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LESSON 1: INTRODUCTION TO PRIMAVERA ➢ The follwing types of data are enterprise, as well as
PRIMAVERA P6 o Calendars
o Reports
- Very flexible in how it can be used, it is also o Activity codes
designed to help you manage projects well. And ➢ System administrators define enterprise data. Project
when used properly, you can maintain a reliable managers define project-specifics data to further control
budget, anticipate cash flow and resource usage, their projects.
and record and react to changes as they arise.
What’s more, you can bring the various members
of the project team togethers, set standards and
define the right way to run projects at your specific
- Designed to help organizations manage their
projects in a coherent manner, giving them the
power to make better decisions and allowing them
to focus on the best strategies.




➢ Before using primavera, you must enter a valid password


Go to: Select program, Select Primavera P6 Professional, double

click (P6) icon, type a valid Password “ADMIN”, ok
- A project consists of a combination of enterprise
and project- specific data. ➢ The main windows have different functions, but the
navigation options are consistent.
ENTERPRISE DATA ➢ The home window is a starting point for navigating
through various window.
➢ It provides a global structure needed to manage multiple
projects. It is available to all projects across the
Item Functionality
organization n and provides the structures necessary for
1. Title bar Displays current application
centralized project and resource management.
and name of open projects.
o Centralized project management include:
2. Menu bar Perform functions in
▪ Project structure
▪ Project codes primavera
▪ Admin categories and preference 3. Directory bar Quickly displays primavera
o Centralized resource management windows.
include: 4. Navigation bar Move between open windows,
▪ Resources toggle and the directory bar,
▪ Cost accounts and open help
▪ Resource codes 5. Status bar Displays user’s login name,
data date of open projects,
access mode, and current


➢ It is used to move between open windows, to return to

the home window, to display and hide the directory bar,
and to access help for the current window.
➢ Which is turned on by default, can be toggled on/off in
the view menu.

Go to: View, Toolbars, Customize, Select (Toolbars), Select, Close

➢ Projects specific data is only available to the project in
which it is defined. Admin Preferences
o Dates
o Work breakdown structure (WBS) ➢ Where you can set the default code separator for the
o Activities WBS, setting the start day of the week and specify the
o Activity relationship default duration for the new activity.
o Baseline
o Expenses Go to: Admin, Admin Preference, General, Select (Code
o Risks Separator(.)r, Starting day of Week (Sunday), Activity Duration (5)),
o Thresholds and issues Close
o Work products & documents
o Project web site ➢ Allows you to set the default for TIME PERIOD

Go to: Admin, Admin Preferences, Time Periods, Select (Hours per

time period), Select (Time Period Abbreviation), Close

Hours/day = 8

Hours/week = 56

Hours/month = 240

Hours/year = 2920

ABBREVIATION Activity Details

Minutes = n ➢ It view/edit detailed information for selected activity. Go

to; Select (Details), Select (Activity ID: Gr-1000), Select
Hours = h (Predecessors)
Days = d Horizontal Split Bars
Weeks = w ➢ It hides or show more information in top/bottom layouts.
Go to: Select (Details) drag this line as shown in up and
Months = m down directions.
Years = y Vertical Split Bars
User Preferences ➢ It drag bar to hide/show more information in each pane.
Go to: Select (Gantt Chart), drag this line as shown in
➢ Allows you to set the default for DATES setting. left and right directions.
Go to: Edit, User Preferences, Select (Dates), Select (Date format, CUSTOMIZING A LAYOUTS
Options. Time) Close
Opening Layouts
➢ Allows you to set the default for TIME UNITS setting.
➢ It is customizable view of information and a combination
Go to: Edit, User Preferences, Select (Time units), Select (Units of all the visual elements that appear on the screen.
format, Duration format, Units/Time format) Close Layouts are available in the Projects, WBS, Activities,
Resources Assignments, and Tracking windows.
1. OPENING LAYOUTS. Go to: Layouts, Layouts, Open,
The Open Project dialog box lists display all the projects you have No, Select (Open Layout, Global, User admin), Apply,
access to open. Open

✓ OPEN a single project. Go to: File, Open, Select (Any Save Layouts
Project inside Open Project dialog box), open
➢ By creating activity layouts, you can easily view data
✓ OPEN a single EPS node
specific to your needs. The activities window can be
✓ OPEN MULTIPLE projects under different nodes.
customized and save as a layout. Saving layouts for use
TO CHANGE/UPDATE THE DATA DATE press F9 allows you to quickly retrieve information.
2. SAVE LAYOUT. Go to: Layouts, Layout, Save. NOTE:
all changes made shall be saved to the existing.

