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Regional Training Implementation Plan (RTIP)

for the Regional Training of Trainers of the MATATAG Curriculum

Region: __________________________________________

I. Needs Assessment

1. Summary of regional needs related to the RTOT

1.1. Profile of Teachers and Trainers

1.1.1. number of participants per grade level (Kindergarten and Grade 1)

1.1.2. number of participants per grade level and learning area (Grades 4 and 7)

1.1.3. number of trainers per grade level (Kindergarten and Grade 1)

1.1.4. number of trainers per grade level and learning area (Grades 4 and 7)

1.2. Number of Classes

1.2.1. Kindergarten

1.2.2. Grade 1

1.2.3. Grade 4 per Learning Area

1.2.4. Grade 7 per Learning Area

1.3. Number of Program Management Team Members

1.3.1. Kindergarten
1.3.2. Grade 1

1.3.3. Grade 4 per Learning Area

1.3.4. Grade 7 per Learning Area

2. Identified challenges and opportunities in implementing the RTOT

2.1. Challenges

2.2. Opportunities

II. Training Schedule and Matrix

1. Proposed schedule of RTSL

2. Propose training strategy (batch conduct, different venue per grade level and learning area)

a. Training duration: 5 days

b. Number of Participants Per class: 40-50 per class

c. Number of Resource Persons: 5 per class

III. Roles and Responsibilities

1. Identification of individuals or teams responsible for each aspect of the training (management, planning, logistics, monitoring,
documentation, secretariat, welfare, finance, etc.)
Overall Lead: RD/ARD
Overall Program Manager: NEAP-R/ HRDD
Overall Learning Manager: CLMD
Overall M&E Manager: RO-QAD
A. Program Manager
B. Learning Manager
C. Resource Speaker/s
D. M and E Manager
E. Documenter
F. Secretariat
G. Welfare Officer
H. Logistics Officer
I. Finance Officer

2. Identification of trainers (school head’s learning area specialization) based on the qualification set (DepEd Memo no. 44, s. 2023)

A. Education - Master’s Degree related to the Learning Area assigned. If MA is not aligned, consider the Baccalaureate Degree.
B. Experience - Teaching Experience related to Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 4 and Grade 7
C. Training Attended and Conducted are relevant to the Learning Area assigned.
D. Full-fledged School Heads

IV. Budget and Logistics

1. Detailed budget breakdown (venue, materials, resources, etc.)

a. Per capita: Php 11, 300

i. Board and Lodging: 2000/day x 5 days

ii. TEV: Php 2000

iii. Admin Cost: Php 300

2. Plan for logistical arrangements

a. Venue

b. Supplies

c. Equipment

d. Others

V. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting

1. Strategies and tools for monitoring and evaluating the training’s effectiveness ℅ NEAP and BCD

2. Schedule for reporting progress and outputs ( 30 working days after the conduct of the regional training)

VI. Contingency Plan

1. Potential risks and appropriate contingency strategies for each

Mechanics for Developing the Regional Training Plan:

1. Group Formation and Role Assignment:

● Participants will be divided into groups according to region.
● Each will assign roles among themselves: a facilitator/moderator, a note-taker (for documenting ideas and inputs), a budget
analyst (for the budget section), and a presenter (for the final presentation).
2. Introduction and Context Setting:
● Facilitators will introduce the template and explain each section to ensure everyone understands the expectations and the level of
detail required in each part of the plan.
3. Collaborative Plan Development:
● Groups will collaboratively discuss and fill out each section of the template. They should consider their unique regional
characteristics, the specific needs of their target audience, and the resources available to them.
● While working on their plans, groups will have access to a facilitator or resource person who can provide guidance, answer
questions, or help overcome any challenges they encounter.
4. Interim Vetting and Feedback:
● Midway through the plan development, each group will give a brief presentation of their work in progress. Facilitators provide
constructive feedback.
● This interim review ensures that any significant issues or gaps can be identified early, and corrections or valuable additions can
be made before the final presentation.
5. Revision and Finalization:
● After the interim presentations, groups return to their work, discuss and evaluate the feedback, and finalize their plans. The
focus here is on refining and ensuring the feasibility and effectiveness of their strategies.
6. Final Presentation and Review:
● Each group presents their completed training plan. A session of Q&A and feedback will follow, focusing on further refinements or
clarifications needed.
● Facilitators or experts in the room will provide final inputs, highlighting strengths and suggesting improvements.
7. Compilation and Submission:
● All the regional training plans will be compiled into one document. Each group submits their final plan to the CO Management
Team, which then reviews the plans for consistency with the RTOT objectives, and overall strategy.

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