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1. (A) (b) Both positive and negative need to make changes in his outlook and
Explanation: Falling down or failing is one behaviour for his own well-being.
of the most agonizing, embarrassing, and 3. (A) (b) To persuade the readers to consider fish
scariest human experiences. But it is also keeping as a rewarding hobby.
one of the most educational, empowering,
Explanation: Throughout the passage, the
and essential parts of living a successful
author presents various benefits of fish
and fulfilling life.
keeping, such as reducing stress, providing
(E) despairing. a living ecosystem in the home, and
Explanation: Initially, the author presents offering therapeutic effects.
the idea of failing as educational and (D) (a) stress and calming
empowering, but later acknowledges the
(G) (b) Fish that are rare and difficult to find in
agonizing and embarrassing aspects of
pet stores.
Explanation: These fish are not commonly
(G) (c) Thomas Edison's perseverance led to
found in typical home aquariums,
the successful invention of the light
suggesting that they are rare and difficult
to find in pet stores.
Explanation: The author highlights Thomas
Edison's persistence and eventual success in 4. (H) (a) The global handsets revenue will increase
inventing the light bulb despite numerous for the OEMs in the near future.
failures. Explanation: As mentioned in paragraph
5, in coming quarters the adoption of 5G
2. (A) (b) Enthusiastic. will drive some upgrades. This will likely
Explanation: Throughout the passage, the lead to revenue growth for OEMs which are
speaker emphasizes the importance of already preparing themselves ahead of full
self-control, self-discipline, and establishing A commercialization.
boundaries in life.
5. (A) fact, objective detail
(C) self - awareness
Explanation: The passage provides
Explanation: The speaker undergoes a
information about the deleterious effects
significant transformation through self -
of drugs, including examples of specific
realisation towards the end of the passage.
drugs causing adverse reactions and even
Example - “We’re not all alike and we need
death. These examples and the explanation
to find a comfort zone in which we can
of adverse reactions support the statement
enjoy our lives instead of making ourselves
as a factual observation rather than a
sick with an overload of stress and pressure.”
subjective judgement.
(D) (a) dangerous and harmful (B) (a) Adverse drug reactions can lead to
Explanation: Both words are given in the severe consequences, including diseases
first paragraph of the passage. and even death.
(G) (a) The necessity of change for personal Explanation: The main takeaway from the
well-being passage is that drugs can have deleterious
Explanation: The speaker reflects on his effects, including adverse reactions that
unsustainable lifestyle and realizes the may lead to diseases and even death.

Reading Comprehensions 1

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While options (b) , (c) and (d) also contain the passage that means opposite to sheltered.
relevant information discussed in the Hence, exposed is the right answer.
passage, option (a) best captures the (B) (d) Colour of hen
message about the severe consequences
Explanation: Since, the colour of the egg
that can result from adverse drug reactions.
is affected by temperature, bacteria and
Hence, (a) is correct.
quality, hence, (d) is the correct answer.
(D) Contribute
(F) geographical
Explanation: In the context of the passage,
Explanation: Since, the study found that
the word "contribute" fits this relationship
geography has an impact on the colour of
as it means to give or provide something, in
eggs, geographical is correct.
a helpful way.
(H) (a)
(H) (c) (III)
Explanation: Havoc means widespread
destruction. All the symbols except (III)
represent chaos. Hence, (c) is correct.

6. (A) Exposed
Explanation: Since, beneficial and detrimental Explanation: Forage means food. Birds go
are antonyms, we need to find a word from out in search of food for their chicks.


7. (B) (d) Concept and Exemplification to one where individuals genuinely celebrate
Explanation: The writer introduces the the successes of others.
concept of the "envy trap" in paragraph 1 (G) “…envy to creep in”
and proceeds to offer an example of how Explanation: The key word here is –
it manifests in the age of social media in CREEP. This apprises us of the trait that
paragraph 2. This structure is a common envy has – being sneaky, catching us
technique in writing where a general
unawares, stealthily trapping us in its grip.
idea is presented, followed by specific
This points to the insidious nature of envy
instances or examples to clarify and
and its ability to gradually weave its way
support the concept. Although the concept
into a person’s mind/ heart.
of comparison is mentioned in paragraph
2, the primary relationship is more about 8. (A) (a) new snow or rain
illustrating the introduced concept than Explanation: It is given in paragraph 2 of
directly comparing or contrasting, so, the passage that ‘new snow or rain can
Option c will be incorrect. Option a and b cause built up snow to loosen and fall
are incorrect as they do not match. down the side of a mountain.’
(C) (b) Exclusive paths define each person's (D) (a) tiny
characteristic narrative
Explanation: The word ‘massive’ means
Explanation: Paragraph 3 states that
to be very big in size, while, tiny is the
everyone's path is distinct and that the
fact that someone else is on a dazzling
adventure doesn't diminish the value or (E) (a) People caught in the avalanche can try
significance of your own journey. to swim to the top.
(E) contentment Explanation: Clearly, option (a) is given in
Explanation: Just as a shield serves as paragraph 4 while the other options (b), (c)
protection against attacks (armours us), and (d) are wrongly stated.
contentment acts as a defense against (F) (a) The crowd will gather at Gate No. 1 and
the harmful effects of envy. Both provide a disperse from Gate No. 2
barrier, against potential negative impacts. Explanation: The underlined words in
The analogy draws a parallel between the given sentence under the question
the physical protection of shield and the are opposite in nature. Here, only (a) has
emotional safeguard of contentment.
opposite underlined words as gather and
(F) False disperse are both opposite in meaning to
Explanation: The author suggests a shift each other while (b), (c) and (d) are similar
from a mindset of bitterness / resentment, in meaning to each other.

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(I) (a) likely to cause death regarding the practical benefits of
Explanation: The word ‘deadly’ in collecting such extensive data. Hence, (c)
paragraph 3 is used for avalanches that is the right answer.
have an ability to cause death. (D) (b) accurate
Explanation: In paragraph 5, the author
9. (D) (c) Traders and merchants came as a result discusses a device that was deemed
of the feudal system. 'invalid' for measuring core temperature.
Explanation: The passage states that Here, 'invalid' means the device is not accurate
traders and merchants emerged from the in providing the intended measurement.
social and economic changes that took Therefore, the antonym for 'invalid' would
place during the handicrafts stage. be 'accurate', which means to correctly
provide information. Hence, (b) is the right
(G) (d) Wild animals, fruits and birds were sold
during the hunting stage.
(G) (d) (2) is the cause of (1)
Explanation: During the hunting stage,
Explanation: (2) indicates that the
man did not hunt or collect fruits for
popularity of cycling provided cyclists with
an economic purpose but only to feed enhanced political influence, which they
themselves. Hence, (d) does not justify the used to advocate for better infrastructure.
given statement. With this influence, they were able to
(H) (d) Quench improve the accuracy of maps. Therefore,
Explanation: Just like conflict is resolved, (2) is the cause of (1). Hence, (d) is the right
thirst is (d) quenched. The left-hand side answer.
is the verb that goes with the noun on the (H) (2) "It's quite a struggle riding up these
right-hand side. steep hills on my heavy steel-framed
(I) (c) No economic activity
(3) "I feel so liberated whenever I hop on
Explanation: Option (c) does not hold true my bicycle. I didn't have freedom like
for pastoral stage because some degree of this before!"
economic activity was present.
Explanation: Statement 2 could be said
(J) (c) By bringing goods that were not by a cyclist in the late nineteenth century
produced in the village. because Due to the limits of the bicycles
Explanation: Option (c) is the right answer at the time, riding uphill would have been
because everything was produced and extremely difficult. Statement 3 could
bought by people in a village before the be said by a cyclist in the late nineteenth
merchant class emerged. They brought century because the invention of the safety
goods from other towns and cities that bicycle during that era did provide a sense
were not locally available. of liberation and freedom to individuals,
especially women, as it allowed for greater
10. (A) (b) What
were the primary societal mobility and independence.
changes brought about by the rise of
bicycles? 11. (A) (c) Recognises the challenges of studying
poetry but also acknowledges the
Explanation: The passage primarily rewards it offers.
discusses the societal changes brought
Explanation: Clearly, in paragraph 1,
about by the rise of bicycles, such as
the author seems to recognize the
enhanced mobility, greater freedom for
challenges that comes with each poem
women, and a shift in fashion for more but on the same hand, in paragraph 4,
functional clothing tailored for cycling. he acknowledges the rewards it offers
Hence, (b) is the right answer. by saying that studying poetry can be a
(B) (c) "...just because we can monitor so much ‘rewarding pursuit’.
information does not mean it is useful." (D) (a) intriguing and off-putting
(paragraph 5)
(d) simple and challenging
Explanation: The author is cautioning
Explanation: Here, (b), (c) and (e) has
that simply collecting a vast amount of words that are similar in meanings but (a)
information doesn't necessarily translate and (d) are the opposites of each other
into meaningful or beneficial insights as ‘simple’ is the opposite of ‘challenging’
for improving sports performance. The while ‘intriguing’ (which means interesting)
phrase "does not mean it is useful" is opposite to ‘off-putting’ (which means
shows the author's hesitation and doubt disinteresting).

