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Pronator Teres Rerouting in Children With Cerebral Palsy

Article in The Journal Of Hand Surgery · April 2006

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2005.11.009 · Source: PubMed

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1 author:

Robert Bunata
University of North Texas HSC at Fort Worth


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Pronator Teres Rerouting in Children With
Cerebral Palsy
Robert E. Bunata, MD

From the Fort Worth Affiliated Orthopaedic Residency Program, Fort Worth, TX.

Purpose: The forearm in children with cerebral palsy often assumes uncontrolled dynamic
positioning in pronation when the hand is put into use. This hypertonic positioning seems to
be an expression of dystonia rather than spasticity. This article reports the effect of pronator
teres rerouting (PTR) using the technique of tendon Z-lengthening and repair on active motion
and on forearm positioning during use.
Methods: Thirty-one patients who had pronator teres rerouting were observed before and
after surgery for active and passive forearm range of motion, changes in dynamic forearm
positioning, and the performance of 5 functional tasks related to forearm rotation. The
primary indication for surgery was pronation positioning of 25° or greater because that
positioning precludes grasping a glass or cup of water.
Results: The follow-up period averaged 39 months. The average active supination increased
65°, and the average dynamic positioning changed from 26° pronation to 7° pronation. Thirty
of the 31 patients gained the ability to hold a cup of water in the involved hand. Nine children
positioned the hand in supination during grasp.
Conclusions: Pronator teres rerouting improves both active supination and dynamic forearm
positioning in children with cerebral palsy. The use of the technique described in the
literature resulted in slight overcorrection of forearm positioning in the nine children. This
finding is consistent with the concept that positioning disorders are at least partly dystonic
rather than spastic. It is recommended that the transfer be tensioned more loosely in children
who have excessive dynamic hypertonia. (J Hand Surg 2006;31A:474.e1– 474.e11. Copy-
right © 2006 by the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.)
Type of study/level of evidence: Therapeutic, Level IV.
Key words: Cerebral palsy, dystonia, hemiplegia, pronation, pronator teres rerouting.

he affected forearms of children with cerebral erable term for this type of condition is dystonic hyper-

T palsy (CP) hemiplegia commonly assume a dy-

namically pronated position (pronation defor-
mity) during reach and grasp activities.1 The exact
tonia.26 In this article the term dynamic forearm posi-
tioning describes the position of rotation the forearm
assumes when the child is using the hand for a func-
reasons for this posturing are not understood com- tional task.
pletely. In the past it has been attributed to spastic- Pronation deformity interferes with placing the
ity,1–22 but recent appreciation of brain complexity and hands in opposition for 2-handed activities1,7 such as
development suggest this posturing may instead be an for the manipulation of small objects10 and it pre-
expression of dystonia.23–27 “Spasticity . . . refers to an vents getting the hand to the mouth and hair.28 In
abnormality of muscle tone in which there exists . . . addition it interferes with using the involved hand in
exaggerated muscle stretch reflexes” and “in its purest holding a cup level, shaking hands, holding a tele-
definition . . . does not actually include sustained abnor- phone, or carrying a tray. Dynamic positioning dur-
malities in muscle tone (sometimes referred to as ‘spas- ing use is different from active range of motion as
tic dystonia’), which may be more responsible for the evidenced in reports by Sakellarides et al,3
characteristic postures.”23 Another perhaps more pref- Strecker et al,6 and Gschwind and Tonkin.28 Even

474.e1 The Journal of Hand Surgery

Robert E. Bunata / PTR in Children With CP 474.e2

Table 1. Surgical Protocols

Surgical Tendon Tension of Position in
Indication Attachment Repair Surgical Cast Rehabilitation
Tubby19,20 Relief of pronator Bone periosteum “Placed on Forearm Education and training;
spasm plus 1 suture the stretch” supinated 4 active movements at
in bone hole weeks 6 weeks
Denischi15,16 Spastic pronation Bone trough and Sutured in full Supination for Active exercises at 3
Sustained 2 drill holes supination 3 weeks weeks
pronounced so hand
pronation remains in
Sakellarides Pronation Bone drill hole Forearm held 60° Supination, Bivalved removable
et al3 contracture at 45° elbow at 45° cast for 4 weeks;
Pronation supination flexion for 5 night use for 6
deformity weeks months
Gschwind and Pronation Z-lengthened Not stated Cast in full Supination exercises
Tonkin28 deformity tendon supination 5 and supination night
weeks splint until plateau of
Strecker et al6 Pronation 1 Drill hole Not stated Cast elbow Long arm splint and
deformity 90°, forearm exercises for 2 weeks
60° changed to night use
supination of splint for 2 weeks
for 4 weeks
Gerwin10 Pronation Bone anchor or Forearm at Cast 45° Removable splint for 4
deformity drill hole 45° supination weeks, night splint
supination for 4 weeks continued if needed