Save as Layouts

3. SAVE AS LAYOUT - It prompts you to save the layout

with a new name.
Current user – only the user creating the layout will
have access to it in the future.
All users – all licensed user will have access to layout
Another user – a specified user will have access to the
layout. Note, however, that the current user will not have
access to the layout.
Go to; Layout, Layout, Save As, Modify (Layout Name)
Select (Available to), Save, Close.
Activities Window
The following is a list of layout elements that are customizable:
➢ The activities window is used to create, view, and edit
activities for open projects. It can be divided into a top ✓ Bars
and bottom layout. o It is used to display any bars in the Gantt chart area
representing to any selected activity name.
Item Functionality Go to: Select (bars), Select (display bars),
Command Bars Displays options for adding or Apply, OK
removing activity data ✓ Timescale
Gannt Chart Provides graphical display of activity o You can change the timescale for a Gantt chart , profile or
progress over time spreadsheet. When one of these layout components is
Activity Details View/edit detailed information for displayed in both top and bottom layout windows,
selected activity changing the timescale affects both windows.
Horizontal Split Bars Hide or show more information in Go to: Select (timescale),Selec(timescale
top/bottom layouts format)
Vertical Split Bars Drag bar to hide/show more ✓ Table font and rows
information in each pane o You can change or modify the Table, Font, and Row in the
Activity Type Display activity information in activity windows.
spreadsheet format Go to: View, Select (Table Font & Row),
Select (Font, and Color, Row Height) Apply ,
Layout Options Bar Displays menu of available options
for Activities window
✓ Trace logic
o Enables you to step forward or backward through a
ACTIVITIES WINDOWS sequence of activities to focus on predecessor/success
Command bar Go to: Select (Trace logic),Select(Any
Activity Name)
➢ It displays options for adding or removing activity data. ✓ No bottom layout
o Enables you to hide the activity details tab.
Go to: located at the upper portion of the project windows, select Go to: Select (No bottom Layout)
(any icon) ✓ Selecting Columns
o You can select columns to displaying the activity table, as
Activity table well as the order in which they appear from left to right:
Go to: Columns, Customize, Select (
➢ It displays activity information in spreadsheet format. Go Available options), Group & Sort, List, Select
to: select (table) (Any Columns) Select (Arrow), Apply, Ok .
• Use single arrows to move highlighted data
Gantt Chart
➢ It provides graphical display of activity progress over • Use double arrows to move all data items
time. Go to: select (Gantt chart) • Use navigation arrows to configure the order
of the data items.

o Click EDIT COLUMN to edit the Organization Breakdown Structure
selected column’s title and choose its
alignment in the display. ➢ Is a hierarchical arrangement of an organization’s project
✓ Activity network management structure, either as roles or individuals. The
o View the relationships defined between activities and the OBS can be configured to represent a detailed
logical flow of the activities in the project. organizational breakdown (with employee names)

Left pane - displays the WBS hierarchy LESSON 4 :

Right pane - shows a graphical display of activities THE CREATE A NEW PROJECT WIZARD
and their relationship. Go to: Select (Activity
Network) , Select (WBS, name ex: Civil works) The create a New Project wizard can assist you in creating a project.

