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Assignment #1

In today’s society, information and communication technologies (ICT) play an

important part in almost every area. ICTs have the potential to promote patient-
centered healthcare at a reduced cost, increase quality care and information sharing,
educate health professionals and patients, stimulate a different sort of interaction with
patients and health providers, and minimize travel time. The healthcare system is
growing increasingly dependent upon technology, so, health science students are
expected to improve their skills of ICT. Also, ICT enables the use of novel
educational materials and the renewal of learning methods, allowing students to
collaborate more actively and simultaneously acquire technological expertise. In spite
of the fact that there’s no single, widespread definition of ICT, the term is for the most
part acknowledged to cruel all devices, organizing components, applications and
frameworks that combined permit individuals and organizations associated within the
computerized world.

 What is Information and Communication Technology?

- Information and communications technology (ICT) is an umbrella term that
includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio,
television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite
systems, and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with
them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.

ICT Advantages

Below are some of the benefits of information and communication technology


 It enables quicker, easier, and far less expensive accessibility to data and
 It accelerates commercial transactions, manufacturing, and managerial
 ICT has enabled individuals all around the world to connect to the internet in
novel & fascinating ways.
 Business relationships & transactions have become more intimate as a result of
ICT technologies.
 In current times, it offers a very dependable, versatile, rapid, & effective way of
transmitting the information.
 It creates job chances & offers new professional possibilities for individuals all
across the world.
 It also serves as one of the most effective means of conveying information in
different sectors.
ICT Disadvantages

Notwithstanding its various advantages, ICT has a few restrictions, among which
are as follows:

 Job loss: As human tasks & activities are mechanized, ICT applications in
workplaces may eliminate a few jobs.
 Expensive: ICT equipment & technologies can be pricey & out of reach for the
ordinary populace.
 Loss of Social Bond: As even more, labor & conversations are conducted
online, the deployment of ICT in many aspects of life is diminishing concerning
human ties or physical encounters.
 Crime: The use of ICT may contribute to a rise in crime rates. People are
getting conned online. Identity fraud, credit card fraud, system theft, & piracy
are all on the rise. The Internet is inundated with cybercriminals such as hackers
and even cyberstalking.
 An additional drawback of ICT is misused: Pornography (particularly child
porn), plagiarism, cyber warfare, e-mail spamming, and so on are typical
 Addictive nature: Using ICT is addicting: Compulsive users might be found
online for hours at a time. This habit may result in stress as well as other health
ICT System is set up consisting of 12 systems, this includes the hardware, software,
networking, internet, communication, data management, e-commerce, digital
transformation, education and e-learning, healthcare, entertainment and media and,
social impact.


Hardware is the physical components of a computer, such as the motherboard,

processor, memory, storage drives, and other devices. It is the hardware that hosts and
supports software or programs that provide instructions for the computer to complete
its tasks. Hardware can also include external input/output devices such as keyboards,
mice, monitors, printers, and speakers.

Hardware has been around since the invention of computers. Early hardware
components were made of basic mechanical parts and switches, such as Charles
Babbage’s Difference Engine in 1822. In the mid-twentieth century, hardware was
mainly based on vacuum tube technology, which eventually gave way to transistors in
the late 50s and early 60s. Today, hardware is widely used in all kinds of computer
systems and devices, from desktops and laptops to smartphones and smartwatches.

 Motherboard: It is the main circuit board that houses and connects all the
components of a computer, such as the processor, memory, storage units and
other devices.
 Processor: The hardware component that processes data and executes
instructions. It can include multiple cores, which are hardware components
specifically designed to run multiple software programs simultaneously.
 Memory: Hardware that temporarily stores data for use by the processor. It can
include both random access memory (RAM), which is used for short-term
tasks, and read-only memory (ROM).
 Storage drives: Hardware devices that store data permanently, such as
hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), and optical disks. Each hardware
component plays a vital role in modern computer hardware systems, enabling
them to perform their various tasks efficiently and effectively.
 Printers: Hardware devices that allow users to produce physical copies of
documents, photographs, and other types of media.

Software is a collection of instructions, data, or computer programs that are

used to run machines and carry out particular activities. It is the antithesis of
hardware, which refers to a computer’s external components. A device’s running
programs, scripts, and applications are collectively referred to as “software” in this

In a computer system, the software is basically a set of instructions or commands

that tell a computer what to do. In other words, the software is a computer program
that provides a set of instructions to execute a user’s commands and tell the
computer what to do. For example like MS-Word, MS-Excel, PowerPoint, etc.


