TUGAS 1 PDGK4304 - Adhitya Nurpratama Irwan Syah

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Adhitya Nurpratama Irwan Syah


Tugas 1

A. 1. Berdasarkan diagram berikut ini, buatlah sebuah paragraf yang terdiri dari
paling sedikit sepuluh kalimat, menceriterakan keluarga Wallin (the Wallins)

2. Gunakanlah kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan family and relatives.

Mrs. Wallin Mr. Wallin

Sonia Wallin + Bill Merry +James Wallin Joanne + Roby Wallin

Julia Johan
Joan Mario Susie
Jane Jim Tony

B. 1. Buatlah diagram keluarga Anda. Apabila Anda sudah menikah dan mempunyai
anak, diagram keluarga Anda terdiri dari ayah, ibu, dua dari saudara kandung
Anda, dan anak-anak Anda. Apabila Anda belum menikah, diagram keluarga Anda
terdiri dari kakek, nenek, orang tua Anda dan dua saudara kandung dari salah satu
orang tua Anda (dari ibu atau dari ayah).
2. Berdasarkan diagram yang Anda buat, susunlah sebuah paragraf yang
menceriterakan keluarga Anda.
3. Jangan lupa untuk menggunakan kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan family and

Adhitya Nurpratama Irwan Syah

Answer :

Hello everyone, let me introduce you to Mr. Wallin and Mrs. Wallin's extended
family. They have 2 sons and 1 daughter. The first child is named Sonia, the second is
named James, and the last child is named Roby. They are all married, Sonia has a
husband named Bill and has 3 children. The first child is named Jane, she is a girl, the
second child is named Jim, he is a boy, and the last child is named Tony, he is also a boy.
Then James, he already had a wife named Merry. And also already had 2 children,also
named Julia and Johan. Mr. Wallin's last child is also married. Roby married Joanne and
has 3 children The first child is named Joan, he is a boy, the second child is named mario,
he is also a boy, and the last child is named Susie, she is also a girl.


Good morning, everyone, please allow me to introduce my extended family. The first was
my grandfather his name is Mr. Wiryaji, he already passed away. And my grandmother’s
name is Mrs. kesuh, she very charming person, and there is my aunt, she is the first child
of my grandparents, she is also my mother’s older sister. My uncle’s name is Tukim, they
both have two children, the first child named lita, ms. Lita is married. She married a man
named Tomi. My uncle second child is called Hanif, even though he is younger than me,
I still have to respect him because his mother is my mother’s older sister. Then there was
the second child of my grandparent, namely my mother. She is married, to my father of
course. They both have 3 children, I was the first child, Reza the second child, and Kohar
the last child. And that’s the story of my extended family.

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