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A Project Report Proposal


T. U. Registered No: 7-2-48-1938-2019


Finance Group

Submitted To:

The faculty of management



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of


Pokhara, Nepal

March, 2024
I hereby declare that the project work entitled ‘CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARD COKES
TEST.’ Submitted to the Faculty of Management, T. U., Kathmandu is an original piece of work
under the supervision of Mrs. JAMUNA SHARMA, faculty member of PRITHVI NARAYAN
CAMPUS in POKHARA and is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award
of degree of Bachelor’s in Business Studies. This project work report hasn’t been submitted to
any other university for the award of any Degree or diploma.


Date: March 2024


NARAYAN CAMPUS, POKHARA, NEPAL, is prepared under my supervision as per the procedure
and format requirements laid by the Faculty of Management, T. U., as partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree of bachelors of business studies. I, therefore,
recommend the project work report for evaluation.




We hereby endorse the project work report entitled ‘CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARD
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for award for the Bachelor of Business
Studies for external evaluation.


Chairman, Research Committee PRITHVI NARAYAN CAMPUS

MARCH, 2024 MARCH, 2024

This study attempts to examine the CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARD COKE TEST, with
available data and information. It deals with the problem identification besides the field study
to acquire the reality of banking operation of COKE TEST. For easier study the data has been
presented by tables, graphs and have been interpreted using various statistical methods.

I express my heartiest gratitude to Mrs. JAMUNA SHARMA for guiding and inspiring me to do
this work.

Similarly, I am equally thankful to all the teacher of PRITHVI NARAYAN CAMPUS, Department of
Management who helped me preparing this project. I would like to extend my gratitude to our
college Campus chief Prof Dr. Saroj Koirala and Dr. Devilal Sharma for his continuous
encouragement in our study.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the staff of COKE COMPANY Ltd, for providing me
related data, information and contribution.

Finally, I want to thank my family, friends and colleagues for their continued moral support.



March, 2024
Table of contents


Supervisor’s recommendation



Table of contents

List of tables

List of figure



1.1 Background of the study……………………………………………………………………………….. 1

1.2 Profile of the organization……………………………………………………………………………. 2
1.3 Statement of problem……………………………………………………………………………………. 3
1.4 Objective of the study…………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
1.5 Research Methodology……………………………………………………………………………………. 3
1.5.1 Research design……………………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.5.2 Source of data……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.6 Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………………………….6

1.7 Research methodology…………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

1.7.2 Research Design……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

1.7.3 Source Data…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

1.7.4 Data Collection Procedure………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Sampling Method…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8 analysis Method……………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

1.7.5 Need and scope of the study……………………………………………………………………………………… 8

1.8 Limitation………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9


2.1 Reliability Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

2.2 Demographic profile of the respondents………………………………………………………………. 15
2.3 Descriptive Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
2.3.1 Price………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
2.3.2 Quality……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
2.3.3 Taste…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
2.3.4 Advertisement…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
2.3.5 Hygienic………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
2.3.6 Consumer Satisfaction…………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
2.4 Inferential Analysis …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
2.4.1 Correlation Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
2.5 Hypothesis Testing…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25
2.5.1 Regression Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28
2.6 Main Finding and discussion……………………………………………………………………………………….. 30



3.1 SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 32

3.2 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 33

RECOMMENDATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 34

BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35

TABLE 1: Reliability Statistics Analysis

Table 2: Distribution of respondents based on Gender

Table 3: Respondents based on Age

Table 4: Respondents based on levels of education

Table 5: Respondents based on customer profile

Table 6: Descriptive statistics of price

Table 7: Descriptive statistics of quality

Table 8: Descriptive statistics of Taste

Table 9: Descriptive statistics of advertisement

Table 10: Descriptive statistics of Hygienic

Table 11: Descriptive Statistics of customer Satisfaction

Table 12: Correlation Analysis

Table 13: Model Summary

Table 14: Anova

Table 15: Coefficient

List of Figures

Figure 1: Distribution of respondents based on Gender

Figure 2: Respondent Based on Age

Figure 3: Respondents based on levels of education

Figure 4: Respondents based on Customer Profiles


1.1 Background of the study

A Coca-Cola drink is a beverage often carbonated soft drink are more commonly known as
soda, pop, tonic etc., in part of the united states and Canada or fizzy drinks in the UK sometimes
called minerals in Ireland. It is a non-alcoholic beverage. It is artificially flavor sand contain no
fruits. The consumer market can be defined as the market for products and service that are
purchased by Individual as households goods for their personal consumption.