✓ Hint help ➢ Through answering a series of questions Primavera will

o You can use hint hep to view a definition for any data item create a project.
in the column list. Go to: View help, Select Columns(ex: ➢ Creating a new project using the new project wizards.
Activity ID) Go to: File, New, Select EPS, Next, Type (project ID,
✓ Details Tab project name), Next, Select (planned start), Must finished
o The tab displayed in activity details are customizable: by ____, Next, Select (responsible manager options),
▪ General Select (rate type), Next, Congratulations, Finish.
▪ Status
▪ Predecessor
Entering Project ID and Project Name
▪ Successor
▪ Resources ➢ PROJECT ID - Type a unique ID in this Field
➢ PROJECT NAME – Type a new name in this field. (The
Go to: Select(details), Right Click (customizable activity details)
project name field does not require a unique name)
Select, Apply. OK.
Entering Project Start and End Dates
➢ Use the calendar to select and end dates for the project.
➢ You should close the project when you are finished
➢ The Must Finish By Field is not mandatory. You can
working with it. You are prompted to verify that you
assign a project Must Finish By date at any point in the
want to close the project.
project life cycle by clicking the Dates Tab in the Projects
➢ Closing the project takes you back to the Home window.
Go to: File, Close All, Yes.
Selecting Resource Rate Type
➢ Specify the Resource Rate Type for new resource
assignments. The default rate type determines which
➢ Helps to organized and summarized all projects within (Price/Unit or Standard Rate) is set on the resource
the enterprise hierarchically for top-down budgeting, assignment. The list displays the rate types defined in the
resource and cost analysis, and global control of data. An Rate Types Tab in the admin preference dialog box.
enterprise structure enables you to manage multiple
projects from the highest levels of the organization to the
individuals that perform specific project tasks. Defaults
➢ The EPS is made of roots and nodes
o Each root in the project structure can be ➢ Defaults for New Activities – indicates the setting that
subdivided into many nodes. will be used when new activities are added to the project,
o Nodes represents different levels within your changing theses setting will not affect existing activities.
company, departments, projects groups site o Duration Type
location. o Percent Complete Type
➢ All projects must be included in a node. o Activity Type
o Each node can contain an unlimited number ➢ Auto- numbering Defaults – sets how new activities will
of projects be numbered in you project.
o Projects always represent the lowest level of o Activity ID Prefix
the hierarchy o Activity ID Suffix
o Increment
EPS offers many benefits
Go to: Details, Select(default tabs), Select (default for new
➢ View project priorities, scope, budgets and resources activities, auto numbering defaults), Select (increment activity ID
across the entire project structure or within a specific based in selected activity). NOTE: PROJECT IS CLOSED.
➢ Manage projects separately while retaining the ability to CALENDAR ASSIGNMENT
roll up and summarize data across multiple projects.
o Each node acts as a master project, rolling up Calendar
all “CHILD” nodes and projects
o A node can be opened to view all detailed ➢ Can be created and assigned to each activity and
activity information from the "MEMBER” resource. Calendar assignments are used to schedule
projects activities and level resources.
➢ You ca use the enterprise project structure dialog bow to o An unlimited number of calendars can be
define the eps created
➢ The three fields to enter when adding an EPS node are: o The activity type determines whether the
o EPS ID – identifies the selected EPS node activity calendar or resource calendar id used
o EPS NAME – description of the selected EPS during scheduling.
o RESPONSIBLE MANAGER – use this field Three Types of Calendar
to select an OBS (organizational Breakdown
Structure) element to associate with the ➢ GLOBAL CALENDAR
selected level of the EPS. o Contains calendars that can be used by all
projects in the database.
CREATING ENTERPRISE PROJECT STRUCTURE o Available for all resources and activities in
the database
Go to: Enterprise, Select (Enterprise Project Structure), Select ➢ RESOURCE CALENDAR
(add), Select (Shift left), Type( EPS ID, EPS Name) Close . o Contains separate calendars for each
Entering Responsible Manager o Available for resources.
➢ The responsible manager is the individual responsible for o Contains a separate pool of calendars for each
the work. A responsible manager is selected from the project.
OBS dictionary o Available for the current project only.

