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Francis Xavier Engineering College

Department of Information Technology

Office of Programme Assessment


(A part of Quality Assurance cum Assessment)

The faculty and students of Department of Information Technology of FXEC are dedicated to
the continuous improvement of B.Tech. Information Technology Program. The information
that you provide through this survey will be very helpful in this process. We appreciate your
help in filling out this survey. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Name (optional):_________________________________________ Gender: M F

Year of Graduation: _______________________

Overall CGPA and CLASS: ________________

Future plans (check all that apply)

I intend to work in the government sector. I intend to work in the private sector.
I intend to go to higher studies. I intend to start my own business.
I intend to do other things (please specify): _____________________________________

1. PEOs for B.Tech (Information Technology) and its Achievement Assessment

I. To prepare students to become a successful engineer to meet the demand driven needs of
industries/technical profession

II. Graduates will demonstrate core competence in mathematical, scientific and basic engineering
fundamentals necessary to formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems and/or also to pursue
advanced study or research.

III. Graduates will demonstrate good breadth of knowledge in core areas of Information Technology
and related engineering so as to comprehend engineering trade-offs, analyze, design, and synthesize
data and technical concepts to create novel designs in solving the real life problems

IV. Graduates will demonstrate professional responsibility by offering a wide spectrum of consultancy
and testing services by addressing social, cultural, economic, sustainability, and environmental
considerations in the solution of real world engineering problems

V. Graduates will engage themselves in life-long learning through independent study and by
participating in professional activities or continuing education 1/5
The Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) for your programme is stated as above. As a Information
Technology Graduate, do you think the PEO(s) have been achieved?

1 2 3 4
25% 50% 75% (Fully Achieved)





Please fill in the tables in the next pages concerning the skills, abilities and attributes
that you have acquired while studying Information Technology at FXEC.
2. Assessment of Outcomes - Abilities, Skills and Attributes Acquired at FXEC.
Please rate each of the following skills, abilities or attributes in terms of how well your
education at FXEC prepared you for them.

Skills, abilities, and attributes Level of preparation

Very well prepared

Can’ t evaluate
Well prepared

Not prepared

1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, physics and engineering.

2. Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

3. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.

4. Function effectively in teams.

5. Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

6. Understand professional and ethical responsibilities.

(e.g. safety, professional ethics, code of conduct ).
7. Communicate effectively (written reports).

8. Communicate effectively (oral presentations). 2/5
9. Understand and appreciate the impact of engineering in the societal and global

10. Be aware of the need for, and improved my ability to engage in life-long learning
(seeking further education, self learning, membership in professional societies).

11. Be aware of contemporary issues

(e.g. economics of engineering, environmental issues, etc…)

12. Ability to use computing technology in communications.

13. Ability to use computing technology in engineering analysis/design

14. Ability to use state of the art techniques, and tools in engineering practice.

15. Apply the knowledge of probability and statistics.

3. Assessment of the Learning Environment at FXEC

Please indicate your satisfaction with each of the following aspects of your experience at FXEC.
Level of satisfaction

Extremely satisfied

Can’ t evaluate
Very satisfied

Not satisfied

A. Quality of instruction and support for learning satisfied

provided by the faculty members in:
- Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry)
- Computers (Programming and usage of software packages)
- Humanities and Social sciences
- General Engineering,
- Engineering within major

B. Quality of instruction and support for learning given by

technical and supporting staff within major.
C. Quality of advise by the faculty with respect to:
- Academic planning
- Career planning

D. Equity of treatment by:

- Principal ,HOD, Faculty and other administrators
- Technical and supporting staff 3/5
- Fellow students

E. Quality of the facilities:

- Classrooms
- Science laboratories
- Engineering Laboratories
- Computing facilities
- Libraries

4. Assessment of Support Services

Please rate the quality of services provided by the listed offices. In addition, please indicate the
amount of interaction that you had with each office.
Quality of services Amount of

Little or none
No opinion
Very good

Very poor



A. Academic Services:
Training office

B. Administrative Offices:
Students’ affairs office in your department
Administrative offices in the college

C. Other Services:
Health services
Food services
Recreation and athletics
Others (specify) _____________________ 4/5
5. General Assessment
Please answer the following questions:

A. Please list some very important skills that you think you had learned in the engineering

B. Please list some very important or useful skills that you did not get the chance (or are not
available) to learn while taking engineering courses at FXEC.

C. Please write down any comments or suggestions that you think will improve the engineering
programs at FXEC (use additional sheets if necessary).

Signature with date

Please provide your Address and contact particulars for future correspondence:



Mobile Number

Email 5/5

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