The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s leading beverage company and perhaps the most
recognized brand name in the world. Pirating in 200 countries with a diverse product range
consisting of an astounding 500 brands and 3300 beverages, the company considers the “Coca-
Cola” name itself worth billions of dollars. Protecting its brand image and reputation, therefore,
is a key priority for Coca-Cola management. Coca-Cola mission is stated simply as“ at the Coca-
Cola Company, we strive to refresh the world, inspire moments of optimism and happiness,
create value and make a difference”. Coca-Cola is the most popular and biggest selling soft
frank in history, as well as one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Created in 1886 in
Atlanta, Georgia, by dr. johns. Pemberton, Coca-Cola syrup with carbonated water. Coca-Cola
was patented in 1887, registered as a trademark in 1893 and by1895 it was being sold in every
state and territory in the United States. In 1899, the Coca Cola Company began franchised
bottling operations in the United States and in 1906 bottling operations for Coca-Cola began to
expanding internationally. The Coca-Cola company as it is known is still headquartered in
Atlanta Georgia where is it was founded over one hundred years ago. Coca-Cola has hundreds
of brands and thousands of products sold worldwide in over 200 countries. Some brands and
products are only sold locally due to cultural taste while other products are sold in a specific
region or around the world. (Bevelery, 1998)

The exact formula of coca-colas natural flavorings is a trade secret. The original copy of the
formula was held in SunTrust banks main vault in Atlanta for 86 years. On December 8,2011,
the original secret formula was moved from the vault at SunTrust banks to a new vault
containing the formula which will be on display for visitors to its world of Coca-Cola museum in
downtown, Atlanta. When launched, coca-colas two key ingredients were cocaine and caffeine.
The cocaine was derived from the coca leaf and the caffeine from kola nut, leading to the name
Coca-Cola (the “k” in kola was replaced with a “c” for marketing purposes). Besides this Coca-
Cola contains carbonated water and sugar.
Coca-Cola is a company with strives to use their international presences and their marketing
strategies as a platform for spreading happiness. The coca-colas aim throughout the years has
been to become the ubiquity among its consumers, this means that the drink aims on being
everywhere at the same time. It has made this achievement through intensive marketing and
advertising, and taking part of the environmental and global initiatives to be the household
name among the consumers. Coca-Cola uses various channels to promote its products and
bring up the company’s concern towards current ecological and humanitarian issues.

Nowadays the advertising is focused on TV, and roadsides are block full of bill boards promoting
healthy products and happiness and joy towards life, Coca-Cola is ever-present in major sports
events as one of the main sponsors and a familiar bottle can be seen held by both the athletes
after their hard work as well as spectators. The company uses also social media to talk and raise
discussion towards equality, environmental aspects, and preservation of the natural resources.

1.2 Profile of the organization

The Coca-Cola Company’s operational structure includes four geographic operating segments:
Europe, Middle East & Africa; Latin America; North America; and Asia Pacific. The company
reporting structure also includes the non-geographic segments of Global Ventures and Bottling
Investments Group (BIG). Geographic operating segments are then further divided into smaller
geographic regions, such as Europe, Japan & South Korea, and ASEAN and South Pacific.

This geographic structure means that overall, the company’s organizational structure is
relatively tall and complex. The Coca-Cola Company is controlled through a vertical top-down
hierarchy, with decision-making authority residing with the company’s upper management and
flowing down the organizational hierarchy.

Given that the Coca-Cola Company has a workforce of more than 700,000 across 200 countries
with several geographic operating segments, this makes sense. High-level oversight and
decision-making authority are necessary for the company to retain control of its global
operations, provide it with overall direction, and provide support to its regional operations
1.3 Problem of Statement

The main purpose of this research work is to Consumer Satisfaction. The research aims to
capture intelligence on how current activities in consumer satisfaction. Coco-cola ltd as a
company holding the highest market share in the soft drink beverage industry in Ghana would
need to have a very competent a capable to consumer satisfaction. How the firms controls its
consumer satisfaction process shows the satisfaction towards the coco-cola product. The study
is based on the satisfaction of Coco-Cola Company with its customers.

1.4 Objective of the study

The purpose of the study is to examine the study of consumer satisfaction towards coco-cola
product in Kathmandu, especially the objectives of study are:

❖ To analyze the various dimensions of Coca-Cola and its impact upon consumer satisfaction.

❖ To know about the consumer buying behavior.

❖ To find out the qualities that attracted the people towards coco-cola product.

❖ To get feedback from the consumers on the company’s various product of coco-cola.

1.5 Research Methodology

Research method is defined as techniques that are used for conducting research such as indata
collection, data analysis, and evaluation of the accuracy of the research results (Sekaran,
2003).In order to analyze the various aspects of Coca-Cola the reliability of the data is very
important. The study is conducted to find out the consumer satisfaction on Coco-Cola products
in Chennai city. Sampling means a few unit of population consider for analysis this in the
smallest representation of a large whole are it is the process by which the sample park is
selected to represents the whole. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, both primary
and secondary sources have been used for the data collection.
1.5.1 Research design

A research design is the plant specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the
information needed to solve the research problem. Descriptive research design was used to
conduct the study. It will include survey and facts finding inquires to fulfill research objectives it
will used the available data from both primary and secondary sources. Infect a well-planned
and well balanced research design guards against collection of irrelevant data and achieves the
result in the best possible way.