children who can supinate actively beyond neutral detaching and re-attaching the tendon to bone. (A
will pronate when attempting a task. The pronation more complete history of PTR is available in Ap-
becomes more pronounced when the patient is anx- pendix A; this appendix can be viewed at the
ious or has increased sensory input.2,17,18,26 Dynamic Journal’s Web site, Table 1
positioning in pronation is a common reason patients summarizes important elements in published re-
seek help, and the pronation deformity is the most ports on PTR.
common reason given for recommending forearm Previous reports of PTR have used the change in
surgery (Table 1).1,3–7,10,11,13–16,19,20,28 preoperative and postoperative active supination to
Several surgical procedures have been used to treat evaluate their results,3,6,28 except for 1 investigator
the forearm pronation deformity of CP including who graded results as good, satisfactory, or fair.15,16
pronator teres tenotomy,5,6,11 lengthening,2,3 and the Most reports cite pronation deformity as the indica-
Green (flexor carpi ulnaris to extensor radialis brevis) tion for performing the surgery because it is what
tendon transfer,3,5,7,8,12 but there has been dissatis-
interferes with hand use.
faction with their effectiveness.3,15 Pronator teres
Previous researchers have been dissatisfied with
rerouting (PTR)3,6,9,15,16,19,20,28 has been explored as
other methods of treating pronation deformity. Sakel-
a more effective alternative.3,6
Tubby19,20 described the development of PTR in larides et al3 stated that Green transfer and pronator
his 1906 Hunterian oration and his 1912 text of tenotomy failed to improve active supination ade-
orthopedic surgery. Although the procedure has not quately, Strecker et al6 stated that tenotomy im-
been used widely, there have been several publi- proved active supination but only to a limited degree,
cations about PTR, many of which have included and Denischi15,16 reported that pronator tenotomy
modifications of the bone reattachment tech- did not relieve dynamic pronation positioning. I
nique.3,6,9,10,15,16,28 In 1992 Gschwind and agree with Denischi.15,16
Tonkin28 described a modification of the technique This article documents the effect PTR has not only
by Z-lengthening the pronator teres tendon and on active range of motion but also on dynamic fore-
wrapping the distal tendon end around the radius, arm positioning and its effect on 5 hand functions
pulling it through the interosseus membrane and relating to forearm rotation in an effort to establish
repairing the tendon to its proximal end rather than that PTR improves dynamic forearm positioning.
474.e3 The Journal of Hand Surgery / Vol. 31A No. 3 March 2006

Figure 1. Preoperative clinical measurements of motion in a patient with less dystonic hypertonia. (A) Active pronation 50°. (B)
Active supination 75°. (C) Dynamic positioning 40° pronation. The patient was unable to hold a cup with water in it.

Materials and Methods PTR surgery; it was present in all children in this
Pronator teres rerouting was recommended for pa- study. I observed that being unable to hold a cup
tients with CP hemiplegia whose hand use was lim- level indicated dynamic positioning of 25° pronation
ited by dynamic positioning in pronation but who or more (Fig. 1). Some older children with larger
showed spontaneous use of the involved hands could adjust to the task and hold the cup from
hand.1,6,7,10,11 Children with quadriplegia and chil- the top or manipulate their fingers to accommodate
dren who had a Green tendon transfer were excluded. for the deformity, but it was awkward. Younger
Patients were not excluded because of decreased children often put 1 finger inside the cup and pinched
stereognosis4 –7,10,13,14,21,28 or impaired cognition. the rim. These compensatory techniques did not
To evaluate spontaneous use of the hand a history count as being able to hold the cup in a useful
of the child’s use of the hand at home was obtained manner.
and the child was observed. The child was asked to Stereognosis was tested using 3 objects: a key, a
stack blocks with one hand and then the other and paperclip, and a coin. Stereognosis was graded as
was watched when asked to write his or her name or good if the child identified 3 of 3 options, fair if 2 of
draw a picture to see how he/she removed the marker 3, and poor if none or 1 was determined accurately.
top and stabilized the paper. The child also was asked Active and passive pronation and supination were
to remove the lid from a small jar. This last obser- measured using a standard hand-held goniometer
vation was one of the most revealing. Only if the jar placing 1 arm of the goniometer on the dorsum of the
was secured with the involved hand rather than being distal radius and aligning the other arm with the
placed between the knees or under the involved arm humerus while the child turned the palm up and
was the child considered to have spontaneous use of down (Fig. 2).
the hand. Before January of 2004 the determination of fore-
Preoperative evaluation included stereognosis test- arm dynamic positioning was based on the observa-
ing, active and passive range of forearm rotation, and tion that the child could not hold a cup level. I
determination of the forearm position with spontane- recorded that those children had forearm positioning
ous use. Tests of general hand function such as of more than 25° pronation. To calculate averages
House’s scoring system or Jebson’s hand evaluation and for statistical analysis these patients were con-
were not used because the object was to identify the sidered to have dynamic positioning of 25°. Since
effect of 1 surgery instead of global hand function. January of 2004 a hand-held goniometer has been
Instead of measuring global hand function 5 func- used to measure dynamic positioning. Specifically
tional tests relating to forearm rotation were re- the child was handed a cup by an assistant and asked
corded. These were as follows: the ability to hold a to reach for and grasp it with the involved hand. Then
cup level (the child was handed a cup with a small the child was asked to transfer the cup from hand to
amount of water in it), to take a drink from the cup, hand while the examiner observed and aligned a
to hold a telephone to the ipsilateral ear, to use a goniometer to measure forearm position (Fig. 2C).
keyboard (the patient was asked to type his/her first The patient was asked to grasp a cup a second time
name on a keyboard using the involved hand), and to and this time the forearm was grasped and stabilized
stabilize a piece of paper with a volar part of the hand by an assistant in the position of rotation assumed
when writing. while performing the task and the measurement was
Dynamic positioning in pronation that prevented confirmed. Measurements made from a video record-
holding a cup level was the primary indication for ing were attempted but not used because trying to
Robert E. Bunata / PTR in Children With CP 474.e4