Reading Comprehensions 3

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(G) (b) Persistence makes studying poetry a microbiome, the health benefits of these
rewarding pursuit. ‘biotics’, which are present in certain foods
Explanation: Persistence can be seen in or result from their metabolism, extend
Hina’s efforts to understand the poem beyond the digestive tract. A growing
she reads and this makes her reading a body of scientific evidence has linked
rewarding pursuit. Hence, (b) is the right prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics,
answer. with improvements in metabolic diseases
including obesity and cholesterol
(H) Simple
abnormalities depressive symptoms and
Here, (b), (c), and (e) have words that have poor sleep quality, among many other
similar meanings, but (a) and (d) are the conditions.”
opposites of each other, as'simple’ is the
opposite of ‘challenging’ while ‘intriguing’ 13. (B) opinion; subjective judgement
(which means interesting) is the opposite of Explanation: This statement expresses
‘off-putting’ (which means disinteresting). a viewpoint or belief about the benefits
of incorporating nature and structures
12. (A) (c) All three biotics are equally important
through vertical gardens and green walls in
to support microscopic organisms that
urban spaces. While there may be evidence
live in the gut microbiome.
to support this opinion, such as research
Explanation: As stated in paragraph 2,
on the positive effects of greenery on
despite their importance for the gut
well-being or the visual appeal of vertical
microbiome, the health benefits of these
‘biotics’, which are present in certain foods gardens, it is still ultimately a subjective
or result from their metabolism, extend judgement rather than an objective fact
beyond the digestive tract. A growing that can be proven or disproven.
body of scientific evidence has linked (F) (b) Only (II)
prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics, Explanation: The word ‘intertwined’ means
with improvements in metabolic diseases to be twisted together. Hence, (b) is the
including obesity and cholesterol right answer.
abnormalities, depressive symptoms and (H) (b) Vertical gardening is a sustainable
poor sleep quality, among many other practice that can transform urban
conditions. spaces into green areas.
(C) the phrase ‘’contains live and active cultures’’ Explanation: Clearly, the passage
Explanation: As stated in paragraph 5, as a acknowledges the fact that vertical gardens
consumer, a good starting point is to look for help transform the urban spaces into
the phrase “contains live and active cultures” sustainable green areas which provides the
on the label; it’s even better if specific strains lost natural presence of air in the confined
of bacteria are listed, because then you’ll homes.
know you’re getting the right stuff.
(E) dozens of strains 14. (A) (d) Only (III) and (IV)
Explanation: As stated in paragraph 4, Explanation: The passage mentions the basis
many different types of beneficial bacteria on which a language can be categorised into
are considered probiotics. The most a classical language, and it also mentions
common ones include Lactobacillus and that the concept was introduced in 2004.
Bifidobacterium, of which there are dozens Therefore, both these pieces of information
of strains. can be confirmed by reading the passage.
(G) (b) Checking the label for specific strains of Hence, (d) is the right answer.
bacteria (B) historical; categorising
Explanation: As stated in paragraph 4, as a Explanation: The passage states that a
consumer, a good starting point is to look for classical language is one which is at least
the phrase “contains live and active cultures” 1,500 years old and original. Therefore, this
on the label; it’s even better if specific strains historical value is important. The passage
of bacteria are listed, because then you’ll does not talk about how these languages
know you’re getting the right stuff. are preserved; it only mentions how these
(H) (a) Their relevance has been proven by languages are categorised.
scientific evidence. (F) a majority
Explanation: As stated in paragraph 2, Explanation: Paragraph 5 of the passage
“Despite their importance for the gut states that a majority of the native

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speakers were found to be living in the a heterogeneous country. The given
place that their mother tongue originated sentence correctly captures this meaning
from. Therefore, most native Tamil speakers of 'delicate'. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
would have been living in Tamil Nadu.
15. (B) fact / objective detail
(G) (b) if more languages from remote and
tribal areas of India are identified as Explanation: This statement is a fact
classical languages. because it provides specific quantifiable
data about the contribution of tourism to
Explanation: The passage mentions that India’s GDP and job market, making it an
preservation and inclusivity are important. objective detail.
Therefore, including languages that are
(H) (a) International travel remains an
native to people who live in lesser-known
important means of expanding
areas of India would lead to more harmony. horizons and connecting with other
Hence, (b) is the right answer. cultures.
(H) (c) This discussion will require careful Explanation: The passage mentions that
consideration as it is a delicate matter. 51 percent of Indian travellers believed that
Explanation: In the passage, 'delicate' international travel remained an important
implies that the equation would require means of expanding their horizons and
a lot of consideration since India is such connecting with other cultures.

Reading Comprehensions 5

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1. (c) she did not see the point of waking up Explanation: The subject "data" is singular, so
early. the verb "is" should be used instead of "are" to
Explanation: The phrase "did not see" maintain subject-verb agreement.
maintains the past tense of "don't see," and 9. (A) (c) has to
"the point of waking up early" accurately
Explanation: The correct option is (c), since
reflects the reasoning mentioned by the
the sentence conveys no option other than
5. (d) (B) (d) will be
Explanation: Since, the sentence speaks
Error Correction
of what will happen in the future (next
during in Friday and Saturday), option (b) is the right
Explanation: The Industrial Revolution occurred
throughout the 18th century, so it is more (C) (a) feeling
accurate to use the preposition "in" to indicate Explanation: When expressing the effect or
the time period in which the changes took state resulting from the experience, we use
place. the 'ing' form of the verb.
6. (D) (a) should
Explanation: The correct option is (a), since
Error Correction
the statement is an advice.
setted set (E) (b) could
Explanation: The correction is to change Explanation: The correct option is (b) since
"setted" to "set." The correct verb form is "set" the modal talks about a request from
because it is the past tense of the verb "set". someone.
10. (A) (a) should
Error Correction Explanation: The correct answer is (a)
should because (b) could and (c) may do
conception concept
not make sense grammatically and (d)
Explanation: The correction is to change might can also not be used in this scenario.
"conception" to "concept." In the given sentence,
(B) (b) has been living
the word "concept" is more appropriate and
Explanation: The sentence has used the
aligns with the intended meaning.
term 'now' which states the current point
8. (c) of time. So, the sentence requires to be in
the present continuous tense as the family
Error Correction
is still living in the city. Hence, (b) is the
are is right answer.

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(C) (a) If 12. have been reported
Explanation: As the sentence has a Explanation: The blank is filled with the phrase
condition, (a) is the correct answer. "have been reported." This choice is appropriate
(D) (d) would because it correctly matches the tense and
Explanation: As the sentence has only passive voice required in the sentence.
a change of happening a situation in the
near future, (d) is the correct answer. 13. acknowledged
(E) (b) goes Explanation: The blank is filled with the word
Explanation: Since, this is an idiom or a "acknowledged." This choice is appropriate
general saying, we use simple present because it matches the verb tense required in
tense. Hence, (b) is the correct answer. the sentence.

11. (A) (a) is being polluted 14. (d) He exclaimed that it was a warm day.
Explanation: The most appropriate choice Explanation: Since, the quote mentions the
is the present continuous tense "is being tone of the speaker, by using exclamation
polluted," indicating that pollution is mark. It can be inferred that it is exclaimed.
actively taking place. Hence, (a) is the correct answer since it reports
(B) (b) have to the quote appropriately.
Explanation: The correct option is option
15. (b) The stranger asked the boy whether he
(b) since, the word gives the reader no
could tell him how far the bus stop was
choice but to do that very thing.
from there.
(C) (a) must
Explanation: Options (a) and (c) are not the
Explanation: The correct option is option
right answer because the stranger did not
(a) since the modal expresses necessity.
propose or request, (d) is incorrectly reported.
(D) (c) is filled
Hence, (b) is the right answer.
Explanation: Since, the action is happening
in the present, we use simple present tense 16. what he meant by that statement
(is). Since, the sentence is in passive voice, Explanation: Karan told Garima that he loved
we use the past participle of the verb fill the film industry although it had its flaws.
(filled). Garima then enquired what he meant by that
(E) (b) have doubled statement.
Explanation: The option (b) have doubled
is the right answer because the subject is 19. he was sure of that.
plural and the action is about an event that Explanation: In the reported speech, the son
started in the past and continues till the affirmed that he was sure Radha would help
present. him.