1.5.2 Source Data

A. Primary Data: Data which are collected fresh and for the first time and thus happens to be
original in character. Primary data are gathered for specific purpose.

B. Secondary Data: Data that collected from primary data i.e., they are already exit Somewhere.

1.6 Review of literature

According to (Kristin, 2009), Coca-Cola was established in 1886 and through all of the rough
times and competition is still one of the top refreshment brands today. They own four of the
world’s top nonalcoholic beverage brands, they operate in 200 countries and they have more
than 3000 products (Coca-Cola company).The Coca-Cola Company has a rich history that is
steeped in tradition, creativity, optimism and a secret formula. Competent food technologists
could replicate cokes “secret formula”, but what differentiates coke from all other cola brands
is its distinctive logo or brand and packaging, which is the work of many years of promotion and
advertising and also supported by near-universal availability (Belington, 2002)

Known for their creativity, fresh ideas and revolutionary, award-winning ads, Coca-Cola is truly
an icon in the world of advertising. They are a company seen by many as enduring and timeless,
as their product has been advertised through different generations, and has been around in
three different centuries. Coca-Cola’s intentionality within their advertising has given them an
incredible international presence as a brand but also as a company that is consistent, fresh, and
innovative. The majority of their advertising and marketing is focused on finding joy and
happiness in the little things in life, not necessarily on the products itself. According to
(R.George, 1999) Coca-Cola is a company who strives to use their international presence and
their marketing strategies as a platform for spreading happiness. As a company, they have
taken things like polar bears, contour glass bottles, the color red, and people of different
ethnicities singing on a hill and made them iconic.

As per the Views of (Michael, 2014) Impact of Media on Consumers Brand Preference, A Study
on Carbonated Beverage Market with Reference to Coca– Cola. The collected data from the
survey shows that brand preference exists in the carbonated beverage market and the media
efforts affects consumer preferences and their brand choice. Out of 8 different carbonated
beverage brands which featured in this study, Coca-Cola topped the brand preference table in
carbonated beverage industry. Hence it is clear that Coca-Cola is the favorite carbonated
beverage among consumers. Based on this study, advertisement and taste are the major factors
responsible for the success of Coca-Cola. (Altstiel, 2006)

The implication of this is that, other variables does not influence much when brand is supported
by heavy advertisements and appeals to consumers' taste buds which persuades them to
continue buying. Majority of the respondents claimed to have known Coca-Cola over15 year
having been in existence for more than 20 years still remain the delight of the company .

1.7 Research Methodology

Research method is defined as techniques that are used for conducting research such as in data
collection, data analysis, and evaluation of the accuracy of the research results (Sekaran,
2003).In order to analyze the various aspects of Coca-Cola the reliability of the data is very
important. The study is conducted to find out the consumer satisfaction on Coco-Cola products
in Chennai city. Sampling means a few unit of population consider for analysis this in the
smallest representation of a large whole are it is the process by which the sample park is
selected to represents the whole. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, both primary
and secondary sources have been used for the data collection.

1.7.2 Research Design

A research design is the plant specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the
information needed to solve the research problem. Descriptive research design was used to
conduct the study. It will include survey and facts finding inquires to fulfill research objectives it
will used the available data from both primary and secondary sources. Infect a well-planned
and well balanced research design guards against collection of irrelevant data and achieves the
result in the best possible way.

1.7.3 Source Data

A. Primary Data: Data which are collected fresh and for the first time and thus happens to be
original in character. Primary data are gathered for specific purpose.

B. Secondary Data: Data that collected from primary data i.e. they are already exit somewhere.
For the purpose of our study I collect both the data.
1.7.4 Data Collection Procedure

In gathering primary data, there are basically three methods: direct questionnaire, research
interview and observation. Among these, this study will be based on direct questionnaire
method for collecting primary data. The questionnaire will be distributed to public of markets
and collected to make them applicable for the data analysis. For collecting secondary data, web
browser, case studies of published and unpublished research articles and papers will be used. Sampling Method

A sample is a smaller representation of larger whole, when some of the elements are selected
with the intention of finding out something about the population from which they are taken,
that group of elements is referred as a sample, and the process of selection is called sampling.
As the research objective is to study of consumer’s satisfaction towards coco-cola so, the
primary focus on regular consumer of coco-cola. I have done research on consumer of
Kathmandu valley, 50 respondents selected using a random sampling technique. Data Analysis Method

The necessary data for this study was used to collect from market thus, at first the data of
consumer’s satisfaction of coco-cola product will be collected and analyzed using statistical
programs like space.