Figure 2. Motion measurement technique. Goniometer aligned with dorsal distal radius and axis of humerus. (A) Active
pronation 60°. (B) Active supination ⫺10°. (C) Dynamic positioning 30° pronation. This patient had good hand dexterity and
could hold a cup; no surgery was recommended.

capture uninhibited spontaneous positioning on a forearm in 30° of supination. Five weeks after sur-
camera fixed in space made measurements unreliable gery the cast was removed and active range-of-mo-
and not reproducible. tion exercises and formal occupational therapy were
The treatment and chart analysis protocols for each initiated. No postoperative splinting of the forearm
patient were reviewed by the institutional review was used.
board at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, Between March 31, 1999 and June 24, 2004 there
Texas. The PTR was combined with other proce- were 39 eligible patients who had PTR; 31 had
dures at the same surgical setting5,13,14,22,28 as listed adequate data for definitive follow-up evaluation. For
in Table 2. those 31 patients the average age at the time of
Surgical techniques of PTR have been de- surgery was 8 years 3 months, with a range from 4
scribed.1,3,6,7,9 –11,28 Appendix B contains a more years to 16 years 7 months old. Sixteen patients had
complete description of the surgical technique I used for right and 15 had left involvement; 20 patients were
these patients. (This appendix may be viewed at the male and 11 were female.
Journal’s Web site, Specific The 31 patients available for retrospective fol-
points that should be emphasized are as follows: a low-up evaluation were examined for active and pas-
volar oblique skin incision provided adequate and sive pronation and supination, and dynamic forearm
safe exposure to mobilize the tendon and muscle positioning during hand use was measured as de-
completely, a Z-lengthening of 5 to 6 cm made it scribed earlier. They also were examined for the
possible for the distal tendon to be spiraled around ability to perform the 5 functional tests.
the radius with adequate length for repair, tendon The pronation and supination range-of-motion
tension was set by holding the tendon ends side-by- data were analyzed using a 2-factor analysis of vari-
side under moderate tension with the forearm in ance; the changes in pronation, supination, and grasp
supination, and a locked running nonabsorbable su- position were analyzed with a 1-factor analysis of
ture joined the top and bottom of the overlapped variance. Significance was accepted at a p value of
tendons. The tension could be adjusted further so that less than .05.
the forearm assumed a final resting position of
midrotation. The pronator quadratus was not dis- Results
turbed in any of these patients and the biceps tendon Results are summarized in Table 2. The average
(a supinator) was not lengthened if elbow flexion follow-up time was 39 months, with a range of 8 to
contractures were corrected.20 63 months; 23 of the 31 patients were followed up for
After surgery a long-arm cast was applied with the more than 2 years. Typical forearm range of motion
Table 2. Patient Information
Active Motion