You can create and assign calendars to each resource, each project
and each activity. For each calendar, you can define the following

✓ Available work hours in each calendar day LESSON 6: ADDING ACTIVITIES
✓ Default per time are used as conversion factors when
entering or displaying units in time increments other than ACTIVITIES
✓ National holidays ➢ Are the fundamental work elements of a project. They
✓ Your organization’s holiday are the lowest level of a WBS and the smallest
✓ Project- specific work/non-workdays subdivision of work that directly concerns the project
✓ Creating calendar manager.
1. Go to: enterprise, calendar, add, select, type ▪ Most detailed work unit tracked in a
(calendar name), default. project schedule
2. Modify, select (total work hours/day), select ▪ Contained all information about the work
(workweek), type (standard work hours), ok to be performed
3. Select (detailed work hours/day), select ▪ Also known as a task, item, event, or work
(workweek), modify (day of the week), ok package
4. Select (time period), modify (hours per time
period), ok Activity Components
5. Modify (holidays_ double click date) ok,
✓ Assigning calendar
1. Details, Select(defaults), Select (calendar
options), Select, Close. NOTE: PROJECT IS


➢ You can specify the monetary unit or base currency used

to store cost for all projects in the database, as well as the
monetary unit or view currency used to display costs in
windows and dialog boxes.

Creating currency:
Go to: Admin, Currencies, Add, Type(currency ID, name,
➢ Depending on your user preferences, you can use the
symbols, rate)
New Activity wizard to help add an activity.
Assigning currency: ➢ The new activity wizard walks you through the
process of adding an activity. Once you become
Go to: Edit, User preferences, Currency, Select Currency familiar with thee process, you can disable the wizard
Options, Close, OK and add activities directly to the project.
Go to: Select (add), Type (activity ID, activity name),
LESSON 5: CREATING WORK BREALKDOWN Next, Select (WBS), Next, Select (activity type), Next,
STRUCTURE Next Select (duration type), Next, Select
(units/duration) Next, No Continue, Finish
➢ Is a hierarchical arrangement of the products and
services produced during and by a project. It enables you ➢ Once you become familiar with the process, you can
to divide a project into meaningful and logical pieces for disable the wizard and add activities directly to the
the purpose of planning and control. project.
➢ Each project has a WBS hierarchy. Go to: Edit, User Preference, Assistance, uncheck (use
The root level of the WBS is equal to the new activity wizard)
project ID and name
➢ Elements within the WBS have a “child/parent” ADDING ACTIVITY DIRECCTLY TO THE PRJECT
relationship, which means that you can roll up and
summarize information from the lower levels. ➢ Use the activities window to create, view, and modify
activities for the open project. To add an activity to a
project, perform one of the following actions:
o Click add from the command bar
o In the edit menu, click ADD
o Press insert on the key board
o Right- click and click ADD


Assigning & Defining Activity Type

➢ Activity type controls how an activity’s duration dates ae

➢ Select the activity type according to the activity’s
function in the project and the calendar that should be
VIEWING WBS ELEMENTS used for the activity during scheduling.
Go to; Details, Default tab, Select (activity type) NOTE:
- When a project is created, a root level WBS
element is added with the same ID and names as
o Start milestone
the project.
- The BWS elements added to the root level element - This type is typically used to mark
are automatically indented to form the second beginning of a phase or to communicate
level of the hierarchy. project deliverables
o Zero duration activity
CREATING WBS HIERARCHY o Only has a start date
o You can assign constraints,
- A WBS element that is added under an element is steps, expenses, work
automatically intended to form another level of the products, and documents
hierarchy. o You can assign a primary
Go to: WBS, Select(add), Select (move left), Type resource
(WBS ID, WBS name), OK o You cannot assign roles
o Finish milestone
Using the Indentation Keys
- This type is typically used to mark end of
➢ The WBS hierarchy can be adjusted using the a phase or to communicate project
indentation keys located on the Command bar deliverables
allowing a WBS element to be re-assigned to a o Zero duration activity
different node of the WBS. o Only has a finish date
o You can assign constraints,
steps, expenses, work
products, and documents

o You can assign a primary question whether it is an actual activity for the project.
resource Only by logically connecting activities can you truly
o You cannot assign roles schedule a project. The logic is used to calculate dates.
o Task dependent ➢ There are four types of relationships.
- This type is typically used when the work o Finish-to-start (FS)
needs to be accomplished in a give time - When A finishes, then B can start
frame, regardless of the assigned - Default relationship type in primavera
resources’ availability.
o The activity’s resources are
scheduled to work according to
the activity calendar
o Duration is determined by the
assigned calendar’s workweek
o Start-to-start (SS)
ADDING STEPS - When A starts, then B can start
Activity steps