1.7.5 Need and Scope of the Study

This study helps to make the people aware about the importance of consumer satisfaction
towards coco-cola product in Kathmandu. It helps to show the main cause of increasing
business of coke products and also help top show possible alternatives of development and
promotion of this product. The objective of this report was to gain insight in the field of making
business plan and analyzing the financial situation. This study is an attempt to analyze the
association between the socio economic profile of the respondents and the selection of
product. It also studies the level of satisfaction of the selected product of coco cola.

As said earlier this study might have an Impact in the designing of the management strategy for
the consumer satisfaction of the firm. Since this research investigation is being done by an
outsider, the results would be void of manipulation of fact.
1.8 Limitation

The limitations that we faced during making the report were,

 Limited time and resources available while conducting necessary surveys to collect
primary data.
 Study cannot authenticate the validity of response obtained from respondents.
 The data obtained in some cases may be biased.
 Findings of the study may not be applicable to other products.
 Only 50 respondents are selected for questionnaire.

2.1 Reliability analysis

This chapter aims to interpret data collected through the survey questionnaire and personal
interview and analysis that result together with the researched theories. It further summarized
the finding according to the research objectives. MS word has used to process the data and
illustrate the finding using different charts and graph.

Table: 2.1.1 Reliability Statistics Reliability Statistics

Crohbach’s Alpha No. of items

.874 22

The reliability analysis shows that there is reliability of the research as per cronbach’s alpha
0.874 for overall items. In sample worlds the research is 87.4% reliable therefore it plots that
overall quantities based on data and output are relevant and reliable.

2.2 Demographic profile of the respondents

This section gives the summary of the primary data collected the questionnaire distribution.
The analysis of demographic profile is done by the interpretation of the responses collected.

This section deals with the profile of the respondents characterized by gender, age, levels of
education and customer profile.

2.2.1 Gender of the respondent

Table: 2.2.1 Distribution of respondents based on Gender


Frequency Percent

Male 29 58.0

Female 21 42.0

Total 50 100.0

Figure: 2.2.1 Distribution of respondents based on gender


Figure 2.2.1 shows the gender of the respondents. Out of 50 respondents, 29 respondents were
male represented by 58% and 21 respondents were female represented by 42% of the total

2.2.2 Age of the respondent

Table: 2.2.2 Respondents based on Age


Frequency percentage

Under 20 7 14.0

20-30 33 66.0

30-40 7 14.0

40 and 3 6.0

Total 50 100.0
Figure2.2.2 Respondent based on age


under 20

Figure: 2.2.2 Age of respondents

Figure 2.2.2 show the age of the respondents. Out of 50 respondents, majority of respondents
i.e. 7 are under 20 years represented by 14%, 33 respondents are 20-30 years represented by
66%, 7 are 30-40 years represented by 14% and 3 respondents are 40 and above represented
by 6%.
2.2.3 Levels of Education of the respondents

Table: 2.2.3 Respondents based on levels of education

Level of education

Frequency Percent

SLC 5 10

+2 13 26

Bachelor 22 44

Master 10 20

Total 50 100

Levels of education

Figure: 2.2.3 Levels of education of the respondents

Figure 2.2.3 shows the level of the education of the respondents, out of 50 respondents, 5
respondents were SLC represented by 10% 13 respondents were +2 represented by 26%, 22
respondents, were Bachelor represented by 44% and 10 respondents were Master represented
by 20%.

2.2.4 Customer profile of the respondents

Table: 2.2.4 Respondents based on Customer Profile

Customer Profile

Frequency Percent

Student 36 72

Employee 18

Self- employed 4 8

Unemployed 1 2

Total 50 100
Customer profile

2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr

Figure: 2.2.4 Respondents based on customer profile

Figure 2.2.4 shows the customer profile of the respondents. Out of 50 respondents, majority of
respondent i. e 36 are student represented by 72%. 9 respondents were employee represented
by 18%. 4 respondents were self- employed represented by 8% and 1 respondents were
unemployed represented by 2%.

2.3 Descriptive Analysis

This section includes the descriptive analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire
during the research with the help of various measures of central tendency which includes
mean, standard deviation as well as minimum and maximum values. This research attempts to
find out the factors influencing consumer’s satisfaction towards Coco-Cola product in

2.3.1 Price

The level of agreement of respondents towards Coco-Cola product price is analyzed basis of 4
items. These items are presented as P1, P2, P3 and P4 which denote the following statements.

P1: I think price is important when I buy coco-cola product.

P2: I find the price for coco-cola product is reasonable.

P3: I spend my pocket money in buying coco-cola product.

P4: The price of coco-cola product are affordable.

Table: 2.3.1 Descriptive statistics of price

Statement N Mean S.D

P1 50 3.46 0.613

P2 50 3.74 0.828

P3 50 3.76 0.743

P4 50 3.92 0.829

Total 50 3.72 0.753

Table: 2.3.1 shows the descriptive statistics of price. P4 has the highest mean of 3.92 which
implies the respondents are convinced for the price of coco- cola in regards to its other
products. Similarly P3 has the mean value of 3.76 which implies fewer respondents try to find
price of coco-cola product in Kathmandu.