The Journal of Hand Surgery / Vol. 31A No. 3 March 2006

Patient Age at Stereo- Additional Follow-Up, Before Surgery After Surgery Active Motion Change Dynamic Positioning†
Number Surgery Gender Diagnosis gnosis Procedures* mo Pronation Supination Pronation Supination Pronation Supination Before Surgery After Surgery
1 8 y 6 mo F R hemi Good 1,2,3 52 80 0 70 70 10 lost 70 ⬎25 10
2 4y M R hemi Good 2,3,5 48 70 0 50 90 20 lost 90 30 0
3 10 y 5 mo M R hemi Fair 1,2 8 50 0 65 65 15 65 30 0
4 4 y 8 mo M L hemi Fair 3,5 49 60 20 pronation 55 80 5 lost 100 ⬎25 20 supination
5 10 y 1 mo M R hemi Fair 1,3,5 63 80 0 80 40 0 40 ⬎25 10 supination
6 9 y 2 mo M L hemi Good 1,2,3,4,5,6 12 60 5 pronation 65 10 5 lost 15 ⬎25 10
7 4 y 10 mo F L hemi Fair 3, 48 80 20 pronation 45 40 35 lost 60 ⬎25 0
8 8 y 1 mo F L hemi Fair 1,2,3,4 53 80 10 60 70 20 lost 60 ⬎25 10
9 9 y 3 mo M R hemi Fair 3,4 63 80 10 pronation 30 75 30 lost 85 ⬎25 20 supination
10 4 y 2 mo F L hemi Poor 3,4 16 70 20 pronation 60 0 10 lost 20 ⬎25 10
11 16 y 7 mo M L hemi Poor 1,2,3,4,6 12 60 60 45 55 15 lost 5 lost 25 10
12 9 y 8 mo M R hemi Poor 1,2,3,4 58 80 10 pronation 30 70 50 lost 80 ⬎25 0
13 4 y 4 mo M R hemi Fair 1,2,3,4 25 60 20 pronation 55 80 5 lost 100 ⬎25 0
14 5 y 8 mo M R hemi Poor 3,4 21 80 10 pronation 60 70 20 lost 80 ⬎25 0
15 4y M L hemi Good 3, 60 80 40 pronation 30 65 50 lost 80 ⬎25 10 supination
16 14 y 6 mo M R hemi Poor 1,3,4,8 25 80 10 pronation 30 100 50 lost 110 ⬎25 25 supination
17 13 y 2 mo M R hemi Good 1,2,3,7 12 70 20 55 60 15 lost 40 ⬎25 0
18 4 y 4 mo M R hemi Poor 1,2,3,4,5 17 80 20 pronation 40 75 40 lost 95 ⬎25 15 supination
19 9 y 1 mo F L hemi Fair 1,2,3,4 53 70 10 pronation 30 75 30 lost 95 ⬎25 0
20 12 y 9 mo F R hemi Poor 1,3,4,5 56 80 45 60 70 20 lost 25 ⬎25 0
21 4 y 11 mo M L hemi Good 1,2,3,4 40 60 20 pronation 15 85 45 lost 105 ⬎25 20 supination
22 14 y 2 mo M R hemi Poor 1,2,3,4 37 78 10 40 40 38 lost 30 ⬎25 10
23 8 y 7 mo F R hemi Poor 1,2,3,4,5 60 80 0 45 85 35 lost 85 ⬎25 15
24 9 y 9 mo F L hemi Poor 3,4 19 80 10 pronation 55 70 25 lost 60 30 10
25 9 y 9 mo F L hemi Poor 1,2,3,4,5 40 60 35 pronation 35 80 25 lost 115 ⬎25 20 supination
26 4 y 4 mo M L hemi Poor 2,3 54 80 0 70 60 10 lost 60 ⬎25 10
27 9y F L hemi Poor 1,2,3 52 60 20 pronation 55 25 pronation 5 lost 25 lost ⬎25 55
28 8 y 5 mo F L hemi Poor 1,2,3,4 39 70 30 45 90 25 lost 60 ⬎25 0
29 9 y 10 mo M R hemi Poor 1,2,3,4,5 28 80 20 pronation 70 30 10 lost 50 ⬎25 0
30 4 y 7 mo M R hemi Good 2,3,4 27 80 10 pronation 60 70 20 lost 80 45 0
31 10 y 1 mo M L hemi Poor 1,2,3,4 52 80 0 60 80 20 lost 80 ⬎25 20 supination

Average 8 y 9 mo 20 M 16 R Good 7 39 73 13 50 62 22 lost 65 26 7

11 F 15 L Fair 8
Poor 16

ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; FCR, flexor carpi radialis; FCU, flexor carpi ulnaris; EPL, extensor pollicis longus; FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis.
Motion and positions shown in degrees.
*1, ECU to ECRB; 2, lengthen FCR or FCU; 3, lengthen thumb adductors; 4, EPL re-route; 5, thumb metacarpophalangeal capsulodesis; 6, lengthen elbow flexors; 7, lengthen FDS; 8, lengthen finger intrinsics.
†Dynamic position in pronation unless otherwise stated.
Robert E. Bunata / PTR in Children With CP 474.e6

Figure 3. Preoperative clinical measurements of motion in patient with excessive dystonic hypertonia. (A) Active pronation 55°.
(B) Active supination 15°. (C) Dynamic positioning 65° pronation.