26. (c) 
has implemented Explanation: As the sentence is in past tense,
(a) is the right answer.
Explanation: The correct choice, "has
implemented," is in the present perfect 43. (b) trusts
tense. This tense is used to indicate an Explanation: In this sentence, we use the
action that occurred at an unspecified time base form of the verb "trust" with the third
in the past. Hence, (c) is the right answer. person singular pronoun "she”.

33. 44. will

Explanation: Will is a modal auxiliary verb that
Option No Error Correction indicates a future action.
(c) can could 45. (d) has been suffering
Explanation: As the sentence is in past tense, Explanation: The sentence uses ‘since’ which
(c) is the right answer. suggests that Heena is still suffering from
fever. So, present continuous tense is correct to
38. (a) ate use here. Hence, (d) is the right answer.

Complete Grammar 7

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46. stood 48. approved
Explanation: In the sentence, "stood" is used in Explanation: In this case, we need to use the
the past tense to describe the state of time in present perfect tense because the action of
the enchanted forest. approval has already taken place. The present
perfect tense form of “approve” is “approved.”
47. (d) more
51. Tanmay asked Sonia where she was planning
Explanation: The word "more" is the appropriate to go that summer vacation.
choice in this situation since it suggests a
Explanation: In reported speech, questions
comparison between the quantity of registration written in present continuous tense changes
forms received this year and number received in to past continuous tense and the word ‘this’
the previous year. changes to ‘that’.

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1. (c) Despair 4. (A) (d) Because he had faith in a higher power
Explanation: The correct answer is (c) despair Explanation: Lencho was sure that God
because the hailstorm had destroyed his crops would come to his aid. This is why he was
and crushed his hopes of earning money. not surprised on receiving the money.
2. (d) Lencho is comforting his family by assuring Hence, (d) is the right answer.
them that they will survive. (C) eager
Explanation: When Lencho says, "No one dies Explanation: Since the postmaster had
of hunger," he is trying to console his family taken a great effort to collect the money,
and alleviate their worries. The statement he was excited to find what Lencho had
is a reassurance that they will find a way to written in the letter.
overcome their difficulties Hence, (d) is correct. (D) (b) 
Misanthrope - a person who has a
3. (B) False general hatred for humankind and
Explanation: The statement is false avoids their company.
as option (2) and (3) can be applied as Explanation: Misanthrope aptly defines
Lencho's field needed a good downpour to Lencho in the extract because he is
harvest well option (1) is true but it cannot distrustful of the post office employees and
be applied to the given statement. does not show them any regard.


16. (A) False (D) asked
Explanation: The statement is false Explanation: ‘sanctioned’ and ‘approved’
are synonyms, ‘demanded’ needs a
because (1) reckless describes Lencho's
synonym to fill in the blank. Asked is a
decision to write a second letter to God. synonym of ‘demanded’.

A Letter to God 9

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1. (b) (1) is false but (2) is true. 3. (B) (b) reality
Explanation: Mandela did not have any rights Explanation: The phrase ‘the boyhood
as a native of the nation as he was a black freedom’ was an (a) illusion. It was only the
person. Under ‘apartheid’, people with dark author’s imagination which was not the (b)
skins would not get any right or freedom. reality of his life. Mirage (c) and fantasy (d)
They were discriminated. Hence, (b) is the right are similar in meaning to illusion. Hence, (b)
answer. is the correct answer.
(D) (c) A
 speech is a formal address or
2. (a) Respect, worth, and inherent value of every discourse delivered to an audience.
Explanation: The given extract is a
Explanation: Human dignity is the concept speech delivered by Nelson Mandela
of inherent worth and value of every human on the inauguration ceremony in the
being, regardless of social status, race, gender, amphitheater formed by the Union
or any other characteristic. Hence, (a) is correct. Building in Pretoria.


14. (b) first to his family and the second to his Explanation: The freedom in South Africa was
country. ‘recently’ born or attained after a long struggle.
Hence, (b) is the right answer.
Explanation: Nelson Mandela states that
there is a twin obligation in every man’s life. 16. (B) False.
First, to his parents, wife, children and second Explanation: When Nelson Mandela says,
to his community and country. Hence, (b) is the "God bless Africa," he does not only mean
right answer. the welfare and well-being of South Africa's
black population. Instead, he is wishing for
15. (b) 
had recently been attained with lots of an abundance of wealth, harmony, and
struggle. peace for the whole country of South Africa.

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1. (b) F - (1), (3) & (4) and O - (2) Explanation: In the story ‘His First Flight’, the
Explanation: Options (1), (3) and (4) are the young seagull is initially uncertain about his
stated facts of the chapter but phrases that attempt at his maiden flight as he thought that
have ‘should have’ probably denote an opinion, he wouldn’t make it but later, he gets thrilled
not a fact. Hence, (b) is the right answer. about the same when he succeeds in it. Hence,
(c) is the right answer.
2. (c) the vastness of the sea
5. (C) Huge
Explanation: The young seagull was afraid
Explanation: The word ‘enormous’ means
of flying because as soon as he attempted to
big or huge.
fly he was frightened by the great expanse of
the sea. He thought that his wings would not (D) (c) breeze
support him and eventually, he would drown. Explanation: (a) Blizzard is a snow storm,
Hence, (c) is correct. (b) hailstorm is a storm of hails, (d)
thunderstorm is rainstorm while (c) breeze
3. (d) His fear of their enormous size is not a storm. It refers to a mild wind.
Explanation: The phrase ‘black mountain’ Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
represents the huge size of the big black
clouds. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
6. (D) (a) (1) is true and (2) is false.
Explanation: From the extract, we can see
4. (c) He is uncertain about it and then finds it that (1) is true but (2) is false. Hence, (a) is
thrilling. the right answer.


19. (c) (3) and (4) 20. (c) mystery
Explanation: The little seagull was (3) jealous Explanation: The Black Aeroplane is a total
that his siblings were able to catch fish for mystery as it is not clear if the airplane was
themselves while he was (4) hungry and he real help sent by airforce, a UFO, a ghost
couldn’t catch food for him. Hence, (c) is the airplane or the pilot's illusion. Hence, (c) is the
right answer. right answer.

Two Stories About Flying 11

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1. (b) Cause – Effect Explanation: It is clear from the extract
Explanation: When Anne’s parents moved to that Anne says that she “seemed to have
everything- on the surface, except one true
Holland for work, both Anne and Margot were
friend.” This shows that she didn’t connect
sent to live with their Grandmother in Aachen
with anyone. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
to be taken care of. Hence, (b) is the right
(C) True
Explanation: Sentences from the extract
2. (b) Teachers often assign punishment as a like “on the surface I seem to have
means of shaping behavior. everything, except my one true friend.” “I
Explanation: Throughout the chapter, Anne can’t bring myself to talk about anything
but ordinary everyday things” tell us clearly
describes her constant talkativeness during
that Anne wasn’t satisfied in her life.
math class, despite repeated warnings from
her math professor. As a result, the professor 4. (B) (d) (4)
assigns her extra homework assignments Explanation: The term ‘listless’ means
as a form of punishment. This pattern of lacking interest or enthusiasm. In the extract,
punishment indicates that the teacher is Anne was feeling a little ‘depressed’ and
attempting to shape Anne's behavior. Hence, ‘bored’. Option (1) shows drowsiness,
(b) is correct. option (2) shows sadness, option (3) shows
disinterest; and option (4) shows boredom
3. (B) (c) (1) furthers the meaning of (2) and laziness. Hence, (d) is the right answer.


