Modelling of Heat Treatment of Stee

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Volume 56 2011 Issue 2

DOI: 10.2478/v10172-011-0037-5




A mathematical and numerical model of hardening process using the generalized finite difference method for the movement
of fluid and heat transport have been proposed in this paper. To solve the Navier-Stokes equation the characteristic based split
scheme (CBS) has been used. The solution of the heat transport equation with the convective term has been obtained by a
stabilized meshless method. To determine of the phase transformation the macroscopic model built on the basis of CCT diagrams
for continuous cooling of medium-carbon steel has been used. The temporary temperature fields, the phase transformation,
thermal and structural strains for the heat treated element and the fields of temperature and velocity for the coolant have been
determined. The comparative analysis of the results of calculations for the model without taking into account movement of
coolant has been carried out. The effect of the notch in the shaft on the cooling rates and fields of the kinetics of the phase
transformations has been presented.
Keywords: heat treatment, continuous cooling, meshless method, liquid coolant

W pracy zaproponowano model matematyczny i numeryczny zjawisk termicznych oraz ruchów chłodziwa zbudowany
z wykorzystaniem uogólnionej metody różnic skończonych. Do rozwiązania równania Naviera-Stokesa wykorzystano metodę
rzutowania (CBS). Rozwiązanie równania przewodzenia ciepła z członem konwekcyjnym uzyskano na podstawie stabilizowanej
bezsiatkowej metody różnic skończonych. Do modelowania przemian fazowych wykorzystano makroskopowy model zbudowany
na podstawie analizy wykresów ciągłego chłodzenia CTPc dla stali średniowęglowej. Dla elementu obrabianego cieplnie
określono chwilowe pola temperatury, udziały fazowe, odkształcenia termiczne, strukturalne oraz pala temperatury i prędkości
cieczy chłodzącej. Przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą z wynikami obliczeń z ruchem i bez ruchu chłodziwa. W pracy
przedstawiono także wpływ wycięcia (rowka na wałku) na pola prędkości chłodziwa oraz na kinetykę przemian fazowych.

1. Introduction in the models of the hardening process the influence

of convective cooling fluid movements is not taken into
The process of heat treatment of steel elements is account. On the whole, the impact of coolant on the
a complex and difficult phenomenon to numerical mod- temperature of element is modeled by suitable boundary
elling. There are many factors which have a significant conditions, which are oversimplifying the modelling, but
impact on the processes of quenching and tempering, do not take into consideration the influence of large tem-
such as process conditions, properties of the workpiece, perature gradients on the edges of the cooling element
or the properties of the coolant [1,2]. A multitude of and generating strong convective motion of the coolant
these parameters leads researchers interested in mod- [3,4]. In the paper, the effect of convection movements
elling of hardening to continuing extend the scope of of quenching coolant on the structure and stresses of
considered of phenomena of such a process. Generally, component after heat treatment has been analyzed.