and dynamic positioning are shown before surgery in The results of the functional tests are shown in
Figures 2 and 3 and after surgery in Figure 4 (see also Table 3. Some items deserve emphasis. Thirty of the
videos 1 and 2, which may be viewed at the Journal’s 31 patients gained the ability to hold a cup of water
web site, level with the involved hand. (No patient could do so
The average supination gain for the 31 patients before surgery.) Twenty-eight patients could use the
was 65° (range, 25° supination lost to 115° supina- hand to take a drink although 9 did so with difficulty.
tion gained). The preoperative and postoperative Twenty-five patients could hold a telephone to the
mean supination values were significantly different ear with the involved hand. None lost the ability to
from each other (p ⬍ .001). There was an average use a keyboard (11 gained that skill) or stabilize a
loss of 22° of active pronation, with a range of 50° piece of paper with the palm or volar fingertips while
pronation loss to 15° pronation gain. The preopera- writing.
tive and postoperative mean active pronation values The 16 patients with poor stereognosis gained an
were significantly different from each other (p ⬍ average of 61° (range, 25° supination lost to 115°
.001). Twenty-eight patients lost pronation. The av- supination gained) of active supination and their
erage dynamic positioning changed from 26° prona- postoperative dynamic positioning was 2.5° (range,
tion (range, 25° to 45°) before surgery to 7° prona- 25° supination lost to 55° supination gained). These
tion (range, 25° supination to 55° pronation) after changes in motion were similar to those of the whole
surgery. These values were also significantly differ- group. Of those 16 patients 15 gained the ability to
ent from each other (p ⬍ .001). The extremes of hold a cup level. The patients with poor stereognosis
postoperative dynamic positioning were 55° prona- did not do as well with more complex tasks. Only 10
tion in 1 patient (patient 27) and 25° supination in 1 of the 16 patients could take a drink with the in-
patient (patient 16). All other patients were within volved hand whereas 12 of the 15 with good or fair
20° of neutral and 12 had forearm positioning at sensation could do so. Twelve of the 16 patients with
neutral. The postoperative positioning during active poor stereognosis could hold a telephone receiver to
use was not as fixed as the preoperative dynamic the ear whereas 13 of 15 with better sensation could.
deformity and the patients could make subtle adjust- Patient 27 requires explanation. Failure of the PTR
ments during hand use. in this patient was a result of poor patient selection

Figure 4. Postoperative motion (patient in Fig. 3). (A) Active pronation 60°. (B) Active supination 90°. (C) Dynamic positioning
neutral. Tension of the transfer repair was made looser than the standard technique. This patient intermittently rested the forearm
in supination when sitting.
474.e7 The Journal of Hand Surgery / Vol. 31A No. 3 March 2006

Table 3. Task Evaluation Before and After Surgery

Patient Hold Cup Level Drink From Cup Hold Telephone to Ear Use Keyboard Stabilize Paper
1 N/Y N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y
2 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
3 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
4 N/Y N/Difficult* N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
5 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
6 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
7 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
8 N/Y N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y
9 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
10 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
11 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
12 N/Y N/Difficult N/N Y/Y Y/Y
13 N/Y N/Difficult N/Y N/N Y/Y
14 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
15 N/Y N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y
16 N/Y N/Difficult N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
17 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
18 N/Y N/Difficult N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
19 N/Y N/N N/Y N/Y Y/Y
20 N/Y N/Difficult N/Y N/Y Y/Y
21 N/Y N/Difficult N/N N/Y Y/Y
22 N/Y N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y
23 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
24 N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y Y/Y
25 N/Y N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y
26 N/Y N/Y N/Y N/Y Y/Y
27 N/N N/N N/N N/N Y/Y
28 N/Y N/Difficult N/N N/Y Y/Y
29 N/Y N/N N/Y N/Y Y/Y
30 N/Y N/Y N/N Y/Y Y/Y
31 N/Y N/Difficult N/N Y/Y Y/Y
Before surgery 31 no 31 no 31 no 18 yes, 13 no 31 yes
After surgery 30 yes, 1 no 28 yes, 3 no 25 yes, 6 no 29 yes, 2 no 31 yes
*Difficult: patient required assistance from other hand, or patient spilled water.

