (D4 -
D2) must be less than absolute values of 1500.
If the value of X or Y-axis exceeds 1500, the solid lines will intersect outside the rectangular frame
indicating that the optical axis of the SALD-301V (measuring unit) needs adjustment. Refer to the
Hardware Section of this manual for the method of adjustment.

13. Transfer to Clipboard (Wing-1)

13. Transfer to Clipboard (Wing-1)

Select the [Copy] command in the [Edit] menu to open the [Copy] dialog box shown in Fig. 13.1.

Fig. 13.1 Select Copy Contents

This command enables pasting of a data sheet or a graph into a word processor document, or retrieval
of text (numeric) data in table calculation software for customized data processing.
In copying text (numeric) data, you can specify tabs or commas as the delimiter according to the target

14. Outline of Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing]

14. Outline of Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing]

In the Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing], no communication between the PC and the SALD-301V
(measuring unit) will be made. There is no need to operate any of the switches on the SALD-301V unit.
This function operates in the PC only.
The Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing] opens a maximum of 12 measured data in memory to
undergo a variety of processes such as overlaying the particle size distribution and light intensity
distribution data, and re-calculation of particle size distribution for the various refractive indices and
measuring conditions. Once the data are obtained and saved, process and display of the data will
involve only Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing] and use of the Wing-1 [Standard Data Processing]
is not required.
Using the MDI (Multiple Document Interface) function of Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP
enables multi-screen display of particle size distribution data and light intensity distribution data's data
Wing-2 has the capability to sort files, by selecting [Edit] - [Sort] commands with the following
• File Name
• Sample ID
• Sample Number
• Refractive Index

As in Wing-1, [Set Output Options] and [Set Graph Options] of the particle size distribution data can
be specified in the [View] - [Set Output Options] command or the [View] - [Set Graph Options]
For the [Set Output Options], the same conditions apply for all of 12 particle size distribution data.
For the [Set Graph Options], conditions may be set independently for each data sheet (child window)
As in Wing-1, [Set Graph Options] of the light intensity distribution data may be set independently
for each data sheet (child window) with the [View] - [Set Graph Options] command.
Procedures for the [Set Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative %] and [Set Sample ID, # &
Comment] are the same as in Wing-1.
The basic procedures of [Re-Calculation] are the same as in Wing-1.
The basic procedures of [Set Measuring conditions] are also the same as in Wing-1, bat the [Set
Measuring conditions] command is moved from [Measurement] menu to [Edit] menu, and the only
items that are not used for the re-calculation are removed from the [Set Measuring conditions] dialog

If [Edit] - [Re-Calculation] is selected when [Overlay Graph] is active, the refractive index and the
measuring conditions of all particle size distribution data displayed will be changed together and [Re-
Calculation] will be executed.

14. Outline of Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing]

If [Edit] - [Re-Calculation] is selected when a single data is displayed, only the displayed particle size
distribution data will be updated. The results of the calculation will be reflected in [Overlay Graph].

The [Copy (transfer to clipboard)] command is also identical to that of Wing-1 [Standard Data
Processing]. However, in this case twelve, rather than just one, data can be simultaneously transferred
to another application.

Fig. 14.1 shows a flow chart of the Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing] program

Data Files

Light Intensity Distribution Data (max. 12)

Particle Size
Distribution Calculation

Particle Size Distribution Data (max. 12)

Output Options

Graph Options Graph Options Graph Options Graph Options

(File Name) FILE10 (File Name) FILE10
1. FILE01 5. FILE05 9. FILE09 (Sample ID) DATA10 (Sample #) 300V
1. FILE01 5. FILE05 9. FILE09 S Level: 0 (Sample ID) DATA10 (Sample #) 300V
2. FILE02 6. FILE06 10. FILE10 ( Date ) 99/10/06 ( Time ) 14:16:25 2. FILE02 6. FILE06 10. FILE10 D Func:None ( Date ) 99/10/06 ( Time ) 14:16:25

3. FILE03 7. FILE07 11. FILE11 3. FILE03 7. FILE07 11. FILE11 D Shift: 0 R Index=2.00-0.20i Median D : 13.390 Mean V : 13.381 25.0%D : 11.806 S Level : 0
(%) 100% = 2000 Absorbance = 0.189
Modal D : 12.331 Std Dev : 0.082 50.0%D : 13.390 D Func :None
4. FILE04 8. FILE08 12. FILE12 100
4. FILE04 8. FILE08 12. FILE12 75.0%D : 15.234 D Shift : 0

