WH Questions

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WH- Questions in the Past Simple Tense

o Questions that begin with:

 What, to ask for information.
 When, to ask about time.
 Where, to ask for the position of something or someone.
 Who, to ask for which person or persons did an action.
 Whom, to ask which person receives an action.
 Which, to ask about choice
 Whose, to find out which person something belongs to.
 Why, to ask for the reason.
 How, to ask about manner, to ask about quality or condition.
o We use them to ask for detailed information.

WH- Questions with “action verbs”

Wh- + did + Subject + Verb 1 ?

e.g : What did you do?

Where did they go?
Who did that?

WH- Questions with “to be/ auxiliary verbs”

Wh- + to be + Subject + Complement ?

e.g : What was in the box?

Where were they?
When did they get back?

Make questions using the “wh-“ words below. (when, how, who, what, why)
1. They wanted to see Fiona. = did they want to see?
2. I got up at 7 o'clock. = time did you get up?
3. She paid $10. = much did she pay?
4. He didn't like the movie. = didn't he like the movie?
5. We had dinner. = did you have for dinner?
6. The meeting finished late. = time did the meeting finish?
7. I ate an apple pie? = kind of pie did you eat?
8. I played tennis last week. = did you play tennis?
9. They wrote to Ellen. = did they write to?
10. I didn't eat the chicken. = didn't you eat the chicken?
11. The fox was in the garden. = was the fox?
12. Jan studied for three hours = long did Jane study?
13. She bought an old car. = did she buy?
14. They travelled across Canada by bike. = did they travel across Canada?
15. Beavers were common on Vancouver. = were beavers common?
16. The doll was in the box. = was in the box?
17. They were at home. = were they?
18. Jim was at the Park. = was at the park?
19. The class was so boring. = was the class?
20. He was born on July 7th, 2000 = was he born?

Write W/H Questions for the statements below.

1. Sam washed the car. = Why
2. They ate dinner. = Where
3. I saw my friend. = Who
4. The telephone rang. = When
5. They came to school by bus. = How
6. Ms. Brown bought a new coat. = What
7. The party started at three o’clock = When
8. I saw a ghost! = Where
9. She went home. = Why
10. He read a magazine = What

Make past simple questions

11. Where (you/ go) –to school?
12. When (she/ arrive)?
13. Why (he/ eat) so much?
14. What (they/ do) yesterday?
15. Who (you/ meet) at the party?
16. How (she/ come) to work this morning?
17. Where (I/ leave) my glasses?
18. When (he/ get) home last night?
19. What (you/ do) at the weekend?
20. Why (she/ get) angry?
21. What (he/to do/first)
22. Where (you/to go/after the meeting)
23. How (to be/your flight)
24. When (they/to arrive/in Liverpool)
25. Where (grandma/to put/her glasses)
26. Why – I like it. (I/to buy/it)
27. What (Sarah/to read/in the lunch break)
28. Why – It was terrible. (we/to leave/so early)
29. What (to be/your favorite songs/last year)
30. How (you/to feel/at the office/on your first)

Write W/H Questions for the statements below.

Statements Yes/ No Questions Wh- Questions
1. You went to London last week.
2. You bought a t-shirt at the shop.
3. You called Peter.
4. You called with a mobile phone.
5. You found your keys this morning.
6. You found your keys under the sofa.
7. Paul went to France to learn French.
8. Paul went to France last year.
9. Julia sang very well.
10. Julia sang yesterday.
Passive Voice
Passive: Simple Present Tense
Subject + to be + Past participle + by Object
(passive) (is/ am/ are) (verb 3) (passive)

Arrange these jumbled words to make passive voice correctly.

1. by him / the door / is opened =
2. is paid / by her / a lot of money =
3. is drawn / a picture / by me =
4. by them / blue shoes / are worn =
5. you / by the / are not helped =
6. by him / is not opened / the book =
7. by you / the letter / is not written =
8. printed / are / the documents =
9. is / opened / the window =
10. brought / are / the shoes/ =
11. is / washed / car =
12. sent / the letter / is =
13. is not / read / the book =
14. the songs / sung / are not =
15. eaten / the food / is not =
16. is not / closed / the shop =
17. spoken / is / English =
18. read / comic / are =
19. is / played / volleyball =
20. sung / is / the song

Rewrite the given sentence in passive voice

1. Mr Jones watches films. =
2. The people speak English. =
3. He reads comics. =
4. We play volleyball. =
5. They sing the song. =
6. I take photos. =
7. She does the housework. =
8. The policemen help the children. =
9. He writes poems. =
10. Mother waters the flowers. =
11. He opens the door. =
12. We set the table. =
13. I draw a picture. =
14. They wear blue shoes. =
15. She pays a lot of money. =
Passive Voice
Passive: Simple Past Tense
Subject + to be + Past participle + by Object
(passive) (was / were) (verb 3) (passive)

Arrange these jumbled words to make passive voice correctly.

1. Written / the test / was =
2. Set / was / the table =
3. Was / fed / the cat =
4. The lights / switched on / were =
5. Built / was / the house =
6. Was / served / dinner =
7. Was not / sold/ this computer =
8. Stopped / was not / the car =
9. The tables / cleaned / was not =
10. Picked up / were / the children. =
11. Cooked / the meal / was =
12. Planted / were / the trees =
13. Substituted / the words / were =
14. Was / the question / answered =
15. Were / ticked / the correct answer =
16. Downloaded / the apps / were =
17. Was / the door / locker =
18. The house / burnt down / was =
19. Was / he / robbed =
20. The Browns / invited / were =

Rewrite the given sentence in passive voice

1. Somebody found the key. =
2. Somebody made mistakes. =
3. Somebody loved that woman. =
4. Somebody cleaned the rooms. =
5. Somebody fixed the computer. =
6. Somebody built that house. =
7. Somebody wrote War and Peace. =
8. Somebody painted The Mona Lisa. =
9. Somebody stole my wallet. =
10. Somebody prepared lunch. =
11. Somebody drank a lot of coffee. =
12. Somebody forgot the papers. =
13. Somebody closed the windows. =
14. Somebody invited Julie and Luke to a party. =
15. Somebody built a website. =

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