because the patient did not have as good spontaneous Discussion

use of the hand as believed before surgery. She had Pronator teres rerouting using the technique of
poor stereognosis. The wrist and thumb tendon trans- Gschwind and Tonkin28 is a useful procedure for
fers also failed in part because of poor compliance treating dynamic pronation deformity in children
and cooperation with postoperative splinting and
with CP. Technically it is easier than the technique of
inserting the tendon directly into bone, it does not
After surgery 5 patients tended to carry their fore-
risk fracture of the radius as reported by some inves-
arms in supination when at rest or walking. All
tigators3,15,16 using bone insertion technique, and it
patients who carried their forearms in supination had
good use except the boy who could grasp a cup but facilitates adjusting the transfer tension.
not take a drink (patient 16 with dynamic positioning Changes in active supination and pronation, inci-
at 25° supination). The appearance of the patient’s dence of the complication of radius fracture, and
forearm resting in supination was not pleasing. length of follow-up evaluation from published re-
Nine patients had postoperative dynamic position- ports and the present study are summarized in Table
ing in supination. They had less active preoperative 4. These studies should be compared with care; for
supination (average supination ⫽ 17° pronation; instance, in this study there were no patients who
range, 35° pronation to 0°) when compared with the used a reverse grasp posture,6 who completely lacked
22 patients who had postoperative positioning be- active supination,8 or who were quadriplegic.3,6,28
tween 0° and 20° pronation (average ⫽ 1° supina- Dynamic forearm positioning changed from dis-
tion; range, 15° pronation to 50° supination). These abling pronation to a more functional position near
values are significantly different (p ⫽ .01). neutral position.7,28,29 The preoperative value is un-
Robert E. Bunata / PTR in Children With CP 474.e8

Table 4. Results From Published Studies and the Present Study

Number Change in Active Forearm Rotation Fracture
of of
Patients Supination Pronation Radius Follow-Up Time
Sakellarides 22 Average gain of 46° Did not state; 2 2–6 y, average not stated
et al3 mentioned risk of
Denischi15,16 10 Not stated Not stated 1 Not stated
Strecker et al6 39 Average gain of 78° Reported no loss of 0 7–44 mo; average, 21 mo
Gschwind and 6 Not individually recorded; Not stated; figures 0 6–37 mo; average, 14 mo
Tonkin28 group 3 with no active show less
supination before pronation after
surgery had a post- surgery than
operative average arc of before surgery
supination that reached
97° (65° pronation to
30° supination)
Present study 31 Average gain of 65° Average loss of 22° 0 8–63 mo; average, 39 mo

derstated because all patients who had surgery before greater than 45° (excessive dystonic hypertonia)
January 2004 had a measurement of more than 25° (Figs. 3, 4). The repair is made with the forearm held
rather than a precise measurement. Their actual mea- in pronation and the tendon ends are joined without
surement could vary from 25° to 50° or more. After tension.
surgery 29 of 31 patients assumed a position within Table 3 shows changes in the results of the 5
20° of neutral (Table 2), thereby achieving the pri- specific functional tests. The first 3 tests relate to the
mary goal of the surgery. ability to supinate and the last 2 relate to the preser-
There were 9 patients, however, who had overcor- vation of use dependent on pronation. Patients per-
rected and had postoperative positioning in supina- formed the first 3 tests better after surgery than
tion. These 9 patients might have been identified before; none lost function in the tests related to
before surgery because they had less preoperative pronation.
active supination than the other 22 patients. One The use of the keyboard and stabilizing paper
might believe that the patients who were tighter often involved shoulder abduction both before and
before surgery would be the most difficult to correct after surgery.31 Before surgery the children used the
but these findings seem to indicate that the opposite keyboard with the forearm held near the position of
is true. Their preoperative passive supination was
the pronation deformity. The improvement by 7 chil-
similar to that of the whole group.
dren in using a keyboard probably relates to other
This overcorrection is consistent with the concept
procedures or to postoperative therapy.
that positioning disorders in CP are more a reflection
Slightly more than half (16 of 31) of the patients
of dystonia (or a mixed disorder) rather than spastic-
had poor stereognosis. Children with poor stereog-
ity.23–27 Mayston25 reported that a lack of cortical
control of movement will result in an impairment of nosis gained motion to the same extent as the whole
“feed-forward or anticipatory control of both postural group; however, they did not show the same im-
and task related activity.” When the child with CP provement in postoperative functional testing. Chil-
attempts a task the extrapyramidal postural control dren with poor stereognosis had more difficulty tak-
system increases muscle tone in an unbalanced way ing a drink and less ability to hold a telephone
that affects the pronator (and other) muscle. This receiver to the ear. This task failure rate in children
unbalanced increase in tone results in the dynamic with poor stereognosis may reflect reduced sponta-
pronation positioning or pronation deformity. If this neous use and less practice using the involved hand.
hypertonic pronator is moved to provide a supination The major shortcoming of this report is that there
vector30 the greater tone results in increased supina- is not better preoperative evaluation and documenta-
tion positioning. tion of hypertonia. Future studies regarding position-
Because of the overcorrection in 9 patients I re- ing abnormalities in children with CP should evalu-
cently have loosened the tension of the tendon repair ate reflexes, passive motion tested with and without
in children who have preoperative supination of less muscle stretching,32 and measurement of dynamic
than neutral and/or dynamic forearm positioning positioning. Validated hand function tests (eg, Jebson
474.e9 The Journal of Hand Surgery / Vol. 31A No. 3 March 2006