100% = 2000 Q 3 (%) q 3(%) Q 3 (%) q 3(%)
Light Intensity

100 80
100 100 50
Normalized Particle Amount
Normalized Particle Amount

90 90
Light Int ensity

80 60
80 80 40

60 40 70 70
60 60 30
40 20 50 50
40 40 20
20 0 30 30

20 20 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
10 10
Sensor Element Number
0 0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 500 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 500
Sensor Element Number < Ring Elements > Particle Diameter (µ m) Particle Diameter (µ m)

File Name Sample ID Sample # Abs 1 64.00 19 859.00 37 438.00 File Name Sample ID Sample # R Index Diam Cum Diff Diam Cum Diff Diam Cum Diff
2 96.00 20 903.00 38 450.00 x( µ m) Q 3 (%) q 3 (%) x( µ m) Q 3 (%) q 3 (%) x( µ m) Q 3 (%) q 3 (%)
1 FILE01 DATA01 300V 0.057 3 110.00 21 929.00 39 472.00 1 FILE01 DATA01 300V 1.70-0.20i
2 FILE02 DATA02 300V 0.052 4 127.00 22 957.00 40 496.00 2 FILE02 DATA02 300V 1.60-0.10i 1 350.000 100.000 0.000 18 21.832 100.000 3.229 35 1.362 0.000 0.000
3 FILE03 DATA03 300V 0.044 5 139.00 23 930.00 41 521.00 3 FILE03 DATA03 300V 1.60-0.10i 2 297.294 100.000 0.000 19 18.544 96.771 15.285 36 1.157 0.000 0.000
4 FILE04 DATA04 300V 0.056 6 149.00 24 910.00 42 560.00 4 FILE04 DATA04 300V 1.60-0.10i 3 252.526 100.000 0.000 20 15.752 81.486 31.628 37 0.983 0.000 0.000
5 FILE05 DATA05 300V 0.080 7 173.00 25 864.00 43 611.00 5 FILE05 DATA05 300V 1.60-0.10i 4 214.498 100.000 0.000 21 13.380 49.857 32.411 38 0.835 0.000 0.000
6 FILE06 DATA06 300V 0.051 6 FILE06 DATA06 300V 1.70-0.20i 5 182.198 100.000 0.000 22 11.365 17.447 14.158 39 0.709 0.000 0.000
8 213.00 26 789.00 44 658.00
7 FILE07 DATA07 300V 0.015 7 FILE07 DATA07 300V 1.60-0.10i 6 154.761 100.000 0.000 23 9.653 3.289 3.289 40 0.602 0.000 0.000
9 251.00 27 715.00 45 714.00
8 FILE08 DATA08 300V 0.042 8 FILE08 DATA08 300V 2.00-0.20i 7 131.456 100.000 0.000 24 8.200 0.000 0.000 41 0.511 0.000 0.000
9 FILE09 DATA09 300V 0.095 10 280.00 28 635.00 46 766.00
9 FILE09 DATA09 300V 1.70-0.20i 8 111.660 100.000 0.000 25 6.965 0.000 0.000 42 0.434 0.000 0.000
10 FILE10 DATA10 300V 0.189 11 333.00 29 557.00 47 837.00
10 FILE10 DATA10 300V 2.00-0.20i 9 94.846 100.000 0.000 26 5.916 0.000 0.000 43 0.369 0.000 0.000
11 FILE11 DATA11 300V 0.028 12 385.00 30 507.00 48 895.00
11 FILE11 DATA11 300V 2.00-0.20i 10 80.563 100.000 0.000 27 5.025 0.000 0.000 44 0.313 0.000 0.000
12 FILE12 DATA12 300V 0.098 13 442.00 31 476.00 49 971.00
12 FILE12 DATA12 300V 1.60-0.10i 11 68.431 100.000 0.000 28 4.268 0.000 0.000 45 0.266 0.000 0.000
14 506.00 32 451.00 50 1023.00
12 58.126 100.000 0.000 29 3.626 0.000 0.000 46 0.226 0.000 0.000
15 573.00 33 439.00 51 1088.00 Median D Modal D Mean V Std Dev 25.0%D 50.0%D 75.0%D 13 49.373 100.000 0.000 30 3.080 0.000 0.000 47 0.192 0.000 0.000
16 643.00 34 427.00 52 1127.00
14 41.938 100.000 0.000 31 2.616 0.000 0.000 48 0.163 0.000 0.000
17 724.00 35 428.00 53 1168.00 1 2.820 5.452 2.484 0.398 1.334 2.820 5.137 15 35.623 100.000 0.000 32 2.222 0.000 0.000 49 0.139 0.000 0.000
18 790.00 36 431.00 54 1180.00 2 0.204 0.177 0.207 0.120 0.168 0.204 0.253 16 30.259 100.000 0.000 33 1.887 0.000 0.000 50 0.118 0.000 0.000
3 0.333 0.340 0.332 0.087 0.286 0.333 0.387 17 25.702 100.000 0.000 34 1.603 0.000 0.000 51 0.100 0.000 0.000
4 0.530 0.555 0.531 0.079 0.466 0.530 0.602
5 0.674 0.653 0.680 0.070 0.603 0.674 0.767 Sampling Mode : Manual Refractive Index : 2.00-0.20i
6 1.058 1.066 1.061 0.069 0.937 1.058 1.195 Signal Accumulation Count : 1 Interval (sec) : ___ Signal Averaging Count : 64
7 285.637 350.000 282.835 0.074 253.073 285.637 317.404 Max of Absorbance Range : 0.200 Min of Absorbance Range : 0.000
8 1.673 1.739 1.680 0.064 1.512 1.673 1.843 Ultrasonic Dispersion Time (sec) : ___ Waiting Time After Ultrasonic Dispersion(sec) : ___
9 33.760 32.832 33.839 0.068 29.979 33.760 38.162 Particle Size Range for Analysis : OFF Starting Point of Sensor Elements : 1
10 13.390 12.331 13.381 0.082 11.806 13.390 15.234
11 77.885 74.250 77.709 0.108 64.759 77.885 93.087
12 0.387 0.340 0.430 0.275 0.278 0.387 0.591