2.3.2 Quality

The level of agreement of respondents towards Quality is analyzed on the basic of 4 items.
These items are presented as Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 which denotes the following statements.

Q1: I like the quality of material used for packaging.

Q2: Coco-cola product are considered to be high quality.

Q3: The product of coco-cola is good in terms of appearance.

Q4: I think the quality is an important criteria when I buy coco-cola products.
Table: 2.3.2 Descriptive Statistics of Quality

statement n Mean S.D

Q1 50 3.52 0.706

Q2 50 3.88 0.773

Q3 50 3.36 0.721

Q4 50 3.62 0.779

50 0.744

Total 3.595

Table: 2.3.2 shows the descriptive statistics of quality factory. Q2 has the highest mean of 3.88
which implies the respondents are convinced for the quality of coco-cola in regards to its other
products. Similarly Q1 has the mean value of 3.52 which implies fewer respondents try to find
price of coco-cola product in the market.

2.3.3 Taste

The level of agreement of respondents towards quality is analyzed on the basis of 4 items.
These items are presented as T1, T2, AND T3 which denotes the following statements.

T1: Coco-cola is known for its unique taste.

T2: Coco-cola product is more impressive than others.

T3: I have truly enjoyed the taste of coco-cola.

Table: 2.3.3 Descriptive statistics of Taste

Statement N Mean S.D

T1 50 3.46 0.838

T2 50 3.66 0.798

T3 50 3.88 0.718

Total 50 3.66 0.786

Table: 2.2.3 shows the descriptive statistics of Taste factor. T3 has the highest mean of
3.88which implies the respondents are convinced for the taste of coco-cola in regards to its
other products. Similarly T1 has the mean value of 3.46 which implies fewer respondents try to
find taste of coco-cola product in the Kathmandu.

2.3.4 Advertisement

The level of agreement of respondents towards Advertisement is analyzed on the basis of 4

items. These items are presented as A1, A2, A3 and A4 which denotes the following statements.

A1: Television advertising will attract your attention to coco-cola product.

A2: I will buy coco-cola even no advertising.

A3: I am satisfied with my decision to buy this product after watching advertisement on

A4: I believe on advertisement which advertised by celebrity.

Table: 2.3.4 Descriptive Statistics of Advertisement

Statement N Mean S. D

A1 50 3.62 0.901

A2 50 3.66 0.772

A3 50 3.72 0.729

A4 50 3.94 0.682

Total 50 3.735 0.771

Table: 2.3.4 shows the descriptive statistics of Advertisement factor. A4 has the highest mean
of 3.94 which implies the respondents are convinced for the Advertisement of coco-cola in
regards to its other products. Similarly A3 has the mean value of 3.72 which implies fewer
respondents try to find Advertisement of coco-cola product in the Kathmandu.

2.3.5 Hygienic

The level of agreement of respondents towards Hygienic is analyzed on the basis of 3 items.
These items are presented as H1, H2, and H3 which denotes the following statements.

H1: The coco-cola is hygienic for drink.

H2: The chemical and substance which is used in coco-cola product is hygienic.

H3: This is the one of the best hygienic product I could have bought.
Table: 2.3.5 Descriptive Statistics of Hygienic

Statement N Mean S. D

H1 50 3.52 0.838

H2 50 3.52 0.762

H3 50 3.80 0.782

50 0.794

Total 3.63

Table: 2.3.5 shows the descriptive statistics of Hygienic factor. H3 has the highest mean of 3.80
which implies the respondents are convinced for the Hygienic of coco-cola in regards to its
other products. Similarly H2 has the mean value of 3.52 which implies fewer respondents try to
find Hygienic of coco-cola product in the Kathmandu.

2.3.6 Consumer Satisfaction

The level of agreement of respondents towards Consumer Satisfaction is analyzed on the basis
of 4 items. These items are presented as CS1, CS2, CS3 and CS4 which denotes the following

CS1: Overall I am very satisfied with product.

CS2: Product are available at reasonable price.

CS3: Considering my experience about coco-cola product, I would recommend others to

drink this product.

CS4: Coco-Cola product is easy to find in the market.

Table: 2.3.6 Descriptive Statistics of customer Satisfaction

Statement N Mean S. D

CS1 50 3.74 0.723

CS2 50 3.92 0.751

CS3 50 3.68 0.740

CS4 50 4.04 0.668

Total 50 3.85 0.725

Table: 2.3.6 shows the descriptive statistics of Consumer satisfaction factor. CS4 has the highest
mean of 4.04 which implies the respondents are convinced for the Consumer Satisfaction of
coco-cola in regards to its other products. Similarly CS3 has the mean value of 3.68 which
implies fewer respondents try to find Consumer Satisfaction of coco-cola product in the
2.4 Inferential Analysis
2.4.1 Correlation Analysis

Pearson’s correlation analysis is carried out in order to know to what extent variables under
study are correlated to each other. A positive correlation reveals that the direction of the
relationship positive with one increasing in reaction to the other’s increase. Meanwhile a
negative correlation reveals that an inverse of the above which is increase in one variable when
there decrease in other

Table: 2.4.1 Correlations analysis.