➢ Allow you to break activities into smaller units and track

the completion of those units. Steps provide a list of
procedures required to complete the task and provide
extra guidance to the resources assigned to the activity.
o You can assign an unlimited number of steps
per activity
o Steps can be marked completed in Primavera
and by the primary resource in timesheets
o Steps do not have duration estimate or dates o Finish-to-finish (FS)
o Each step can have an additional explanation - When A finishes, then B can finish.
in the area on the right side of the steps tab.
Go to: details, Steps, Add, Edit or add form


➢ Capability is provided in some areas of Primavera,

enabling you to unod errors in the Activities window and
the Resources Assignments window.
o You can only undo modifications in the
General, Status, Resources, and
Relationships tabs of activity Details
o Start-to-finish (SF)
o You can only undo activity code value
assignments that were assigned using the - When A start, B can finish
columns in the activities window.
Go to: Edit, Select(undo)



Network Logic Diagram

➢ Is a logical representation of all the activities in a project RELATIONSHIPS WITH LAG

showing their dependency relationships.
Precedence Diagramming Method
➢ Specifies an offset or delay between an activity and
➢ Is a technique used for creating a network logic diagram its successor. It can be added to any type of
➢ A box represents each activity. relationship and can be a positive or a negative
➢ Lines with arrows connect the boxes and represent value.
relationships between activities ➢ Lag is scheduled based on the calendar selected in
the General tab in the Schedule Options dialog box.
There are four calendar options for scheduling lag:
o Predecessor activity calendar
o Successor activity calendar
o 24-hour calendar
o Project default calendar

Below are tow examples of relationships with lag:

✓ Finish-to-start with lag - the painting activity can be start

Predecessor after 7 days of plastering activity completion (FS 7d
indicates there is a finish-to-start relationship within 7
➢ Controls the start or finish of another activity. days of lag)


➢ Depends on the start or finish of another activity

➢ Start with either the first activity in the network and enter
each successor, or start with the last activity in the
network and enter each predecessor. ✓ Start-to-start Lag – the following example shows that the
install interior belt conveyors activity can start five days
after the construct building exterior and structure activity


➢ Activities must relate to one another in some logical way.

If an activity does not relate to any others, then you must


Assigning Lag

➢ Lag specifies an offset or delay between an activity and

its successor. You can adjust the lag between an activity
and its successor in the relationships tab.
Go to: Details, Relationship, Add (-) ,(+) lag.


➢ You can also use the relationships tab in activity details

to crate relationships within the project.
Go to: Details, Select (relationship), Select (activity
name), Select (predecessor), Select (assign), Select Backward Pass
(activity name), Close, Select(schedule or F9)
➢ The backward pass calculate an activity’s late dates
CREATING RELATIONSHIPS GANTT CHART ➢ Late dates are the latest times an activity can start and
finish without delaying the end of the project.
Create Relationship directly in Gantt Chart o The calculation begins with the activities
without successors
➢ You can create relationship between activities by: o Late Finish – Duration +1 = Late Start
o The left edge of the activity represents the
start of the activity
o The right edge of the activity represents the
finish of the activity.
Go to: Clicking and dragging your mouse
between the two activities.



Critical Path Method

➢ Is an scheduling technique utilized to calculate project Total Float

schedules, also it is uses activity durations and
relationships logic between activities to calculate ➢ The amount of time an activity can slip from its early
schedule dates. start without delaying the project
➢ The difference between an activity’s late date and early
➢ Activities with zero total float are critical
Critical Path ➢ An activity’s total float is automatically calculated each
time you schedule the project. You cannot edit activity’s
➢ The critical path is the series of activities that determines float values directly.
a projects completion date Late date – Early date = Total Float (TF)
➢ The duration of the activities on the path controls the
duration of the project, a delay to any of these activities
will delay the finish date of the entire project.
➢ Critical activities are defined by either the total float of
the longest path in the project network.