Overlay Single Data Overlay Single Data

Light Intensity Distribution Data Particle Size Distribution Data

Wing-2 (Multiple Data Processing)

Fig. 14.1 Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing] operation sequence

14. Outline of Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing]

Open Data File Set Graph Options

Display Set Output
Save Copy Sort Light Intensity Options
Print Distribution Data

New Data Sheet

Display Particle Size
Re-Calculation Distribution Data
Fig. 14.2 Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing] Tool Bar

Immediately after Wing-2 starts up, only the particle size distribution overlay graph frame appears.
First, click on the [File] - [Open] command or on the [Open] command in the tool bar, and open up to
a maximum of 12 data. (See chapter 15).
This allows you to select data to display.
Select [Particle Size Distribution Data] or [Light Intensity Distribution Data] in [View] - [Particle Size
Distribution Data], or [View] - [Light Intensity Distribution Data].
Or, select either the [Particle Size Distribution Data] or [Light Intensity Distribution Data] in the tool

Fig. 14.3 Data selection

Then [Data Selection] dialog box (Fig. 14.3) will be displayed and now you can select the relevant

14. Outline of Wing-2 [Multiple Data Processing]

To select a multi-screen display, first execute the [Window] - [New Data Sheet] command or click on
[New Data Sheet] in the tool bar.
The [New Data Sheet] dialog box will be displayed (Fig. 14.4). Select either [Particle Size
Distribution Data], or [Light Intensity Distribution Data].
The [Select Data] dialog box (Fig. 14.3) will be displayed and now select the relevant display data

Fig. 14.4 New data sheet

15. Open Data (Wing-2)

15. Open Data (Wing-2)

Fig. 15.1 Open Data

The Overlay mode handles multiple data saved in the particle size distribution data files.
Use the [Open] dialog box to select the data files. Select a file to open. The opened data is stored in
memory. A maximum of 12 data files can be opened and stored into memory.

To release all previously opened particle size distribution data in memory, and to open data from the
beginning, select the [Close Data] command in the [File] menu to open the [Close Data] dialog box.
Click on the [Close All] button to release all particle size distribution data from memory.

Fig. 15.2 Close Data

15. Open Data (Wing-2)

To release individual data, click on the relevant file name to highlight it and click on the [Close]
button. Double clicking on a file name will close the file.
After closing individual data, the [Close Data] dialog box reappears. To exit this and return to the data
display, click on the [Cancel] button.

When opening additional data, the results are reflected in the overlay graph.

To display as a single data, select [Set Particle Size Distribution Data], or [Set Light Intensity
Distribution Data] and then select the name of the data file that has been opened.
Opening the data will not cause it to be displayed.