16. (a) One can write anything on paper. Explanation: Mr. Keesing found amusement
Explanation: The phrase ‘Paper has more in Anne Frank's arguments and he had
a good laugh. He was indirectly praising
patience than people’ is well said as people
Anne’s smartness.
are not good listeners. They aren’t calm and
patient, like paper, in which we can confide (C) (d) Compliance with classroom norms
anything easily. Explanation: This option contradicts the
spirited and independent nature that Anne
17. (d) she was very talkative. exhibits, making it the least likely option
Explanation: Anne talked so much in class. among the given choices.
Her teacher Mr. Keesing, was annoyed with (D) “chatterbox” ; “quack”
her due to her talkative nature. Hence, (d) is the Explanation: The choice of "quack" is a
right answer. humorous way for Mr. Keesing to liken
Anne's talkative nature to the constant
19. (B) that he did not take Anne's arguments too chatter of a duck. Ducks are known for their
seriously vocalisations.

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1. (b) Cause – Effect Explanation: The practice of maintaining
Explanation: Coorgis are said to be descended monthly records on walls in pencil indicates
a close and trusting relationship between the
from the Arabs and this is why they have a
baker and the Goan people Hence, option (c) is
similar dress as them. Hence, (b) is the right
5. (A) (a) Nostalgic
2. (a) Coorg is known for its rich cultural heritage
Explanation: The extract is filled with
and diverse traditions
nostalgia and positive emotions as the
Explanation: The author says that search for narrator recalls the role of the baker in his
the heart and soul of India would be found in childhood in Goa.
Coorg because different Indian cultures can (D) (a) Hush
be seen in Coorg. Coorg represents different Explanation: The term ‘thud’ refers to a
cultures, traditions and ethnicities of India. dull heavy sound. Here, options (b), (c) and
Hence, (a) is correct. (d) are similar in meaning to the term thud
while (a) hush means quietly or in a low
3. (d) (1) and (3)
voice. Hence, (a) is the right answer.
Explanation: The two legends of the tea that
are discussed in the chapter ‘Tea from Assam’ 6. (D) (a) Travelogue
is from (1) India and (3) China. Hence, (d) is the Explanation: The genre of the given
right answer. excerpt is travelogue. The extract is written
about the best tourists’ spots and views
4. (c) The baker had a close and trusting in Coorg. Such descriptions are found in
relationship with the Goan people. travelogues.


16. (A) (c) He had grown up in and around tea Explanation: Rajvir says that there were
gardens many legends related to the origin of
Explanation: Pranjol’s father was the drinking tea. Legends refer to traditional
manager of a tea estate. Hence, he had tales that have no historical evidence.
lived in and around tea gardens all his life. Hence (b) is the right answer.
Hence (c) is the right answer. (E) (b) Jaspreet cried out loud when she saw a
(C) boredom white tiger in the sanctuary.
Explanation: Pranjol did not share Rajvir’s Explanation: The word ‘cried’ is used in
enthusiasm because he had seen tea the extract to show a shout of happiness
gardens all his life. He was bored and or excitement. Option (b) is the only option
amused at Rajvir’s excitement. that has a similar meaning. Hence (b) is the
(D) (b) Traditional tales right answer.

Glimpses of India 13

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1. (d) (2) is the reason of (1). (C) Onomatopoeic
Explanation: Camusfearna was a place close Explanation: Onomatopoeic words are
to water. Hence, it was an ideal place for an phonetically-resembling sounds. 'pitter -
otter and so, Maxwell thought of keeping an patter', is another example of this.
otter for a pet as an experiment. Hence, (d) is (D) (b) The bond between humans and animals
the right answer. Explanation: Despite Mijbil's initial
aloofness and indifference, a connection
2. (b) Anxious
begins to form as he gradually becomes
Explanation: Maxwell was keen to take Mijbil more interested in his surroundings and
back to England. He was anxious since British engages in playful activities with the
Airlines did not allow pets onboard. He was not narrator.
(a) disappointed, (c) scared or (d) indifferent.
Hence, (b) is the right answer. 5. (A) (a) It emphasizes Mijbil's physical discomfort
and distress.
3. (c) Hyperbole Explanation: In the context of the passage,
Explanation: The author compares the splash Mijbil has undergone a stressful experience,
created by Mijbil to that of a hippo which is resulting in exhaustion and being blood-
many times its size. Hence, (c) is correct. spattered.
(C) (b) It could have made the place untidy.
4. (a) It emphasizes Mijbil's physical discomfort
Explanation: Maxwell had cut off the box’s
and distress.
edges for the reasons stated in (a), (c) and
Explanation: Mijbil underwent a stressful (d), but not possibly (b) because it could
experience, which resulted in his exhaustion have made the place untidy. Hence, (b) is
and being blood-spattered. the right answer.

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1. (c) She looked at everything curiously Explanation: By rejecting the term "madam,"
Explanation: This phrase describes Valli's she is asserting her desire to be recognized as
eagerness to see and experience as much as a child and not be treated as someone more
possible with her eyes. It was her first time mature or grown-up. Hence, (b) is correct.
riding a bus, and she was filled with excitement.
The views outside the window were incredibly 5. (B) (b) Valli confidently asserted her
beautiful, and she wanted to take it all in with independence and laughed off the
just one look. Hence, (c) is correct. comments.
Explanation: In the given extract, Valli
2. (d) The unpredictability and fragility of life
responds confidently and assertively to the
Explanation: Throughout the story, Valli's inquiries and comments made by the old
experiences highlight the unpredictable nature
woman and the conductor.
of life. Initially, she feels joyful during her
journey, However, her perception shifts when (C) privacy
she witnesses the sudden transformation of Explanation: Valli displayed defiance and a
a lively cow into a lifeless creature. This event desire for privacy when responding to the
shocks her and makes her reflect on how old woman's intrusive questions: "Oh, why
something full of life can abruptly turn into don’t you mind your own business," said
something horrible. Hence, (d) is correct. Valli. But she laughed all the same, and the
conductor laughed too.
3. (d) depressed
Explanation: Valli was really excited at the 6. (C) (a) The wish developed in her head over a
start of the journey. She saw a happy cow in period of time.
the middle of the road but when she saw that
Explanation: The writer says that the wish
the same cow had died, she became sad and
crept into her head and grew. He compares
depressed. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
it with a germinating seed which grows
4. (b) She dislikes being treated as an adult and into a sapling over time. Hence, option (a) is
prefers being called a child. the right answer.

Madam Rides the Bus 15

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1. (c) "Death is common to all; yet in this valley Explanation: Here, the pair of words
of desolation, there is a path that leads to describes a cause and effect relationship. A
immortality." person laments only due to grief. A person
celebrates due to joy.
Explanation: The Buddha teaches that death
is something that everyone experiences. He 4. (A) (d) She had insulted people.
suggests that within the "valley of desolation," Explanation: Kisa Gotami had searched
there exists a path that leads to immortality. whole day for the mustard seeds from
Hence, (c) is correct. a house where nobody has lost a child
husband, parent or friend but she could
2. (c) Understanding and acceptance of suffering
not find any. So, she sat down weary and
bring peace.
hopeless. So, (a), (b) and (c) are true, but (d)
Explanation: The underlying message of the is not true as she had not insulted any one
story is that understanding and acceptance of for the mustard seeds.
the nature of suffering and the impermanence (C) (c) Insight - a clear, deep and sometimes
of life lead to inner peace and liberation from sudden understanding of a problem or
suffering. Hence, (c) is correct. situation.
3. (A) (b) Hopeful Explanation: The given extract is an insight
as Kisa Gotami after asking for mustard
Explanation: Buddha's teachings offer a
seeds all day and while looking at the
path towards peace and enlightenment. flickering lights understood that human
He provides guidance on how to overcome life is same as that flickering light, the one
sorrow and find inner peace. which is burning or lighting now will surely
(C) joy extinguish later.

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1. (b) only (3) per the typical marriage vows. The ending
Explanation: Natalya picked up many fights was funny with a comical situation of two
with Lomov and a person who fights a lot is people fighting over their ‘dogs’. Hence, (a)
only (3) quarrelsome. Hence, (b) is the right is the right answer.
answer. (C) (a) A debate is a formal discussion on a
particular topic, usually with two
2. (d) 
Lomov’s status in society supersedes
or more people presenting different
viewpoints and arguments.
Explanation: Chubukov and Natalya consider
Explanation: In the give extract, Natalya
Lomovs to be dishonorable people. However,
and Lomov appears to be debating over
despite this perception, they still consider
their pet.
Lomov's proposal. This suggests that Lomov's
(D) strong feelings with a raised voice.
social status holds more importance to them
than his personal character or reputation. Explanation: The use of exclamatory
Hence, (d) is correct. marks in the given extract indicate the
strong feelings and the temperament of
3. (a) He is willing to do anything for his the speakers. It indicates that the speakers
daughter’s will were shouting on each other.
Explanation: According to the text, Chubukov
5. (A) (c) (1) and (3)
is a good father. He is ready to do anything for
his daughter’s will. He had an argument with Explanation: In the extract, both the
Lomov over the ownership of oxen meadows. parties were accusing and opposing
Still, he forgets everything when his daughter each other. They were showing extreme
cries and asks him to bring Lomov back. He disregard for each other’s opinions. Here,
is ready to get her married to a man of her (1) antagonism means to oppose to the
choice. Hence, (a) is correct. other person willfully, (2) humor means to
laugh about (3) contempt means to show
4. (B) (a) a humorous and ironic take on typical disregard to a thing or person (4) irony
marriage vows. means sarcasm. There were antagonism
Explanation: In the ending lines, Lomov and contempt in the characters’ tone but
and Natalya were still opposing each not humor or irony. Hence, (c) is the right
other instead of supporting each other as answer.