Movement P hase
of coolant Temperature trnasformations

Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram of the analyzed problem

2. Temperature fields analysis of Fe-C-Mn system and constant value of en-

thalpy for austenite-martensite transformation are used
In modelling the processes of heat treatment have [2,5]. This solution is approximated by the polynomial
a significant role taken into account movements of nat- function of the third degree:
ural or a forced convection. These movements usually
occurring in the coolant are approximated by the appro- Hγ→α (T ) = 0.00064156 · T 3 − 0.59347 · T 2 +
priate boundary conditions. However, this approach may +245.24 · T − 145423
lead to a large error of approximation. This occurs when Hγ→P (T ) = 0.00093038 · T 3 − 1.0536 · T 2 +
the coolant is liquid, and also for geometrically complex
parts of machines. Therefore, the model of heat transport +475.96 · T − 212728 (3)
for heat treatment processes should take into account the Hγ→B (T ) = 0.00077541 · T 3 − 0.81671 · T 2 +
movements of the liquid coolant. In presented paper a +365.01 · T − 176705
numerical model of heat transfer for the coolant and the Hγ→M (T ) = 8.25 · 104
cooled axisymmetric element in the hardening process
is described. where: Hγ→α [J/kg] is the heat of austenite to ferrite
The temperature fields are determined on the basis transformation, Hγ→P is the heat of austenite to pearlite
of the heat transfer equation with convection term, which transformation, Hγ→B is the heat of austenite to bainite
for axially symmetric space take the following form: transformation, Hγ→M is the heat of austenite to marten-
! ! site transformation, T is the temperature [◦ C].
λ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T As already indicated, the latent heats of the transfor-
+ λ + λ −
r ∂r ∂r ∂r ! ∂z ∂z mations have especially influence on the changes of tem-
∂T ∂T ∂T perature and on the kinetics of the phase transformations
−ρC Vr + Vz − ρC = qV
∂r ∂z ∂t in the volumetric hardening for high or medium carbon
steels, whereas it is insignificant in the transformations
where T [K] is the temperature, t [s] is the time, λ=
during the surface hardening for these steels.
λ(T) [W/mK] is the thermal conductivity, ρ [kg/m3 ] is
the density, C [J/kgK] is the specific heat, V [m/s] is the
2.1. Numerical method
velocity, qv [J/m3 s] is the volumetric heat source, r – is
a distance from the symmetry axis. Modelling of technological processes is a difficult
In equation (1) latent heat of the phase transforma- task and sets many problems for developer. Incorpo-
tion as volumetric heat source in heat transfer equation ration of the characteristic features of the phenomena
is introduced: X ∆ηi occurring in the modeled process is fundamental into
qV = Hi ρ (2) any correctness model. Selection of method at the be-
i ginning construction of application is very significant.
where: Hi [J/kg] is the heat of the “i” transformation, Potential problems in modelling often occur as a result
∆ηi is the volumetric increment of the “i” phase. of the wrong choice modelling method, therefore it is
For high- and medium-carbon steel should be tak- important to know the advantages and disadvantages of
en into account changes in temperature caused by latent the chosen method of modelling. Unfortunately, on the
heats of the phase transformation. The effect of these re- beginning of development of a model is rarely possible
actions is significant on the cooling temperature. This is predicted the future problems and pathways of algorithm
particularly visible during the hardening process when a development. Because of its advantages the generalized
high volume transformation austenite to pearlite occurs. finite difference method has been chosen. This choice is
In the literature of latent heat of phase transformation related to, inter alia, easy adaptation to the changes of
the models, heat of transformation for particular phase mesh geometry.
(dependent on the temperature and chemical composi- For the modelling of heat flow the generalized finite
tion) are described [2]. In presented paper the results of difference method was used [6,7]. So that a function of

temperature has been developed into Taylor series with

an accuracy to the second derivative:
! ! !
∂T ∂T 1 ∂2 T
T j = Ti + hj + kj + 2
h2j +
∂r i ∂z i 2 ∂r i
! ! (4)
2 2
1 ∂ T ∂ T
+ 2
k 2j + h jk j
2 ∂z i ∂r∂z i

where: h j = r j − ri , k j = z j − zi , “i” number of the

central-node, “ j” additional numbers of nodes around
the central node.
The following criterion for the quality of approxi-
mations derived in the central node has been assumed:
! ! !
Pn ∂T ∂T 1 ∂2 T
J= Ti − T j + hj + kj + h2 +
j=1 ∂r i ∂z i 2 ∂r 2 i j
! ! ! 2
1 ∂2 T 2 ∂ 2
T 1 
+ k + h k 
l mj 
j j
2 ∂z2 i j ∂r∂z i Fig. 2. Examples of grid nodes used for the calculation
where: l j is the distance from the “ j” node to central
node (“i”), a constant m=3. 2.3. Numerical model
The necessary conditions for a minimum of func-
tional J are zeroing to derivatives: The temperature in nodes was determined by the
solution of the heat transfer equation with the convec-
∂J ∂J
= 0,   =0 (6) tive term based on GFDM. This solution in a nonlinear
∂ (T,α )i ∂ T,αβ implicit time scheme is written in the matrix form as:

where T,α = ∂(.)/∂xα . A·T=D (8)