16. Particle Size Distribution Data (Wing-2)

16. Particle Size Distribution Data (Wing-2)

The [Multiple Data Processing] program is capable of opening up to 12 data, which it overlays, and
displays. Fig. 16.1 shows an actual example of a graph in which 12 particle size distribution data are

Fig. 16.1 Overlay Graph of Particle size distribution data

The [Output Options] available for selection here are shown in the menu in Fig. 16.2. The available
[Set Graph Options] are shown in the menu in Fig. 16.3.
Whether you select [Line (Line Graph)] or [Bar (Bar Graph)] for the [Differential Graph] in [Set
Graph Options], the differential graph will be displayed as a line graph.

16. Particle Size Distribution Data (Wing-2)

Fig. 16.2 Output Options (for particle size distribution data)

Fig. 16.3 Graph Options (for particle size distribution data)

To display single data, select the [Set Particle Size Distribution Data] command in the [View] menu
to open a [Select Data] dialog box as shown in “Fig. 16.4 Data selection”.

16. Particle Size Distribution Data (Wing-2)

Fig. 16.4 Data selection

17. Light Intensity Distribution Data (Wing-2)

17. Light Intensity Distribution Data (Wing-2)

The [Multiple Data Processing] program opens up to 12 data, which it overlays and displays. Fig. 17.1
shows an actual example of a graph in which 12 light intensity distribution data are overlaid.

Fig. 17.1 Overlay graph of light intensity distribution data

Set [Graph Options] in the screen in Fig. 17.2. Enter the maximum light intensity value.

Fig. 17.2 Setting of the max of light intensity scale

17. Light Intensity Distribution Data (Wing-2)

[Output Options] is set on the screen in Fig. 17.3. Select [Display Data Mode].
However, usually select [(Normal Data)] mode. Other modes need not be selected. They are an item
prepared for the check etc.

Fig. 17.3 Selection of light intensity distribution display form

To display single data, select the [Light Intensity Distribution Data] command from the [View] menu
to open a [Select Data] dialog box as shown in Fig. 17.4. Select the relevant data file.

Fig. 17.4 Select data

18. Sort Data (Wing-2)

18. Sort Data (Wing-2)

The [Sort] command in the [Edit] menu enables sorting of opened data. The [Sort] dialog box opens
as shown in Fig. 18.1. Select type of sorting by [File name], [Sample ID] or [Sample # (Number)] in
alphabetic or ascendant order or by incremental [Refractive Index] values in ascendant order.

Fig. 18.1 Sort Data

19. Outline of Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing]

19. Outline of Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing]

In the Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing], there is no communication between the PC and the SALD-
301V (measuring unit. Therefore there is no need to operate any of the switches on the SALD-301V
unit. This function operates in the PC only.
The Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing] opens a maximum of 200 particle size distribution data in
memory to undergo [List Data File Titles], [Statistical Data Processing], [Time Series Analysis], and
[Three-Dimension Graph]. [List Data File Titles] displays a list of the file name, sample ID, sample
number, and refractive index of the multiple particle size distribution data opened and stored in
memory by the [Open] command and outputs this list to the printer.
The [Statistical Data Processing], [Time Series Analysis] and [Three-dimensional Graph] process
the multiple particle size distribution data opened and stored in memory by the [Open] command
according to the contents of each respectively, display the results as a graph and table, and output to
the printer.

Using the MDI (Multiple Document Interface) function of Windows enables multi-screen display of
the [List Data File Titles], [Statistical Data Processing], [Time Series Analysis] and [Three-
dimensional Graph] data sheets.
Wing-3 has the capability to sort files, by selecting [Edit] - [Sort] commands with the following
• File Name
• Sample ID
• Sample Number
• Refractive Index

As in Wing-1 and Wing-2, [Output Options] and [Graph Options] of the particle size distribution data
can be specified in the [View] - [Set Output Options] command or the [View] - [Set Graph Options]

For the [Set Output Options], individual options apply for each of [Statistical Data Processing],
[Time Series Analysis] and [Three-dimensional Graph] respectively. However, even if multiple data
sheets (child window) are opened in the same process, the same [Output Options] apply for all data

For [Set Graph Options], individual options apply for each data sheet (child window) separately.

The [Set Scale Tables of Diameter & Cumulative %] is the same as in Wing-1.

The [Copy] (transfer to clipboard) command is also identical to that of Wing-1 [Standard Data
Processing]. However, in this case a maximum of 200, not single, data can be simultaneously
transferred to another application.

19. Outline of Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing]

Fig. 19.1 shows a flow chart of the Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing] Program.