The Proposal (Play) 17

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1. (b) The power of unexpected moments in nature. 4. (b) Contented
Explanation: The underlying theme of Explanation: The poet is satisfied with the fact
the poem "Dust of Snow" is the power of that he finally saved some part of the day that
unexpected moments in nature. The poem was ruined before the snow fell on him. Hence,
explores how a seemingly insignificant event, (b) is the right answer.
can have a profound impact on one's mood 5. (b) It is the setting of the poem
and perspective. Hence, (b) is correct.
Explanation: The action in the poem takes
2. (b) By using sensory details to depict the place when the poet is standing beneath the
falling snow hemlock tree. Hence, (b) is correct.
Explanation: The poet employs imagery to 6. (A) happy
create a sensory experience for the reader. The Explanation: The poet’s day was saved
imagery used in the poem focuses on depicting due to a change in mood. This means that
the falling snow. The lines "Shook down on me he was earlier in a bad mood and was not
/ The dust of snow" evoke a visual image of happy with the day that had passed.
snowflakes descending from the tree. Hence, (C) (b) Contemplative
(b) is correct. Explanation: The poem's tone can be
3. (a) a great source of joy described as "contemplative" because it
results in deep thought. The contemplative
Explanation: The poet was having a bad day tone invites the readers to reflect on life's
until the crow shook snowflakes on him, and it little moments and how such moments
changed his mood for the better. Hence, (a) is can bring about a change in our emotions.
the right answer. Hence, (b) is the right answer.


21. (c) Happy 22. (a) hemlock tree; crow.
Explanation: The poet in the poem ‘Dust of Explanation: Hemlock trees and crows are
Snow’ was very sad and depressed in the always considered inauspicious elements of
beginning but as soon as the dust of snow fell society. In the poem, the poet has presented
on him, his mood changed instantly from sad them in a positive way. Hence, (a) is the right
to happy. Hence, (c) is the right answer. answer.

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1. (a) Desire and hate are equally destructive 5. (A) (b) die
Explanation: Perish, here, doesn’t mean
Explanation: The poem's underlying message decay (a) as it refers to the world and its
is that desire and hate are equally destructive people. It also doesn’t mean putrid (d)
forces, and their effects can lead to destruction as it refers to the decay of something
of individuals or even the world. Hence, (a) is
unpleasant. It also doesn’t refer to cold (c).
The word perish here does refer to (b) die as
2. (c) Question – answer the poet is writing about the reasons how
Explanation: The second statement answers the earth may end and all people will die.
the question given in the first statement.
6. (C) powerful warning
Hence, (c) is the right answer.
Explanation: The poet is trying to warn
3. (c) Both (1) and (2) are true. mankind to control their desire and hatred
Explanation: The first one symbolically to save the world from destruction.
represents the destructive aspects of human (D) (c) reflecting on personal experiences of
emotions, while the second statement relates desire and hate.
to the issue of global warming. Hence, (c) is the
right answer. Explanation: Robert Frost explores several
viewpoints on the end of the world,
4. (a) Passion and indifference. represented by fire and ice, in his poem
Explanation: Fire is often associated with "Fire and Ice." The poet's preference for
passion, intensity, and desire, while ice fire is influenced by his or her personal
represents coldness, detachment, and experiences of tasting both hate and
indifference. Hence, (a) is correct. desire.


18. (c) Have the same opinion as Explanation: The speaker's alignment with
those who favour ice, suggest that they
Explanation: The phrase ‘hold with’ means to
have seen enough of apathy and hatred
have a strong agreement with or hold a similar among people that it is sufficient for the
opinion as someone else. Hence, (c) is the right world to end.
answer. (C) (d) Respectful
19. (B) The speaker's alignment with those who Explanation: The poet says that the ice
‘is also great’ to bring destruction in the
favour ice suggests that they have seen
world. This shows that he respects the
the destructive consequences of a lack of power of hatred and coldness of people
empathy and emotional connection. which is enough to end the world.

Fire and Ice 19

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1. (b) F - (1), O - (2), (3) and (4) human activities are evident. Hence, (c) is the
Explanation: (1) is an example of factual right answer.
statement. The other statements (2), (3), and (4)
5. (C) (b) small
are opinions based on the poet's interpretation
of the tiger's actions and intentions. Hence, (b) Explanation: The cage is small for the tiger
is the right answer. as he takes ‘few steps’ and he is habitual of
living in a forest, his natural habitat, which
2. (c) The loss of freedom and natural habitat is large enough for him to roam properly.
Explanation: The poem evokes a sense of loss, (D) Visual imagery
frustration, and the yearning for freedom. It Explanation: The words ‘vivid stripes’ give a
highlights the contrast between the tiger's visual of the stripe on the tiger's body. Also,
powerful nature and its current restricted the phrase "pads of velvet quiet" creates an
state. Hence, (c) is correct. image of the tiger's paws moving silently
3. (b) The tiger longs to be back in the wild under and smoothly, emphasising its graceful
the stars. movement.
Explanation: When the poet describes the 6. (A) (c) The tiger is cautiously hiding and
tiger gazing at the "brilliant stars," it suggests observing its surroundings.
that the tiger yearns to return to its natural Explanation: The phrase "lurking in shadow"
habitat where it could roam freely under the suggests that the tiger should be behaving
vast night sky. Hence, (b) is the right answer. cautiously by hiding in the shadows and
4. (c) The tiger is constantly aware of its captive observing its surroundings. Hence, (b) is the
environment. right answer.
Explanation: The line "He hears the last voice (C) predator
at night, the patrolling cars" suggests that Explanation: The tiger's movements
the tiger is constantly aware of its captive suggest a skilled predator in its natural
surroundings even during the night when habitat.


16. (c) suppressed the power and ferociousness that a tiger
Explanation: It clearly indicates that the possesses is contained in a concrete cage.
tiger’s anger or rage had become ‘silent’ or This thus makes a fearsome creature
‘suppressed’ by being locked inside the cage. less threatening. Hence, (d) is the right
Hence, (c) is the right answer. answer.

17. (C) (d) T he tiger's strength is confined within 18. (E) (a) to catch its prey
the bars of the cage and this makes him Explanation: It is given in the extract that
less threatening. the tiger should be lurking in the shadow
Explanation: The line 'His strength to catch the ‘plump deer’ near the water
behind bars' is used to indicate how all hole.

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1. (a) It is a large and tawny beast the repetition of "lep" depicts the swift and
Explanation: In the poem, the poet tells that continuous leaping behavior of the leopard.
a the Asian Lion is a large and tawny creature
(b) Jasmeet walks in the garden, relaxing
known for its roar. Hence, (a) is the right
while listening to her favourite song.
Explanation: The term ‘strolling’ means
2. (b) It won’t let the prey escape to walk in a relaxing manner. Here, option
Explanation: It is useless to cry out in pain (b) correctly demonstrates the meaning of
because once the leopard has its prey, it won’t the term ‘strolling’. Hence, (b) is the right
let it escape. Hence, (b) is the right answer. answer.

3. (c) 
Entertain readers with humorous descriptions 5. (B) (c) Alliteration
of wild animals. Explanation: The given line is an example
Explanation: The poem is primarily focused of alliteration. In "roaming round", the first
on entertaining readers through its humorous letter is being repeated. Hence, (c) is the
descriptions of various wild animals. The poet right answer.
uses playful language and comical imagery to
(D) Visual
describe different characteristics and behaviours
of the animals. Hence, (c) is correct. Explanation: The given lines depict visual
imagery to create mental pictures in the
4. (B) Repetition reader's mind. The description of a noble
Explanation: The statement "he'll only wild beast with black stripes on a yellow
lep and lep again" is an example of ground allows the reader to envision the
"repetition" as a literary device. In this line, majestic appearance of the Bengal Tiger.