Finally, the solution of equations (6) are the coeffi-
cients z j , used to build the matrix in the selected numer- where matrix A is defined as:
ical method. !
P  n  
yy 1
Ai,i = λ − z xx
j + z j − ri
zj +
2.2. Stabilization method j=1 j=1 !
Pn Pn  
Numerical modelling of the phenomena with high +ρC z xj (V x )i + zyj V y
j=1 j=1 i
rates causes the problems with the stabilization of so- Ai, j = λ z j + z j + ri z j − ρC z j (V x )i + zyj V y
xx yy λ x x
lutions. Therefore, the stabilization of the differential i
method using a combination of derivatives (determined
and vector D is written as:
The modification of the coefficients in the stabiliza- ρC
tion of generalized finite difference method, GFDM is Di = − T is−1 − qVi −
∆t !
described by the following equation: ∆λ P n
x s−1 Pn
x s−1 Pn
y s−1 Pn
y s−1
− z T − z j Ti + z j T j − z j Ti
∆T j=1 j j j=1 j=1 j=1
zα = (1 − ζα ) zαI + ζα zαj , j = II .. V, (10)
1 1 2 (7) where zαj ,zαα
j are the coefficients determined from the
ζα = − solutions of the equation (6), s is the number of the time
2 tanh (Peα /2) Peα
step, i and j are the numbers of central and surrounding
where Pe is a local Peclet number defined as follows: in nodes of the grid nodes (see Fig. 2).
the heat transfer model - Peα = vα rα ρC/λ, in the flow Because the presented system matrix is highly asym-
model - Peα = ρvα rα /µ, rα is a characteristic size of the metric, it was solved by using the biconjugated gradients
element of grid in the α direction, j is the number of grid method. In this iterative method was used the Jacobi
(see Fig. 2). several nodal grids of nodes) was proposed. preconditioner [8,9].