1. System software is software that directly operates the computer hardware and
provides the basic functionality to the users as well as to the other software to
operate smoothly. Or in other words, system software basically controls a
computer’s internal functioning and also controls hardware devices such as
monitors, printers, and storage devices, etc. It is like an interface between hardware
and user applications, it helps them to communicate with each other because
hardware understands machine language(i.e. 1 or 0) whereas user applications are
work in human-readable languages like English, Hindi, German, etc. so system
software converts the human-readable language into machine language and vice

Types of System Software

a. Operating System: It is the main program of a computer system. When the

computer system ON it is the first software that loads into the computer’s
memory. Basically, it manages all the resources such as computer
memory, CPU, printer, hard disk, etc., and provides an interface to the user,
which helps the user to interact with the computer system. It also provides
various services to other computer software. Examples of operating systems
are Linux, Apple macOS, Microsoft Windows, etc.
b. Language Processor: As we know that system software converts the human-
readable language into a machine language and vice versa. So, the conversion is
done by the language processor. It converts programs written in high-
level programming languages like Java, C, C++, Python, etc(known as source
code), into sets of instructions that are easily readable by machines(known as
object code or machine code).
c. Device Driver: A device driver is a program or software that controls a device
and helps that device to perform its functions. Every device like a printer,
mouse, modem, etc. needs a driver to connect with the computer system
eternally. So, when you connect a new device with your computer system, first
you need to install the driver of that device so that your operating system knows
how to control or manage that device.

Features of System Software

Let us discuss some of the features of System Software:

 System Software is closer to the computer system.
 System Software is written in a low-level language in general.
 System software is difficult to design and understand.
 System software is fast in speed(working speed).
 System software is less interactive for the users in comparison to application

2. Application Software Software that performs special functions or provides

functions that are much more than the basic operation of the computer is known
as application software. Or in other words, application software is designed to
perform a specific task for end-users. It is a product or a program that is designed
only to fulfill end-users’ requirements. It includes word processors, spreadsheets,
database management, inventory, payroll programs, etc.

Types of Application Software

There are different types of application software and those are:

a. General Purpose Software: This type of application software is used for a
variety of tasks and it is not limited to performing a specific task only. For
example, MS-Word, MS-Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
b. Customized Software: This type of application software is used or designed to
perform specific tasks or functions or designed for specific organizations. For
example, railway reservation system, airline reservation system, invoice
management system, etc.
c. Utility Software: This type of application software is used to support the
computer infrastructure. It is designed to analyze, configure, optimize and
maintains the system, and take care of its requirements as well. For
example, antivirus, disk fragmenter, memory tester, disk repair, disk cleaners,
registry cleaners, disk space analyzer, etc.

Features of Application Software

Let us discuss some of the features of Application Software:

 An important feature of application software is it performs more specialized tasks
like word processing, spreadsheets, email, etc.
 Mostly, the size of the software is big, so it requires more storage space.
 Application software is more interactive for the users, so it is easy to use and
 The application software is easy to design and understand.
 Application software is written in a high-level language in general.
Difference between hardware and software

Hardware and software are terms that refer to two different components of a computer
or computer system. Hardware refers to the physical components of the computer,
such as the processor, RAM, hard drive, and motherboard. Software, on the other
hand, refers to computer programs and instructions that run on the computer. Some
key differences between hardware and software are:

 Hardware is tangible and can be physically touched and manipulated, while

software is intangible and cannot be touched.
 The hardware is a physical component of the computer and cannot be modified
without changing the physical component, while the software can be installed,
updated or removed without changing the hardware.
 Hardware is generally more expensive than software, as it refers to physical
components that must be manufactured and assembled.
 Hardware has a limited lifespan and can stop working or be replaced over time,
while software can be used for a long time as long as the hardware is
compatible and in good condition.


We all know that communication is the process of using words, signs or

behaviour to express or exchange information ideas, thoughts, feelings to someone
else. However, due to rapid evolving of technology, information communication
technology provides the society with new communication capabilities. People can now
communicate with others using videos from others of different parts of the world,
instant messaging, social media sites like face book, twitter which allows people to
remain in contact and communicate and share information easily and on regular basis.
The world has become a global village. Internet and computer has made the
communication process very fast and has also united people. At a click of a button one
is able to know what is happening to different parts of the world. ICT has had mainly a
positive effect on the way we communicate, as it has made it easier and cheaper. So
many different ways of communicating without meeting face to face, a lot of people
tend to just communicate over the internet or by texting as this is now easier than
arranging to meet up.


In an increasingly digital world, there is growing recognition that the use of

information and communication technologies (ICT) is indispensable in the health
sector. ICT is essential to ensure cost-effectiveness of healthcare services and to
improve efficiencies of health systems. As defined by the World Health Organization
(WHO), the term ‘eHealth’ describes the use of all forms of ICT in health. The
appropriate use of eHealth ensures the integrity of an individual’s health information
which is a key enabler in providing the right care and services to the patient. With
safeguards to protect personal privacy, analyses of eHealth data are also contributing
to research and health education. The strategic deployment of eHealth also improves
the ability of health systems to plan, budget and deliver health care services and
supports the decentralization of health systems. Governments are recognizing the
importance of eHealth and are gradually developing national policies, strategies and
regulatory frameworks for eHealth.