16. (b) confused Explanation: It is given in the extract that ‘if
Explanation: To be non-plussed means to they weep, they are crocodiles’.
be so surprised and confused that one does
not know how to react. Hence, (b) is the right (C) (d) beginner
answer. Explanation: The term ‘novice’ means a
17. (A) (a) tears person who is inexperienced or a beginner.

How to Tell Wild Animals 21

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1. (b) Loss is inevitable, and people must learn to Explanation: Throughout the poem, there
accept it. is a sense of understanding and empathy
Explanation: The poem suggests that loss is for the boy's experience. The speaker
inevitable and that a person must overcome it acknowledges the depth of the boy's grief
with the passage of time. Hence, (b) is correct. and the lessons he is learning from this
2. (c) By challenging the idea that individuals
should suppress their feelings. 5. (A) (d) Fateful
Explanation: The poem does not encourage Explanation: In the extract, the term
the boy to conform to societal norms. Instead, ‘ultimate’ describes the final stage of grief
it focuses on his true emotions and the impact experienced by the boy. Here, options (a),
of his loss. Hence, (c) is correct. (b) and (c) are all similar to ‘ultimate’, while
(d) fateful means disastrous. Hence, (d) is
3. (b) The inevitability of loss and its impact on the right answer.
(C) he feels that it’s important that the boy
Explanation: The poem digs into the complex learns an important life lesson.
feelings of grief and responsibility that result
Explanation: The poet didn't want to
from an apparently small event and explores
intrude into the boy's experience because
the emotions experienced by a young child
he wanted him to learn how to deal
who has lost his ball. Hence, (b) is the right
with his loss. He wanted him to learn the
precious lesson of being able to bear the
4. (B) (a) Sympathetic. loss of something close to his heart.


18. (B) (c) e motional numbness and physical (D) personal nature
quivering Explanation: This acknowledges the
Explanation: "Rigid" implies emotional importance of allowing individuals the
numbness or a state of being emotionally space to process and cope with their
immobilised, while "trembling" indicates emotions without external interference.
a physical manifestation of intense
emotion. This pairing suggests that despite 19. (B) (c) A
 ll his young days into the harbour
feeling emotionally frozen or rigid, there where
is a physical expression of deep seated Explanation: This is the first line where the
emotional turmoil through trembling. It reader sees that the ball is not just a ball,
conveys the multifaceted nature of grief, but in fact a symbol of 'all his young days'
where one may be internally overwhelmed or the boy's childhood. Hence, (c) is the
while still exhibiting visible signs of distress. right answer.

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20. (A) resigned Explanation: Although the speaker in the
Explanation: When the speaker says given stanza acknowledges that loss is
"People will take balls, Balls will be lost an inevitable part of life, he is respectful
of the boy’s feelings towards his ball. He
always, little boy", his tone is resigned.
doesn’t criticise the boy for having deep
The poet implies that loss is inevitable and
attachment with the material possession
beyond control.
but rather asks him to accept the truth of
(C) (d) respectful life.

The Ball Poem 23

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1. (c) It shows the frustration of the speaker. a life of seclusion as peaceful and uncommon.
Explanation: The speaker is the mother of The use of the word "tranquil" conveys a
Amanda, who is angry at her for having bad sense of calmness, serenity, and tranquility
habits like biting her nails and slouching her associated with a life in seclusion. Hence, (c) is
back. She calls out her name angrily every time correct.
she instructs her. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
4. (C) constant instructions received from her
2. (a) I am an orphan. mother.
Explanation: Metaphor is a poetic device Explanation: Amanda was fed up with
that is used to compare two things without her mother’s constant nagging, and hence,
using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. Here, Amanda is she tried to escape reality. That’s why she
compared to an orphan. Hence, (a) is the right imagined the ‘golden silence’ in the extract.
answer. Hence, (b) is the right answer.

3. (c) Seclusion in a tower provides a peaceful 5. (A) (a) critical

and unique existence. Explanation: Amanda’s mother is critical
Explanation: The phrase "life in a tower is of her habits and has a commanding tone
tranquil and rare" suggests that Amanda views in her voice. Hence, (a) is the right answer.


26. (A) (b) F reedom and independence of a carefree, unrestrained existence,
Explanation: Option b is correct as the highlighting the theme of freedom.
soft dust and hushed, bare feet evoke a 27. (B) (c) authoritative
sense of moving quietly and freely through Explanation: Amanda’s mother tone in the
given extract is one of showing authority.
the environment, reflecting a state of
She commands Amanda to look at her
independence and the ability to explore while she is speaking instead of being
without constraints – it paints a picture diverted somewhere else.

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1. (c) simile Explanation: The main topic or theme of
Explanation: The word ‘like’ is used by the poet the poem is the movement of the trees from
to compare one thing to another. This poetic the confinement of a house to their natural
device is called as simile. The movement of the habitat in the forest. The poem depicts the
trees is compared to newly discharged patient. transformation of an empty forest into a place
Hence, (c) is the right answer. where the trees return. The imagery portrays
the trees' struggle to reclaim their natural
2. (a) Determination and resilience. place. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
Explanation: Throughout the poem, the trees
are portrayed as actively working to free
4. (B) (b) some part of the sky is still left open
for women to explore, away from
themselves from the confines of houses and
limitations set by patriarchal norms.
move into the forest. The actions convey a
sense of determination and resilience, as the Explanation: The poet metaphorically uses
trees make a great effort to break free and the indefinite article for ‘sky’ to show that
reach the forest. Hence, (a) is correct. some part of the sky is still left open for
women to explore, away from limitations
3. (b) The movement of the trees towards their set by patriarchal norms. Hence, (b) is the
natural habitat. right answer.


25. (A) the sun is referred to as having feet like Explanation: The idea that the forest has
human beings and other living things. been empty all these days is unnatural
because it is hard to imagine a forest as
Explanation: This is an example of ‘empty’. A forest without trees would look
Personification. It means to attribute a dull and depressed. This thought of an
human quality to a non-living thing. empty forest can scare any person. Hence,
(B) (a) Emphasis (a) is the right answer.
(E) (c) It builds momentum
Explanation: The poet has used the poetic
Explanation: Enjambment is a poetic
device of repetition here. She wants to
device where no punctuations are used
create emphasis by repeating the word ‘no’
between lines. It helps to build momentum
thrice. Hence, (a) is the right answer. when reading the poem because there are
(D) (a) unnatural no pauses. Hence, (c) is the right answer.

The Trees 25

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1. (c) It presents the fog's movement as calm the central theme of the poem. Hence, (b) is
and pleasant. the right answer.
Explanation: The phrase "on little cat feet" in 4. (c) The poet considers fog to be a natural
the poem conveys a sense of tranquilly and phenomenon worthy of admiration.
gentleness in the fog's movement. Hence, (c) is Explanation: Throughout the poem, the poet
the right answer. describes the arrival and presence of fog with
2. (a) The fog is gazing at the harbor and city imagery that conveys a sense of tranquility,
mystery, and beauty. The poet considers
with curiosity
fog to be a natural phenomenon worthy of
Explanation: The word "looking" means paying admiration. Hence, (c) is correct.
attention to something.The poet describes
the fog's action of silently observing the 5. (B) (b) Personification
harbor and city. The use of the word "looking" Explanation: The fog is personified as
conveys a sense of the fog's awareness and if it has the ability to make a conscious
engagement with its environment, suggesting decision to "move on," like a human being.
an attentive gaze. Hence, (a) is correct. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
(D) temporary
3. (b) The transient nature of fog and life Explanation: When the poet describes the
Explanation: The idea of transience and fog moving on, it suggests a transient quality,
impermanence, both in the context of the fog's indicating the temporary and fleeting nature
presence and in the broader context of life, is of life.

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1. (a) the judgements we make about others on Explanation: The phrase "clashed his tail like
the basis of their superficial characteristics irons in a dungeon" shows Custard's aggression
Explanation: The poem ‘The Tale of Custard and readiness to attack. Hence, (a) is correct.
the Dragon’ talks about how we often
3. (B) (b) Students trickled into the classroom as
underestimate people based on their superficial
the teacher entered.
features, not on their talent, knowledge or age.
Explanation: The word ‘trickled’ in the
For example, Custard is judged by others as a
extract means to come or move slowly
coward because of his physical appearance
and gradually. Here, students get inside the
and behaviour. Hence, (a) is the right answer.
classroom in a fearful manner. Hence, (b) is
2. (a) Custard was aggressive and ready to attack. the right answer.