Data Files
ƒf [ƒ^ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‹

Particle Size Distribution Data (Max. 200)

Statistical Time Series
Processing Analysis Graph

Output Options Output Options Output Options

Graph Options Graph Options Graph Options


[Statistical Data Processing] S Level: 0 D Func:None D Shift: 0
[Statistical Data Processing] S Level: 0 D Func:None D Shift: 0 [Time Series Analysis] Cum%(Q3) Undersize S Level: 0 D Func:None D Shift: 0
All Data
[Three-Dimensional Graph] S Level: 0 D Func:None D Shift: 0
Mean V Std Dev Variation Range Median D Modal D 75(%) 25(%) Diatrib Range

Q 3 (%)
Q 3 (%)
100 500
Normalized Particle Amount

Normalized Particle Amount

80 100
Particle Diameter

Normalized Particle Amount

60 q 3 (%)
40 5

1 8
10 20 0.5
0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 500
Particle Diameter (µ m)
0 0.1 4
0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 500 5 10 15
Particle Diameter (µ m) File Number 2
Diameter Cum%(Q3) Diff% (q 3 ) Median D Modal D Diam at Cum% ( µm) Cum% at Diam (%) 2
File Name (µ m) (µ m) 75.000 % 25.000 % 1.000 µ m 10.000 µm
Mean Value Std Dev Mean Value Std Dev
Mean Value 2.746 4.098 4.834 1.311 23.565 96.763
i 6 500
1 350.000 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Std Dev 0.922 1.963 1.495 0.630 22.482 1.645 l 8

All Data 2 297.294 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Maximum 3.536 5.452 5.875 2.079 79.382 100.000 e 50 100
Minimum 0.538 0.150 0.898 0.163 4.311 93.963
3 252.526 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N 10 5 10
4 214.498 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 test-01 0.538 0.400 0.898 0.339 79.382 100.000 u 12
5 182.198 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 test-02 0.602 0.289 1.267 0.323 68.717 94.728 m 0.5 1
6 154.761 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 b 14
7 131.456 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
e 0.1 Particle Diameter (µ m)
8 111.660 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
5 test-05 3.154 5.452 5.458 1.642 15.857 97.076
9 94.846 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6 test-06 3.507 5.452 5.634 2.079 4.311 98.168

(200 data) 10
14 test-14 2.966 5.452 5.221 1.448 15.813 98.228

17 25.702 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 15 test-15 2.965 5.452 5.189 1.439 15.457 98.261
18 21.832 100.000 0.002 0.009 0.025
19 18.544 99.990 0.026 0.082 0.156
20 15.752 99.908 0.182 0.357 0.471
21 13.380 99.551 0.641 1.042 0.727
22 11.365 98.509 1.302 2.375 0.873

23 9.653 96.134 1.750 3.759 1.430
24 8.200 92.375 2.535 4.986 1.785
25 6.965 87.389 3.953 6.236 2.204
26 5.916 81.153 5.885 6.889 2.539
27 5.025 74.264 8.230 6.613 2.389
28 4.268 67.651 10.543 6.388 2.299
29 3.626 61.263 12.762 6.221 2.316

Time Series
30 3.080 55.043 14.955 5.865 2.172

31 2.616 49.177 17.038 5.345 1.924
32 2.222 43.832 18.865 4.785 1.716
33 1.887 39.047 20.380 4.527 1.596
34 1.603 34.520 21.641 4.238 1.415
35 1.362 30.282 22.497 3.662 1.281
36 1.157 26.620 22.720 3.419 1.273
37 0.983 23.201 22.429 3.383 1.381
45 0.266 6.026 10.084 1.158 2.164
Data Sheet
Data Processing
Data Sheet

Wing-3 (Extended Data Processing)

Fig. 19.1 Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing] Program operation sequence

19. Outline of Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing]

Open Data File Liat Data Titles Set Graph Options

Copy Set Output Options
Statistical Data
Print Processing Help

Sort New Data Sheet

Time Series Analysis

Fig. 19.2 Wing-3 [Extended Data Processing] Tool Bar

When Wing-3 starts up, only the [Statistical Data Processing] data sheet frame appears on-screen.
First open a maximum of 200 data (see “20. Open Data”).
To switch between display contents, select the following commands in the [View] menu.
• List Data File Titles
• Statistical Data Processing
• Time Series Analysis
• Three-dimensional Graph