Digital health systems have the potential to fundamentally transform healthcare

and empower patients, healthcare providers and managers and policymakers with the
information and tools they need to manage and strengthen health systems, deliver
better care and improve treatments and survival rates. They can expand access to
quality healthcare and improve prevention and patient outcomes, including for
patients with chronic conditions such as Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

Digital health offers important benefits and opportunities in terms of:

1. Improving public health and healthcare institutions e.g. relating to hospital
procedures, electronic health records (EHR) and health information. Access to
quality care can be improved through the rapid sharing of information and data
among providers and professionals in healthcare institutions;
2. Supporting clinicians: Improving surgical procedures/operations or advice,
including remote tele-surgery. The use of digital health technologies is enabling
a range of remote or satellite health clinics to use and apply these technologies for
remote diagnosis and telemedicine.
3. Personal health and dedicated devices (sensors, monitors, wristwatches and
mobiles) for monitoring and feedback purposes. Mobile phones have been used to
take remote ultrasound images of kidney stones or pregnancy, as well as perform
smear tests. Medical apps have also advanced quickly.
4. Enabling improved and more accurate analysis and prediction of health datasets,
including through AI, big data or simulations using VR. Data from devices and
sensors can be aggregated, enabling imaging, diagnoses, and data analytics
through computing at the edge.


Entertainment & Media is in a transformation phase as both old and new

continues to coexist. Interactivity, digitization, multiple-platforms, multiple-devices
and globalization of services based landscape has remodeled the media and
entertainment vertical over the last decade. With the development of information and
communication technology, a new dimension has opened up in the world of
entertainment. This happened in two ways. First, there has been a fundamental change
in the process of how people consume entertainment. Secondly, there has been a
qualitative change in the different mediums of entertainment.
There was a time when people had to go outside for entertainment. If you want to
watch a movie, you have to go to the cinema hall, if you want to watch a game, you
have to go to the playground, if you want to listen to music, you have to go to a music
festival. Now people don’t have to leave their homes for such entertainment. First
came radio, then television. Then came Computer. Once the computer is connected to
the internet. We have discovered that a man can enjoy almost all the world’s
entertainment from within four walls. When the computer was first invented, its main
function was to compute or calculate, only large organizations or governments could
own a computer.
With the advancement of technology, computers became readily available and
once upon a time people started using computers for their own personal work. As the
computer became more powerful, it was gradually used for entertainment rather than
just for writing or accounting. Now common people use computer mostly for
entertainment. Music, movies, photography can all be done with computers now.
Just as information technology has changed the process of receiving
entertainment, so has the content of entertainment. Now we can listen to music on
computer due to digitization of music. In the same way we can watch videos or
movies. Since the release of CD-ROM or DVD, it has become possible to hold large
amounts of data. It is now very common to watch movies from DVD on computer or
television at home instead of going to the cinema.
After the installation of fiber optic network, high speed internet became available.
So now one no longer has to rely on audio CDs or DVDs to listen to music or watch
movies. It is becoming possible to share music or movies directly using the Internet.
Not only that, radio or television channels can now be listened to and watched using
the Internet, and since they are often recorded, no one has to wait for anything, and
can watch whatever they want to watch.
After the advancement of information technology, new forms of entertainment
were born which could not be enjoyed before, one of them being computer games. A
huge computer game industry has now developed all over the world and many types
of computer games have been born. By looking at the huge popularity of computer
games we can guess that it is a very successful medium of entertainment. One of the
main reasons for its success is that it can please everyone from a small child to an
adult according to their own taste. One can play computer games with other people,
play with computers and even play with outsiders using a network. To be honest, in
many cases the intensity of this entertainment can be so high that it can lead to a form
of addiction and that is why everyone around the world is advised to be cautious
about enjoying computer games.
Information technology has also played a major role in the creation of
entertainment. Animation or making cartoons was once a very difficult subject. It has
become much easier now due to information technology and powerful computers. Not
only that, because of the creativity of creative people, a completely new kind of thing
has started happening. Without real actors and actresses, digital actors and actresses of
graphics-based films have started to emerge.
It is now very common to use powerful computers to create fictional animals like
dinosaurs or otherworldly creatures in famous blockbuster movies. In one word, we
can say that not only new entertainments are being born due to information
technology, but those entertainments are now reaching the common people. The most
important thing is that this is just the beginning, it is impossible to imagine the level
of ICT-based entertainment in the future.

ICT has been the source for entertainment and leisure and it is being used in these
situations such as; communicating, games, media streaming and home leisure.
a. Home and leisure - you have different machines to help you do task at home like
cooking, washing, air conditions. You use microwaves to help you heat up food,
and have washing machines to wash your clothing. And these machines are made
by using ICT. If it weren't for ICT, we would have to make fire to cook our food.

ICT also gave us some entertainments to have, instead of just reading books or doing
sports, ICT has made games for us to play and we can stream on the internet to find
something amusing.

b. Gaming - Many people play a wide range of games, on computers or on play

stations. ICT is the reason for this, they made different types of games for every
person to play like action, adventure, construction, and simulation. There are
even game that can help you get fit. We can even play games with friends online,
you can communicate with them as you play with them. They even made controls
for us to use when playing such as the keyboard and the wii controller.
c. Media streaming – ICT has also given us more entertainment other than games,
now you can listen to music, look at photographs, and watch a movie. With
technologies provided by ICT , you can stream, or download media that you can
use for entertainment, for these entertainments, we would have to use the wireless
network, or the internet to allow use to stream on any websites. If it weren't for
ICT, we wouldn't be able to have these.

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