3. Velocity fields The final velocity field is corrected by the pressure

increment so that is divergence free:
In modelling of the hardening process, especially ∆t
when the coolant is a liquid, should be considered the Vα − Vα∗ = − p,α (14)
behavior of the cooling medium. In this process the large
changes in the intensity occurring in cooling were caused By taking the divergence of (14) the following Poisson
by convection or forced movement of liquid. The basis equation for the pressure is obtained:
for the mathematical description of this movement is the ∆t ∂2 p 1 ∂p ∂2 p ∂Vr∗ Vr∗ ∂Vz∗
Navier-Stokes equation with the free convection term. + + = + + (15)
ρ ∂r 2 r ∂r ∂z2 ∂r r ∂z
The Navier-Stokes equation is defined as follows
The final velocity field is corrected by the pressure in-
! Vα = Vα∗ + ∆Vα∗ , ∆Vα∗ = − (p,α ) (16)
∂2Vr 1 ∂Vr ∂2Vr Vr ∂p ρ
µ + + − − =
∂r 2 r ∂r ∂z2 r!2 ∂r The momentum equation (13) was solved by GDFM us-
dVr ∂Vr ∂Vr ing an implicit time scheme for i-th node of the grid.
=ρ + Vr + Vz
dt ∂r !∂z This solution in the matrix form is written as:
∂2Vz 1 ∂Vz ∂2Vz ∂p  
µ + + − + ρa z β T − T re f = Aα · Vα∗ = Dα (17)
∂r 2 r ∂r ∂z2 !∂z α
dVz ∂Vz ∂Vz where matrix A is described as:
=ρ + Vr + Vz   
dt ∂r ∂z  µ  1 P n   1 P n 
Ai,i = 1 − ∆t  − 2 − xx yy
zj + zj + z j 
ρ ri j=1 ri !! j=1
where V [m/s] is the velocity component in the r or µ Pn   1 P n
y yy
z-direction, µ [kg/ms] is the dynamic viscosity, p [N/m2 ] Ai,i = 1 − ∆t − z xx
j + zj + z xj
ρ j=1 r i j=1
is the pressure, az [m/s2 ] is the acceleration component
∆tµ  xx yy
 1 !
in the z-direction, β [1/K] is the volumetric thermal ex- Ai, j = − z j + z j − z xj
pansion coefficient, Tre f [K] is the reference temperature. ρ ri
The Navier-Stokes equation (11) is supplemented by
and vector Dα is written as:
the continuity equation taking the form:  
Diα = Vαs−1 −
i !!
∂Vr Vr ∂Vz Pn
(γ) s−1 P
(γ) s−1
+ + =0 (12) −∆t aα β (T i − T ∞ ) + z j Vα j − z j Vαi
∂r r ∂z j=1 j=1
Equations (11) and (12) are complemented by appropri-
The pressure field is obtained by solving the Poisson
ate boundary and initial conditions.
equation (15), which in the matrix form is written as:
The Navier-Stokes equation (11) is solved only in a
region filled with the coolant by means of a characteristic A·p=D (20)
based split (CBS) scheme. The CBS scheme is based on where matrix A is described as:
the projection method developed by Chorin [12] and de- !
1 Pn   1 P n  
xx yy x
scribed by Zienkiewicz and Codina [10]. In this method Ai,i = − zj + zj − z
ρ ri j=1 j
an auxiliary velocity field V ∗ is introduced to uncouple  j=1  (21)
1  z xj 
equations (11) and (12). Ai, j = z xx + z yy
+ 
! ρ j j
Vr∗ − Vrk µ ∂2Vr 1 ∂Vr ∂2Vr Vr and vector D is written as:
= + + − −
∆t ρ ∂r 2! r ∂r ∂z2 r2 1 P n  Pn  P n  
∂Vr ∂Vr Di = z xj V x∗ j − z xj V x∗ i + zyj V y∗ −
− Vr + Vz ∆t j=1 j=1 !j=1
∂r ∂z !   (22)
(13) P n (V )
x i
Vz∗ − Vzk µ ∂2Vz 1 ∂Vz ∂2Vz − zyj V y∗ +
= + + + j=1 i ri
∆t ρ ∂r 2 r ∂r ∂z2!
  ∂Vz ∂Vz However, the equation (16) in the generalized finite dif-
+az β T − Tre f − Vr + Vz ference method has in the form:
∂r ∂z  n 
∆t X (α) X 

where Vαk is the velocity component in the r or

∆Vαi = −  z j pα j − z j pαi 
z-direction for the previous time step. j=1 j=1

4. Phase transformations of cooling If the end of first transformation, its maximum par-
ticipation and starting time of the transformations is
The modelling of thermal phenomena, except move- known, ending of the transformations will be estimated
ments of the liquid coolant, should also take into con- from below relation [13]:
sideration the phase transformations in the solid state. !
−A · (ln (ts ) − ln (t))
These transformations influence on the temperature field t f (t, η% , ts ) = exp · ts (27)
B (η% )
through the heat of transformation and also have a sig-
nificant impact on the temporary and residual field of In the case of the phase transformation occurring be-
stresses. In the paper the macroscopic model of the phase tween others transformations, the start of them is calcu-
transformations based on an analysis of CCT diagrams lated from following equation [13]:
has been presented [4,13]. 
ts t1 , η(1%) , t2 , η(2%) =
The volume fractions η(.) (T, t) growth during cool-
ing process are calculated by the Avrami equations v
[13,14]. u
u    A−B B(η(1%) )
u B η

