Customer Journey Map Template

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Complex Customer Journey Map (Current State):

Stages Adapted from: Stage One: Stage Two: Stage Three: Stage Four: Stage Five: Stage Six: Stage Seven:
Factors Marketo Model Awareness Interest Known names Prospect Lead Opportunity Customer
(Core of Action)

Triggers What are included at each

Communication Channels
(Owned, Paid and Earned Media) • Depend • Open • The targeted • The targeted • The • The role of sales • When the
Steps and WOM (Earned)
(e.g., on the old stores in audience after audience who potential team to convert potential
Company’s Website (Owned)
Needs and customers downtown the awareness aware and customers the potential customers became
wants, (Flowcharts/ word of and Metro and interest engaged, from sales customers to be a customer for the
Personal timelines) mouth. Stations. stages comparing interested from the perspective a real customer. company.
goals) to the old target. Marketing based on • This stage is a
• Corona does not Qualified Leads Sales weakness in
make the lead (MQL). Qualified Corona.
score so it is a • Corona does not Leads (SQL).
weakness. make 2 ways of • This stage is
communication so a weakness
it is a weakness. in Corona.
A Review of the Types of Touchpoints
owned/Social or external)

Map Key: Emotions/Sentiments of Persona One

(Line Chart)

Emotions/Sentiments of Persona Two

(Line Chart)

Details of PAIN POINTS with Relevant Data

(Qualitative & Quantitative) & Images

Details of POINTS OF DELIGHT with Relevant Data

(Qualitative & Quantitative) & Images

Opportunities and Threats

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