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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2121 / 2221
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College of Engineering – Department of Civil Engineering

CE 416: Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering

Quiz #1
Name: _______________________________________________ Score: _________________
SR-Code/Section: ______________________________________ Date:__________________

Direction: Answer the following problems. Box your final answer and round
it off to two decimal places. Complete solutions are required.

1. There are 5 vehicles passing a certain point on the observation road in

a period of 20 seconds, as shown in table.

Vehicle Spot Speed (kph)

1 32.80
2 45.90
3 45.80
4 38.20
5 44.70
Table I. Spot Speed of each vehicle

a. Compute the density of traffic per length of roadway in

vehicles/km.(5 pts.)
b. Given that this vehicles were observed within 200 m section of the
innermost lane of SLEX. Determine the average spacing of these
vehicles. (5 pts.)

2. Six vehicles are observed in a 236 m section of a highway. If the average

time headway is 4.5 seconds, determine the space mean speed in kph. (5 pts.)

3. Estimate the capacity of a given highway with density equal to 120 veh/km
during jam condition and with a speed of 75.5 kph during free flow condition.
Assume a linear relation between density and speed. (5 pts.)

4. A census was done within a city at Metro Manila to determine the number of
trips per household size by auto ownership. The data obtained from such
survey are presented in Table IIa. A forecasted number of household and auto
ownership in a study zone inside the town are presented in Table IIb.
Solve for: a. Trip rates by auto ownership and household size (5 pts.)
b. Total number of trips generated in study zone (5 pts.)

0 1 2 3+

HH Trips HH Trips HH Trips HH Trips


1 26 65 241 726 226 668 692 5036

2 195 230 247 1512 262 581 895 1532
3+ 576 1255 175 525 3152 3265 236 5623
Table IIa. Household size, auto ownership, number of trips in a city at Metro Manila

0 1 2 3+

1 6 21 36 52

2 18 68 46 36
3+ 50 56 53 20
Table IIb. Household size, auto ownership inside the study zone

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

5. A small town has been divided into three traffic zones. An origin-
destination survey was conducted earlier this year and yielded the number of
trips between each zone. Travel times between zones were also determined.
Provide a trip distribution calculation using the gravity model.
Assume Kij = 1.25 (10 pts.)

Zone 1 2 3 Total
Trip 286 365 349 1000
Trip 423 360 217 1000
Table IIIa. Number of Productions and Attractions in each Zone

Travel Time between Zones (min)

Zone 1 2 3
1 3 4 1
2 2 8 3
3 5 1 5
Table IIIb. Zone’s Travel Time (min)
Table IIIc. Travel Time versus F
Prepared by:

Engr. Harold Loyd Ilustrisimo

CE 416 Instructor

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