 (1%)  (η(1%) )
 (28)
  u
u  

 X   ) 
N (η(1%) ,η(2%)u
u t1 A 

 
n(T )

t 
 ! 
η(i) (T, t) = min  η (i%) , η̃γ − η j 
 · 1 − exp −b (T ) t  A 

 

j,i  exp −  · ln (t2 ) 
(24) B η(2%)
where: η̃γ is a volume fraction of forming austenite, η j is The coefficients A(), B(), and N() are calculated using
volume fraction of phase formed during cooling process, following formulas:
η(i%) is final fraction of “i”-phase estimation of basis on !  !
 −A B η(1%)
CCT diagrams considered steel. The functions b(T ) and N η(1%) , η(2%) =  +1  +1
n(T ) depending on temperature as well as on the start B η(2%) A − B η(1%)
(ts ) and finish (t f ) times of transformation is described      (29)
  ln 1 − ηi  !
by formulas: 
 
 f 
  ln (1 − η% )
A = exp ln     , B (η% ) = ln
! ln 1 − ηsi  ln (1 − ηs )
t f (T ) 0, 01005
n (T ) = 6, 12733/ ln , b (T ) = (30)
ts (T ) tsn(T ) Among considerable factors deciding in primary mea-
(25) sure about course of transformation are stress conditions.
The results obtained from Avrami equation strongly In this model modification of equations describing kinet-
depend on the assumed CCT diagram analysis. The func- ics of the phase transformations are introduced [3,15,16].
tion determined by the Avrami covers the whole range Influence of the mechanical phenomena on the changes
transformation and must be appropriately modified for of material microstructure is taken into account. This
the analysis of individual transformation. Is assumes that phenomenon is especially noticeable during the marten-
the function is defined in segments depending on the site transformation. This effect describes as dependence
location of the transformation in the CCT diagram. Co- of start martensite temperature on average and effective
efficients occurring in these functions are obtained from stresses.
CCT diagram. In presented model kinetics of the phase The phase transformation during the high-rate cool-
transformation are determined by the Avrami equations. ing (transformation austenite to martensite) is deter-
Three variants of phase kinetics are considered accord- mined by classic form of Koistinen-Marburger equation
ing to informations about creation of particular phase. [3,15-17]:
In paper the model, which determinate the kinetics of !
individual phases with the use of spline functions is ap- ηM (T, t) = η̃γ − ηi
plied. If maximum value of participation of the particular    i,M 
phase and final time of its creation is predicted, the be- 1 − exp −k MS − T + AM σe f f + BM σa , k = 0.01537
ginning of the phase transformation will be calculated (31)
from following equation [4,13]: where: σ a = (σii ) /3 – average stress, σe f f =
3/2 σ D · σ D – effective stress, σ D – deviatoric stress-
B(η% )
 A  es, AM and BM coefficients for C45 steel are equal to
   t B(η% )  A−B(η% )

ts t, η% , t f =   (26) AM = 1.25×10−6 [K/Pa], BM = 0.75×10−6 [K/Pa] [15].

tf  According to eq. 4.31 it can be noticed, that tem-
perature MS diminishes when average stress is less than
where: η% is estimated volume fraction of the last phase. zero, otherwise MS rises. Effective stress always cause

