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“How to Use Google Drive - Tutorial for Beginners.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 Dec.


This video goes in depth on the mechanics of google drive. It talks about downloading the

software on different platforms. Goes into the process of using the server to share info.

YouTube tutorials are hard to see if they are credible. However, this video helped me. so, it is

credible. It is also made by a person that does regular guides.

I was able to gain an understanding of an uncommon work application used to store vital

information and documents. I also shared them with whoever needed the information. It speeds

up the process of sharing documents with coworkers.

“How to Use Microsoft OneDrive.” YouTube, YouTube, 13 Aug. 2020,

This video talks about how to use the one drive, a cloud storage used to hold information but not

take up space on your pc. He talks about who can access your documents and how to orient

them, so the correct people have access. he then talks about saving pictures into the cloud.

The youtuber was remarkably familiar with the application and all of his instructions worked.

This is also the gentleman that made the google doc’s video. With his experience he is a very

credible source.

This video helped me effectively save space on my work computer and share files with my

coworkers. It showed me what can be stored on the cloud and how. It also taught me how to let

my coworkers access these documents.

“How to Use Microsoft Word for Beginners and Beyond!” YouTube, YouTube, 18 Dec. 2023,

This video goes into depth about the technical aspect of word and how to effectively format your

word documents. It also goes into depth about how to install and navigate word. It also showed

how to change default word settings.

This person does a lot of tutorial videos on different applications used and knows his way

around the functions of word. This person also has done tutorials on google drive and one drive.

With this experience he is qualified and credible.

I learned how to format and add information into an organized format. And how to effectively

show the information I wanted to show to my coworkers. I also was able to orient the word

documents to effectively convey the information to an unexperienced coworker.

“Microsoft Excel Tutorial - Beginners Level 1.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 Mar. 2018,

This video shows how to use excel by showing how to put information into the boxes and format

one of the hardest applications. He showed how to add and remove things from the excel

spreadsheet. He also showed different information formatting.

This person has done previous tutorials on Microsoft applications. He has been a highly

effective teacher on the Microsoft applications. Ive also checked these strategies myself and they

I learned how to effectively use one of the hardest and least know application to me. It helped

me with my job since excel is one of the most used formats in our office. It also helped my

coworkers understand the information I submitted better.

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