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1. Buatlah 3 kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris aktivitas yang sedang Anda lakukan saat ini.

• I am doing my Homework
• I am listening to a song
• I am clean my room

2. Bagaimana susunan ke tiga kalimat pada nomor satu tersebut apabila kegiatan yang
sedang Anda lakukan itu telah selesai Anda lakukan.

• I have finished my homework

• I am listened to a song
• I cleaned my room

3. Bagaimana susunan ke tiga kalimat pada nomor satu tersebut apabila kegiatan yang
sedang Anda lakukan itu sudah Anda lakukan dan masih sedang Anda lakukan.

• I just finished my homework

• I was listening to a song
• I was cleaning my room

4. Buatlah 3 kalimat dengan menggunakan how much dan how many.

• How much dates in February

• How much your score today
• How much Trophies did you get?
• How many circles is this?
• How many durians fell from the tree?
• How many tomatoes did you faund?

5. Buatlah satu kalimat perbandingan comparative dan satu kalimat perbandingan

superlative dari situasi berikut ini.

Aminah is 24 years old. Sulastri is 20 years old, and Dodi is 30 years old.


• Aminah is older than Sulastri but younger than Dodi, and Dodi is older than


• Sulastri is the youngest of all, and Dodi is the oldest of all

6. Buatlah dialog yang menunjukkan percakapan yang terjadi di traditional market memuat
materi mengenai pengungkatan ukuran benda yang tak dapat dihitung beserta harga
barang dan menawar harga barang.

Buyer: Ma’am, I’m looking for plastic container. Do you have any?

Seller: I have in many sizes and shape. What kind are you looking for?

Buyer: The square one, Ma’am, for food storage. But can also be used in microwave.

Seller: I have that. The smallest one is Rp15.000 apiece.

Buyer: How many Liters it can contain?

Seller: Around 250 cc. I have the 350 cc and 500 cc. Each is Rp17.500 and Rp20.000 apiece.

Buyer: I’ll take the 500 cc, then. Make it three.

Seller: All right.

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