the growth MS temperature, so the austenite – martensite results (experimental results and numerical benchmarks)
transformation is accelerated. is presented.
The increase of isotropic strain resulted from the The differential equation of heat transport using a
temperature and phase transformation (dεT ph = dεT + generalized finite difference method in the control area
dε ph ) during heating and cooling is described by formula Ω was solved. The rectangular geometry of dimensions
[4,13]: 1.0×1.0 [m], the initial and boundary conditions were
X X adopted in such a way, that numerical calculations re-
dεT = αi (T ) ηi dT, dε ph = εiph (T ) dηi (32) sults of the approximate solution can be compared to an
i i existing analytical solution.
As an initial condition we assumed, that the entire
where: αi is a thermal expansion coefficients for “i”
area T 0 (xα )=300 [K] and the boundary conditions were
phase, εiph = δVi / (3V ) is a strain expansion coefficients follows:
for “i” transformation. Experimental research and nu- • on the left boundary (Γ, x =0) the Dirichlet condition
merical simulations – dilatometric curves, assign these T D (x =0)=1000 [K]
values (thermal and structural expansion coefficients) • on the other edge the Neumann condition q =
[13]. −λ ∂T 2
∂n = 0 [W/m ]
The kinetics of the phase transformations during For this case, the analytical solution has the follow-
cooling strongly depend on austenisation temperature, ing form [20]:
therefore model, which exploits two CCT diagrams for
C45 steel (880◦ C and 1050◦ C austenisation temperature)    
1 D x−ut
T (x, t) = 2 T − T 0 er f c 4Dt + √
was developed [18,19]. The constructed application uses     (35)
a pairs of corresponding points of both CCT diagrams. + exp ux er f c x+ut
√ + T 0
D 4Dt
Each of the points located at the curve determining the
end of transformation must have the maximum value of where D=λ/(ρC).
transformation. The obtained results are shown in Figure 3.
Continuous cooling transformation diagrams dis-
placed with respect to each other are used to determine 1 25 0
intermediate diagram using follows approximation [13].
analy tic al sol.

t j (T Aust ) = γ Aust t 1050

j + (1 − γ Aust ) t 880
j 1 00 0
m odel

T j (T Aust ) = γ Aust T 1050 + (1 − γ )

Aust T j
T e m p er a tur e [K ]

1050 880
η(i%) j (T Aust ) = γ Aust η(i%) j +
(1 − γ Aust ) η(i%) j
75 0
Parameter γ Aust is described by formula:

γ Aust = 0 for T max < 880˚C 50 0

T max −880
γ Aust = 1050−880 for 880˚C < T max < 1050˚C (34)
γ Aust = 1 for T max > 1050˚C
25 0

The presented numerical model for numerical simula- 0 .0 0 0 .2 5 0. 50 0 .7 5 1 .00

tions of structural and thermal strains during the phase x [m ]
transformation of cooling for different austenization tem- Fig. 3. The comparison of numerical model with the analytical so-
perature is used. lution, u=1 [m/s], t=0.5 [s], λ=0.5 [W/mK], ρ=1 [kg/m3 ], C=1000

5. Evaluations of the models The numerical model of coolant flow was verified
using the numerical benchmarks involving a forced flow
Numerical models are only a closer reality. Devel- in a closed area with a movable top wall (Fig. 4) – Driven
oped mathematical models contain some simplifications Cavity Test (Ghia et al.) [21]. The conditions of the test
influencing on the accuracy of the solution. Therefore, were as follows: area dimension d=1 [m], density ρ=1
a comparative analysis between calculated and reference [kg/m3 ], dynamic viscosity µ [kg/ms].

Fig. 4. The comparison of calculation results with the numerical benchmark for the grid 150×150 nodes, a) Re=100, b) Re=400, c) Re=1000

The experimental research to validate the method is realized by the inductive method, while the cooling is
used to determine the kinetics of the phase transfor- executed by water inside the specimen. The dimensions
mations during cooling was made. The objects of re- of specimens were 11×11×55 [mm]. In the experimental
search were specimens made from C45 steel. The exper- research the phase transformations during the cooling of
imental research was done on thermal cycle simulators: continuous steel C45 exposed to quick heating and cool-
SMITWELD TCS 1405, which is the property of In- ing with different rates (heating – 100 [◦ C/s], cooling –
stitute of Mechanics and Machine Design of Technical 10, 30, 200 [◦ C/s]) were investigated.
University of Częstochowa. Heating in the dilatometer

Fig. 5. The verification of the model of the phase transformations – dilatometric tests a) 10, b) 30, c) 200 [◦ C/s]

6. Examples of calculation paper the calculation for the axisymmetric element with
the notch (example C) was presented. The dimensions of
The geometry of the hardening parts surrounded by the both steel elements are r=0.04 [m], h=0.06 [m], the
cooling liquid is presented in Fig. 6. The effect of coolant dimensions of the notch are 0.005×0.02 [m], the radius
motion on distribution of bainite, martensite, thermal of the container with the coolant is 0.12 [m], height is
and structural strains was investigated. The comparative 0.12 [m]. The results of numerical solutions show the
analysis of the results of calculations for the model with- effect of the notch in the shaft on the cooling rates and
out (example A) and with (example B) taking into ac- fields of the kinetics of the phases. In the presented ex-
count movement of coolant has been carried out. In the amples only natural convection is taken into account.