You can change the display by selecting the buttons from the tool bar.
To select a Multi-Screen Display, first execute the [Window] - [New Data Sheet] command or click
on [New Data Sheet] in the tool bar.
The [New Data Sheet] dialog box is displayed (Fig. 19.3).
Select one of the commands shown below to open a new data sheet (child window).
• List Data File Titles
• Statistical Data Processing
• Time Series Analysis
• Three-dimensional Graph

Fig. 19.3 New data sheet

20. Open Data (Wing-3)

20. Open Data (Wing-3)

Fig. 20.1 Open Data

[Statistical Data Processing], [Time Series Analysis] and [Three-dimensional Graph] handle not
only a single particle size distribution data file but data from multiple saved particle size distribution
data files.
Select the relevant data file in the [Open] dialog box. The Opened data is stored in memory. A
maximum of 200 data files can be opened and stored.
To release all the particle size distribution data opened and stored in memory, and to open data from
the beginning, select the [Close Data] command in the [File] menu to open the [Close Data] dialog
box. Click on the [Close All] button to release all particle size distribution data in memory.

Fig. 20.2 Close Data

To release individual data, click on the relevant file name to highlight the file name and execute the
[Close] command. Double click on the relevant file closes the file.
After closing individual data, the [Close Data] dialog box reappears. To exit this and return to the data
display, press the [Cancel] button.

21. List Data File Titles (Wing-3)

21. List Data File Titles (Wing-3)

Fig. 21.1 List Data File Titles

[List Data File Titles] displays a list of the file name, sample ID, sample number and refractive index
of the particle size distribution data opened and stored in memory by the [Open] command.

22. Statistical Data Processing (Wing-3)

22. Statistical Data Processing (Wing-3)

Statistical Data Processing displays statistics values such as the average values of multiple particle size
distribution data and the standard deviations. For the purpose of this manual, the average values and
standard deviations mean those of the normalized particle amount (%) to the particle diameter
specified in the Diameter Scale Table. Fig. 22.1 shows the actual graph.

Fig. 22.1 Statistical Data Processing graph

The available [Output Options] here are in the menu as shown in Fig. 22.2 while the [Set Graph
Options] available for selection is shown in Fig. 22.3. To entitle the graph, open the [Title] box in the
[Set Graph Options] dialog box and enter the title.

22. Statistical Data Processing (Wing-3)

Fig. 22.2 Output Options

Fig. 22.3 Graph Options (Statistical Data Processing)

In [Set Graph Options], after unchecking in [Mean Values], [Standard Deviations] and [Variation
Range] in [Statistical Data] group, select [All Data] to overlay a maximum of 200 data as shown in
Fig. 22.4. The large volume of data does not allow for individual data identified by line colors or
markers but the display provides a good understanding of overall data distribution.

22. Statistical Data Processing (Wing-3)

Fig. 22.4 Statistical processing graph (display all data)

23. Time Series Analysis (Wing-3)

23. Time Series Analysis (Wing-3)

Time Series Analysis plots the behavior of median diameter or modal diameter summary data along
the time axis (actually file numbers) as in the graph shown in Fig. 23.1.

Fig. 23.1 Time Series Analysis graph

Fig. 23.2 Output Options (Time Series Analysis)

23. Time Series Analysis (Wing-3)

Fig. 23.2 shows the available Output Options.

Set Graph Options as in the screen shown in Fig. 23.3. Enter the required values in [Cum % (1), (2)],
and [Diam (A), (B)].
Check the [Cumulative% at the Selected Diameter] check box, and only the time behavior of
Cumulative% at the Selected Diameter corresponding to [Diam (A), (B)] will be displayed in the
graph with the vertical axis as “Normalized Particle Amount (%)”.
Click and uncheck the [Cumulative% at the Selected Diameter] check box to display the median
diameter or modal diameter again.

Fig. 23.3 Graph Options (Time Series Analysis)

24. Three-dimensional Graph (Wing-3)

24. Three-dimensional Graph (Wing-3)

While the previous Time Series Analysis showed only the time behavior of the median diameter and
modal diameter, the Three-dimensional Graph shows the time behavior of all particle distribution data.
In effect, it produces a three-dimensional particle distribution data display with three axes - [Particle
Diameter (µm)], [Normalized Particle Amount (%)] and [File Number (i.e. time axis)].

Fig. 24.1 Three-dimensional Graph

The available [Output Options] here are as shown in Fig. 24.2.

24. Three-dimensional Graph (Wing-3)

Fig. 24.2 Output Options

The [Graph Options] available for selection here are as shown in Fig. 24.3.

Fig. 24.3 Graph Options (Three-dimensional Graph)


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