Jhames Baiso

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Day 1: Career Myth, Job Market and Impression Management.

Resume Writing, Interview Tips,

Success to Career Growth

The first day of work immersion started at 8 a.m. on March 18, 2024, at TIP Quezon City,
and our venue is the Bldg. 1 Training Room Department Career Center. We have 150 ICT
students from GIST COGEO in the room. The teachers introduced themselves and said good
morning, and we also introduced ourselves as students at Gist Cogeo and said good morning as
a sign of respect. They introduced what TIP is and how high quality it is to study at TIP School,
and the teacher also told us what course you can take if we study here at TIP.

We were given an activity called GOAL-SETTING to show that goal-setting is what you
want to get in life for short-term goals, long-term goals, and overall goals. And what I put in my
short-term goals is after finishing school; in the long-term, it is for work and business; and in the
overall goals, it is to be rich, stay able to work, and have a stable income. We had a lesson about
resume writing, and then we were given something to do, and we were all divided into 3 groups
for the activity to be done. We were given time to do resume writing, and my group mates got
together and helped. It will be reported in front; it will be explained step by step what is contained
in the resume, and we managed to do it well and report the given activity to us.

What I learned on the first day of our work immersion was that, first, when I did goal-
setting, I learned how to reach the dream that I wanted to get. For myself When here of
Appearance, Behavior, Communication. For appearance, good grooming, and attire.What is
important to everyone is the behavior I learned here: having a good attitude toward people I talk
to or interact with. As for resume writing, what I learned here is to create a resume and
requirements for when you are looking for a job.

Day 1
Date: March 18, 2024
Venue: Training Room
Day 2: Mental Health Webinar

Our second day of work immersion took place on March 20, 2024. We did not go to TIP
because our schedule on day 2 was a Zoom meet. The zoom meet started from 1 pm to 4 pm,
and then you have to enter the zoom meet before 1 pm because the zoom slot is limited. Always
before 1 am, I entered the Zoom meet. It's true, I didn't listen to the lesson at the Zoom meet
because we had a dance practice for the sportsfest to be held. But I have a screenshot of what
was taught in the Zoom meeting.

There is a brain boom where I will show different pictures and then combine them to create
an object. Prevalences include attending school, which has been recognized as one of the most
stressful times, and renegade. The lesson is also about good vs. bad stress. There is a change
in mindset: don't and do. There are 3 types of stress. The first is acute stress, which is the stress
experienced on a daily basis from minor situations. Loss of chronic stress: a consistent sense of
feeling pressured and overwhelmed over a long period of time. Third is episodic acute stress,
which is when a person experiences acute stress frequently. What stresses you out?

What I learned here is how to avoid stress in life. Don't do stressful things, and just chill in
life. Do more stress relievers. Just like sports, I learned a lot about family bonding to get rid of my
stress. Entertain yourself at least once by exercising and focusing on the goal of being chill. Don't
always be serious about things.

Day 2
Date: March 20, 2024
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Day 3 Basic Electrical Wiring and Practical Electricity

The third day of work immersion took place on March 25, 2024. Still at TIP, everyone
gathered at the cover court of the tip because they were still waiting for the other ICT students
who were on their way. In the village court, events are held at their school. Around 8, we were
divided into 2 groups. Because we have many students, we will go to the electrical wiring and
practical electricity rooms.

The first one we went to was the practical electricity room. Electricity was explained to us.
What are the different uses of electricity? Almost everything I use every day is electric, such as a
cellphone and a flash light. Then we did an earthquake drill. All the students in TIP were involved.
We were in the electrical wiring room, and you taught us the wiring and how to turn on the light.
They called a student to do the wiring for the light to work. and when it was over, we toured TIP
in every room. They showed me how good it is to study at TIP.

For me, what I learned on our third day at TIP is about electricity. All the things that are
used on a daily basis and that use electricity. As for the electrical wiring, it's not that difficult to turn
on the lights. As for the wiring, it turns out that there must be codes so that it is not confused when
wiring. In their school, it's nice to study because they have complete tools and machines.

Day 3
Date: March 25, 2024
Venue: Training Room
Day 4: Groupings Activity

Days 4 of Work Immersion will be completed by April 8, 2024. The ICT students still
gathered together in the PE Court at 8 a.m. It's around 9 to start the activity groupings because
you're using other ICT because there are latecomers. Then I went by group and went to team A.

There are many activities that can be played, and they also need help to get more points.
We split up into groups to do more activities to get more points faster. I played Hollen. I don't know
what the village game is called, but it's very boring to play because you have to roll the hollen and
get it into the blocks, and I'm not lucky enough to win. We will all hold hands and enter the hula
hoops, and we cannot let go of our hands. We were happy to do the activities very solid Enjoy.

What I learned from the activity they did. Help to make things easier. You also need a
strategy to win. Enjoying the activity is more than anything. It's so much fun to do the activity with
cooperation and unity.

Day 4
Date: April 8, 2024
Venue: P.E. Center 1
Day 5: Robotics

Day 5 of Work Experience was done on April 17, 2024, in TIP Bldg. 1 Training Room,
Department of Computer Engineering. It's all about robotics, and we will tour labs like ComLab
and others again.

We toured the labs at TIP. I showed them how the robot car they made was powered.
What they did was amazing. Cellphone enabled it, and to rotate it on the black line, it has coding,
so it can rotate on the black line. Its parts are not just found in stores.

What I learned on day 5 of our work immersion was how to operate the robot vehicle. It
turns out that it uses coding and expensive parts. I also found out that there are many processes
to make it work, and coordination is needed.

Day 5
Date: April 17, 2024
Venue: Training Room
Day 6 Laboratories

Day 6 of work immersion took place on April 19, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 12 n.m. in the TIP
Bldg.1 Training Room, Department of Electronics Engineering.

On this day, we will have a tour of the laboratories and the car engine. in the internal
combustion engine laboratory. They showed us how the machines work. Like car engines. We
were asked to try starting the car's engine. After that, we went to the machine shop. They showed
us how to make rings and many other things that we could use for small things, and how we could
use them. I also tried to do it.

What I learned on our tour today is how to start the car engine step by step. I will also
learn how to make the rings by using the machine to carve them to make the design you want. It
also needs a strategy to make things better.

Day 6
Date: April 19, 2024
Venue: Training Room
Day 7: Robotics Work shop

Day 7 of work immersion was done on April 27, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at TIP in the
robotics work shop. We were divided into groups; a group must have 15 members for the activity.
My group is 19. There are many groups. Because this is the last day, all the ICTS students are
with us.

The first thing we did was, when the light was turned on, it had to be connected to the
laptop to be coded. After doing this, someone will ask me how it was activated and what the code
that was placed here is for. And the last thing we do is teach my robot car how to operate it, and
it has to rotate on the created line. It is also coded so that it can be rotated on the line so that the
robot can detect it through coding.

What I learned here is that when turning on the light, cooling is used so that it goes off
when it's bright and opens when it's dark. As for the robot, it's not easy to do it. It needs my
thoughts on where to put each of its parts, and it also needs coding to enable and operate this
line that he wants to follow.

Day 7
Date: April 27, 2024
Venue: Seminar Room

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