21. (c) Personification 22. (D) (a) a feeling of anticipation
Explanation: Custard, being a dragon, is Explanation: The exclamatory marks
personified by referring to him with the are used by the poet to show the feeling
pronoun "him," treating him as if he were a of anticipation that Belinda feels when
human character with feelings and actions. looking at the pirate. Hence, (a) is the right
Hence, (c) is the right answer. answer.

The Tale of Custard the Dragon 27

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1. (a) Different perspectives on love Explanation: In the extract, the poet says
Explanation: The young man represents that God loves every person for their inner
superficial approach to love. On the other hand, selves. True love is always based on the
the "old religious man" perspective indicates a inner self and not on outer beauty.
more spiritual and unconditional form of love. 5. (A) (c)
2. (d) inner beauty
Explanation: The poem ‘For Anne Gregory’
conveys the message of giving importance to a Explanation: The first three lines of the
person’s inner beauty and not its outer beauty. extract are about how one can change
Hence, (d) is the right answer. his/her physical appearance through a
3. (a) Anaphora makeover. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
Explanation: Anaphora is a poetic device that (B) True
uses repetition of a particular word (in this Explanation: In the extract, Anne gives
case, ‘that’) at the beginning of successive lines an argument against the poet’s opinion
or stanzas to create a rhythmic effect. Hence, of men loving her for her physical charm.
(a) is the right answer. She is suggesting that by changing her
4. (A) (b) It fosters a feeling of closeness between hair colour with dye, she can test if young
Anne and the spiritual man. men will love her for who she really is as a
Explanation: The phrase creates a sense person rather than just being attracted to
of intimacy, which makes the religious her external beauty.
man's statement appear more heartfelt (C) application of a new hair colour.
and genuine to Anne. Hence, (b) is the Explanation: Anne is expressing her
right answer. intention to use hair-dye to change the
(C) external beauty color of her hair.


16. (A) (b) (3), (5) Explanation: Since the analogy is between
Explanation: Clearly, Anne is agitated by a colour (yellow) and the term used for the
men loving her only for her ‘hair’ and she hair of that colour (blonde), the answer
gets argumentative by saying that she can is red because ‘carrot’ also refers to red-
‘dye’ her hair if that’s the case. Hence, (b) is coloured hair.
the right answer. (E) (c) The dessert needs to set for two hours
(C) (b) Her desire to be loved for inner beauty. before being served.
Explanation: The decision to change the Explanation: Anne is talking about
colour of her hair is a reflection of Anne's applying her hair dye, which needs to
wish to be respected for her character and be kept on her hair to ‘set’. Similarly, the
inner traits rather than just her outward dessert needs to be kept aside before being
look. Hence, (b) is the right answer. so that it can be set properly. Hence, (c) is
(D) red the right answer.

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1. (b) 
"Indulgence without discipline can have Explanation: The description of maids
serious repercussions." rushing in and out with various items for
Explanation: The story highlights how Tricki's Tricki, such as day bed, night bed, favorite
excessive eating habits and lack of exercise cushions, toys, rubber rings etc. highlights
caused detrimental health effects. Hence, (b) is how spoilt and pampered Tricki was by Mrs.
the right answer. Pumphrey. Hence, (a) is the right answer.
(C) (b) (3) and (4)
2. (a) Excessive pampering can lead to
detrimental consequences. Explanation: As Mrs. Pumphrey was overly
emotional and highly attached to Tricki,
Explanation: The story revolves around a
personal appeal advertisements may
central message that excessive love and care
have made her purchase many things for
of animals can lead to repercussions. Mrs.
him. Also, as Tricki is very dear to her, she
Pumphrey over - feeding her pet makes him
doesn't want anything negative to happen
obese and he starts experiencing health issues.
to him. Thus, fear appeal may also make
Hence, (a) is the right answer.
her buy things for him. Hence, (b) is the
3. (A) (a) spoilt and pampered Tricki was right answer.


12. (a) (I) is right and (II) is wrong 14. (A) (c) He wanted to do an experiment on Tricki
Explanation: It is true that Tricky’s poor Explanation: Mr. Herriot wanted to take
health was a result of Mrs. Pumphrey’s over- Tricki away from Mrs. Pumphrey because
pampering, which ruined Tricky’s health.
Tricki had become plump and lazy because
However, Tricky is also responsible for his ill
of its owners excessive care.
health, as he had no limit to his diet and never
wanted to do any sort of activity. Hence, (a) is (D) (b) impractical but compassionate
the right answer. Explanation: Mrs. Pumphrey was
extremely generous and compassionate
13. (d) The planned venture was fruitful.
when it came to her pet, Tricki. She
Explanation: In the chapter, Dr. James Herriot
used to give him all his favourite food
didn’t do any real ‘surgery’ on Tricki. He
just made a plan to take Tricki away from his items. However, her actions reflect how
owner, Mrs. Pumphrey, so that he could be impractical she was because she kept on
relieved from obesity and lethargy. However, showing excessive care to him without
Mrs. Pumphrey felt that it was Herriot’s ‘surgery’ worrying about the consequences of her
that saved Tricki. Hence, (d) is the right answer. actions on Tricki’s health.

A Triumph of Surgery 29

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1. (a) Trust and betrayal trust by stealing his money. Hence, (a) is
Explanation: Throughout the story, the theme correct.
of trust is explored in different ways. Anil 2. (B) True.
befriends the thief, Hari and places his trust Explanation: "I hadn't had much luck of late"
in him by offering him work and a place to indicates that Hari hadn't been successful
stay. However, Hari ultimately betrays Anil's in stealing or duping people for some time.


14. (d) he could be easily fooled Explanation: Clearly, in the extract, Hari
Explanation: The reason why it was very Singh says, “I want to work for you” soon
pleasant for Hari Singh to work for Anil was after giving Anil a smile. This shows his art
that, he could be easily fooled. Hari used to steal of deceiving people. He didn’t really want
money here and there from Anil’s pocket, and the any work but wanted to rob Anil. Hence, (a)
latter never knew about it. Hence, (d) is the right is the right answer.
answer. (C) (d) naive
15. (a) uninteresting Explanation: Anil was naïve as he couldn’t
Explanation: Hari Singh was a thief by judge Hari’s real intentions behind his
profession. He enjoyed robbing cunning people, deceptive smile. Hence, (d) is the right
but Anil was very naive. This gullibility of Anil answer.
made Hari not want to steal from him. Anil (D) (c) (2) is the cause for (1).
made stealing enjoyable for Hari. Hence, (a) is Explanation: Clearly, Hari Singh couldn't
the right answer. cook and he made the food so bad that
16. (A) (b) staged move Anil had to give it to a stray dog. Hence, (c)
Explanation: Hari Singh was a thief
 is the right answer.
by profession. His only motive was to (E) linger.
deceive Anil. So, he planned his moves Explanation: The phrase “hung around”
carefully. It was staged. Hence, (b) is the means to wait or linger for something. Hari
right answer. was waiting for Anil to say something to
(B) (a) Deceit about for the bad food.

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1. (b) Excited on the other hand, refers to the feeling of
Explanation: Fowler was expecting something excitement and expectation that comes before
thrilling to happen that day, as he was with a an experience. Hence, (d) is correct.
spy. So, when he saw something suspenseful,
4. (B) False.
he got excited. It is also given in the story that
Explanation: The correct analogy would
it was his, ‘first authentic thrill’. Hence, (b) is the
be crafty : fox :: menacing : gun. The term
right answer.
‘crafty’ is related to ‘fox’ as Max’s face was
2. (d) F-(3), (4) and O-(1), (2) crafty as a fox, while the term ‘menacing’ is
Explanation: Options (1) and (2) are the related to ‘gun’ as the gun gave a menacing
opinions of the students, as they have words impression to Max’s character.
like “I think”. They are assumptions, not facts. 5. (B) (a) An act of spying
On the other hand, options (3) and (4) are
Explanation: The term ‘espionage’ refers
facts stated in the story. Hence, (d) is the right
to an act of spying. Ausable was a secret
agent and a spy. Hence, (a) is the right
3. (d) disillusionment is to anticipation. answer.
Explanation: Disillusionment refers to feeling (D) (b) Screamed
let down or disappointed when something Explanation: The term ‘chuckled’ means
does not meet our expectations. Anticipation, loud laughter. Hence, (b) is the right answer.