Fig. 6. Geometry of the analyzed regions for calculations a) without and with, b) with taking into account movement of coolant

Following boundary and initial conditions were in- TABLE 2

troduced for the heat transport equation: The thermal and structural strain coefficients
• Newton boundary condition on external boundary ΓL
with α=300 [W/m2 K], T ∞ =300 [K], Phase αi [1/K] γi
• Neumann boundary condition on axial boundary Γ A Austenite 2.178×10 −5
with q=0 [W/m2 ],
Ferrite 1.534×10−5 3.055×10−3
• Dirichlet boundary condition on external boundary
ΓD with T D =300 [K], Pearlite 1.534×10−5 3.055×10−3
• ideal contact between hardening element and coolant Bainite 1.171×10−5 4.0×10−3
on internal boundary ΓS,
Martensite 1.36×10−5 6.5×10−3
• the initial temperature of a hardening element was
equal to T H =1200 [K],
In the Figure 7 very large difference between fields
• the initial temperature of coolant TC =300 [K].
of temperature for analyzed cases is displayed. If the
Following boundary and initial conditions complet-
convective movement of coolant is not take into account,
ed the Navier-Stokes equation:
then occurs significant decrease of the cooling rate of
• Dirichlet boundary condition on boundaries ΓL , Γ A,
steel element.
ΓD with Vα =0 [m/s],
The effect of notch in steel element on the field of
• initial velocities in coolant Vα =0 [m/s],
coolant flow In the Figure 8 is presents. It shows the
• reference temperature in coolant T Re f =300 [K].
difficult of modelling coolant trough the boundary con-
The CCT diagram for austenitization temperature
was determined for 1200 [K] and was used in calcu-
The high rate of cooling occurs in the case, where
lations. Material properties used in calculations are col-
the movement of coolant, favors a deeper hardening area
lected in Tables 1-2.
is taking into account. This is visible on the diagrams
TABLE 1 presenting the fields bainitic and martensitic structures.
The material properties of hardening elements and coolant (Figs 9,10,12,13). The thermal and structural strains oc-
curring in steel element after hardening process for pre-
Material property Hardening element Coolant sented cases are shown in the Figure 11.
λ [W/mK] 48.1 68
C[J/kgK] 500 1045
ρ [kg/m3 ] 7760 852
µ [kg/ms] – 2.64×10−4
β [1/K] – 2.71×10−4

0.12 0.12
1200 1200
1150 1150
0.1 1100 0.1 1100
1050 1050
1000 1000
0.08 950 0.08 950
900 900
850 850
z [m]

z [m]
800 800
0.06 0.06
750 750
700 700
650 650
0.04 600 0.04 600
550 550
500 500
0.02 450 0.02 450
400 400
350 350
0 300 0 300
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
r [m] r [m]

Fig. 7. Sample fields of temperature – after time t=4 [s], a) without (example A), b) with (example B) movement of coolant

a) b)

0.12 0.12

0.11 0.11

0.1 0.1

0.09 0.09
0 0
z [m]

z [m]

0.15 0.15
0.08 0.08

0.07 0.07

0.06 0.06

0.05 0.05
0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
r [m] r [m]

Fig. 8. Sample fields of motion vectors – after time t=4 [s], a) element without the notch (example B), b) element with the notch
(example C)

a) b)

0.12 0.12
0.11 0.28 0.11 0.9
0.1 0.1
0.22 0.7
z [m ]

z [m ]