Price Quality Taste Advertisement Hygienic Consumer


Price Pearson 1




Quality Pearson 545 1


Sig. 0.000


Taste Pearson 365 428 1



(2-tailed) 0.009 0.002

Advert Pearson 558 531 610 1

isement Correlation


(2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000

Hygienic Pearson 409 278 416 603 1


0.003 0.051 0.003 0.000

Consumer Pearson 436 419 429 628 632 1

0.002 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.000

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Relation between price and Consumer Satisfaction

The correlation coefficient(r) between Price and Consumer Satisfaction is 0.002 which means
there is positive correlation between them. The p-value is found to be 0.05, which means that
there is positive and significant relationship between Price and Consumer satisfaction.

Relation between Quality and Consumer Satisfaction

The correlation coefficient(r) between Quality and Consumer Satisfaction is 0.002 which means
there is positive correlation between them. The p-value is found to be 0.05, which means that
there is positive and significant relationship between Quality and Consumer satisfaction.
Relation between Taste and Consumer Satisfaction

The correlation coefficient(r) between Taste and Consumer Satisfaction is 0.002 which means
there is positive correlation between them. The p-value is found to be 0.05, which means that
there is positive and significant relationship between Taste and Consumer satisfaction.

Relation between Advertisement and Consumer Satisfaction

The correlation coefficient(r) between Advertisement and Consumer Satisfaction is 0.000 which
means there is positive correlation between them. The p-value is found to be 0.05, which
means that there is positive and significant relationship between Advertisement and Consumer

Relation between Hygienic and Consumer Satisfaction

The correlation coefficient(r) between Hygienic and Consumer Satisfaction is 0.000 which
means there is positive correlation between them. The p-value is found to be 0.05, which
means that there is positive and significant relationship between Hygienic and Consumer

2.5 Hypothesis Testing

H1: There is significant relationship between Price and Consumer’s satisfaction.

Since p value (0.002)<α(0.05). H1 is accepted. Hence this shows the correlation is significant at
5% level of significant.

H2: There is significant relationship between Quality and Consumer’s satisfaction.

Since p value (0.002)<α(0.05). H2 is accepted. Hence this shows the correlation is significant at
5% level of significant.

H3: There is significant relationship between Taste and Consumer’s satisfaction.

Since p value (0.002)<α(0.05). H3 is accepted. Hence this shows the correlation is significant at
5% level of significant.

H4: There is significant relationship between Advertisement and Consumer’s satisfaction.

Since p value (0.000)<α(0.05). H4 is accepted. Hence this shows the correlation is significant at
5% level of significant.

H5: There is significant relationship between Hygienic and Consumer’s satisfaction.

Since p value (0.000)<α(0.05). H5 is accepted. Hence this shows the correlation is significant at
5% level of significant.

2.5.1 Regression Analysis

Regression analysis was conducted by using SPSS in order to examine the factors influencing
Consumer Satisfaction towards Coco-cola product in Kathmandu. A correlation analysis only
tells a relationship exists between dependent and independent variables. For a deeper
understanding of the factors influencing Consumer Satisfaction towards Coco-cola product in
Kathmandu. The regression analysis is conducted and the regression equation model is given

Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5


Y= Dependent variable

X1= Price

X2= Quality

X3= Taste

X4= Advertisement

X5= Hygienic

Model summary

Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error of

square square the Estimate

1 0.715 0.511 0.455 0.36120

Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
square square

Regression 5.996 5 1.199 9.191 .000

Residual 5.741 44 .130

Total 11.736 49

a. Predictors: (Constant), Hygienic, Quality, Taste, Price, Advertisement

b. Dependent Variable: Consumer Satisfaction

Table, clearly indicates that the strength of relationship between consumer satisfaction and
price, quality, taste, advertisement and hygienic. It has been obtained by using regression
model summary and ANOVA. According to table (model summary), the degree of relationship
between consumer satisfaction and price, quality, taste, advertisement and hygienic is about 49
percent. The R-Square value is 0.511 indicates this percentage increases. To check the cases of
overstatement in R-Square, adjusted used. Since the adjusted R-Square value was same as that
of R-Square, it means that strength of relationship between consumer satisfaction and price,
quality, taste, advertisement and hygienic (49%) is actual and realistic. Thus if the consumer
puts more emphasis on price, quality, taste, advertisement and hygienic and consumer
satisfaction is likely to increase by 49%.

Unstandardized coefficient Standardized
Model T

B Std. Error Sig.