21. (A) (a) His heart sank (D) (b) exciting
Explanation: The extract mentions that Explanation: The word 'romantic' in the
Fowler felt 'let down'. Option A is correct context given means 'mysterious and
as 'his heart sank' implies that Fowler was exciting'. Thus 'exciting' can replace 'romantic'
'disappointed' or 'let down'. Hence, (a) is the in the given sentence. Hence, (b) is the right
right answer. answer.

The Midnight Visitor 31

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1. (b) It gives him important knowledge regarding 3. (C) (c) Delaying
the security of the home.
Explanation: The word "hindering" in
Explanation: The magazine article provides the sentence means causing a delay or
Horace with valuable information, such as the
obstruction, making it difficult for Horace
plan of all the rooms and the mention of a safe
to focus on his work. Hence, (c) is the right
hidden behind a painting. Hence, (b) is the right
answer. answer.
(D) (a) Contempt - a feeling that a person or
2. (a) It is a misguided notion that does not hold
thing is below one's consideration or
true in reality.
Explanation: The story ultimately reveals that
Horace is tricked by a woman who is from his Explanation: Horace considers people who
own profession. This indicates that the idea of own valuable things to be foolish, showing
trust and loyalty among thieves is not a reliable that he looks down on them. Hence, (a) is
or universal concept. Hence, (a) is correct. the right answer.

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1. (c) Both (1) and (2) are true. Explanation: The word ‘ready’ is used in
Explanation: We know from the story that the extract to mean that something is
Griffin had asked for privacy from the readily available. Option (c) uses the word
innkeeper, Mrs. Hall. She accepted it but still in the same sense. Hence, (c) is the right
judged his eccentric nature and suspicious answer.
looks. Hence, (c) is the right answer. (B) solitude
Explanation: Since the words, arrival and
2. (a) Griffin used his newfound invisibility to
exit are antonyms, we need to look for a
employ control over others
word that means the opposite of company.
Explanation: The theme of power and control
Company refers to having other people
is clearly evident in Griffin’s actions.
around. Solitude means the opposite.
Throughout the story, he takes advantage of
(C) (c) S
 trangers rarely visited the inn,
his invisibility by engaging in wrong activities
especially during the winter months.
such as theft and attacking others. By fear.
Hence, (a) is correct. Explanation: The statement suggests that
it was uncommon for unknown individuals
3. (A) (c) Mrs. Hall said there was a ready supply or newcomers to visit the inn during the
of food at the hotel. winter season. Hence, (c) is the right answer.


16. (d) had set fire to his landlord’s house Explanation: The invisible man had to face
Explanation: Griffin became a homeless the biggest problem. He had to get naked
in order to be invisible. Thus, he was feeling
wanderer after setting fire to his landlord's
cold as it was mid-winter in London, and
house, where he had been living while carrying
he could not wear anything as he would
out his experiments. This act led to him
become visible again.
becoming invisible and wander without a place
(B) he went along a street where there was no
to stay. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
17. (d) Brilliant, but lawless Explanation: As the footprints could only
Explanation: Griffin was referred to as a be visible on a muddy surface, the invisible
brilliant scientist due to his extraordinary man changed his path to where there was
accomplishments in discovering the invisibility no mud and saved himself from the boys.
Hence, (d) is the right answer.
formula. However, he turned lawless and
used his invisibility for selfish and destructive (C) (c) Both (A) and (B) are right.
purposes. Hence, (d) is the right answer. Explanation: It is clear from the extract
that the invisible man was stupid as he
18. (A) he was feeling cold without clothes. ‘had chosen the bad time of the year to

Footprints Without Feet 33

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wander’ naked in London as it was chilly. place calmly and quietly. Hence, (b) is the
However, he was clever enough to slip right answer.
into a ‘big London store for warmth’. Both
(a) and (b) are right. Hence, (c) is the right 19. (A) (c) she was in a state of panic
answer. Explanation: It is clearly given in the
extract that Mrs. Hall fell down the stairs
(D) (b) partly relieved
in ‘hysterics’. This means that she was in
Explanation: The invisible man was only a state of panic after seeing the unusual
‘partly relieved’ as even after getting rid of activity in the room.
the boys, his adventures were by no means
(D) (d) (1) and (6)
over’. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
Explanation: Mrs. Hall was ‘stunned’ to see
(E) (b) enter quietly uncommon activity in the room. She was
Explanation: ‘Slip into’ is a phrase that is also ‘agitated’ by the stranger who caused
used when something or someone enters a all that fuss.

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1. (a) Steadfast 3. (C) False
Explanation: The word ‘driving’ is used as an Explanation: It is clear from the extract
adjective in the sentence to mean a powerful that Ebright wanted to work on a theory
force or influence. ‘Steadfast’ has a similar that viceroys look like monarchs because
meaning. Hence, (a) is correct. monarchs don’t taste good to birds. So, (2)
and (4) can be applied as an answer to the
2. (b) Investigate the taste preferences of birds.
Explanation: In the story, it is mentioned that
Richard Ebright conducted an experiment (D) (b) bird
to see whether birds would eat monarch Explanation: The starling is a bird found
butterflies. This experiment was done to in Central America. Hence, (b) is the right
investigate the taste preferences of birds. answer.

The Making of a Scientist 35

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1. (c) The consequences of pride and vanity filled with elegance, wealth, and social status.
Explanation: Through Matilda’s story, the
Hence, (c) is the right answer.
story serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting
the negative outcomes that can result from
3. (B) (a) looking poor among the rich women.
pride, vanity, and the pursuit of superficial
appearances. Hence, (c) is correct. Explanation: Matilda believed that there
2. (c) Ambition was nothing more humiliating than to have
Explanation: Matilda feels dissatisfied with a shabby air in the midst of rich women.
her present situation and aspires for a life Hence, (a) is the right answer.

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1. (c) Confidence can help Bholi overcome her 3. (d) She was taken care of for that
speech challenges. Explanation: When Bholi was taken to school,
Explanation: The phrase suggests that fear her mother oiled her hair and made her wear
is a barrier for Bholi in speaking without a clean, decent dress. This was done for the
stammering. By removing fear from her heart first time for Bholi as she had always been
and gaining confidence, Bholi can overcome her
neglected by her family. So, she thought that
speech difficulties and speak like everyone
the place was ‘better than home’. Hence, (d) is
else. Hence, (c) is correct.
the right answer.
2. (a) It highlights her rebellious nature and
disregard for societal norms.
4. (B) (c) She was dressed in a decent manner for
the interview.
Explanation: Bholi's refusal to marry
Bishamber Nath shows her rebellious nature Explanation: The term ‘decent’ in the
and her disregard for societal norms. She extract means an appealing or nice dress.
chooses to prioritise her own happiness and Here, option (c) represents the same
self-respect over conforming to societal meaning of the word ‘decent’. Hence, (c) is
expectations. Hence, (a) is correct. the right answer.

Bholi 37

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1. (c) haberdashery Explanation: Think-tank wanted to leave Mars
for Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to
Explanation: A haberdashery is a store where
our own. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
sewing accessories are sold. The Martians
thought that the library was a haberdashery. 4. (B) (b) Tanishq is a tailor who makes garments
Hence, (c) is the right answer. for men only.
Explanation: The term ‘haberdashery’
2. (c) irony refers to a shop where dress pins, cloths,
Explanation: The author's writing style in the threads, buttons, cottons, etc, are sold.
story is filled with irony, creating a sense of Tanishq is a tailor so he is associated
humor and entertainment. An example of irony with ‘haberdashery’. Hence, (b) is the right
in the story is when Think-Tank, who considers answer.
himself the most intelligent being, relies on a (C) (c) “It’s quite obviously deducible, Omega”
mirror to reassure his intellectual greatness. Explanation: It is clear from the extract
Hence, (c) is correct. that Think Tank thought it to be very easy
for him to guess the item. Hence, (c) is the
3. (b) Alpha Centuari right answer.


17. (B) False than showcasing the depth of Martian
Explanation: Noodle's hopeful response cultural values.
to Think-Tank's comment suggests more
(C) (b) colonial
about the influence of Think-Tank's mindset
on Martian society rather than providing Explanation: Because of the Think-Tank's
insight into the richness of Martian eagerness to invade Earth . This eagerness
heritage and culture. It highlights a culture is rooted in imperialism and the disregard
that idealises intellectual arrogance rather for the autonomy of another civilization.

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