hand evaluation, House’s rating scale) also would 11. Gschwind CR. Surgical management of forearm pronation.
improve the study of these problems. Hand Clin 2003;19:649 – 655.
12. Green WT, Banks HH. Flexor carpi ulnaris transplant and its
This study confirms previous findings that PTR use in cerebral palsy. J Bone Joint Surg 1962;44A:1343–
improves active supination in patients with CP hemi- 1352.
plegia. In addition this study accomplishes the ob- 13. Goldner JL. Surgical reconstruction of the upper extremity
jective posed in the introduction by showing that in cerebral palsy. Instr Course Lect 1987;36:207–235.
PTR improves dynamic positioning of the forearm in 14. Van Heest AE, House JH, Cariello C. Upper extremity
surgical treatment of cerebral palsy. J Hand Surg 1999;24A:
these children. Although few hemiplegic CP children
consistently use or will use the involved hand spon- 15. Denischi A. Die Transplantation des Pronator Teres in der
taneously for activities such as taking a drink or Behandlung der spastischen Pronation der Hand. Beitr Or-
answering the telephone, PTR improves their ability thop 1965;12:604 – 606.
to position the forearm, giving them the opportunity 16. Denischi A. Contribution au traitement chirurgical de la
to use the involved hand when they so choose. pronation spastique de la main par la transposition du rond
pronateur. Rev Chir Orthop 1967;53:87–92.
17. Samilson RL. Principles of assessment of the upper limb in
The author wishes to thank Joel Mitchell, PhD, of Texas Christian
cerebral palsy. Clin Orthop 1966;47:105–115.
University for help with statistics.
Received for publication February 5, 2004; accepted in revised form 18. Leclercq C. General assessment of the upper limb. Hand
November 15, 2005. Clin 2003;19:557–564.
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from 19. Tubby AH. Recent surgical methods in the treatment of
a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this certain forms of paralysis. BMJ 1906;3:481– 488.
article. 20. Tubby AH. Deformities including diseases of the bones and
Corresponding author: Robert E. Bunata, MD, Fort Worth Affiliated joints. Vol I. London: Macmillan, 1912:731–734.
Orthopaedic Residency Program, 801 W. Terrell, Forth Worth, TX 21. Van Heest AE. Surgical management of wrist and finger
76104; e-mail: deformity. Hand Clin 2003;19:657– 665.
Copyright © 2006 by the American Society for Surgery of the Hand
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Robert E. Bunata / PTR in Children With CP 474.e10