Constant .950 .486 - 1.956 .057

Price .034 .133 .035 .254 .800

Quality .129 .137 .127 .940 .352

Taste .017 .112 .020 .150 .881

Advertisement .252 .148 .287 1.699 .096

Hygienic .360 .121 .401 2.984 .005

Dependent Variable: Consumer Satisfaction

From the table (coefficient) the result of multiple regression analysis can be shown as the
following equation can be formulated for the independent variable of consumer satisfaction as:

Y = 0.950 + 0.034(P) + 0.129(Q) + 0.017(T) + 0.252(A) + 0.360(H)


Y= Dependent variable (consumer satisfaction)

P= Independent variable (Price)

Q= Independent variable (Quality)

T= Independent variable (Taste)

A= Independent variable (Advertisement)

H= Independent variable (Hygienic)

The calculated value of F (49) equal to 9.191 and p-value is 0.01. It reveals that F-value is
significant at 5% level of significance. The regression model used in the research is fit. It shows
the existence of mathematical relationship between price, quality, taste, advertisement,
hygienic and consumer satisfaction.

Findings on the relationship between price, quality, taste, advertisement, hygienic and
consumer satisfaction are obtained using regression coefficient as indicated in table. The
coefficient table presents the statistical significance of the variables entered. The significance
column has been checked for values bellows approximately 0.05 levels in the table. The findings
shows that price, quality, taste, advertisement, hygienic has statistically significant relationship
with consumer’s satisfaction.

From the coefficient table it is found that price has statistically contributed to buying decision
as (Beta= 0.133) and p-value is 0.800 thus it can be concluded that there is significant effect on
price on consumer satisfaction in Kathmandu at significant level of p<0.05. The finding
demonstrated that the first hypothesis, price has positive relationship between consumer’s

From the coefficient table it is found that quality has statistically contributed to consumer
satisfaction as (Beta= 0.129) and p-value is 0.352 thus it can be concluded that there is
significant effect on quality on consumer satisfaction in Kathmandu at significant level of
p<0.05. The finding demonstrated that the second hypothesis, quality has positive relationship
between consumer’s satisfaction.

From the coefficient table it is found that taste has statistically contributed to consumer
satisfaction as (Beta= 0.017) and p-value is 0.881 thus it can be concluded that there is
significant effect on taste on consumer satisfaction in Kathmandu at significant level of p<0.05.
The finding demonstrated that the third hypothesis, taste has positive relationship between
consumer’s satisfaction.

From the coefficient table it is found that advertisement has statistically contributed to
consumer satisfaction as (Beta= 0.252) and p-value is 0.096 thus it can be concluded that there
is significant effect on advertisement on consumer satisfaction in Kathmandu at significant level
of p<0.05. The finding demonstrated that the fourth hypothesis, taste has positive effect on
consumer satisfaction.

From the coefficient table it is found that hygienic has statistically contributed to consumer
satisfaction as (Beta= 0.360) and p-value is 0.005 thus it can be concluded that there is
significant effect on hygienic on consumer satisfaction in Kathmandu at significant level of

2.6 Main Finding and Discussion

The total numbers of respondents was 50 among which

• 58% of the respondents are male i.e 29 respondents and 42% of the respondents are female
ie. 21 respondents.

• 14% of the respondents are under 20 years age group i.e 7 respondents and 66% of the
respondents are 20-30 ie. 33 respondents i.e 14% of the respondents are 30-40 years age group
i.e n7 respondents. i.e 6 % of the respondents are 40 and above age group i.e 3.

• 10% of the respondents are slc, i.e 26% of the respondents are +2. i.e 445 of the respondents
are Bachelor. i.e 20% of the respondents are master among 100%.

• 72% of the respondents are students. i.e 18% of the respondents are employee. i.e 8 % of the
respondents are self- employed and 2 % of the respondents are unemployed. Among 100 % of
customer profile.

• Price has mean 3.4600 and its standard deviation is 6.1312.

• Quality has mean 3.88000 and its standard deviation is 0.77301.

• Taste has mean 3.8800 and its standard deviation is 0.71827.

• Advertisement has mean 3.9400 and its standard deviation is 0.68243.

• Hygienic has mean 3.8000 and its standard deviation is 0.78246.

• The correlation of price and consumer satisfaction is 0.436 and significant level is 0.05. The p-
value is found to be 0.01, which means there is positive and significant relationship between
price and consumer satisfaction.

• The correlation of quality and consumer satisfaction is 0.419 and significant level is 0.05. The
p-value is found to be 0.01, which means there is positive and significant relationship between
quality and consumer satisfaction.

• The correlation of taste and consumer satisfaction is 0.429 and significant level is 0.05. The p-
value is found to be 0.01, there is positive and significant relationship between price and
consumer satisfaction.