0.09 0.09
0.12 0.4
0.08 0.08
Control node 0.1
0.07 0.06 0.07 0.2
0.06 0 0.06 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
r [m] r [m]

Fig. 9. The field of martensite – after cooling, a) without (example A), b) with (example B) movement of coolant

a) b)

0.12 0.12
0.7 0.7
0.65 0.65
0.11 0.11
0.6 0.6
0.55 0.55
0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5
0.45 0.45
0.4 0.4
z [m ]

z [m ]
0.09 0.09
0.35 0.35
0.3 0.3

0.08 0.25 0.08 0.25

0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.07 0.07
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05

0.06 0 0.06 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
r [m] r [m]

Fig. 10. The field of bainite – after cooling, a) without (example A), b) with (example B) movement of coolant

a) b)

0.12 0.12
-0.011 -0.011
-0.0111 -0.0111
0.11 -0.0112 0.11 -0.0112
-0.0113 -0.0113
-0.0114 -0.0114
0.1 -0.0115 0.1 -0.0115
-0.0116 -0.0116
-0.0117 -0.0117
z [m ]

z [m ]

0.09 -0.0118 0.09 -0.0118

-0.0119 -0.0119
-0.012 -0.012
0.08 -0.0121 0.08 -0.0121
-0.0122 -0.0122
-0.0123 -0.0123
0.07 -0.0124 0.07 -0.0124
-0.0125 -0.0125
-0.0126 -0.0126
0.06 -0.0127 0.06 -0.0127
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
r [m] r [m]

Fig. 11. The fields of thermal and structural strains – after cooling, a) without (example A), b) with (example B) movement of coolant

a) b)
0.12 0.12
1 0.7
0.9 0.65
0.11 0.11
0.85 0.6
0.75 0.55
0.1 0.7 0.1 0.5
0.65 0.45
z [m ]

z [m ]

0.09 0.55 0.09

0.5 0.35
0.4 0.3
0.08 0.35 0.08 0.25
0.3 0.2
0.2 0.15
0.07 0.07
0.15 0.1
0.1 0.05
0.06 0 0.06 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
r [m] r [m]

Fig. 12. The fields of phase fraction – hardening process for the shaft with the notch, a) martensite, b) bainite

a) b)

1 0 1 0
0.8 -0.002 0.8 Ferrite
Bainite -0.004
P h a se f ra ct ion

P h a se f ra ct ion
0.6 Strain -0.004 0.6 Martensite

St rain

St rain
0.4 -0.006 0.4

0.2 -0.008 0.2

0 -0.01 0 -0.012
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time [s] Time [s]
Fig. 13. The kinetics of phase in control node (see Fig. 9), a) without (example A), b) with (example B) movement of coolant

The phase transformations according to time are pre- the liquid is taken into account. It results from intensive
sented in diagrams 13. In the control nodes (see Fig. mixing of hot and cold material according to temperature
9) the concentration of bainite is greater than 0.32 in gradients.
the first variant of simulation while in the second one Selected numerical method can be successfully ap-
gives result about 0.54. The concentration of martensite plied to problems with irregular grids. GFDM is effective
in these nodes is greater than 0.16 in variant with mo- in the modelling processes for complex geometries. The
tions of coolant. It proves significant effect of coolant stabilization of this method allows one to model the flow
motion on hardening process. with large values of forced coolant velocity. Without the
presented stabilization, this numerical model does not
lead to accurate results for the large Peclet numbers.
7. Conclusion This model may be used to estimate the temperature field
during a cooling process for hardening steel tools. The
The paper presents a complex numerical model for using of complex models hardening allows the modelling
heat treatment of steel with the movement of coolant. of the real conditions of processes. Taking into account
The solutions of the numerical model of phase trans- velocity of coolant makes it possible to determine the
formations, temperature and coolant flow are in good conditions of cooling components with complex shapes.
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Received: 10 January 2011.

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