Appendix A (78° vs 54°) and was their procedure of choice for

History of Pronator Teres Rerouting pronation deformity.
Surgery In 1991 Matev8 referred to the techniques of Tub-
by1 and Denischi4,5 in describing his experience with
Tubby1 developed pronator teres transplantation or
PTR in Tubiana’s textbook. Although not described
rerouting (PTR) in 1899. He reported in his Hunt-
in the text, an illustration that accompanies his chap-
erian Oration published in 1906 that he relieved
ter indicated that rather than completely detaching
“pronator . . . spasm of the forearm by detaching the the pronator, he performed a Z-lengthening of the
tendon of insertion of the pronator radii teres, passing tendon and reattached the muscle to its own tendon
it through the interosseous membrane and refixing it that had been wrapped around the radius and pulled
to the outer side of the radius so that it may assist in through the interosseous membrane. His impression
supination.” A more complete description that in- after 17 cases was that PTR was “the most reliable
cluded suturing the tendon through a drill hole with a operation for pronation forearm deformity.” He
simple silk suture was published in his 1912 text- warned against cutting the pronator quadratus be-
book.2 Bradford3 performed the surgery in 3 cases in cause overcorrection might result (2 of 9 cases).
1904, reporting good early results but “the ultimate In 1992 Gschwind and Tonkin9 formally described
gain was not as great, perhaps owing to the difficulty the modification of wrapping the Z-lengthened ten-
of inserting the end of the pronator muscle in a don end around the radius rather than detaching and
proper position.” reattaching the tendon to bone. Their results do not
Denischi4,5 reported on his experience with the translate easily for comparison with those of other
surgery in 1965 and 1967. For his tendon reattach- investigators. They performed 6 PTR procedures in 3
ment he made a trough in the radial cortex and passed groups classified by the severity of the preoperative
sutures through the bone. It was his opinion that limit on supination. Four patients were in group 3,
pronator teres tenotomy did not come close to solv- which contained a total of 8 patients (no active, free
ing the problem of pronator spasticity and preferred a passive supination). After surgery this group
surgery providing a supination force. He reported 10 achieved an average “supination” arc (average active
patients with 6 good results (by subjective evalua- supination for the group appears to be about 30°
tion) and 4 patients who required further surgery forearm rotation) of 97°. They reported no fractures.
before 2 became good and 2 became satisfactory. The details of the protocols used by investigators
One patient fell and fractured the radius. reporting the use of PTR in treating dynamic forearm
Sakellarides et al6 reported their experience with pronation positioning are shown in Table 1.
PTR in 1981. In the first cases they used a large drill
References for Appendix A
hole through both cortices of the radius but had 2
fractures and modified the technique using a large 1. Tubby AH. Recent surgical methods in the
treatment of certain forms of paralysis. BMJ 1906;3:
hole in 1 cortex to insert the tendon into a small hole
in the second cortex to pass a suture around the bone.
2. Tubby AH. Deformities including diseases of
They reported on 22 patients who had average active
the bones and joints. Vol II. London: Macmillan,
supination before surgery of ⫺3° (range, ⫺35° to
0°). They recorded 11 excellent (active supination,
3. Bradford EH. The treatment of infantile spastic
⬎65°; pronation, 90°), 7 good (active supination, paralysis. Am J Orthop Surg 1904;1:375-380.
35°– 65°; pronation, 60°), and 4 fair results (active 4. Denischi A. Transplantation des Pronator Teres
supination, 20°–35°; pronation, 50°). in der Behnadlung ser spastischen Pronation der
In 1988 Strecker et al7 modified the technique of Hand. Beitr Orthop 1965;12:604-606.
Sakellarides et al6 by tying the tendon to bone with a 5. Denischi A. Contribution au traitement chirur-
suture on only 1 side of the radius. They had no gical de la pronation spastique de la main par la
fractures. They compared 10 patients who had pro- transposition du rond pronateur. Rev Chir Orthop
nator tenotomy (PTT) with 39 PTR patients. The 1967;53:87-92.
preoperative PTT active supination was ⫺18.6° 6. Sakellarides HT, Mital MA, Lenzi WD. Treat-
(range, ⫺80° to 0°) and the PTR average active ment of pronation contractures of the forearm in
supination was ⫺41.6° (range, ⫺90° to 30°). The cerebral palsy by changing the insertion of the pro-
PTT postoperative active supination was 35.9° nator radii teres. J Bone Joint Surg 1981;63A:645-
(range, 0°–90°) and the PTR postoperative active 652.
supination was 48.2° (range, ⫺15° to 85°). The PTR 7. Strecker WB, Emanuel JP, Dailey L, Manske
provided a greater gain in active supination than PTT PR. Comparison of pronator tenotomy and pronator
474.e11 The Journal of Hand Surgery / Vol. 31A No. 3 March 2006

rerouting in children with spastic cerebral palsy. pollicis longus muscle is elevated from the radius at
J Hand Surg 1988;13A:540-543. the level of the pronator tendon insertion, with care
8. Matev I. Surgery of the spastic hand. In: Tubi- taken to protect the interosseus artery and nerve. A
ana R, ed. The hand. Vol IV. Philadelphia: W.B. 2-cm incision is made in the interosseous membrane.
Saunders, 1991:728-729. A right-angle clamp is placed through the interosse-
9. Gschwind C, Tonkin M. Surgery for cerebral ous membrane from volar to dorsal, passing it around
palsy: part 1 classification and operative procedures for the radius deep to the extensor indicis proprius mus-
pronation deformity. J Hand Surg 1992;17B:391-395. cle dorsally. The clamp is used to pull the distal
tendon from dorsal to volar, thereby placing it on the
Appendix B volar/ulnar side of the radius. The proximal and
Pronator Teres Rerouting Technique distal PT tendon ends are held side-by-side, with
The surgical technique in this report is a slightly moderate tension keeping the forearm in slight supi-
modified version of Gschwind and Tonkin’s. The nation and sutured with a locked running nonabsorb-
distal two thirds of the pronator teres (PT) muscle able suture on the top and bottom of the tendon
and tendon are exposed through a slightly curved junction. The tension is adjusted further so that the
longitudinal incision over the interval between the forearm assumes a resting position of midrotation.
brachioradialis and flexor carpi radialis. The radial The pronator quadratus is not disturbed in any of
artery and nerve are retracted radialward. The tendon these patients. After surgery a long-arm cast is ap-
is Z-lengthened, leaving a 4- to 5-cm length of distal plied with the forearm in 30° of supination.
tendon attached to the radius and taking care to cut If the patient has preoperative supination of 0° or
all other tendinous and muscular attachments of pro- less then the technique is modified to make the repair
nator teres from the radius extraperiosteally. These tension less. The proximal and distal PT tendon ends
attachments are variable and can be quite extensive are held side-by-side with no tension while the fore-
and complete severance is important. A suture is arm is in neutral rotation. They are joined by the
placed in the distal tendon for control. The flexor same suture technique.

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