• The correlation of advertisement and consumer satisfaction is 0.628 and significant level is
0.05. There is positive and significant relationship between advertisement and consumer

• The correlation of hygienic and consumer satisfaction is 0.632 and significant level is 0.05.
There is positive and significant relationship between hygienic and consumer satisfaction.
• According to table (model summary), the degree of relationship between consumer
satisfaction and price, quality, taste, advertisement and hygienic is about 15 percent. The R
Square value is 0.511 indicates this percentage increases



3.1 Summary

The research was concluded with the objective to identify the impact of factors influencing
Consumer satisfaction towards coco-cola product in Kathmandu. The study used major five
attributes of consumer satisfaction which are price, quality, taste, advertisement and hygienic
to check how customers perceived the Consumer satisfaction towards coco-cola product in

42% of the respondents are female ie. 21 respondents among 50 respondents which indicate
that the majority of genders are female. Majority of respondents of this research are between
the age group of under 20 year’s age group. 44% of the respondents are bachelor. i.e 22
respondents among 50. 72% are mostly student under customer profile. i.e 36 respondents
among 50 respondents.

Convenience sampling method was used and the primary data required for analysis were
obtained through questionnaire. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed for the purpose
of analysis of the collected data, software such as SPSS and Microsoft excel were used.
Similarly, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis and correlation analysis were used to
accomplish the objectives of the research.

Among the five consumer satisfaction price has lowest mean 3.4600. this implies that
customers were satisfied with the buying of coco-cola product in Kathmandu. Availability has
mean 3.7400 which is higher mean than price. Quality has mean 3.36 which is also higher than
both price and Quality. Quality has mean 3.8800 which is higher than availability, price, quality.

The correlation coefficient(r) between Price and consumer satisfaction is 3.6800 which means
there is positive correlation between them. The p-value is found to be 0.005, which means that
there is negative and insignificant relationship between Price and consumer satisfaction. The
correlation of quality and consumer satisfaction is 3.8800 and the significant level is 3.6800
indicating significant impact of quality and consumer satisfaction. The correlation of quality and
consumer satisfaction is 3.3600 and the significant level is 3.8800, the p-value is 3.8800 which is
more than 3.3600 which means that there is negative relationship between quality and
consumer satisfaction. The correlation coefficient(r) between advertisement and consumer
satisfaction is 3.6200 which means there is positive correlation between them. The p-value is
found to be 3.6600, which means that there is positive and significant relationship between
Advertisement and consumer satisfaction. 3.6600 which means that there is positive and
significant relationship between hygienic and consumer satisfaction.

According to table (model summary), the degree of relationship between consumer satisfaction
and price, quality, taste, advertisement and hygienic is about 15 percent. The R Square value is
0.511 indicates this percentage increases. Advertisement highest correlation with consumer
satisfaction which indicates that significant importance must be given to availability in order to
increase consumer satisfaction. The coefficient correlation of quality and advertisement is
positive so there is positive significance between the variables and there is negative coefficient
correlation of price and taste.

3.2 Conclusion

The research outcome also indicates that, most of the customers were satisfied towards Coco
Cola product with respect to the chosen factors. This study also indicates that the customers
loyalty towards the Coco-Cola product is also good. It is needless to say coco-cola product has
become essence in today’s life. The behavior towards consuming coco-cola product is good
quality. Marketers are always in position to grab opportunities in the markets. The price, Taste,
quality, advertisement and hygienic of the consumers are always changing with changing time.

It has been undoubtedly proven that remaining consumers is the only to succeed in business.
The study of the consumer satisfaction of coco-cola product in Kathmandu was conducted in
Nepal. The study tries to reveal the factors responsible for preferring a particular product. The
sample was collected from the consumers who owned the coco-cola product. The study tries to
identify the extent of influence of various informational sources in consumer satisfaction. The
consumer is the king in the market. The importance gained by the individual consumer in the
present market compel the marketers to look the price, quality, taste, advertisement and
hygienic of consumer and accordingly they need to revise it marketing strategy. It becomes very
important for the marketers to attract such a large group of consumers in order to market their
product. Coco-cola product in Kathmandu is much popular as it is in the entry level. So, it is very
important for the marketers to identify the components that factors influencing consumers
satisfaction towards coco-cola product in Kathmandu.

This study is focused on identifying those factors which influence the consumer satisfaction
towards coco-cola product in Kathmandu. From the data analysis, the study concluded the
factors and the relationship with the consumer satisfaction which is assessed by purchase
intention of consumer. The study has concluded that people are more quality concern in regard
to drink coco-cola product. It is also clear that there is reliability of the research as per
cronbach’s alpha 0.874 for overall items. In sample words the research is 84.4% reliable
therefore it plots that overall quantities based on data and output are relevant and reliable.

Coco-cola product is without a doubt, the leading brand of bottlers of Nepal however there are
some areas in which it needs to focus.

• It is needed to strength its quality.

• It needs to improve its advertising and marketing strategy.

• Quality can be more improved.

• It needs to develop more products specially, for the bottom of pyramid.

• New offer and schemes should be introduced.

• It should increase its experts.

• It should adopt itself according to its competitors.

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