Data date

➢ Is the date that is utilized as the starting point for

schedule calculations
o Date used to schedule all remaining work
➢ During the planning phase the data date should match Backward Pass with Required Finish
the project start date.
➢ One of the most common project scenarios is a required
finish date for the project.
o Used only during the backward pass
o Required finish date specifies when the
project must finish regardless of the
network’s duration and logic
Late Finish – Duration +1 = Late Start


Forward Pass

➢ The forward pass calculates an activity’s early dates

➢ Early dates are the earliest times an activity can start and
finish once its predecessors have been completed.
o The calculation begins with the activities
without predecessors
o Early Start (ES) + Duration -1 = Early Finish

Circular Relationships (loops) COMMONLY USED CONSTRAINTS

➢ Loops indicate circular logic between two activities Must Finish By

➢ Primavera will not calculate a schedule until the loop is
eliminated ➢ Used when an overall project deadline must be met
➢ A dialog box is displayed listing the activities in the ➢ Forces all activities in the project to finish by the date
loop (and time) specified
o By default, the time associated to the must
finish by date is set to 12:00am. If you assign
a must finish by of ___, the project must be
finished by the end of the day ___.
➢ Affects the total float of the entire project
➢ Must be applied in the Projects window on the dates tab
Open Ends ➢ The next step is to reschedule the project to see the effect
of the imposed deadline of the late dates and total float
➢ Open ends are activities without a predecessor or in the project plan.
o No Predecessor – activity uses data date as Start On or After
its Early Start
o No Successor – activity uses project finish • Used to set the earliest ate an activity can begin
as its Late finish. • Forces the activity to start no earlier than the constraints
➢ Open-ended activities can portray an unrealistic amount date
of positive total float. • Pushes the early start to the constraint date
• Affects the early dates of its successors

Finish On or Before

• Used to set intermediate completion points

• Forces the activity to finish no later than the constraint
• Pulls the late finish date to the constraint date
• Affects the late dated of its predecessors

Start On

➢ Forces the activity to start on the constraint date

o Shifts both early and late start dates
o Delays an early start or accelerates a late
o Used to specify dates submitted by
Scheduling Log contractors or vendors

➢ When you schedule a project, activity date are Start On or Before

calculated according to durations and logic
➢ Forces the activity to start no later than the constraint
➢ The schedule log records scheduling result,
o Shifts the late start to the constraint date
o Scheduling/levelling setting
o Affects the late dates of its predecessors
o Statistics
o Used to place a deadline on the start of the
o Errors
o Warnings
o Scheduling/Leveling results Finish On
o Exceptions
➢ Forces the activity to finish on the constraint date
Go to: Schedule or F9, View log, Close o Shifts both early and late finish dates
Schedule o Delays an early finish or accelerates a late
o Used to specify intermediate project
An activity may have a relationship from predecessor that deadlines
determines its Early Start. This logic tie is called a Driving
Finnish On or After
➢ Forces the activity to finish no earlier than the
o A solid relationship line indicates a driving relationship
constraint date
o A dashed relationship line indicates a non-driving
o Shifts the early finish to the constraint date
o Affects the early dates of its successors
LESSON 9: ASSIGNING CONSTRAINTS o Used to prevent an activity from finishing
too early.
As Late as Possible
➢ Constraints are imposed date restrictions used to reflect
projects requirements that cannot be built into the logic. ➢ Delays an activity as late as possible without delaying
➢ Use constraints to build a schedule that more accurately its successors
reflects the real-world aspects of the project, provide o Shifts the early dates as late as possible
added control to the project, and impose a restriction on o Also called a zero free float constraint
the entire project or an individual activity
Mandatory Start and Finish
o Constraints are user-imposed.
o Two constraints can be assigned to an activity ➢ Forces early and late dates to be equal to the constraint
o After applying a constraint, the project must date
be rescheduled to calculate the new dates o Affects late dates of predecessors and early
dates of successors
o May violate network logic


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